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KO' 20 I.

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20 I^L88O»8

IVIind -
kv v^. Ñ. 6or§

- Hi __

14 Digblislcl Road ^UstligLr), Dublin
How to Osvslox Vo^r IiULZiiistioii ... 9

RsLi'ii to Rssson LorrsctI/ ... ... 17

LollceiitrstioQ ... ... ... 22

His os RsI3.xs.iio2 ... ... 27

I->ov/ to Osvslop Vour Iniazrnstion

>lo matter vvko ^ou are, ^our success

6spen68 lo a large extent upon ^our
powers ok imagination. ?oet8 an 6 novel-
Í8t8 are not tks oni^ people to más U8S
ok td>8 kacult^. 8cientÍ8t8 wko kevelop
kgpotke8S8 to explain tke pksnomena ok
nature, gsneral8 wko plan tke keksncs ok
a town, bu8ine88 men cle8igning publicity
campaigns, pki1antkropi8t8 kouncling
edaritable in8titution8, all avail tliem8slvs8
equally ok tln8 kacult^.
— 8 —
KIV 20 H880N8 0k >4Ib1v-H^^IdIIbIO

Vou vour8e!k, a tbou8and time8 a dav>

wben conkrontsd bv tbe more or Ie88
important problsm8 ok evervdav like,
wben vou Five an order or wben vou
carrv one out, wben vou 8elect wbat vou
want to eat krom a menu or eiroo8e wbat
to wear kor tbe dav, vou tbink ok wbat
8eem8 to vou to be tbe be8t solution
In order tbat imagination mav be kree
to exerei86 it8elk, it mu8t be able to reksr
to a rieb 8tore ok memorie8. It8 work
LON8Í8t8 in giving a new turn to our
recolleetion8 ok tbings or evsnt8 and ok
combining tkem one witb anotker in a
manner diñerent krom tbat in wbieb we
acquired tbem. Imagination Í8 8ometime8
de8cribed 38 a creative kacubv. 1bÍ8 Í8
wrong. Imagination Í8 not creative.
Wben tov-maker8 invent puppets kor
?unck and ludv witb dekormed Ie§8,
a bumpsd-back and booked no8e toucking
tbe cbin, tbev are not creating anv new
korm, tbev urs merslv modikving tbe pro-
portion8 ok a man bv giving bim tbe
10 —
ivlv 20 Qk88Ob!8 0k ^II^V I

features tke;/ kave noticed in several


litis is so true tirat someone blind from

birtk is incapable ok imagining tbe splen­
dours ok a sunset, kor lie lacks tke material
wkick korms tke basis kor work dons by
tke brain.
/k kigkly developed memory is tkere-
kore tke best koundation kor cultivating
a vivid imagination.
production doss not get under way
by tks mere kact ok stocking a lac lory
witd raw-materials: it must also kave
sulkcient motive power to drive tke
mackines. Similarly your imagination will
not become active unless it is impelled
by some powerkul interest.

peter, wko kas bad a complete com­

mercial training, is only sligktly inter­
ested in business. Ok, ke is at tke ollics
— 11 —
K4V 20 H88OM Ok^

eigbt Kour8 a all-rigbt, but KÍ8 minb is

elsewbere. 8port Í8 bis real intere8t. It Í8
not surprising, tberekors, tbat bi8 v/orb
kails bebin6. bbs tbougbts babituall^ given
to tbe activities ok bis club an6 to sport,
will bave little time kor tbe work ok solving
tbe problems ok bÍ8 business.
baler on I sball teaeb ^ou bow to
determine an aim in like an6 bow to
6 evote z'our un6ivi6eü interest to aebiev-
ing tbi8 aim. ?or tbe moment, it will
sullies ik ^ou tborougbl^ un6erstanü tbi8
principle. Interest Í8 tbe kertils ses6 ok
imagination. bor Iks moment ^ou sboulb
Oevote yourselk to tbe stucl^ ok 8ubject8
tbat bave a natural intore8t kor ^ou.

^11 work 8boulcl be carried out metkob-

ieall^, inelubing tbat ok tbe imagination.
V/ben xou are eonkronteO witb a
problem, 6o not be 8Lti86e6 merely to
examine it krom all it8 angle8. Vou mu8t
anal^8e it8 kaetor8, 8tuü^ it8 elements
— 12 —
K4V 20 kk88Obl8 Ok

and be c^uite certain tbat none ok tbem

Í8 overlooked.

