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It shall be the desire o f this
departm ent to notify you, from Introduction
time to time, o f any new books
o f real value, regardless o f
their author; also, to advise you W e have been asked what is the most valu­
able aid to the Rosicrucian student aside from
o f any literature, articles, or
the official instructions. W e make the reply—
comm odity that will be o f inter­ a common dictionary, and, if accessible, a pub­
est and help to you. lic library. Sometimes a student is especially
interested in one of the many subjects presented
in the curriculum of the A M O R C teachings and
desires to peruse it further. In each of us may
be found an unusual response to some one sub­
ject; it may be music, language, chemistry, phil­
N O T E — W e hope to serve you in every pos­ osophy, psychology, art, or the classics of gen­
sible way, and to fill your orders promptly. eral literature. W hen we contact that subject
Make your checks or money orders for these that has an alluring appeal, we at once desire
supplies payable only to A M O R C Funds, and additional matter along that particular line, and
address your letters containing orders to the more extensive and elaborate details. In the
A M O R C Supply Bureau. Every order must be A M O R C , Rosicrucian teachings the ulterior
accompanied by a remittance. If you send cash, motive is not to specialize in the various sciences
please be sure to register your letter, as we can­ or arts, but to use them merely as illustrations
not be responsible for money lost. of certain principles, which we study in their
varied manifestations. W hen, for instance,
Greek philosophy has sufficiently illustrated a
principle, or several of them, we advance to the
next subject for further elucidation. Thus, those
AM ORC SU PPLY BU REA U students who wish to further refer to or inves­
Rosicrucian P ark, tigate a subject may be enlightened on what
San Jose Calif., U. S. A. books they may secure from the public library,
P R I N T E D I N U . S . A,
which will give them the technical side, by
ROSICRUCIAN PRESS. SAN JOSE. CAL. merely writing into the Supreme Secretary, who
2 9 can give you this information.
However, there are those students who wish not to divide students into classes; nevertheless,
further enlightenment on the application of some one who has passed certain requirements from
particular Rosicrucian principles, or wish to grade to grade has advanced accordingly. Every
know how certain definite laws may be used fundamental principle of metaphysics and scien­
in a unique, personal way. Naturally, this tific unfoldment that is of real help, not mere
information cannot be secured from the pub­ theory, is presented to you in these official
lic library, or from general books, but re­ lectures.
quires special treatises explaining the vari­ Constant revision and the addition of new
ous uses of the principles. Thus, the vari­ matter to the lectures is carried on at headquart­
ous Rosicrucian books mentioned herein have ers by a qualified staff under the supervision of
been actually brought about by the demand the Imperator. Members may be confident that
upon the part of the members for the mat­ points of essential importance to their progress
ter contained in them. Constant requests for will never be overlooked, necessitating them to
certain information in our correspondence has secure any additionl course of instruction. If it
shown the valuable service these special works is of value to the student, practical, and bene­
can bring about. Questions and requests have ficial, the student may be confident that it will
been tabulated in our offices and these figures be included in his lessons, as it is the duty of
have been used in the preparation o f ' these A M O R C to present you with such principles of
books so that the books could serve the greatest help. Therefore, the books herein mentioned are
number of members in a practical way. Au­ valuable to the student, not as interesting works
thorities of the Rosicrucian Order have pre­ to spend a few hours in reading, but as valu­
pared all the books on which the appellation able guides and sources of authorative refer­
“A M O R C ” appears. ence. These books are additional helps, of
Every lecture and every grade of the Rosi­ G R E A T IM P O R T A N C E in aiding you to ap­
crucian studies is prepared to present to you ply what you are receiving in the weekly lec­
the Rosicrucian principles with the object of tures.
making you a master of them. The lectures are You will note an interesting list of articles
a continuous chain of thoughts, laws, and prin­ under the head of "Sanctum Supplies.” These
ciples arranged into grades to assist in present­ articles are not only attractive in significant,
ing them to you. The grades, however, do not symbolic design, but are practical and, there­
particularly indicate that a person in the sixth fore, useful in the various experiments and sim­
grade is six times as far advanced as a person ple initiations, and help to bring about the
in the first grade. The grades are arranged to proper atmospheric conditions in the sanctum.
