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Aryabhatta National

Maths Competition -
Complete Practice
Questions Set (CPQS)
(For Group 2)
 S.P. is selling price
 C.P. is cost price
 The overhead expenses are a part of CP.
 Profit or loss is always calculated on CP
 For profit, SP > CP and for loss CP > SP
 Discount is always calculated on the marked price.
 VAT is not a part of selling price. Although it is calculated on the SP but it is
excluded from the SP while calculating profit or loss.
 Formula for compound interest gives
Amount=P ( 1 + R / 100 )n
then CI = A - P
 If the interest is compounded half yearly the time period becomes twice as
much as the numbers of years. The rate of interest is reduced to half.
 We compare two quantites by division.It is called ratio. Quantities written
in same unit. Ratio has no unit
 Another way to compare quantity is to express in percentages.
 Profit = Profit / CP X 100 , Loss = Loss/ Cp X 100
Sample Question Paper on
Comparing Quantities

Q.1 - Find the ratio of 9 m to 27 cm

A) 300:3
B) 200:6
C) 6:200
D) 100:3

Ans - D
9m : 27 cm
= 900 cm : 27 cm
= 900/27
= 100/3
= 100 : 3

Q.2 - Find the ratio of 30 days to 36 hours

A) 20:1
B) 5:1
C) 1:10
D) 10:1

Ans - A
30 days = 30×24=720
720 hrs in 30 days
answer is 20:1

Q.3 - Convert 1/8 to percent

A) 7.5%
B) 25%
C) 28%
D) 12.5%

Ans - D
1 / 8 = 0.125
To have a percentage, multiply by 100
0.125 x 100 = 12.5%

Q.4 - Convert 5/4 to Percent

A) 28%
B) 125%
C) 12.5%
D) 7.5%

Ans - B
5/4 ×100 %
125 %
Q.5 - Convert 3/40 to percent
A) 7.5%
B) 28%
C) 12.5%
D) 25%

Ans - A
7.5 / 100 = 7.5%

To write a fraction as a percentage the easiest method is if we can change the

denominator to 100.
3 / 40 × 2.5 / 2.5 = 7.5 / 100 = 7.5%
In many cases that method does not work,
so we can also do this by ×100%
3 / 40 × 100%

Q.6 - Convert 2/7 to percent

A) 25%
B) 12.5%
C) 125%
D) 28.57 %

Ans - D
2÷7 = 0.2857...
Multiply your answer by 100.
0.2857 x 100 = 28.57
This is your answer as a percentage: 28.57%

Q.7 - Convert 0.65 to percent

A) 0.65%
B) 65%
C) 650%
D) 0.065%

Ans - B
Multiply both numerator and denominator by 100. We do this to find an
Fraction having 100 as the denominator.
0.65 × 100 / 100
= (0.65 × 100) × 1 / 100 = 65 / 100
Write in percentage notation: 65%

Q.8 - Convert decimals into percentage of 2.1

A) 0.21%
B) 210%
C) 2100%
D) 21%

Ans - D
= 21 / 100
= ( 21 / 100 ) x 100
= 21%

Q.9 - Convert 0.02 to percent

A) 2%
B) 200%
C) 0.02%
D) 0.2%

Ans - A
Multiply both numerator and denominator by 100. We do this to find an
equivalent fraction having 100 as the denominator.
0.02 × (100 / 100)
= (0.02 × 100) × (1 / 100) = 2 / 100
Write in percentage notation: 2%

Q.10 - Convert 12.35 to percent

A) 1.235%
B) 1235%
C) 12350%
D) 12.35%

Ans - B
since 12.35 is not a whole number so we have to multiplied with 100 with the
given number =
12.35 x 100 = 1235%
Q.11 - A shoe bought for Rs 250 and sold for Rs 325. Find profit or loss percent.
A) 10%
B) 50%
C) 40%
D) 30%

Ans - D
Profit percent = (Profit / Cost Price) × 100
Profit = 325 − 250 = Rs75
Profit percent = ( 75 / 250 ) × 100 = 30 %

Q.12 - A television bought for Rs 12,000 and sold at Rs 13,500. Find profit or loss
A) 12.5%
B) 15%
C) 20%
D) 17.5%

Ans - A
CP = RS 12000
SP = RS 13500
Since, SP > CP
.•. Profit = SP-CP = 13500-12000 = RS 1500
Profit% = (Profit / CP) x 100% =(1500 / 12000) x 100% = 12.5%
Q.13 - A dress bought for Rs 250 and sold at Rs 150. A cupboard bought for Rs
2,500 and sold at Rs 3,000. Find profit or loss percent.
A) 20%
B) 25%
C) 22.5%
D) 17.5%

Ans - A
In dress there is loss of Rs.100
loss% on dress = loss / cost price × 100
= ( 100 / 250 ) × 100
= (100 / 25 ) × 10
= (4 / 1) × 10
= 40%
40% loss on dress
In cupboard there is profit of Rs.500
profit% on cupboard = profit / cost price × 100
= 500 / 2,500 × 100
= 500 / 25 × 1
= 20%
20% Profit on cupboard
there is loss in this question the loss% in this question is 40% - 20% = 20%
Q.14 - A table bought for Rs 2,500 and sold at Rs 3,000. Find profit or loss
A) 20%
B) 60%
C) 100%
D) 40%

Ans - A
In cupboard there is profit of Rs.500
profit% on cupboard = profit / cost price × 100
= 500 / 2,500 × 100
= 500 / 25 × 1
= 20%
20% Profit on cupboard

Q.15 - Adarsh buys a book for Rs 275 and sells it at a loss of 15%. How much
rupees does she sell it for?
A) Rs. 233.75
B) Rs. 231.50
C) Rs. 232.25
D) Rs. 234.75

Ans - A
Cost price (CP) = Rs.275
loss% = 15%
we know that ,
selling price (SP) = CP { 1- loss% / 100 }
SP = 275 { 100 - loss% / 100 }
SP =. 275 { 100 - 15 /100 }
SP = 275 { 85/100 }
SP = 275 × 0.85
SP = 233.75

Q.16 - Principal = Rs 1,200 at 12% p.a. Find the amount to be paid at the end of 3
A) 1632
B) 1832
C) 1732
D) 1932

Ans - A
interest of 1 year =12 % of 1200
= ( 1200×12 ) / 100 = 144
3 yrs interest = 144 × 3 = 432
Amount = 1200 + 432

Q.17 - Principal = Rs 7,500 at 5% p.a. Find the amount to be paid at the end of 3
A) Rs. 8625
B) Rs. 10525
C) Rs. 8525
D) Rs. 7625

Ans - A
interest of 1 year =5 % of 7500
= ( 7500 × 5 ) / 100 = 375
3 yrs interest = 375 × 3 = 1125
Amount = 7500 + 1125

Q.18 - What rate gives Rs 280 as interest on a sum of Rs 56,000 in 2 years?

A) 25%
B) 0.25%
C) 0.5%
D) 2.5%

Ans - B
SI = P×R×T / 100
Rs. 280 = 56000 * 2x / 100
Rs. 280 = 560 * 2x
280/ 560 = 2x
1/2 = 2x
1/4 = x
0.25 = x
Q.19 - In a computer lab, there are 3 computers for every 6 students. How many
computers will be needed for 24 students?
A) 10
B) 12
C) 14
D) 13

Ans - B
∵ 6 students need =3 computers
∴ 1 student needs= 3 /6 computers
∴ 24 students need = ( 3 / 6 ) × 24 = 12 computers
Thus, 12 computers will be needed for 24 students.

Q.20 - Population of Rajasthan = 570 lakhs , Area of Rajasthan = 3 lakh km2, How
many people are there per km2 ?
A) 160
B) 190
C) 170
D) 180

Ans - B
The population of Rajasthan = 570 lakh
Area of Rajasthan =3 lakh Km2
population of Rajasthan per kilometer = 570 lakh / 3 lakh = 190
Solving problems on ages is a two step process.

1. Create linear equations based on statements provided.

2. Solve the equations to get the values as required ages.

Sample Question Paper on
Q 1 - If the ratio of ages of two persons Ram and sham is 5:4 . After Three years
their age ratio changes and becomes 11:9. In that case tell about the present age
of mr. sham.

A - 23 years

B - 24 years

C - 25 years

D - 26 years

Answer - B


If the age of Mr. Ram 5x and 4x is the age of Mr. sham.

Then, ( 5x+3) /( 4x+3) = 11/9 ⇒ 9 (5x+3)= 11 (4x+3) ⇒ x= (33-27) = 6
So the present age of Mr. sham = 6*4 = 24 years.

Q 2 - A mother is 30 time older in the comparison of her daughter. After the

period of 18 year , the mother age would be thrice in the comparison of his
daughter . In that case tell about the present age of mother.

A - 40 years
B - 41 years

C - 42 years

D - 43 years

Answer - A


Let daughter present age be x year .

in that case mother present age would be = 30x years
30x+ 18 = 3 (x+ 18) ⇒ 27x = 36 ⇒ x = 4/3
∴ so the present age of mother = (30* 4/3) = 40 years.

Q 3 - The ratio of present ages of three persons ajay , vijay and sanjay are in the
proportion of 4: 7: 9. Before 8 year total sum of their age is 56. What should be
the present ages?

A - 28 and 36 years

B - 28 and 38 years

C - 30 and 36 years

D - 36 and 28 years

Answer - A

If the present age of ajay , vijay and sanjay is 4x , 7x and 9x years.
Total sum of ages of ajay, vijay and sanjay before 8 years ago = (4x-8)+(7x-
=(20x-24) years.
∴ 20x-24 = 56 ⇒ 20x = 80 ⇒ x= 4
Hence, it proves that age of ajay is 4*4 = 16 years,
vijay (7*4) = 28 years and sanjay (9* 4) = 36 years.

Q 4 - Daughter's present age is 2/5 in the comparison of her mother .8 year later
, age of her daughter will be 1/2 in the comparison of her mother. Find out
mother present age?

A - 39 years.

B - 40 years

C - 41 years

D - 42 years

Answer - B


If the present age of mother is equal to x year.

In that situation the daughter present age would be = 2x/5 years.
2x/5 + 8 = 1/2 (x+8) ⇒ 4x+ 80 = 5x+40 ⇒ x = 40.
The mother age at the present time is = 40 years.
Q 5 - Ajay age was double in the comparison of bhuvan before 3 years. Seven
years hence, the sum of both ages would be 83 years. What should be the age at
the present time of both?

A - 43 years

B - 44 years

C - 45 years

D - 46 years

Answer - C


Before 3 year let bhuvan age be x years.

3 years before , ajay age will be 2x years.
Now Bhuwan's age =(x+3) years and ajay age = (2x+3) years.
(x+3)+7+(2x+3)+7 = 83 ⇒ 3x+20 = 83 ⇒ 3x = 63 ⇒ x = 21
Now the bhuwan present age = (21+3) = 24 years
Now the ajay present age = (2 *21+3) years = 45 years.

Q 6 - I am 4 year older in the comparison of my sister, but my brother who is the

youngest among us is 7 year younger to myself. My father is three times in the
comparison of my brother. The present age of my sister 18 year and my father is
3 year older in the comparison of my mother. In that situation what should be
the present age of my mother?.
A - 42 years

B - 43 years

C - 44 years

D - 45 years

Answer - A


If my sister age is x years. Then,

Sister - x
I - x+4
Brother - (x+4-7) = x-3
Father - 3 (x-3)
Given x = 18
∴ Father's age = 3(18-3) = 45 years.
Mother age = (45-3) = 42 years.

