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HHS Strategic Plan 2021-2022

County Focus: Achievement & Growth

School-wide Goal/Focus:

Our goal is to increase our ELA proficiency rate to reach the 2022 target of 51.8%, an increase of 6.43%
from 2019.

How are we going to do that?

• Targeted SAT Practice
o Khan Academy practice will be done weekly for a grade in all ELA classes; required
time and weight of grade TBD. (Atkins)
• 180 Days Model Implementation
o English classes will implement the 180 days model of instruction with daily reading and
writing practice. (Gleason)
• Tutoring
o After school tutoring, provided by a certified teacher, will be available for students.
• Achieve3000 Pilot
o 9th Grade, Interventionist, and pull-out ELA classes will be piloting AchieveLiteracy to
improve reading comprehension, fluency, and writing skills. (Gleason)

County Focus: Achievement & Growth

School-wide Goal/Focus:

Our goal is to increase our Math proficiency rate to reach the 2022 target of 31.27%, an increase of
12.29% from 2019.

How are we doing to do that?

• Targeted, self-paced Math practice in Math classes
o ALEKs will be used Algebra II and Geometry for forty-five minutes each week in class.
Individual student goals will be set during individual conference with students after
initial knowledge check. (Archer)
• Targeted Intervention for Math
o The school will implement a FLEX period that will allow for a targeted intervention
model for Math. (Atkins)
o Common planning for Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry to work in content teams
and pull students for intervention as needed. (Archer/Gleason)
• Collaborative Teaming Professional Development
o Provide Professional Development to teachers participating in Collaborative Teaming
pilot on Collaborative Teaming model to encourage development and use of informed
instruction. (Atkins/Gleason)
• Tutoring
o After school tutoring, provided by a certified teacher, will be available for students.
• Achieve3000 Pilot
o Algebra I, Interventionist and pull-out Math classes will be piloting AchieveMath to
improve math skills and address deficiencies. (Archer)
County Focus: Achievement & Growth
School-wide Goal/Focus:

Our goal is to continue to provide additional personnel and initiatives to support the goals of the
school and the needs of our students through the 2021-2022 school year.

How are we going to do that?

• Support Staff
o Additional support staff including: Academic Coach, Counselor, Social Worker,
Communities in Schools Facilitator, Graduation Coach, Parent Partners, and a Social
Worker at Crossroads Academy will work with and support students and staff in
reaching the goals of the school. (Admin Team/Student Support)

County Focus: Achievement & Growth

School-wide Goal/Focus:

Our goal is to decrease our chronically absent rate to 23% by the end of the 2022 school-year.

How are we going to do that?

• Attendance Committee
o Attendance Committee will work specifically with HHS students to identify areas of
concern and support at-risk students. (Snell)
• Student Support
o School will fund an on-site Social Worker, a Counselor, Graduation Coach, and
Communities in Schools facilitator to help support the social, emotional, physically and
mental health needs of our students. (BOE/Student Support/Gleason)
• Encourage participation in extra & co-curricular activities.
o Plan and host an activities fair or showcase to share the available options with students.
(Student Support Team)
• Incentives
o Explore options for attendance incentives (potentially sports passes, performance
tickets, as well as other options). (Attendance Team)
• Communities-in-Schools
o CIS facilitator will continue to work with students and families, connecting them to
available school and community resources to help address obstacles to consistent
attendance and student success. (Snell/Gleason)

County Focus: Achievement & Growth

School-wide Goal/Focus:
Continuation of Title I Committee to oversee and coordinate the Title I program in our school.

How are we going to do that?

• Create a Title I Committee
o Committee will be formed consisting of teachers, administrators, and support personnel
to coordinate, implement and review Title I Programs (Gleason).
County Focus: Hiring & Retaining Highly Effective Employees

School-wide Goal/Focus:

Provide support, training and resources for teachers with regard to instructional best practices and

How are we going to do that?

• Provide engaging and relevant professional develop to help teachers improve their
instructional practice.
o Create PD team to work with Academic Coach, NBCT Mentors, and Administration to
survey, identify, and prepare PD based on staff needs. (Atkins)

• Support Positions
o Academic Coach, along with NBCT mentors, will provide instructional support and
resources to all teachers, especially those who are new to their positions and/or the
building. (Atkins)
o Continue to fund social worker positions in the building to provide support, including
after-school groups, for teachers. (Gleason)

County Focus: Integrating Family & Community Engagement

School-wide Goal/Focus:

Our goal is to engage 100 families in off-campus family engagement events during the course of the

How are we going to do that?

• Host family engagement events.
o School will host one family engagement event per semester. (Title I Committee)
o CIS Facilitator will build relationships and community contacts to help coordinate and
plan these events in the community. (Snell)

County Focus: Integrating Family & Community Engagement

School-wide Goal/Focus:

We will increase sharing of information with students, families and stakeholders by having monthly
publication from the school.

How are we going to do that?

• Create a monthly publication from the school to students, parents, and stakeholders.
o School will explore publication options including a digital newsletter, printed
communications or other options and designate a person responsible for its completion.

County Focus: Becoming a Model Continuous Improvement Organization

School-wide Goal/Focus:

Our goal is to become a data-driven school that uses available data to drive decision making.

How are we going to do that?

• Create an Assessment Team
o Team, along with Academic Coach and administration, would review data quarterly
and make recommendations based on findings. (Atkins)
• Improve communication of Building Data
o Working together, PD Team, Administration, Assessment & Attendance committees
will create presentations & report findings to faculty & staff. (Atkins/Gleason)
• Department Data Discussions
o Supervising administrators will meet with departments to discuss how data is being
implemented in instruction and planning. (Admin Team)
• Common Assessments
o Continue the process of developing common assessments to increase available data.
• Increase Inter-programmatic Level Communication
o Request data from Middle Schools to analyze and identify trends in student
performance. (Atkins)

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