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The waiting room had an ozone smell, laced with disinfectant. I’ve always been set a little on
edge by that clinical, “always clean” environment. It felt like it was trying to constantly, subtly combat
any and all outside presence. It was as if the building itself was offended that I came in here wearing
blue jeans and a hoodie, and decided, with spite, to assault me with an aura of sterility.
You can tell I’m bored when the first thing I try to explain about the situation is how clean it
smells in here.
Idly, I adjusted my glasses and pulled out my phone again, rapidly flipping through social media
and my friends’ chat rooms to see if anything interesting had happened since the last time I checked it
thirty seconds ago. No such luck; still a pandemic going on in the news, people quarantined in houses,
and the next major video game release still a few days away. Fantastic.
I was here because this company, GenU United LLC., had supposedly developed a cure for the
big virus going around and had started human testing. The outreach program hit the company I worked
for and since all the workers were quarantined out of a job they offered a bonus to anyone willing to be
a lab rat, infected or not. Since I had nothing better to do, I went ahead and signed up. One phone call
and a subway ride later, here I was in the heart of the city, sitting in the waiting room of some big lab
I heard a door open and tore my eyes from my smartphone. A man in a lab coat and medical
face-mask stood in the doorway clear across the room. We made eye contact immediately. He nodded
and motioned back with his head, beckoning me forth. At least, I’m assuming it was me, since no one
else was in the waiting room. He certainly didn’t object when I stood up and started walking toward
We passed the threshold into a long, white, also unbearably clean corridor, passing several
closed and labeled doors along the way, until finally stopping at one marked “testing.” Appropriate, I
guess. The man opened the door and motioned me inside, to which I obediently followed and entered
the room.
Unsurprisingly, this “testing” room was also clean, white, and boring. A long, what I assumed to
be one-way mirror stretched across a wall, and in the center of the room was a white table and chairs.
Occupying a chair was a woman, also in a lab coat. Her brunette hair was tied neatly in a bun, and her
bespectacled eyes looked down at a clipboard with some documents on it. She glanced up as I entered,
smiled neatly with a curt nod, and I heard the door behind me close shut.
The woman kept her eyes on the paper, and spoke in a smooth, mature, British voice, “you must
be T-”
“Please, call me Ren,” I interrupted, in this day in age, only my parents still called me by my
real name.
The woman blinked a few times, and shrugged, “Very well, Ren, my name is Dr. Sheridan,
leader behind Project Salvation and the product we’re testing today, thank you for coming in. Please,
I nodded, sitting down at the only free chair, taking the chance to get a better look at this “Dr.
Sheridan.” She was a proper lady; Caucasian, mature, with a well maintained face and contour.
Sparkling brown eyes glistened under her glasses and there was not a wrinkle or gray hair on her. Full,
bosom breasts stretched the sweater under her lab coat. She was giving off an air of almost dominating
authority just sitting down before me.
“As I’m sure you’ve no doubt been told,” she began, cutting off my observations, “we here at
GenU have been testing a cure for- the virus that’s been going around.”
I briefly furrowed my brow, is she using simpler language for my sake?
“Actually, you’re the last subject to come in today. One too many, in fact. We had originally
prepared twelve test samples, but our computers accepted thirteen people. Small little glitch in the
system, you see.”
“So… there’s nothing to test for me, then?” I asked.
“On the contrary, we actually prepared an alternative, just for you.”
Dr. Sheridan put the clipboard down on the table, looked directly at me, and gave a brief smile
before she continued.
“After the recent batch of testing today, we actually cleared and approved the pill for
distribution. Worked like a charm; almost immediately, in fact. Infected showed instant signs of
recovery, and non-infected even commented feeling more energetic and healthier overall.”
“That’s fantastic!” I declared.
“Indeed it is, however, knowing Big Pharma, it’s likely our little miracle pill will be mired in
red tape and bureaucracy for weeks - if not months - to come, and the pandemic simply won’t wait
around whilst corporations figure out what to do with our cure. So, for you, we’re going to try a little
something we can ‘self-publish’, as it were.”
I cocked my head a little, processing her words. “Okay...”
“From your records, I understand you have a light, persistent cough, correct?” She asked.
As if on queue, I let out two small coughs into my elbow, nodding quickly afterward, “some
minor form of asthma, I think, never really went to a doctor about it.”
“Our test today should help take care of that. You’ve signed all the agreements and paperwork.
With introductions out of the way, all that’s left is to test the product. I’ll be moving to the other side of
the mirror here, and a hatch will open with a pill and glass of water. Don’t worry about me leaving,
we’re simply testing for immediate side effects, and while I doubt you’ll turn up your dinner, I simply
don’t want to be in the same room with you in the event that you do,” the doctor said, standing with a
slight chuckle and smile while I nodded happily along.
“Since the plan is to self-distribute this, we’re classifying it as an ‘energy pill,’ though the
effects will be similar, if not identical to the cure pill we tested earlier, you should feel your throat and
lungs clear up, an increase in energy, and a certain feeling of… clarity, soon after ingesting. We’ll be
monitoring you closely for side-effects.” Dr. Sheridan finished with a nod, turned and left through a
door opposite the side I came in through. I heard it click locked a moment after.
This seemed easy enough, I get to see if my longstanding cough goes away, take an energy pill,
and come home $200 richer. I sat back with a sigh, waiting for the aforementioned hatch to pop open.
Instead, I was startled by a sudden, slightly grainy voice piercing the room.
“Can you hear me, Ren?”
“Whoa! Uh, yeah?” That was Dr. Sheridan’s voice! There must have been an intercom hidden
away somewhere.
“Good, the hatch is opening now.”
Sure enough, there was a rough, sliding noise, and a small section of the wall opposite the
mirror gave way to a small compartment. Out of hole slid a suspended tray with a paper cup full of
water and a small, black pill. I stood up, walked over, and looked closely at the little platter.
The pill was smooth and glossy, light gleaming off the surface of the capsule. The phrase
“GUU” was indented on its surface, for the company, I had guessed. I popped the pill into my mouth,
grabbed the water and drank it up. The pill went smoothly down my throat as I rested the now empty
cup on the tray. The wall section closed and I sat back down, waiting.
“Good, we’ll monitor you for a few minutes now, tell me how you feel or if any discomfort
arises in the meantime,” Sheridan’s voice echoed from the hidden intercom. I nodded, wondering if I
should grab my phone. Who knows, maybe something interesting happened over the last, what, five
About a minute later my stomach gurgled a little, not uncomfortably, but loudly enough to hear.
Before I could speak up about it, a deep, throaty burp rumbled up my throat. I did my best to keep it in,
but the gassy breath escaped my lips regardless. “Stomach’s rumblin’ a bit,” I mentioned.
“Noted,” Sheridan’s voice quipped. Immediately after, though, my stomach rumbled again, this
time intensely enough to make me rest a hand on it. My gut continued its protest, visibly shaking under
my hand and making a very audible churning noise.
“Stomach’s rumbling a lot!” I yelled with a start, rising to my feet.
At that point, if Sheridan said anything else, I didn’t catch it as the internal rumblings of my
stomach turned to the unpleasant feeling of something rising up through my throat. Oh god, Sheridan
was right, I was gonna vomit my dinner! It hit my uvula and my head bucked forward, my arms
reflexively reaching for my mouth as I immediately retched and spewed out a glob of black, viscous
Wearily, I stared at my hands, now dripping and covered with a dark, slimy tar. Before I had a
moment to register how disgusting this was, another thick clump of the stuff made its way up my pipes.
I gagged, and more of the goop spilled forth, splashing down my chin, through my fingers, and onto the
once-pristine tabletop. My throat felt like a smooth, rubber tube now as I struggled to breathe, vision
blurring as I looked around, hoping to see someone coming to help.