Von bave been entrusted witb tbe

launcking ok a new product, soap kor
instance, and z^ou must kind 8oins 8ound
points in it8 kavour, to make tbe adver­
tisement.? convincing. Almost more Iban
a convincing argument is needed to sus-
tain an advertising campaign kor a ^ear
and it Í8 ok paramount importance not
to korget a detail. Vou must, tberekors,
carr^ out a stud^ ok tbis soap, a8 kor all
otber products on tbe kollowing lines.

OLSLKinno^ according to tbe impression

made on tbe 6vs senses.
variety ok clear, pleasing
colours, one kor eacb perkume. (moose
colours tbat pbotograpb well, tbe^
catcb tbe s^e more satiskactorilv.
//earing: blo comment kor Ibis par­
ticular article.
13 —
KlV 20 1^880^8 O?

ouc/r: smootb, sillry latber.

blo comment (unless you clean
your testb witb it).
Delicate and lasting perkume
blended kiom a clonen varieties ok
rare essences.

OsL krom consumer's point ok view:

f'ontr've a^va/rtugev: Dasts a long time
and can be used up to tbe end. Kei aven­
ates tbe skin.
/Vega/rve ack vantage: Does not dry tbe
«^va/r/uKe§: 1'be kormula Í8
patented. Ibe onl^ soap used by Oloria
busb ok Hollywood.

IVl^vk-zorvkñ as seen tbrouZb tbe eyes

ok someone wbo visits tbe place in
wbicb it is produced (it is above all in
tbis section tbat we sball kind argu­
ments to inspire confidence).
14 —
20 H88OM o?

Ik/rom? 8^ tbe specialist in

beauty care, kamous tbrouZbout tbe
l^/rere? biice, miüst klov/ers an6 olive
Aow? In a moclel kactor^, enboxvecl vvitb
tire inst worb in up to clate macbiner^
anb usinZ tbe kinest oils an6 essences.
8^QL. boob at it krorn tire purcbasers
point ok view an6 take into account
tbe ease vvitb vvbicb tbe product can
be bouZbt.
lb/?ere? ^t ever^ cksmist anü cosmetic
Hre ?r/ce? One sbilling onl^ an6 a
present ok a sliampoo vvbsn tbree
tablets are bouZkt at one time.
terms' /or payment: t^o comment.
Our soap is so!6 kor casli an6 not kor
^Ve sbou16 make out an analysis like
tkis ever;' time a problem arises. Ibis
15 —
KlV 20 QWM8 O?

analysis, tkis examination, earekull^ kepl

ancl kllecl up as we aclvanee witk our
invesliZalions, v/ik kelp U8 witk supure
researek anci s^slemali^e our lkouZkts.
^kkllc^rioi». — 8upposinZ lkal lo-
morrow ^ou kouncl ^ourselk ruinecl ancl
vvilkout a job, bow woulci vou earn ^our
ImaZine lke plans kor Iks kouse ^ou
woulk like lo builk in tks country.
vVrils a plot kor a Klin. ?lan kke perkect
stor^ kor kki8 lueckuru: "tks kirn I skoulk
kks lo see rancie." ^nz? subjecl will ko,
wkelksr il be kistorisal or eoniernpornr^,
plausible or improbable, amusinZ or
8tucl^ lkis lesson kor a week.

16 —
i-earn to kssson Lorrootl^

klone ok tke problems ok existence is

as simple as an equation in algebra.
Idver^ons is more or less subject to
uncertainty, even ik it is onlzs because ok
tbs kuman element wkick intervenes, anil
tliis can upset tlie most carekull^ cal­
culated plans.
Ztkter muck tkouZkt, z^ou decide to in­
vest ^our bark earned savings to open a
business in one ok tks colonies. X tornado
wrecks vour plantation, tbe workers
ma^ strike, tks public is tired ok ^our
products and, tkrouZK no kault ok ^our
own, ^ou lose ^our inonsv. Ik kowever
^ou learn to tkink loZical!^, ^ou will
eliminate an important percentaje ok
20 kbZSOblZ Ok^ bklblv-lkl/rlbllblQ

