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Linear Equations in One Variable

Algebraic Expressions
Any expression involving constant, variable and some operations like addition,
multiplication etc is called Algebraic Expression.

• A variable is an unknown number and generally, it is represented by a letter like

x, y, n etc.
• Any number without any variable is called Constant.
• A number followed by a variable is called Coefficient of that variable.
• A term is any number or variable separated by operators.
A statement which says that the two expressions are equal is called Equation.

Linear Expression
A linear expression is an expression whose highest power of the variable is one only.

2x + 5, 3y etc.

The expressions like x2 + 1, z2 + 2z + 3 are not the linear expressions as their highest power
of the variable is greater than 1.
Linear Equations
The equation of a straight line is the linear equation. It could be in one variable or two

Linear Equation in One Variable

If there is only one variable in the equation then it is called a linear equation in one

The general form is

ax + b = c, where a, b and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.

x + 5 = 10

y – 3 = 19

These are called linear equations in one variable because the highest degree of the variable
is one and there is only one variable.

Some Important points related to Linear Equations

• There is an equality sign in the linear equation. The expression on the left of the
equal sign is called the LHS (left-hand side) and the expression on the right of the
equal sign is called the RHS (right-hand side).

• In the linear equation, the LHS is equal to RHS but this happens for some values
only and these values are the solution of these linear equations.

Graph of the Linear Equation in One Variable

We can mark the point of the linear equation in one variable on the number line.

x = 2 can be marked on the number line as follows-

Solving Equations which have Linear Expressions on one Side and Numbers on the
other Side
There are two methods to solve such type of problems-

1. Balancing Method
In this method, we have to add or subtract with the same number on both the sides
without disturbing the balance to find the solution.
Find the solution for 3x – 10 = 14

Step 1: We need to add 10 to both the sides so that the numbers and variables come on
the different sides without disturbing the balance.
3x – 10 +10 =10+14

3x = 24

Step 2: Now to balance the equation, we need to divide by 3 into both the sides.
3x/3 = 24/3


Hence x = 8 is the solution of the equation.

We can recheck our answer by substituting the value of x in the equation.

3x – 10 = 14

3(8) – 10 = 14

24-10 = 14

14 = 14

Here, LHS = RHS, so our solution is correct.

2. Transposing Method
In this method, we need to transpose or transfer the constants or variables from one side
to another until we get the solution. When we transpose the terms the sign will get

Find the solution for 2z +10 = 4.

Step 1: We transpose 10 from LHS to RHS so that all the constants come in the same side.
2z = 4 -10 (sign will get changed)

2z = -6

Step 2: Now divide both the sides by 2.

2z/2 = - 6/2


Here z = -3 is the solution of the equation.

Some Applications of Linear Equation
We can use the concept of linear equations in our daily routine also. There are some
situations where we need to use the variable to find the solution. Like,

• What number should be added to 23 to get 75?

• If the sum of two numbers is 100 and one of the no. is 63 then what will be the
other number?

What is the height of the rectangle whose perimeter is 96 cm 2 and the length is 12 cm?

Let the height of the rectangle be ‘s’.

Area of rectangle = Length × Breadth

96 = S × 12

Now, this is a linear equation with variable s.

We need to divide both sides by 12 to find the solution.

96/12 = 12s/12


Hence the height of the rectangle is 8 cm.

Solving Equations having the Variable on both Sides

As the equation can have the variable on both the sides also so we should know how to
solve such problems.
In this type of problems, we need to bring all the constants on one side and all the terms
having variables on the other side. Then they can be solved easily.

Find the solution of 2x−3 = 6 − x.

Step 1: Bring all the terms including variable x on LHS and the constants on the RHS.
2x + x = 6 + 3 (sign will change while changing the position of the terms)

Step 2: Solve the equation

3x = 9

Step 3: Divide both the sides by 3 to get the solution.

3x/3 = 9/3


Hence the solution of the equation is x = 3.

Some More Applications

Renu’s age is four times that of her younger brother. Five years back her age was 9 times
her brother’s age. Find their present ages.

Let the Renu’s brother age = x

Renu’s age = 4x (as her age is 4 times that of her younger brother)

Five years back her age was = 9(x – 5) which is equal to 4x – 5

9(x – 5) = 4x – 5

9x – 45 = 4x – 5

9x – 4x = – 5 + 45 (by transferring the variable and constants on different sides)

5x = 40

x = 40/5 = 8

Renu’s brother age = x = 8 years

Renu’s age = 4x = 4(8) = 32 years.

Reducing Equations to Simpler Form

When linear equations are in fractions then we can reduce them to a simpler form by-

• Taking the LCM of the denominator

• Multiply the LCM on both the sides, so that the number will reduce without the
denominator and we can solve them by the above methods.

Solve the linear equation

As the equation is in complex form, we have to reduce it into a simpler form.
Step 1: Take the L.C.M. of the denominators, 2, 3, 4, and 5, which is 60.
Step 2: Multiply both the sides by 60,

30x −12 = 20x + 15 + 60

Step 3. Bring all the variables on the LHS and all the constants on the RHS
30x − 20x = 15 + 12 + 60

10x = 87

Step 4: Dividing both the sides by 10

x = 8.7

Equations Reducible to the Linear Form

Sometimes there are some equations which are not linear equations but can be reduced to
the linear form and then can be solved by the above methods.

This is not a linear equation but can be reduced to linear form

Step 1: Multiply both the sides by (2x + 3).

Now, this is a linear equation.

Step 2: Multiply both the sides by 8.

8(x + 1) = 3(2x + 3)

8x + 8 = 6x + 9

8x - 6x = 9 - 8

2x = 1

x = 1/2

Hence the solution for the equation is x = 1/2.

Exercise 2.1 Page: 23

Solve the following equations.

