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Encik Rizki Nurul Putra








This research presents and discusses from background of the research,

problem of the research, focus of the research, purpose of the research,

significance of the research, assumption of the research, scope of the research,

definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the research

International language is a language that people are used to communicate with

all people in the world. International languages is also a language which is spread

widely as foreign or second languages or languages in international

communication. Human often use the language for expressing an opinion, feeling,

learning and some information. Language cannot be separated with human,

because it includes all the aspects in daily life.

In Indonesia, English has become a foreign language. It means English

formally is not in our language or an Indonesian not able to speak English.

English is known as difficult language to understand. Therefore, it must be

learned by Indonesians. Indonesians have learnt the English as a subject at every

level of study from primary school, middle school, high school and in the

university. Indonesian’s government have chosen the most optimal curriculum

based on the Indonesians level of English. English as a subject of study in the

school is not implemented well because they have not enough allocation time. In

the school, English subject have only been given twice a week for learners to



There are four skills for mastering English such as speaking, reading, writing

listening. In this case from explanation above will divided into two parts. The

receptive skills are listening and reading, the learners do not need to produce

language to do this. They receive and understand it. This skill sometimes known

as passive skills. Receptive skills are language skills that involve students able to

receive messages in the form of spoken or written language. Therefore, listening

and reading are classified into receptive skills. Listening according to Brown

(2001, p.249) is an interactive process that involves a number of different

cognitive, psychomotor, and affective mechanisms. Gebhard (2006, p.194). states

that reading is how to understand the meaning that exists in writing. Productive

skills are speaking and writing. The learners which possess a productive skills

are able to produce something. They are also known as active skills. According to

Speaking is the delivery of messages through spoken language. According to

Gebhard, (2006, p.211). Writing is an activity that focuses on the choice of words,

the use of appropriate grammar, syntax, mechanics, organization of ideas into

coherent and cohesive forms, readers, and goals, and is an ongoing process to

understand meaning.

Speaking is the ability to talk at every time and in any situation. When it

comes to speaking skills part from who are you? What is your job? With whom do

you speak? Then they need to use their language to produce the information.

According to Nunan (2003, p.48) states that speaking is the productive skill which

consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to express meaning. The

product of the activity of speaking is verbal utterances in which people usually

have communicative purposes by producing it. The ability to speak in a foreign


language is being able to use it fluently and appropriately. Hymes in Richard

(2002, p.206) says that learners of English need to know not only the linguistic

knowledge but also the culturally acceptable ways of interacting with others in

different situations and relationships. Accuracy involves the correct of vocabulary,

grammar and pronunciation. While fluency can be thought of the ability to keep

going when speaking spontaneously. Brown (1994, p.254) has his clear definition

on accuracy and fluency. Accurate means clear, articulate, grammatically and

phonologically correct.

The researcher conducts interview on Wednesday December, 2020 with the

English teacher in twelve grade TKJ of SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso in academic

year 2020/2021 to find the problem that faced by students in speaking class. The

English teacher explains the problem faced by students such as: the students are

afraid of making mistake to say in English word, feeling nervous, feeling worried,

have no confidence. They are inhibit when they speak English or making

conversation to their classmate. Because, in their habit they speak Javanese all the

time. Thus, they only have a little chance to speak English. Based on the

explanation, it can be concluded that culture is able to affect their achievement in


Speaking anxiety is ones doubt to speak English. Sometimes people want to

express their idea, but they do not know how to explain and also they are not

familiar. It can be the background of their society. If people who lifes in Jember,

many people speak Javanese as well as people lifes in Situbondo. Because,

Situbondo people use the language is Madurese. In this case, sometimes the

students are hampered because in their habit do not use English language all day

long for their communication between teachers and students.

The similar study about students’ anxiety in learning English conducts by

Musthachim in 2013. The research is a qualitative method study by using case

study method. This study investigates foreign language anxiety of EFL junior high

school students at the 8th grade of SMPN 9 South Tangerang. The result is

speaking in front of the class, being laughed at by others, incomprehensible input,

students’ belief about language learning, teacher personality, and the lack of

preparation are the factors which cause students feel anxious in learning English.

Other pervious research is conducted by Santriza in 2018. The research is

about An Analysis of Students’ Anxiety in Speaking Performance at XI IPA I in

SMAN 5 Banda Aceh. The research uses descriptive qualitative research. The

result is the percentage of students’ response was also categorized into three type

of anxiety. 72% of the students experiences the anxiety of test, 73% of the

students feel anxious in communicative apprehension, and 55% of them were

getting anxious in fear of negative evaluation.

Hence, the researcher wants to focus on finding the kind of speaking anxiety

and knowing dominant factors students’ speaking anxiety at twelve grade of SMK

Al-Furqon Bondowoso. For this reason, the research title is an analysis of

students’ speaking anxiety at twelve grade of SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso in the

2020/2021 Academic Year.


