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School/Faculty : SMP Negeri 6 Banjarmasin

Subject : English
Level of Students : Beginner
Instructor : Nur’Azizah Apriliani
Class Time : Saturday/08:30-10:10 A.M.
Time : 12 Minutes
Room : Zoom Meeting
Meeting : 1st Meeting

A. Rationale : This lesson is designed for not more than 22 students,

and using the Audio-lingual Method. The technique used is
dialogue, backward build up (expansion) drill, and repetition
drill will be used in the teaching and learning process. The
students will also be asked to repeat and memorize the dialogue
based on what the teacher read aloud. By using the techniques
mentioned above, the teacher expects that the students will be
able to improve their listening and speaking ability.
B. Goal : 7th Grade Students of SMP Negeri 6 Banjarmasin will be able
to improve their listening and speaking ability about the
expression of like & dislikes.
C. Objective : By the end of the lesson:
 7th Grade Students of SMP Negeri 6 Banjarmasin will be able
to comprehend the expression of likes and dislikes they have
learned in the online class with at least 85% understanding.
 7th Grade Students of SMP Negeri 6 Banjarmasin will be able
to practice a short dialogue about the expression of like and
 7th Grade Students of SMP Negeri 6 will be able to memorize
the lines of the conversation by repeating and doing
memorization drills related to the dialogue.
D. Topic Material : The Expression of Likes and Dislikes
E. Approach and Method : Audio-lingual Method
F. Materials & equipment : A Laptop/Personal Computer/Smartphone
Internet Access
Zoom Application
WhatsApp Application
Two printed pictures
The dialogue material
G. Procedures :
No Activity Explanation Time

1. Pre- - Greeting the students 3 Minutes

activity T: Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.
SS: Wa’alaikumussalam wr.wb.
T: Good morning, students. How are you today?
SS: Good morning, miss. I’m fine/I’m good. And
T: I’m very well. Thank you for asking me.

- Opening the lesson

(The teacher opens the lesson by reciting
T: Are you ready for the class today?
SS: I’m ready, miss…/Yes, miss… (Students
T: Let’s open the lesson today by reciting
SS: Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. (Reciting together)

- Doing brainstorming and asking some questions

to students, and after that the teacher tells the
material today by saying:
T: Alright. Before we start our lesson, first of all I
want to ask you. The question is what do you
usually say when you like or happy about
something? Or how do you say it?
SS: I like.../I love.../I enjoy… (Students’ answers)
T: And if you don’t like something or someone,
how do you say it?
SS: I don’t like…/I hate…/I can’t stand…
(Expected answers)
T: Okay, you already know how to express likes
and dislikes expression. That’s good.
T: Alright. Today we are going to learn about like
and dislike expressions. First of all, we have to
know the definition of expression like and
dislike. Expression like means an expression or
phrase that states when you like or happy about
something or someone. In expressing like you
can use the phrases such as I like, I enjoy, I love, I
am crazy about, etc.
SS: (Focus on the teacher explanation)
T: What about expression dislike? So, expression
dislike means an expression that you can use
when you don’t like or hate towards something
or someone. In expressing dislike you can use the
phrases such as I dislike, I hate, I can’t stand, I’m
not very fond of, etc.
T: So far, do you understand the explanation,
SS: I understand, miss…/It’s clear, miss…/Yes,
While - Giving, reading aloud, and repeating a short 7 Minutes
Activity dialogue related to the expression of likes and
dislikes by the teacher orally using repetition and
backward build up (expansion) drill). The teacher
also asks the students to listen carefully and
memorize the dialogue by saying:
T: Okay, now we are going to do some practice. I
will give you a short dialogue related to the
material today. I will read aloud the dialogue,
after that you will repeat after me. You have to
listen carefully and memorize the dialogue. Do
you get it?
SS: Okay, miss…/Yes, miss…/I get it, miss…
T: In this dialogue, there are two students named
Ben and Sofia, who are talking about their
favorite food and not favorite food. I’ll start the
The Dialogue of Expressing Like and Dislike
Ben : Where are you going, Sofia?
Sofia : I’m going to the canteen.
2. Ben : Can I join with you?
Sofia : Sure, let’s go.
Ben : By the way, what is your favorite food?
Sofia : I really love fried rice, but I cannot stand
with fried prawn. I’m allergy to seafood. What
about you, Ben?
Ben : Well, I enjoy chicken soup and I hate
(The teacher asks students to repeat the dialogue
after her)
T: Please repeat after me.

- Swapping the roles of the dialogue with students’

T: I expect you all have memorized the dialogue.
Let’s swap our roles! I will be Ben and you all
will be Sofia, okay?
SS: Okay miss…
(The teacher asks again to swap the roles)
T: One more time, I will be Sofia and you all will
be Ben.
- Dividing the students into two groups &
practicing the dialogue
T: Okay, students. I will divide you into two
groups, boys and girls. Boys are going to be Ben
and girls are going to be Sofia. If I say “Ben” or
“Sofia”, you have to start the dialogue. Do you
get it?
SS: Yes miss…

- Giving praises for them after having some

T: Alright, well done students. Please give
applause for all of you. You did a great job!
SS: Thank you, miss… (Some students)
Post - Concluding the lesson 2 Minutes
Activity (The teacher makes a short conclusion about the
material today)
T: Once again, I want you to remember our
material today. So, today we learn about the
expression of likes and dislikes. Anyone knows
some phrases that we can use in the like
SS: Me, miss. We can use the words I like, I enjoy, I
really love, I am crazy about, etc.
T: Good (Students 1), and what about the
expression of dislike?
SS: We can use the expression I don’t like, I don’t
enjoy, I hate, I cannot stand, and so on.
T: Very good (Student 2). So far, do you have any
SS: No, miss…/It’s clear, miss…

- Closing the lesson

(The teacher is ready to close the lesson due to
the time)
T: Okay, because we are running out of time and
there is no question, let’s close the lesson today
by reciting hamdalah.
SS: Alhamdulillah. (Reciting together)
T: After this, don’t forget to fulfill your present
list for today’s meeting on WhatsApp group.
SS: Okay/Yes/Sure, miss…
T: Alright. Keep practice and study hard, class.
I’ll see you in the next week.
SS: See you, miss…/Bye, miss…/Thank you for
today, miss… (Some students)
H. Backup Plan : In case of the internet network error, the teacher should move to
the WhatsApp group and send the material using voice note.
In case of it will be running out of time in the while activity, the
teacher should finish the lesson briefly and move to the post

I. Evaluation : 1. Cognitive aspect; memorization drills;

2. Affective aspect; evaluated while the process of teaching and
3. Psychomotor aspect; evaluated while the process of teaching
and learning;
4. Assignment; group;

Banjarmasin, May 2021


Nur’Azizah Apriliani

The Definition of Likes and Dislikes Expression

 Expression like => means expression or phrase that states like/happy about something
or someone.
In expressing like such as; I like, I enjoy, I love, I’m crazy about, etc.
 Expression dislike => means expression or phrase states do not like/hate towards
something or someone.
In expressing dislike such as; I dislike, I don’t like I don’t enjoy, I hate, I cannot stand, etc.


The Dialogue of Expressing Like and Dislike

Ben : Where are you going, Sofia?

Sofia : I’m going to the canteen.
Ben : Can I join with you?
Sofia : Sure, let’s go.
Ben : By the way, what is your favorite food?
Sofia : I really love fried rice, but I cannot stand with fried prawn. I’m allergy to seafood.
What about you, Ben?
Ben : Well, I enjoy chicken soup and I hate durian.

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