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Informative essay on “STANS”

I'm sure everyone knows that dedicated fans exist. Some of you may be big

fans as well. The people and groups that could be idolize are actors, music groups,

singers, and online celebrities. There are also fans of fictional stories, fictional

characters, hobbies, and more. However, fans can be overly obsessive to the point

where the term “celebrity worship syndrome” or “CWS” was created. Nowadays

these people are called “STANS”.

Let's first know or remember what “Stan” means. Overtime the word has

gone through slightly different meanings. If you search online, you will find these

2 common definitions. The first one is someone who is a very big or dedicated fan,

especially to a celebrity or music group. The second one is a more negative

definition where “stan” is a combination of 2 words. the “ST” from “Stalker” and

“AN” from “Fan”. These types Stans are even more obsessed than fans. They

would go as far as to find information about the person or group that they are

obsessed over. Even in cases where the celebrities reveal little about their personal

information. Currently at this time (at least from what I've seen) the word stan is

usually used negatively.

Everyone here knows there are both face-to-face and online stans. face-to-

face stans are what you think of them as. They will do their best to find their idol

whether they are in concerts, restaurants, or even in front of the idols home. After

finding them they will try to get into physical contact with them (Like shaking

hands, hugging, and even kissing). At this point they are considered stalkers by

many. However, they are smaller in number and in some cases easier to handle

compared to online stans.

The online stans are generally easy to find. The most common site they all

go to is twitter most likely for its Ease of access and because nearly all celebrities,

artists, youtubers, and famous people in general use it. The easiest ways you can

spot a stan on twitter is if their profile or twitter identity is connected to the

person/group that they are obsessed with (Name, profile picture, etc.). You can

also check what they say online.

The most harmless of online stans are on level with normal fans but they

simply know a little more about their idol. However, the most harmful stans take

things too far. For example, when someone tries to go against the stans idol the

stans will deliberately harass and target that person. It can go to the point where
that person is being sent hateful comments and death threats. This can even lead to

bigger problems like doxing and cancel culture.

This is the reason why when you go online or in twitter you can might have

found conversations and drama surrounding stans. You can even see some online

personalities try to distance themselves from the stan culture by calling them out. If

you were to see any topic on stans online I would suggest to ignore it or tread

carefully because of how toxic and disturbing they could be.

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