tbe8e "unavoidable ri8k8" and will kind

tkat kortune will almo8t alwa^8 8mile
upon ^ou.
bkan^ ok our mÍ8take8 ari8e krom Ids
we 8ee tkinZ8 tbrougb Le dÍ8torting
mirror ok our imagination, and becau8e
we let our keeling8 guide U8.
problem mu8t be anal^xed and 8tated
in U8 detacked and imper8onal manner
a8 >ou would 8tate a tbeorem or a
problem in algebra. Imagination Í8 38
uncle8irabls wben anal^ing and 8tating a
problem, a8 it Í8 de8irable wben kinding
tbe 8olution to a problem.
Here Í8 a common example wbiek ^ou
bave 8urel^ experienced. Vou are attrac­
ted to 8OMLONL witbout knowing wb^. Us
pre8ent8 an un8ound propo8ition and ^ou
allow ^our8elk to be drawn to con8ent to
it again8t ^our own intere8t. Vou were tbe
dupe ok ^our inclination and ^our judge­
ment wa8 warped. Otber error8 ari8e krom
lack ok inkormation. ?orter'8 liver pill8
bave been ok benefit to 8ome member ok
— 18 —
DIV 20 HWON8 O? ^Ilblv-'bK/KIbllblO

^our bousebold and ^ou bope tbat tbe)'

will also do zmu §006. ^Itbougb z^our
8^mptom8 are 8imilar ^our malady ma^
be ^uite different and ^ou not obtain
an^tbing like tbe re8ult >ou expect krom
tbe 8ame treatment. Would it not bave
been better Kr8t to bave con8ulted a §006
6^ kollowing tbe rule8 ok logical
tbougbt gou will avoid ever^tkinZ tbat
1ead8 to error. Here are tbe rule8:
1. book impartial!^ at z^our problem8
and ik >ou are unable to do 80, 8top trying
to 8olve tbem kor tbe time being. 8mitb Í8
taking advantage ok gour kriend8bip to
pre88 z'ou to tran8act an important bu8i-
ne88 matter witb bim. bis bara88L8 ^ou
witb 80 man^ rea80N8 in bi8 kavour tbat
gou are cénits incapable ok tbinking
clearly. Ik nece88ar^, tberekors, ^ou 8bould
leave ^our an8wer till later and 8end it to
bim bz? po8t.
2. Wksn ^ou bave an important mat­
ter to decide a8k ^our8elk ik ^ou are 8ulkic-
ientl^ well inkormed to take a decision.
— 19 —
20 bL880N8 0? IVllbtvUr.^IbdblQ

Ik not, carekully read up tbe subject, con-

8ult Ike necessary books and tbe appro­
priate expert.
3. In studying tire problem itselk,
you sbould kollow tbe rule ok Descartes:
(a) rely upon your ideas only ik tbey
are perkectly clear; be like tbe merebant
vvbo carekully examines every coin or
note be put8 into bis till, in case one
sbould prove to be kake:
(b) decompose a complex question
into simple ones. problem correctly
and completely stated is as good as
(c) reason krom tbe known to tbe un­
known, krom tbe simple to tbe complex.
8olid koundations are as necessary kor
your reasoning as tbey are kor a bouse:
(sl) express your conclusions pre­
cisely to consolidate tbe ground won. Hie
explorer traces bis tracks witb markers,
you will mark out tbe route ok your
tbougbts witb words.
20 —
XIV 20 bL88ObI8 Oh

/X word may be said bere about intui­

tion, tbat wonderkul kaculty wkicb only
a privileged tew seem to possess and
wbicb enables tbsrn to sense tbe trutb, to
put tbeir knger on it, wbere tbe majority
ok people bave to pu^Ie and reason kor
some certain time.
Intuition is a characteristic ok all well-
balanced minds wbicb adapt tbemsslves
at once to problems conkronting tbem.
Ibey appear to 6nd an instantaneous
solution because ok tbe speed at wbicb
tbey reason in tbeir subconscious winds.
-X complete study ok Ibis course will,
by developing mental barmony and
agility, develop your kaculties ok intuition.

/Xpruxrion. — kead tkrougk tbe

exercises given in tbe previous lesson and
criticise krom a logical point ok view tbe
solution you kound to tbose problems.
Concentrate on tbis lesson kor ten days.

