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Have you discovered your Divine or Cosmic Mission in Life? All seekers on the
path in search of Truth sooner or later come across the concept of having a Divine or
Cosmic Mission in life. We are told that everyone is incarnated into this world to fulfil a
specific mission and that great satisfaction is available only to those who are successfully
executing the specific mission for which they incarnated on earth.

How many of us are experiencing any satisfaction at all in our present occupation and
status in Life? Without carrying out an opinion poll, the answer is obviously “very few
indeed”. We may be tempted to conclude that most of us are yet to discover our Divine
or Cosmic mission in Life. However, this will be too hasty without first taking a closer
look at what constitutes a Divine or Cosmic Mission. To investigate the phenomenon
called Divine or Cosmic Mission we must consider cases where it appears that
individuals have fulfilled a Divine or Cosmic Mission.

As Christians, the case of Jesus the Christ readily comes to mind. It is generally accepted
as a fact that Master Jesus came into this world with a sacred Mission of global
dimensions which he successfully fulfilled. The biblical account reveals that he passed
through various stages of preparation which climaxed in the preaching and propagation
of the mystical gospel of Light, Life and Love which forms the New Testament of the
Holy Bible.

In more recent times, the life achievements of Dr. Harvey Spencer Lewis, first imperator
of the worldwide Rosicrucian Order AMORC, is another outstanding example of the
fulfilment of a Divine or Cosmic mission.

Dr Lewis went through stages of preparation in which he developed a wide range of

skills in business, marketing, fine art, writing, oratory, science and of course mysticism.
All these skills were brought to a crescendo of application in his work as the imperator
of the Rosicrucian Order in its second cycle of activity in North America. His incredibly
diverse skills were invaluable assets in the pioneering work that he had to undertake in
establishing AMORC. With the limited funds available in those early days, he could not
afford to pay for the professional services required to carry out the work of the Order.
Dr Lewis was compelled to do most of the work himself such as the writing of our
monographs, writing various mystical articles and books, artistically designing the front
cover of the Rosicrucian magazines, designing and constructing radio transmitting and
other type of sophisticated scientific equipment, making architectural and structural
designs for the administrative buildings in the headquarters, delivering countless public
lectures etc. His level of competence in these various fields was such that all the work
he produced was of very high quality. Harvey Spencer Lewis was clearly uniquely
positioned to serve as an extremely effective first Imperator of AMORC. He built up this
organization almost single handed from his relatively meagre financial resources and the
abundant power of his genius. This was his Divine or Cosmic Mission.

Taking a living case in Africa, “Madiba” Nelson Mandela could be said to have
fulfilled his Divine or Cosmic Mission by being at the forefront of the struggle that lead
to the dismantling of Apartheid in his country South Africa. His life story also reveals
stages of preparation for the great and prominent role he played in liberating the
oppressed and downtrodden masses of South Africa. The last stage of his preparation
may have been during his widely published 27 year period of incarceration during which
most of the qualities he required to fulfil his mission may have been honed into full

In the three cases we have just considered, we find a recurrent feature of having a
period of preparation always preceding a Divine or Cosmic Mission. During this period
of preparation, there is usually relative ignorance of where the preparatory experiences
are leading to. Knowledge of your future Divine or Cosmic Mission during the stage of
preparation could in fact serve as a distraction that could hamper the quality of the
preparation. Imagine what would have happened if Dr Harvey Lewis thought of himself
as the future imperator of AMORC at the time he was just a business marketer or if
Nelson Mandela had thought of himself as the future president of South Africa during
the early days of his incarceration in jail. If such thoughts were seriously entertained
they would have negated the value of the experience they were going through at the
time. This could have caused them to behave in a manner that would have appeared
queer or maladjusted to the reality of their circumstances.

The preparation that leads to the Mission and the Mission itself are not
necessarily two completely different phenomena. The Divine or Cosmic Mission, being
the result of the preceding preparation, could be considered as the culmination of the
preparation and therefore part of it. Simply put, the preparation and the Mission is one
and the same thing. What we term as the preparation evolves into a Divine or Cosmic
Mission in due course. What we even term a Divine or Cosmic Mission is inevitably a

preparation for an even greater Divine or Cosmic Mission either in this incarnation or
the one to come. There is in fact no distinct point or stage of separation between a
Divine or Cosmic Mission and the preparation for it. Another point to consider is the
fact that Divine or Cosmic Mission has no specific point of beginning. Your life at any
point in time can be taken as a preparation for a Divine or Cosmic Mission and at the
same time a Divine or Cosmic Mission evolved from a previous preparation. When we
underrate or snob the opportunities available to us in our present circumstances and
rather apply our mental powers to idle fantasies we are bound to remain in a state of
dissatisfaction. We should use our present status and occupation in life to establish our
Divine or Cosmic Mission and which at the same time will serve as a preparation for
further greater Divine or Cosmic Missions. This attitude keeps us attuned with the
Divine or Cosmic Mind which gives us clarity of thought, calmness of the emotions,
ability to focus of the mental powers, courage, determination and inspiration.

At the close of each day we will gain much if we spend a few moments in
reflection of our conduct during the day. If we find that we have fallen below our
personal standards we must resolve to improve our conduct at the earliest opportunity
the following day. Each day we find that we have lived up to our standards, we will
experience the profound satisfaction that comes with fulfilling our Divine or Cosmic
Mission in life. The individual standards naturally vary from person to person. However,
as Rosicrucian students we ought to set standards for ourselves that would lead to an
increase in the positive impact we may have on our environment and all beings we
come across.

A modern day Belgian mystic philosopher, Omraam Mikhael Alvanhov beautifully

expresses how we may direct our efforts in this regard as follows; “The thing that people
love and look for in others is a poetic quality. In order to be inspired they need to see
and feel and breathe something light and luminous, something magical, something that
can soothe, harmonize and illuminate them. But who understands this? Most people
live without a thought for the unpleasant impression their slovenly lives have on others.
Their gloom and discontent are a constant burden to others, and even when they use
artificial means in an attempt to improve their outer appearance, the monotonous,
prosaic nature of their inner life is still visible. Only love, a selfless love for all creatures
and for the whole universe, can give you the poetic quality so greatly needed by others.
This is why whatever your occupation, you must always strive to melt and blend into this

love, so that your face and all your gestures express harmony. In this way you will live in
a state of true poetry and your presence will always be beneficial to others”.

Fratres and Sorores, if we take this to heart and live up to the ideal just expressed,
we will be carrying out our Divine or Cosmic Mission. Your personal Divine or Cosmic
Mission is to do the best you can in the circumstances you find yourself in now.

May the Divine Mind grant us the humility to appreciate the blessing of our
present circumstances and further give us the courage to apply our God give talents and
resources in the fulfilment of our Divine or Cosmic Mission now and ever more. So
Mote it be!

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