No one did as I vomited once more, a seemingly endless supply if this gunk had evidently
welled up in my stomach, because we were far past just throwing up dinner by this point. In fact,
between my labored breathing, I noticed that nothing even resembling food chunks was floating around
in the thick, oily substance. What the hell was that pill?!
A closed my mouth a moment, trying to steadily breathe. I felt strands of liquid goo stretch
between my lips as I separated them. Despite having just hurled this stuff up, it didn’t smell of stomach
acid and instead smelled oddly like hand sanitizer. My chin and goatee were covered by the black ooze.
I noticed I was leaning on the table, slime covered hands clutching the edge tightly. For a moment,
there was only my struggled breathing; the worst had passed, it seemed.
And then the slime on my hands started to flow up.
My eyes widened in abject shock and horror as I watched the gravity defying substance crawl
up my forearm and hoodie sleeve for a solid two seconds before I went into full-on panic mode. I
recoiled violently from the table, kicking aside the chair as I flailed my arms wildly. The goo stayed
stubbornly stuck to my limbs, stretching and whipping with my motions but never flying off. As if it
sensed my fear, the goop around my mouth surged forth and sealed my lips and nose entirely. I tried to
scream, but it only came out as a muffled moan, I tried to breath, but the goop merely lanced up my
nostrils. I choked, trying to find oxygen that was no longer there, and stumbled, falling to the ground.
What was happening to me!? I felt the slime flowing up my face, tears welled up in my eyes
and streamed down to meet it, only to be absorbed as the ooze stretched over my eyes and glasses. The
last thing I saw was the substance flowing up and forming to my arms and now across my legs, and
then my vision went black completely...
But consciousness did not fail me.
Only able now to focus on the touch of the goop’s flow, a cool, gentle feeling drifted down my
mouth and into my lungs. Instead of the burning feeling of oxygen deprivation, I felt a smooth, clean
weight in my innards. It almost reminded me of the sterile, sanitary feel of the lab I was in. I felt the
liquid flow up over my head entirely and into my ears. The thick, heavy tar muffled my hearing, like
wearing earplugs underwater. The panic in my head settled down. Was this death? Am I dead now?
...Excuse me, what?
My own thought rang through my head in a monotonous, echoing parody of my own voice. Did
the goop reach my brain? Is that what it was doing now?
Before I had time to protest that thought, my vision returned to me, but it was… different. I saw
the world filtered over in purple now, as if through a colored lens. It was deeper along my peripheral,
fading to almost normal lighting in the center. I no longer felt my glasses on my face, but saw in perfect
detail, more than perfect, in fact. Across the room I could make out the tiniest little indents and flaws in
the wall. I tried to blink, only to discover that my eyes no longer closed. Perhaps more disturbingly, I
didn’t even feel the need to blink at all anymore!
I glanced down at myself, the goo was still flowing across my body and out of my now
reopened mouth. Instead of vomited globs, though, it flowed out like a gentle, uncontrollable drool. I
tried to close my mouth fully only to discover I could no longer do so. I tried to breath through my
nose, but found that difficult as the air passage not only refused to open, but the feeling of cool liquid
rushed through my sinuses. I shook and shuddered at the feeling. I couldn’t breath out anymore! But
somehow, each intake in didn’t seem to overwhelm me. My head bobbed, motioning as if I was
choking, but the sensation and deprivation just wasn’t there.
The goop tightened over my limbs and clothes, I had no idea what was happening them, but
everywhere it moved, the ooze felt like it was stripping me bare naked. The fuzzy interior of my hoodie
was replaced with stark, sudden exposure to cool air. On top of that, all sensation felt like the surface of
smooth, cold latex. It trickled up my arm and to my shoulders, meeting where it was now flowing down
my neck and onto my chest. I shuddered as it flowed over my pecs, sliding icily over my nipples and,
to my displeasure, into them.
I felt a tugging at my cheeks and on my nose as the goop stretched and formed. It expanded and
broadened my lower face into an elongated shape. Was it forming a mask? A snout? I couldn’t
immediately tell. But I felt my mouth and tongue pulling out with the ooze, giving my jaw more
weight. At the tip of the mask-jaw thing, little rounded lumps appeared, stretching tightly against the
mask, as if pushing against rubber. Another attempt at breathing revealed that those lumps were my
nostrils, and, with the attempted breath, what looked like stiff, rubber rings formed at the base around
This had now gone from frightening, to both frightening and exceedingly weird. A new weight
began to settle on my skull. My hearing suddenly returned to me as the goop around my head tugged at
my ears, pulling and stretching them upward. With the returned hearing came an almost robotic,
whirring sound, and a splash of goop burst forth from my newly re-positioned nostrils as what looked
like purple, segmented tendrils popped out of the rings there and snaked around to the back of my head.
I reached quickly to grab at them, but they only slid easily past my smooth, frictionless fingers. I felt a
slight pressure on my upper-back as the tendrils slid into the slime that had flowed back down there.
For a brief moment, my nostrils finally opened up and I could breathe air again, only for the sensation
to burn. Breathing air now felt like breathing water! What!? Another metallic whir sounded and I felt a
rush of liquid slide up my back.
I now realized the tendrils were tubes, and the oily substance rushed forth and filled them,
spilling into my nose and up my air canal. I choked and sputtered, the cough turning into a gurgling
noise as a slight rush of black tar escaped my still open mouth. The feeling of cool liquid in my lungs
turned warm and pleasant, and I moaned in relief as the warm feeling began to fade. Almost
desperately, I breathed in through my nose again. More liquid streamed through and the same feeling
returned. Black goo dribbled a little more outside my rounded lips. Why did this feel GOOD now?
The cool feeling of liquid reached my groin, and I moaned sharply. Great, speaking of feeling
good. I looked down to see the liquid completely flow over my crotch. The snug sensation of my
package, nestled in jeans and boxers, melted away completely as the goop settled over it, finally
dripping onto my dick. The ooze that had fallen onto my knees had finally enveloped my legs, and rose
up to meet the rest of it that had flowed down from my chest. Time seemed to slow down as I looked at
the bulge where my cock and balls should be, the goop slowly forming and enveloping them as they
took shape from the formless sludge, tightening more coherently. I whimpered pitifully, sputtering
more of the slime onto my now smooth, rubbery chest. Desperately, I reached down with my hands,
sliding my fingers under where my twitching cock rested on my balls to tug the two apart, returning
proper form to my crotch.
Around the back, the goo surged into my anus, causing me to yelp as it enveloped my colon and
tingled against my prostrate, before finally settling into that familiar, cool weight that had settled in my
core. I was now completely and utterly covered in black tar.
I felt my eyes (…lens?) widen as a sharp, metallic coolness suddenly encircled my groin. From
the ooze, another stiff, rubber ring, similar to the ones on my nostrils, formed around the base of my
manhood. From within it, a surge of the goop rushed forth, wrapping around my balls and surging up to
and into the tip of my cock. Nigh instantly, I went from half mast to fully erect as more tar began
surging back and forth around and inside my dick, massaging and reforming it. My hips bucked
involuntarily, only seeming to encourage the slime as it continued molding itself around my shaft.
Great, now I was being jacked-off by this stuff.
I took my hand and grabbed at my dick. Didn’t help. Trying to pull the gunk down off of it only
felt like jerking myself off. My thighs bent in a little as I tried to tug my cock around, and I realized too
little, too late that this goop was actually making my penis larger. Its base thickened and swelled,
forming a pseudo-knot before extending out to form a rounded, soft ridge, resting more sharply along
the bottom of my shaft. A second, gentle ridge formed, extending my dick even further before settling
on my glans and reshaping my familiar, circumcised head into a spaded, tapered tip. All along each side
of my dick, a row of five sensitive nodules formed, angling back toward the base of my groin. The
whole thing had become damn near a foot long and easily three, maybe even four inches thick in the
I moaned again in involuntary ecstasy as the liquid slime streamed down my urethra and past
my prostrate. Oh god, it’s gonna hit my jun-
All cohesive thought stopped the moment the slime reached my balls, causing them to churn
internally with such intensity that all I could do was moan deeply and lewdly, causing more goo to drip
from my mouth-hole. I exhaled sharply, liquid surging down my mask’s tubes. Two, stiff rubber rings
formed along the base and side of my cock perpendicular to the one that wrapped around my groin. My
lower back arced as two more tubes snaked around my hips and attached themselves to the two new
rings on my dick with a whir and rested snugly against my groin.
