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2. FJ brow that the unfty of God’s creation manifests in three ex- pressions: in the Macrocosm as Light, Life, and Love; in the Microcosm ‘as Soul, ego, and body; in the material sciences and arts as thesis, synthesis, and antithesis. All of these are symbolized by the Triangle. 3.3 knot thet the Diving Wisiom of God, os made manifest by ature, justifies our Omni ‘Oni Goodness, aa redin Cad arene 4. J Know that when God breathes into the Body of Man, the Breath of Life, Man becomes a Living Soul. ‘The Soul of God, resident within a mortal body, is the perfect esence of the Universal Soul that flows ee successive human incarnations. Hence, in all that is real and vital, all Mankind is a Brotherhood under the Fatherhood of God. 5. J trot that the flesh alone may err, and mortal mind may sin; ‘and for each error or sin, flesh and mortal mind must compensate; for Man is born in Soul-Goodness, but in mortal ignorance, and {rom the ignorance alone must Man be redeemed and saved. 6. F know that the visible Fratemity of the Rosicrucians inspired school for the Illumination of the mortal mind and the jc the Soul. Its authority is found in the joyous response of the eae ( and Direction received from the visible and invisible. 7. J Wow that the High Initiates of the Fraternity are representa- tive of the Invisible ibeae ‘The Great White Brotherhood and are the Servants of God. Salutem Punctis Triangulit

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