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European Journal of Paediatric Neurology (2004) 8, 21–34


Effect of positioning on the incidence

of abnormalities of muscle tone in low-risk,
preterm infants
L. Vaivre-Doureta,*, K. Ennourib, I. Jradc, C. Garrecd, E. Papiernike

Service de gynécologie obstétrique, Groupe hospitalier Cochin –St Vincent de Paul. Maternité Port-Royal
Baudelocque, Paris, France and INSERM U-483, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI and Necker Enfants
Malades, Paris, France
INSERM U-483, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI and Necker Enfants Malades, Paris, France
Service de gynécologie obstétrique, Groupe hospitalier Cochin—St Vincent de Paul. Maternité Port-Royal
Baudelocque, Paris, France
INSERM U-483, Paris, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, Paris, France
Service de gynécologie obstétrique, Groupe hospitalier Cochin—St Vincent de Paul, Maternité Port-Royal
Baudelocque, Paris, France
Received 21 August 2003; received in revised form 29 September 2003; accepted 2 October 2003

KEYWORDS Summary Background. The preterm infant is subject to the force of gravity: when its
Preterm infant; Muscle body lies pressed against the mattress on which it is placed.
abnormalities; Aims. The purpose of this study was to investigate short-term effects of varied post-
Positioning; natal lying positions in order to prevent neuromuscular and postural abnormalities.
Orthopaedic; Neuro- Methods. 60 low risk preterm infants of 31– 36 weeks gestational age were enrolled
development; Evaluation for this randomised clinical trial. Initially each child underwent neurological and
psychomotor assessments which included tonus and reflex protocols as well as
behavioral, sensory motor and postural examinations. The lying positions of the
treated group were varied (back, prone, and side) using a specially designed moldable
mattress that maintained the functional position of the infant’s body. The control
group was placed on their stomachs, (the standard lying position used in 1994) with a
standard orthopaedic bolster support under their hips. All infants underwent a second
round of examinations upon discharge to assess any changes in neurological and
psychomotor outcomes.
Results. The sensory-motor skills examinations showed significant abnormalities in
the control group: (1) dominance of the extensor muscles due to muscle shortening, (2)
hyper abduction and flexion of the arms, and (3) global neuromuscular rigidity.
Psychomotor and neurological exams of the control and treatment groups showed
delayed developmental muscular acquisitions for infants in the control group.
Conclusion. Regular changes in posture, while retaining correct functional positions,
allowed maintenance of normal neuromuscular and osteo-articular function and
permitted the development of spontaneous and functional motor activity in low-risk
perterm infants.
Q 2003 European Paediatric Neurology Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

Abbreviations: OR, odds-ratio; CI, confidence interval.

*Corresponding author. Tel.: þ33-44-49-40-14; fax: þ 33-44-49-47-10.
E-mail address: (L. Vaivre-Douret).

1090-3798/$ - see front matter Q 2003 European Paediatric Neurology Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
22 L. Vaivre-Douret et al.

