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Practice Problems

Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds

Sample Problems A, B: Binary Ionic Compounds

1. Write the formula for the binary ionic compound formed by each of the following
pairs of elements.
a. sodium and chlorine
b. magnesium and oxygen
c. potassium and iodine
d. aluminum and oxygen
e. calcium and bromine
f. sodium and fluorine
g. cesium and sulfur

2. Name the following binary ionic compounds.

a. KCl
b. ZnO
c. MgCl2
d. Ca3N2
e. Li2S
f. CaBr2
g. AlN

3. Name the following compounds.

a. NiN
b. CuO
c. FeCl3
d. SnI4

4. Write the formula of the compound formed by the two ions, and give the name of
the resulting compound.
a. Cu+ S2–
b. Ni2+ F–
c. Fe2+ Br–
d. Sn2+ Cl–
e. Cr3+ I–
f. V3+ Cl–
Practice Problems

Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds

Sample Problem C: Ionic Compounds

1. Write formulas for the following ionic compounds.

a. potassium permanganate
b. sodium sulfate
c. iron(III) nitrate

2. Give the names of the following compounds.

a. Ca(NO3)2
b. K2SO3

3. Write formulas for each of the following compounds.

a. barium sulfide
b. potassium permanganate
c. disulfur dichloride
d. phosphoric acid

4. Write formulas for the following ionic compounds.

a. potassium iodide
b. copper(II) sulfate
c. sodium sulfide
d. chromium(III) sulfate
e. calcium hydroxide
f. iron(III) oxide
Practice Problems

Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds

Sample Problem D: Binary Molecular Compounds

1. Name the following binary molecular compounds.

a. CO2
b. ClO2
c. AsCl5
d. CCl4

2. Name the following binary molecular compounds.

a. TeI4
b. IF3
c. SiO2
d. P2O5

3. Write formulas for the following compounds.

a. antimony pentasulfide
b. dichlorine monoxide
c. dinitrogen monoxide
d. dinitrogen pentoxide

4. Write formulas for the following compounds.

a. phosphorus pentabromide
b. antimony trifluoride
c. silicon tetrachloride
d. oxygen difluoride
Practice Problems

Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds

Sample Problem E: Oxidation Numbers

1. Assign oxidation numbers to each atom in the following compounds or ions:

a. ClO-2
b. IO-3

2. Assign oxidation numbers to each element in the following compounds or ions.

a. CO2
b. CN–
c. NaOH
d. HSO-4
e. AlBr3

3. Assign oxidation numbers to each element in the following compounds or ions.

a. HClO3
b. N2O2
c. Na2S
d. Cl2O7
e. H3PO4

4. Write the chemical formulas for the following compounds and assign oxidation
numbers to each element in the compound.
a. sodium nitrite
b. copper(I) oxide
c. zinc bromate
d. hydrochloric acid

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