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Madalyn Carter  


Prof. Glena Madden 

26 July 2021 

            The Harmful Effects of Abortion

    Opinions are varied and facts can be twisted about a baby's life or as some refer to a

fetus; however, the evidence speaks volumes. How does abortion exactly affect someone's body

mentally and physically? Abortion is a horrific practice that is both mentally and physically

damaging to the life of the mother while also taking the life of an innocent unborn child. The

effects that abortion has on a mother have been researched for many generations and the research

refers to the fact that abortion is harmful and can be life-altering. There are many medical and

scientific opinions on when life begins and what effects abortion has on the body. Does it begin

when a heartbeat is detected or when the baby takes its first breath of oxygen? Is abortion

morally wrong and what part does it take in the health of the mother and the baby? Is abortion a

relevant topic to discuss? Is it an epidemic like the pro-life movement would want people to

believe? “Conservative estimates reveal that approximately one-third of American women have

had (or will have) an abortion. (Platt.) “Based on the latest state-level data, approximately

879,000 abortions took place in the United States in 2017. Down from approximately 892,000

abortions in 2016 and 913,000 abortions in 2015.” (, par. 7.) For the pro-life

organizations, this is a welcoming set of statistics to view that the number of abortions in the

United States is decreasing as more people are being educated about the facts of abortion

procedures. Although abortions seem to be on a decrease in America, the harrowing fact is that
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about 115,000 abortions are performed every single day across the world. Many abortions are for

social reasons and are not performed for medical reasons. “The vast majority of all abortions

performed today are done for social, not medical reasons -- because a woman doesn’t feel ready

for a baby at the time, because her partner wants her to have an abortion, etc. Approximately

93% of all induced abortions are done for elective, non-medical reasons such as these. (Torres

and Forrest.)

         According to the website South Carolina Citizens For Life, they give information and

good credible sources about abortion. “The term "abortion" actually refers to any premature

expulsion of a human fetus, whether naturally spontaneous, as in a miscarriage, or artificially

induced, as in a surgical or chemical abortion. Today, the most common usage of the term

"abortion" applies to artificially induced abortion.” ( The

famous Roe v. Wade seems to be one of the most controversial judicial decisions in the twentieth

century. “Roe brought suit against Wade, a state official, claiming a Texas law restricting her

right to an abortion was unconstitutional. The court discussed the different types of interests a

state may have at different stages during the pregnancy, specifically the interests in protecting

the life of the mother and the unborn fetus. The United States Supreme Court held, that the law

was unconstitutional because a woman has a right to an abortion protected under the fundamental

right to privacy.” (Roe v. Wade.) Public opinion was split almost in half during this court

session. “The January 1972 Gallup poll showed fifty-seven percent of respondents favored

leaving the decision on abortion to the pregnant women and her physician.”(H. and Hoffer.) This

attitude of Americans became popular during the Great Depression of 1922 – 1939. Families in

the United States had to adjust for the diminishing income and chose to have abortions instead of

another mouth to feed. Social class and race did not matter in the statistics poll. “Ironically, as
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birth control, supposedly the alternative to abortion, emerged as a respectable public cause,

economic crisis drove many American women to seek abortions and authorities to warn of a new

abortion epidemic.” (H. and Hoffer.) Handing out birth control did not take care of the abortion

problem, it continued. The number of illegal abortions was innumerable. Ruth Barnett, of

Portland, Oregon, was a female physician who practiced abortions on thousands of patients from

the period of 1929-1953. She was cheaper than the male physicians but because she charged very

little, less than forty dollars, she became very prosperous from all of the women that came to her.

Barnett eventually was convicted, in 1952, because of Oregon’s strict law on abortions, besides

when the mother’s life was in danger. However, Barnett performed abortions with disregard of

the law. “Before she went to jail, Barnett worried, “God almighty, what would my women do

without me?” As another abortionist arrested in the 1951 Portland raids told reporters, “Many of

these girls who get into difficulty beat a path to my door for help… I felt it was my duty to help

these girls. I believe in every community there must be someone to do the work that I have

done.” (H. and Hoffer.)

         Over the years abortion has been a continuing controversial debate between the states.

Texas and California have always been very vocal in the case of abortion study, reform, and

legalization. The California Committee to Legalize Abortion argues that Texas laws imposed

servitude on women, forcing them to bear children. They went on to insist that was a violation of

the Thirteenth Amendment against slavery.” When the Planned Parenthood League of

Connecticut birth control clinics were closed at the end of the 1930s, the birth control advocates

sought a doctor who would allow himself to be named as a defendant in a case to challenge the

statute.” (H. and Hoffer.) Planned Parenthood has always pushed for the woman to have an

abortion rather than considering the other options.