— 21 —


(Concentration ok tkougdt is okten con-

sidered tedious. Certain vvouid-be kakirs
see in it notkinZ inore tkan an exercise
ok xvill-povver. -^ccordinZ to tdem, it is a
question onl^ ok ñxln§ tde mind on an
idea kor several iiours in succession.
^de^ tden expect a direct ekkect upon
beinZs and things. Ids^ tr^ to will people
to do tdmZs even at a distance or to make
wlieat Zerrninate in tke palrn ok tke liand.
Ilie onl^ result krom sucli a practice is
a dad deadacde.
— 22 —
KIV 20 l^880M o?

Loncentration ok tkouglrt, 8ULk 38 I

am ZoinZ to teaelr ^ou, Í8 cjuite another
matter. z^our keart and mind pla^
Ko8t8 to an idea, let tkem pue8tion it a8
a Zood kriend vvko8s 8eeret8 tke^ would
learn and in wlro86 konour tke^ clo8e tlre
door, Ie8t otlier8 8kould intrude.
Lortain condition8 Zrsatl^ kaeilitate
lire ür8t e88ential Í8 an atmc>8plrere ok
calm. It Í8 ea8ier to tlrinlc in a Huiet room
tkan in a bu8v 8treet. l>loi8e and move­
ment kavs tire 8ame effect on our attention
tkat tds^ would dave on a tl)': tkez^ malee
it klit riakit and lekt and prevent it krom
I^ext in importance Í8 Zood plr^ical
kiealtk. Ilrs proce88 ok tlnnlrinZ Í8 8tim-
ulated bv walleinZ and dindered kv a poor
l8ut mo8t important ok all Í8 tire intere8t
vou brinZ to tire 8tudy ok tire que8ticm. It
—- 23 —
VIV 20 bb88OM 0?

18 638^ to §ive z^our mind to 3 8ub^ect IN

wbicb )sou buve Zre3t intsre8t. IkouZbt
18 tben 3Zree3b1e 3nd prokituble. Attention
18 ÜXLÜ on tbs 8ubjsct witkout keur ok it8
wunderinz. blew ide38 crown into tbe
mind 3nci brinZ witb tbem oriZinnI
8olution8. brutul eñort ok will eould
never give quite tbe 83ms results in tbe
831N6 W3Z^, 3 workmun wlio Iove8 llÍ8 work,
produce8 belter tbin§8 tli3n can be obtuin-
ecl kroni unotbsr wbo worlc8 under dure88
und wlio 8eek8 everv opportunity ok
evudinZ bi8 138k.

Lekors uppl^inZ ^our mind to tbe 8tudz'

ok 3N^ problem, ^ou 8bould kul!^ Zr38p
tbe point8 ok inters8t wbieb it pre8snt8
3nd mulce esrtuin tbut vou keel tbe^ make
3N imprs88ion on ^ou. Ibe proper W3^ to
3N3l^8e ^our problem8 eon8Í8t8 in 8eein§
tbem krom ull 3nZIe8. Vou 8bould 8eek
P3r3llel8 witb M3tter8 ulreud^ witbin ^our
experience 3nd tben druw ^our con-
24 —
klV 20 I.L880N8 Ok

Concentration as you snould practise

it, must not be a painkul state ok idleness
but ratber litre a walk in tbe country,
around seine tittle village wbose surround-
ings you wisk to explore and ok wbose
steeple you are eareknl not to loss sigbt,
kor kear ok straying out ok your way. Ibis
attractive way ok considering tbe problerns
ok bke, will save you tirns and will produce
quick results. Vou will also kind tkat it
will kurnisb you witb true solutions and
you will be surprised to discover bow
quickly your ideas will gain in deptb.

—(Loose some
ok your simplest problems and concen­
trate on tbe kirst one kor bvs minutes and
on tbe kollowing day on tbe second one a
little longer and so on until you can easily
concentrate kor 20 minutes witbout allow­
ing your tbougbts to wander once. (Loose
barder problems according to your
25 —
20 O?

pro§rs88, or tko8e in wkick ^on are not 80

greatly interestecl.

8tu6^ tkÍ8 IL88ON kor n week.

26 -
os ñslaxZtion

I^est is a pb^sioloZical necessity.