Q 7 - Ajay is as much younger to vijay as he is older to vinay. If 48 years is the

sum of the ages of vijay and buwan . Then find out the present age of Mr. ajay ?

A - 21 years

B - 22 years

C - 23 years

D - 24 years
Answer - D


V-A = A- B ⇒ V+B = 2A =48 ⇒ 24

Now, We can say that the present age of Mr. Ajay is 24 years.

Q 8 - If 100 year is equal to the sum of the ages of father and son. 2:1 was the
ratio of father and son before the period of 5 years. Find out the ratio of ages
which would be after the period 10 year.

A - 3:4

B - 3:5

C - 4:3

D - 5:3

Answer - D


If the age of father at the present time = x years

His son age at the present time = (100-x) years.
x-5 / (100-x-5) = 2/1 ⇒ (x-5) = 2(95-x) ⇒ 3x = 195 ⇒ x = 65
Ratio of the ages of man and son after 10 years = (65+10)/(35+10)= 75/45 = 5/3 =
Q.9 - A father said his son , " I was as old as you are at present at the time of your
birth. " If the father age is 38 now, the son age 5 years back was :

A. 14

B. 19

C. 33

D. 38

Answer - A


Let the son's present age be x years .Then, (38 - x) = x => x= 19.

Son's age 5 years back = (19 - 5) = 14 years

Q.10 - The total age of A and B is 12 years more than the total age of B and C. C is
how many years younger than A ?

A. 12

B. 13

C. 14

D. 15
Answer - A


(A+B) - (B+C) = 12

A - C = 12.

C is younger than A by 12 years

Q 11 - The ages of Arzoo and Arnav are in the ratio of 11:13 respectively. After 7
years the ratio of their ages will be 20:23. What is the difference in years
between their ages?
A - 4 years
B - 7 years
C - 6 years
D - 5 years

Answer : C


Let the present ages of Arzoo and Arnav be 11x and 13x respectively.
According to the question,
(11x + 7) / (13x + 7) = 20/23
Or, 26x + 140 = 253x + 161
Or, 260x - 253x = 161 - 140
Or, 7x = 21
Or, x = 3

Difference between their ages = 13x - 11x

= 2x
= 2*3
= 6 years

Q 12 - In a family the average age of the father and mother is 38 years whereas
the average age of father, mother and their only daughter is 28 years. Then the
age of the daughter is -
A - 5 years
B - 6 years
C - 7 years
D - 8 years

Answer : D


The age of the daughter = (3*28) - (2*38)

= 84 - 76
= 8 years
Q 13 - The ratio of the present ages of a son and his father is 1:5 and that of his
mother and father is 4: 5. After 2 years the ratio of the ages of the son to that of
his mother becomes 3 : 10. What is the present age of the father?
A - 37 years
B - 34 years
C - 30 years
D - 35 years

Answer : D


Let the present age of the son be x years.

present age of the father = 5x years and that of the mother = 4x years.

2 years hence, age of son = (x + 2) years

And age of the will be = (4x + 2) years

As per the question,

(x + 2)/(4x + 2) = 3/10
Or, 10 (x+2) = 3 (4x + 2)
Or, 10x + 20 = 12x + 6
Or, 2x = 14
Or, x = 7
Present age of father = 5x = 5*7 = 35 years
Q 14 - A man five times older in the comparison of his son in the present time
but before the period of 5 year the father age in the comparison of his son was
10 times older . Find out present age of the father?
A - 45 year
B - 48 years
C - 49 years
D - 52 years

Answer : A


Let the present age of the son be x year. Then , present age of the man = 5x year
∴ (5x-5 = 10 (x-5) ⇒ 5x= 45 ⇒ x = 9
Age at the present time of the father is = (5*9) = 45 year

Q 15 - If 100 year is equal to the sum of the ages of father and son. 2:1 was the
ratio of father and son before the period of 5 years . Find out the ratio of ages
which would be after the period 10 year.
A - 4:3
B - 5:3
C - 3:5
D - 10:7
Answer : B


If x is the father age ,then son age will be (100-x)

x-5/ (100-x)-5 =2/1 ⇒ (x-5)= 2(95-x) ⇒ x =-5= 190 -2x ⇒ 3x =195 ⇒ x =65
father age = 65 yrs. And son age = 100-65 = 35 year
required ratio = (65+10) / (35+10) =75/45 = 5:3

Q 16 - What should be the present age of two person if 5:7 is the present age
ratio of two person and 3:5 was the age ratio before the period of 16 year?
A - 30, 44 years
B - 35, 52 years
C - 40, 56 years
D - 45, 60 years

Answer : C


If the present age of two persons are 5x years and 7x years.

5x-16/ 7x-16 =3/5 ⇒ 5(5x-16) =3(7x-16)
⇒ 4x= (80-48) = 32 ⇒ x =8
Hence, their present ages are 40 years and 56 years.
Q 17 - A mother have 7 times in the comparison of her daughter at the time of 1
year ago . At the present time mother age is equal to the square of her son .
What should be the time age of mother?
A - 7 years
B - 36 years
C - 49 years
D - 64 years

Answer : B


Let the present age of the son be x years.

Man present age =7(x-1)+1 years = (7x-6 ) yrs.
7x-6 = x2 ⇒ x2-7x+6 = 0 ⇒ (x-6)(x-1) =0 ⇒ x =6 or x =1
∴ present age of men = (7*6-6) = 36 yrs.

Q 18 - A mother was 4 times older in the comparison of her daughter before the
period of 10 year. The mother age would be double in the comparison of her
daughter after 10 year. What should be the present age of the daughter ?
A - 5 years
B - 10 years
C - 20 years
D - 30 years
Answer : C


Let daughter age 10 year ago be x years.

Mother age 10 years ago = 4x years
2(x+20) = (4x+20) ⇒ 2x = 20 ⇒ x =10
Present age of daughter = (x+10) = 20 years.

Q 19 - Before the period of 16 year, my grandfather was 8 times older in the

comparison of me. He would be 3 times of my age 8 years now. Find out the ratio
of my grandfather and my age before the period of 8 year.
A - 1:2
B - 1:5
C - 3:8
D - none of these

Answer : D


Let my age 16 yrs ago be x years.

My grandfather age at that time = 8x years
My present age = (x+16) yrs.
My grandfather present age = (8x+16) years.
3(x+16+8)= (8x+16+8) ⇒ 3x+72 = 8x+24 ⇒ 5x = 48 ⇒ x = 48/5
Ratio of our ages 8 yrs ago = (x+16-8) /(8x+16-8) = x+8/ 8x+8
(48/5+8)/ (8* 48/5 +5) = 88/424 = 11 :53.
Q 20 - Ajit age after 15 years will be 5 times his age 5 years back . what is the
present age of ajit ?
A - 5 years
B - 10 years
C - 15 years
D - 50 years

Answer : B


Let the present age of ajit be x years.

(x+15) = 5(x-5) ⇒ x+15 = 5x-25 ⇒ 4x= 40 =. X = 10
1. Speed in km/hr

a km /hr = (a * 5 / 18) m/s.

2. Speed in m/s

a m/s = ( a * 18/5) km/hr.

3. Time taken by a train of length L metres to pass a pole or a standing man or

a signal post is equal to the time taken by the train to cover

L Metres.

4. Time taken by a train of length L metres to pass a stationary object of

length b metres is the time taken by the train to cover

(L + b) metres.

5. Suppose two train or two bodies are moving in the same direction at u m/s
and v m/s , where u > v, then their

relative speed = (u – v) m/s.

6. Suppose two trains or two bodies are moving in opposite directions at u
m/s and v m/s , then their

relative speed = ( u + v) m/s.

7. If two trains of length a metres and b metres are moving in opposite

directions at u m/s and v m/s, then time taken by the trains to cross each
other =

(a+b) / ( u+ v) sec.

8. If two train s of length a metres and b metres are moving in the same
direction at u m/s and v m/s , then the time taken by the faster train to
cross the slower train =

( a+b) / (u + v ) sec.

9. If two train ( or bodies) start at the same time from points A and B towards
each other and after crossing they take a and b sec in reaching B and A
respectively, then

( A speed) : ( B speed) = ( √b : √a ).
Sample Question Paper on

Q 1 - What is 90 kmph as metres per second?

A - 15 m /sec

B - 20 m /sec

C - 25 m /sec

D - 30 m /sec

Answer - C


90 kmph = ( 90 * 5/18) m/sec = 25 m /sec.

Q 2 - What is 35 m/sec as km/hr?

A - 123 km/hr

B - 124 km/hr

C - 125 km/hr
D - 126 km/hr

Answer - D


35 m/sec = (35 * 18 / 5 ) km/hr = 126 km/hr.

Q 3 - A 75m long train is running at 54 km/hr. In how much time will it cross an
electric pole?

A - 25 sec

B - 20 sec

C - 15 sec

D - 5 sec

Answer - D


Speed of the train = ( 54 * 5 / 18) m/sec = 15 m / sec.

Time taken to cross an electric pole = Time taken to cover 75m
= ( 75 / 15 ) sec = 5 sec.

Q 4 - A 415 m long train is running at 63 km/hr. In how much time will it cross a
tunnel 285 m long?

A - 40 sec

B - 50 sec

C - 60 sec

D - 70 sec

Answer - A


Speed of the train= ( 63 * 5 / 18) m/sec = 35/2 m/sec.

Time taken to cross the tunnel = Time taken to cover ( 415 + 285) m
= ( 700 * 2/35 ) sec = 40 sec.
Q 5 - A train passes a standing man in 3 seconds and a platform 105 m long in 8
seconds. Find the length of the train and its speed?

A - 59 m, 75.6 km/hr

B - 61 m, 72.6 km/hr

C - 63 m, 75.6 km/hr

D - 66 m, 79.6 km/hr

Answer - C


Let the length of the train be x metres and its speed be y km/hr i.e. (5y/18 )
Then, x / ( 5y / 18 ) = 3 ⇒ 18x = 15y ⇒ 6x = 5y.
Also, ( x + 105) / ( 5y/ 18) = 8 ⇒ 18 ( x + 105 ) = 40y⇒ 9 ( x + 105 ) = 20y
⇒ 20y -9x = 945 ⇒ 24x – 9x = 945 ⇒ 15x = 945 ⇒ x= 63.
∴ 5y = ( 6 * 63 ) ⇒ y = ( 6 * 63 ) /5 = 378 / 5 = 75.6
Hence, the length of the train is 63 m and its speed is 75.6 km/hr.
Q 6 - A train 125m long is running at 50 km/ hr. In what time will it pass a man ,
running at 5 km/hr in the same direction in which the train is going?

A - 22 sec

B - 20 sec

C - 15 sec

D - 10 sec

Answer - D


Speed of the train relative to man = ( 50 – 5 ) km/hr

= ( 45 * 5 / 18) m/sec = 25/2 m/ sec.
Distance covered in passing the man = 125m.
∴ Time taken = 125 / ( 25/2) sec = ( 125 * 2 / 25) sec = 10 sec.

Q 7 - A train 110 m long is running at 60 km / hr. In what time will it pass a man,
running in the direction opposite to that of the train at 6 km/hr?