1. x – 2 = 7
2. y + 3 = 10
y + 3 = 10
y = 10 –3
3. 6 = z + 2
z = 6-2
4. 3/7 + x = 17/7
3/7 + x = 17/7
x = 17/7 – 3/7
x = 14/7
5. 6x = 12
6x = 12
x = 12/6
6. t/5 = 10
t/5 = 10
t = 10 × 5
t = 50
7. 2x/3 = 18
2x/3 = 18
2x = 18 × 3
2x = 54
x = 54/2
x = 27
8. 1.6 = y/15
1.6 = y/1.5
y/1.5 = 1.6
y = 1.6 × 1.5
y = 2.4
9. 7x – 9 = 16
7x – 9 = 16
7x = 16+9
7x = 25
x = 25/7
10. 14y – 8 = 13
14y – 8 = 13
14y = 13+8
14y = 21
y = 21/14
y = 3/2
11. 17 + 6p = 9
17 + 6p = 9
6p = 9 – 17
6p = -8
p = -8/6
p = -4/3
12. x/3 + 1 = 7/15
x/3 + 1 = 7/15
x/3 = 7/15 – 1
x/3 = (7 -15)/15
x/3 = -8/15
x = -8/15 × 3
x = -8/5

Exercise 2.2 Page: 28

1. If you subtract ½ from a number and multiply the result by ½, you get 1/8 what is the
Let the number be x.
According to the question,
(x – 1/2) × ½ = 1/8
x/2 – ¼ = 1/8
x/2 = 1/8 + ¼
x/2 = 1/8 + 2/8
x/2 = (1+ 2)/8
x/2 = 3/8
x = (3/8) × 2
2. The perimeter of a rectangular swimming pool is 154 m. Its length is 2 m more than
twice its breadth. What are the length and the breadth of the pool?
Given that,
Perimeter of rectangular swimming pool = 154 m Let the breadth of rectangle be = x
According to the question,
Length of the rectangle = 2x + 2 We know that,
Perimeter = 2(length + breadth)
⇒ 2(2x + 2 + x) = 154 m
⇒ 2(3x + 2) = 154
⇒ 3x +2 = 154/2
⇒ 3x = 77 – 2
⇒ 3x = 75
⇒ x = 75/3
⇒ x = 25 m
Therefore, Breadth = x = 25 cm
Length = 2x + 2
= (2 × 25) + 2
= 50 + 2
= 52 m

3. The base of an isosceles triangle is 4/3 cm. The perimeter of the triangle is cm.
What is the length of either of the remaining equal sides?
Base of isosceles triangle = 4/3 cm
Perimeter of triangle =
image cm = 62/15
Let the length of equal sides of triangle be x.
According to the question,
4/3 + x + x = 62/15 cm
⇒ 2x = (62/15 – 4/3) cm
⇒ 2x = (62 – 20)/15 cm
⇒ 2x = 42/15 cm
⇒ x = (42/30) × (½)
⇒ x = 42/30 cm
⇒ x = 7/5 cm
The length of either of the remaining equal sides are 7/5 cm.
4. Sum of two numbers is 95. If one exceeds the other by 15, find the numbers.
Let one of the numbers be= x.
Then, the other number becomes x + 15 According to the question,
x + x + 15 = 95
⇒ 2x + 15 = 95
⇒ 2x = 95 – 15
⇒ 2x = 80
⇒ x = 80/2
⇒ x = 40
First number = x = 40
And, other number = x + 15 = 40 + 15 = 55
5. Two numbers are in the ratio 5:3. If they differ by 18, what are the numbers?
Let the two numbers be 5x and 3x. According to the question,
5x – 3x = 18
⇒ 2x = 18
⇒ x = 18/2
⇒ x = 19
The numbers are 5x = 5 × 9 = 45
And 3x = 3 × 9 = 27.
6. Three consecutive integers add up to 51. What are these integers?
Let the three consecutive integers be x, x+1 and x+2. According to the question,
x + (x+1) + (x+2) = 51
⇒ 3x + 3 = 51
⇒ 3x = 51 – 3
⇒ 3x = 48
⇒ x = 48/3
⇒ x = 16
Thus, the integers are
x = 16
x + 1 = 17
x + 2 = 18
7. The sum of three consecutive multiples of 8 is 888. Find the multiples.
Let the three consecutive multiples of 8 be 8x, 8(x+1) and 8(x+2). According to the
8x + 8(x+1) + 8(x+2) = 888
⇒ 8 (x + x+1 + x+2) = 888 (Taking 8 as common)
⇒ 8 (3x + 3) = 888
⇒ 3x + 3 = 888/8
⇒ 3x + 3 = 111
⇒ 3x = 111 – 3
⇒ 3x = 108
⇒ x = 108/3
⇒ x = 36
Thus, the three consecutive multiples of 8 are:
8x = 8 × 36 = 288
8(x + 1) = 8 × (36 + 1) = 8 × 37 = 296
8(x + 2) = 8 × (36 + 2) = 8 × 38 = 304
8. Three consecutive integers are such that when they are taken in increasing order
and multiplied by 2, 3 and 4 respectively, they add up to 74. Find these numbers.
Let the three consecutive integers are x, x+1 and x+2. According to the question,
2x + 3(x+1) + 4(x+2) = 74
⇒ 2x + 3x +3 + 4x + 8 = 74
⇒ 9x + 11 = 74
⇒ 9x = 74 – 11
⇒ 9x = 63
⇒ x = 63/9
Thus, the numbers are:
9. The ages of Rahul and Haroon are in the ratio 5:7. Four years later the sum of their
ages will be 56 years. What are their present ages?
Let the ages of Rahul and Haroon be 5x and 7x. Four years later,
The ages of Rahul and Haroon will be (5x + 4) and (7x + 4) respectively. According to
the question,
(5x + 4) + (7x + 4) = 56
⇒ 5x + 4 + 7x + 4 = 56
⇒ 12x + 8 = 56
⇒ 12x = 56 – 8
⇒ 12x = 48
⇒ x = 48/12
Therefore, Present age of Rahul = 5x = 5×4 = 20
And, present age of Haroon = 7x = 7×4 = 28
10. The number of boys and girls in a class are in the ratio 7:5. The number of boys is
8 more than the number of girls. What is the total class strength?
Let the number of boys be 7x and girls be 5x.
According to the question,
7x = 5x + 8
⇒ 7x – 5x = 8
⇒ 2x = 8
⇒ x = 8/2
Therefore, Number of boys = 7×4 = 28
And, Number of girls = 5×4 = 20
Total number of students = 20+28 = 48
11. Baichung’s father is 26 years younger than Baichung’s grandfather and 29 years
older than Baichung. The sum of the ages of all the three is 135 years. What is the age
of each one of them?
Let the age of Baichung’s father be x.
Then, the age of Baichung’s grandfather = (x+26)
and, Age of Baichung = (x-29) According to the question,
x + (x+26) + (x-29) = 135
⇒ 3x + 26 – 29 = 135
⇒ 3x – 3 = 135
⇒ 3x = 135 + 3
⇒ 3x = 138
⇒ x = 138/3
⇒ x = 46
Age of Baichung’s father = x = 46
Age of Baichung’s grandfather = (x+26) = 46 + 26 = 72
Age of Baichung = (x-29) = 46 – 29 = 17
12. Fifteen years from now Ravi’s age will be four times his present age. What is Ravi’s
present age?
Let the present age of Ravi be x.
Fifteen years later, Ravi age will be x+15 years. According to the question,
x + 15 = 4x
⇒ 4x – x = 15
⇒ 3x = 15
⇒ x = 15/3
Therefore, Present age of Ravi = 5 years.
13. A rational number is such that when you multiply it by 5/2 and add 2/3 to the
product, you get -7/12. What is the number?
Let the rational be x.
According to the question,
x × (5/2) + 2/3 = -7/12
⇒ 5x/2 + 2/3 = -7/12
⇒ 5x/2 = -7/12 – 2/3
⇒ 5x/2 = (-7- 8)/12
⇒ 5x/2 = -15/12
⇒ 5x/2 = -5/4
⇒ x = (-5/4) × (2/5)
⇒ x = – 10/20
⇒ x = -½
Therefore, the rational number is -½.
14. Lakshmi is a cashier in a bank. She has currency notes of denominations ₹100, ₹50
and ₹10, respectively. The ratio of the number of these notes is 2:3:5. The total cash
with Lakshmi is ₹4,00,000. How many notes of each denomination does she have?
Let the numbers of notes of ₹100, ₹50 and ₹10 be 2x, 3x and 5x respectively.
Value of ₹100 = 2x × 100 = 200x
Value of ₹50 = 3x × 50 = 150x
Value of ₹10 = 5x × 10 = 50x According to the question,
200x + 150x + 50x = 4,00,000
⇒ 400x = 4,00,000
⇒ x = 400000/400
⇒ x = 1000
Numbers of ₹100 notes = 2x = 2000
Numbers of ₹50 notes = 3x = 3000
Numbers of ₹10 notes = 5x = 5000
15. I have a total of ₹300 in coins of denomination ₹1, ₹2 and ₹5. The number of ₹2
coins is 3 times the number of ₹5 coins. The total number of coins is 160. How many
coins of each denomination are with me?
Let the number of ₹5 coins be x.
number ₹2 coins = 3x
and, number of ₹1 coins = (160 – 4x) Now,
Value of ₹5 coins = x × 5 = 5x
Value of ₹2 coins = 3x × 2 = 6x
Value of ₹1 coins = (160 – 4x) × 1 = (160 – 4x)
According to the question,
5x + 6x + (160 – 4x) = 300
⇒ 11x + 160 – 4x = 300
⇒ 7x = 140
⇒ x = 140/7
⇒ x = 20
Number of ₹5 coins = x = 20
Number of ₹2 coins = 3x = 60
Number of ₹1 coins = (160 – 4x) = 160 – 80 = 80
16. The organisers of an essay competition decide that a winner in the competition
gets a prize of ₹100 and a participant who does not win gets a prize of ₹25. The total
prize money distributed is ₹3,000. Find the number of winners, if the total number of
participants is 63.
Let the numbers of winner be x.
Then, the number of participants who didn’t win = 63 – x
Total money given to the winner = x × 100 = 100x
Total money given to participant who didn’t win = 25×(63-x)
According to the question,
100x + 25×(63-x) = 3,000
⇒ 100x + 1575 – 25x = 3,000
⇒ 75x = 3,000 – 1575
⇒ 75x = 1425
⇒ x = 1425/75
⇒ x = 19
Therefore, the numbers of winners are 19.

