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3/8/2021 Enable the real-time attachment scanning for outgoing mail sent via the Web Client - Zimbra

the Web Client - Zimbra :: Tech Center

Enable the real-time attachment scanning for outgoing mail sent via the
Web Client
1. Zimbra Tech Center
2. Certified
3. Enable the real-time attachment scanning for outgoing mail sent via the Web Client

1 Enable the real-time attachment scanning for outgoing mail sent via the Web Client
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Resolution
1.3 Additional Content

Enable the real-time attachment scanning for outgoing mail sent via the
Web Client
 - This article is a Work in Progress, and may be unfinished or missing sections.

Starting with ZCS 8.5, it is possible to enable real-time scanning of attachments in outgoing emails sent via the
Web Client. If enabled, when someone adds an attachment to an email, it will be scanned via ClamAV prior to
being able to send the message. If ClamAV detects a virus, it will block attaching the file to the message. In Zimbra
8.5 and above, customers have the opportunity to enable an real-time antivirus in the attachments for outgoing mail
using Web Client.

By default, scanning is configured for a single node installation. To enable in a single node:

In ZCS 8.6.x and later:

It is possible to enable/disable attachment scanning globally or per server.

To enable in a multi-node environment, using multiple MTAs for scanning is supported.

zimbraClamAVBindAddress is set *per server* on the MTA nodes. It tells the clamav process what hostname to
bind to.

zmprov ms <mta server> zimbraClamAVBindAddress <mta server>

zmprov ms <mta server> zimbraAttachmentsScanURL clam://<mta server>:3310/

zmprov ms <mta server> zimbraAttachmentsScanEnabled TRUE

In ZCS 8.5.x:

zmprov ms zimbraAttachmentsScanURL clam://localhost:3310/

zmprov mcf zimbraAttachmentsScanEnabled TRUE 1/2
3/8/2021 Enable the real-time attachment scanning for outgoing mail sent via the Web Client - Zimbra :: Tech Center

Additional Content
Link to a Wiki article.

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Categories: ZCS 8.6 ZCS 8.5 Certified WorkInProgress NeedSME 2/2

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