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The legal matter of abortion in the United States has been going on for nearly half a

century. Abortion probably will never be resolved because if the pro-life advocate's fight to make

abortion illegal, then the pro-choice advocates will certainly fight to make it legal again.

Individual states are constantly proposing new laws about abortion. There are also very many

different trends that are changing the pro-life movements. It used to be when you heard the term

‘Pro-life movement’ it was a group of people that lobbied for the rights of the unborn, but now

the movement is no longer a religious group of people that was mostly dominated by older white

men. “In recent years, young, secular ( non-religious) millennial women have stepped forward to

create pro-life originations. Many of these originations are committed to preventing not just

abortion, but all forms of violence - a view that sometimes differs from the pro-life views of the

past, when some groups were accused of not caring about helping a person after they were



Ohio lawmakers passed a "Heartbeat Bill” in the Senate and the bill was signed into law

by Governor Mike DeWine on April 11th, 2019. “The law would ban abortions in that state from

the moment the heartbeat of a fetus can be detected -- which usually occurs about six weeks into

a pregnancy. The state's current law generally bans abortions after a fetus has begun its 20th

week of gestation unless a doctor determines that the fetus isn't viable outside the womb.
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Exceptions are made if the pregnancy puts the woman's health at serious risk.” (Hanna et al.)

This is a huge victory for the fight against the unborn. Eleven states have already passed the

Heartbeat bill, and it has been introduced into five other states and is currently pending in one

state.“The election of Donald Trump as president has also had an impact on the abortion debate.

Trump stated during the 2016 debates that he is pro-life and would like to see Roe v. Wade

overturned and the decision left up to individual states.” (Green.) Trump continues to be an

advocate for the pro-life movement and has declared that he wants to stop funding Planned

Parenthood because they support abortion. There has been a rise in pro-life decisions in

individual states in recent years.

         When does life begin, at fertilization, at birth, or somewhere in between that? Those who

believe life starts at fertilization are reputable scientists. To say life starts at fertilization means

that when the male sperm unites with the female egg it creates life. According to “Dr. Jerome

LeJeune, Professor of Genetics at the University of Descartes, Paris, discoverer of the

chromosome pattern of Down's Syndrome, and Nobel Prize Winner, in the Report,

Subcommittee on Separation of Powers to Senate Judiciary Committee S-158, 97th Congress, 1st

Session 1981, he said, "After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into

being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is

plain experimental evidence.”.(Alcorn.) Some would argue that this professor is pro-life, but

other scientists are not pro-life that also believe life begins at fertilization. Professor Ashley

Montague, who is a geneticist and professor at Harvard and Rutgers, who is unsympathetic to the

pro-life cause, was quoted as saying, “The basic fact is simple: life begins not at birth, but

conception.”(Alcorn.) Although some continue to argue that life does not begin at fertilization,

the scientific fact proves otherwise.

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         In the first trimester when most abortions happen, according to the U.S. CDC, 66% of

legal abortions occur within the first eight weeks of pregnancy, the baby is developed already. In

the first trimester the baby’s bones, skin, heart, intestines, and neurological system are

developed. The baby’s heartbeat can be heard at 6-8 weeks. At week 10 the baby's face now has

taken on a more developed look. His or her intestines are in the stomach. During the second

trimester, the baby’s bones begin to become hard and their skin becomes stronger and thicker.

Week 12 red blood cells are beginning to form in the baby’s spleen and the parents will be able

to find out the sex of the baby. At week 14 the baby can hold its head up and move it’s eyes.

Their movements are becoming more put together and can be caught by an ultrasound. However,

these movements are still too small to be felt by the mother. The baby's ears start to stick out on

their head. The baby might begin to hear. The digestive system has also started to work at week

16. The mother might be able to feel her baby's movements. The baby is regularly sleeping and

waking up at week 20, the halfway mark in the pregnancy. At week 23 the baby will start to

respond to someone’s voice with movement. The baby’s lungs are starting to form at 25 weeks.

During the third and final trimester of the pregnancy, the main system of the nerves can control

the baby's breathing.At week 29 the baby has finished most of their major development and will

now start putting on weight. To prepare for birth, the baby's head might start moving into the

pelvis at week 36. At week 37 the baby's chest is becoming more noticeable. At week 40, the

mother can go into labor safely at any time.