1.2 Problem of the research

In this research the researcher formulates the problems of the research as follows:

1. What kind of speaking anxieties faced by students at twelve grade of SMK

Al-Furqon Bondowoso in the 2020/2021 academic year?

2. What are the dominant factors that lead the students speaking anxieties at

twelve grade of SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso in the 2020/2021 academic


1.3 Focus of the research

This research is focused on finding what kind of speaking anxieties that faced by

students and knowing how many dominant factors will lead the students speaking

anxieties at twelve grade of SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso in the 2020/2021

academic year.

1.4 Purpose of the research

1. To find kind of speaking anxieties faced by students at twelve grade of

SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso in the 2020/2021 academic year.

2. To know the dominant factors that lead the students speaking anxieties at

twelve grade of SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso in the 2020/2021 academic


1.5 Significance of the research

The results of the research were expected to give both theoretical and practical


1. Theoretical

The findings of the research are expected to be a reference for the English

teacher, the students and the other improve an understanding

of anxiety in speaking.

2. Practical

a. For the teacher

This research could help the English teacher to analyze students’ speaking

anxiety at twelve grade of SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso in the 2020/2021

Academic Year. So the teacher can solve the students speaking anxiety.

b. For the students

This research could provide some information about their speaking

anxiety. So they can reduce their anxiety in speaking by knowing the

factors that they face in speaking.

c. For the researcher

This research gives an information, experience and knowledge about

students’ speaking anxiety in learning process. Thus, the future researcher

can use this research as a reference to conduct another research.


1.6 Assumption of the research

1. The kind of speaking anxieties faced by students at twelve grade of SMK

Al-Furqon Bondowoso in the 2020/2021 academic year are:

a) The anxious students fear that they will not understand all language

input. It is also consistent with communication apprehension.

b) The anxious students also fear being less competent than other students

or being negatively evaluated by them.

c) The anxious students are afraid to make mistakes in the foreign


2. The dominant factors that lead the students speaking anxieties at twelve

grade of SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso in the 2020/2021 academic year are:

a) Negative experience

b) Irrational thinking.

1.7 Scope of the research

In this research, the researcher analyzes the students speaking anxiety at

twelve grade of SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso in the 2020/2021 Academic Year.

The researcher took one English teacher for interviewing to know the students’

speaking anxiety as comparation to the students answer. For the second interview

the researcher took elevern students or 50% of population as a sample. For the

questionnaire took 22 students or all populations of Computer and Network

Engineering class. This research only focused on speaking anxiety and dominant

factors caused by students speaking anxiety.


1.8 Definition of key terms

To avoid misunderstanding, the researcher explained the key term of the

research. The key term is speaking anxiety. It meant a worry of feeling to

speak. Then, they could not be confident to perform the language that the

learner got in foreign language class.


This chapter discussed some literatures which support this thesis. It

discussed about the definition of speaking, nature of speaking, roles of speaking,

factors of speaking, kinds of speaking, speaking anxiety, nature of anxiety, type of

anxiety, factors of anxiety and previous research.

2.1 Nature of speaking

There are many definitions of speaking that have been proposed by some

experts in language learning. Brown (200, p.267) cites that when someone can

speak a language it means that he can carry on a conversation reasonably

competently. In addition, he states that the benchmark of successful acquisition of

language is almost always the demonstration of an ability to accomplish pragmatic

goals through an interactive discourse with other language speakers.

According to Chaney, speaking is the process of building and sharing

meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of

contexts Chaney in Susanti (2007, p.6). In the other opinion Huebner in Susanti

(2007, p.6) says speaking is a skill used by someone in daily life communication

whether at school or outside. In addition, speaking is an important tool for

communicating, thinking, and learning.

Oral language is a foundation of all language development and, therefore,

the foundation of all learning. It is the base for the other language strands. By

speaking and listening, students learn concepts, develop vocabulary, and perceive


the structure of the English language which is essential components of learning.

Students which have a strong oral language basic, definitely, they have a good

academic. School achievement depends on students' ability to display knowledge

in a clear and acceptable form in speaking as well as writing Hayriye (2006, p.1).

Because oral communication leads the negotiation of meaning between two or

more persons, it is always related to the context in which it happens. Speaking

means negotiating intended meanings and adjusting one’s speech to produce the

desired effect on the listener O’Malley and Pierce (1996, p.59). It means

anticipating the listener’s response and possible misunderstandings, clarifying

one’s own and other’s intention, and arriving at the closest possible match

between intended, perceived, and anticipated meanings Kramsch (1986, p.367).

As we know speaking is a productive skill, the skill in which we produce

pronouncing. Brown (2004, p.140) states that speaking is a productive skill that

can be directly and empirically observed, those observations are invariably

colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of a test taker’s listening skill, which

necessarily compromises the reliability and the validity of an oral production test.