A - 9 sec

B - 8 sec
C - 7 sec

D - 6 sec

Answer - D


Speed of the train relative to man = ( 60 + 6 km/hr = 66 km/hr

= ( 66 * 15 / 18 ) m/sec = 55/3 m/sec.
Distance covered in passing the man = 110m.
Time taken = 110//( 55/3) sec = ( 110 * 3 / 55 ) sec = 6 sec.

Q 8 - A train 100m long takes 9 seconds to cross a man walking at 5 km/hr in the
direction opposite to that of the train. Find the speed of the train.

A - 55 km/hr

B - 45 km/hr

C - 25 km/hr

D - 35 km/hr

Answer - D

Let the speed of the train be x km/hr.

Relative speed = ( x + 5 ) km /hr = 5 ( x+ 5 ) / 18 m/sec.
Distance covered in passing the man = 100m.
∴ 100/ 5 ( x+5) / 18 = 9 ⇒ 45 ( x+ 5) = 1800 ⇒ x + 5 = 40 ⇒ x = 35.
Speed of the train = 35 km/hr.

Q 9 - Two train 128 m and 132m long are running towards each other on parallel
lines at 42 km/hr and 30 km / hr respectively . In what time will they be clear of
each other from the moment they meet?

A - 13 sec

B - 14 sec

C - 15 sec

D - 16 sec

Answer - A


Relative speed = ( 42 + 30 ) km/hr = 72 km/hr

= ( 72 * 5 / 18 ) m/sec = 20 m / sec.
Distance covered in passing each other = ( 128 + 132) m = 260m.
∴ Required time = 260 / 20 sec= 13 sec.

Q 10 - A man's speed with the current is 15 km/hr and the speed of the current is
2.5 km/hr. The man's speed against the current is :

A - 9.5 Km / Hr

B - 10 Km / Hr

C - 10.5 Km / Hr

D - 11 Km / Hr

Answer: B) 10 km/hr

Man's rate in still water = (15 - 2.5) km/hr = 12.5 km/hr.

Therefore, Man's rate against the current = (12.5 - 2.5) = 10 km/hr.

Q 11 - A man sitting in a train which is traveling at 50 kmph observes that a goods
train, traveling in opposite direction, takes 9 seconds to pass him. If the goods
train is 280 m long, find its speed.?

A - 60

B - 62

C - 64

D - 65

Answer: B) 62

Relative speed =280/9 m / sec = (280/9*18/5) kmph = 112 kmph.

Speed of goods train = (112 - 50) kmph = 62 kmph.

Q 12 - Two cogged wheels of which one has 32 cogs and other 54 cogs, work into
each other. If the latter turns 80 times in three quarters of a minute, how often
does the other turn in 8 seconds?

A - 48

B - 24
C - 38

D - 36

Answer: B) 24

Less Cogs more turns and less time less turns

Cogs Time Turns

A 54 45 80

B 32 8 ?

Number of turns required=80 × 54/32 × 8/45 = 24 times

Q 13 - Two stations P and Q are 110 km apart on a straight track. One train starts
from P at 7 a.m. and travels towards Q at 20 kmph. Another train starts from Q at
8 a.m. and travels towards P at a speed of 25 kmph. At what time will they meet?

A - 10.30

B - 10

C - 8.45
D - 9.30

Answer: B) 10
Assume both trains meet after x hours after 7 am
Distance covered by train starting from P in x hours = 20x km
Distance covered by train starting from Q in (x-1) hours = 25(x-1)
Total distance = 110

=> 20x + 25(x-1) = 110

=> 45x = 135
=> x= 3
Means, they meet after 3 hours after 7 am, ie, they meet at 10 am

Q 14 - A train speeds past a pole in 15 seconds and a platform 100 m long in 25

seconds. Its length is:

A -50 m

B - 150 m

C - 200 m

D - Data Inadequate
Answer: B) 150 m
Let the length of the train be x metres and its speed be y m/sec.
Then, (x/y)= 15 y =(x/15)

(x+100)/25 = x/15

=> 15(x + 100) = 25x

=> 15x + 1500 = 25x

=> 1500 = 10x

=> x = 150 m.

Q 15 - A 270 metres long train running at the speed of 120 kmph crosses another
train running in opposite direction at the speed of 80 kmph in 9 seconds. What is
the length of the other train ?

A - 230 m

B - 240 m

C - 260 m

D - 320 m
Answer: A) 230 m

Relative speed = (120 + 80) km/hr

=(200*5/18)m/s = (500/9)m/s

Let the length of the other train be x metres.

Then, x+270/9 = 500/9

=> x + 270 = 500

=> x = 230m

Q 16 - A train 800 metres long is running at a speed of 78 km/hr. If it crosses a

tunnel in 1 minute, then the length of the tunnel (in meters) is :

A - 130

B - 360

C - 500

D - 540
Answer: C) 500
Speed =[ 78 x ( 5/18 ) ] m/sec = 65/3 m/sec.

Time = 1 minute = 60 sec.

Let the length of the tunnel be x metres.

Then, [ (800 + x )/ 60 ]= 65/3

3(800 + x) = 3900

x = 500.

Q 17 - Two trains are moving in the same direction at 72 kmph and 36 kmph. The
faster train crosses a girl sitting at window seat in the slower train in 32 seconds.
Find the length of the faster train ?

A - 170 m

B - 100 m

C - 270 m

D - 320 m
Answer: D) 320 m
Relative speed = (72 - 36) x 5/18 = 2 x 5 = 10 mps.
Distance covered in 32 sec = 32 x 10 = 320 m.

The length of the faster train = 320 m.

Q 18 - Two trains of equal length, running with the speeds of 60 and 40 kmph,
take 50 seconds to cross each other while they are running in the same direction.
What time will they take to cross each other if they are running in opposite
directions ?

A - 10 sec

B - 11 sec

C - 12 sec

D - 8 sec

Answer: A) 10 sec
Relative Speed = 60 -40 = 20 x 5/18 = 100/18
Time = 50
Distance = 50 x 100/18 = 2500/9
Relative Speed = 60 + 40 = 100 x 5/18
Time = 2500/9 x 18/500 = 10 sec.

Q 19 - Two goods trains each 520 m long, are running in opposite directions on
parallel tracks. Their speeds are 42 km/hr and 36 km/hr respectively. Find the
time taken by the slower train to cross the driver of the faster one ?

A - 60 sec

B - 48 sec

C - 45 sec

D - 34 sec

Answer: B) 48 sec
Relative speed = 42 + 36 = 78 km/hr = 65/3 m/s
Distance = (520 + 520) =1040 mts.
Time = 1040 x 3/65= 48 sec

Q 20 - A train for Fathehpur leaves for every 2 hrs 30 min from Agra station. An
announcement was made that train left 37 mins ago and next train comes at
17:00hrs. At what time was the announcement made ?
A - 15:07 Hrs

B - 15:20 Hrs

C - 15:05 Hrs

D - 15:00 Hrs

Answer: A) 15:07 hrs

Next train comes at 17:00 hrs.
So, last train will be = 17:00hrs - 2:30hrs
= 14:30hrs
Announcement made after 37 min of the last train.
S0, 14:30hrs + 00:37 min
= 15:07 hrs.
1. If A can do a piece of work in n days, then A's 1 day work = 1/n.

2. If A's 1 day work = 1/n, then A can finish the work in n days.

3. If A is twice as good a workmen as B, then

o Ratio of work done by A and B in the same time = 2:1

o Ratio of time taken by A and B in doing the same work = 1:2

Sample Question Paper on
Time & Work
Q 1 - A can do a bit of work in 8 days, which B alone can do in 10 days in how
long . In how long both cooperating can do it?

A - 40/9 days

B - 41/9 days

C - 42/9 days

D - 43/9 days

Answer - A


A's 1 day work= 1/8, B`s 1 day work = 1/10

∴ (A+B) 1 day work = (1/8+1/10) = 9/40
Both cooperating can complete it in 40/9 days.

Q 2 - A and B together can dive a trench in 12 days, which an alone can dive in 30
days. In how long B alone can burrow it?

A - 18 days

B - 19 days
C - 20 days

D - 21 days

Answer - C


(A+B)'s 1 day work = 1/12, A's 1 day work =1/30

∴ B's 1 day work = (1/12-1/30) = 3/60 = 1/20
Henceforth, B alone can dive the trench in 20 days.

Q 3 - A can do a bit of work in 25 days which B can complete in 20 days. Both

together labor for 5 days and afterward A leaves off. How long will B take to
complete the remaining work?

A - 7 days

B - 8 days

C - 9 days

D - 11 days

Answer - D


(A+B)'s 5 days work = 5(1/25+1/20) = (5*9/100) = 9/20

Remaining work = (1-9/20) = 11/20
1/20 work is finished by B in 1 day
11/20 work is finished by B in (1*20*11/20) = 11 days

Q 4 - A and B can do a bit of work in 12 days. B and C can do it in 15 days while C

and A can do it in 20 days. In how long will they complete it cooperating?
Additionally, in how long can A alone do it?

A - 10 days, 30 days.

B - 15 days, 20 days.

C - 20 days, 40 days.

D - 10 days, 50 days.

Answer - A


(A+B)'s 1 day work = 1/12,

(B+C)'s 1 day work = 1/15,
(C+A)'S 1 day work = 1/20
Including: 2(A+B+C)'s 1 day work = (1/12+ 1/15+ 1/20)= 12/60 = 1/5
∴ (A+B+C) `s 1 day work = (1/2 *1/5) = 1/10
∴ working together they can complete the work in 10 days.
A's 1 day work = (1/10-1/15) = 1/30, B`s 1 day work = (1/10-1/20) = 1/20
C's 1 day work = (1/10-1/12) = 1/60
∴ A alone can take the necessary steps in 30 days.
Q 5 - A can fabricate a divider in 30 days , while B alone can assemble it in 40
days, If they construct it together and get an installment of RS. 7000, what B's

A - 2000

B - 3000

C - 4000

D - 6500

Answer - B


A's 1 days work = 1/30,

B's 1 day work = 1/40,
Proportion of their shares = 1/30:1/40 = 4:3
B's offer = (7000*3/7) = Rs. 3000

Q 6 - A can do a bit of work in 10 days while B alone can do it in 15 days. They

cooperate for 5 days and whatever remains of the work is finished by C in 2 days.
On the off chance that they get Rs. 4500 for the entire work, by what means if
they partition the cash?

A - Rs 1250, Rs 1200, Rs 550

B - Rs 2250, Rs 1500, Rs 750

C - Rs 1050, Rs 1000, Rs 500

D - Rs 650, Rs 700, Rs 500

Answer - B


(A+B)'s 5 days work = 5(1/10+ 1/15)= (5* 1/6)= 5/6

Remaining work = (1-5/6) = 1/6
C's 2 days work = 1/6
(A's 5 day work): (B's 5 day work): (C's 2 days work)
= 5/10: 5/15: 1/6
= 15: 10:5 = 3:2:1
A's offer = (4500*3/6) = Rs. 2250
B's offer = (4500*2/6) = Rs. 1500
C's share= (4500*1/6) = Rs. 750

Q 7 - A, B and C can do a piece of work in 24 days, 30 days and 40 days

respectively. They began the work together but C left 4 days before the
completion of the work. In how many days was the work completed?

A - 11 Days

B - 12 Days

C - 13 Days

D - 14 Days
Answer: A) 11 days

One day's work of A, B and C = (1/24 + 1/30 + 1/40) = 1/10.