         Abortion is when a pregnancy is terminated by other means besides a natural ending such

as a miscarriage. Abortion, although it is legal, is thought by many to be murder. A woman may

get an abortion in the first and second trimester of her pregnancy in any state but during the third

trimester, most states will not perform an abortion. Of course, when you read any scientific
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documents concerning these procedures, it will refer to the baby as a fetus instead of a baby. In

an early stage abortion, up to nine weeks, a little tube is entered into the cervix and the baby is

taken out. This procedure is called “menstrual extraction”. However, if all the baby’s body parts

are not taken out, infection can take place, demanding complete dilation of the cervix and is

taken out of the mother. Most people will say that a heartbeat is required for life. So if a

heartbeat can be detected at six weeks then there is life in that womb that is being extracted.

Some people will argue that the baby cannot feel what is happening to them during an abortion,

which is false. Since the neurological system has already been developed at the very beginning

stages of life the baby can feel what is going on during an abortion. At the end of the first

trimester at around twelve weeks of pregnancy, general or local sleeping medicine  is given to

the mother and she is dilated fast. A suction curette which is a hollow tube with a knife-edged tip

is put into the sac with the baby. It is then connected to a vacuum machine by a tube. The

vacuum suction then tears the baby and placenta into tiny pieces which are pulled into the

vacuum bag and then dumped into the garbage. 

         Starting at four months and continuing to six months, Dilation and Evacuation and Saline

Injection are used. Dilation and evacuation is used when a pair of forceps are put into the womb

to hold part of the baby. The jaws of the forceps twist and pull apart the bones of the unborn

baby. This action is repeated until the baby’s body is no longer attached and taken out of the

womb. Normally, the spine has to be broken and the skull mashed up to be able to take the baby

out.. Saline Injection happens when a lengthy sharp needle is inserted with a powerful salt mix

inside the mother's stomach and enters the baby's sac. The baby then consumes the salt mixture

and is poisoned.. It also reacts as an abrasive, burning off the surface of the baby's skin. It

usually takes somewhere over an hour and a half for the baby to pass away. Within a day birth
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will normally start to take place and the mom will give birth to a baby who is dead or is in the

process of dying. There have been a significant amount of times where the aborted baby has been

born alive. They are usually left somewhere alone to die. However, in several cases a baby has

survived this and has later been put into an adoptive home and has told their testimony of how

they survived.

         During the last three months of pregnancy, a Caesarean Section can be performed.

Caesarean Section is when surgery is performed to enter the mother’s womb through the

stomach. The method is close to Caesarean delivery, besides that the umbilical cord is normally

cut while the baby is still in the mother’s womb. It cuts off the baby's oxygen supply and causes

the baby to suffocate and die. Sometimes the baby is removed alive and just left in a corner to die

of neglect or exposure to chemicals and other things. During the third trimester in some states,

partial-birth abortion is legalized. Partial-birth abortion is when lead by an ultrasound, the doctor

takes the baby's legs with forceps and then the baby's leg is pulled out into the birth canal. Then

the doctor delivers the baby's entire body, besides for the head. The physician then jabs scissors

into the baby's skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarge the skull. The scissors are removed

and a suction catheter is inserted. Then the baby’s brains are sucked out, causing the skull to

collapse. The dead baby is then removed from the mother. These procedures mentioned above

are factual and describe the abortion process.

         How do abortions affect women’s physical and emotional well-being? Of course, every

woman is different in how they react to any medicine or surgical procedure. Having an abortion

can put a toll on any mother’s physical and mental health. Although statistics say that lide

threatening issues happen in fewer than one out of a hundred first trimester abortions and

approximately one out of every fifty late-term abortions, it is important to be aware of the
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following risks that can happen. Some complications can include heavy or constant bleeding,

infection or blood poisoning, cervix damage, scarring of the uterine lining, perforation of the

uterus, damage to other organs, and the mother could even die during the process. These are

complications that happen when an abortion is performed by a knowledgeable doctor in a

hospital facility. Complications are far more dangerous in ‘back alley’ abortion clinics. Even

though the above compactions are listed by the physician that performs the abortion, this list

does not mention other physical complications that could happen like severe contractions during

the abortion. For instance, a Prostaglandin Chemical abortion is when they use mixtures that

cause the uterus to shrink strongly, pushing out the baby who is still forming and developing..

The mother’s contractions are more severe than originally, natural contractions, so the baby is

often killed by them. Some babies have even been beheaded and some babies were born alive.

