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Explain in detail what is the pupose of each WS admin object ?

We have 5 objects in WS admin

AdminApp,AdminControl,Adminconfig,AdminTask,AdminHelp. 1. AdminApp: We can
administrate application or deploy application. 2. AdminControl: Use to run
operational command...

What are the general issues you are facing normally in the
production environment ?
Out of memory issues, hung threads, disk space issues, class not found issues, page
not found, internal errors, database connection issues, thread pool issues

What is ulimit ?
Ulimit is used to see whether your environment allows core files to be produced.

What is the reason for out of memory exception ?

A)Insufficient heap size, not able to match the extra load.
b) Objects licing too long, like HTTP Sessions.
c) Memory leak in application code.
d) Full GC not happening due to JVM Bug

What are the reasons behind the application performance is down?

There are so many reasons for application performance issues. There may be
Hung threads, deadlocks, high CPU utilization, too much load on, out memory, JDBC
connection pool size, no caching, it may bad application.

What are all the disadvantages in memory to memory replication ?

* It can consume large amounts of memory with many users. This can cause a
performance impact

* Does not provide stable configuration for cluster with only 2 members, because of
two way replication.

Or simply

It will copy the same session data in other cluster member.

What are the different types of users available in global

security ?
We have 4 types of users available in Global security

1.administrator :can do all activities

2.configurator :only can do configuration changes and deploys
3.operator: can do the start and stop
4.monitor:only monitoring the environment...

Different between enterprise application and business application?

Business software refers to all applications that help manage a business, enterprise software is a
specific type of business software meant for large organizations that need powerful software that
can be easily implemented across the organization.

Explain what are product binaries in WebSphere Application Server

After the WAS successfully installed product binaries are created then create the
profiles using pmt tool.
Profiles are set of configuration files provide run time environment for java j2ee
What is generic server ?
A generic server is a server that is managed in the WebSphere administrative
domain, although it is not a server that is supplied by WebSphere Application

How to deploy an application in one cluster member out of four

cluster members?
Application will be deployed in a cluster and members can be mapped and we can
create N number of members by assaigning weights concepts because it will be
shared and thats what the work load will be achieved…

Tell me the mechanism of class loader ?

The class loader is a component of jvm and it loads the jar files into the java virtual

How to know whether the plug-in ic propagated or not ?

Check the time stamp.

Check the plugin-cfg.xml file in webserver.

How can we send 100 requests to server 1 and 50 requests to server

2 and 40 requests to server 3 ?
At the time of adding these three servers to the cluster we should give weights like
in the fallowing



So we can now.....

Is it possible to communicate between two cells in WebSphere? If

Yes, How?
Throught XD(Extended Deployment) package

What is meant by minimum connections and maximum connections

Based on your environment architecture and based on accessing for client request
Then you need to take min/max connections.
eX: 0-180

How does SSL works ?

SSL uses both symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms. Symmetric algorithms use the
same key to encrypt and decrypt data. They are faster than asymmetric algorithms but can be
insecure. Asymmetric algorithms use a pair of keys. Data encrypted using one key can only be
decrypted using the other. Typically, one of the keys is kept private while the other is made
public. Because one key is always kept private, asymmetric algorithms are generally secure;
however, they are much slower than symmetric algorithms. To reap the benefits of both
algorithms, SSL encapsulates a symmetric key that is randomly selected each time inside a
message that is encrypted with an asymmetric algorithm. After both the client and server
possess the symmetric key, the symmetric key is used instead of the asymmetric ones.
When server authentication is requested, SSL uses the following process:

1) To request a secure page, the client uses HTTPS.

2) The server sends the client its public key and certificate.
3) The client checks that the certificate was issued by a trusted party (usually a trusted Certificate
Authority) that the certificate is still valid, and that the certificate is related to the contacted site.
4) The client uses the public key to encrypt a random symmetric encryption key and sends it to
the server, along with the encrypted URL required and other encrypted HTTP data.
5) The server decrypts the symmetric encryption key using its private key and uses the
symmetric key to decrypt the URL and HTTP data.
6) The server sends back the requested HTML document and HTTP data that are encrypted with
the symmetric key.
7) The client decrypts the HTTP data and HTML document using the symmetric key and displays
the information.
What is the difference between session ID and Clone ID ?
The sessionID is specific to the users session and contains information that is
specific to them. The cloneID is used to try and send each request from that same
user to the same server that previous...

What is a queue connection factory ?

A queue connection factory is used to create connections to the associated JMS provider of JMS
queue destinations, for point-to-point messaging

What is session sffinity ?

Session affinity is routing the concurrent requests from same client to the same

How can we calculate the hit count for the web Server?
Netstat -an | grep | wc -l

replace, with your actual webserver port number.


1. cat /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/logs/access_log_`date +%Y-%m-%d` | wc l

What is session failover ?

Error connection to the Data base session fail over occures.
Session timeout is >30 sec
Maximum in-memory session count is less

What is PMI ?what is the use of PMI ?

PMI -Performance monitoring Interface IBM web sphere uses a tivoli monitoring
interface to monitor the application servers and nodeagent Monitoring and Tuning-
>Performance Monitoring Infrastructure ...

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