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丁hese Readers have been vvritten with a carefu‖“ y contro‖ ed vocabu:ary,(111(1
are specinca‖ y leoigned for children who are learnin9 to read an(lw口 1(,vvi‖ 1、 ノ
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丁he textin these R‐ ed Level Books(first leveり uses only decodable regular words
(WOrdS that are mado up frorn the 42 1etter sounds taughtin tho lilsi sl〔 1∫ ('01`′ ()″ y

Pわ Onfcs)and a smali number of`tricky'words(frequently― usod wol(│11‖ 1(11(lI(,1lol

decodable atthis stage)

A‖ the tricky vvords and letter sounds used in this book are showr1 01lth()│:()ill insi(│(〕

cover;these can be used as a quick practice activity before stそ l「 li11(l th(,l)ook

Faint type is used for any silentletters,│:ke the〈 b〉 in`larnb`

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Comprehension questions and discussion topics are illc111(1(,(1 :11 lh(,(:ll(l o1 111(〕
book These ensure that children are not only able to ro(1(111)()1()xl, │)11t :lllK)(,()1
meaning from the stories

Red Level Readers

Mud 丁he Rocket Star:in(l Fish
hИ onsters A Dog卜 las Pups
丁he Pond A Shoal of Fish
Snake Helping Slugs and Snalis
ヽlonster Footsteps 丁he Wind and the Sun Foxes
Moat Farm Book VVeek lnsects

ゴ」o‖ y Learning Ltd

◎Sara Wernham 2001(teXt)◎ Lib Stephen 2001(111ustra,ons)

WWWiOIlyearn ng com info@jollylearning co uk
82ヽ ハ
√ Iston,VT 05495,USA Te:1-300‐ 488.2665 Fax:(802)864‐ 7626
inter Spon Lane,lly‖
Talours House,High Road,Chigwell,Essex.IG7 6DL,UK Te11+44(0)20 8501 0405 Fax:+44(0)2085001696
Teachers and parents

Before tack‖ ng these Red Level Readers,a ch‖ dw‖ l need to be able to:

・ Recognize the basic 42 1etter sounds shown atthe bottorn ofthis pagei
・ Read(blend)regular words containing these letter sounds;
・ Recognize the eleven tricky words shown in the flowers below;
o Recognlze the names ofthe three main charactersilnkyu Snake,and Bee.

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丁his is Rags,
†he dog.



丁his is ZOck's sis† er,

Rogs,Zock,ond Jess
are in† he garden.


ho† !

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runs up †he garden 丁his is Zack's

†o† he house。 and Jess's house.…
( Reading Comprehension

Teachers and parents

An impOrtant part of becorning a confident,fluent readeris a ch‖ d's

ability to understand vvhatthey are reading Below are some
suggestlons on how to develop a child's readlng comprehension.

・ A/1ake reading thls book a shared experience between you and the

child,丁ry to avoid leaving it untllthe vvhole book ls read before talking


about it.Occaslona‖ y stop at various intervals throughoutthe book

・ Ask questions aboutthe characters,the setting,the action,and the

・ Enctturage the ch‖ d to think about vvhat mlght happen does not
matterifthe answeris right or wrong,so long as the suggestion rrlakes
sense and demonstrates understanding.

・ Ask the child to describe、 〃hatis happening in the i‖ ustratlons.

・ Relate Ⅵノ hatis happening book to any rea卜 life experiences the

ch‖ d rrlay have

o Pick out any vocabulary thatrnay be nevv lo the child and ask what
they think it rneans lfthey don't know,explain it and relate it to whatis
happening in the book.

・ Encourage the child to surTlrrlarize,in their own words,whatthey have


What'sin the book?

..。 ond † his is lnkり 's VVhatis Zack's slster ca‖
Why does Rags startto bark?
VJhere does Rags run?

houseo Sh! What do you think?

o Why does lnky run from Rags?

・ VVhere do mice live?

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