C leaves 4 days before completion of the work, which means only A and B work
during the last 4 days.

Work done by A and B together in the last 4 days = 4 (1/24 + 1/30) = 3/10.

Remaining Work = 7/10, which was done by A,B and C in the initial number of

Number of days required for this initial work = 7 days.

Thus, the total numbers of days required = 4 + 7 = 11 days.

Q 8 - P can complete a work in 12 days working 8 hours a day.Q can complete

the same work in 8 days working 10 hours a day. If both p and Q work
together,working 8 hours a day,in how many days can they complete the work?

A - 60/11

B - 61/11

C - 71/11

D - 72/11
Answer: A) 60/11

P can complete the work in (12 x 8) hrs = 96 hrs
Q can complete the work in (8 x 10) hrs=80 hrs
Therefore, P's 1 hour work=1/96 and Q's 1 hour work= 1/80
(P+Q)'s 1 hour's work =(1/96) + (1/80) = 11/480. So both P and Q will finish the
work in 480/11 hrs

Therefore, Number of days of 8 hours each = (480/11) x (1/8) = 60/11

Q 9 - A and B can do a piece of work in 30 days , while B and C can do the same
work in 24 days and C and A in 20 days . They all work together for 10 days when
B and C leave. How many days more will A take to finish the work?

A - 18 Days

B - 24 Days

C - 30 Days

D - 36 Days

Answer: A) 18 days


2(A+B+C)'s 1 day work = 1/30 + 1/24 + 1/20 = 1/8

=>(A+B+C)'s 1 day's work= 1/16

work done by A,B and C in 10 days=10/16 = 5/8

Remaining work= 3/8

A's 1 day's work= (1 / 16−1 / 24)=1 / 48

Now, 1/48 work is done by A in 1 day.

So, 3/8 work will be done by A in =48 x (3/8) = 18 days

Q 10 - An air conditioner can cool the hall in 40 miutes while another takes 45
minutes to cool under similar conditions. If both air conditioners are switched on
at same instance then how long will it take to cool the room approximately ?

A -18 minutes

B - 19 minutes

C - 22 minutes

D - 24 minutes

Answer: C) 22 minutes


Let the two conditioners be A and B

'A' cools at 40min

'B' at 45min

Together = (a x b)/(a + b)

= (45 x 40)/(45 + 40)

= 45 x 40/85

= 21.1764

= 22 min (approx).

Q 11 - A works twice as fast as B.If B can complete a work in 18 days

independently,the number of days in which A and B can together finish the work

A - 4 days

B - 6 days

C - 8 days

D - 10 days

Answer: B) 6 days

Ratio of rates of working of A and B =2:1. So, ratio of times taken =1:2

Therefore, A's 1 day's work=1/9

B's 1 day's work=1/18

(A+B)'s 1 day's work= 1/9 + 1/18 = 1/6

so, A and B together can finish the work in 6 days

Q 12 - A can do a certain work in the same time in which B and C together can do
it.If A and B together could do it in 20 days and C alone in 60 days ,then B alone
could do it in:

A - 20 days

B - 40 days

C - 50 days

D - 60 days

Answer: D) 60 days


(A+B)'s 1 day's work=1/20

C's 1 day work=1/60

(A+B+C)'s 1 day's work= 1/20 + 1/60 = 1/15

Also A's 1 day's work =(B+C)'s 1 day's work

Therefore, we get: 2 x (A's 1 day 's work)=1/15

=>A's 1 day's work=1/30

Therefore, B's 1 day's work= 1/20 - 1/30 = 1/60

So, B alone could do the work in 60 days.

Q 13 - A is thrice efficient as B and C is twice as efficient as B. what is the ratio of

number of days taken by A,B and C, when they work individually?

A - 2:6:3

B - 2:3:6

C -1:2:3

D - 3:1:2

Answer: A) 2:6:3

A : B : C

Ratio of efficiency 3 : 1 : 2

Ratio of No.of days 1/3 : 1/1 : 1/2

or 2 : 6 : 3
Hence A is correct.

Q 14 - 4 men can repair a road in 7 hours. How many men are required to repair
the road in 2 hours ?

A - 17 men

B - 14 men

C - 13 men

D - 16 men

Answer: B) 14 men


M x T / W = Constant
where, M= Men (no. of men)
T= Time taken
W= Work load
So, here we apply
M1 x T1/ W1 = M2 x T2 / W2
Given that, M1 = 4 men, T1 = 7 hours ; T2 = 2 hours, we have to find M2 =?
Note that here, W1 = W2 = 1 road, ie. equal work load.
Clearly, substituting in the above equation we get, M2 = 14 men.
Q 15 - A,B,C together can do a piece of work in 10 days.All the three started
workingat it together and after 4 days,A left.Then,B and C together completed
the work in 10 more days.In how many days can complete a work alone ?

A - 25

B - 24

C - 23

D - 21

Answer: A) 25


(A+B+C) do 1 work in 10 days.

So (A+B+C)'s 1 day work=1/10 and as they work together for 4 days so workdone
by them in 4 days=4/10=2/5

Remaining work=1-2/5=3/5

(B+C) take 10 more days to complete 3/5 work. So( B+C)'s 1 day work=3/50

Now A'S 1 day work=(A+B+C)'s 1 day work - (B+C)'s 1 day work=1/10-3/50=1/25

A does 1/25 work in in 1 day

Therefore 1 work in 25 days.

Q 16 - (x-2) men can do a piece of work in x days and (x+7) men can do 75% of
the same work in (x-10)days. Then in how many days can (x+10) men finish the

A - 27 Days

B - 12 Days

C - 25 Days

D - 18 Days

Answer: B) 12 days


⇒x2−6x−280 =0⇒x2-6x-280 =0

=> x= 20 and x=-14

so, the acceptable values is x=20

Therefore, Total work =(x-2)x = 18 x 20 =360 unit

Now 360 = 30 x k

=> k=12 days

Q 17 - 3 men, 4 women and 6 children can complete a work in 7 days. A woman
does double the work a man does and a child does half the work a man does.
How many women alone can complete this work in 7 days ?





Answer: D) 7

Let 1 woman's 1 day work = x.

Then, 1 man's 1 day work = x/2 and 1 child's 1 day work x/4.

So, (3x/2 + 4x + + 6x/4) = 1/7

28x/4 = 1/7 => x = 1/49

1 woman alone can complete the work in 49 days.

So, to complete the work in 7 days, number of women required = 49/7 = 7.

Q 18 - A, B and C can complete a piece of work in 24,6 and 12 days

respectively.Working together, they will complete the same work in:
A - 1/24 days

B - 7/24 days

C - 24/7 days

D - 4 Days

Answer: C) 24/7 days

(A+B+C)'s 1 day's work = (1/24 + 1/6 + 1/12) = 7/24

so, A,B and C together will complete the work in 24/7 days.

Q 19 - A and B together can do a piece of work in 40 days. A having worked for

20 days, B finishes the remaining work alone in 60 days. In How many days shall
B finish the whole work alone?

A - 60

B - 70

C - 80

D - 90
Answer: C) 80


Let A's 1 day's work=x and B's 1 day's work=y

Then x+y = 1/40 and 20x+60y=1

Solving these two equations , we get : x= 1/80 and y= 1/80

Therefore B's 1 day work = 1/80

Hence,B alone shall finish the whole work in 80 days

Q 20 - A is 30% more efficient than B. How much time will they, working
together, take to complete a job which A alone could have done in 23 days ?

A - 9 Days

B - 11 Days

C - 13 Days

D - 15 Days

Answer: C) 13 days


Ratio of times taken by A and B = 100 : 130 = 10 : 13.

Suppose B takes x days to do the work.

Then, 10 : 13 :: 23 : x => x = ( 23 x 13/10 ) => x = 299 /10.

A's 1 day's work = 1/23 ;
B's 1 day's work = 10/299 .

(A + B)'s 1 day's work = ( 1/23 + 10/299 ) = 23/299 = 113 .

Therefore, A and B together can complete the work in 13 days.

Important Formulae

Let rate = R% per annum and Time = T years. Then,

 P.W. = (100 x Amount) / (100 + (R x T))

= (100 x T.D.) / (R x T)

 T.D. = (P.W. x R x T) / 100

= (Amount x R x T) / (100 + (R x T))

 Sum = (S.I. x T.D.) / (S.I. - T.D.)

 S.I. - T.D. = S.I. on T.D.

 When the sum is put at compound interest, then

P.W. = Amount / (1+R/100)T

Sample Question Paper on
True Discount
Q 1 - Find the P.W. of Rs. 9920 due 3 years at 8% p.a.
A - Rs 7000
B - Rs 8000
C - Rs 6000
D - Rs 7000

Answer - B
P.W.= ((100 x Amount))/(100+(R x T))
= Rs {(100 x 9920)/(100 (3 x 8))}
= Rs (100 x 9920)/124
= Rs 8000

Q 2 - The genuine rebate on a bill due 9 months consequently at 6% for each

annum is Rs. 180. Discover its present worth.
A - Rs 4000
B - Rs 5000
C - Rs 3000
D - Rs 6000
Answer - A
P.W. = ((100 x T.D.))/((R x T))
= Rs {(100 x 180)/(6 x 3/4)}
= Rs 4000

Q 3 - The genuine markdown on a sure total of cash due 3 years consequently is

Rs 200 and the straightforward enthusiasm on the some aggregate for the same
time and at the same guideline is Rs. 240. Discover the aggregate and the rate
A - Rs 1200
B - Rs 1000
C - Rs 1200
D - Rs 1000

Answer - A
T.D = Rs 200 and S.I. = Rs 240
Sum due = (S .I. x T.D.)/(S.I.-T.D.)
= Rs ((240 x 200))/((240-200))
= Rs 1200
Q 4 - The genuine rebate on Rs 1860 due after a sure time at 5% p.a. is Rs. 60.
Discover the time after which it is expected.
A - 10 months
B - 8 months
C - 7 months
D - 6 months

Answer - B
P.W. = (Amount)-(T.D.)
= Rs (1860-60)
= Rs 1800
T.D. is S.I. on P.W.
Rs. 60 is S.I. on Rs 1800 at 5% p.a.
Time = ((100 x 60))/((5 x 1800)) years
= 2/3 years
= 2/3 x 12 months
= 8 months

Q 5 - Find the rebate on Rs. 9920 due 3 years at 8% p.a.

A - Rs 1720
B - Rs 1820
C - Rs 1920
D - Rs 1220

Answer - C
P.W.= ((100 x Amount))/(100+(R x T))
= Rs {(100 x 9920)/(100 (3 x 8))}
= Rs (100 x 9920)/124
= Rs 8000
T.D. = (Amount)-(P.W.)
= Rs (9920-8000)
= Rs 1920

Q 6 - The genuine rebate on a bill due 9 months consequently at 6% for each

annum is Rs. 180. Discover the charge's measure.
A - Rs 4180
B - Rs 3180
C - Rs 2180
D - Rs 1180

Answer - A
P.W. = ((100 x T.D.))/((R x T))
= Rs {(100 x 180)/(6 x 3/4)}
= Rs 4000
Sum = (P.W.+T.D.)
= Rs (4000+180)
= Rs 4180

Q 7 - The genuine markdown on a sure total of cash due 3 years consequently is

Rs 200 and the straightforward enthusiasm on the some aggregate for the same
time and at the same guideline is Rs. 240. Discover the rate percent.
A - 50/3% p.a
B - 40/3% p.a
C - 10/3% p.a
D - 20/3% p.a

Answer - D
T.D = Rs 200 and S.I. = Rs 240
Sum due = (S .I. x T.D.)/(S.I.-T.D.)
= Rs ((240 x 200))/((240-200))
= Rs 1200
T.D is S.I. on the sum.
Rs. 240 is S.I. on Rs 1200 for a long time.
R= ((100 x 240))/((1200 x 3))% p.a.
= 20/3% p.a
Q 8 - The genuine markdown on Rs 2575 due 4 months thus is Rs. 75. Discover
the rate of hobby.
A - 6% p.a.
B - 7% p.a.
C - 8% p.a.
D - 9% p.a.