Unsafe abortions happen everywhere, especially in foreign countries. “Unintended pregnancies

due to the low prevalence of contraceptive use in Pakistan leads to a huge burden of induced

abortions. These abortions are a major cause of concern, as a majority of these abortions are

performed in an unhygienic environment by untrained providers, leading to maternal morbidities

and mortalities.” (Baig et al.) Unsafe abortions are a very big factor in a women’s physical harm

to her body. “Unsafe abortion is one of the major causes of maternal mortality that accounts for

approximately 4.7%–13.2% maternal deaths every year. In developing countries, every year,

nearly seven million women get admitted to hospitals for the treatment of complications related

to unsafe abortion. Some of the complications that can occur as a result of unsafe abortion

include hemorrhage, infection, uterine perforation, and injury to the genital tract and internal

organs that can be life-threatening to women. (Baig et al.) Many of the techniques they use for
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abortion are unsafe. “Significant morbidity and mortality have occurred following the use of

mifepristone as an abortifacient.” (Aultman et al.)

Far more serious complications occur emotionally than physically. The women who have

had abortions feel hatred and bitterness towards themselves or their partner after abortion

because they have gone through a loss that they cannot explain. When a woman cannot explain

what she went through when she had the abortion she has not experienced any healthy grieving.

Healthy grieving is necessary for anyone who has gone through a loss of any kind. Many women

do not realize that they are responding to the loss of a baby when they have had an abortion.

After they have realized that they have indeed lost a child through a decision of their own

making they are left with feelings of confusion, fear, shame, and guilt. Such feelings must be

dealt with. “Working through grief requires confronting one's loss, admitting the loss, grieving

the loss, learning to live with the loss, and working through the grief to find a renewed sense of

meaning or purpose beyond the loss. Each of these processes must be completed to resolve one’s

grief.” (Burke and Reardon.) Many women find their selves wanting a replacement baby after

they get an abortion; they feel emptiness in their soul that they cannot describe. Many women

feel depressed and ashamed after they have an abortion. Some of the side effects of an abortion

are remorse, irration, at fault, humiliation, the feeling of being alone, becoming self conscious,

loss of sleep or nigh terrors, relationship complications, thoughts of killing themselves, eating

disorders, depression, and anxiety.

 As mentioned, nightmares are a common side effect and many women suffer from

repeated nightmares. One woman who suffered from nightmares after an abortion shared her

desperation to get rid of this nightmare: “The dream usually had a little girl crying for Mommy. I

hear her crying out to me. I can’t get to her and I have a panicky sense that she is in danger. On
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some nights I see a tiny helpless rabbit. I reach out to the struggling form and then it vanishes

into a sinking lagoon tinged red with blood. Sometimes I try to call out—but nothing comes out

of my mouth. It’s like I’m trying to scream but nothing comes out. Then the little thing plunges

and comes up again with an urgent gasp of air. With each step I take forward, I go backward as

blood swirls around, like waves coming in and out against the shore. I keep trying to save the

rabbit… as I reach out there is only sand, scarlet sand, slipping between my fingers.”(Burke and

Reardon.) It is a long and traumatic process for those women who have had the abortion to get

back to stable and mental health. For some women, they will never be able to get back to that

place. For many women who do get abortions it can be unsafe and can leave them scarred for

life, “I found a doctor in my community. I told him about my situation and he decided to “help”

me. It was a risky situation for him, and I didn’t have the large sum of money he asked for. He

said he would reduce the price if I had sex with him. Scared, I accepted. After I “paid” him, he

inserted an injection and pills into my uterus. It was painful, like cramps, but worse. I couldn’t

tell anyone, and I was worried because through the course of the night I hadn’t even bled. I was

afraid it wouldn’t work and that I’d wind up with a sick baby. I went to the doctor first thing in

the morning. He examined me and said that I was so early into the pregnancy that my body

reabsorbed it [the embryo remnants].” (Sedgwick.)

Some may argue that it is better to have an abortion than an unwanted child. Dr. Nada

Stotland used this argument in her medical discussion in the Journal of the American Medical

Association, entitled “The Myth of Abortion Trauma Syndrome.” She uses in her case study of

treating women with post-abortion psychological problems that “women who are at high risk of

psychological problems after abortion are at equally high or higher risk if they continue their

pregnancies.”(Burke and Reardon.) She refused, however, to give proof to her research or her
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perspective. If a person is going to make a statement such as this then they need to be able to

support their conclusion with facts instead of personal opinion. Labor and abortion will forever

change a women’s life. Stotland cannot claim that a woman who carries her child to term can be

equally at danger of encoutering the same signs ohumiliation, and remorse that are attached with

an abortion. Studies have proven that women who choose to have their babies, even an unwanted

pregnancy, are less likely to attempt suicide and experience depression than a woman who

chooses abortion. 