Introduction differences between the two groups, with normal

postural examination results for the infants in the
Preterm infants are usually placed lying prone1,2 treated group due to legs being placed in a
during intensive care and this same position was functional position. Updike et al.2 discussed other
most commonly used for low-risk, preterm infants possible consequences of the frog-leg position in
when this study began in 1994. This position is preterm infants which include the tendency to
reported to have beneficial effects, including retract the shoulders and arms, demonstrated
increased lung compliance and tidal volume, difficulty in axel rotation of the neck, and increased
regularity of breathing rate and augmented partial hyperextension of the neck muscles especially
pressure of oxygen.3 evident during prolonged periods of assisted venti-
New guidelines have been recently issued which lation. As such, Updike et al.2 suggested that
were designed to prevent Sudden Infant Death regularly changing the position of preterm infants
Syndrome (SIDS).4 – 7 These guidelines strongly rec- (prone, back, side) could eliminate these postural
ommend that infants under the age of one be placed deviations.
on their backs for sleeping. As a result, many The studies of Georgieff et al.11 and Georgieff
maternity units have changed the lying position of and Bernbaum12 demonstrate that 46% of a group of
low-risk preterm infants from their stomachs to preterm infants weighing less than 1750 g, exam-
their backs. Our interest lies in the sensory and ined at the ages of 3, 6, 12, and 18 months
motor consequences of placing preterm infants (corrected for gestational age) exhibited scapular
almost exclusively either on their stomachs or retraction, particularly evident in very low birth-
backs, as it relates to possible future abnormalities weight infants who had been intubated. Muscle
in psychomotor development. tone and development of the shoulders was shown
Whether positioned on their backs or on their to delay acquisition of the ability to sit and handle
stomachs, it is inevitable that infants will lie with objects, an important psychomotor milestone.13,14
all four limbs flattened against the mattress in Our own observations of full-term infants who
external rotation as a result of gravity, and will had been placed on their stomachs from birth
have to turn his/her head to avoid facing into the confirms these findings15,16 and we attribute them
mattress (if lying prone). This forced positioning has to a peripheral, postural origin. In terms of
been shown to lead to early orthopaedic hip postural abnormalities, we observed a retraction
deformities in neonates. Grenier8 investigated of the scapula, particularly the trapezoid muscles,
methods of preventing hip deformities in brain a tendency to opisthotonos (hyperextension of
damaged infants. His research demonstrated that trunk and head), arms in flexion/abduction and
excessive flexion of the legs in a prone position is a external rotation of legs and orthopaedic deform-
non-functional position (frog-leg position). If this ity of the feet. As a result, the following motor
position is maintained, over time, the flexor and abnormalities were noticed: Head control exclu-
adductor muscles of the hip shorten within weeks. sively by extensor muscles, inability to reach with
This shortening is completely reversible if the brain arms and late sitting and early standing
is intact, and normal motor activity is subsequently accompanied by behavioral hyperexcitability with
restored. However, if there is an ante or perinatal resistance to all postural change. One of our
brain injury, early orthopaedic deformities (sub- studies, on a cohort of full-term infants placed
luxation, and/or crossed extension of the legs with lying on their backs,15,16 demonstrated that tem-
spastic diplegia) are not reversible and will exacer- porary muscular abnormalities develop rapidly.
bate any existing motor handicap(s). Abnormalities such as hyperextension of the
These findings were confirmed by Monterosso trunk, make it difficult to interpret the assessment
et al.9 who investigated the use of a postural of motor function and can lead to confusion
support to reduce the frog-leg position in preterm between disorders of central origin and postural
infants less than 31 weeks. They demonstrated abnormalities of peripheral origin. However, we
that, short-term, there was a significantly lower found that using prophylactic orthopaedic position-
incidence of the frog-leg position in the treated ing in these preterm infants provided psychomotor
group. Similarly, Downs et al.10 demonstrated the benefits. In this report we focus on the posture and
benefits of changing the functional position of the eventual use of orthopaedic positioning of the
hips to avoid the frog-leg position. In their study, a preterm infant as part of the overall function of
population of 45 preterm infants born at less than the infant.
33 weeks gestation and observed until full-term to In our 1994 study on premature infants, our
about 37 –44 weeks (mean 40 weeks), were divided purpose was to test an intervention involving
into two groups. Findings revealed significant routine positional changing of these infants
Effect of positioning on the incidence of abnormalities of muscle tone in low-risk, preterm infants 23

(switching between back, prone, and side sleeping above); breach deliveries; deformities of prenatal
positions) in an effort to prevent the onset of origin;> fractures, sub-luxation(s); genetic abnorm-
secondary acquired muscular anomalies. Our pri- alities; hereditary diseases; neurological abnorm-
mary goal was to promote normal motor develop- alities detected within the first week of life;
ment from the outset (without the defects which mechanical ventilation; refusal from the parents
result from acquired muscle shortening) and to continue the study; or referral of the infant to
secondarily to provide for the most optimum another department during convalescence.
conditions necessary to conducting an objective
neurological and psychomotor evaluation. This Intervention
study investigated the neuromotor differences
between a group of low-risk preterm infants Nursing staff were asked to reposition the infants
receiving changes in physiologically functional every 3 – 4 h (corresponding to mealtimes). Change
supported positions with a similar group of preterm of position was reported by the nurse on call on a
infants receiving no such intervention. The pro- planning chart for each infant. They were
cedure consisted of changing the lying position of instructed to vary the lying positions equally.
the preterm neonate randomly between front, Infants in the treatment group were placed on a
back, and side positioning, while maintaining special moldable mattress while lying on their sides
physiologically functional positions. The control (Fig. 1) or back only.17 The mattress was able to
preterm group did not undergo any particular support the infant in lateral decubitus by molding
procedure other than the standard care provided around the rear of the body to support the head in
by the unit, that is, they were placed on their line with the trunk. When the infant was lying on its
stomachs with a small bolster (hand rolled sheet) back, the mattress was specially shaped to hold the
under their hips to raise the pelvis and prevent hip shoulders back while keeping the knees bent
deformities. forward. While lying prone he/she did not require
the special bolster as the hospital supplied bolster
was used and placed under their hips as with all
admitted preterm infants.
Materials and methods
Control situation
This study was a prospective randomized clinical
trial and the design has been approved by the
The control group was positioned in a prone
Ethical Committees identified by number GH/FL/CC
position, according to the usual practice and care
in the unit (in the year 1994). A preventative
orthopaedic position of the pelvis and legs was used
Sample for all the children in this group (hand rolled sheets
used to form a small bolster), as suggested by
We initially recruited 62 infants, however, two of Grenier18 to prevent the frog-leg position. We used
them were subsequently transferred to another the same hand rolled sheets to raise the pelvis,
neonatal centre. As such, the study included 60 low without flexing the hips to more than 908, ensuring
risk preterm infants, 31 – 36 weeks gestational age. no external rotation or adduction of the legs.
All infants were born at the Baudelocque maternity
ward and admitted directly to the neonatal unit Procedure
during 1994. The definition for a low-risk preterm
infant is what was used for the inclusion criteria, This study received Internal Review Board approval.
that is, infants between 31 and 36 weeks in Consent was obtained from all parents at the time
gestational age without congenital or genetic of enrollment in the study. During the study, there
neurological anomalies and with normal cranial were two different examiners, one for the neuro-
ultrasound. Five infants were under observation for logical assessment and another for the psychomotor
2 days for assisted mechanical ventilation, how- assessment. The neurological examination was
ever, none actually required mechanical venti- conducted by the same pediatrician throughout
lation. In regards to the perinatal data between the course of this study and the psychomotor
the control and treated groups, no significant examination was conducted by a psychomotor
differences existed (Table 1). therapist trained by one of the authors (L. V-D).
The exclusion criteria excluded preterm infants The perinatal data (conditions during pregnancy,
who had initially received treatment in an delivery, and history of any abnormalities linked to
intensive-care unit; multiple births (triplets or birth) was included in the infants’ charts as a matter
24 L. Vaivre-Douret et al.