2.1.1 Roles of speaking

Language is a tool for communication. People communicate with others to

express their ideas and to know others ideas as well. Communication takes place

where there is speech. Without speech people cannot communicate with one

another. Tarigan (1982, p.5) states that speaking is the instrument of language and

the primary aim of speaking is for communication. Based on the explanation

above, the researcher can see that the goal of speaking skill is to communicate the

meaning. Speaking is a way to express, communicate, or showing opinions,


feelings, ideas by talking and it transfers the information of what the speaker

wants. Gillian Brown and George Yule (1999, p. 14).

Speaking skill is important that must be mastered by all people. Because

of that speaking is the way people show their performance, interaction,

transaction. As Jack C. Richards (1990, p.21) cites from Brown and Yule. He uses

three-part expanded functions of speaking to design the suitable materials for the

students. There are talk as interaction, talk as transaction, and talk as performance.

First, talk as interaction means, the conversation that we usually do. It describes

interaction that serves a primarily social function. The focus is more on the

speakers and how they wish to present themselves to each other than on the

message. Second, talk as transaction means that situations where the focus is on

the message or what is said or done. The primary focus is on the message of

making oneself understood clearly and accurately, rather than the participants and

how they interact socially with each other. At last, talk as performance which

refers to public talk that transmits information before an audience. It can be such

as classroom presentations, public announcements, and speeches. Based on the

explanation above teachers must prepare well of learning process such as material,

method and the best approach for the students. Based on explanation above the

role of speaking are talk as interaction, talk as transaction and talk as performance.

2.1.2 Factors of speaking

In order to help students resolve problems in learning speaking, it is

necessary for the teachers to point out factors that affect their speaking

performance. Students’ speaking performance can be affected by the factors that

come from performance conditions such as time pressure, planning, standard of


performance and amount of support. Affective factors such as motivation,

confidence and anxiety. Based on the explanation above the researcher will

explain as follows:

1. Performance conditions

Students perform a speaking task under a variety of conditions. Nation

& Newton (2009) believe that performance conditions can affect speaking

performance. The four types of performance conditions that Nation &

Newton (2009) suggest include time pressure, planning, the standard of

performance and the amount of support.

2. Affective factors

One of the most important influences on language learning success or

failure is probably the affective side of the learner (Oxford, 1990).

Krashen (1982) states that a variety of affective variables has been

confirmed to be related to success in second language acquisition in

research over the last decade but most of those studies examined the three

categories: motivation, self-confidence and anxiety.

3. Listening ability

Speaking skills cannot be developed unless we develop listening skills

(Doff, 1998). Students must understand what is said to them to have a

successful conversation. Shumin (1997) shares the ideas of Doff (1998) by

stating that when one person speaks, the other responds through attending

by means of the listening process. In fact, every speaker plays the role of

both a listener and a speaker. Therefore, one is certainly unable to respond


if he/ she cannot understand what is said. It means speaking is closely

related to listening.

4. Topical knowledge

It is defined as knowledge structures in long-term memory (Bachman

& Palmer, 1996). In other words, topical knowledge is the speakers’

knowledge of relevant topical information. The information that topical

knowledge provides enables learners to use language with reference to the

world in which they live. Bachman & Palmer (1996) state certain test tasks

may be easier for those who possess the relevant topical knowledge and

more difficult for those who do not. Bachman & Palmer (1996) believe

that topical knowledge has effects on speaking performance.

5. Feedback during speaking activities

Most students want and expect their teachers to give them feedback on

their performance. However, all speaking production should not be dealt

with in the same way. Harmer (1991) asserts that the decisions that the

teachers make about how to react to students’ performance will depend

upon the stages of the lesson, the activities, the types of mistake made and

the particular student who is making that mistake. If the teachers correct

whenever there is a problem, the conversational flow as well as the

purpose of the speaking activity will be destroyed (Harmer, 1991). If the

students are corrected all the time, they can find this very demotivating

and become afraid to speak. They suggest that the teachers should always

correct the students’ mistakes positively and with encouragement (Baker

& Westrup, 2003).

To sum up, if teachers want to help the students, teachers must identify

from their difficulties in learning English, factors that influence their

performance. Thus, those are teachers’ necessity to make them easily get

the goal.

2.1.3 Kinds of speaking

There are six types of oral production that students are expected to carry

out in the classroom according to Brown (1994, p. 276) such as imitative,

intensive, responsive, transactional, and extensive.

a. Imitative is one end of a continuum of type speaking performance is

the ability to simply parrot back (imitative) a word or phrase or

possible a sentences, While this a purely phonetic level or oral

production, a number of prosodic lexical and grammatical properties of

language may be include in the criterion performance.

b. Intensive is the students’ speaking performance that is practicing some

phonological and grammatical aspects of language. It usually places

students doing the task in pairs (group work), for example, reading

aloud that includes reading paragraph, reading dialogue with partner in

turn and reading information from chart.

c. Responsive is assessment tasks include interaction and test

comprehension but at the somewhat limited level or very short

conversation standard greeting and small talk, simple request and

comment and the like.


d. Interpersonal dialogue is in the length and complexity of the

interaction, which sometimes includes multiple exchanges or multiple

participants. Interaction can take two the forms of transactional

language, which has the purpose of exchanging specific information or

interpersonal exchanges, which have the purpose of maintaining social


e. Extensive monologue is extensive oral production task include

speeches, oral presentations, and storytelling, which the opportunity

for oral interaction from listeners is either highly limited perhaps to

nonverbal responses or ruled out altogether

f. Transactional dialogue is carried out for the purpose of conveying or

exchanging specific information. For example here is conversation

which is done in pair work.

