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‘The Director ‘Sub-Basement Omega ‘Donald, the hour approaches. The rent dealan, wnt your people have raned She Theses protaeal, grows ripe. Soon, with your help, I shell val forth fox the deep Paceeof che marth, But until then, requtre quarters, Hlense hav your mtanite Kush: or jour erentare conway provture for ne cbaxbars, where the countenance ef Ws Ba erat rear, yor from whenne I nag. venture nthe sunlZ tavars nd beconaed dxy%s ‘9 @docuss policy with your people. ; Iremain ‘The Direct gub-Basement Omens Donald, pes anton sas eee i tof Columbia." Now the ous speed and unclean strenzth, J have ensconced ashen=pale mausolenc structures of this ‘Also, tlaank you for the machine for swassnls is now atanénds ‘the Director ie gub-Basement Omese (Donald, {have bent sy thought to your conundrum, ‘put confess I cannot. penetrate the outer Intagument of your Hike Pence ie is aa n atone sacothed by the river, utterly tontureless, completely « thins of hnis surroundings mongoundingly orainarys Yet 7 ‘feel he vould oppose our Kagns CPUs not understand it. He must Be pot seg coula pabtoc pis eae ar ‘the pendant’s renowal. can Be poaxed through carnal inducements gepbeths. Perhaps uring female (oF male?) fore? Hee rralh mph ougad my ctarese ‘9 ASEOE upon these Links you 1 care mmnnstin omnis SARA Also joo. haw wack that meade to DEST: The Director Sub-Basement Omega, Donald, We must have a reckoning, you and I. Do you think it eseapes me when I see you Posturing at those rulers of other nations who also seek our final prize of flame and shadow? Do you think I do not sense your desires, your attempts to seduce then into the endgame which you and I have planned? Patience is not your lot, I know, but I beseech you, Donald, have patience now, or the blood you reap will avail you but little, You seek that hot sharp spasm of obliteration; well do I comprehend that aching thirst. But take the more measured path with me, and that spasm need not end, but transfigure you with an eternity of dark bliss. You have grown fation your avarice and your willingness to suborn and despoil the maiden Truth. Do not stumble with the goal so close to hand! Eschew the seductions of the Syrias, the North Koreas of this worn and tattered Rarth; seek darker depths at my side; and our transport shall be eternal. ¥ail me, and be diminished forever.

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