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BAI2: SU HOA HOP GIU/A CHU NGT VA DONG TU (SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT) 1. Dong tir chia 6 s6 it Khi chii ngit cia cu roi vio céc trong hop sau day, déng tir theo sau né ludn chia 6 dang sé it: ‘© La danh tir va cum danh tir sé it. Vi du: This book is great. dai luong chi thoi gian, khong céch, tién bac, hay su do luimg oLac Vi dy: Two hours is too long for me to wail. © La cae dai tir bat dinh: someone, anything, nothing, everyone, anyone, nobody, ... Vi dy: Everything was ok. o La ménh dé danb tit Vi du: All I want to do now is passing the exam. © La mt sé danh tir dae biét cb hinh thite sé nhiéu. Vi du: mén hoc (Maths), mén thé thao (billards), tin tiie (news), cdc loai bénh (rabies), tén mbt x6 quée gia (the United States), loai ding vat (insects) Vi dy: Physics ‘La cum danh tir chi nhém déng vat (sé it) mang nghia bay, dan: a flock of birds/ sheep, a school of fish, a pride of lion, a pack of dogs, a herd of cattle... Vi du: The flock of birds is flying to its destination. o La cum danh tir bat dau bing: Neither (of)/Either of + N (sé nhigu) Vi du: *Neither girls is from Viet Nam. in interesting subject. + Either of them lives in Ha Noi. ‘La cum danh tir bit dau bing to infinitive hole V-ing Vi dy: Collecting stamp is my new hobby. o La cum danh tir bat dau bing cum Many a Vi dy: Many a student has an electric bike. © La cum danh tir bat dau 1d mét phan so cé tir s6 1a L. Vi du: 12 is larger than 1/3. ‘© La cum danh tir bit diu bing: Most off All off Plenty off Some of A lot off Lots off A third off +N (khéng dém dug). Vi dy: Some of the bread was not fresh. o Lacum danh tir bat dau bing One of/ The number of + N (sé nhiéu) ‘Vi dy: The number of students going to class increases. La cum danh tir bat dau bing None of + N (s0 nhiéu)/ No + N (86 it) Vi du: No one leaves the English class. o La cum danh tir bat dau bing A large amount/A great deal +N (khéng dém duge/s6 it) Vitdu: A large amount of sugar is used. o La mét tua dé Vi dy: “The Thorn Birds” is a very famous movie. ‘o La cum danh tir bit dau bing A pair of + N (s6 nhiéu) Vi du: A pair of shoes is in the shelf. 2. Dong tir chia 6 6 nhidu Khi chit ngir cia ciu roi vio cde trong hyp sau diy, dgng tir theo sau né Iudn chia 6 dang sé nbigu: © La danh tir va cum danh tir s6 nhiéu. Vi du: Oranges are rich in vitamin C. © La cde dah tir sé nhidéu cd dang dic biét: people, police, cattle, children, geese, mice. Vi dy: Children are playing in the playground. o Hai chi ngit néi nhau bang “and” va c6 quan hé ding lap. 2 danh tie cing chi mét ngudi. mét b6 phén hode I mén an... thi ding tit chia 6 sé it. Khong 6 wruée danh tie sau “and” jane and Mary are my best friends. © Bat dau bing Both... and... Vi du: Both Betty and Joan are excellent students. © Bait dau bing: Several, both, many, few, all, some + N (sé nhiéu) Vi dy: Several students are absent. 0 La The + adj, chi mot tap hop nguai ‘Vi dy: The poor really need help. © Bat dau 14 mot phan sé cé tir s6 tir 2 u6 1en. Vi dy: 2/5 are smaller than 1/2. © Cac danh tir luén ding dang s6 nbiéu (thutng di theo cip): trousers, eyeglasses, jeans, tweezers, shorts, pliers, pants, tongs Vi dy: The shoes are black. ‘© Chi ngit bit dau bing: Most of/ All off Plenty off Some of The last of! A lot off Lots of! third of/ +N (sé nhiéu). Vi dy: Most of students in my class enjoy English. © Bat dau bing A number of + N (sé nhiéu) Vi dy: A number of students going to class increase. o La cum damh tir chi nhém déng vat (sé nhiéu) mang nghia “nhiéu bay, nhiéu dan”: flocks of birds/sheep; schools of fish: prides of lion; packs of dogs; herds of cattle... Vi dy: Flocks of birds are flying to its destination. 