Every single human being has an opinion. Opinions based upon facts and coming from

intellectuals bear much more weight than the person with no education. Physicians, Scientists,

and Theologians all have varied opinions in the individual fields. Gregory Koukl an author and

apologetics theologian said, “If the unborn is not a human person, no justification for abortion is

necessary…If the unborn is a human person, then no justification for abortion is adequate.”

(Platt.) Many people say that social services have too many kids and it’s better to get an abortion

than to put more kids into the system. There are other ways instead of abortion. There are private

adoptions that can be done and other great options.

         Physicians have different opinions on the effects of abortion on a woman’s body even

though they have attended the same medical classes and have passed the same boards to become

a doctor. “The impact of abortion on the body of a woman who chooses abortion is great and

always negative. I can think of no beneficial effect of a social abortion on a body."(Martin.) Even

though there has been plenty of research and personal testimonies from women that have

experienced abortions to verify the negative impact on a woman’s physical and emotional well-

being after an abortion, there are still physicians that have the opinion that abortions are not

harmful to the woman. 

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The scientific debate on abortion has changed drastically over the years because of

advancements in this field. The science of Ectogenesis (the creation of life outside the uterus),

has dramatically impacted the views of scientists and physicians on the topic of life and abortion.

In April 2017, scientists at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia announced that they had used

an artificial womb to gestate a lamb fetus for four weeks. The womb looked like a large plastic

bag full of a liquid similar to amniotic fluid, with attachments so the lamb could be fed

nutrients.” (Green.) Because of this development of artificial wombs, some pro-life advocates

feel like this is a possible solution to the problem of unplanned or unwanted pregnancies.

However, this procedure would be very costly to perform on every baby whose mother intended

an abortion. Scientists would need to decide when to remove the baby from the mother’s body.

Would physicians be able to remove a zygote from a woman’s body or would she be required to

carry the child until a later date when the baby can better support life? The Philadelphia research

team “ insists it is not looking to replace mothers or extend the limits of viability – merely to find

a better way to support babies who are born too early.” (Green.) Artificial wombs will probably

never end the abortion crisis.

Pro-Choice advocates and organizations such as Planned Parenthood would like people to

believe that medical science is on their side of the debate, however; this is far from being true.

Many physicians are not pro-life that will give the medical facts in the same manner as the pro-

life physician. Dr. Beverly McMillan is an OB/GYN and in 1975, she became the first woman to

open an abortion clinic in Mississippi. She ceased doing abortions in 1978 when she became

convinced that the abortions she was performing were causing everyone involved far more harm

than good. “Women who have had abortions also experience more ectopic (tubal) pregnancies,

infertility, hysterectomies, stillbirths, miscarriages, and premature births (the leading cause of
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birth defects) than women who have not had abortions. Abortion has also been linked to

increased risks of developing breast, cervical, and uterine cancer.” (McMillan.) 

 No matter what the outcome of Roe v. Wade was or the laws that get passed today,

abortion has harmful effects on everyone involved. Abortion is taking a life, which is murder,

even if it is legalized. “Currently in 38 states if a criminal kills a woman who is pregnant the

criminal gets charged with two counts of murder” (Skinner and Garcia.) But if the mother

chooses to have the babies life terminated by abortion, it is not considered murder. How can the

law justify a criminal killing a pregnant woman as two counts of murder but abortion does not

count as one count of murder? The debate of when life begins will vary in opinion from

conception, to the final trimester, and to when the baby takes the first breath of oxygen.

However, when people are educated about the developmental stages of the baby and see a

sonogram, there is a realization that there is life unfolding. A pregnant woman, who has been

informed of choices other than abortion, and still chooses abortion as the way out of the

pregnancy will deal with emotional guilt as well as possible physical side effects from the

abortion. Physicians and Scientists all disagree within their field of expertise on abortion, but the

opinion that will matter in the end is one of the mothers who will be the one to live with the

consequences of the action. Abortion and its harmful effects should require long hours of

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Works Cited 

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Aultman, Kathi, et al. “Deaths and Severe Adverse Events after the Use of Mifepristone as an

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Baig, Marina, et al. “Induced Abortions in Pakistan: An Afflicting Challenge Needing

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Abortion. Springfield, IL: Acorn, 2007. Print.[Accessed 9 July  2021].

Erik Skinner, Alise Garcia. State Laws on Fetal Homicide and Penalty-Enhancement for Crimes
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Against Pregnant Women, National Conference Of State Legislatures , 1 May 2018,

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Hanna, Jason, Dominique Debucquoy-Dodley, and Max Blau. "Ohio Passes 'heartbeat' Abortion

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