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BAI 3 GIGI TU (PREPOSITIONS) tir co ban Cach ding Vidu thing in May; in March nam in 2004; in 2018 in mia in summer; in winter budi trong ngay in the morning; in the aftemoon; in the evening Khoang thoi gian in a minute; in three days busi trong ngay at night; at noon thai gian trong ngay at 7 o’clock; at midnight at ~ dip at Christmas; at Easter cum tir ¢6 dink at the same time dip B dic biét ‘on Good Friday; on Easter Sunday; on my birthday budi cita 1 ngay dic biét ‘on the morning of March the | st after | (sau khi) mudn hon cdi gi dé after breakfast ago (cick day bao Iau) diéu gi da xay ra 2 years ago before | (trwéc khi) sm hon cai gi dd before Christmas between | (O giita) théi gian chia im between Monday and Thursday py | Hiougmugn hon mot méethdi gin [aay nado dé. (rong sudt) trong khoing thoi gian during | 4a during the holidays for | khodng thoi gian for three weeks from... to fk from Monday to Wednesday from Monday till f0 Wednesday till/until past | gig hon 23 minutes past 6 (6: 23) since | méc théi gian since Monday ‘ho t6i khi) Khoi on hon mo tiVuntiy | C40 12# AHH khong mugn hon mot | A orrow until tomorrow née ¢6 dinh nao dé. to | gig kem 23 minutes to 6 (5:37) upto | HhOngnbiéuhén Be khodng thoigian |S 6s day nao dé within | 72Ng ¥Ong) trong Khong théigion | og. nao do 2. Nhiing gidi tir di kém véi cae danh tir, tinh tir va dong tir ‘© Nhig dng tir va gidi tir thwong di kém véi nhau to be fond of to be made of to differ from to look at to look after to listen to to take after totalk to to travel to to point at to take part in to participate in to get on a train/ a bus/ a plane to fill with tobelong to to think about to give up to keep on thich edi gi duge lim bang (chdt ligu nao dé) khac biét vé diéu gi nhin vao cham sébc (ai) lang nghe (ai) tréng gidng vi néi chuyén véi (ai) di dén (mt noi nio dé) chi védo (ai) tham gia vio tham gia én téu hod/xe bus/miy bay lam diy, lip day thuge vé nghi ve tie bd vdn, ett, tiép me © Nhig d9ng tir ludn di véi gidi tir “from” to borrow from sbi/st to escape from... to suffer from to be away from sU/sb to be different from st to be far from sbist tobe safe from st vay muon ctia ai/edi gi thodt ra tit cdi gi chiu dung dau kho xa cach cai gi/at khac vé céi gi xa céch ai/ céi gi an todn trong cai gi o Nhing dng tir lun di kém v6i gidi tir “in” to beliveve in st/sb tohelp sb in st tobe interested in st (doing st tin tedng cai gi vao ai gilp ai viée gi quan tim céi givvige gi o Nhitng tir di kém voi gidi tir “with” to angry with sb tobe busy with st to be familiar (towith) st to be popular with gidn déi ai bin voi ei gi quen véi cai gi pho bién quen thuge ‘0 Nhimng tir di kém v6i gidi tir “to be” to be close to st to be contrary to sb/st sat gan vao cdi gi nguge v6i cdi gi/v6i ai to be dear to sb to be harmfil to st to be new to sb to be rude to sb to be useful to st o Nhing tir di theo gi ‘at’ to be bad at st to be good/clever at st o Nhimg tir di theo gidi tir “for” to be eager for st to be famous for st to be ready for st to be responsible for st to be sorry for sb to be thankful for sb tobe sorry for V-ingy st qu gid déi vei ai cb hai cho edi gi méi véi ai thé 16 véi ai 6 loi cho cdi gi yéu kém vé chi gi gidi/sdc sao ve cdi gi héo hite vbi edi gi néi tiéng vi céi gi sn sang lam vige gi chiu tréch nhiém vé cdi gi xin Idiai cam on ai héi tiée vi da lam gi o Nhimng tir di kém véi giéi tir “about” tobe sorry about st to be curious about st ldy lam tiéc, héi tiéc vé cdi gi 16 mé vé cdi gi ‘o Nhimng tir di kém v6i giéi tir “on” to be dependent on s/sb tobe intent on st to be keen onst Ie thug vio edi gi /vio ai tap trung te tcdng vio cdi gimé cdi gi LUYEN TAP 1 John is fond going to the dancing class. B.of C. with 2 That is last year’s version. It's date now. A. into B. out of C. besides D.out 3 He was put prison last year. B. from C. into 41 shall wait you at the station. A. about