2.2 Definition of speaking anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling and related to the psychological system of someone

who is experiencing an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about

something that is happening or might happen in the future. Speaking anxiety is

feeling of anxiety that students have when they are learn foreign language

especially in speaking class. When students do not want to speak or feel nervous

to speak a foreign language that they learn, it can become a problem for them.

According to Dordinejad and Ahmad (2014) cited in Eleldi (2016) foreign

language anxiety is an important factor that influence one’s level of achievement

in foreign language learning especially in speaking class.

Some researches identify speaking anxiety, as follow:


1. Less of Apprehension was anxious students fear that they will not

understand all language input. It is also consistent with communication


2. Less of Competent was anxious students also fear being less competent

than other students or being negatively evaluated by them.

3. Fear of Mistake was anxious students are afraid to make mistakes in

the foreign language.

Yahya (2013) states that foreign language anxiety has three components, such as:

1. Communication apprehension is a type of shyness characterized by fear of

or anxiety about communicating with people. For example, difficulty in

speaking English in public or in front of audiences, and all phenomenon of

communication apprehension is listening or learning a spoken utterance.

Wrench (2014) as cited in Musthachim (2014) states that communication

apprehension is an individual’s fear or anxiety associated with either real

or anticipated communication with another person.

2. Test anxiety is a type of performance anxiety comes from a fear of failure.

Test-anxious students often put unrealistic request on themselves. Test

anxiety is considered to be one of the most important aspects of negative

motivation which will affect learning.

3. Fear of negative evaluation is apprehension about others' evaluations,

avoidance of evaluative situations, and the expectation that others would

evaluate oneself negatively, it is a third anxiety related to foreign language

learning. Fear of negative evaluation may happen in any social and


evaluative situations, such as interviewing for a job or speaking in foreign

language class.

In addition, anxiety is the big problem and has many impacts for

foreign Language learners. According to Brown (2000) anxiety is one of

the effective factors that influence speaking ability, and Anxiety is feelings

of uneasiness, frustration, self-doubt, apprehension or worry.

2.2.1 Nature of anxiety

Anxiety is anxiety is defined as someone’s fear in facing something that

can be a serious problem for him or her. Commonly anxiety can be identified as a

feeling nervous, feeling afraid, worry that occurs by itself.

The researcher finds some definitions of natural in anxiety which occurs

psychologically such as anxiety is a sense of apprehension or doom that is

accompanied by certain physiological reactions, such as accelerated heart rate,

sweaty palms, and tightness in the stomach. Carlson and William (1997, p. 558).

Further, anxiety occurs as a response particular situation. It defines anxiety

as a state of tension and apprehension as a natural response to perceived threat.

Passer and Smith (2009, p.787) it means anxiety comes out naturally from people

emotional that feels distress.

Based on the explanation above the researcher can conclude

psychologically that anxiety is feeling of worry that comes out of people

emotionally when people feel distress.


2.2.2 Types of anxiety

There are two types of anxiety based on the specific situation and the

characteristics of the feeling itself, as follow:

1. Trait Anxiety refers to the constant feeling characterizing a learner

who is anxious to perform in the classroom or beyond the classroom

setting irrespective of the specific task, topic or purpose of interaction.

This type of anxiety is generated by constant lack of belief in ones

abilities low self-esteem so that a learner generally lacks confidence in

all kinds of areas and fields of activity. Trait anxiety might be seen as

an individual anxiety in any situation during any specific task.

MacIntyre and Gardner (1991, p.87).

2. State Anxiety is a temporary emotional reaction that arises in certain

situations that are perceived as a threat, such as taking a test,

undergoing surgery, or otherwise. This state is determined by a

subjective sense of tension. Dornyei stated that it is generated with

reference to a specific situation that a learner faces. In other words, this

type of anxiety may be referred to as a situational self-esteem. A

learner might, then, feel competent when writing an essay but she or he

might be much less confident and self-certain during speaking tasks.

Teachers are able to help learners handle this type of anxiety while

constant feeling of anxiety is particularly problematic for developing

learners‟ speaking skills as they remain unwilling to use the language

actively even though they already possess sufficient skills and

knowledge to handle spoken interaction.


2.2.3 Factors of anxiety

Horwitz identifies the sources of foreign language anxiety such as:

communication apprehension, test anxiety, and fear of negative evaluation to

provide teachers with the nature of anxiety. Firstly, communication apprehension

is kind of anxiety occurs when learners feel unable to speak, discuss, ask and

answer questions in a speaking class, they fail to communicate smoothly and

effectively. Secondly, fear of negative evaluation is defined as “apprehension

about other's evaluations, distress over their negative evaluations, and the

expectation that others would evaluate oneself negatively" Watson (1969, p.449).