Table 1 Birth variables: differences between treatment group and control group.

Population Treatment group Control group p

Total ðN ¼ 60Þ Total ðN ¼ 30Þ 31– 33 weeks 34 –36 weeks Total ðN ¼ 30Þ 31–33 weeks 34– 36 weeks
(A) ðn ¼ 10Þ (B) ðn ¼ 20Þ (A) ðn ¼ 11Þ (B) ðn ¼ 19Þ

Boy 30 (50%) 14 (47%) 6 (60%) 8 (40%) 16 (53%) 7 (64%) 9 (47%) 0.61
Girl 30 (50%) 16 (53%) 4 (40%) 12 (60%) 14 (47%) 4 (36%) 10 (53%)
Average 34.09 þ 1.30 34.00 þ 1.40 32.38 þ 0.83 34.82 þ 0.77 34.17 þ 1.12 32.86 þ 0.65 34.94 þ 0.67 0.61
age (week)

1 min Average 8.50 þ 1.24 8.27 þ 1.48 8.60 þ 1.51 8.10 þ 1.48 8.73 þ 0.91 8.64 þ 0.92 8.79 þ 0.92 0.15
5 min Average 9.65 þ 0.91 9.53 þ 1.11 9.90 þ 0.32 9.35 þ 1.31 9.77 þ 0.68 9.82 þ 0.60 9.74 þ 0.73 0.33
Average birth 2174 þ 464 2114 þ 465 1823 þ 435 2259 þ 416 2235 þ 462 2002 þ 324 2369 þ 484 0.32
weight (g)

Single 36 (60%) 20 (67%) 7 (70%) 13 (65%) 16 (53%) 9 (82%) 7 (37%) 0.3
Multiple 24 (40%) 10 (33%) 3 (30%) 7 (35%) 14 (47%) 2 (18%) 12 (63%)
Birth type
Spontaneous vaginal 29 (48%) 16 (53%) 6 (60%) 10 (50%) 13 (43%) 8 (73%) 5 (26%)
Induced vaginal 7 (12%) 5 (17%) – 5 (25%) 2 (7%) – 2 (11%) 0.22
Caesarian 24 (40%) 9 (30%) 4 (40%) 5 (25%) 15 (50%) 3 (27%) 12 (63%)

Eutrophia 45 (75%) 23 (77%) 7 (70%) 16 (80%) 22 (73%) 7 (64%) 15 (79%) 0.77
(normal stature)
Hypotrophia 15 (25%) 7 (23%) 3 (30%) 4 (20%) 8 (27%) 4 (36%) 4 (21%)
(small weight)
Coiling of 3 (5%) 1 (3%) 1 (10%) – 2 (7%) – 2 (11%) 0.56
ombilical cord
Other complications 5 (8%) 3 (10%) 1 (10%) 2 (10%) 2 (7%) – 2 (11%) 0.61
(icterus, infection)

of custom and access to this information was used to specifically assess neurological maturation.
authorized by the pediatric Chief of Staff for the Rationals for items included and the reliability and
purpose of this study. Randomly numbered exam- validity of each assessment were previously high-
ination tables were used to set up two randomized lighted and discussed22,23 and due to their length,
groups (treatment and control). Randomization was have been omitted here. The selected items were
stratified by gestational age at delivery into one of few as the groups did not include infants with
two-groups: 31 – 33 weeks gestation (referred to as neurological abnormalities and as such, neurologi-
Group A) or 34 –36 weeks gestation (referred to as cal items selected were those traditionally assessed
Group B). Infants were differentiated into two only on normal infants (see Appendix A). Due to
groups due to obvious maturation differences at differences in neurological maturity, as related to
birth. The data were analyzed using Chi square with gestational age, we calculated a neurological
Yates’s correction (without regression) or Student’s maturity score based22,23 on level of maturity
t-test. Odds-ratio (OR) was also used. using the following items: Ocular motor items þ
passive muscle tone of the limbs þ active muscle
Neurological and psychomotor assessment tone þ primitives reflexes. Scores increase with
gestational age (Appendix A).
Neurological assessment
The neurological assessment protocol was, in part, Psychomotor assessment
inspired from the neurological examination using Each infant underwent a psychomotor assessment
the methods of André-Thomas and Saint-Anne protocol for newborn infants.22,23 This examination
Dargassies,18 Amiel-Tison and Grenier,19 Prechtl was comprehensive and included assessment of
and Beintema20 and Brazelton.21 This is a collection behavior, visual/auditory function, sensory-motor
of muscle tonus and primitives reflex examinations skills, postural control, and orthopaedic lower
Effect of positioning on the incidence of abnormalities of muscle tone in low-risk, preterm infants 25