I heard something click, the goo rushed forth around my waist, my sack damn near doubled in
size, and I immediately came.
My hand gripped my dick in a vice as thick, oily goo gushed out of my new tip and almost a full
two feet into the air, my waist flew up from the ground to propel the viscous black cum even further
and more wildly. I bucked my hips two, three, four more times, a muffled scream coming from my
mouth the best it could as my mind was blown into oblivion.
The deep, black cum splattered across my smooth, goo covered body and across the walls, table,
and floor. I barely registered the spunk flowing and reabsorbing itself into me as I collapsed back onto
the ground completely, legs splayed out, dick still erect, and motor function gone out to pasture. My
dick twitched. I inhaled more of the liquid through my nostrils, only this time punctuated with a slight,
musky aroma that only added further ardor to my sex-addled mind. Slowly, something resembling
cohesive thought began reforming in my head.
Great, this goop has now successfully raped me.
My back shivered, new sensations forming at my shoulder-blades and right above my anus as
the slime flowed and gathered at those points. What now? How was this stuff not done!? A tendril
formed that snaked its way down between my legs, extending fully past them until it was easily as long
as I was tall. With a noise that sounded oddly like a balloon inflating, about five bulbous tufts formed at
the tip of the new length. It tightened and solidified, synapses began firing from my mind, and the limb
obeyed, curling up to meet me and my waiting, outstretched hand.
A tail.
I had grown a legitimate, goddamned tail.
A sudden pressure formed and lifted me off my back as two new limbs began to take shape. I sat
up quickly, giving them space to grow as I twisted back to try and see what was forming. The new
appendages arced up over the back of my shoulders before folding back down. A rubbery “thumb”
formed at the tip of said fold and a curtain of liquid latex cascaded down the curved limbs, forming
what were unmistakably shimmering, black wings.
I felt a pull at my feet as my heels began to elongate, my toes briefly disappeared under the goo
as my entire leg structure was altered. They reformed, ending in blunted, rubber-tipped claws, complete
with a dewclaw halfway up my inner heels. I curled the new appendages experimentally, finding them
far more flexible than my old feet.
Finally, the goo seemed to stop flowing and tighten overall across my body, solidifying into a
more solid, uniform shape. Highlights of color began to form, curved patterns of bright, toxic green
materialized on my chest and tail, with sharp gradients of the same fading into existence at the ends of
all of my limbs, including my penis. My latex covered hair and the upper ridge of my new tail turned to
a bright, salmon color. It all ended with my balls and the nodules on my cock turning the same purple
as the tubing on my mask-snout-thing.
I sat there, frightened and aroused, staring at myself in shock, wondering if the changed were
finally done.
Everything felt unnaturally cool and smooth now. Even the slight breeze of the air-conditioning
made my skin tingle. Every slight motion against the floor was accompanied with a soft, delicate
squeak. My every breath flooded me with more of the liquid; musky, cool, and then warm, my exposed
dick twitched with each inhalation.
I tried my best to ignore the feeling in my loins and shakily rose to my feet. With a sudden jerk,
I grabbed the table above me with one hand and used the other to steady myself against the mirror.
Miraculously, I was able to remain standing long enough to get a look at myself.
The face I was born with was completely gone. A masked, latex covered thing was staring back
at me with opaque, rounded, purple eyes. I stumbled from the table and put both hands on the mirror,
looking closer at what I’d become. My ears were huge and bat like, next to them, on the top of my
head, two smooth rubber horns curved toward the back of my skull, explaining the weight that had
settled there from earlier. My mouth was permanently rounded and opened. Peering inside, I could see
internal ribbing lining all the way through the mask’s snout. A pointed, purple tongue rested at the
bottom of it.
My brow was more pronounced and expressive, a discovery I made quickly as I squinted at the
creature staring back at me. I glanced down at my dick again and back up with a horrific realization. I
had become some freaky, gimpy sex monster! It was like every shameful, lewd fantasy that ever ran
through my head at the deepest, loneliest hours of the night had come to life and wrapped itself around
me! As my thoughts began to turn to protest and panic, an echoing, monotonous mimic of my voice
rang through my head.
...Excuse me, wha-
Oh, FUCK!!
My entire body spasmed as what felt like an electric shock surged through me. I stumbled
forward, awkwardly crashing against the mirror as a ringing sensation ran through my head before
finally settling into perfect, euphoric clarity.
What was I panicking about again?
I shook my head and stood properly back up to look into the mirror I was leaning against. Did I
call myself a freaky monster? That’s not what I saw now as I looked at myself with newfound awe and
admiration. I was a goddamned sexual dragon! I breathed deeply through my mask, taking in the
glorious, warm feeling and a whiff of my own funk. I took a hand off the glass and grabbed my dick,
relishing in the feeling of the spiny nodules pressed under my smooth claws. It felt good just to hold the
damn thing. I looked at the stud in the mirror and pressed my mask against it, grinding up and down
against the cool, reflective surface and letting my tongue drag out against it.
And drag out it did, sliding out of my fuckable mouth and gliding against the mirror’s surface,
leaving more delicious slime dripping down its surface wherever it touched. The damn thing must have
been several feet long in there! And letting it out like that felt amazing. I moaned in delight as it
bumped up against the inner ribbing of my mouth. Was Dr. Sheridan still back there, watching, I
wondered? God, I hoped so.
I pulled my tongue back in, gently rubbing my cock as a little trail of black ooze seeped out of
its tip. Of course I was ready to go again! In a body like this, how could I ever not be ready? Fuck me,
though, I needed someone to stuff this in immediately. I peered impatiently at the mirror, wondering if
Sheridan was even still around now. I turned to look at the door she left through, only to hear the other
door swing open behind me.
I turned to greet the newcomer with an alert, predatory glare. A bald, burly man in a security
vest stood before the threshold, surely some underpaid orderly or the like. He held some metal device
in his hand, leveled at me. I noticed around him a faint, red aura had manifested. The voice in my head
rang out.
Pathetic. This man didn’t even do a double take of my glorious cock! He wasn’t even worthy of
taking it down his throat. I scoffed, and the device in his hand sprang open, thin wiring flying from
within and grappling onto my chest. It tingled.
A taser? Really dude? I glanced at the wires, then glared at him incredulously, I was literally
made of fucking rubber and your first tactic was to try and tase me? Unbelievable.
An angry, gurgling noise formed at the base of my throat, rising up through my mouth as the
full length of my tongue whipped forth. With lightning speed, it soared across the room and wrapped
itself around the guard’s arm with a wet slap. The man barely had a chance to look at it in shock or
protest before I widened my stance, spread out my claws, and pulled back, retracting my tongue with
monstrous strength.
The orderly flew into the room, past me, and onto the table. It crumpled under his weight,
toppled over to the side, and the man fell in a heap next to it.
I toyed with my tongue in my fingers for a bit as it slid back in, impressed. What else does this
mouth do, I wondered? I looked at the now open doorway and back at the fallen security man. Sheridan
probably called him in on me, frigid bitch. She probably thought I needed help or to be restrained. I
turned back to the mirror lifted my hand, and gave a disapproving finger wag before turning and
leaping through the doorway.
I looked down the way I originally came in through. Probably not the best idea to just up and
leave through the front door. More security detail might be waiting and this perfect beast cannot afford
to be contained. I looked the other way, down the rows and rows of labeled doors. One of these had to
be a stairway to the roof or have a window I could take off through. I started down the hall, trying each
door to see where it leads. Locked. Locked. Empty. Break room. Locked.
