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Group J

Performance Appraisal Causes Trouble in Individual’s Job Performance (Against)

1. Supervisors can provide feedback to individual employees.

 Feedback helps the employees understand what his/her deficiencies are figure
out what skills to develop and what areas to improve in.
 “But still nearly 65% of employees want more feedback than they’re currently
getting. So it’s clear that there’s still a lot of room for improvement.”
 “With 252 managers over 5 years, researchers found that managers who met
with direct reports to discuss their upward feedback improved more than other
2. Performance appraisal identifies the employees’ training and development needs.
 Trainings are then conducted by employers to improve/develop employee
skills, knowledge, behavior, and abilities.
 This also facilitates the employees’ long term career plan.
 “The Millennials had the most significant results, with 87% of them citing
access to professional development or career growth opportunities as being
very important to their decision of whether to stay or go”
3. Motivates employees to improve their performance and productivity.
 Supervisor feedback, training, incentives provides insight to overcome
performance deficiencies.
 “New employees get 24 hours of in-store training, steeping themselves in
information about coffee and how to meet, greet and serve customers. Full
health-care benefits (medical, dental, vision, and alternative services) are
offered to all employees, including part-timers who work at least 240 hours
per calendar quarter.” (Starbucks Example)
 Employee pay and promotion is derived from performance appraisal.
 Alternation Ranking Method and Forced Distribution method allows
competition in the workplace which motivates employees to perform better.
Group J


1. “But still nearly 65% of employees want more feedback than they’re currently
getting. So it’s clear that there’s still a lot of room for improvement.”
2. “With 252 managers over 5 years, researchers found that managers who met with
direct reports to discuss their upward feedback improved more than other managers”
3. “The Millennials had the most significant results, with 87% of them citing access to
professional development or career growth opportunities as being very important to
their decision of whether to stay or go”
4. “New employees get 24 hours of in-store training, steeping themselves in information
about coffee and how to meet, greet and serve customers. Full health-care benefits
(medical, dental, vision, and alternative services) are offered to all employees,
including part-timers who work at least 240 hours per calendar quarter.”

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