Exercise 2.3 Page: 30

Solve the following equations and check your results.
1. 3x = 2x + 18
3x = 2x + 18
⇒ 3x – 2x = 18
⇒ x = 18
Putting the value of x in RHS and LHS we get, 3 × 18 = (2 × 18) +18
⇒ 54 = 54
2. 5t – 3 = 3t – 5
5t – 3 = 3t – 5
⇒ 5t – 3t = -5 + 3
⇒ 2t = -2
⇒ t = -1
Putting the value of t in RHS and LHS we get, 5× (-1) – 3 = 3× (-1) – 5
⇒ -5 – 3 = -3 – 5
⇒ -8 = -8
3. 5x + 9 = 5 + 3x
5x + 9 = 5 + 3x
⇒ 5x – 3x = 5 – 9
⇒ 2x = -4
⇒ x = -2
Putting the value of x in RHS and LHS we get, 5× (-2) + 9 = 5 + 3× (-2)
⇒ -10 + 9 = 5 + (-6)
⇒ -1 = -1
4. 4z + 3 = 6 + 2z
4z + 3 = 6 + 2z
⇒ 4z – 2z = 6 – 3
⇒ 2z = 3
⇒ z = 3/2
Putting the value of z in RHS and LHS we get,
(4 × 3/2) + 3 = 6 + (2 × 3/2)
5. 2x – 1 = 14 – x
2x – 1 = 14 – x
⇒ 2x + x = 14 + 1
⇒ 3x = 15
Putting the value of x in RHS and LHS we get, (2×5) – 1 = 14 – 5
⇒ 10 – 1 = 9
6. 8x + 4 = 3 (x – 1) + 7
8x + 4 = 3 (x – 1) + 7
⇒ 8x + 4 = 3x – 3 + 7
⇒ 8x + 4 = 3x + 4
⇒ 8x – 3x = 4 – 4
⇒ 5x = 0
Putting the value of x in RHS and LHS we get, (8×0) + 4 = 3 (0 – 1) + 7
7. x = 4/5 (x + 10)
x = 4/5 (x + 10)
⇒ x = 4x/5 + 40/5
⇒ x – (4x/5) = 8
⇒ (5x – 4x)/5 = 8
⇒ x = 40
Putting the value of x in RHS and LHS we get,
40 = 4/5 (40 + 10)
⇒ 40 = 4/5 × 50
⇒ 40 = 200/5
⇒ 40 = 40
8. 2x/3 + 1 = 7x/15 + 3
2x/3 + 1 = 7x/15 + 3
⇒ 2x/3 – 7x/15 = 3 – 1
⇒ (10x – 7x)/15 = 2
⇒ 3x = 2 × 15
⇒ 3x = 30
⇒ x = 30/3
⇒ x = 10
Putting the value of x in RHS and LHS we get,
9. 2y + 5/3 = 26/3 – y
2y + 5/3 = 26/3 – y
⇒ 2y + y = 26/3 – 5/3
⇒ 3y = (26 – 5)/3
⇒ 3y = 21/3
⇒ 3y = 7
⇒ y = 7/3
Putting the value of y in RHS and LHS we get,
⇒ (2 × 7/3) + 5/3 = 26/3 – 7/3
⇒ 14/3 + 5/3 = 26/3 – 7/3
⇒ (14 + 5)/3 = (26 – 7)/3
⇒ 19/3 = 19/3
10. 3m = 5m – 8/5
3m = 5m – 8/5
⇒ 5m – 3m = 8/5
⇒ 2m = 8/5
⇒ 2m × 5 = 8
⇒ 10m = 8
⇒ m = 8/10
⇒ m = 4/5
Putting the value of m in RHS and LHS we get,
⇒ 3 × (4/5) = (5 × 4/5) – 8/5
⇒ 12/5 = 4 – (8/5)
⇒ 12/5 = (20 – 8)/5
⇒ 12/5 = 12/5