One door opened to what looked like a small office, where two women and a single man, all in
lab coats, worked busily away. I froze in the entrance as one girl glanced up at me and gasped, causing
the other two people to look my way as well. Beyond them, a slightly open window let a gentle breeze
I looked at my company and the colored auras flared up around them. One girl and the guy
shone red. But the first girl that saw me shone as blue.
Well, hello there…
I lumbered into the room, glaring at the two scared and unworthy souls as I worked my way
around the cubicle to the cute blonde chick who first saw me. As the other two watched me in my full
glory, they rose and stepped back, clearly confused and frightened. This one girl, however, took one
look at my cock and then locked eyes with it. I took notice, and my mouth hole curled into a wicked
smile the best it could, making my face look more like some twisted version of a classical theater
comedy mask.
The girl leaned back in her chair as I loomed over her, a shaky “uh” escaped her lips as I cocked
my head to the side, analyzing how best to approach her. My tongue slid out of my mask slightly, and I
discovered it could taste the air around her. She was turned on, very much so. I leaned down, resting a
hand on her own as she clutched the office chair underneath her. Using my other claw, I gently placed a
finger under her jaw and angled her head up until her eyes shone with my mask’s reflection.
“Uh… who-” Her query was cut off as I gripped her jaw tightly, pulled her up, and slid my
tongue directly down her throat.
The other two scientists yelped and ran screaming out of the room. A pity they wouldn’t be able
to watch what happened next. The girl under me choked and moaned, first in protest, but then quickly
in pleasure as I watched the black slime coating my tongue slather itself against her lips. I pulled her up
against my snout, fully into a sloppy, dirty kiss.
My tubing whirred, and tar streamed up them and out of my mouth, spilling onto the struggling
girl’s face as my tongue did its work. Her muffled moans were first of protest, then of pleasure as her
head was quickly covered by the goop pouring out from me. I heard her cough and sputter for a
moment, but then her lips pressed firmly against me, and I knew then I had won her over.
The liquid worked its way down the girl’s body, pressing her clothes against her into a new
layer of glossy, perfect skin. Her free hand, once flailing in shock, formed a delicate layer of latex as it
reached up behind my neck and pulled us together into a tighter, more passionate kiss. I took the hand I
was already gripping and guided it toward my cock, where she diligently began to stroke and explore it.
Once she was fully covered in latex, her lips grew rounder and puffier, eagerly taking my
tongue as her own wrapped around it. Her ears traveled up her head slightly, forming large, triangular
openings that reminded me of a cat. Her breasts billowed and expanded, pressing against my smooth,
toned chest. They grew to a proportion just shy of ridiculous.
The goo finished forming around her crotch, revealing a perfect, glistening snatch waiting to be
filled. From the girl’s now shapely rear end, a long, sinuous tail stretched into existence. At its tip, a
series of rings, ridges, and nodules formed, leaving no doubt as to its lewd purpose.
I retracted my tongue, its purpose served, and broke our kiss, leaning back to look at what my
lover had become. Hot pink stripes formed across her frame, standing out against the smooth, black
rubber as she looked up at me with glossy, blackened eyes. Red, heart-shaped pupils formed in their
centers. Her hair remained mostly as it was, long and blonde, but now covered in glossy latex. Her
round, full lips were framed by a cute, catlike snout, and her naughty, sex-toy of a tail swished
playfully behind her chair.
I rose, bringing my dick up to be level with her face. It was time to reward my faithful little
convert. She looked at my cock with delight, cooed happily, opened wide, and took its tip into her
My hands rested against her shoulders as she set to work, licking and sucking at my tip and
slowly taking more and more of the shaft into her perfect mouth. I could feel internal nubs lining her
throat as she set to work, rubbing back and forth against my ridged rod and nodules, causing me to hiss
and moan with pleasure. My lover began to purr, focusing entirely on sucking me off.
It was time to reward my little pet further. My tongue slid from out of my mask and slowly
trailed down along my chest, teasing a nipple as it went. I bent over a little, black goop dripping onto
my little sex cat’s head. She didn’t seem to notice or care. My slimy tendril finally wormed its way
down to the girls thighs, and worked its way to her groin, finding her mons and outer labia, where I
gently lapped away at it.
She took notice of that! Eyes snapping wide as she spread her thighs more, reaching down to
my tongue to press it tighter against her cunt. I obliged, rubbing the muscle against her clit before
diving into her passage proper. The cool taste of liquid latex washed over me, with a hint of
bubblegum, I noticed. The girls purring turned into a lewd moan, matched only by mine as we orally
worked at each other’s crotches. My hips swaying and working with her mouth as she adjusted her
seating to better take my tongue.
Finally, she made it to the base of my cock, not even once choking or gagging as the tip of my
tongue found its way just shy of her cervix. Our work quickened, moving in unison as she worked my
shaft and my tongue stuffed its way into her pussy, working the clit ardently along the way. My hips
bucked, her thighs twitched as my tongue worked the roof of her passage, finding that glorious g-spot. I
looked down, seeing my lover dig her cute cat claws into the ground as we both came with one final
My tongue pulled out from her pussy instantly, filling my mouth with the taste of her juices as
my thick black sperm poured down her throat. She drank the entire delivery greedily, sliding back to
the tip of my cock to better swallow it all. I screamed to the roof of the office building. Fuck, this was
good! My lover moaned in protest when she realized my tongue was no longer working her snatch, and
I watched as she moved her tail around and desperately shoved it inside.
Two more men in security vests barged into the room. I glared at them in a huff. Do you guys
mind? A little busy here. I popped my dick out of my lover’s thirsty, needy mouth as she meowed in
protest. Sorry kitty, gotta fly. I turned to the window and leaped forward, traces of black jizz still
oozing out of my tip and staining the floor as I moved. With a snap, I thrust the window fully open,
climbed onto the threshold, and looked back as the orderlies sprinted to try and stop me. My dizzy
lover lay splayed in her chair, tail stuffed up her cunt. They could keep her, but these stiffs weren’t
catching me.
With one spring of my bestial legs, I jumped fully out of the window and into the urban night
sky. My black, shimmering wings unfurled behind me, stretching to a length easily more than twice
than I was tall. They caught the warm air of the city streets three stories below me, and with one flap,
those three stories became four, then five, and six.
I really hoped someone was looking up tonight.
The wind rushed against my glossy skin, setting my nerves alight with the feeling. My stiff cock
stood rigid below me, also catching each rush of air as it hung exposed in the night. I don’t think it had
gone soft once since this wonderful evening started. And there was no way in hell I was gonna let it
I looked down to the streets below me at the masses of people walking or driving along in the
night. Auras flared for each one, red and more red, the voice in my head noting each one.
Man, people were prudes.
I briefly thought about flying over to the red light district before I realized that I didn’t even
know where the red light district in town was. Man, I really need to get out more. Oh, well. I veered
north, flapping in the general direction I knew where my apartment was and glided along, enjoying the
power of flight, looking at auras along the way. A few people I saw did flash blue. Duly noted. I could
sweep down and steal them away later. For now, I was keen on going home to admire and explore my
sexy new body.
A few minutes of flight later (suck it, trains!) my apartment complex came into view; rows and
rows of stacked duplexes with carefully managed lawns and winding paths. Most people were already
home for the night. I landed on the roof of my building and looked over the edge to see if anyone was
about. Not a soul.
I hopped down, catching some air in my wings as I floated to the ground. I folded my wings
neatly behind me, breathed in some more deep, sweet liquid, and moved to my door.
Oh, right, keys.
Quizzically, I looked down at waist and around my turgid cock. I had my keys in my pocket
before I took the wonder pill and was pretty sure I didn’t leave them behind. And I fucking better not
have left my phone behind either!
