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Decisional Balance Worksheet

Goal: Cut out Fast/Junk Food

Not Changing Behavior Changing Behavior

What is something good that could come from What is something good that could come from
not taking this action? taking this action?
 Happiness because I love the taste and feel  Potentially begin to lose weight and feel
happy after eating fast/junk food. better about myself.
 More time to myself because I don’t have to  Could potentially cut out some of the current
cook and worry about tracking my intake. health issues that I face
 More money saved for other things such as a
new car.
 Be able to dress in the styles I want.
 Will be taken more seriously by healthcare
professionals, colleagues, friends, etc.
 Maybe even have better exercise endurance
to be able to enjoy playing sports again.
 More energy.

What is something bad that could come from What is something bad that could come from
not taking this action? taking this action?
 Health issues could worsen or could develop  Frustration and depression due to the
more of them. addiction.
 More weight gain which means more money  I will continue furthering the addiction
spent on clothes, and other resources. making it harder than it already is to combat
 Continue losing money on food that it.
temporarily satisfies me.
 Decreasing self-confidence.
 Further feeding the addiction
 Worsening mental health due to the lack of
body confidence.
 Continue to struggle with low energy

Readiness to Change: 7

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