Boy Dfor 51 saw him noon A. for Bwith C. against Daat 6 The picture is the wall. A.above C.over D.on 7 She likes to go a picnic with her family. A. for B. over C. into 8 What do you think this sonata of Beethoven? A. about C.with D. from 91 work hard help, my parents. A. so as to B. in order to C. in order that D.A and B 10 Gas is made oil. A. of B. from, C. with 11 He suffers stomach ache. A. from: B. with 12 Mike is Canada with his mother now. A.with B.on Dain 13 [have not finished my homework now. A.till B. since C. for Dat 14 She smiled hom happy. Aat B. with D. about 15 shall be ready a moment A. for C.with D.on 16 Aren’t you glad that you went to the party withus______all? Ain B. after C. above D. with 17 Lam quite familiar the food here A. with B. about D. into 18 He aimed the tiger. A. for C. with 19 My father gave smoking. C.up D. for 20 We escaped that horrible room. B. out C.away D. from PHAN TICH VA GIAI THICH DAP AN LB 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.D 7A 8A 9.D 10.B ILA 12.D 13.A A 15.B 16.B I7.A 18.B 19.C 20.D be fond of sv doing st: thich cdi gillam gi = Dip an: B Djch nghia: John thich dén lop khiéu vi. 2 to be out of date: bj [61 thai = Dip an: B Dich ng! Day la Phién bin ciia nim ngodi. N6 Idi thdi réi. 3 to be put into prison: bj tong giam, bj vao th — Dip an: C Dich nghia: Nam ngodi dng ta da bj bait vao tik 4. wait for sb: ché doi ai dé = Dap an: D Dich ngl Téi sé doi anh & nha ga 5. noon: budi truu —> ta ding gidi tir at trude nd: at noon (vao budi tra) — Dap an: D Dich ngl ‘6t da thdy anh ta vao budt tra. 6.0n the walk: 6 irén tong — Dap an: D Cic Iva chon cén lai khéng hop nghia; at: 6 tai (duing vi tri nao 46) above: & phia trén over: én trén (cai gi phii lén trén Dich ng! gi dd) tec tranh dieoc treo & trén twéng. 7 go for a picnic: di da ngoai 3 lua chon cén lai: go over: can nhic, kiém tra go into: digu tra go by: tréi qua, ngang qua — Dap an: A Dich nghia: C6 dy thich di da ngoai cing gia dinh ctia minh. 8. think about st/ doing st: suy nghi vé. = Déip an: A Dich nghta: Ban nghi thé no vé ban sé-nat nay ctia Beethoven? 9.50 as to + V = in order to + V: dé lam gi dé in order that + ménh de: dé lam gi 46 — Dap an: D, Dich ng! Téi lm vige chitm chi dé gitip dé bé me minh. 10, “made from” va “made of” d&u e6 nghia 1a Lam tir edi gi/chat ligu gi d6 Dé phan biét, ta cdn nhé: ~- Néumét chit ligu nio dé vin gidt nguyén dang thite cia né thi ching ta ding “made of. ~ Néu dang thite cita chit liu dé thay déi trong qua trinh lam ra hay ché bién, ching ta ding “made from”. 2 chon cén lai khong phi hop. = Dip an: B Dich nghia: Gas dicgc lam tir déu mo. 11. suffer from: chiu dung — Diip an: A. Cée Iya chon cdn lai khéng phi hop. Dich ngl inh dy thieeng xuyén phai chiu dung nhimg con dau da day. 12. Ta thdy ngay sau ché tréng Ia tir Canada chi dat nue => ding giéi tir to —+ Dip in: D Dich nghta: Bay gid Mike dang 6 Canada eting véi me cita anh dy. 13, Trong c4u sit dung thi hign tai hodn thanh => Ta ding till now: cho téi bay gitr Cac Iya chon cén lai khéng di duge véi “now”. dy cui voi anh dy mét cach hanh phic. 15, ina moment: trong gidy lét — Dap an: B Dich ng! 16. afier all: saw tdt ed — Dap an: B Cie Iva chon cén lai: in all: trong tat ca Téi sé sén sang ngay trong gidy lit. above all: trén tat ca with all: véi tea au tat cd, cdu van khéng vui khi da dén du bita tiéc ciing ching t6 u? Dich ng 17. familiar with st: quen thude véi cai gi — Dap an: A Cac Iva chon cén lai khéng di véi “familiar”. Téi kha quen thudc v6i dé din & day. Dich ng! 18. aim at st/ doing st: nhdim muc tiéu vao. — Dap an: B inh ta nhdm muc tiéu dén con ho. Dich ng! 19. give up: tir bo = Dip an: C Cie Iva chon cén lai déu khéng hop nghia. Dich nghia: Bé 16i da bé thudc ld cich day mét nam rii. 20. escape from st: thodt ra khéi cdi gi dé = Dap an: D Dich ng! Ching 16i da thodt ra Khoi can phong dang so dé,

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