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Assignment on

Final exam

Course Title: Training and Development

Course Code: HRM-403

Prepared For:
Rakib Ahmed
Assistant Professor
FBA, Eastern University
Prepared By:
Sadman Sakib
Final Examination, Spring 2021

ID : 181200081 - 8930 Faculty : Business

Name : SADMAN SAKIB Program : BBA
Course Course Name Attendanc Credit Code
HRM 401 Human Resource Planning and Staffing e 50% 3
HRM 402 Industrial Relations 100% 3
HRM 403 Training and Development 68.75% 3
MGT 401 Project Management 39.29% 3
STS 201 Business Statistics II 62.07% 3
Instruction for Examinees:
* Examinees should enter the examination room / hall before 10 minutes of starting of the examination
* No examinees shall be allowed to sit for the examination without Admit card
* No Examinees shall be allowed to carry any papers except admit card
* Cellular phone will not be allowed in the examination room / hall

(Controller of Examinations)
80% class attendance is mandatory to sit for examination.

Ans to question no-5

a) According to the case study there are ways to determine if new lenders are starting
their jobs without proper knowledge and training.
1. Employee observation: Take a look at employees who are working. Find out about
their performance, weakness and how they are doing with their day to day tasks.
With this we can find out if they are properly trained or not. How they are doing
and what their lacking.
2. Online Observation: As they are working with gadgets, this will help to determine
what their knowledge level is, how good they are at using the technology and how
are they doing. It will help to find out about their knowledge level.
3. Customer feedback: How an employee handles a customer is very important thing.
They have to convince them to sell a service or product and the behavior is
important too. How are they behaving with customers, are they well trained to talk
to customers or not. Customer’s feedback will help to find out about these
questions and evaluate their performance.

The hiring process is important. Where we hire people with experience and potential.
The job of training department is to train new employees and how trained the
employees are can be found out in their performance. The trainers conduct the
training session and trains their skills. The training department should have
recognized the way they are training people. In this case the training department is
responsible for this problem.

b) The parties should be involved in the Management and training department of the
organization. Because trainers are the one who train new employees and shone their
skills. Find out their lacking and help them to solve the areas they are lacking. The
management of Summit is going to observe the performance of the employees. They
evaluate new employees and find out how their training is working. Are their trainers
qualified enough to train or not. And good they are training them. Now if the
employees are performing low then there is lack the training. The trainers are not
qualified to train them. Which puts out a major issue. The Management and training
department both are combined to do needs assessment. If the needs assessment is
going wrong then there is one among them is unqualified or both of them are not
equally combined. Without the assessment the evaluation of employees will not go
right and it will backfire for the organization. Ask employees about the areas they are
lacking and find out if they are having any problems or not. Because right now they
are performing the job and most knowledgeable about the job. They have areas to
improve in or not. Findings of their side will be the most helpful part.

Ans to the question no-2

a) The instructional characteristics the training should have is written below:

