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Comfort Drinks To Fight Against Flu

and Colds

The flu season is here! Sneezing and coughing may become a daily scenario for you if
you’re not too careful. Living a healthy lifestyle may be a pain at times but at times like
these when illnesses are common, it can certainly ease your worries.

When it comes to healthy habits, it’s highly likely to think of food first. Drinks, even when
healthy, are set aside. But, did you know? There are drinks that can help alleviate symptoms
and ensure you avoid or recover faster, should you get infected with the nasty cold and flu.
Here are drinks you can definitely find in your pantry at home:

Staying hydrated is very important for your body to perform its daily function, including
effectively defending against colds and flu. Once hit with the influenza virus, you may find
yourself sweating while running a fever. Consuming water, among other drinks, is
recommended to replace the fluids you lost and prevent dehydration. This can also help
relieve congestion and make you feel more at ease.
Lemon and honey tea

Lemons are a good source of vitamin C. The nutrient plays a vital role in your bodily
functions, especially with your immune system. So if you want something with more taste
than plain water, get some lemon and add a bit of honey. Mix it with warm water to have a
great drink that can help relieve your flu symptoms.
Soup or broth

When you’re sick with the flu, chances are, you also won’t have much appetite. A good
remedy for this is to sip on clear soups or broths. This will fill your hunger and at the same
time, help break up mucus with its warmth.

Fighting off illnesses isn’t easy, more so when you don’t have healthy habits. This is why it's
important to promote healthy lifestyles as early as you can. Your body is your permanent
partner in this life. Lessen the chances of getting sick when you have a healthy body to fight
it with!

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