Exercise 2.4 Page: 31

1. Amina thinks of a number and subtracts 5/2 from it. She multiplies the result by 8.
The result now obtained is 3 times the same number she thought of. What is the
Let the number be x,
According to the question,
(x – 5/2) × 8 = 3x
⇒ 8x – 40/2 = 3x
⇒ 8x – 3x = 40/2
⇒ 5x = 20
Thus, the number is 4.
2. A positive number is 5 times another number. If 21 is added to both the numbers,
then one of the new numbers becomes twice the other new number. What are the
Let one of the positive number be x then other number will be 5x. According to the
5x + 21 = 2(x + 21)
⇒ 5x + 21 = 2x + 42
⇒ 5x – 2x = 42 – 21
⇒ 3x = 21
One number = x = 7
Other number = 5x = 5×7 = 35 The two numbers are 7 and 35.
3. Sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 9. When we interchange the digits, it is
found that the resulting new number is greater than the original number by 27. What is
the two-digit number?
Let the digit at tens place be x then digit at ones place will be (9-x).
Original two-digit number = 10x + (9-x)
After interchanging the digits, the new number = 10(9-x) + x
According to the question,
10x + (9-x) + 27 = 10(9-x) + x
⇒ 10x + 9 – x + 27 = 90 – 10x + x
⇒ 9x + 36 = 90 – 9x
⇒ 9x + 9x = 90 – 36
⇒ 18x = 54
Original number = 10x + (9-x) = (10×3) + (9-3) = 30 + 6 = 36
Thus, the number is 36.
4. One of the two digits of a two-digit number is three times the other digit. If you
interchange the digits of this two-digit number and add the resulting number to the
original number, you get 88. What is the original number?
Let the digit at tens place be x then digit at ones place will be 3x.
Original two-digit number = 10x + 3x
After interchanging the digits, the new number = 30x + x
According to the question,
(30x + x) + (10x + 3x) = 88
⇒ 31x + 13x = 88
⇒ 44x = 88
Original number = 10x + 3x = 13x = 13×2 = 26
5. Shobo’s mother’s present age is six times Shobo’s present age. Shobo’s age five
years from now will be one third of his mother’s present age. What are their present
Let the present age of Shobo be x then age of her mother will be 6x.
Shobo’s age after 5 years = x + 5
According to the question,
(x + 5) = (1/3) × 6x
⇒ x + 5 = 2x
⇒ 2x – x = 5
Present age of Shobo = x = 5 years
Present age of Shobo’s mother = 6x = 30 years.
6. There is a narrow rectangular plot, reserved for a school, in Mahuli village. The
length and breadth of the plot are in the ratio 11:4. At the rate ₹100 per metre it will
cost the village panchayat ₹75000 to fence the plot. What are the dimensions of the
Let the length of the rectangular plot be 11x and breadth be 4x.
Rate of fencing per metre = ₹100
Total cost of fencing = ₹75000
Perimeter of the plot = 2(l+b) = 2(11x + 4x) = 2×15x = 30x
Total amount of fencing = (30x × 100)
According to the question,
(30x × 100) = 75000
⇒ 3000x = 75000
⇒ x = 75000/3000
⇒ x = 25
Length of the plot = 11x = 11 × 25 = 275m
Breadth of the plot = 4 × 25 = 100m.
7. Hasan buys two kinds of cloth materials for school uniforms, shirt material that
costs him ₹50 per metre and trouser material that costs him ₹90 per metre. For every 3
meters of the shirt material he buys 2 metres of the trouser material. He sells the
materials at 12% and 10% profit respectively. His total sale is ₹36,600. How much
trouser material did he buy?
Let 2x m of trouser material and 3x m of shirt material be bought by him
Selling price of shirt material per meter = ₹ 50 + 50 ×(12/100) = ₹ 56
Selling price of trouser material per meter = ₹ 90 + 90 × (10/100) = ₹ 99
Total amount of sale = ₹36,600
According to the question,
(2x × 99) + (3x × 56) = 36600
⇒ 198x + 168x = 36600
⇒ 366x = 36600
⇒ x = 36600/366
⇒ x = 100
Total trouser material he bought = 2x = 2 × 100 = 200 m.
8. Half of a herd of deer are grazing in the field and three fourths of the remaining are
playing nearby. The rest 9 are drinking water from the pond. Find the number of deer
in the herd.
Let the total number of deer be x.
Deer grazing in the field = x/2
Deer playing nearby = x/2 × ¾ = 3x/8
Deer drinking water = 9
According to the question,
x/2 + 3x/8 + 9 = x
(4x + 3x)/8 + 9 = x
⇒ 7x/8 + 9 = x
⇒ x – 7x/8 = 9
⇒ (8x – 7x)/8 = 9
⇒ x = 72
9. A grandfather is ten times older than his granddaughter. He is also 54 years older
than her. Find their present ages.
Let the age of granddaughter be x and grandfather be 10x.
Also, he is 54 years older than her.
According to the question, 10x = x + 54
⇒ 10x – x = 54
⇒ 9x = 54
Age of grandfather = 10x = 10×6 = 60 years.
Age of granddaughter = x = 6 years.
10. Aman’s age is three times his son’s age. Ten years ago he was five times his son’s
age. Find their present ages.
Let the age of Aman’s son be x then age of Aman will be 3x.
According to the question,
5(x – 10) = 3x – 10
⇒ 5x – 50 = 3x – 10
⇒ 5x – 3x = -10 + 50
⇒ 2x = 40
⇒ x = 20
Aman’s son age = x = 20 years
Aman age = 3x = 3×20 = 60 years