Figure 1 Premature newborn lying on side on the BONDOSR moldable mattress.

limbs position. The psychomotor assessment proto- gestational age (SD ¼ 1 week, 4 days) for the
col included normed reference scores for each control group. After inspecting the protocols of
category which were obtained for each infant the positioning schedule, we found that the children
by adding the various sub-scores from each cat- in the treated group spent 60% of their time lying on
egory22,23 (see Appendix B). Using their individual their sides, 30% lying on their back and 10% on their
score, the infant could then be assessed by stomach. Recall that infants where repositioned
comparing their score to the reference score every 3 – 4 h, corresponding with mealtimes.
(Table 2).
The first examination, performed within the first
Neurological assessment
week after birth, including both the neurological
protocol and only orthopaedic lower limbs examin-
ation of the psychomotor assessment due to All infants had a maturity score (see Section 2) in
maturational considerations. The second examin- the normal range for their gestational age when
ation, performed at the time of discharge from the they were discharged after 38 weeks, with a score
unit, consisted of the neurological and psychomotor of 67 – 74 points.22,23 This further confirmed that our
protocol because the coordination required to sample did not include any children with abnormal
complete test items was now present due to overall neurological signs. In the case of the clinical upper-
maturation. For all examinations, the infant was trunk and axial passive tone, we found significantly
brought and placed on a special examination table more dysfunction in the control group (Table 3).
by a nurse to insure that the examiner was blind to With regard to the items which assess the balance
the infants sleep position in the incubator or bed. between the flexors and the extensors of the neck,
there was a greater tendency in the control group to
exhibit an imbalance of tone favoring the extensor
muscles of the neck (tð60Þ ¼ 3:5; p , 0:01). This was
Results additionally revealed by the poor response to
traction of flexors muscles. There was a significant
Initial neurological and orthopaedic lower limbs difference between the passive tone in the treated
testing of infants did not show any significant and control groups ðx2ð1; N ¼ 60Þ ¼ 11:4; p , 0:03Þ:
difference between the control and treatment Active tone was also significantly different in the
group. treated and control groups ðx2ð1; N ¼ 60Þ ¼
All children were assessed when they were 37:1; p , 0:01Þ:
discharged after convalescence with a mean period These findings demonstrate a strong tendency in
of 38 weeks of gestational age (SD ¼ 3 weeks, 3 the control group towards abnormalities
days) for the treated group and of 38.4 weeks of with excessive tone in the posterior muscles of
26 L. Vaivre-Douret et al.