It is a fear of failing in tests and an unpleasant experience held consciously or

unconsciously by learners. It comes from a fear of failure. Horwitz and Young,


Adler and Rodman (1991) explained, there are two factors cause the

anxiety, as follow:

1. Negative experience in the past is an unpleasant thing in the past for events

that may reoccur in the future. For example the students ever had a bad

experience in doing interviews, this can makes him to be afraid of events

when he has to be interviewed.

2. Irrational thinking is a dire necessity for adult humans to be loved or

approved by virtually every significant other person in their community.

According to Ellis, Adler and Rodman (1991) made a list of trust or belief

of anxiety as an example from an irrational thinking, as follows:


a. Catastrophic failure is an individual assumption that something bad will be

occurred to themselves.

b. Perfectness is a person expects to do something perfect and flawless. It

could be a problem when he does not reach his target of perfectness and

emerge the anxiety.

c. Agreement is a wrong belief based on idea that there is an agreement to

reach from the other friends or students.

d. Wrong generalization is the condition which also gives a term exaggerate

generalization. This term occur to a professional person.

It can be concluded that the factor causes the anxiety is, negative feeling, they

cannot speak well and inhibit of their experience. Thus, culture can be affected

their achievement in speaking.


This chapter, the researcher will discuss about kind of research, data,

source of data, setting of the research, technique of data colleting, instrument of

data collecting, technique data analysis, technique of data verification.

3.1 Kind of the research

In this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative. Descriptive

qualitative research is a method which the data formed a word is not numeric.

Bogdan and Biklen (1982) states that qualitative research is descriptive which the

data is collected in the form of words or pictures rather than numbers. It means a

method of research that attempt to describe and interpret the objects in accordance

with reality. The descriptive method is implemented because the data analysis is

presented descriptively.

3.2 Data

In this research the data are formed of statements, which conducting

during interview and questionnaire. Therefore, this research includes to qualitative

data. The result on this research are students interview and questionnaire. The

students interview contain is description from some question about speaking

anxiety and the questionnaire contains by check list about the state of agreement.


3.3 Data source

Data source is found at twelve grade of SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso. The

students of the school are the participants on this research. First, the participants

are given an interview to obtain the data. The data are obtained from

questionnaire. Second, the data is obtained from teacher as an informant by

interview. The questionnaire and interview are filled to identify the factors that

affected the students’ speaking anxiety.

3.4 Area of the research

This research is held in SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso. The school is

located in Paceh, Pejangan, Jambesari Darus Sholah, Bondowoso, East Java


3.5 Technique of data collecting

To obtain the data, the questionnaire and interview are sent to the students

as the respondents in this research. The questionnaire is made by google form and

the interview is given to the teacher and students in SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso

to be analyzed by the researcher.

3.6 Instrument of data collecting

Instrument of data collecting is defined as a tool that uses to obtain the

data research. The data collecting is formed by questionnaire and interview that

will be given to the students. According to Arikunto (2014, p.194) said that

questionnaire is some questions that is written which used to obtain the


information from the respondents which means the report of him or herself, or

something else that known.

Arikunto (2014, p.195) stated that questionnaire can be divided into some

types, depends on the point of view:

1. Open questionnaire which is given a chance to the respondents to answer

the question by their own word.

2. Closed questionnaire which has been prepared the answer. Thus, the

respondents can choose the answer itself.

3. Multiple choice questionnaire which is meant same as closed


4. Essay questionnaire means same as open questionnaire.

5. Check list where are the respondents giving check mark in the appropriate


In this research, the researcher use open questionnaire made by paper form

that will be shared to 22 students Computer and Network Engineering at

twelve grade of SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso.

Interview is two people conversation each other that conduct by

interviewer. According to Arikunto (2014, p.198) that interview was a dialog

which did by interview to get information from interviewer. Based on Arikunto

(2014, p.199) there are three kinds of interview:

1. Unstructured interview is the interviewer carries out the interview with no

systematic planes of questions.

2. Structured interview is the interviewer carries out the interview by using a

set of question arranged advance.


3. Semi structured interview is the interviewer uses a set of questions which

are developed to gain the specific information.

In this research, the researcher will use structured interview for getting the

data from students and teacher of SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso. It takes place

in Computer and Network Engineering at twelve grades on 22 students.