Exercise 2.5 Page: 33

Solve the following linear equations.
1. x/2 – 1/5 = x/3 + ¼
x/2 – 1/5 = x/3 + ¼
⇒ x/2 – x/3 = ¼+ 1/5
⇒ (3x – 2x)/6 = (5 + 4)/20
⇒ 3x – 2x = 9/20 × 6
⇒ x = 54/20
⇒ x = 27/10
2. n/2 – 3n/4 + 5n/6 = 21
n/2 – 3n/4 + 5n/6 = 21
⇒ (6n – 9n + 10n)/12 = 21
⇒ 7n/12 = 21
⇒ 7n = 21 × 12
⇒ n = 252/7
⇒ n = 36
3. x + 7 – 8x/3 = 17/6 – 5x/2
x + 7 – 8x/3 = 17/6 – 5x/2
⇒ x – 8x/3 + 5x/2 = 17/6 – 7
⇒ (6x – 16x + 15x)/6 = (17 – 42)/6
⇒ 5x/6 = – 25/6
⇒ 5x = – 25
4. (x – 5)/3 = (x – 3)/5
(x – 5)/3 = (x – 3)/5
⇒ 5(x-5) = 3(x-3)
⇒ 5x-25 = 3x-9
⇒ 5x – 3x = -9+25
⇒ 2x = 16
5. (3t – 2)/4 – (2t + 3)/3 = 2/3 – t
(3t – 2)/4 – (2t + 3)/3 = 2/3 – t
⇒ ((3t – 2)/4) × 12 – ((2t + 3)/3) × 12
⇒ (3t – 2) × 3 – (2t + 3) × 4 = 2 × 4 – 12t
⇒ 9t – 6 – 8t – 12 = 8 – 12t
⇒ 9t – 6 – 8t – 12 = 8 – 12t
⇒ t – 18 = 8 – 12t
⇒ t + 12t = 8 + 18
⇒ 13t = 26
6. m – (m – 1)/2 = 1 – (m – 2)/3
m – (m – 1)/2 = 1 – (m – 2)/3
⇒ m – m/2 – 1/2 = 1 – (m/3 – 2/3)
⇒ m – m/2 + ½ = 1 – m/3 + 2/3
⇒ m – m/2 + m/3 = 1 + 2/3 – ½
⇒ m/2 + m/3 = ½ + 2/3
⇒ (3m + 2m)/6 = (3 + 4)/6
⇒ 5m/6 = 7/6
⇒ m = 7/6 × 6/5
⇒ m = 7/5
Simplify and solve the following linear equations.
7. 3(t – 3) = 5(2t + 1)
3(t – 3) = 5(2t + 1)
⇒ 3t – 9 = 10t + 5
⇒ 3t – 10t = 5 + 9
⇒ -7t = 14
⇒ t = 14/-7
⇒ t = -2
8. 8. 15(y – 4) –2(y – 9) + 5(y + 6) = 0
15(y – 4) –2(y – 9) + 5(y + 6) = 0
⇒ 15y – 60 -2y + 18 + 5y + 30 = 0
⇒ 15y – 2y + 5y = 60 – 18 – 30
⇒ 18y = 12
⇒ y = 12/18
⇒ y = 2/3
9. 3(5z – 7) – 2(9z – 11) = 4(8z – 13) – 17
3(5z – 7) – 2(9z – 11) = 4(8z – 13) – 17
⇒ 15z – 21 – 18z + 22 = 32z – 52 – 17
⇒ 15z – 18z – 32z = -52 – 17 + 21 – 22
⇒ -35z = -70
⇒ z = -70/-35
10. 0.25(4f – 3) = 0.05(10f – 9)
0.25(4f – 3) = 0.05(10f – 9)
⇒ f – 0.75 = 0.5f – 0.45
⇒ f – 0.5f = -0.45 + 0.75
⇒ 0.5f = 0.30
⇒ f = 0.30/0.5
⇒ f = 3/5
⇒ f = 0.6