(c) In the group of the oldest infants (34 –36

Table 2 Validated scores (points) of psychomotor assess-
ment.22,23 weeks gestational age designated as Group B), the
same conclusions were drawn regarding exagger-
Evaluation Normal Moderate Major ated extension versus flexion of the trunk in the
deviation deviation
control group for induced opisthotonos ðx2ð1; N ¼
Behavioral during 33 32– 22 #21
39Þ ¼ 9:2; p , 0:01Þ resulting in a lower score for
the examination the extensors of the neck (Mann – Whitney’s U-test
Visual/auditory 9 8– 6 #5 ð37; N ¼ 39Þ ¼ 109; p , 0:02Þ: The findings for active
Sensory-motor skill 46–44 43– 28 #27 tone were significantly better in the treated group
Postural control 20 19– 10 #10 (normal in 95% of the children) than in the control
Orthopaedic 12 11– 8 #7
of lower limb
group (in which it was normal in only 10.5% of the
children). The maturity score was also significantly
better in the treated group, who had a mean score
of 70 points; than those in the control group, who
the trunk and neck, revealing an imbalance scored 68 points (Mann – Whitney’s U-test ð37; N ¼
between the extensor and flexor muscles. 39Þ ¼ 110; p ¼ 0:03Þ: However, all scores remained
within the normal range for the gestational age
Gestational age intra-group analysis (Appendix A).
of the data Concluding on the neurological assessment, we
report that in this population as a whole, there were
If we consider the age groups, we observe that some moderate muscular abnormalities such as exagger-
items were significantly different in the postured ated straightening and predominance of the exten-
(treated) and non-postured (control) infants. sors of the neck in the control group. The treated
(a) In the youngest infants (31 – 33 weeks gesta- group displayed a balance between the flexors and
tional age designated as Group A), exploration of extensor muscles of the axis in the assessment
the passive tone for a given gestational age carried out when the infant was discharged from
revealed exaggerated extension versus flexion of the unit.
the trunk in the control group (63.6%) compared to
treated group (no exaggeration) ðx2ð1; N ¼ 21Þ ¼ Psychomotor assessment
9:5; p , 0:03Þ: In addition, the incidence of induced
opisthotonos was significantly lower in the treated We found that scores on the protocol showed
group (27.3%) than in the control group (not varying degrees of impairment, and that some
induced) ðx2ð1; N ¼ 21Þ ¼ 11:7; p , 0:03Þ: The con- abnormalities were more marked than others in
trol group had a high headscarf score (i.e. limited the control group (see Table 4). In regards to
extensibility of shoulder muscles for gestational behavior, we found mild overexcitability in the
age) which differed significantly from the score in control group: 57 versus 17% in the treated group,
the treated group (Mann – Whitney’s U-test ð19; N ¼ with infants in the control group more difficult to
21Þ ¼ 23:5; p , 0:04Þ: The scores for the heel/ear calm (between 5 and 60 s corresponding to a
angle and the popliteal angle were lower (corre- moderate to high consolibility level).
sponding to narrower angles) in the control group, The visual and auditory function data for the
and significantly different from those in the treated control group exhibited a mild decrease in response
group (Control: Mann – Whitney’s U-test ð19; N ¼ to visual and auditory stimulation (40% of the
21Þ ¼ 22:5; p , 0:01Þ; Treated: Mann – Whitney’s U- infants as opposed to 7% of the treated group
test ð19; N ¼ 21Þ ¼ 31:5; p ¼ 0:05Þ: The data for Student’s t-test ð60Þ ¼ 3:26; p , 0:01Þ: There was
passive tone at 31 –33 weeks gestational age showed no significant difference between the abilities of
that the expected scores are in favor of the treated the infants in the two groups when following a
group. Active tone (see Section 2) was better in the moving and contrasted object with their eyes,
treated group (normal in 100% of the infants) than although this was more difficult in the control
in the control group (normal in only 36.3% of the group as evidenced by a lower score compared to
infants). This difference was significant ðx2ð19; N ¼ the treated group.
21Þ ¼ 9:5; p , 0:04Þ: Sensory-motor skills were severely affected in
(b) In the case of active tone, the treated group the control group. These infants exhibited excessive
differed from the control group by having a muscular extension of the posterior axis of the body
significantly higher score for the extensors of the (see Table 3) which restricted centripetal forward
neck (Mann – Whitney’s U-test ð19; N ¼ 21Þ ¼ coordination movements, such as rolling over and
28; p ¼ 0:04Þ: sitting up using lateral support from the arm (Fig. 2).
Effect of positioning on the incidence of abnormalities of muscle tone in low-risk, preterm infants 27

Table 3 Comparison between control and treated groups for the passive tone data for the main axis of the body.

Treatment group ðn ¼ 30Þ n (%) Control group ðn ¼ 30Þ n (%) x2 p

Trunk extension/flexion
Normal (extension ¼ flexion) 29 (97%) 14 (47%) 18.5 0.01
Exaggerated (extension ¼ flexion) 1 (3%) 16 (53%)
Opisthotonos (extension of head
and trunk)
Absent 29 (97%) 13 (43%) 20.3 0.01
Induced 1 (3%) 17 (57%)
Extension of the forearm
Complete 30 (100%) 24 (80%) 6.67 0.01
Incomplete 0 6 (20%)

In addition, in the ventral suspension test, the whole abduction was also seen in the control group with a
body straightened excessively and movement was 50% incidence of a tendency towards this posture
not continuous but dissociated during active – pas- and a 40% incidence of the attitude of this posture
sive turning over (60 versus 7% in the infants in the (Fig. 5) compared to the treated group. There was
treated group) (Fig. 3). also a tendency to keep the head turned preferen-
The findings of the postural examination were tially to one side with a tendance towards plagio-
correlated with those of the neuro-psychomotor cephaly (asymmetrical flattening of the head) in
examination (0.80) and showed that when placed on 30% of the control group children vs. 10% of the
the side position, the control group did not maintain treated group ðx2ð1; N ¼ 60Þ ¼ 3:75; p , 0:06Þ:
balance of their axis with problems affecting The orthopaedic lower limbs examination
posterior muscles of the body axis (Fig. 4). All test showed that, in general, the infants with a greater
items were significantly different in the treatment gestational age (group B), had a greater tendency
and control groups ðp , 0:01Þ: The abnormal pos- towards foot deviations than group A (42.9 vs.
ition in which arms are continuously in flexion and 38.4%). As such, the assessment upon discharge

Table 4 Abnormalities (%) with ORs from the psychomotor assessment protocol of the whole population.

Population ðN ¼ 60Þ

Treatment ðn ¼ 30Þ n (%) Control ðn ¼ 30Þ n (%) OR (95% CL) x2 p

Assessment of behavior
Normal 21 (70%) 11 (37%) 0.25 (0.085–0.73) 6.7 0.01
Moderate deviation 9 (30%) 19 (63%)

Visual and auditory function

Normal 28 (93%) 18 (60%) 0.11 (0.02–0.55) 9.3 0.01
Moderate deviation 2 (7%) 12 (40%)
Sensory-motor skills
Normal 26 (87%) 3 (10%) 0.017 (0.003–0.084) 35.7 0.01
Moderate deviation 4 (13%) 22 (73%)
Major deviation 0 5 (17%)

Postural control
Normal 27 (90%) 1 (3%) 0.0038 (0.00037–0.039) 45.5 0.01
Moderate deviation 3 (10%) 23 (77%)
Major deviation 0 6 (20%)
Orthopaedic lower limbs
Normal 25 (83% 11 (37%) 0.12 (0.04–0.4) 13.6 0.01
Moderate deviation 5 (17%) 19 (63%)

CL indicates confidence interval.