segregate principles into the proper categories, Members have been obliged to try and secure
4 S
many of the mentioned articles in their own
locality, in many instances with unsatisfactory Official AMORC Rosicrucian
results, or they have attempted to make them
at an exorbitant cost. The A M O R C Supply Works
Bureau, therefore, realized that they could sup­
ply exactly the needed articles for the students,
and forward them at a price more economical “R O S IC R U C IA N M A N U A L "
than the student could secure elsewhere. As All members of our Order are advised that
these articles have been prepared upon the de­ this book will be of utmost help and value in
mand of members, by constant requests as to studying the work and principles of the Order.
where they may secure them, we say we wish
to welcome your future suggestions. W h y It Is Published
If we have aided in serving you by sending Ever since we published this manual of ref­
this little brochure, then we are justified in pre­ erence charts and explanations in 1918, there
paring it and submitting it to you for your has been continued requests for a second and
kind use. larger edition. Slowly, the Imperator and staff
gathered together all the matter desired by the
AM ORC SU PPLY BUREAU. thousands or more members, who expressed in
detail what should be in such an unusual book.
W h a t It Contains
It is divided into a number of parts, each
complete and invaluable as a guide and for
reference work. The following is a partial list
of the contents: Complete explanation of all
the terms, signs, and symbols used in various
parts of the teachings; complete working man­
ual of all rules and regulations of the Order;
extracts from the constitution; descriptions of
the Temple Lodges and other parts of our as­
sembly places, with laws pertaining to convoca­
tions and symbolic ceremonies; a synopsis of
subjects covered beyond the National work and
Temple grades, which all students, whether at­
tending a lodge or receiving instructions by
mail, receive; chartsT diagrams, and illustrations
of the various lectures requiring such helps as
Rosicrucian Principles for the
the laws of crystallography, magnetism, and an Home and Business
explanation and illustration of the formation of
atoms and molecules; a complete Rosicrucian Prepared by the Imperator, H. Spencer Lewis.
dictionary of the terms used in all lectures;
Dalton’s experiments and chemical laws illus­ How many times have you desired some de­
trated and explained; ancient and modern mys­ tailed explanation of the specific use of the Rosi­
tical symbols explained and illustrated; special crucian principles in aiding you with your per­
articles fully explained; the origin of the sonal, every day problems? This book is spe­
G R E A T W H I T E L O D G E and its existence; cially prepared by the Imperator for that pur­
how to attain Psychic Illumination, written for pose. It presents, in a very readable and under­
this Manual by the Imperator; the Rosicrucian standable way, the many mystical laws, p sy ch o­
code of life with 30 laws and regulations; bio­ logical principles, and practical m ethods where­
graphical sketches of Rosicrucians; instructive by men and women may m aster conditions that
articles on such subjects as numerology and law d eal with material problem s. Dr. Lewis has been
of numbers; and a number of portraits of promi­ consulted on these subjects, for many years, by
nent Rosicrucians, including Master K. H., the thousands of business men.
illustrious. C hapters o f the B o o k
This book is not absolutely necessary to the The Truth about Affirmations, the Cosmic
studies, but it is a simple, wonderful compilation and You, Mental Alchemy, Commanding Cos­
of facts and instructive matter which every mic Help, Securing Money, The Attainment of
seeker upon Rosicrucian paths will value as an W ealth, Seeking Employment, Impressing Oth­
extra aid to his advancement, and it will save ers, and An Unusual Help in Need.
the expense of buying many smaller books, else­ Practical Side o f It
where, for reference. The book answers thousands of questions re­
garding the securing of employment; raising
Price capital for business or social purposes; selling
property; improving the health; attaining fulfill­
The book is strongly bound with attractive
ment of material dreams; attracting the help of
cloth binding, over heavy covers, and stamped
influential persons; and the promotion of busi­
in gold. Single copies of the book, by mail any­
where in the United States of America, are The matter is new, convincing, exceedingly
$2.30; in Canada or foreign countries, $2.40. practical, and inspiring. This book, since it does

not contain secret teachings of the Order, may sented purporting to secure and reveal the in­
be purchased by those who are not members of ner, secret, and sacred teachings of the Masters
A M O R C . It will be helpful to persons in all in Thibet, who are considered to be the most
stations of life. highly developed mystics on earth. But no au­
Price thentic copy of the teachings like this manu­
This book is attractively printed in clear type, script has ever been given to the world.
on soft paper, nicely bound in flexible style, and Over 2,000 years ago it was written! It is
stamped in gold; the price per copy, postage most generally believed to have been written by
prepaid, is $2.20. Lao-Kiun. The very nature of the beautiful,
inspiring wording in the manuscript indicates
most strongly that Lao-Kiun was its author in
“ Unto hee I Qrant” the years between 550 and 470 B. C .; and until
This is one of the rarest, occult, mystical 1749 A. D., it was read only by the high Initi­
manuscripts and books ever given to the public. ates in the Sacred College.