Wbilst v/orbinZ, ike ceils ok our bruin
secrete a poison wbicb intoxicates and
would ultimately paralyse tbsrn. I^est
perrnits tbe ellinination ok tbis poison
and insures tbe proper kunctionin§ ok our
lime spent in doing notbing is not
always time lost. Our rnental activity is
not interrupted b^ sleep and ^ou wbl
okten bavs noticed bow in tbe morning,
wben getting out ok bed, ^our ideas on
tbe problems wbicb caused ^ou so mucb
worr^ tbe nigdt bekore, are mucb clearer.
— 27 —
.XIV 20 H88ON8 Ob

kirst ok all you sbould learn lo relax

by varying your worb and by working
alternately on dilkerent tasbs wben you
keel your attention bagging. business
rnan dictates to bis secretary kor an dour
and tiren relaxes by visiting bis elient8.
>^n intelleetnal rnan passes kroin one
study to another or better still be may
stop working witb KÍ8 brain and do some
manual tasb. It is a good tbing also not
to worlc in tbe same place all tbs time,
krom time to time, cbange rooms or at
any rate your place in tbe room.

^notber way ok relaxing is to read a

good ancl well-inkormecl newspaper in
your leisure moments, or to go kor a wallc
in tbe town. paper is ratber libe a street
witb its variety ok like anil movement; it
even bas tbe advertisements tkat are
posted on tbe walls. Lut tbe advantage ok
a real walb is tbat it is also excellent kor
your bsaltb. Ibis contact witb tbe outside
world will give you tbe opportunity ok
— 28 —
XIV 20 H88OK8 O?

korminZ new icleas, pearls, wbicb in some

eases ma^ be ok inbnite value.
lo tbose vvbo are overvvorbeb, I rs-
commenb tbe kollowinZ exercise vvbicb
will completely restore tbeir peace ok
1. 8it comkortabl^ in a Zooü arm-
2. Kelax all ^our muscles.
3. In a state ok semi-consciousness
cast ^our tbouebts on ibsas ok peace ancl
4. Keep perkectl^ still kor ten minutes,
increase ibis to balk an bour vvben z^ou
become more proficient.
I will not bicle tbe kact tbat Ibis exer­
cise is ver^ biñicult to carr^ out effectively,
but tbe wonberkul results tbat can be
obtained, mabs it well wortb tbe effort.

Zoob uncbsturbecl sleep lasting eiZbt

bours is certainly tbe best korm ok relaxa­
tion. 8es tbat ^ou bave eiZbt bours ok
— 2S —
VIV 20 bk88ON8

sleep eacb niZbt. 60 to bed early and §et

up early in tbe morninZ. keave tds Win­
dows ok your bedroom wide open so tbat
you breatbs kresb air. Ik you suñer krom
nervous insomnia, you can cure yourselk
in Ibe kobowinZ way.

^-niZbt, Zo to bed at midniZbt, and

korcs yourselk to §et up to-morrow at 6
o'clock in tke morning. Vou must be care-
kul not to sleep durinZ tbe day, no matter
bow tired you may keel. Iben walb two
miles bekors ZoinZ to bed at 11.30
Ly continuinZ in tbis way to reZuIats
your sleep, risinZ every day at tbe same
early bour and §oin§ to bed balk an bour
earlier every eveninZ, you will ultimately
kavs an uninterrupted niZkt's sleep, tbe
only bind ok rest tbat actually restores
your vitality.

Vou now bnow tbe kunction ok relax­

ation. It remains kor you to discover tbe
type and rbytbm most suited to your own
so —
20 PP88OKI8 Op

temperament. Vou will gain krom 1lii8 a

reab) clispositlon kor work, constant
alertness an6 it will also kelp ^on to 8ta^
z^onng, tor '^ont/i i^ not a time 0/ ii/e, it
i.? a ^tate c>/ mina".' In tkis wa^ ^ou will
be able to avoid tks evil8 ok overwork
wbicb are 80 widespread nowadays.

^k-kH^riosr—?ractiZe exer-
LÍ8S tkree kor a week. It consists ok relax­
ing all tire mn8cle8 and remaining
motionle88 kor balk an konr.
Ik z^ou 60 not enjo^ calm an6 uninter-
ruptscl 8lsep kollow, krorn to-clag, m^
metbob kor acquiring tki8.
8ln6^ tkÍ8 Is88on kor ten 62^8.

- St —

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