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Name: _____________________________________ Score: __________


Directions: Determine whether the following statements are facts or opinion. Write fact if
the statement is real and can happen in real life. Write opinion if the statement is based on
a person’s feelings or thoughts. Put your answer in the blank before the number.

_______1. Cats are better pets than dogs. They are very easy and
fun to take care of.
_______2. Cats have over 100 vocal sounds, while dogs only have
about ten.
_______3. Apples are delicious and crunchy. It is the best fruit in
the world.
_______4. Ballet recitals are fun to watch. The dancers’ costumes
are very colorful on the stage.
_______5. Ants cannot chew their food, they move their jaws
sideways like scissors, to extract the juices from the food.

Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Identify the preposition

in each sentence. Write your answer in the space provided.
_______1. I left my backpack on the floor.
_______2. The gift was from my mom.
_______3. The chair is by the back door.
_______4. My family went to the church.
_______5. We played in the park.

PERFORMANCE TASK 4876KL`2Q.,m jhgfdsa3: Directions: Identify the facts and opinions from the following
Puppets as Actors
Susan Jan
(An excerpt)
Puppets can bring great joy not only to kids, but also to
adults, all over the world. Puppets were first introduced to the
world of entertainment thousands of years ago. It originated from
Greece as the Greeks then were known to be fond of theatrical
presentations. Though they enjoyed theater, they found
supporting the actors financially rather expensive, so they turned
to the use of puppets in plays.
They soon discovered that puppets were just as able as actors
to elicit positive response from the audience. So, they continued to
patronize the use of puppets in stage shows and presentations.
Soon stage puppet shows became many people’s favorite pasture.

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