Exercise 2.6 Page: 35

Solve the following equations.
1. (8x – 3)/3x = 2
(8x – 3)/3x = 2
⇒ 8x/3x – 3/3x = 2
⇒ 8/3 – 1/x = 2
⇒ 8/3 – 2 = 1/x
⇒ (8 – 6)/3 = 1/x
⇒ 2/3 = 1/x
⇒ x = 3/2
2. 9x/(7 – 6x) = 15
9x/(7 – 6x) = 15
⇒ 9x = 15(7 – 6x)
⇒ 9x = 105 – 90x
⇒ 9x + 90x = 105
⇒ 99x = 105
⇒ x = 105/99 = 35/33
3. z/(z + 15) = 4/9
z/(z + 15) = 4/9
⇒ z = 4/9 (z + 15)
⇒ 9z = 4(z + 15)
⇒ 9z = 4z + 60
⇒ 9z – 4z = 60
⇒ 5z = 60
⇒ z = 12
4. (3y + 4)/(2 – 6y) = -2/5
(3y + 4)/(2 – 6y) = -2/5
⇒ 3y + 4 = -2/5 (2 – 6y)
⇒ 5(3y + 4) = -2(2 – 6y)
⇒ 15y + 20 = -4 + 12y
⇒ 15y – 12y = -4 – 20
⇒ 3y = -24
⇒ y = -8
5. (7y + 4)/(y + 2) = -4/3
(7y + 4)/(y + 2) = -4/3
⇒ 7y + 4 = -4/3 (y + 2)
⇒ 3(7y + 4) = -4(y + 2)
⇒ 21y + 12 = -4y – 8
⇒ 21y + 4y = -8 – 12
⇒ 25y = -20
⇒ y = -20/25 = -4/5
6. The ages of Hari and Harry are in the ratio 5:7. Four years from now the ratio of their
ages will be 3:4. Find their present ages.
Let the age of Hari be 5x and Harry be 7x. 4 years later,
Age of Hari = 5x + 4 Age of Harry = 7x + 4
According to the question,
(5x + 4)/(7x + 4) = ¾
⇒ 4(5x + 4) = 3(7x + 4)
⇒ 20x + 16 = 21x + 12
⇒ 21x – 20x = 16 – 12
Hari age = 5x = 5 × 4 = 20 years
Harry age = 7x = 7 × 4 = 28 years
7. The denominator of a rational number is greater than its numerator by 8. If the
numerator is increased by 17 and the denominator is decreased by 1, the number
obtained is 3/2. Find the rational number.
Let the numerator be x then denominator will be (x + 8)
According to the question,
(x + 17)/(x + 8 – 1) = 3/2
⇒ (x + 17)/(x + 7) = 3/2
⇒ 2(x + 17) = 3(x + 7)
⇒ 2x + 34 = 3x + 21
⇒ 34 – 21 = 3x – 2x
⇒ 13 = x
The rational number is x/(x + 8) = 13/21
Exemplar Unit 4
Linear Equations In One Variable
Multiple Choice Questions
Question. 1 The solution of which of the following equations is neither a fraction nor
an integer?
(a) -3x + 2=5x + 2 (b)4x-18=2 (c)4x + 7 = x + 2 (d)5x-8 = x +4
Solution. For option (c)
Question. 2 The solution of the equation ax + b = 0 is

Question. 3 If 8x – 3 = 25 + 17x, then x is

(a) a fraction (b) an integer
(c) a rational number (d) Cannot be solved
Solution. (c) Given, 8x-3 = 25+17x

Question. 4 The shifting of a number from one side of an equation to other is called
(a) transposition (b) distributivity
(c) commutativity (d) associativity .
Solution. (a) The shifting of a number from one side of an equation to other side is
called transposition.
e.g. x +a = 0is the equation, x = -a
Here, number ‘a’ shifts from left hand side to right hand side.

Question. 5 If 5x3-4 =2x5 , then the numerical value of 2x – 7 is

(a)1913 (b)−1319
(c)0 (d)1319

Question. 6 The value of x, for which the expressions 3x – 4 and 2x + 1 become equal,
(a) -3 (b) 0
(c) 5 x (d) 1
Solution. (c) Given expressions 3x – 4 and 2x + 1 are equal.
Then, 3x-4 = 2x + 1
3x- 2x = 1 + 4 [transposing 2x to LHS and -4 to RHS]
Hence, the value of x is 5.

Question. 7 If a and b are positive integers, then the solution of the equation ax = b has
to be always
(a) positive (b) negative (c) one (d) zero
Solution. (a) If ax = b, then x = ba
Since, a and b are positive integers. So,ba is also positive integer, Hence, the solution of
the given equation has to be always positive.
Question. 8 Linear equation in one variable has
(a) only one variable with any power
(b) only one term with a variable
(c) only one variable with power 1
(d) only constant term
Solution. (c) Linear equation in one variable has only one variable with power 1.
e.g. 3x + 1 = 0,2y – 3 = 7 and z + 9 = – 2 are the linear equations in one variable.
Question. 9 Which of the following is a linear expression?
(a) x2 +1 (b) y + y2
(c) 4 (d) 1 + z
Solution. (d) We know that, the algebraic expression in one variable having the highest
power of the variable as 1, is known as the linear expression.
Here, 1 + z is the only linear expression, as the power of the variable z is 1.
Question.10 A linear equation in one variable has
(a) only one solution (b) two solutions
(c) more than two solutions (d) no solution
Solution. (a) A linear equation in one variable has only one solution.
e.g. Solution of the linear equation ax + b = 0 is unique, i.e. x = −ba
Question. 11 The value of S in 13 + S = 25 is
(a)45 (b)115
(c)10 (d)0
Solution.(b) Given, 13 + S = 25

Question.12 If –43 y = –34 then y is equal to

(a)−[34]2 (b)−[43]2
(c)[34]2 (d)[43]2

Question. 13 The digit in the ten’s place of a two-digit number is 3 more than the digit
in the unit’s place. Let the digit at unit’s place be b. Then, the number is
(a) 11b+30 (b) 10b+ 30
(c) 11 b + 3 (d) 10b + 3
Solution. (a) Let digit at unit’s place be b.
Then, digit at ten’s place = (3 + b)
Number = 10 (3 + b) + b – 30 + 10b + b = 11b + 30
Question. 14 Arpita’s present age is thrice of Shilpa. If Shilpa’s age three years ago
was x, then Arpita’s present age is
(a) 3 (x – 3) (b)3x + 3
(c) 3x – 9 (d) 3(x + 3)
Solution. (d) Given, Shilpa’s age three years ago = x
Then, Shilpa’s present age = (x + 3)
Arpita’s present age = 3 x Shilpa’s present age = 3 (x + 3)

Question. 15 The sum of three consecutive multiples of 7 is 357. Find the smallest
multiple.(a) 112 (b) 126 (c) 119 (d) 116

Fill in the Blanks

In questions 16 to 32, fill in the blanks to make each statement true.
Question. 16 In a linear equation, the——— power of the variable appearing in the
equation is one.
Solution. highest
e.g. x + 3 = O and x + 2 = 4 are the linear equations.
Question. 17 The solution of the equation 3x – 4 = 1 – 2x is————- .

Question. 18 The solution of the equation 2y = 5y-185 is————.


Question. 19 Any value of the variable, which makes both sides of an equation equal,
is known as a———–of the equation.
Solution. e.g. x + 2 = 3 => x = 3-2 = 1 [transposing 2 to RHS]
Hence, x = 1 satisfies the equation and it is a solution of the equation.