L. Vaivre-Douret et al.
Figure 2 Score based on sensory-motor skills items between treatment group and control group (Psychomotor assessment).
Effect of positioning on the incidence of abnormalities of muscle tone in low-risk, preterm infants
Figure 3 Score based on postural control items between treatment group and control group (Psychomotor assessment).

30 L. Vaivre-Douret et al.

Figure 5 Examination of sitting-position of a premature

newborn aged 38 weeks (control group): Arms are in
flexion and abduction postural attitude.

Figure 4 Premature newborn (control group) aged 38 the least affected, with a 40% incidence of
weeks, placed lying on side: unable to stay in this position moderate deviations in the control group versus
because the head falls back and arms are in flexion and 8% in the treated group.
abduction posture. We also calculated the OR for the various general
showed that children in control group B had more conclusions based on the psychomotor protocol
severe lateral deviations of the feet; which we (Table 4). We found that in all cases the OR was
believe was attributable to the maintenance of an significant and less than 1. As such, we concluded
unchanging position and to the pull of gravity in the that our postural change program was beneficial in
prone position during the period in the incubator. preventing secondary deformities.
By considering these age groups, we can see that
the same items were affected in both the control
and treated groups. Discussion
As can be seen from Table 4, at the time of the
conclusion of the study there were more abnorm- When the infants left the neonatal unit at a
alities in the control group than in the treated gestational age close to full-term all had a posture
group. The biggest difference between these two of a neonate, with the pelvis raised and their knees
groups was postural assessment, with a consider- naturally bent forwards while lying on their side. Our
able incidence (20%) of major deviations. The next conclusions are similar to those of Downs et al.10 who
most severely affected assessment was that of showed that the results of the neurological and
sensory-motor skills (17% of major abnormalities in postural examinations carried out at full term were
the control group). The behavioral and orthopaedic better in the treated children simply due to hip
assessments were moderately affected (63% mod- posturing. It can be concluded that the bolster
erate deviations, particularly involving metatarsus recommended initially by Grenier.8 to raise the
valgus in the control group versus 17% in the treated pelvis in the prone position provides preventative
group). The visual and auditory function was hip support. However, as demonstrated by various
Effect of positioning on the incidence of abnormalities of muscle tone in low-risk, preterm infants 31

neurological and psychomotor assessments, this all times, but freedom of movement in order to
intervention is not enough to prevent abnormalities achieve normal tonic/postural balance as soon as
affecting other parts of the body and in fact, may possible such as, molding the head (against plagi-
even significantly accentuate these anomalies due ocephaly), balance of the body axis, and free
to the shifting of weight to the top of the body if movement of the limbs.
children are placed exclusively on their stomachs. Our results also reveal more abnormalities in
This can encourage an hyperextension of the neck infants at a lower gestational age, although this
and lateral rotation of the head in addition to difference was not significant. This can be explained
positioning of the arms in flexion and abduction by the slowness of the physiological maturation
when bearing weight. These findings confirm our process along the caudal/cerebral axis in preterm
earlier studies about the effects on motor function infants.19 The younger the child, the more it is in a
of lying infants on their stomachs15,16 as well as the globally hypotonic (small weight for gestational
suggestions advanced by Updike et al.2 As the age) phase. Similarly, we found no relationship
muscular system of the preterm infant matures, between anomalies and hypotrophy in these infants.
they become increasingly active in opposing gravity, By calculating the correlation between the
for example by supporting themselves by their arms scores from the maturity, behavior, visual and
and attempting to lift their head (similar to ‘push- auditory, sensory-motor skills, orthopaedic, and
ups’). The prone position encourages this strength- postural assessments based on the protocols
ening as the extensors of the trunk are more used,22,23 we were able to identify significant links
developed by exercise with tightening of the ðp , 0:01Þ between the behavior score and the
insertion points (clavicles and acromion). However, sensory-motor score ðr ¼ 0:68Þ; between the sen-
this normal posture can lead to confusion between sory-motor score and the visual and auditory score
hypertonicity of central and peripheral origins, ðr ¼ 0:70Þ and between the sensory-motor score
making it impossible to reach a diagnosis within and the postural score ðr ¼ 0:82Þ: On the basis of
the first year of life.15 this study we conclude that changing the sleeping
In regards to sensory-motor skill, the scores of posture of preterm infants has a protective effect
the treated group were significantly better than as revealed by the OR. We think that this tendency
those of the control group. Muscular and osteo- as well as the findings of the various assessments,
articular deformities and acquired muscular short- suggest that changes in posture may have a
ening (of the muscles sterno-cleido-mastoid, the beneficial effect on behavior that is evidenced by
shoulder girdle, the trapezoid muscle along with a better response on our psychomotor tests, less
abduction and external rotation muscles of the excitability, movement easy to elicit, etc.
shoulder and biceps of the arm) blocks active Abnormal muscle tone interferes with behavior
movements, allowing ungainly and non-functional control, overexcitability and more difficulties for
movements to develop (e.g. extending the head consolibility in the control group and then can
backwards while turning over and failure of the arm interfere with a mothers’ ability to properly
to follow the motion). establish holding contact with their infant as the
In this population, we also considered the infant is often trying to achieve dorsal hyperexten-
orthopaedic consequences to posturing. We found sion (Fig. 4). This is an overexcitability of the Moro
that infants placed on their stomachs had a higher reflex (with cry) as the nape of the neck is
incidence of orthopaedic abnormalities of the feet constantly stimulated. As a result of this stimu-
in the control group. Deformed postural position(s) lation, the head, which contains the vestibular
may have been present before birth,24 without system (the organ of balance), is constantly sway-
being noticed as an actual deformity, particularly in ing. In addition, the child’s arms are often elevated
the older group of preterm infants, or they may or in a ‘hand’s up’ posture caused mainly by the
have been acquired (particularly valgus deviation of retraction of the trapezoid muscles. As such, the
the feet), and then maintained by the weight of infant adopts a stiff, rather immobile posture which
gravity of the body when the child was lying in the makes it higher difficult to hold.
prone position. Katz et al.25 and Katz et al.1 Our results demonstrate that muscular short-
observed orthopaedic deformities in preterm ening develops rapidly if one adopts a single laying
infants and showed that they tended to display position (ex. prone) and that disrupts functional
lateral rotation of the legs, external tibial rotation, motor organization making coordination between
and everted feet at birth. limbs and gaze difficulty.
Infants in our study whose position was changed One possible bio-physiological explanation for
regularly had balanced assessments which suggest this is provided by the experimental work of Tabary
that what is needed is not restraint of the body at et al.26 in which they maintain that a muscle adapts
32 L. Vaivre-Douret et al.