My internal protests were cut short as I felt a little shift at the side of my right hip. I looked to
see a little slit had formed, with a small accompanying bulge with it. A pocket! I dug inside, feeling the
familiar shape of my keys, phone, and wallet tucked away in a clean, rubber pouch. Awesome.
I unlocked my door, stepped inside, and made straight for the bathroom.
Flipping the light on, I looked at the mirror on the wall; no one watching from behind it this
time, unless the medicine and unused dental floss suddenly took an interest in a latex dragon admiring
himself. The night had started off with a lot of fun, but now I was keen on actually taking a look at
myself and trying to figure out what happened to me. Was there even still a human underneath all that?
Hell if I knew. Pretty sure I had no interest at the moment in going back to that anyway.
I started with the mouth, that round little fuckable face-hole was the cause for a lot of fun
tonight. Leaning over the sink, I peered deeply at the opening through the mirror. It went deeper than
any rational throat had any right to go, Then again, my face was also now a combination of snout and
face-mask. Weirdly though, it felt like my new snout didn’t open or move in the traditional sense under
the mask, the mouth was just the hole in the front, and the ring around it sort of functioning as my lips.
I played around with it for a bit, feigning a smile, a frown, trying and failing to close it at all.
Despite it being constantly open, it felt far from aired out or dry in there. I took a finger and
touched the edge of my lips. Almost reflexively, they tried to tighten and close around the finger,
almost but not quite sealing around it. With a curious moan, I stuck the digit further in along the side,
rubbing the first of the many ribbed ridges circling my throat. My vision unfocused slightly as my
curious moan turned into a lewd one, balance fading as pleasure ripped through my body. My finger
slipped deeper in, sliding past a few more ridges and I groaned with delight. Holy hell, those ridges
were all erogenous!
My tongue sprung to life and wrapped wetly around my finger as I began to happily suck away,
euphorically fucking my own mouth. I stuck a second finger in, giving my lips enough to seal around
completely and watched in the mirror as I played around with myself. Whilst my mouth was distracted,
I took the moment to look at my eyes. Or rather lenses. Visor? I wasn’t really sure, but I could tell they
were what I was looking out of. They seemed relatively pliable, as I was able to squint and widen them
with the movements of my somewhat pronounced brow. It almost looked a little cartoony. I tried my
best to close or blink them but they weren’t able to. Cool. I didn’t want to miss any of the show
A small spurt of black goop surged out of my cock and dripped into the sink. Oh. Guess I
mouth-fucked myself a little orgasm. Or was that this body’s equivalent of pre? Relax bud, I’ll be with
you in a moment. With a little “pop!” I pulled my fingers out of my mouth, absolutely slathered in
slime and let out a satisfied, muffled little sigh. I cocked my head to the side, before this night’s
change, I would have never taken myself for much of a dick sucker. Was that really a part of myself I
used to suppress? Because I sure as hell didn’t care now, anything that could slide against my inner
mouth’s ribbing sounded like a damn good time to me. But enough of that, time to check out the most
exciting part of my mouth now.
Gently, I teased my tongue out, not overly much, but enough to play around with it and see what
it was about. I looked at the muscle and saw that the black slime that welled up in seemingly endless
reserves from within me coated and dripped from it wherever it hung lowest when exposed. Idly, I
mused that most dragons I’d seen in media weren’t exactly known for having a tongue that could make
a frog blush. I certainly enjoyed having it, though. I had remarkable control over it. Resting it on my
open hand, I wrapped it around my still wet index finger tightly and soon found myself suggestively
sliding it up and down across it. I raised a brow, alright, fine.
I guided my tongue out a little more and let it slowly wrap around my shaft, nestling neatly
between each nodule, enjoying the smooth, clean taste of my own cockflesh. My tongue stopped with
its tip resting against my dick’s tapered end, and tightened. I grunted, hell yeah, that’s the stuff. Without
even thinking about it, I let my tongue slide, loosen and tense up against my cock, gently and idly
letting it work to slowly pleasure me as I explored more of my body.
I curled up my fingers, looking at the rubbery claws they ended in. Could these even scratch
anything? Probably not. Not that I wanted to hurt anyone like that, of course. I poked at the hosing
coming out of my mask. How was I breathing again? Was this goop just providing oxygen to me or
something? Was I even “breathing” at all? I gave the hose a little tug, only to find the rest of my snout
tug along stubbornly with it. Yeah, that wasn’t coming out at all anytime soon. I took a slow, long
intake through my nose, and watched the liquid flow underneath. Damn, that sexual smell that came
with it now was really intoxicating. My tongue tightened around my dick, working a little faster and
harder with my sex-drunk excitement.
This looked really lewd in the mirror.
I reached down under my shaft and started fondling my balls, it was getting hard to think now.
All I wanted was this climax to come so I could focus on other things for a bit. I planted my claws into
the bathroom floor and steadied myself against the wall with my other hand. My tongue started rubbing
back and forth over my shaft’s nodules, eliciting a slow, steady groan of pleasure from me. My dick
was well and lubricated now, I moved my hand to to my cock and started running it back and forth
against my tongue in unison, rubbing furiously. My groaning turned quickly to desperate, lewd
My perseverance was rewarded with that familiar hissing, a rush of liquid, and goopy jism
exploding from my dick. I reared my head back. Finally! Cum spurted forth in several waves, relief
washing over me with each one. My tongue unwrapped itself from my shaft and slid back up a ways
into my mouth, hanging a little loose as I drooled thoughtlessly. I took another deep breath to refocus,
only for the smell of musk to excite my cock a little more, causing one final spurt of black jizz to ooze
out. I exhaled indignantly. You done yet buddy? Yeah? Good.
I looked at the surface of the sink counter, now thoroughly covered in black goop. Well, this
was messy; couldn’t just leave it looking like this. I reached for a nearby towel, but stopped as a dirty
thought entered my head. Before I could even reconsider, I was acting on it. I leaned close to the
counter surface and let my tongue come down to taste the black goop. Yep, tasted like everything else
about me. Busily, I began lapping up the stuff, tongue gliding across the counter and sink, cleaning it
up handily.
That was nasty in the best way. Not even a single second thought as I drank up my own jizz. I’m
pretty sure I left the sink cleaner than I found it. I moved to the side, closed the toilet lid fully, and sat
down, tired after the self-fellatio and post clean up. I took the moment of rest to look at my legs, easily
the most altered part about me. I was surprised I had next to no issue moving or balancing on them,
being digitigrade and all. I reached down and flicked one of my dewclaws a little, and I let out a
muffled little chuckle. That tickled.
I looked at my tail, curling around and lying on the floor, I hadn’t done much with it tonight
since getting it, but it sure did help balance me on the new feet. In fact, it was probably one of the
reasons I hadn’t tripped or stumbled so far tonight. As if in agreement, it wagged a little. Cute.
Finally, I stretched a wing out and wrapped it around to the front of me to get a better look at it.
A latex membrane extended before me, stretchy and malleable. It’s structure was almost liquid, I noted,
and wondered if I could simply wrap up someone in my wings to let this wonderful goop spread
further. Regardless, the memory of the flight home was still fresh in my mind, and rapid, successive
orgasms or not, I’m pretty sure flying under my own power was a damn strong contender for being
better than sex.
I put my wing away, resting a hand on my chin and another on my thigh, thinking. What next?
Well, I really wanted to give Dr. Sheridan a rough, hard, fucking, but I’m pretty sure heading
back to the lab wouldn’t end well for me. I may have been an un-inhibited sex monster, but I wasn’t a
combat monster, and most of the security detail weren’t gonna be converts, as much as I wished I could
just fuck everything there into submission.