Answer - D
Amount = Rs 2575, T=4/12 years = 1/3 years, T.D = Rs. 75
P.W. = (Amount) - (T.D.) = Rs (2575-75) = 2500.
T.D. Is S.I. on P.W.
R.s 75 is S.I. on Rs. 2500 or 1/3 years
Rate = ((100x75)/(2500x1/3))% p.a. = 9% p.a.

Q 9 - The genuine rebate on a bill due 10 months consequently at 6% p.a. is Rs

26.25. Discover the charge's measure.
A - Rs 451.25
B - Rs 551.25
C - Rs 351.25
D - Rs 251.25
Answer - B
T.D. = Rs 26.25, T = 10/12 year= 5/6 year,R=6% p.a.
Let P.W. be Rs x. Then,
S.I. on Rs x at 6% p.a. for 5/6 year is Rs. 26.25
∴ (x * 6 * 5/6)/100 = 25.25
=> x= (26.25 * 20) = 525
∴ (P.W.) + (T.D.) = Rs. (525+26.25) = Rs 551.25

Q 10 - The contrast between the S.I. what's more, T.D. on a sure whole of cash
for 6 months at 6% p.a. is Rs. 27. Discover the total.
A - 32900
B - 30900
C - 31900
D - 33900

Answer - B
S.I. = Rs. (x * 6 * 1/2)/100
= Rs. 3x/100 and T.D.
= Rs {(x * 78/12)/(100+(6 * 6/12) )}
= Rs. 3x/103
∴ 3x/100-3x/103 = 27
=> (309x-300x) = (27 * 100 * 103)
=> x = ((27*100*103))/9
= 30900
Q 11 - Find the single discount which is equivalent to successive discounts of 15%
and 16%.
A - 36.6%
B - 31%
C - 28.6%
D - 29.4%

Answer : C


Successive discount is calculated as X+Y-XY/100 %

Successive discount =15+16-15*16/100=31-240/100=28.6 %

Q 12 - Rs. 40 is the true discount on Rs. 520 due after a certain time. What will be
the true discount on the same sum due after half of the former time, the rate of
interest being the same?
A - Rs. 19.66
B - Rs. 20.66
C - Rs. 21.66
D - Rs. 22.66

Answer : C


S.I. on Rs. (520 - 40) for a given time = Rs. 40.

S.I. on Rs. 480 for half the time = Rs. 20.
T.D. on Rs. 500 = Rs. 20
T.D. on Rs. 520 =Rs. ( 20/480 * 520)= Rs. 21.66

Q 13 - The present worth of a sum due sometime hence is Rs. 1024 and the
banker's gain is Rs.64. The true discount is:
A - Rs. 256
B - Rs. 125
C - Rs. 64
D - Rs. 32

Answer : A


T.D. = √(P.W.x B.G.)

=Rs. 256

Q 14 - The banker's gain of a certain sum due 3 years hence at 20% per annum is
Rs. 48. The present worth is:
A - Rs.100
B - Rs.96
C - Rs.103.33
D - Rs.133.33
Answer : D


T.D. =(B.G*100)/( R*T)=48*100/( 20*3)=Rs. 80.

Present worth=( 100*TD)/R*T=( 100*80)/20*3=Rs.133.33

Q 15 - The banker's discount on a sum of money for 2.5 years is Rs. 1125 and the
true discount on the same sum for 2 years is Rs.800. The rate percent is:
A - 6.25%
C - 5.25%
D - 5%

Answer : A


B.D. for 2.5(5/2) years = Rs. 1125.

B.D. for 2 years = Rs. (1125*( 2)/5*2) =Rs. 900.
T.D. for 2 years = Rs. 800.
Sum =( B.D*T.D )/(B.D*-T.D)=Rs.( ( 900*800 )/(900-800))=Rs. 900*800/100=Rs.
Thus, Rs. 900 is SI on Rs. 7200 for 2 years
Rate = ( 100*900 )/7200*2=6.25%
Q 16 - The genuine markdown on an aggregate due 3 years consequently at 8%
p.a. is Rs 252. The total due is:
A - Rs 798
B - Rs 1050
C - Rs 1302
D - None of these

Answer : C


P.W. = (100*T.D.)/(R*T) = Rs ((100*252))/((8*3)) = Rs 1050

Sum due = (P.W.)+(T.D.) = Rs (1050+252) = Rs 1302

Q 17 - The straightforward hobby and the genuine rebate on a sure total due 6
months subsequently are Rs 25 and Rs 24 individually. The rate of interest per
annum is:
A - 8%
B - 17/2%
C - 35/4%
D - 25/3%

Answer : D

((S.I.)*(T.D.))/((S.I.)-(T.D.))=Rs ((25*24))/((25-24))= Rs 600
S.I. on Rs 600 for 6 months is Rs 25
∴ Rate = (100*125)/(600*6/12)% p.a. = 25/3% p.a.

Q 18 - A man acquired a look for Rs 1950 in real money and sold it for Rs 2160 at
a credit of 1 year. On the off chance that the rate of hobby is 8% p.a., then the
man has:
A - an increase of Rs 210
B - an addition of Rs 50
C - an addition of Rs 60
D - lost Rs 30

Answer : B


C.P. = Rs. 1950

S.P. = P.W. of Rs. 2160 due 1 year hence
= Rs ((100*2160))/(100+(8*1)) = Rs 2000 in cash.
∴ Gain = Rs (2000-1950) = Rs 50

Q 19 - In the event that Rs 20 be permitted as genuine rebate on a bill of Rs 260

due after at some point, what will be the genuine markdown on the same bill for
half of the time?
A - Rs 10
B - Rs 10.40
C - Rs 13
D - Rs 15.20

Answer : B


S.I. on Rs (260-20) for a fixed time = Rs 20

S.I. on Rs 240 for half the time = Rs 10
T.D. on Rs 250 = Rs 10
T.D. on Rs 260 = Rs (10/250*260) = Rs 10.40

Q 20 - A needs to pay Rs 1573 to B following 11/2 years and B needs to pay Rs

1444.50 to A following 6 months. In the event that the rate of hobby is 14% for
each annum and both need to settle the record at this time, who will pay to the
next and what amount?
A - A, Rs 28.50
B - B, Rs 37.50
C - A, Rs 50
D - B, Rs 50

Answer : D


P.W. of loan on A = Rs ((100*1573))/(100+(14*2/3) )= Rs ((100*1573))/121= Rs

P.W. of loan on B = Rs ((100*1444.50))/(100+(14*1/2) )= Rs ((144450))/103= Rs
So, B will pay Rs. 50
Rule of three
The method of finding the 4th proportional when the other three are given is
called Simple Proportional or Rule of three.

Compound Proportional
Repeated use of three is called Compound Proportional.

Direct Proportional
Two quantities are said to vary directly if on the increase ( or decrease) of the
one , the other increase (or decrease) to the same extent.

1. More articles , more cost.

2. More men, more work.

Indirect Proportional
Two quantities are said to vary indirectly if on the increase ( or decrease) of the
one , the other decrease (or increase ) to the same extent.

1. Less time to finish a work , more persons at work.

2. More speed , less is the time taken.

Sample Question Paper on
Chain Rule
Q 1 - If 15 dolls cost Rs 35, what do 39 dolls cost?
A - Rs 71
B - Rs 81
C - Rs 91
D - Rs 101

Answer - C

Let the required cost be Rs x.

More dolls, more cost (direct)
∴ 15 : 39:: 35 : x ⇒15 *x = (39 *35)
⇒ x= (39 *35)/15 = 91.
∴ Cost of 39 dolls = Rs 91

Q 2 - If 36 men can do a piece of work in 25 days, in how many days will 15 men
do it?
A - 30
B - 40
C - 50
D - 60
Answer - D

Let the required number of days be x.

Less men, more days (indirect)
∴ 15: 36:: 25 : x ⇒ 15 *x = (36 * 25)
⇒ x= (36 *25 ) / 15 = 60.
∴ Required number of days = 60.

Q 3 - If 20 men can build a wall 112m long in 6 days, what length of a similar wall
can be built by 25 men in days?
A - 40m
B - 50m
C - 60m
D - 70m

Answer - D

Let the required length be x metres.

More men, more length built (direct)
Less days, less length built (direct)
Men 20 : 25 :: 112 : x
Days 6:3
∴ (20 * 6 *x ) = ( 25 * 3 *112) ⇒ x= (25 * 3 * 112) / (20 * 6 ) = 70.
Required length 70m.
Q 4 - If 8 men working 9 hours a days can built a wall 18m long, 2 m broad and
12m high in 10 days, how many men will be required to build a wall 32m long ,
3m broad and 9m high by working 6 hours a days, in 8 days?
A - 20
B - 30
C - 40
D - 50

Answer - B

let the required number of men be x.

More length, more men (Direct)
More breadth, more men (Direct)
Less height, less men (Direct)
Less hours per day, more men (Indirect)
Less days, more men (Indirect)
Length 18:32
Breadth 2:3
Height 12:9 :: 8 : x
Hrs / Day 6: 9
Days 8:10
∴ ( 18 * 2 * 12 * 6 * 8 * x) = ( 32 * 3 * 9 * 9 * 10) ⇒ x= 32*3*9*9*10 /
18*2*12*6*8 =30.
Q 5 - A contract was to be completed in 56 days and 104 men were set to works,
Each working 8 hours per days. After 30 days , 2/5 of the work is completed. How
many additional men may be employed so that the work may be completed in
time, each man now working 9 hours a day?
A - 36
B - 46
C - 56
D - 66

Answer - C

Remaining work = (1- 2/5 ) = 3/5 , Remaining period = (56 – 30) =26 days.
Let the additional men employed be x.
More work , more men (direct)
More days , less men (indirect)
More hrs/ day, less men (indirect)
Work 2/5 : 3/5
Days 26: 30 :: 104 : (104 + x)
Hrs/ day 9:8
∴ 2/5 *26 * 9 * (104 +x ) = 3/5 *30 * 8 * 104
⇒ (104 +x) = 3 * 30 * 8 * 104 / 2* 26 * 9 = 160 ⇒ x = (160 – 104) = 56.
Additional men to be employed = 56.

Q 6 - 5 men or 9 women can do a piece of work in 19 days. In how many days will
3 men and 6 women do it?
A - 12
B - 13
C - 14
D - 15

Answer - D

9 women = 5 men ⇒ 1 women = 5/9 men

⇒ 6 women = (5/9 * 6) men = 10/3 men.
3 men +6 women = (3+ 10/3 ) men = 19/3 men.
Let the required number of days be x.
More men, less days
19/3 : 5 :: 19 : x ⇒ 19 /3 *x = (5 *19)
⇒ x= (5* 19 * 3 /19 ) = 15.
∴ Required number of days = 15.