Question. 20 9x – ……………….. = – 21 has the solution (- 2).

Solution. 3
Let 9x-m= -21 has the solution (-2).
Question. 21 Three consecutive numbers whose sum is 12 are——–,————-and———.

Question. 22 The share of A when Rs 25 are divided between A and B, so that A gets
Rs 8 more than B, is——–.

Question. 23 A term of an equation can be transposed to the other side by changing

Solution. sign
e.g. x + a = 0 is a linear equation. .
=> x = -a
Hence, the term of an equation can be transposed to the other side by changing its sign.
Question. 24 On subtracting 8 from x, the result is 2. The value of x is——–.

Question. 25 x5 + 30 = 18 has the solution as——–.


Question. 26 When a number is divided by 8, the result is -3. The number is——–.

Question. 27 When 9 is subtracted from the product of p and 4, the result is 11. The
value of p is—-.

Question. 28 If 25 x-2=5-35 x,then x=——-.


Question. 29 After 18 years, Swarnim will be 4 times as old as he is now. His present
age is——–.

Question. 30 Convert the statement ‘adding 15 to 4 times x is 39’ into an equation.

Solution. 4x+ 15=39
To convert the given statement into an equation, first x is multiplied by 4 and then 15 is
added to get the result 39. i.e. 4x + 15=39

Question. 31 The denominator of a rational number is greater than the numerator by

10. If the numerator is increased by 1 and the denominator is decreased by 1, then
expression for new denominator is——.

Question. 32 The sum of two consecutive multiples of 10 is 210. The smaller multiple

In questions 33 to 48, state whether the statements are True or False.
Question. 33 3 years ago, the age of boy was y years. His age 2 years ago was (y — 2)
Solution. False
Given, 3 yr ago, age of boy = y yr
Then, present age of boy = (y + 3)yr
2 yr ago, age of boy = y + 3-2 = (y + 1)yr
Question. 34 Shikha’s present age is p years. Reemu’s present age is 4 times the
present age of Shikha. After 5 years, Reemu’s age will be 15p years.
Solution. False
Given, Shikha’s present age = pyr
Then, Reemu’s present age = 4 x (Shikha’s present age) = 4pyr After 5 yr, Reemu’s age =

Question. 35 In a 2-digit number, the unit’s place digit is x. If the sum of digits be 9,
then the number is (10x – 9).
Solution. False
Given, unit’s digit = x
and sum of digits = 9
Ten’s digit = 9 – x
Hence, the number = 10 (9 -x)+x = 90 -10x + x = 90 – 9x

Question. 36 Sum of the ages of Anju and her mother is 65 years. If Anju’s present age
is y years, then her mother’s age before 5 years is (60 – y) years.
Solution. True
Given, Anju’s present age = y yr
Then, Anju’s mother age = (65 – y)yr
Before 5 yr, Anju’s mother age = 65 – y – 5 = (60 – y)yr

Question. 37 The number of boys and girls in a class are in the ratio 5 : 4. If the
number of boys is 9 more than the number of girls, then number of boys is 9.
Solution. False
Let the number of boys be 5x and the number of girls be 4x.
According to the question, – 5x – 4x = 9 => x = 9
Hence, number of boys = 5 x 9 = 45

Question. 38 A and B are together 90 years old. Five years ago, A was thrice as old as
B was. Hence, the ages of A and B five years back would be (x – 5) years and (85 – x)
years, respectively.
Solution. True
Let the age of A be x yr.
Then, age of S = (90 – x) yr
Five years ago, the age of A = (x- 5) yr
The age of B= 90-x-5 = (85-x)yr
Hence, the ages of A and 8 five years back would be (x – 5) yr and (85 – x) yr,

Question. 39 Two different equations can never have the same answer.
Solution. False
Two different equations may have the same answer.
e.g.2x + 1 = 2 and 2x – 5 = – 4 are the two linear equations whose solution is 12
Question. 40 In the equation 3x – 3 = 9, transposing – 3 to RHS, we get 3x = 9.
Solution. False
Given, 3x – 3 = 9
=> 3x = 9 + 3 [transposing -3 to RHS]
=> 3x = 12

Question. 41 In the equation 2x = 4 – x, transposing – x to LHS, we get x = 4.

Solution. False
Given, 2x = 4-x
=> 2x + x = 4 [transposing -x to LHS]
=> 3x = 4

Question. 42


Question. 43

Question. 44 If 6x = 18, then 18x = 54.

Question. 45 If x11 , then x=1115.


Question. 46 If x is an even number, then the next even number is 2(x +1).
Solution. False
Given, x is an even number. Then, the next even number is (x + 2).

Question. 47 If the sum of two consecutive numbers is 93 and one of them is x, then
the other number is 93 – x.
Solution. True
Given, one of the consecutive number = x
Then, the next consecutive number = x + 1

Question. 48 Two numbers differ by 40. When each number is increased by 8, the
bigger becomes thrice the lesser number. If one number is x, then the other number is
(40 – x).

In Questions 49 to 78, solve the following.

Question. 49 3x−82x=1.

Question. 50 5x2x−1=2.
Question. 51 2x−34x+5=13 .

Question. 52 8x=5x−1 .

Question. 53 5(1−x)+3(1+x)1−2x=8 .
Question. 54 0.2x+53.5x−3=25

Question. 55 y−(4−3y)2y−(3y+4y)=15

Question. 56 x5=x−16
Question. 57 0.4(3x-1)=0.5x +1

Question. 58 8x-7-3x=6x-2x-3

Question. 59 10x-5-7x=5x+15-8

Question. 60 4t-3-(3t+1)=5t-4
Question. 61 5(x-1)-2(x+8)=0

Question. 62 x2−14(x−13)=16(x+1)+112
Question. 63 12(x+1)+13(x−1)=512(x−2)

Question. 64 x+14=x−23

Question. 65 2x−15=3x+13
Solution. Given 2x−15=3x+13
Question. 66 1-(x-2)-[(x-3)-(x-1)]=0