3.7 Technique of data analyzing

The process of data analysis fill into three major phases following the

framework of qualitative analysis develops by Miles and Huberman (1994,p.10):

data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing, as follows:

3.7.1 Data reduction

According to Miles and Huberman (1994) data reduction refers to process of

selecting, focusing, abstracting and transforming the data

This research is selected to obtain the data by interview and interview

questionnaire to the students. Then, the data analyzed and obtain the

information group of data which needs to arrange for giving the result and

conclusion. Besides that, the researcher uses two ways in data reduction. They

are interview and questionnaire. Both of them explained as follows:

a. Interview

First interview did interviewing between interviewer and informant. The

researcher gives nine questions about characteristic of anxious students,

factors which cause speaking anxiety, strategies used by anxious students

to solve speaking anxiety and students’ suggestion. The last, interview will

do interviewing between interviewer and students. The researcher gives

ten questions about speaking anxiety.

b. Questionnaire

The researcher finds the data from students at twelve grade of SMK Al-

Furqon Bondowoso agree with some problems of students speaking

anxiety in state of agreements sheet. It shows as follows:

a. Negative experience

b. Irrational thinking

1. Perfectness

2. Catastrophic failure

3. Agreement

4. Wrong generalization

3.7.2 Data display

Data display is the second phase in Miles model of qualitative data analysis.

This phase provides an organizing and compos assembly of information that

permits for conclusion drawing. The data display could show as like text,

diagram, chart, table, graph or matrix. The researcher showed the data of

proses of data display with table. It will be explained as follows:

1. Interview report

The researcher interviewed students and teacher about speaking anxiety

and factor of anxiety. (see appendix 2-3)


2. Questionnaire report

The researcher gave a questionnaire sheet to the students about speaking

anxiety and factor of anxiety. (see appendix 4)

3.7.3 Conclusion

Conclusion drawing involves stepping back to consider what analyzes data

mean and to assess their implication for the research question. In this phase,

the researcher draws the meaning from the data in analysis data.

3.8 Technique of data verification

The researcher uses triangulation as a matter to make the data be valid.

Heigam and Croker (2009:323) explains that triangulation refers to the process of

not only does the researcher shift among the step listed above, he may also shift

among various source of data relating to a single issue in an analytical process

known as triangulation. The researcher uses triangulation technique. Denzin and

Yvonna (2012, p.269) explains that Technique triangulation is test the credibility

of the data to the same source with different techniques. The concept does by the

researcher which data obtained with interviews and then checked by


In this chapter, the researcher presented the data collected from interview

and questionnaire to Mr. Fatur Abrianto as an English teacher and 22 students of

Computer and Network Engineering in SMK Al-Furqon Bondowoso at twelve

grade about students’ speaking anxiety. The researcher divided the result into

three parts, there were: first interview to teacher as a comparation to students

answer, the second interview to students to compare the anxious students about

less of understanding, less of competent and fear of mistake. The last was

questionnaire to students to know the negative experience and irrational thinking

of students.

The researcher presented the result of data finding as seen below:


This chapter, the researcher presented the data of first interview to

English teacher at twelve grade Computer and Network Engineering of SMK Al-

Furqon Bondowoso. the researcher provided the data in every single questions of

4 points in 9 total questions.

The result of theacher’s interview was question number 1. The

characteristics of anxious students were afraid of making mistake. Question

number 2. The characteristics of anxious students were feeling nervous. Question

number 3. The characteristics of anxious students were something weird or less of

competent. Question number 4. The characteristics of anxious students were the

teacher had a trick such as gave a clue in the whiteboard and signed language for

instance body language, expression, and movement. Question number 5. The

characteristic of anxious students were repeated the word many times, less of

vocabulary. Question number 6. The factors which cause speaking anxiety was

they did not enjoy when they spoke English or unfamiliar in their habit to use

English. Question 7. The factors which cause speaking anxiety was when they

spoke in front of audiance, their friends laughed at them when they made mistake.

Question 8. The strategies these used by anxious students to solve speaking

anxiety were they tried care by other and brought a simple note to memorize

easily. It meant they gave a clue or guesture to their friend. Question number 9.

The students’ suggestion was they should learn more about English and learn

intensively outside school, especially when they were back to Islamic boarding

school. The complete teachers’ interview sheet could be seen in (appendix 6).

Based on the interview to the English teacher above the researcher

concluded that the students’ speaking anxiety were afraid of making mistake,

repeated word in many times and less of vocabulary. So that way they could not

speak English well.


In this chapter, the researcher obtained the data from the students

interview amounted eleven students to get an information about speaking anxiety.

The number of interview questions were 6 questions for speaking anxiety.

The result of students interview was question number 1. Speaking anxiety about

problem that faced in speaking class was they were afraid and shy. Question

number 2. Speaking anxiety about the way they spoke English was they tried to

speak English but, they had no enough vocabulary. Question number 3. Speaking

anxiety about feeling hard to understand English was they could not speak English

well because of less of practice English and unaccustomed. Question number 4.

Speaking anxiety about fear of failure was they were afraid to make mistake when

they speak English and afraid of getting angry from their teacher. Question

number 5. Speaking anxiety about practice English was most of them did

practicing English in the first semester. Question number 6. Speaking anxiety

about students suggestion were they wanted to practice English more deeply. The

complete of students’ interview sheet could be seen in (appendix 7).