It contains some of the true, secret teachings of Price
Thibet, and the manuscript was written over This book is printed on heavy paper and
2,000 years ago. The first issue of this book well-bound, and sold at a special price to mem­
was translated with special permit of the Grand bers of A M O R C , $1.50 per copy, postage paid
Lama of disciples of the secret college of the by us.
Grand Temple of Thibet, and authorized by the
Emperor of China. The soul of the rare writ­ Qeneral Supplies
ings, the spirit of the teachings, the sublime
beauty of expression, has not been altered or
modified, only the physical body, newer paper, Members desiring Rosicrucian Emblems may
and new cover, have been added to the wonder­ obtain them from Headquarters. They are made
ful elements still living and breathing in the of gold, beautifully inlaid with enamel, neat in
most sacred of manuscripts of the Temple of size, and consist of the triangle, surmounted by
the land of mystical, unknown beauty. Hun­ the Egyptian cross. Men's style emblem with
dreds of books have been written about the screw back, $2.00. W om en’s style with patent
teachings of the masters and adepts of the Far safety catch pin, $2.25.
East. Hundreds of men and women have at­ A U TO EM BLEM S
tempted to get near the walls of the sacred pre­ W e have at last secured an emblem for your
cincts of Thibet. M any attempts have been car. W e have had many requests for an attrac­
made, and thousands of claims have been pre­ tive emblem that members could attach to the
radiator of their car to serve the same purpose an authority on sacred literature. The book
as other fraternity emblems. These beautiful represents the fondest dreams of students of
Rosicrucian emblems are in the form of a tri­ occult literature. It is a composite Bible, con­
angle surmounted on an Egyptian cross. They taining parallel excerpts from the greatest scrip­
are finished with duco enamel, which preserves tures of the world. It is not a commentary on
them against heat; the cross and triangle are the Bible of the world, but the actual Bibles of
finished in gold, the rose in red, and stems and all the teachers and masters of wisdom, tracing
leaves in green. It has a special arrangement, backwards for more than eleven thousand years.
permitting it to be fastened to the radiator of a It is non-secrtarian, and of unusual help to stu­
car. The size of the emblem is five and one- dents of our work, and of metaphysics in gen­
quarter by three and one-quafter inches. They eral. A person would have to buy over sixty
are intended solely for use on automobiles and volumes of rare and sacred writings to equal the
are economically priced at $1.50, postage paid matter contained in this one book. The “Bible
by us. of Bibles” was intended for private, limited cir­
R O S IC R U C IA N SEA LS culation, and therefore, is unusually well printed
on large-size, high grade, deckle-edged paper;
These Rosicrucian seals are about the size of
it is strongly bound, and contains four hundred
a twenty-five cent piece, beautifully printed in
and thirty-two pages. The present price of
red, and embossed gold, have the symbol of the
each volume is $8.00, and includes the pre-pay­
cross and rose, and the words “A M O R C , Rosi­
ment of expressage or postage by us. The book
crucian Order, San Jose, California,” on their
comes in a box, which helps to preserve it, and
face. These seals can be used by members on
special packing care is taken to assure good
letters or communications to friends or business
condition of the book upon its arrival. It is
acquaintances. If you would like to spread the
very unlikely that another edition will ever be
name of the organization to your friends, and
printed because of the tremendous expense in­
at the same time have an attractive little seal for
volved. This is really a wonderful opportunity.
your stationery, we would suggest that you se­
cure them. They may be had at the rate of fifty Special C opies of M agazine “R osae Crucis"
cents per hundred, or practically what they cost, The “Rosae Crucis” magazine was one of
postage paid by us. the earliest Rosicrucian publications in America.
