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Vocabulary study practice


Exercise 1: Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 You can increase your body’s __________ to colds and flu by drinking plenty of fresh orange juice,
which is a great source of Vitamin C.
A firmness B intake C resistance D restriction

2 Despite knowing that it was a bad thing to do, Sam felt a strong __________ to steal the money.
A obsession B compulsion C exaggeration D outlet

3 The police kept the suspect under __________ twenty-four hours a day as they were afraid he would try
and leave the country.
A observation B treatment C resistance D obsession

4 British Rail apologise for the delay to this service, which is __________ to the breakdown of another train
on the railway line ahead.
A resulted B owed C because D due

5 I can’t give you an answer on the __________ – I’ll have to think about it for a few days.
A place B minute C bet D spot

6 It’s difficult trying to work while you’re travelling. Why don’t you try buying a laptop – that might do the
A game B trick C spot D play

7 We were in a ‘No parking’ zone but Mark __________ the signs and parked his car anyway.
A ignored B refused C opposed D neglected

8 Her asthma means that she gets __________ of breath after even the slightest physical exercise, such as
climbing the stairs.
A short B half C narrow D weak

9 I’m afraid I’m addicted __________ coffee. I can’t wake up nor work without it.
A on B in C for D to

10 In the __________ of recent research, you should wear sun-cream on your face even in winter.
A shadow B light C show D proof

Exercise 2: Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 I don’t know how far Madrid is, but if I have to make a ____________ SENSE
guess, it must be about three hours by plane.
2 The young boy was ____________ about not being allowed to play RESENT
3 I have a ____________ to make: it was me who broke your vase, I’m CONFESS
4 Jamie disagreed with our plan and was ____________ to help us. WILL
5 Our new table folds up for easier____________. STORE

HoHuyen, HUS-VNU Page 1

Vocabulary study practice

Exercise 3: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Use the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 People believe Coca-Cola is the most popular drink in the world.

Coca-Cola _____________________ the most popular drink in the world.

2 Chinese dishes used to disgust me but now I’m a great fan of Chinese food.
Chinese dishes _____________________, but now I’m a great fan of Chinese food.

3 Ever since I was a teenager, I have loved cooking.

Ever since I was a teenager, I _____________________ cooking.

4 When I saw my son writing on the wall for the tenth time, I got very angry and started shouting.
When I saw my son writing on the wall for the tenth time, I _____________________ and started shouting.

5 The pouring rain forced us to go back home before we had finished our picnic.
The pouring rain forced us to _____________________ and go home.

Exercise 4: Choose one word that best completes each sentence below.

1 I won’t earn much in this job, but I think I’ll go / get / run by until I find something better.
2 We must teach our children not to put / cut / look down on people who are poor.
3 If Stacey is a good friend, she certainly won’t give / tell / put away your secrets.
4 After working for years on the same salary, Mike decided to look / give / stand up for his rights and
demand a pay rise.
5 OK, I’ve decided which car I prefer – now I need to put / turn / work out how to pay for it!

HoHuyen, HUS-VNU Page 2

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