Q 7 - 8 women can complete the work in 10 days and 10 children take 16 days to
complete the same work. How many days will 10 women and 12 children take to
complete the work ?

Answer - D

1 women can complete the work in (10 * 8) days= 80 days.

1 child can complete the work in (16 * 10) days= 160 days.
1 women 1 days work = 1/80 , 1 child 1 days work= 1/160.
(10 women +12 children) 1 days work = ( 10 * 1/80 +12 * 1/160)
= ( 1/8 + 3/40 ) = 8/ 40 = 1 /5.
∴ 10 women and 12 children will finish the work in 5 days.

Q 8 - If 6 engines consume 15 metric tonnes of coal when each is running 9 hours

a days , how much coal will be required for 8 engines, each running 12 hours a
days, it being given that 3 engines of former type consume as much as 4 engines
of latter type?
A - 17 tonnes
B - 18 tonnes
C - 19 tonnes
D - 20 tonnes

Answer - D

Let the required quantity of coal consumed be x tones.

More engines, more coal consumption (direct)
More hours, more coal consumption (direct)
Less rate of consumption, less consumption (direct)
Engines 6:8
Working Hrs 9:12 :: 15 : x
Rate of consumption 1/3 : 1/4
∴ (6 * 9 * 1/3 * x) = (8 * 12 * 1/4 * 15 ⇒ 18x = 360 ⇒ x = 20.
Quantity of coal consumed = 20 tonnes.
Q 9 - If 22.5 m of a uniform rod weighs 85.5 kg , what will be the weight of 6m of
the same rod?
A - 22.8 kg
B - 25.6 kg
C - 26.5 kg
D - 28kg

Answer - A

Let the required weight be x kg.

Less length, less weight (direct)
22.5: 6 :: 85.5 :x ⇒ 22.5x = (6 * 85.5) ⇒ x= (6 * 85.5) / 22.5 = (6 *885 / 225) = 22.8
Required weight = 22.8 kg.

Q 10 - On a scale of map 1.5cm represents 24km. If the distance between two

points on the map is 76.5 cm, the distance between these points is:
A - 1071 km
B - 1224 km
C - 1377 km
D - None of these

Answer - B
Let the actual distance be x km.
More distance on the map, more is actual distance (direct)
1.5 : 76.5 :: 24 : x ⇒ 1.5x = (76.5 * 24) ⇒ x = (76.5 * 24) / 1.5 = 1224 km.
Required distance= 1224km.

Q 11 - 6 dozen eggs are bought for Rs 48. How much will 132 eggs cost?
A - Rs 78
B - Rs 80
C - Rs 82
D - Rs 88

Answer - D

Let the required cost be Rs x.

More eggs, more cost ( direct)
72: 132 :: 48 : x ⇒ 72 x = (132 * 48) ⇒ x= (132 *48) / 72 = 88.
∴ Required cost = Rs 88.

Q 12 - In a race, Raghu cover 5 km in 20 minutes, how much distance will he

cover in 50 minutes?
A - 10.5 km
B - 12 km
C - 12.5 km
D - 13 km
Answer - C

Let the required distance be x km.

More time , more distance covered ( direct)
20: 50: :: 5 : x ⇒ 20x = (50 * 5 ) ⇒ x= (50 * 5) / 20 = 12.5 km.
Required distance = 12.5 km.

Q 13 - A certain number of men can finish a piece of work in 100 days. If there
were 10 men less, it would take 10 days more for the work to be finished. How
many men were there originally?

A - 75

B - 82

C - 100

D - 110

Answer - D

Originally let there be x men.

Less men, More days (Indirect Proportion)

Therefore, (x-10) : x :: 100 :110

=> (x - 10) * 110 = x * 100 => x= 110

Q 14 - If 7 spiders make 7 webs in 7 days, then 1 spider will make 1 web in how
many days?




D - 14

Answer - C

Let the required number days be x.
Less spiders, More days (Indirect Proportion)
Less webs, Less days (Direct Proportion)
Spiders1:7Webs7:1}⋮⋮ 7:xSpiders1:7Webs7:1⋮⋮ 7:x

=> 1 * 7 * x = 7 * 1 * 7

=> x= 7

Q 15 - 2 men and 7 boys can do a piece of work in 14 days; 3 men and 8 boys can
do the same in 11 days. Then, 8 men and 6 boys can do three times the amount of
this work in

A - 18 Days

B - 21 Days
C - 24 Days

D - 30 Days

Answer - B


(2 x 14) men +(7 x 14) boys = (3 x 11) men + (8 x 11) boys

=>5 men= 10 boys => 1man= 2 boys

Therefore, (2 men+ 7 boys) = (2 x 2 +7) boys = 11 boys

( 8 men + 6 boys) = (8 x 2 +6) boys = 22 boys.

Let the required number of days be x.

More boys , Less days (Indirect proportion)

More work , More days (Direct proportion)

Boys22:11Work1 : 3}⋮⋮ 14:xBoys22:11Work1 : 3⋮⋮ 14:x

Therefore, (22 * 1 * x) = (11 * 3 * 14)

=> x = 21

Hence, the required number of days = 21

Q 16 - 3 pumps working 8 hours a day, can empty a tank in 2 days. How many
hours a day must 4 pumps work to empty the tank in 1 day?


B - 10

C - 11

D - 12

Answer - D


Let the required no of working hours per day be x.

More pumps , Less working hours per day (Indirect Proportion)

Less days, More working hours per day (Indirect Proportion)

Pumps4 : 3Days1 : 2}⋮⋮ 8:xPumps4 : 3Days1 : 2⋮⋮ 8:x

=> (4 * 1 * x) = (3 * 2 * 8)

=> x=12
Q 17 - 36 men can complete a piece of work in 18 days. In how many days will 27
men complete the same work ?

A - 24 Days

B - 28 Days

C - 34 Days

D - 35 Days

Answer - A


Less Men, means more Days {Indirect Proportion}

Let the number of days be x then,

27 : 36 :: 18 : x

[Please pay attention, we have written 27 : 36 rather than 36 : 27, in indirect

proportion, if you get it then chain rule is clear to you :)]

=>27x = 36 * 18

=> x = 24

So 24 days will be required to get work done by 27 men.

Q 18 - Some persons can do a piece of work in 12 days. Two times the number of
such persons will do half of that work in

A - 6 Days

B - 12 Days

C - 4 Days

D - 3 Days

Answer - D


Let x men can do the in 12 days and the required number of days be z

More men, Less days [Indirect Proportion]

Less work, Less days [Direct Proportion ]

men2x:xwork1:12} :: 12 : zmen2x:xwork1:12 :: 12 : z


Q 19 - If 36 men can do a piece of work in 25 hours, in how mwny hours will15
men do it?

A - 40

B - 50

C - 60

D - 70

Answer - C

Let the required no of hours be x. Then

Less men , More hours (Indirct Proportion)

Therefore, 15:36 ::25:x

=> (15 x X)=(36 x 25) => x = 60

Hence, 15 men can do it in 60 hours.

Q 20 - If 18 binders bind 900 books in 10 days , How many binders will be required
to bind 660 books in 12 days?

A - 22

B - 14

C - 13
D - 11

Answer - D


Let the required no of binders be X.

Less books , Less binders (Direct Proportion)

More days, Less binders (Indirect proportion)

Books900:660Days12 : 10}⋮⋮ 18:xBooks900:660Days12 : 10⋮⋮ 18:x

Therefore, (900 * 12 * x) = (660 * 10 * 18)

=> x = 11
Factors and Multiples

If a number P divides another number Q exactly, we say that P is a factor of Q i.e.

Q is a multiple of P.


The H.C.F of two or more than two numbers is the greatest number that divides
each of them exactly.


The least number which is exactly divisible by each one of the given numbers is
called their L.C.M

Product of two numbers

Product of their H.C.F and L.C.M


Two numbers are co-primes if their H.C.F is 1.

H.C.F and L.C.M of fractions

1. H.C.F = H.C.F of Numerators⁄L.C.M of Denominators

2. L.C.M = L.C.M of Numerators⁄H.C.F of Denominators
Sample Question Paper on
Q 1 - Compute H.C.F of (22* 23*5*74), (23*32*52*73) and (22*53*75).
A - 6760
B - 6860
C - 6960
D - 7060

Answer - B
Prime numbers which are common to all the given numbers are 2,5 ,7.
∴ H.C.F = (22*5*73)= (4*5*343) = 6860

Q 2 - Find the H.C.F of 108, 360 and 600.

A - 12
B - 13
C - 14
D - 15
Answer - A
108 = (22*33) , 360 = (23*32*5) and 600 = (23*52*3)
∴ H.C.F = (22* 3) = (4* 3)=12

Q 3 - Find the H.C.F of 148 and 185.

A - 37
B - 38
C - 39
D - 40

Answer - A
Remainder of 185/148 = 37
Remainder of 148/37 = 0
∴ H.C.F. = 37

Q 4 - Find the H.C.F of 204, 1190 and 1445.

A - 16
B - 17
C - 18
D - 19
Answer - B
Remainder of 1190/204 = 170
Remainder of 204/170 = 34
Remainder of 170/34 = 0

∴ H.C.F. of 204, 1190 = 34

Remainder of 1145/34 = 17
Remainder of 34/17 = 0

∴ H.C.F. of 204, 1190 and 1145 = 17

Q 5 - Reduce 391/667 to lowest terms.

A - 7/29
B - 27/29
C - 17/29
D - 37/29

Answer - C
First we find the H.C.F of 391 and 667.
Remainder of 667/391 = 276
Remainder of 391/276 =115
Remainder of 276/115 = 46
Remainder of 115/46 = 23
Remainder of 46/23= 0

∴ H.C.F. of 391, 667 = 23

∴ 391/667 =( 391/23)/ (667/23)= 17/29

Q 6 - Find the L.C.M of (22*32*5*7) , (2³*3*52*72) and (2*3*7*11).

A - 970200
B - 97020
C - 9702
D - 970

Answer - A
We have L.C.M = product of terms containing highest powers of (2,3,5,7,11)
= (2³* 32* 52*72*11) = (8*9*25*11*49)= 970200

Q 7 - Find the L.C.M of 15, 18, 24, 27, 56.

A - 7260
B - 7360
C - 7460
D - 7560
Answer - D
15 = 3 * 5
18 = 2* 3 * 3 = 2 * 3 2
24 = 2 *2 * 2 * 3 = 2 3 * 3
27 = 3 * 3 * 3 = 3 3
56 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 7= 2 3 * 7
L.C.M = product of terms containing highest powers of (2,3,5,7) =2 3 * 3 3 * 5 * 7 =

Q 8 - Find the H.C.F and L.C.M of 2/3 , 8/9 , 10/27 and 16/81.
A - 2 / 84 , 80/ 9
B - 5/4 , 75/3
C - 5/2 , 81/4
D - 2/81 , 80/3

Answer - D
H.C.F of 2,8,10,16 = 2
L.C.M of 3,9,27,81 = 81
H.C.f = H.C.F of 2,8,10,16/L.C.M of 3,9,27,81 = 2/81
L.C.M = L.C.M of 2,8,10,16/H.C.F of 3,9, 27,81 = 80/3
Q 9 - Two numbers are in the ratio 8:11 . Considering their H.C.f as 6, find the
A - 58 , 79
B - 48 , 66
C - 38 , 56
D - 28 , 33

Answer - B
Let the numbers be 8x and 11 x. then, their H.C.F = x
So, the numbers are (8*6), (11*6) i.e 48 and 66.

