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A Ccars Rrole in Ppolluting our Bblue


Gagan Jagadish

Table of contents

Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

How the fuels that power a car fuels the pollutants in nature (problem statement) ……………...3
How do cars pollute the environment? ……………………………………………………………3
What is a greenhouse gas and how do they impact our planet? ………………………………3

Ways you can help reduce pollution when you drive (solution statement) ………………………..4
Driving Smartly ………………………………………………………………………………………4
Consider alternative choices for cars ……………………………………………………………..4
Being educated ……………………………………………………………………………………...4

How does changing the way you drive reduce pollution? …………………………………………..4
Efficient Driving ……………………………………………………………………………………...4
Electric Options ……………………………………………………………………………………...5
Knowledge of your vehicle …………………………………………………………………………5

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………….5

References ………………………………………………………………………………………………6

Table of figures

Figure 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Figure 2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………..3


Most of the world drives a car, or some sort of vehicle every day. Driving helps save a lot of
time, it takes us to our destination efficiently, and it can be a way to unwind. To drive, fuel is
needed. This fuel comes in the form of burning fossil fuels and ultimately gas or diesel. Burning
fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and too much greenhouse gasses
warms up the planet and can lead to disastrous outcomes.

There are many solutions for this issue put in place in the form of laws and regulations;
however, I believe we can do more. We can reduce the impact of burning fossil fuels on the
environment by driving smartly, considering riding bikes, public transportation, or eelectricclectic
options rather than using cars. We can even be educated about how exactly it is that driving
cars pollute our planet and planet, how to make conscious decisions when buying a car, and
ways in which we can maintain and use less pollutant fuels for the car.

How the fuels that power a car fuels the pollutants in nature
To understand this issue of air pollution, we need to understand the very core of what makes it
so dangerous.

How do cars pollute the environment?

Most Cars and vehicles people drive burn fossils to fuel their vehicles. This emits multiple
pollutants that increase greenhouse gases. These increased greenhouse gases not only affect
humans, but it affects our entire planet.

What is a greenhouse gas and how do they impact our planet?

Greenhouse gases are a collection of gases that trap heat from the sun inside our atmosphere,
which makes our planet warm enough, so we don’t freeze. These gases include carbon dioxide,
nitrous oxide, methane, among other gases.

Without these gases it is hard to imagine life existing; however, with too many greenhouse
gases, the earth can become too warm to sustain life. By burning fossil fuels, we are increasing
the greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere.

Figure 1: Process of greenhouse gases

Ways you can help reduce pollution when you drive
Now that we understand what air pollution is, it is important that we consider ways in which we
can reduce pollution from our cars to the best extent possible.

Driving Smartly

Walking or biking to places wherever you can, taking public transit if possible, carpooling with
friends and colleagues to places that you share with the group, and planning aheadplanning
during long trips so you can accomplish multiple tasks on one trip are some of the ways you can
practice smart driving.

Consider alternative choices for cars

There are alternatives to driving cars that are just as effective. Consider biking to nearby places
where it is feasible to do so or using public transportation to travel within your city can also be a
good alternative. You can also consider carpooling with friends or colleagues to places you
travel with a group of people. You can also consider looking into electric or hybrid cars, which
are a combination of gas and electric power, when looking to buy a new car.

Being educated

It is good practice to be aware of the different types of fuels that you can use for your car and
understand using certain kinds of fuel can help produce less pollutants, and also help your car
drive more efficiently. It is also a good practice to be aware of the maintenance that your car
needs and making sure to keep your car up to the guidelines.

Figure 2: Graphic showing the difference between a gasoline

and an electric car.

How does changing the way you drive reduce pollution?

Efficient Driving

To reduce pollution in our atmosphere, it is important that we are deliberate in the way we drive.
Choosing to walk or bike to places that are near will produce almost no greenhouse gases since
it does not need any fossil fuels. Similarly, taking public transportation or carpooling with friends
will drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions because you are sharing vehicles with a lot of
people, which reduces the number of cars on the road that emit pollutants.

You can also plan out a long trip so you can accomplish multiple tasks at once. This can include
grocery shopping, shopping for essentials, or other such things in a single trip rather than taking
multiple trips. Planning your trips can reduce the number of pollutants that are released into the
atmosphere by doing everyday things.

Electric Options

Technology has progressed a lot throughout the years. Technology has helped us live more
sustainably and eco-friendly. Electric cars are one such example of this. Electric cars do not
need fossil fuels, or gas to be more specific, as its primary source of energy; instead it uses
electricity to function.

While electric cars are not 100% pollutant free, they still produce far less pollutants than regular
cars. As electric cars are starting to become popular, so are the effectiveness of using an
electric car, for example charging stations being easier to access. In addition to electric cars,

hybrid cars are also a great alternative. As the name suggests, hybrid cars use both electric and
gas as a power source.

Knowledge of your vehicle

Knowing the different types of cars and understanding the potential pollution they can cause will
help you in the long run. Researching the type of car, you need can lead you to discovering an
eco-friendlier option. Understanding the type of vehicle, you will purchase can tell you the
potential pollutant that your car might emit, and the steps you can take to reduce it as much as

Learning about different types of fuels that you can put into your car and looking for cleaner fuel
will help you reduce the amount of greenhouse gases your car pumps out. Regular
maintenance of your car will ensure your car is up to standards, and it isn’t leaking any harmful
chemicals into the atmosphere. Simple things like these in your lives don’t take up too much
time or energy, but it can help you with not only reducing pollutants from your car, but it can also
help your car last longer.


Sharing rides, using public transportation, considering electric and hybrid options, regular
maintenance, are among the many things you can do to better manage pollutants from your car.
These steps take some planning and dedication, but it is worth it.

Pollution is no simple problem. It is a complicated beast that takes time and patience to solve;
however, simple solutions like these can be a small step towards tackling the issue of pollution.
Making these solutions available to the public might raise awareness and make people think
twice about what they can do to reduce pollution the next time they hop into their car. If more
people start to follow these solutions around the world, perhaps together we can bring
significant changes to the air quality and reduce air pollution drastically and take a giant leap
towards making earth sustainable to future generations.


Pyne, Stephen J. Fire. Reaktion Books, 2012.

“What You Can Do to Reduce Pollution from Vehicles and Engines.” EPA, Environmental
Protection Agency,

“Motor Vehicle Pollution.” Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 4 Jan. 2019,

“Overview of Greenhouse Gases.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency,

“Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle.” EPA, Environmental

Protection Agency,

Linda C. Brinson & Francisco Guzman. “How Much Air Pollution Comes From Cars?”
HowStuffWorks, HowStuffWorks, 29 Aug. 2012,

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