Based on the interview of 11 students above the researcher concluded that

the students’ speaking anxiety got difficult in arranging the sentence, afraid of

making mistake and they do not understand the lesson. So these were caused by

students’ speaking anxiety.


In this chapter, the researcher obtained the data from students’

questionnaire from 22 students to get an information about negative experience

and irrational thinking and the number of questionnaire there were 10 questions.

The result could be seen in table: 4.1 about questionnaire sheets in (appendix 5).

Based on the data of questionnaire 1, it showed 92% of students. It concluded that

the students got a negative experience. When they were telling a story in English,

they were breathed fast and they thought English was hard to master.

Questionnaire 2, it showed 83% of students. It could conclude that almost the

students got an experience in irrational thinking. It meant they were very nervous

on public when they spoke English. Questionnaire 3, it showed 67% of students. It

meant they were obey and did the presentation in perfectness when they got a

duty. Questionnaire 4, it showed 82% of students. It concluded that some students


were afraid to make mistakes when they delivered the lesson. Questionnaire 5, it

showed 75% of students. It meant they disagree the presentation or duty in wrong

explanation. Questionnaire 6, it showed 43% of students. It meant they never used

unfamiliar word when they spoke English. Questionnaire 7, it showed 86% of

students. It meant some students felt anxious and scared when the teacher asked to

come forward to tell the story in English. Questionnaire 8, it showed 81% of

students. It meant some students repeated the wrong word in many times

automatically. Altough, they did not feel it. Questionnaire 9, it showed 82% of

students. It meant they were obey to their teacher instruction when they should do

a presentation or duty. Questionnaire 10, it showed 67% of students. It meant

more than a half of students gave unlogic explanation to the audiances.

Based on the explanation above, it could conclude that the students’

speaking anxiety were almost happened in negative experience and irrational

thinking. In the negative experience for instance they felt breathing fast when

teacher suddenly, asked the students to come forward to tell something in

English. Then, they were scared and felt anxious when they told the English story.

In the irrational thinking. For instance, the students were very nervous when they

spoke in public and somebody judged them how bad they were.


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1 2 3 4 5
Tittle Problem Variables Indicators Research Method

An analysis of What kind of speaking Independent Speaking : 1.Research Design:

students’ speaking anxieties faced by -Speaking - Speaking Qualitative Research : Description
anxiety at twelve students at twelve anxiety -Nature of speaking
grade of SMK Al- grade of SMK Al- -Roles of speaking 2. Research Subject:
Furqon Bondowoso Furqon Bondowoso in -Factors of speaking Twelve grade students of SMK Al-
in the 2020/2021 the 2020/2021 -Kinds of Speaking Furqon Bondowoso in academic year
Academic Year academic year? Speaking Anxiety: 2020/2021
-Nature of anxiety
What are the dominant -Type of anxiety 3. Informant :
factors will lead the -Anxiety factors The English teacher
students speaking
anxieties at twelve Objectives: 4. Instrument :
grade of SMK Al- -To find kind of speaking Interview
Fuqon Bondowoso in anxieties faced by students Questionnaire
the 2020/2021 at twelve grade of SMK Al-
academic year? Furqon Bondowoso in the
2020/2021 academic year.

To know the dominant

factors will lead the students
speaking anxieties at twelve
grade of SMK Al-Furqon
Bondowoso in the
2020/2021 academic year.


Table 3.1

Interview for teacher

No Purpose Interview questions Answers

1 To find out the 1. How do you

know about your
characteristics of students’
anxious students speaking ability
when they speak
2. How do you
know about your
student’ habit
when they speak
3. Why the students
do it when they
speak English?
4. How do you help
your students
when they feel
nervous when
they speak
English in front of
their classmate?
5. What are the
common mistake
that occur to the
speaking anxiety
in the class?
2 To discover the 1. What are the
problems caused
factors which by students that
cause speaking they are feeling
worried or afraid
anxiety when they speak
2. What atmosphere
that can distract
the students when
they speak
3 To find out the 1. Based on your
lens How the
strategies used by students solve

anxious students their anxiety

when they speak
to solve speaking English?
4 To discover 1. In your opinion,
what the English
students’ teacher should do
suggestion to reduce
speaking anxiety
when they speak
Source: Wardani, 2017


Table 3.2

Interview for students

No Purpose Interview question Answer

What are the problems

Speaking anxiety you faced when you
speak English in class?
Explain the way you
2 Speaking anxiety speak by using English
or making conversation
each other?
What do you think when
3 Speaking anxiety you learn English in
class, do you feel hard to
Do you feel of fear is the
4 Speaking anxiety biggest problem in your
When the last time you
5 Speaking anxiety practice speaking? Can
you explain it?
What is your suggestion
6 Speaking anxiety for you yourself, your
friends and teachers
about speaking anxiety?
Source: Isnaini, 2018