3. Mt sé trong hop khac o Déng tir trong cau duce chia theo danh tir diu tién eta chi ngit khi 2 danh tir duge néi véi nhau béi cic lin tir: as long as, as well as, with, together with, along with, in addition to, accompanied by... Vi dy: Mrs. Smith together with her sons is going abroad. ‘© Dong tir trong cau durgc chia theo danh tir thir 2 trong cau tric: Either...or Neither... nor. Not only... but also... son Of eo NOT Not... but... Vi dy: Either you or lam right. LUYEN TAP 1 Math not easy at all. Avis B.are Cam D. all are correct 2 Alida, my closest friend, pregnant. A. has just got C. just has got 3 Most of football players B. have just got D. just have got coming now. A.was B. were Cis D.are 4 The old help. A. needs B. need C. needing D. all are correct 5 One billion dollars not enough for the victims of the famine last year. A.was B. were Cis D.are 6 Fifty percent of the milk sold since yesterday morning. A. was B. were C. has been’ D. have been, 7 Albert with his friend here now. B.are C. was D. were 8 Several sheep grass now. A. is eating B. are eating C. eats 9 “Prison Break” my most favourite film, Ais B.are C. was D. were 10 If anyone , tell him I'll be back later. A. was calling B. called C. calls D. call 11 Both Dan and Joey the exam. A. pass B. passes C. passing D. are passed 12 Three forths of all the money already been spent for this campaign. A. has B. have Cis D.are 13 Fiona as well as her mother there two weeks ago. Avis B. are C. was D. were 14 What I am asking about the missing girl's appearance. Aare Bis C. being D. a and b are correct 15 The number of citizens in this town A. increase B. increases C. is increased 16 Either you or she A. payed B. pay 17 Neither the directors nor the accountant D. are increased for this book. C. paying D. pays to leave yet. A. wants B. want C. are wanting D. is wanting 18 Skateboarding my passion. Ais B. are C. being D.allare correct 19 Each of the kids across the playground at every break time. A. hop B. hops C. is hopping D. had hopped 20 Homework an important part of learning English, Maths or every other subjects at school. A. are B. is C. was D. were PHAN TICH VA GIAI THICH DAP AN LA 2A 3.D 4B S.A 6.C TA 8.B 9A 10.C HLA 2A 13:6 14.B 15.B 16.D ILA 18.A 19.B 20.B 1.“Maths” 1a danh ti — Dap an ding la: Dich nghi: 2, Tit just luén ding gitta have/ has va PII => loai C va D; Mon todn thi khong dé chitt nao. (Chit ngit trong cu nay 1a Alida. Cén cum “my old friend” 1 mét ménh dé quan hé rit gon bé nghia cho Alida. (Viét diy dii sé li: Alida, who is my closet friend, ...). Do dé, ding tir duge chia theo Alida - sé it — Bip an ding la: A - has just got Djch nghia: Alida - ngudi ban than nhdt ctia t6i, viea méi c6 thai. 3. Most of + N sé nhieu = s s6 nhiéu => V chia theo sé nhiéu: Trong cau cé trang tit now (bay gid), ciu phai chia & hién tai. — Dap an ding li D - are Dich nghia: Bay gid hau hét cdc cau thi bong dé dang dén. fA danh tir sé nhiéu 4. The old: nhiing ngudi gi’ — Dip in B li ding. Cac lya chon cdn lai khong phi hyp vi: ‘Needs: di véi danh tir s6 it Needing: sai cdu trie Lya chon D: tat ca déu ding => khéng phi hop Dich nghta: Nhang ngwéi gid thi cén duoc ghip do. 5. One billion dollars durge coi li danh tir Khir “last year”. t (chi tién té). Trong cau cé trang tir chi thi gian trong qua Dip fn ding la: A — was Djch nghta: Mér 1 dé la khdng dié cho cdc nan nhdn ctia nan abi nam ngodi. 