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Free pattern exclusive to Wool ‘n’ Threads members

Twilleys of Stamford

Wendy Mode
56 - 71 cms
(22 - 28) ins
sts and K 4 rows but 1st and 3rd sizes only
hooded jacket Rept them until work measures 35.5 (40.5, inc 1 st in centre of last row. 79 (82, 85,
45.5, 49.5) cm, 14 (16, 18, 19½) ins from 88) sts.
in wendy mode chunky beg ending on a 2nd row. Change to patt.
1st row - P1, * t2, P1, rept from * to end.
To Fit Chest Sizes Shape shoulders 2nd row - K1, * P2, K1, rept from * to
56 61 66 71 cm Cast off 5 (5, 6, 6) sts at beg of next 2 rows end.
22 24 26 28 ins and 5 (6, 6, 7) sts at beg of next 2 rows. Rept the last 2 rows to 10 (11.5, 12.5,
Cast off remaining sts. 12.5) cm, 4 (4½, 5, 5) ins from beg
Actual Measurements ending with a 2nd row.
61 66 71 76 cm LEFT FRONT
24 26 28 30 ins Using 6½mm needles cast on 32 (34, 36, Shape Back
38) sts and K 4 rows. Cast off 7 sts at beg of next 8 rows.
Wendy Mode Chunky (100g) Change to st st and work 23 (26.5, 30.5, Cont in patt dec 1 st at each end of
33) cm, 9 (101/2, 12, 13) ins from beg the next and every following 6th (6th,
4 4 4 5 Balls ending at side edge. 4th, 4th) row to 18 (18, 19, 19) sts. Work
Length from Back Neck straight to about 16.5 cm (6½ ins).
Shape armhole Cast off.
35.5 40.5 45.5 49.5 cm Next row - Cast off 6 sts, K to end.
14 16 18 191/2 ins Change to 6 mm needles. BUTTON BAND
Sleeve Seam Next row - 1st size only - P12, P2 tog, P to Using 6 mm needles cast on 7 sts.
end. 1st row - P1, (t2, P1) twice.
26.5 30.5 34.5 38 cm 2nd size only - P to end. Next row - K1, (P2, K1) twice.
101/2 12 131/2 15 ins 3rd size only - P15, M1, (see abbreviations), Rept the last 2 rows until Band when
P to end. slightly stretched fits front edge.
2 - 6½mm (UK 3 - USA 10½) and 2 - 6 mm 4th size only - * P10, M1, rept from * once Cast off.
(UK 4 - USA 10) Wendy Knitting Needles. 3 more P to end. 25 (28, 31, 34) sts.
Buttons. Sew Band into place.
All sizes Mark positions for buttons on Button Band,
IMPORTANT Next row - P1, * t2, P1, rept from * to end. the first one on a level with armhole
Use only the Wendy yarn specified. Next row - K1, * P2, K1, rept from * to end. shaping, the last 1 cm (½ ins) from cast
We cannot accept responsibility for an * Rept the last 2 rows to about 30.5 (35.5, off edge, and 1 more equally spaced
imperfect garment if any other brand is 39.5, 43) cm, 12 (14, 15½ 17) ins from between.
used. It is essential to work to the tension beg ending at front edge.
stated. The quantities of yarn stated are BUTTONHOLE BAND
based on average requirements and are Shape neck Work as instructions given for Button Band
therefore approximate. Next row - Cast off 10 (14, 16, 18) sts, patt working Buttonholes to correspond with
to end. positions marked for buttons as follows:-
Dec 1 st at the neck edge on every row Patt 3, yfwd, K2 tog, patt 2.
Instructions given for 56 cm (22 inch) to 10 (11, 12, 13) sts then work straight to
Chest, larger sizes given in round brackets. same length as back to shoulder ending at
Where only one figure is given this applies MAKING UP
side edge. Pin out all pieces to measurements
to all sizes.
given. Press as instructions given on ball
Shape shoulder band.
ABBREVIATIONS Next row - Cast off 5 (5, 6, 6) sts, work to
K - knit; P - purl; st(s) - stitch(es); inc - Join side and sleeve seams to markers by
end. top sewing. Set in sleeves placing sleeve
increase; dec - decrease; patt - pattern; Work 1 row. Cast off.
beg - beginning; rept - repeat; sl - slip; extension to sts cast off at underarm. Join
psso - pass slip stitch over; tog -together; shaped edges of hood to sides of back
RIGHT FRONT panel. Sew lower edge of hood to neck
yrn - yarn round needle; st st - stocking Using 6½mm needles cast on 32 (34, 36,
stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl); pw - purlwise; edge. Sew on buttons.
38) sts and K 4 rows.
M1 - make 1, by picking up loop before Change to st st and work 23 (26.5, 30.5,
next st and purl into back of it; t2 - twist 2, 33) cm, 9 (10½ 12, 13) ins from beg
knit into 2nd st, knit first st, slip both sts off ending at side edge.
needle tog; g st - garter stitch (every row
knit); yfwd - yarn forward; cm -centimetres; Shape armhole
ins - inches. Next row - Cast off 6 sts. Change to 6 mm
TENSION 1st size only - P11, P2 tog, P to end.
it is important to check your tension 2nd size only - P to end.
before commencing the garment. 3rd size only - P14, M1, P to end.
14 sts and 20 rows to 10 cm (4 ins) over 4th size only - * P9, M1, rept from * once
st st on 6½ mm needles. more, P to end. 25 (28, 31, 34) sts.
All sizes
If there are too many stitches to 10 cm, Next row - P1, * t2, P1, rept from * to end.
then your tension is tight and you will Next row - K1, * P2, K1, rept from * to end.
need to change your needle to a larger Now work to match left front from * to end.
size. If there are too few stitches to 10
cm, then your tension is loose and you SLEEVES (both alike)
will need to change your needle to a Using 6 mm needles cast on 24 (26, 26,
smaller size. 28) sts and K 4 rows.
Change to 6½mm needles and st st inc 1 st
BACK at each end of the 7th and every following
Using 6½mm needles cast on 52 (56, 60, 6th row to 40 (44, 48, 52) sts, then work
64) sts and K 4 rows. straight to 26.5 (30.5, 34.5, 38) cm, 10½
Change to st st and work 23 (26.5, 30.5, (12,13½,15) ins from beg, place a marker
33) cm, 9 (10½, 12, 13) ins from beg at each end of the last row and work a
ending on a P row. further 3 cm, (1¼ ins) for sleeve extension.
Cast off. Join shoulder seams.
Shape armholes
Next row - Cast off 6 sts, knit to end. NECKBAND
Next row - Cast off 6 (7, 5, 6) sts, purl to Using 6 mm needles with right side facing
end. 40 (43, 49, 52) sts. rejoin yarn and K up 60 (64, 68, 72) sts
Change to 6 mm needles. evenly round neck edge and K 4 rows.
Change to patt for yoke. Cast off. ©Copyright 2012
1st row - P1, * t2, P1, rept from * to end. Thomas B. Ramsden & Co (Bfd) Ltd
2nd row - K1, * P2, K1, rept from * to HOOD
end. Using 6 mm needles cast on 78 (82, 84, 88)
These two rows form the patt.

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