"B IB L E O F B IB L E S ” This magazine is no longer being published;
W e have been able to secure a book of lim­ but some are left in stock, and each contains
ited edition, not generally sold on the open a world of helpful articles and information. Such
market. It is called “The Bible of Bibles,” and articles as the following may be found in these
is the life work of Dr. Frank L. Riley, who is magazines:
The Mystical Life of Jesus. columns of the interior of the Supreme Temple.
Immortality of the Soul. The candlesticks are economically priced at
Life’s Contentment. $2.50, a pair, delivered, postage paid.
Psychic Force and Its Manifestations. Sanctum Cross (Egyptian Crux A nsata)
Finding Yourself. This is the beautiful Egyptian Crux Ansata
The First National Convention. (the looped cross) mounted on a double tri­
Oriental Philosophy. angle, representing the Egyptian interlaced tri­
Ancient Symbols. angles, which to our members carries a beauti­
Below is a list of the magazines. If any of ful significance, and surmounted on the face of
them are checked with red pencil, you will know the cross is a red rose. The cross is finished in
we have none in stock. Those not checked may red mahogany to match the candlesticks, and
be secured, postage prepaid, for fifty cents a is also the same size as the candlesticks. It is
copy. Each magazine, as said, contains many economically priced at $2.50, delivered to you
helpful and instructive articles. with postage prepaid.
1916 1917
Student's M em bership Apron
January— 50c each January— 50c each
In many ceremonies and initiations, which
February “ “ February
you have in your studies, the apron is referred
March “ “ June
to. The placing of the apron on your person
M ay “ “ July
represents your willingness to serve, and readi­
August “ “ August
ness to do any task for the good purposes and
September “ " September
principles of Rosicrucianism. Many fraternal
organizations have adopted a similar symbol—
the wearing of the fraternal apron. These ap­
H O M E S A N C T U M S U P P L IE S rons are triangular in shape, beautifully made
Rosicrucian C andlesticks of linen, faced with a band of red linen, and
These candlesticks are beautifully designed trimmed with a gold colored cross, with a red
as replicas of the Egyptian columns used in the rose in its center, also made of linen. They are
Supreme Temple, which in turn, are duplicates intended for the students at home to use during
of those used in Karnak Temple, Egypt. They their convocations, designating their prepara­
are finished in dark red mahogany, and mounted tion for conducting their study. They are priced,
on a double triangle base, representing the sym­ postage prepaid by us, at $1.50 each.
bol of the interlaced triangles. The candlesticks Rosicrucian Incense
are seven inches in height. They are not only Many members find it difficult to secure a
practical but keep before you the design of the satisfactory incense. Incense that can be pur-
14 15
chased is not always entirely satisfactory for
simple experiments at home. As perhaps you
have discovered, it is sometimes necessary to
open the windows and doors for ventilation pur­
poses while using some incense. W e have a
special incense made under our direction, and
ordered after having been tried at Headquart­
ers; it is most conducive to the conditions under
which our members are placed in study. This
incense has a rose scent, and is very pleasing
and entirely satisfactory. It is economically
priced at $1.00 for a box consisting of twelve
large cubes, postage prepaid by us.
Rosicrucian Stationery
W e have arranged with a large stationery
house to supply us with boxes of fine stationery,
consisting of twenty-four sheets, and twenty-
four envelopes of attractive blue, broadcloth
linen. Each sheet has a symbolic emblem with
the words “A M O R C , Rosicrucian O rder”
printed upon it in artistic old English type.
These boxes will be sent to our members post­
age prepaid, for $1.25 a box. The stationery is
ideal for personal use and similar to the latest
club or fraternal stationery.
Rosicrucian Candlesticks, as desbribed above.
Egyptian Crux Ansata (the looped cross with
rose) to match candlesticks.
Sanctum Incense (India Moss Rose Scent).
Neophyte’s Ritual Apron (as described above).
Carriage prepaid by us, either expressage or
postage, price $6.50.
By remitting your dues on the 25th of the preceding
month, they reach Headquarters on the first of the month
for which they are due. Our system is arranged to credit
the cards at that time, so that they can be returned early in
the month, being enclosed with the next lecture going for­
ward to you. This little notice is merely a reminder and is
confidentially enclosed.
Hoping to continue to serve you, and thanking you for
your co-operation, we are,
W ith all good wishes for Peace Profound,
R E C O R D IN G D E P A R T M E N T .
By D. W akefield.

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