6. “Fifty percent of the milk” la danh tir sé it. Trong cau c6 “since + méc thai gian” nén ta chia thi hién tai hoan thanh. Dap An ding la: C - has been Dich nghia: 50% sita da duoe béin ra ké tie sang ngay hém qua. 7. Theo quy tac, khi 2 danh tir duge néi v6i nhau bang with thi ta chia déng tir theo danh tr thir nhdt (Albert -s6 it), do d6 ta loai ngay dap an B va D Trong edu c trang tir now nén chic chin khong chia thi qué khit => loai C. — Dip din diing li: A - is Dich nghta: Bay gid Albert cing vét ban cia cdu dy dang 6 day. 8. Trong cau cé now (bay gid) nén déng tir chia o thi hién tai tiép dién =>loai CVAD Sheep la danh tir s6 nhigu —> loai A — Dip dn diing la: B Dich nghia: Bay gid’ mét vai con cttu dang dn cé. 9. “Prison Break” ld tiéu dé cia mot bé phim, do dé ta chia déng tir theo sau 6 dang sé it. — Dip an ding la: A - is Dich nghia: 10. Vé ifcia cau dieu kign loai I chia 6 hign tai don => loai A va B ‘wot nguc” li bé phim wa thich nhat ctia ti. Anyone la dai tir bat dinh, dng tir theo sau né chia 6 56 it ¢ C= calls — Dap in ding Dich nghia: 11. Theo quy tie: Both... and.... + V (sé nhigu) — Dip an diing la: A 3 dap dn cén lai bi loai vi: féu 6 bat cit ai goi, hdy nbi voi ho la mot hic nia t6i sé quay lai passes: dng tir chia dang s6 it => khing pha hop, passing: sai cdu tric are passed: du bi déng => sai vé nghia Dich nghia: cd Dan va Joey déu vot qua ky thi. 12, Trong ciu ¢é “already” nén eéu nay chia 6 thi hign tai hodn thinh —> leai ngay ¢ va D Money Ia danh tit khong dém durge => dong ti chia @ so it —+ Dap fn ding la: A - has Dich nghia: Ba phan tir sé tién da duge sir dung cho chién dich nay. 13. Theo quy tc, néu chit ngir li cum: N1 + as well as + N2 thi dng tir duge chia theo N1 (Fiona - sé it). Bén canh dé, trong cau c6 trang ti chi thei gian trong qué Khir “two weeks ago”. — Dip dn ding la: C. Dich ghia: Fiona, ciing nhue li me ctia c6 dy, da 6 dé céich dity 2 tudn 14, Chi nga ci — Dip an ding la: B- is cau 1a mt ménh dé (What I am asking) => dong tir theo sau phai 6 dang sé it. Dich nghia: Cai 167 dang héi la vé ngoai hinh ctia cé géi bi mit tich 15, Lua chon C va D bi loai ngay vi do dang bi déng khng phi hop nghia trong cau nay. - Quy tac: The number of + N s6 nhiéu = S ngit sé it, do do déng tir theo sau phai 6 dang so it. — Dip an diing la: B - increases Dich nghia: Sé Iuong céng dan 6 thinh phé niy tang lén. 16. Trong cau tric: Either... or... thi dng ti duge chia theo danh tir thir 2. Trong trudng hop nay, chi ngit it chia theo she - — Dp an ding 1a: D - pays ~ Cie Iya chon cn lai khong hop vi: Payed: sai cich viét Pay: d6ng tit chia 6 hién tai, s6 nhiéu (sai cau tric) Paying: phan ti hién tai (sai cdu tic) Djch nghia: 17. Trong céu triic: Neither... nor... thi dng tir durge chia theo danb tir thir locic anh hodc cé ay tra tién cho cudn sach nay. 2 (the accountant - sé it) —> logi B va C - Dap an D loai vi dng tir want khong chia 6 thi tiép dién. — Dip dn diing la: A Dich nghia: Ca gidm déc vi nhan vién ké todin déu chusa mudn di. 18. Chi ngit la dong tir & dang V-ing -> chia dong tir & dang sé it. — A li dap an ding Dich nghia: Tneot van li dam mé ctia téi. 19. Ding tir theo sau “each + N” déu ludn & dang sé it. Theo y nghia, cau dién ti mét théi quen hing ngiy. —+ Dap an ding ta: B - hops Dich nghia: Moi dita tré déu nhdy qua san choi vao méi gid’ gidi lao. 20. Ciu din ta mét su vige théng thudng. Khéng c6 dau higu thi qua khit don => loai C va D. “Homework” 1a danh tir s6 it > loai A. — Dip an diing la: B- is Dich ngl Sai tap vé nhé 1d mét phan quan trong cia viée hoc tiéng Anh, Todn, hay bat ctt mén hoc ndo khac 6 wnedng.

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