Q 10 - Given the H.C. F of two numbers as 7 and their L.C.M as 210. If one of the
numbers is 35, find the other.
A - 32
B - 42
C - 52
D - 62

Answer - B
Let the Other number be X. then,
Product of numbers = product of their H.C .F and L.C.M
35*x= 7* 210 ⇒ x= 7*210/35 = 42
Hence, the other number is 42.

Q 11 - Three big drums contain 36 liters, 45 liters and 72 liters of oil. What is the
biggest measure which can measure all the different quantities exactly?
A - 9 liters
B - 10 liters
C - 11 liters
D - 12 liters

Answer - A
Required measure = H.C.F of 36 L, 45 L, and 72 L
= (32) liters = 9 liters
[As 36 = 22*32, 45 = 32*5 and 72 = 24* 34]

Q 12 - Four electronic devices make a beep after duration of 30 minutes, 1 hour,

3/2 hours and 1 hour 45 min. respectively. If all the devices beeped together at
12 noon at what time will they beep together again?
A - 9 am
B - 10 am
C - 11 am
D - 11:30 am

Answer - A
Intervals of beeping 30 min, 60 min, 90 min, 105 min.
Interval of beeping together= L.C.M of 30 min. 60 min. 90 min. 105 min
= (3*5*2*2*3*7) min. = 1260 min = 21 hrs.
So, they will beep together again next morning at 9 am.

Q 13 - Find the largest number which can exactly divide 513, 783 and 1107.
A - 22
B - 23
C - 24
D - 25

Answer - B
Remainder of 783/513 = 270
Remainder of 513/270 =243
Remainder of 270/243 = 27
Remainder of 243/27 = 0
Remainder of 46/23= 0
∴ H.C.F. of 513, 783 = 23
Remainder of 1107/23 = 0
∴ H.C.F. of 513, 783 and 1107= 23

Q 14 - Find the smallest number which is exactly divisible by each one of the
numbers 12, 15, 20 and 27.
A - 540
B -530
C - 520
D - 510

Answer - A
Required no. = L.C.M of 12,15, 20 and 27
= (3*2*2*5*9) = 540

Q 15 - Find the least number which if divided by 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 leaves the same

remainder 2 in each case.
A - 506
B - 504
C - 502
D - 500
Answer - A
Required number = (L.C.M of 6,7,8,9,12)+2 = (2*3*2*7*2*3)+ 2 = (504+2)= 506.

Q 16 - Find the largest natural number which can divide the product of any 4
consecutive natural numbers.
A - 23
B - 24
C - 25
D - 26

Answer - B
(1*2*3*4) = 24
∴ Required number = 24

Q 17 - Find the least number which if divided by 35, 45 and 55 leaves the
remainder 18, 28 and 38 respectively.
A - 3448
B - 3458
C - 3468
D - 3478
Answer - A
Here (35-18) = 17 , (45-28)= 17 and (55- 38) = 17
Required number = (L.C.M of 35,45, 55)- 17 = (3465 -17) = 3448

Q 18 - The H.C.F of 1/2 , 2/3 , 3/4 , 4/5 is

A - 1/120
B - 12/5
C - 100/3
D - 10/3

Answer - A
H.C.F = H.C.F of 1,2,3,4/ L.C.M of 2,3,4,5 = 1/120

Q 19 - The H.C.F of 2/3, 8/9 , 10/27 , 32/81.

A - 160/81
B - 160/3
C - 2/81
D - 2/3

Answer - C
H.C.F = H.C.F of 2, 8,10, 32/ L.C.M of 3,9, 27, 81 = 2/81

Q 20 - Which of the following is a pair of Co-primes?

A - (14, 35)
B - (18, 25)
C - (31, 93)
D - (32,62)

Answer - B
H.C.F of 18 and 25 is 1.
∴ 18 and 25 are co-primes.

Q 21 - Find the L.C.M of 72, 108, and 2100.

A - 37500
B - 37000
C - 37800
D - 37850

Answer : C

72 = 23 x 32
108 = 22 x 33
2100 = 22 x 52 x 3 x7
Therefore L.C.M = 2 3 x 33 x 52 = 37800

Q 22 - The smallest fraction, which each of 6⁄7, 5⁄14, 10⁄21 will divide exactly, is?
A - 38⁄98
B - 60⁄147
C - 50⁄294
D - 30⁄7

Answer : D

Required fraction = L.C.M of 6⁄7, 5⁄14, 10⁄21 = L.C.M of 6, 5, 10⁄H.C.F of 7, 14, 21 = 30⁄7

Q 23 - Find the highest common factor of 36 and 84.

D - 12

Answer : D

36 = 22 x 32 84 = 22 x 3 x 7.
Therefore H.C.F = 22 x 3 = 12.
Q 24 - If the sum of two numbers is 55 and the H.C.F and L.C.M of these numbers
are 5 and 120 respectively then the sum of the reciprocals of the numbers is
equal to?
A - 11⁄120
B - 55⁄601
C - 601⁄55
D - 120⁄11

Answer : A

Let the numbers be a and b. Then a + b = 55 and a x b = 5 x 120 = 600
therefore Required sum = 1⁄a + 1⁄b = a + b⁄a x b
⁄600 = 11⁄120

Q 25 - Let N be the greatest number that will divide 1305, 4665 and 6905 leaving
the same remainder in each case. then the sum of the digits in N is?

Answer : B

N = H.C.F of (4665 - 1305), (6905 - 4665), (6905 - 1305)
= H.C.F of 3360, 2240 and 5600 = 1120.
Sum of digits in N = (1 + 1 + 2 + 0) = 4.
Q 26 - If the L.C.M of A and B is C, their H.C.F. is
A - C/AB
C - (A+B)/C
D - AB/C

Answer : D


Q 27 - Find the greatest possible rate at which a man should walk to cover a
distance of 35 km and 140 km in exact number of days
A - 30
B - 70
C - 25
D - 35

Answer : D

GCD of two 35 and 140=35

Q 28 - If two numbers are greater than 13 and the H.C.F of two numbers be 13,
L.C.M 273, then the sum of the numbers is:
A - 286
B - 130
C - 288
D - 290

Answer : B

Let the number be 13 a and 13 b, where a and b are co-primes.
Then, 13a * 13b= (13* 273) ⇒ab= 21
Two co-primes with product 21are 3 and 7.
∴ numbers are (13*3, 13*7) i.e , 39 and 91.
Their sum = (39+91) = 130

Q 29 - If the H.C.F of two numbers and their difference is 12 find the numbers.
A - 66, 78
B - 70, 82
C - 94, 106
D - 84, 96

Answer : D

The difference of requisite numbers must be 12 and one must be divisible by 12 .
Hence, the required numbers are 84 and 96

Q 30 - If the product of two co-primes is 117 then their L.C.F should be

B - 117
C - equal to their H.C.F
D - cannot be calculated

Answer : B

H.C.F of co-primes=1
H.C.F * L.C.M = Their product = 117
∴ 1* L.C.M = 117 ⇒L.C.M = 117
1. Cost Price, (c.p.) = The price, at which an article is purchased, is called its
cost price.
2. Selling price (s.p) = The price, at which an article is sold, is called its selling
3. Profit or Gain = (S.P) - (C.P)
4. Loss = (C.P) - (S.P)
5. Gain or Loss is always reckoned on C.P.


1. Gain% = (Gain*100) / C.P

2. Loss% = (Loss*100) / C.P
3. S.P = (100+ Gain %) /100 * (C.P)
4. S.P = (100-Loss %) / 100 * (C.P)
5. C.P = 100 / (100 + Gain %)* (S.P)
6. C.P = 100 / (100-Loss %)* (S.P)

Important cases

1. If an article is sold at a profit of say, 20%, then SP = 120% of CP.

2. If an article is sold at a loss of say, 20%, then SP = 80% of CP.
3. When a person sells two similar items, one at a gain of say x% and the
other at a loss of say x%. then the seller always incurs a loss given by:

Loss% = (x/10)2

4. If a seller sells his goods at cost price but uses false weights, then

Gain% = [Error/(True value - Error) * 100]%

Sample Question Paper on
Profit & Loss

Q 1 - A vendor bought 6 oranges for Re 10 and sold them at 4 for Re 6. Find his
loss or gain percent.
A - 8% gain
B - 10% gain
C - 8% loss
D - 10% loss

Answer - D
Suppose, number of oranges bought = LCM of 6 and 4 = 12
∴CP = Re (10/6 * 12) = Re 20 and SP = Re (6/4 * 12) = Re 18
∴Loss% = (2/20 * 100)% = 10%

Q 2 - By selling 33 meters of cloth, one gains the selling price of 11 meters. Find
the gain percent.
A - 50%
B - 45%
C - 40%
D - 60%
Answer - A
(SP of 33m) - (CP of 33m) = Gain = SP of 11m
∴ SP of 22m = CP of 33m
Let CP of each meter be Re 1. Then, CP of 22m = Re 22.
Hence SP of 22m = Re 33.
∴ %Gain = 11/22 * 100
= 50%

Q 3 - Pure ghee costs Re 100 per kg. A shopkeeper mixes vegetable oil costing Re
50 per kg and sells the mixture at Re 96 per kg, making a profit of 20%. In what
ratio does he mix the pure ghee with the vegetable oil.
A - 3:2
B - 2:3
C - 4:3
D - 3:1

Answer - A
Mean Cost price = Re (100/120)*96 = Re 80 per kg
Apply rule of allegation,
there4; Required ratio = 30:20 = 3:2

Q 4 - The CP of 25 articles is equal to SP of 20 articles. Find the loss or gain

A - 35%
B - 30%
C - 25%
D - None of these

Answer - C
Let the CP of each article = Re 1.
Then CP of 20 articles = Re 20.
SP of 20 articles = CP of 25 articles = Re 25.
∴ Gain% = (5/20)*100% = 25%

Q 5 - A shopkeeper bought 80 kg of sugar at Re 13.50/kg and mixed it with 120

kg sugar at Re 16/kg. If he is to make a profit of 16% what rate should he sell the
sugar to his customers?
A - Re 12/kg
B - Re 15.25/kg
C - Re 17/kg
D - Re 17.40/kg

Answer - D
CP of 200 kg of mixture = Re (80 * 13.50) + (120 * 16) = Re 3000
SP = 116% of Re 3000 = Re (116/100)*3000 = Re 3480
∴Rate of SP = Re 3480/200 = Re 17.40/kg
Q 6 - A man bought cookies at 3 for a rupee. How many for a rupee should he sell
to make a profit a 50%.
C - 1.5
D - None of these

Answer - B
CP of 3 cookies = Re 1
SP of 3 cookies = 150% of Re 1 = 3/2
For Re 3/2, the man sells 3 cookies.
Hence for Re 1, number of cookies sold = 3*2/3 = 2

Q 7 - Anil buys a calculator for Re 600 and sells it to Vikash at 10% profit. Vikash
sells it to Chandan for 5 % profit. Chandan after using it for certain time, sells it
to Dinesh at a loss of 20%. For how much Chandan sell the calculator to Dinesh.
A - Re 550.50
B - Re 564.40
C - Re 554.40
D - None of these