Question. 67 3x−x−23=4−x−14

Question. 68 3t+54−1=4t−35
Question. 69 2y−34−3y−52=y+34

Question. 70 0.25(4x-5)=0.75x +8
Question. 71 9−3y1−9y=85

Question. 72 3x+22x−3=−34

Question. 73 5x+12x=−13
Question. 74 3t−23+2t+32=t+76

Question. 75 m−m−12=1−m−23
Solution. Given m−m−12=1−m−23

Question. 76 4 (3p + 2) – 5 (6p – 1) = 2 (p – 8) – 6 (7p – 4)

Question. 77 3(5x-2)+2(9x-11)=4(8x-7)-111

Question. 78 0.16 (5x-2)=0.4x +7


Question. 79 Radha takes some flowers in a basket and visits three temples one-by-
one. At each temple, she offers one half of the flowers from the basket. If she is left
with 3 flowers at the end, then find the number of flowers she had in the beginning.
Question. 80 Rs 13500 are to be distributed among Salma, Kiran and Jenifer in such a
way that Salma gets Rs 1000 more than Kiran and Jenifer gets Rs 500 more than
Kiran. Find the money received by Jenifer.

Question. 81 The volume of water in a tank is twice of that in the other. If we draw out
25 litres from the first and add it to the other, the volumes of the water in each tank
will be the same. Find the volumes of water in each tank.

Question. 82 Anushka and Aarushi are friends. They have equal amount of money in
their pockets. Anushka gave 1/3 of her money to Aarushi as her birthday gift. Then,
Aarushi gave a party at a restaurant and cleared the bill by paying half of the total
money with her. If the remaining money in Aarushi’s pocket is Rs 1600, then find the
sum gifted by Anushka.

Question. 83 Kaustubh had 60 flowers. He offered some flowers in temple and found
that the ratio of the number of remaining flowers to that of flowers in the beginning is
3 : 5. Find the number of flowers offered by him in the temple.
Question. 84 The sum of three consecutive even natural numbers is 48. Find the
greatest of these numbers.

Question. 85 The sum of three consecutive odd natural numbers is 69. Find the prime
number out of these numbers.

Question. 86 The sum of three consecutive numbers is 156. Find the number which is
a multiple of 13 out of these numbers.
Question. 87 Find a number whose fifth part increased by 30 is equal to its fourth part
decreased by 30.

Question. 88 Divide 54 into two parts, such that one part is 2/7 of the other.

Question. 89 Sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 11. The given number is less
than the number obtained by interchanging the digits by 9. Find the number.

Question. 90 Two equal sides of a triangle are each 4 m less than three times the third
side. Find the dimensions of the triangle, if its perimeter is 55 m.

Question. 91 After 12 years, Kanwar shall be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago.
Find his present age.

Question. 92 Anima left one-half of her property to her daughter, one-third to her son
and donated the rest to an educational institute. If the donation was worth Rs 100000,
how much money did Anima have?

Question. 93 If 1/2 is subtracted from a number and the difference is multiplied by 4,

the result is 5. What is the number?

Question. 94 The sum of four consecutive integers is 266. What are the integers?

Question. 95 Hamid has three boxes of different fruits. Box A weighs 212 kg more than
box B and Box C weighs 1014kg more than box B. The total weight of the three boxes
is 4834 kg. How many kilograms does box A weigh?
Question. 96 The perimeter of a rectangle is 240 cm. If its length is increased by 10%
and its breadth is decreased by 20%, then we get the same perimeter. Find the length
and breadth of the rectangle.

Question. 97 The age of A is five years more than that of B. 5 years ago, the ratio of
their ages was 3 :2. Find their present ages.

Question. 98 If numerator is 2 less than denominator of a rational number and when 1

is subtracted from numerator and denominator both, the rational number in its
simplest form is 1/2. What is the rational number?

Question. 99 In a two-digit number, digit in unit’s place is twice the digit in ten’s place.
If 27 is added to it, digits are reversed. Find the number.
Question. 100 A man was engaged as typist for the month of February in 2009. He was
paid Rs 500 per day, but Rs 100 per day were deducted for the days he remained
absent. He received Rs 9100 as salary for the month. For how many days did he work?

Question. 101 A steamer goes downstream and covers the distance between two ports
in 3 hours. It covers distance in 5 hours, when it goes upstream. If the stream flows at
3 km/h, then find what is the speed of the steamer upstream?
Question. 102 A lady went to a bank with Rs 100000. She asked the cashier to give her
Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes in return. She got 175 currency notes in all. Find
the number of each kind of currency notes.

Question. 103 There are 40 passengers in a bus, some with Rs 3 tickets and remaining
with Rs 10 tickets. The total collection from these passengers is Rs 295. Find how
many passengers have tickets worth Rs 3?

Question. 104 Denominator of a number is 4 less than its numerator. If 6 is added to

the numerator, it becomes thrice the denominator. Find the fraction.

Question. 105 An employee works in a company on a contract of 30 days on the

condition that he will receive Rs 120 for each day he works and he will be fined Rs 10
for each day he is absent. If he receives Rs 2300 in all, for how many days did he
remain absent?

Question. 106 Kusum buys some chocolates at the rate of Rs 10 per chocolate. She
also buys an equal number of candies at the rate of Rs 5 per candy. She makes a 20%
profit on chocolates and 8% profit on candies. At the end of the day, all chocolates
arid’ candies are sold out and her profit is Rs 240. Find the number of chocolates

Question. 107 A steamer goes downstream and covers the distance between two ports
in 5 hours, while it covers the same distance upstream in 6 hours. If the speed of the
stream is 1 km/h, then find the speed of the steamer in still water.

Question. 108 Distance between two places A and B is 210 km. Two cars start
simultaneously from A and B in opposite directions and distance between them after 3
hours is 54 km. If speed of one car is less than that of other by 8 km/h, then find the
speed of each.
Question. 109 A carpenter charged Rs 2500 for making a bed. The cost of materials
used is Rs 1100 and the labour charge is Rs 200 per hour. For how many hours did the
carpenter work?

Question. 110 For what value of x is the perimeter of shape 77 cm?


Question. 111 For what value of x is the perimeter of shape 186 cm?

Question. 112 On dividing Rs 200 between A and B, such that twice of A’s share is less
than 3 times B’s share by 200, what is B’s share?

Question. 113 Madhulika thought of a number, doubled it and added 20 to it. On

dividing the resulting number by 25, she gets 4. What is the number?

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