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Chapter 11: Resource Planning

The definition of resources and the ability to estimate them were central concepts to learn

from this chapter. It is an essential element to consider at the beginning of any project. It presents

the ability to realize the different forms of resources needed for each activity and their condition.

With this, there is the chance of proper planning and putting the necessary things in place and

order. In essence, the project manager needs to put into consideration the kind of work available

for completion. In this respect, allocating the right resources to people and other tools becomes

necessary (Shehab, Sharp, Supramaniam, &Spedding, 2004). It is mainly in terms of realizing

the most appropriate resource to use and its availability levels. As such, resource planning is

crucial as it helps estimate the number of resources needed for each job and the conditions within

which it is required.

In particular, Watt (2014) indicates that the concept of resource planning is vital as it not

only helps in allocating the required tools and people for a task but also enables the project

manager to assess the amount of time that will be needed for each activity. As such, it is a vital

tool when dealing with project deadlines.

It will be applicable in the identification of the right people for tasks. Thus, Dey, Clegg,

and Bennett (2010) state that determining the suitable alternatives in terms of people and tools

are also an essential part of any project. Thus, it is imperative to plan the project's schedule on

the right path with explicit judgments and estimations. The ability to have a clear project path is

one of the relaxing aspects for the manager.

Chapter 12: Budget planning


This chapter highlights the importance of money in any of the projects. It is one of the

factors that help in the timely and quality delivery of services. Thus, with a proper budget, it

becomes possible to complete the plans made in the project. The rough draft was made at the

initial stages to the continuous estimations throughout the project (Watt, 2014). Some of the

crucial aspects in this area include the need to determine the resources' rate costs, the analysis of

the vendor bids, analysis of the reserves, and the quality cost. They help in the estimation of

costs and the comparison with other similar projects. Through this, it is not only the cost of each

material that is attainable but also how best they worked in other projects.

This aspect is essential in any project since it serves as the bottom line for completing all

project tasks. It is related to estimating the materials and resources required for the project and

the ability to manage the budget (Costello, 2011). It includes both the cash flow and the source

of money.

Thus, it will apply to the project from its beginning to the end. It will help in coming up

with the initial budget and its refinery process to the point that it suits the other activities well. In

this case, it plays a vital role in the project as it makes it possible to come up with a proper

budget for the activities and the adequate control of the same (Their, Sandles& Pearson, 2006). It

is in this way that most items are placed within the limited parameters to attain success.


Costello, T. (2011). Better budget planning. IT Professional, 13(5), 64-63.

Dey, P. K., Clegg, B. T., & Bennett, D. J. (2010).Managing enterprise resource planning

projects.Business Process Management Journal.

Shehab, E. M., Sharp, M. W., Supramaniam, L., &Spedding, T. A. (2004).Enterprise resource

planning.Business process management journal.

Their, A., Sandles, J., & Pearson, D. (2006). U.S. Patent No. 7,130,822. Washington, DC: U.S.

Patent and Trademark Office.

Watt, A. (2014, August 14). Project Management.Retrieved January 27, 2021, from

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