But I could still fuck other people in general into submission…
I thought about the cute blond chick I turned into a little sex cat. She was pretty eager to go to
town on me after accepting my gift. Sad that I had to leave her behind like that. I wondered, if she were
still with me, what she’d be doing right now? Perhaps she’d be rubbing all on me or tending to my
cock? Maybe she’d be laying on my bed, playing with herself using that naughty tail of hers, waiting
for me to fuck her senseless? Would she do whatever I told her to? Honestly, a ceaseless night of sex
sounded the most appealing to me right now.
I snorted, the liquid in my tubing churning in protest. So few people out there were compatible,
I’d have to go out and hunt someone, and who knows if anyone suitable was close enough to bring
back home? I stood, thinking session done, and stepped out of my bathroom.
My ears perked as I heard a noise outside; keys jingling and a door opening. My neighbor!
Nicole! Cute lil’ artist girl. Knowing the kind of stuff she drew, I’d be shocked if she wasn’t a proper
candidate for my gift. Perhaps it was time to pay her a visit…
Her door closed and I rushed to mine. I stalked outside, like a powerful beast of the night. Close
to the ground, I padded around to the windows along her side of the building, stopping at her bedroom.
I pressed my fingers against it and slid them across. The pane complied, popping open.
Lock your windows, people.
Nicole’s bedroom was clean and organized, my claws clicked softly against the hardwood floor
as I crossed toward the doorway. Game consoles and a TV set sat on a dresser, and in one corner, a
modest desk with a laptop and tablet sat quietly. Her bed had a striped, black and white comforter, and
a large, fat cat plush sat among her pillows. Adorable. I waited near the corner, out of immediate view
of the doorway. Her footsteps echoed outside, and the door opened.
She was an average height, Caucasian girl with short, neatly cropped, black hair and dark eyes
to match. She was out of shape, a little chub to her, but thin arms, c-cup tits, shapely legs, and an
absolutely grabbable ass. She was very much not expecting company, because as she closed her door,
flipped on the light, and turned to move to her bed, her eyes passed over me like I was just another
piece of furnishing. Fully in view now, her aura flared to life.
A bright, perfect blue.
Called it.
She froze, having finally registered that there was a new presence in her room. She turned her
head, saw me, and jumped in shock.
“What the-!” she yelped. I took a step forward and rose to my full height, easily a full foot over
her, and looked proudly down at her. I wondered if I should reintroduce myself, and realized that I
hadn’t actually said a proper word since my transformation. Could I even still speak like this? My
mouth was stuck in a position that wasn’t really conducive to conversation. Nothing for it but to try.
A breathy, muffled hiss came from my throat. Nicole stepped back, clearly spooked, her arm
searched for some object to defend herself with. I breathed in, and heard a clicking noise as the back of
my throat started vibrating, and my voice echoed out!
“Hello Nicole,” I sounded slightly muffled and filtered, like my voice was emanating through,
well, a gas mask, but it was definitely recognizable as my own, as evident by the flash of realization I
saw in Nicole’s eyes.
“...Ren!?” Her stance shifted, still wary, as she looked me up and down, doing a double take at
my cock, unsurprisingly, but ultimately fixating on my eyes.
“Mmm, yep,” I responded, shifting my stance in response, admiring her aura. I leaned more
toward the doorway, ready to pounce on her should she try to escape, but I had a feeling she wasn’t
going to.
“Hey, uh… nice getup and all, but… why are you in my room?” She took a step back in
response, keeping her distance.
I chuckled, this wasn’t just a getup, sweetie.
“You looked lonely, so I wanted to come and… share a gift with you.”
She glanced at my dick again, “you could’ve knocked. I’m sorry- are you wearing that over
your...” she shakily pointed at my groin, and I smiled, my shaped mouth contorting to an unsettling
“It feels really good,” I replied, stepping forward, “I can make you feel really good. I can smell
it, you want this, I know you do.”
“You can… smell it?” She repeated, confused and still a little concerned. I nodded eagerly. I
didn’t know where she had just come home from, but I could tell she was tired, and indeed scented that
she was horny. There was a moment of stillness, and she spoke.
“If I told you to leave, would you?”
It was my turn to hesitate, her aura flared a brighter blue, unfaltering, and it only made me want
to fuck her senseless even more. My innards vibrated, the liquid latex within seeming to respond to the
question, as if they knew. If she didn’t want it, she didn’t want it, but the aura does not lie.
I nodded.
“Good,” she said, “then don’t leave.”
Nicole sat down on her bed with anticipation in her eyes. I wheeled around swiftly, squatting
down in front of her. She looked at me, more specifically my mouth, with fascination.
“What are you wearing?” She asked, still thinking this was some latex sex suit. I chuckled
“It’s not an outfit.”
I grabbed behind her head and drew her in, tongue pouring from my mouth and in between her
waiting lips. Her curiosity turned to shock and fear as my gift did it’s work. Liquid streamed through
my hosing and gushed out onto her, coating her chin and neck. I pushed forward, toppling her onto the
bed in a violent, passionate, goopy kiss. She protested briefly, moaning in a mix of desire and fear,
surprised by the tongue and tar. Her arms flailed to the side briefly before settling on tightly gripping
the bedding beneath her. Her lips tightened around my tongue, her mouth now fully coated in what I
quickly realized was sealing latex. I broke the kiss, lifting over her, and watched as my gift spread.
Nicole let out a muffled scream of terror as she began to realize the goo was covering her head.
I looked dead on at her. My tongue slithered down to her chest to spread more slime and I rested a
finger on the now smooth, featureless surface where her mouth used to be.
“Shh...” I whispered.
“Let it flow...”
Her panicked, tearful eyes disappeared under the goop as I sat on top of her, pinning her. I
spread out my wings, resting them down over us as Nicole’s metamorphosis began. Her frightened
screaming stopped, along with her struggling, as her breathing slowed, liquid latex settling deep within
her. There we go. My tongue explored every inch of her body, spreading black ooze wherever it
touched. I rubbed and touched my body, enjoying myself as my gift did its work.
Nicole was completely covered now, breathing slowly under me. Softly, she started to moan as
her body began to properly change. Starting with her face, I watched as the latex formed a stiff,
metallic, mouthless mask over her jaw, elongating out to form a sort of blunt muzzle. Plating formed
above her new snout, covering the rest of her face. I cocked my head to the side as two, rubbery “X”s
formed where her eyes used to be. Was she completely deprived of sight? You kinky little minx!
That familiar, whirring sound returned, this time from her, as purple, segmented tubing emerged
from the sides of her new mask and moved around to her back. A pairing of three additional tubes, all
parallel to each other, formed neatly above each of her sealed eyes, arcing across the top of her head
and disappearing behind her skull. Her latex-covered hair poofed up between them, forming a sort of
mohawk and giving her head a sort of butch, cyberpunk appeal.
Her right arm melted into a shapeless mass, before quickly reforming up to the elbow and then
splitting into two, sinuous tendrils. They immediately began wrapping and curling around each other as
Nicole’s changes continued. The latex tightened up around her tits and stomach, leaving them mostly
unaltered, but smooth and round, cleaning up her figure. Looking back, I saw her feet morph and
reshape into thick, lizard-like claws.
Underneath me, the goo revealed her slit, eliciting a groan of pleasure from her as it settled into
a tight, smooth hole. More tubing wrapped its way around her waist and pierced into her groin, surging
with liquid. My cock shifted and I cooed with delight at the mere thought of stuffing her snatch, and
lifted myself off of her. I settled to the floor on my knees, rested my hands on her thighs, and brought
my face close to it, letting my tongue taste and smell her sex.
Before I could dig in, though, a surge of liquid goop spilled forth from above her ass, spilling
down the side of the bed and forcing me to arc up as I watched with keen interest. It looked like she
was forming a tail as well. Pretty popular feature, I guess. I raised a brow as I watched her new tail take
shape, growing monstrously thick towards the tip and pushing my knees apart. I looked down under
me, lifting my own tail as Nicole’s grew along the floor. Both of my brows raised in surprise as I saw a
dripping, mutant maw form at the end of her tail, a flat, thick, purple tongue poked out of it. I smiled.