its number of sarcomers to the length imposed on to carry out an objective evaluation when the child
it. As such, immobility can cause a muscle to loose is discharged from the neonatal unit. We note that
up to 40% of its sarcomers within 3 weeks. Even infants with the same initial neurological status,
though this phenomenon is reversible, it can be a (such as those in the control group) presented with
cause of concern until the normal development of only isolated abnormalities, compared to those in
the child leads to an equilibrium established in the treated group. Given the uniformity of the
response to appropriate stimuli from the environ- group at the outset, we can confirm our hypothesis
ment. Recent studies have shown the importance of that these abnormalities were acquired during
the first regular sleep position as neonates habitu- convalescence; and that they are therefore of
ate very quickly during the first 3 months of life and postural, peripheral origin. It is important to note
do not readily accept a change of sleeping position that some neurological test items, such as the
imposed upon them as evidenced by duration of cry headscarf sign and opisthotonos, should be con-
and time until consolability.27,28 sidered for their functional impact rather than just
Our findings indicate that a properly supported considering their global score. The neurological
position is a posture that ensures functional maturity score we established provides no diagnos-
support of all the parts of the body as well as tic information for mild disorders, since all infants
ensuring physical safety. In all positions (back and had the score expected for their age when
prone), the knees must be held forward and lower discharged. In contrast, the psychomotor assess-
than the pelvis and this has been amply demon- ment22,23 was useful and revealed moderate devi-
strated by the work of Grenier.8 Apart from the ations from normal, which all too often remain
fact that placing an infant flat on its stomach pits unnoticed.
it against gravity and therefore increases tidal The findings of this study, we believe, can
respiratory volume, we do not think that this serve as a guide to sensitize neonatal practices to
position has any advantage from a developmental
the importance of early psychomotor develop-
care point of view.15,16 Measures must be taken to
ment in low-risk premature infants. The globally
support the head in line with the main axis of the
functional posture of these infants is a means of
body and with the body slightly curled as soon as
promoting correct psychomotor development for
the baby’s physiological flexion condition permits
the future and offers an important insight in
this, when lying either on its side or on its back.
positioning high-risk, preterm populations. High-
The shoulders and knees must also be held forward
risk infants spend even more time in imposed
when the baby is lying on its back. This position is
positions than do their low-risk counterparts, and
reminiscent of the fetal lateral position as this
this can be particularly prejudicial for their future
soothes the infant in a centripetal arrangement of
functional potential especially if they have
the body and brings the shoulders rounded and
knees forward to facilitate the organization of the inherent neuro-physiological difficulties. Due to
initial proximal and distal movements (the hands gravitational force and the preterm infants
are drawn towards each other in midline and inability to resist (due to motor immaturity),
towards the mouth). This helps to maintain the their functional lying position can create, main-
balance of the main axis of the body and the initial tain and/or facilitate durable motor difficulties.
coordination around the axis, encouraging auton- This can be significantly ameliorated by correct
omy of the baby for its future developmental physiological positioning using support materials
sensory-motor acquisitions.15 Furthermore, the dedicated to this end.
infants’ sight both (in the lateral position) with A limitation of this study concerned the bolsters
regard to oculomotor activity and the ability to and mattress that were used to support physiologi-
take an interest in the whole body, is constructive cally correct lying positions. Due to frequent and
in developing the child’s knowledge of its own normal movement by these neonates, these sup-
body (somatognosis)17,23,29 and consequent neur- porting elements were often moved in such a way as
onal organization. to no longer maintain the physiologically correct
Based on our findings, it appears that physiologi- position desired. As such, constant surveillance was
cal postural prevention for preterm infants, includ- required to rearrange both the bolster and the
ing low-risk infants, is effective. We demonstrated mattress to ensure adherence to the protocol
that infants in the treated group had more positive demanded by this study. This limitation, however,
and clear assessments than those in the control did encourage one of the authors (L.V-D) to invent a
group, i.e. they did not display any further new postural support mattress30,31 which main-
abnormalities during their convalescence period. tains, at all times, the globally correct body
This also demonstrates the usefulness of being able positions required.
Effect of positioning on the incidence of abnormalities of muscle tone in low-risk, preterm infants 33

