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@ Summary » Our sense organs are very important to us as they allow us to connect with the world. Our five sense organs allow us to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. > Sense organs are vital organs of our body. As they help us to contact with our surroundings so we must take special care of them. If we ignore it, we may get affected severely. > Our senses send messages to the brain, and the brain process them and tells us what to do. Our sensory system is constantly processing information from the multiple senses at the same time, allowing us to seamlessly interact with our surroundings as we move communicate, learn, work and play. FUN FACTS Did you know that... > Your sense ongans include your ayes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin. Thay all have sensory receptors that sre specific for certain stimuli receptors to central nervous system. The brain then interprets the nerve impulses to form @ response. % With no sensory inputs the brain could nol see, hear, smell, taste, touch and could not sense bodily orentation, pain and not could it sense what position the body and all of its appendages were in. > By far the most important organs of sense are our eyes. We perceive up to 80% of all impressions by means of sight. And if ofher sense such as taste or emell stop working, it's the eyes that beet protect us from danger.

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