Table 3.3

Questionnaire for students

VG : Very Agree

AG : Agree

DG : Disagree

VDG : Very Disagree

No Purpose Questionnaire

Your heart is
breathed fast
when teacher
1 Negative suddenly, asks
experience you to come
forward to tell
something in
You get so
nervous speaking
in public. You
2 Irrational just know that
thinking people are
thinking about
how bad you are
at speaking.
You do
3 Perfectness presentation as
well as
You are afraid of
4 Catastrophic making mistake
failure when you present
the lesson
In presentation
5 Agreement time you and
your friends or
group of study in

class you feel

disagree when
your friends
deliver the wrong
You use the
sentence in
6 Wrong
English by using
unfamiliar word
when you speak
Negative You feel scared
experience or anxious when
7 you are asked to
the material in
English language
You pronounce
8 Negative
the wrong word
in many times
You do
9 something based
on teacher
You give
10 Wrong
Source: Isnaini, 2018


Table 4.1 The result of questionnaire sheets of students

Questionnaire sheets
No Name Students point total Presentages of point total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 YULIATUL HASANAH 4 4 3 4 2 2 4 4 3 4 34 85%
2 A FAJRI SODIKI 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 2 3 2 32 80%
3 HARIROTUL LAYYINAH 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 4 3 3 33 83%
4 HELMI MUSTOFA 4 4 3 4 3 2 4 3 3 4 34 85%
5 M ANSORI 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 4 3 3 33 83%
6 M BADRUD TAMAM 4 4 3 2 3 1 4 2 3 4 30 75%
7 M HARISUL ISLAM 4 3 3 4 3 1 4 3 3 4 32 80%
8 M RUJIK 2 1 3 2 3 3 1 2 4 4 25 63%
9 M SOFYAN 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 4 3 3 32 80%
10 M ZAINURI 2 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 3 2 23 58%
11 NADILATUL AULIA 4 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 3 4 32 80%
12 NUR KHOLIS 4 3 3 4 3 2 4 4 2 4 33 83%
13 NURUL HASANAH 4 4 2 4 3 1 4 4 3 3 32 80%
14 NURUL WAHYUNI 4 3 2 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 31 78%
15 RISAL EFFENDI 4 4 2 3 4 1 4 4 4 1 31 78%
16 SAMSUL ARIFIN 4 4 3 3 2 2 4 4 3 4 33 83%
17 SHERLY USALIA 3 3 2 2 1 2 3 1 4 2 23 58%
18 SITI NUR KHOTIMAH 4 2 2 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 30 75%
19 SOFIYULLAH 3 4 3 4 3 2 4 4 2 2 31 78%
20 UFIL NURIAH S 4 2 2 3 4 1 4 4 4 1 29 73%
21 WILDATUL SHOLEHA 4 3 3 3 4 1 3 3 4 1 29 73%
22 YULIA IKA F 4 3 2 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 25 63%
Questions point total 81 73 59 72 66 38 76 71 72 59
Presemtages of point total 92% 83% 67% 82% 75% 43% 86% 81% 82% 67%

Notes :
2 AG (AGREE) =3
5 QPT(Question point total) = (point 1 + point 2 + ...+ point 22 = QPT)
6 PPT(Presentages of point total) = (point total / all point questions) x 100% = PPT)
7 SPT(Students point total) = ( Point 1 + point 2 + ....+ point 10 = SPT)
8 PPT(Presentages of point total) =( Point total / all point questions)x 100 = PPT


Table 4.2 The result of teacher interview

No Purpose Interview questions Answers

1 To find out the 1. How do you when I ask them to come forward for practicing their speaking,
know about your they are afraid of making mistake
characteristics of students’
anxious students speaking ability
when they speak
2. How do you sometimes they are feeling nervous because their friends lauhg
know about your at them.
student’ habit
when they speak
3. Why the students because the students think that it is something weird or less of
do it when they competent
speak English?
in the presentation time I usually help my students
4. How do you help
who felt hard how to pronounce the word in English.
your students
So I had a trick such as gave a clue in the whiteboard
when they feel
and signed language for instance body language,
nervous when
expression, and movement
they speak
English in front of
their classmate?
5. What are the
they repeated the word many times, less of
common mistake
vocabulary and they could not make an English
that occur to the
sentence well

speaking anxiety
in the class?
2 To discover the 1. What are the the problem is they were not enjoy when they spoke
problems caused English or unfamiliar in their habit to use English. So
factors which by students that they were afraid of making mistake
cause speaking they are feeling
worried or afraid
anxiety when they speak
2. What atmosphere when they spoke in front of audiance, their friends
that can distract laughed at them when they made mistake, so it could
the students when make their concentration had gone
they speak
3 To find out the 1. Based on your they tried careless by other and brought a simple note
lens How the to memorize easily
strategies used by students solve
anxious students their anxiety
when they speak
to solve speaking English?
4 To discover 1. In your opinion, in my opinion they should learn more about English
what the English and learn intensively outside school, especially when
students’ teacher should do they were back to Islamic boarding school
suggestion to reduce
speaking anxiety
when they speak
Source: Wardani, 2017


Table 4.3 the result of students interview and questionnaire from 11 students

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