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Chabot College Career Education Funding Request 2021-2022

Chabot College Career Education

Funding Request 2021-2022
Please complete this form to submit your funding request for any Career Education activity,
program (including services) or equipment. Please be prepared to present your request on
Monday, March 29, 2021, from 2-5 p.m. via ZOOM.

The requests will be prioritized by the Career Education Committee. Funding of projects
depends on a variety of qualifiers:
Funds a CTE TOP code
Continues a current project in SWP
Eligible for Perkins Grant
Meets other qualifiers such as Core Indicators and Labor Market Demand

Attendance in Equity Training Session(s) at Chabot College will enhance the project’s

The application questions reflect a majority of the questions that are asked in the NOVA
Perkins and Strong Workforce Applications.

If you need assistance in filling out this application, please contact Dr. Kristin Lima at

The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload
files and submit this form.

* Required

Email address *

Your email

Name *

Your answer

2/22/2021 Chabot College Career Education Funding Request 2021-2022

List additional Chabot College participants. *

Your answer

Division *

Your answer

Project Title *

Your answer

Project start and end dates- not to exceed one year. Earliest start date is July 1,
2021 until June 30, 2022. *

Your answer

Project Summary- 100 word limit *

Your answer

TOP code for this project *

Your answer

2/22/2021 Chabot College Career Education Funding Request 2021-2022

Total Requested Budget ($amount) This amount should equal the total dollars
below. *

Your answer

Describe the major outcomes or deliverables with this project. 100 word limit *

Your answer

Describe how and why this project is needed to improve, enhance and/or expand
Career Education at Chabot College. 100 word limit *

Your answer

Describe any risks that may prevent successful completion of this project within
the given timeline. 50 word limit *

Your answer

Will you be working with any external partners to complete this project? - Check
all that apply. *

K-12 Partners

Community Colleges

Non-profit entities

Industry partners


2/22/2021 Chabot College Career Education Funding Request 2021-2022

Strong Workforce Funds are to be used for investments in high need occupations
as evidenced by the Supply and Demand data. Follow this link to find the Labor
Market data for the occupational clusters/SOC codes identified with this project
and upload the data: *

Add file

Success of your project will be based on improvements in enrollments,

completions, and other data. It will be monitored by the Chancellor's office. Use
the following link to find the following Chabot data by TOP Code. Course
Enrollments, 12+ CTE Units Completed, Degrees and Certificates given. Use the
following Supply and Demand tables.
Demand.aspx *

Add file

List the occupational titles and SOC codes associated with this project - list from
the demand table. *

Your answer

Describe the data you collected including what is the demand and current supply
of your program. How will your project impact the data you've collected? 100
word limit *

Your answer

2/22/2021 Chabot College Career Education Funding Request 2021-2022

Please check which of the Task Force Recommendations this project will
address- check all that apply: *

1. Broaden and enhance career exploration and planning, work-based learning

opportunities, and other supports for students.

2. Improve CTE student progress and outcomes.

3. Develop and broadly publicize industry-informed career pathways that prepare

students for jobs needed within the regional labor market.

4. Create common workforce metrics for all state-funded CTE programs and expand
the definition of student success to better reflect the wide array of CTE outcomes of
community college students.

5. Establish a student identifier for high school students and those enrolled in
postsecondary education and training programs to enable California to track
workforce progress and outcomes for students across institutions and programs.

6. Improve the quality, accessibility, and utility of student outcome and labor market
data to support students, educators, colleges, regions, employers, local workforce
investment boards, and the state in CTE program development and improvement

7. Evaluate, strengthen, and revise the curriculum development process to ensure

alignment from education to employment.

8. Evaluate, revise and resource the local, regional, and statewide CTE curriculum
approval process to ensure timely, responsive, and streamlined curriculum approval.

9. Improve program review, evaluation, and revision processes to ensure program

relevance to students, business, and industry as reflected in labor market data.

10. Facilitate curricular portability across institutions.

11. Develop, identify and disseminate effective CTE practices.

12. Clarify practices and address issues of course repetition for CTE courses when
course content evolves to meet changes in skill requirements.

13. Increase the pool of qualified CTE instructors by addressing CTE faculty
recruitment and hiring practices.

14. Consider options for meeting minimum qualifications to better integrate industry
professionals who possess significant experience into CTE instructional programs.

15. Enhance professional development opportunities for CTE faculty to maintain

industry and program relevance.

16. Explore solutions to attract industry professionals in high-salaried occupations to

2/22/2021 Chabot College Career Education Funding Request 2021-2022

become CTE faculty in community colleges

17. Strengthen communication, coordination, and decision-making between regional

CTE efforts and the colleges to meet regional labor market needs.

18. Clarify and modify, as appropriate, state regulations to allow colleges to

regionalize course articulation along career pathways utilizing regional or state
curriculum models.

19. Develop regional leadership and operational partnerships among community

college, industry, labor, and other workforce and economic development entities to
improve the delivery of all CTE efforts.

20. Develop robust connections between community colleges, business and industry
representatives, labor and other regional workforce development partners to align
college programs with regional and industry needs and provide support for CTE

21. Create a sustained, public outreach campaign to industry, high school students,
counselors, parents, faculty, staff, and the community at large to promote career
development and attainment and the value of career technical education.

22. Establish a sustained funding source to increase community colleges' capacity to

create, adapt, and maintain quality CTE courses and programs that are responsive to
regional labor market needs.

23. Create a predictable, targeted, and sustained funding stream that leverages
multiple local, state, and federal CTE and workforce funds to support an infrastructure
for collaboration at the state, regional and local levels; establish regional funding of
program start-up and innovation; and develop other coordination activities.

24. Review, analyze, and modify, as needed, laws and regulations related to student
fees for disposable and consumable materials and CTE facilities.

25. Create incentives and streamline processes to maximize public and private
investment in support of CTE programs.

2/22/2021 Chabot College Career Education Funding Request 2021-2022

Please check which of the objectives and strategies of the Chabot College
Strategic Plan Objectives that this project meets? Please check al that apply.
s22.pdf *

Provide frameworks for both guided exploration and clear navigation to degrees,
certificates, transfer, careers, and employment skills in order to enable students to
make timely, informed

Utilize high impact teaching strategies, learning supports, and educational

experiences in all programs and services to provide students equitable opportunity to
advance their: academic skills; technological and information literacy; effective
communication; diversity and inclusion practices; and critical and creative thinking

Improve equitable outcomes by assessing and modifying college practices, services,

and academic programs.

Develop an integrated Planning and Budget Model that looks holistically at facilities;
programs, their courses, and scheduling; enrollment management; staffing;
technology; initiatives; and student experience and support.

Foster a connected and engaged community that thrives both on and off campus.

Implement technological solutions to provide timely information, streamline

processes, facilitate communication, and support educational planning and progress

Have you or members of this project attended Chabot College Career Education
Equity Training sessions? Who attended? How many sessions? *

Your answer


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