1. First aid training: If an injury occurs the authorized personnel to deal with this
should know how use first aids. And they will be able to give primary
treatment to the injured person which will prevent the injured person from
losing more blood and sent to intensive care immediately. With this training
they will be able to save lives and prevent major injuries.
2. Firefighting training: In the situation of fire the employees should know what
to do in case fire comes to play and burning everything. How to use the
hydrogen cylinder and safe things to do to take the fire in control.
3. Building Evacuation training: In case of an accident when people have to
evacuate the building, the employees should know what to do and how to
evacuate the building safely.
4. When an accident happens because of a machine, the employees should know
how to operate the machine safely and put it into control. If the machine is not
used safely it will cause countless injuries and people will die. So, to prevent it
there should be a training to handle machines.
b) Yes these characteristics will vary depending on who is attending the program.
Manager: The job of managers is to stay in the building and manage all the work
and make sure if everything is going well or not. If they attend the training
program they will know how to evacuate the building safely and how to do things
calmly instead of getting panicked.
Train crews are taught to handle with the machines carefully. If machines go
berserk they are trained to handle the machine and control it with safety to prevent
any kind of accident.
Train track employees like who control signals or etc. are the ones who stay near
to the train stations. They will be taught first aids and situation handling. Which
will help them to prevent injuries and blood lose.
Now, the manager will be trained to evacuate building and handle the situation
calmly so that no one gets hurt or ruckus or anything that prevents from
evacuating the building.
Production employees will be trained to handle machines, firefighting and
situation handling.
Ans to question no-3
a) The design elements are written below:
1. Goals and Objectives: Goals and objectives are effective for learning. Set
goals like what are they going to learn, how long it will take them and the
progress of how close they are to reach the goals and the objectives of
every process should be clear. Which will keep the environment in ease.
2. Monotonous movements: E learning activities can be monotonous. A
person has to sit in the same position for long time. Instead of teaching for
a long time, teach them something and then make jokes or do fun activities
like a game or something that helps from getting the situation monotonous
and encourage them to share opinions.
3. User friendly: Make the environment user friendly. Don’t make it hard to
use. Because it will put them in confusion to which function to use and
how to use.
4. A good presentation: The slides of the presentation should be interesting.
Like infographics, videos and the color scheme should interesting and
something that matches with the visual.
5. Real world: There is a real except the e-learning where they implement
what they have learned and share the events of the experience and how
that have helped them. It will give others encouragement too.
6. Overload: Do not give too much information to the learners. It will tangle
their mind and they will be lost in the ocean of information. Give them as
much as they can take. Do not overload it.
b) Goals and objectives will clear the mind of a learner about how they are going
to learn and how everything will be executed. If they get stuck, they can ask
for help or know where to find it. They will know how the curriculum is going
to work and how can they use it in the real world.
When something is learned online, practicing it again and again makes it
perfect and curves the skill. Implementing what they have learned in the real
world will help them to go further.
After a period of learning they feel tired or their mind gets tangled. A cup of
coffee, fun games, jokes or anything will set their untangled and they can
focus on the next class.
Infographics is something that makes the class interesting. The more realistic
the materials the better it will be for learning attraction.
The learning environment is important. The friendlier it is the easier it will be
to use and access. If the environment is hard, it will be less easy for learners to
use and students might quit because of that.
No one take too much in the beginning. If the get too much information in one
class, the mind will take time to process and in that process they might forget
what they have learned. Just provide them with enough knowledge in one
class. Go slow, go easy method is better when it comes to teaching something

Ans to question no-4

a) Effectiveness of training one of the many ways organizations are
developing an impact. So it is essential to measure the effectiveness of the
training program to see if there is any need to change. Measuring the
effectiveness is costly for any organization. So, the KirkPatrick evaluation
system will be perfect to evaluate the training program.
Reaction: Learn about the satisfaction of the people about their training.
What program should be changed and how their feedback is about the
Learning: Test the knowledge of the employees, what they have learned
and the outcome of their learning, can they implement it or not.
Behavioral: How they use the skill, how good at it they are, how they have
transferred the training to the job and how good they are implementing it.
Results: If they have improved their business after the training, how’s their
result after the training.
The information should be collected during the evaluation process to
determine if there is any change needed or any system need to be proved.
b) They should use Formative evaluation process. It helps to determine the
improvement is needed for the program, helps to run the program and find
out if people are satisfied with the program or not. It compares the skills
gained by trainee with the outcome. If it is determined that the trainees
have gained more than the cost then it’s a success if not then it needs to be
Cognitive outcome: It helps to measure what knowledge trainees learned
in the program and how good they are at implementing it and the things
they are familiar with.
Skill based: Asses the skill they have learned in the program and how they
are using it.
Affective outcomes: How motivated they are to learn the skills in training,
their attitudes and perception of the program, the trainer and facility.
Results: Determine if the trainees improved after the training or not, the
organization got payoff after the training, and the company got benefitted
or not.
Results: Determine if the company got more than the cost of training.
Which helps to determine the success and the result measures it all.
Return on Investment: Find out how much they have invested for the
training, direct cost of the company and how it benefitted the organization.
Which lets AMP know about how their training is going.

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