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Requirements to become a Judge

To become a judge, He or She must be a ​citizen of Malaysia​. He or She also ​needs to

obtain a law degree and pass all necessary bar exams or a certificate of legal practice
(CLP).​ If he or she participates in extracurricular activities such as debates to improve
communication skills, it will be an added benefit. After studying, he or she should ​work as a
lawyer​ or attorney in a law firm. Part of the duties of lawyers is to represent clients in courts
and other legal procedures to resolve disputes and protect their interests for ten (10) years
before being appointed, the law of a country service. The judge ​shall not be a member of
any political party or participate in any political activities.​ If the judge practised as a
defence lawyer before his appointment, he should no longer have any contact with the affairs
after his appointment.

Contributions of Judges

Judges ​protect the supremacy of the constitution ​to ensure that everyone abides by
the constitution. Only the judiciary has the right to interpret the constitution, and has the
power to determine whether any law passed by the parliament or any bill of the
administrative agency is constitutional and effective. The judicial agency can use this power
to check whether the administrative agency and the legislature have abused their power, and
can protect our basic right.

The judge is the ​link between our government, the law and the people​. They
have no royalties rather have a history of distrusting the government. When the government
is out of touch, judges are observers and fixers. They make it comply with our laws. A judge
is a trustworthy person who can review the actions of the government because our
government Composed of tired, overworked, inadequately trained and dedicated people.
Sometimes they get it wrong. The judge is not always a trustworthy person, but we believe
they will do it right. Their existence as judges legitimizes the government's exercise of

Judges also are ​the face of social justice​. They also help protect the rights of
individuals in court and promote fairness. The judge will help ensure that both parties have a
fair opportunity to present their case and act as independent and impartial decision-makers.


Judges also perform as ​decision-makers​. It affects people's lives. They need to go

to a quiet place, fight it, review it, and guess for themselves. They do this correctly by using
his own unique combination of intuition and analysis, making a second guess when the
instinct is uncomfortable, and making a second guess when the logic is contrary to the
analysis. Moreover, they must provide reasons for the decision. Sometimes the judge will
explain the reason in the court while making a decision on the case. Sometimes the judge will
make a ruling in the court when the case is closed, but will later provide the reasons for the
ruling in the written ruling. They can also provide an oral explanation in court and a written
decision later.

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