Answer - C
SP for Chandan = 600 * (110/100) * (105/100) * (80/100)
= 600 * 924/1000
= Re 554.40

Q 8 - An article is sold by X to Y at a loss of 20%, Y to Z at a gain of 15%, Z to W at

a loss of 5% and W to V at a profit of 10%. If v had to pay Re 500, how much X
paid for it?
A - Re 520.07
B - Re 490.07
C - Re 510.07
D - Re 530.07

Answer - A
CP for X = 500 * (100/80) * (100/115) * (100/95) * (100/110)
= 500 * 10000/9614
= Re 520.07

Q 9 - A vendor when could not find buyers for his vegetable at Re 10/kg, reduced
the rate to Re 8.10 per kg but uses a faulty weight of 900 gm in place of 1 kg
weight. Find the percent change in the actual price or loss.
A - 8%
B - 8.10%
C - 9%
D - 10%
Answer - D
After the price was reduced, 900 gm now costs Re 8.10.
Hence 1000gm will cost (1000/900)*8.10 = Re 9
% change in actual price or loss = [(10 - 9)/10]*100%
= 10%

Q 10 - A trader marks the SP of an object at a profit of 20%. Considering the

demand o the object, he further increases the price by 10%. Find the final profit
A - 35%
B - 31%
C - 32%
D - 25%

Answer - C
Let the CP = Re 100
∴ SP = 100 * (120/100) * (110/100)
= Re 132

Final profit = (132 - 100)*100%

= 32%
Q 11 - An article when sold for Re 4600 makes a 15% profit. Find the profit or loss
% if it was sold for Re 3600.
A - 10% gain
B - 11% loss
C - 10% loss
D - 11% gain

Answer - C
CP = 4600 * (100/115)
=Re 4000
Loss% = [(4000-3600)/4000]*100%
= 10%

Q 12 - A seller sells a watch at 5% loss. If he had bought it at 20% more and sold
it for Re 115 less, he would have incurred a loss of 40%. Find the cost price of the
A - Re 500
B - Re 5000
C - Re 550
D - Re 450

Answer - A
Assume CP = x
Selling price at the first case = (95/100)x
Selling price at the second case = (60/100)*(120/100)x
= (7200/10000)x

As per question,
(95/100)x - (7200/10000)x = 150
Or, x = Re 500

Q 13 - When a man sold an article for Re 540, he made a loss of 10%. At what
price should he sell it, so that he incurs a loss of only 5%.
A - Re 550
B - Re 525
C - Re 575
D - Re 570

Answer - D
CP = 540*(100/90)
= Re 600

New SP = 600*(95/100)
= Re 570

Q 14 - Ram sells chocolates at a profit of 20% for Re 60. What will be the
percentage loss or gain if he reduces the price to Re 55 due to less demand.
A - 11%
B - -11%
C - 10%
D - -10%

Answer - C
CP = 60*(100/120)
= Re 50
New SP = Re 55
Gain% = (5/50)*100

Q 15 - A shopkeeper buys rice for Re 1600. He had to sell 1/4th at a loss of 20%.
If he is to make an overall gain of 10%, what percentage of profit he needs to
make out of the remaining stock of rice?
A - 20%
B - 25%
C - 15%
D - 18%

Answer - A
CP of 1/4th of the stock = 1600/4 = Re 400
SP of 1/4th of the stock = 400*(80/100)
=Re 320

In order to make a profit of 10% on total CP, the SP should be:

SP = 1600*(110/100)
= Re 1760

∴The SP for the remaining 3/4th of the stock

should be Re 1760 - Re 320 = Re 1440.

Cost Price of the 3/4th of stock

= Re 1600 - Re 400 = Re 1200.
∴%Gain = [(1440-1200)/1200*100}]
= (240/1200)*100
= 20%

Q 16 - A 10% hike in the price of wheat forces a person to purchase 2 kg less for
Re 110. Find the new and the original price of the wheat.
A - Re 10/kg
B - Re 5/kg
C - Re 6/kg
D - Re 8/kg

Answer - B
10% of Re 110 = Re 11
Cost of 2 kg of wheat at new price = Re 11
So, cost of 1 kg of wheat at new price = Re 5.50 = Re 11/2

Original Price = (11/2)*(100/110)

= Re 5 per kg
Q 17 - 10 kg of rice costs as much as 20 kg of wheat, 25 kg of wheat costs as
much as 2kg of tea, 5 kg of tea costs as much as 25kg of sugar. Find the cost of 6
kg of sugar if 14 kg of rice costs Re 32.
A - Re 50
B - Re 55
C - Re 60
D - Re 65

Answer - C
4 kg of rice costs Re 32
∴10kg of rice will cost = (32/4)*10 = Re 80

20 kg of wheat costs Re 80.

∴25kg of wheat costs = (80/20)*25 = Re 100

2kg of tea costs Re 100

∴5 kg of tea costs = (100/2)*5 = Re 250

25kg of sugar costs Re 250.

∴6 kg of sugar costs = (250/25)*6 = Re 60

Q 18 - A fruit seller sells bananas at a profit of 20%. If he increases the selling

price of each banana by 25 paisa, he earns a profit of 45%. Find the initial selling
price of each banana and also its cost price.
A - SP = Re1.20, CP = Re 1
B - SP = Re1.50, CP = Re 1
C - SP = Re1.20, CP = Re 1.10
D - None of the above.

Answer - A
Let CP = x paisa.
Initial SP = x*(120/100) paisa

As per question,
120x/100 + 25 = (145/100)x
or, 145x/100 - 120x/100 = 25
or, 25x/100 = 25
or, x = 100 paisa

CP = 100 paisa or Re 1.
Initial SP = 120 paisa or Re 1.20.

Q 19 - A man sold two plots for Re 8 lakhs each. One on he earns a profit of 16%
and the other he loses 16%. How much does he loss or gain in the whole
A - 2.5% loss
B - 3% gain
C - 2.56% loss
D - 3.56% loss

Answer - C
Applying direct formula, %loss = (16/10)2%
= 64/25%
= 2.56%

Q 20 - An uneducated retailer marks all his goods at 50% above the cost price
and thinking that he will still make 25% profit, offers a discount of 25% on the
marked price. What is his actual profit on the sales?
A - 10%
B - 12.50%
C - 11.50%
D - 12%

Answer - B
Let CP = Re 100.
The, marked price, MP = Re 150
SP = 75% of Re 150 = Re 112.50
∴ Gain% = 12.50%

Q 21 - A book shop offers a book at an increase of 10%. On the off chance that he
had purchased it at 4% less and sold it for Rs. 6 more, he would have picked up
75/4 %. The expense cost of the book is:
A - 130
B - 140
C - 150
D - 160
Answer : C

Let the C.P. be Rs x.Then, S.P. =Rs (110/100 * x) =Rs 11x/10.
New C.P. = 96% of Rs x=Rs (96/100 * x) =Rs 24x/25.
New S.P. =Rs (11x/10+6).
∴ (11x/10+6) =475/4% of 24x/25⇒11x+60/10=475/400*24x/25=57x/50
∴ C.P. =Rs 150.

Q 22 - Mohan purchased 20 feasting tables for rs. 12000 and sold them at a
benefit equivalent to the offering cost of 4 eating tables. The offering cost of
every eating table is:
A - 700
B - 750
C - 725
D - 775

Answer : B

C.P of each table = rs. (12000/20) = rs. 600
(S.P of 20 tables)- (C.P of 20% table) = profit = S.P of 4 tables
⇒S.P of 16 tables = C.P of 20 tables= 1200
⇒ S.P of 1 table = (12000/16) = Rs. 750
Q 23 - A man offers an article at 12.5% misfortune. Had he sold it for Rs. 103.60
more, he could have picked up 6%. What is the C.P of the articles?
A - 278.60
B - 350
C - 432
D - 560

Answer : D

Let the C.P be Rs. x. Then ,
(106/100 *x) - (87.5/100*x) =103.60
⇒ 106x- 87.5x= 103.60
⇒ 18.5x =10360, x= 103600/185 = 560
∴ C.P= Rs. 560

Q 24 - A shipper has 1000kg of sugar, a portion of which he offers at 8% benefit

what's more, and the rest at 18% benefit. He increases 14% in general. The
amount sold at 18% benefit is:
A - 560 kg
B - 600 kg
C - 400 kg
D - 640 kg

Answer : B

Let the sugar sold at *5 gain be x kg.
Then, sugar sold at 18% gain = (1000-x) kg
Let the C.P Of sugar be Rs. Y per Kg.
Total C.P = Rs.(1000y)
(108/100*xy)+ 118/100 (1000-x)y = 114/100 *1000y
⇒108xy + 118000y -118xy = 114000y
⇒ 10x =4000 ⇒ x= 400
Quantity sold at 18% gain= (1000-400) = 600 kg

Q 25 - The profit earned after selling an article for Re 625 is the same as the loss
incurred after selling the article for Re 435. What is the cost price of the article?
A - Re 530
B - Re 520
C - Re 550
D - None of these

Answer : A

Let profit = loss = Re x

As per question,
625 ? x = 435 + x
Or, 2x = 190
Or, x = Re 95

∴ CP = Re (435 + 95) = Re 530

Q 26 - A shopkeeper expects a gain of 17.5% on his cost price. If in a week, his
sale was of Rs. 235, what was his profit?
A - 35
B - 32.5
C - 30
D - 27.5

Answer : A

C.P. = Rs 100/( 117.5) x 235=Rs.200
Profit = 235-200=Rs. 35

Q 27 - The aggregate expense cost of two watches is R. 840. One is sold at a

benefit of 16% and the other at lost 12%. There is no misfortune or addition in
the entire exchange. The expense cost of the watch on which the businessperson
additions, is:
A - 360
B - 370
C - 380
D - 390

Answer : A

Let their C.P be rs. x and Rs. (840-x) resp. Then,
(116/100*x) + 88/100*(840-x) ⇒ 29x/25+ (22 (840-x)/25) = 840
⇒ (29x-22x) + 18480 =21000 ⇒ 7x =2520
∴ Required C.P = Rs. 360
Q 28 - Which of the accompanying is the most reduced proportion?
A - 7:13
B - 17:25
C - 7:15
D - 15:23

Answer : C

7/13 =0.538, 17/25 =0.68, 7/15= 0.466, 15/23 =0.652
Clearly, 7/15 is the smallest.

Q 29 - A businessperson denotes his merchandise to gain35%. In any case, he

permits 10% markdown for money installment. His benefit percent is:
A - 27/2%
B - 43/2%
C - 25%
D - 63/2%

Answer : B

Let the C.P be Rs.100. Then, M.p= rs. 135
S.P = 90% of rs. 135= Rs. (90/100*135)= rs. 121.50
Profit% = (121.50-100)% =21.50% =43/2%
Q 30 - On a Rs. 10000 installment arrange a man has decision between three
progressive rebates of 10%, 10% and 30% and three progressive rebates of 40%,
5% and 5%. By picking the better one, he can spare:
A - Rs. 200
B - Rs. 255
C - Rs. 400
D - Rs. 433

Answer : B

1st payment= 90% 0f 90% of 70% of rs. 10000
= rs. (90/100*90/100* 70/100*10000) =5670
2nd. Payment = 60% of 95% of 95% of 10000.
= (60/100*95/100*95/100*10000)= 5415
By choosing the better one he can save rs . (5670-5415) = 255

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