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A. External Factors
1. Currently, Dunk’in Donuts posses the segment of youngsters and have a separate fan
following in ths kids’ category, so we can use this value of sweet and innovative
product to communicate our segment in broader perspective, and to carter another
segment we can go with the sugar free or less sugar kind of product range to attract
more customers segments. We have to avoid to be communicated as a fast-food store,
as we consider to be a sweet dish expert which is completely different from a fast-
food segment
2. We have to introduce customer especially kid’s representatives, both male and
female staffs need to be hire and trained to deal with the kids and with other adults to
somehow take out the insides from the customers to ensure better experience by
knowing everyone’s expectations and demand of different categories, and help them
in more appropriate way
3. For nonverbal communication, we need to introduce different animated characters,
signs and content in stores, these three things will help them to communicate with all
the segments separately, and the outcome of these communication can be noted by
our customer representatives
4. If we use reference group in our advertisements, this will make us a specific brand,
resulting a cut-off in our segments, as both adult and children are in our segment
currently, using a specific group will impact the brand positioning and it turn the
image into a group specific product
5. Our advertisements, as from last 50 years, placed us into the centre as a sweet and
tasty product venture, some of the role-related with our advertisements are helping us
to portray as a product consume by a school going kid, who loves to eat donuts, and
university students in a project break prefer to eat donuts
6. Yes, we can, as we already became a reliable and trusted name in the society,
providing great quality and taste for over the years now, we can reach out to some of
the leads in the society who can endorse our product and create a major impact in our
sales and segments
7. The only inhibitor in our product innovation is our image of being served as the sweet
and branch time product, going for innovation in the existing product we have to be
careful that our image is not going to be change or gets any impact, although we can
for diversification as we required to capture more market shares
8. Parents, especially mothers in the house hold should receive the information
regarding our product, as they are more conscious about the health of the entire house
hold and looking for better and healthy foods to be eaten by their loved ones

B. Internal Factors
1. Currently, some of the segments, like office colleagues and old ones who love to have
sweet in their meal is missing, but 60% of the segment can easily relate their selves
with it, but to interrupt and engage the desire segment, needs to improve the
campaigns further more
2. You mad a lot by appropriate learning principle, as the taste remain consistent and no
of complains is way to loo
3. No need to reduce the motivational conflict, as its not creating any issue yet, most of
the messages are related with the family and friend, and motivates them to purchase
and enjoy together as a special moment
4. Dunkin Donuts can use the emotional factor more appropriate way, just like some
other brand relate their product completely with some special events and occasions to
make it more celebrating and happier, they can utilize that potential too, as their
product is very mush related with the emotions and relations
5. To some extent it is related to the life style of the segment they choose, but not
completely, as most of the people do prefer sweets product once or twice in a week,
so they need to reflect that aspect a bit more specifically in their ads
6. Not properly, but very mush intended towards an attitude change, people preferences
and habit of eating traditional products is now changed and diverted towards their
product by some percentage

C. Situational Influences
1. They can use the situation in a more beneficial way, as most of the situations occur
bring celebrations and parties, and offering and position their product in this situation
as a proper part of the meal will impact the segments positively, and will be more
beneficial to create new segments and new sources of demands in different segments
and situations.

D. Decision process influences

1. Some of the selective problem recognition is generated, while generic problem occurs
naturally, and same is the case with the advertisement, as some of the problems are
generated by some flows in the content that creates a new problem, and the feedback
on the advertisement recognise the problems in the ad as well as in the product too.
2. Segments seeking for the information on the product, and it is necessary to reach out
to them while not seeking the information. Most commonly used source is to
interview them, conducting a survey in a calm environment and try to reach out to the
specific conclusion to draw a proper final decision on the basis of information
gathered, low-involvement learning process will harm the image of the product
through wrong advertisements
3. Need to intervene, even after problem recognition, this will show the brand
involvement and interest in the market segment, and seeking information will provide
a better idea to improve the different aspects of the product for every segment,
spending time with the segments and observations record will be more preferable
source, they can use the customer experience book to get the information as well
4. Information from a reliable source and trusted results of some statistical tools are
used commonly in decision making process.
5. Information related to market competitors, rates with respect to quality and quantity,
lead times and other information related to the standards and quality of the product is
required at the time of purchase, at least 6 months of data is appropriate to call out ant
decision at point of purchase
6. There is some post purchase dissonance, but a product selling from last 50 years, the
percentage of dissonance is way to lower, and it can be reduced by positive
campaigns and spreading awareness of the product, but it can only be minimized by
improving the standards and quality
7. Yes, as our product is simple to use and not a technical product at all, so no need of
any extra information of how to use the product is required. And required information
is shared
8. 70% expectations generated from the advertisement is fulfilled, but they have to
focused when they create the story board of the advertisement, avoid fantasize about
the product and its utility, try to include things and idea, that product can fulfil,
otherwise this will be a negative point in the favour of product
9. Repeat purchase can only be achieve by fulfilling the requirement of the customer in
a fancy way, messages are only to bring the customer to your step, and your service
quality and product standard can create brand loyal customers, so messages are good
enough to bring the customer to experience your product

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