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healthy lifestyle, environment, family, friendship, school violence, leisure time

We all know the degrading quality of earth life, but we just need to start seeing
the sign. The harsh and unwanted weather condition is proof that they need
saving and securing more than ever. As we see, the occurrences of natural
disasters and calamities are increasing nowadays, and because of this calamity,
people lost their lives. Moreover, the melting glacier is the other alarming
situation as to why we should save our environment.

Additionally, increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment is

proving to be harmful. If we don’t take any immediate step, we will face a difficult
situation in our future. It is always remembered that by saving our atmosphere,
we will save mankind. The earth has been survived for many years, and it will
continue to do so; only mankind is at risk, so we have to start now.

Nowadays, pollution is a popular term with everyone in the world and air
pollution is one type of pollution. The definition of air pollution is one such form
that refers to the contamination of the air, irrespective of indoors or outside. A
physical, biological or chemical alteration to the air in the atmosphere can be
termed as pollution. There are some main reasons which cause air contamination
such as burning of fossil fuels, agricultural activities, exhaust from factories and
industries, mining operations, and indoor air pollution. Air pollution always has
bad effects on our life. Harmful gases, dust, and smoke enter into the atmosphere
and make it difficult for plants, animals and humans to survive. We also can see
some examples of the result of air contamination which occurs around us as
global warming, acid rain, and depletion of ozone layer. The effects of air
pollution are alarming, so governments over the world should have suitable
policies of protecting the environment, especially air quality to create a clean
world for our generation in the future.

Friendship is a very big concept, and there are countless factors that make two
people become good friends. Friends are not just our classmates or people who
work at the same place, but friends are people who are acquaintances and love
each other. A person does not have any limit in making friends, and we can
always have new friends from many places. Friendship does not discriminate
between skin color, age or race. For example, I am an Asian, and I have friends all
over the world from Europe to America. The importance of friendship is not the
appearance, but the characteristics of that person. We often make friends with
people who have similar hobbies and habits like us, or with people whom we feel
happy to talk with. Friendship does not only exist between humans and humans,
but it exists among many different animals. We always know that dog is the most
loyal friend to human, and the fact that a dog knows how to love us speaks for the
diversity of friendship. If we raise many animals in the same house for a long time,
there is a high possibility that they will also become friends and love each other.
Friendship is a great relationship that blurs many distances and creates positive
things. If any of us is lucky enough to have a good friend, we should try to keep
that friendship for a long time.

“A friend in need is a friend indeed’, that is what the definition of a true friend
who will never leave you during your hardships, success, and failure. We can
choose our friends. Real friends always share and support each other. They feel
joyful when we are happy, and during our sadness, they also share sadness with
us. True friendship is all about sharing things, making mistakes, fighting for silly
things, but again hugging to support each other. Friendship is an essential thing
for a happy life. Whenever you are in worry, a chat with a friend takes out all
problems away. That is the strength of friendship.

School violence has been and is a hot issue that is concerned by the whole
society. Conceptually, school violence is a violent, unruly behavior that uses force
to resolve conflicts, disputes, causing harm both physically and mentally, taking
place within the school. School violence is a social phenomenon that occurs in
many places, many levels of education and of many degrees. There are cases that
are simply fighting, fighting, but there are also many cases that happen in a
serious level, gathering to "revenge", "face off" each other with dangerous
weapons such as knives, machetes, sticks, ... make the public confused. Not only
that, school violence also occurs in teacher-student relationships, teachers abuse
students, there are even cases where students beat and insulted teachers. The
cause of this phenomenon comes from the psychology of students being eager to
win, excitable, teachers too stressed with teaching and unable to control
themselves. In addition, because students are affected by evils, bad habits in
society, parents lack attention to their children, the school has not been close in
educating the character of students and teachers. All of these have immeasurable
consequences both physically, for money, and mentally. Many students had to
drop out of school, transfer schools, change classes, and were depressed because
of bullying and violence by other students. It can be seen that school violence is
becoming a warning bell for the whole society, each of us needs to be aware of its
causes and consequences and to prevent and repel this negative phenomenon.

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