Nicole merely moaned in response.
Colors began to take shape as her transformation completed. Alternating cyan and violet
gradients formed on her left and right eye “X”s, hands, and feet. Her arm tentacles turned purple, and
her hair settled on a more solid blue. The rest of her body remained black and glossy.
Using both my hands, I grabbed her limp, new tail from under me and began shoving lengths of
it under the bed, until its mouth rested between her legs and under my crotch. I settled back down,
sliding my knees back and lowering my pelvis until my thick cock rested at the entrance of her tail’s
jagged, slimy mouth. Its tongue tasted my cock, and like a coiled snake, it snapped forward, completely
consuming it. I flinched, grunting in momentary discomfort. Easy girl! I felt her tail’s tongue wrap
around my penis and it began to eagerly and sloppily suck away, blowing my mind into the sky. Damn
that felt good.
I returned the favor, looking at the waiting snatch in front of me and pressed my mouth greedily
against it. My tongue slid forth and slathered her entrance. She responded with a pleased moan, head
resting still against her bed. She brought down her new, tentacled arm and wrapped her tendrils around
my head, grabbing my horns and holding me tight. I pushed my tongue into her tight, needy cunt, and
she arced her back, crying out with pleasure. I worked her passage whilst her bestial tail-maw’s own
tongue tightened around my dick, and we quickly lubricated both of our equipment with glistening,
black, slimy saliva.
Oh, but I wasn’t coming in that tail and she was not going to get off on my tongue alone. No.
Tonight had seen enough oral action. The latex was not going to be my only gift to Nicole. I pulled my
head from out between her thighs, sliding out of her tentacles, and yanked my dick from out of her tail.
I swore it frowned at me, all wistful. Nicole lifted her head toward me, still blind, but it felt like she
was looking directly at me as I rose to my feet.
“Don’t stop,” her own voice echoed now, filtered and grainy like mine, pleading with me,
“you’re so pretty… all the colors...”
I crawled forward onto her bed, pressing my cock on top of her lower stomach. I breathed
deeply in excitement, taking in as much liquid sex as I could through those hoses.
“Don’t worry,” I said softly, moving my head next to hers, she didn’t have visible ears now, but
it didn’t stop me from whispering into them, “we’re just getting started.”
My cock found her pussy and I slowly pushed it in, spreading her lips wide as I penetrated her.
Nicole’s head arched back as she howled in pleasure, her muscular feet sliding against the floor below
her, desperately looking for something to grip. Her tail flopped forward, maw opened and tongue
drooling on the floor as my perfect, bestial cock slid deeper into her flawless, needy cunt. Her pussy
stretched to accommodate my girthy length whilst still tightening down around it, internal muscles
squeezing down on all angles. As I pushed further, the ridging and nodules of my dick slid and teased
along her, creating an indescribable feeling of pleasure for the both of us.
I rocked over her, vision unfocused and mouth drooling uncontrollably. I looked at her blunt,
featureless face-mask in desperation and disappointment. I needed a hole to kiss and she did not
fucking have one up here. Suddenly, as if in answer to my prayers, I felt a weight on my back and
shoulder and looked to see that Nicole had lifted her tail up behind me and flopped it across my spine.
Its slimy, bestial maw separated slightly, presenting its thick, flat tongue.
Fuck yes.
I wrapped an arm around that monstrous appendage and stuffed my face into it, letting my
tongue soar free and wrap around its own. In kind, it stuffed its thick tongue deeply into my mouth,
rubbing my internal ribbing fully and completely, which utterly overloaded me with pleasure. I
moaned, hard and long, like a desperate slut, arcing my back and shoving my dick completely into
Nicole. Her back arced as well, left hand gripping the bed sheets in a vice, her right arm sliding down
to wrap its tendrils around my waist, keeping us sealed together.
My grip faltered and I collapsed, pushing us further onto the bed as I dragged her tail and
myself on top of her. Without breaking the kiss or pulling out, I repositioned us, pulling Nicole
obligingly onto the bed fully whilst I laid over her. She wrapped her other, normal arm around me and
held me close, blankly staring toward my head, letting her tail do all the kissing for us.
I began lightly swaying my waist back and forth, humping Nicole and grinding in her snatch,
doing my best to please her clit and hit her g-spot whilst her pussy slid against my cock. We moved
together in unison, our passionate motion interrupted only by twitches and spasms of rapturous ecstasy.
Our tongues wrapped desperately around each other as though separation would be death. This kiss
breaking was unthinkable. My dick pulling out was an impossibility.
Nicole’s cunt spasmed, the feeling causing me to lose all strength in my legs. Conversely, she
lifted hers and wrapped them around me, pressing me as close as possible against her. She moaned
desperately, and I felt a pressure begin to form in my crotch. I breathed deep through my nose. The
liquid streamed forth with vigor and purpose. The smell and feel of sex completely frazzled my mind
as I thrust hard into my lover.
Our orgasms were in perfect harmony.
Black cum surged from my cock in a violent jet, surging deep into Nicole’s uterus and backing
up through her cunt, spilling onto the bed. Nicole twitched and trembled, moaning incoherently as her
climax ripped through her. My dick jerked hard as I locked into place, unloading everything I had into
her. She dropped her legs, they slid limply off my back as she collapsed fully onto her bed, losing all
muscle control. Her tail fell as well, it’s tongue sliding out of my mouth, rapidly bumping each of my
internal ribs as it did so. My vision rolled and head limped back, mind completely destroyed by the
pleasure. Black ooze seeped from my lips.
The orgasm stopped with one final surge and I hung weakly over Nicole, utterly spent.
Holy. Shit.
I slid down next to her, wrapped my arms, wings, and tail around us and held her close, awash
in the warmth of post-orgasm. She shifted her legs and cuddled against me, keeping my dick knotted in
her as much as possible. We breathed slowly, liquid latex surging gently in unison as we relaxed on the
“My gift… to you...” I breathed quietly. She merely hummed happily in response.
I heard a light internal hiss in my mask and felt a coolness over my face. My lenses began to
darken, Nicole’s masked face fading from view. It felt like my eyes closed as the purple filter over my
vision gave way to darkness, and I fell asleep.


...Excuse me, what?
My eyes fluttered open, blinking rapidly in the morning light.
Wait, blinking?
I rose up sharply, every raunchy memory from last night fuzzy in my mind. I looked down. My
hoodie and blue jeans back on my body, just as they were yesterday. My hands were human and normal
looking. My glasses sat askew on my face and I breathed fresh, home-ventilated air through my
Was that a dream?
I looked down to see Nicole sleeping soundly next to me, also fully clothed and fully human.
Nope, that was not a dream!
I scrambled off of the mattress and damn near fell onto the ground, recoiling from her presence
and huddling up on the floor next to the bed. Panicked thoughts raced through my head as I reprocessed
everything I did last night. I remembered the GenU building, taking the pill, vomiting and becoming-
oh, God. Then I tossed a security guard, found a lab girl and- oh, fuck. Flew home (that was kinda
neat), jerked myself off with my ton-eugh. And then I came over and-
I peeked up, looking at Nicole’s sleeping body, she turned toward me and hummed a little in her
sleep. I straightened my head, wide-eyed and terrified. I remembered everything. Every salacious and
unbidden act and moment of last night hung in my head with vivid clarity. And the worst part was I
enjoyed every. Single. Moment of it.