Acknowledgements Appendix B

This work was supported by a grant from the French Items for the maturity score of the Psychomotor
society for paralysed children and children with Assesment Protocol
multiple deformities (SESEPP). We would like to
thank Dr C. Amiel-Tison and Dr F. Lebrun for their (a) The behavioral score (33 points) consisted of
assistance in carrying out this study, as well as the exploration of Prechtl and Benteima (1964)
INSERM U. 149 (G. Bréart) and Carla Dos Santos for of behavioral states (3 points) with lability of
statistical consultation and recommendations. skin color (Brazelton, 1984). That is, quality of
cry (3 points), consolability in state V (2
points); spontaneous motor activity of the
Appendix A trunk and the limbs (12 points), isolated
movements of the extremities (12 points);
Items for the maturity score of the Neurological and abnormal movements (1 point).
Assesment Protocol (b) Visual/auditory function (9 points) included
the child’s receptive expression to visual and
1. Oculo-motor: follow the black and white cible auditory stimuli produced by the examiner (2
with eyes or eyes þ head; points); visual orientation by use of a black/
2. Axial passive tone: (a) repeated ventral flexion of white target (5 points) and the child’s reaction
the head with normally no change in the to auditory stimulation using an auditory sound
resistance of antagonist muscles; (b) amplitude or hearing test (2 points).
of the movement of rotation of the head to each (c) Sensory-motor skills (46 points), which evalu-
side; (c) ventral flexion of the trunk; maneuver ate the child’s dynamic ability to roll over
compared with dorsal extension of the trunk (head, trunk, overpassing arm…) from lying on
maneuver which should balance each other; (d) its back to lying on its stomach, induced and
absent or induced opisthotonos should not occur; guided by the legs with examiner help (12
3. Passive tone of the arms: (a) return of the arms to points) included the general performance of
a flexed position; (b) the headscarf maneuver this sequential continuous movement, dis-
which explores the extensibility of the shoulder sociate or in block (4 points); changing from
muscles (near the midline of body’s axis close to lying on its stomach to lying on its back with the
term) ; (c) the angle of extensibility of the forearm examiner guiding the leg or pushing the pelvis
relative to the arm (approximately 175 –1808); by oblique movement (4 points); active lateral
4. Passive tone of the legs: (a) return of the legs to a straightening of the head and body using lateral
flexed position; (b) extension of the leg; (c) the push from the arm and examiner support on the
heel/ear angle; (d) the popliteal angle; (e) the other arm (10 points); global straightening on
adductors angle; (f) the angle of dorsiflexion of one foot with support (8 points); ventral
the foot; suspension with observation of head, trunk
5. Active tone: (a) evaluation of neck flexors with and limb position (8 points).
raise to sit maneuver and return backward to (d) A postural control (20 points) to evaluate the
evaluate neck extensors. Normally at term, flexor limbs position and the ability to maintain the
and extensor tone is balanced resulting in a head following positions: Supine (7 points); Prone (4
control aligned with the axis of the trunk during points); Right side (1 point); Left side (1 point);
about 3 s; possible abnormalities of the body axis in these
6. Primitive reflexes: (a) sucking/swallowing reflex; different positions i.e. throwing the head or
(b) crossed stretching reflex; (c) grasping; (d) the head and the trunk backward like opistho-
response to traction by the arms, which is a grip tonos (5 points); relaxation of the arms hanging
reaction of the child’s fingers which makes it next to the trunk when in a maintained
possible to raise the child, normally to a position semi-seated position (2 points) rather than an
of global flexion of the body. (e) automatic attitude of arms flexion and abduction or
walking; (f) Moro reflex. Neurological maturity tendency of this posture.
score of normal neurological assessment(22, 23) (e) Orthopaedic lower limbs position (12 points)
consisting of checking abnormal position of the
Gestational 6 7 7(1/2) 8 8(1/2) 9
hips with abduction and external rotation of
age (months)
the hips (1 point); observation of foot deviation
Maturity 8 25 40 56 67 74
(10 points) and when appropriate, any other
score (points)
abnormality (1 point).
34 L. Vaivre-Douret et al.

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