I gripped my head in my hands, curling up tighter. All the memories of yesterday could have fit
in a roofed-up, drunken bender story, but whatever the hell that pill did to me last night was absolutely
nothing like alcohol or Rohypnol. I took deep breaths, adjusting my hands on my face as I tried to
process it all. Maybe it was all just a dream? The side effects of the pill causing me to just hallucinate
and vomit and the doctors managed to contact my neighbor. Who then dragged me to her bed and slept
with me-no, that’s dumb! I barely knew Nicole from Adam! We shared a drink maybe once before all
this! Way back when I moved in! She shared her art website with me and that was it! We barely spoke
As I argued with myself, my hoodie sleeve tugged down a little and I saw a new feature sitting
on my left wrist. A black, glossy band. I poked at it, trying to dig under it to see if it could be removed,
only to find that it was fused to my skin. That was definitely not there yesterday.
“Oh, shit,” I cursed, utterly defeated.
Nicole’s voice groaned over me as she stirred awake. I looked at her, desperation in my eyes,
hoping she wouldn’t scream, get angry, call the police, have me arrested, file a restraining order, and
get me marked down as a registered sex offender or rapist for the rest of my life.
She looked at me with a content smile, seemingly ignorant of my utter fear.
“Hey,” she softly muttered.
“Ah-h-hey,” I stuttered back.
“That was pretty awesome last night,” she continued, her words somehow only making me
more disheveled. She enjoyed that?
“I-uhm, yeah, uh… I guess it was,” I stammered back, failing to comprehend how on Earth she
could have such a cavalier attitude about anything that happened last night.
“Where’d you get that suit, anyway?”
“I told you,” my voice found stability again, “it wasn’t a suit.”
I lifted my wrist, showing the black, cursed band, “check your wrist.”
She crawled up a little, pulling back her jacket sleeve to reveal a similar band to my own. I saw
her brow curl in confusion, then recognition as her own groggy mind began processing yesterday’s
“Yeah,” I responded, “oh.”
She sat up, sliding to sit on the side of the bed next to me. I saw her ruminating in thought,
looking at the band on her wrist as if contemplating its value as an accessory. I looked up at her in
concern, wondering if she was really okay with-
Suddenly, the band on her wrist surged to life, and from it, latex tendrils soared up and around
her arm and across her body. I leaped from my position, clearing straight across the room and pressing
against the wall as I watched her body get consumed by the sudden surge of liquid goop. The last thing
I saw before her head was consumed was her grinning countenance looking up at me, as if she pulled
off some great prank.
Within seconds, her entire body was covered and reshaping, much more rapidly than before. In
awe, I watched as her form sculpted itself back to the blind, tail-maw possessing, latex lizard girl I
vigorously fucked last night. She leaned back over her bed, jovially swinging her legs, moving her tail
into her lap, and stroking it like it was a pet.
“Much better,” she moaned from under her mask.
My jaw hung open like the slack-jawed idiot I was as I pointed blankly at her.
“H-h-how did-” I stammered.
She shrugged, “I dunno, I just kinda… asked, the new voice in my head replied, and boom.
Come on! Put yours back on! I’m still horny. Let’s have a quick round and then I’ll make ya breakfast.”
My brain completely shut down for a moment, unable to comprehend Nicole’s stance toward all
this. I stood there in silence, completely dumbfounded. She circled her head around, leveling her blank
face at me. Though she lacked them, it felt like she rolled her eyes at me.
“Pleeeaaase?” She intoned mischievously, “ugh, you’re not even that bright anymore.”
I shook myself back to reality, coherent thought returning to my mind, and stammered out,
“wait- you… LIKED-”
“Hell yeah, dude! It’s like all my favorite sexual fantasies just stuffed themselves onto my body!
Laying back, vision gone, getting railed by a handsome stud, making out with my freaky tail and
sending shivers up my spine… Umph. Shit, it just feels good sitting like this!”
I glanced aside, mind flying at a thousand miles per hour as I processed her viewpoint.
She was right.
Last night was terrifying, and I refused to accept it at first, but thinking back, the body I had last
evening was everything I loved and wanted out of myself in some twisted, sexual fantasy. I always
loved dragons, and while my modest pecker wasn’t anything to laugh at, the idea of it being large and
exotic has always set off a fire in my mind. And while presently the idea of another dick anywhere near
my mouth revolted me, I figured in the heat of passion or with multiple partners, I wouldn’t necessarily
“Ooooh, you’re getting brighter~” Nicole cooed at me from the bed. I imagined I was, as I
began dismantling my own inhibitions in my mind. I’ve always been reclusive and shy, barely talking
to other people in my day to day life. However, one of my constant power fantasies was the idea of me
breaking out of that shell, brimming with confidence and moxie, going buck wild with my own sexy
mojo, winning over any potential lover I saw and completely dominating them in bed.
I looked at the latex band on my wrist with the dawning realization that Dr. Sheridan’s pill gave
me exactly what I’ve always wanted. If I wanted it to stop at any moment, I simply had to wish it so,
but my own curiosity and hidden desires let this stuff take over. It even recognized who was and wasn’t
down to fuck.
That, and my cough was fucking gone.
No wonder Nicole took to it so quickly, she’s always been just that freaky. Hell, I’VE always
been just that freaky, but was too timid to admit it. But now, looking at it dead in the face…
I closed my eyes with focus, and searched for that voice in my head, knowing now what it was
for and what to ask of it. All I had was one simple request.
“Do it.”
My arm tingled and I flinched as the liquid leaped forth. It spread across my body in wide,
reaching arcs, quickly consuming me. I closed my eyes and smiled as the cool, transformative tar did
its work, wrapping around me and enveloping my world in utter darkness. My eyes popped open, a
sensual, purple haze rested over my vision. My tongue lolled forth, ready to serve, and my erect, rigid
cock stood at attention. I took an intense, long intake of that incredible, erotic fluid, looked at my lover
with a fierce, predatory glare, and leaped right on top of her as she screamed with delight.
The voice never said “uninhibiting.”
It no longer needed to.

Dr. Sheridan took a sip from her morning coffee with a knowing smile. She had just finished
watching last night’s security footage and surveillance feed from the company’s “medical” drones, all
of which focused on her most recent test subject. On the desk below her, a folder labeled “PROJECT:
SALVATION - Life Adjusting Technology – Experimental” sat half open, Ren’s paperwork spilled
halfway out of it.
“What do you think, doctor?” One of Sheridan’s associates spoke up, a clean man with a short
haircut and reflective glasses, having reviewed the footage with her and the rest of the team, “retrieval?
Further observation?”
Sheridan set her coffee down.
“Let him have his fun, for now,” she said, adjusting her spectacles, “this one’s quite the
interesting fellow, and I’m keen to see what he does with our product.”
“And Katherine?”
She hummed in thought, “still hasn’t returned to work, I take it?”
“Not since being infected by our test subject last night.”
Sheridan wagged her finger and gave a disapproving click with her tongue, “’infected’ is such a
dirty word, doctor. Please don’t insinuate that my product is a disease simply because it’s capable of
spreading to suitable hosts. Katherine contracted it last night.”
“And then spread it to four other people. We only have so many surveillance drones, Sheridan.”
The doctor sighed in a huff. She was satisfied with how events were proceeding, but some
people just had to insist on ruining all the fun.
“Fine, fine, have security retrieve Katherine, and send out ‘invitations’ to everyone she came in
contact with since last night.”
“And Ren here? After last night I don’t think he’ll be too excited to visit us again.”
“I’ll handle him personally. He’ll be receiving an anonymous text on his phone quite soon. How
is Raul, by the way?”
“A little bruised but recovering. He has the day off to rest and will be back to work after the
“Good, make sure he gets his hazard bonus and a gift basket for playing along with our little
game. I can’t imagine being tossed by a sex fiend was a pleasant experience for him,” Sheridan picked
up her coffee again. Her lab coat’s sleeve slid down a little as she took a sip, revealing a black, glossy
band on her wrist. She raised an eyebrow at it, and gave a coy smile before she lifted her sleeve back
up to hide it again. She neatly stacked her papers and turned to address her crew.
“Aside from all this. Product L.A.T-Ex is to continue public testing as planned.”

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