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AMORC FOLDER 1923-1928

The Morning Sun
Yuma, Arizona
Sunday, February 18,1923
Page 10

Radio Pastorate Has

Great Congregation
fB y A s s o c te frrt P r e s s )
a parish larger than the North Am­
erican continent and with a poten­
tial congregation of perhaps 70.000
; to 00,000 people, Rev. George R.
' Chambers, minister of the noo-Bec-
| tartan Radio Church, who preaches
every Sunday from 11:00 to 12-30 at
Ilie Hale Brothers Store broadcast­
ing station here, is fulfilling in­
dividually the words of Christ ulne-
l teen hundred yearn ago when he
I commanded his disciples to spread
his teiuhings into every comer of
the earth.
KPO Is one of the most powerful
broadcasting millions In the country.
T)r. Chambers, who iilways speaks in
in normal tone of voice, says he
‘ has received letters from members
*of his congregation In such distant
*places aa Now York, West Virginia
and (Inwall.
Spokane Chronicle
Spokane, Washington
Saturday, April 14,1923
Page 6


SACKAMKNTO. April l*,~ln*t*ad of people point to church on Sun*
day nr any other day, the church wilt he brought direct to the people
through dissemination of the gospel end sermons by tneene of radio end
wireless telegraph under a plan proposed by the Radio Church of America,
wWHi wan incorporated he?* today under the law# of the atate of Call-
form*, end purport* to be nonaectarian and nondenominationut #
Headquarters of the church la to be eatabltahed In San Francisco.
Branch** wilt be eatabltahed, according to the article# of Incorporation,
vet hud whenever a radio broadcasting elation la available.
Thv name* of the incorporators and truateea are given aa follow#:
ticorgeTL Chambers, Spencer bewls, Virginia Knowles, Willard C.
Moore, Maud Moore, H. K. Green, 3. B. Alitaon and Frank T* Colli ft#. The
residence of alt those named la given a a San Franctaco with the excep*
turn ft AUteon, who la a resident of Berkeley*
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Sunday, April 15,1923
Page 32

SACRAMENTO. April 14.—The

Radio Cbureh of America which
propoMs to broadcast sermons
from San Francisco to a “listenlng-
tn congregation” throughout th e
United S ta te s today filed articles
o f Incorporation w ith Secretary of
State Frank C. Jordan. "
Branch** of the Radi Cohureh,
which la non-denominational, will
be established wherever broad-
caatlna atatlona are available, a c ­
cording to the artlclea.
The purposes of the church are
stated aa follows:
‘T o create and maintain'tt.JFtadfo
Church w hose purpose aball he to
engage in, perform and isaue by
means o f radio or w ireless teleg­
raphy or telephony from broad­
casting atatlona religious cerem on­
ies, rituals, prayers, addreesea, ser­
mons, m usic and helpful talks of a
non-sectarian and non-dencmlna-
tlonal character; to perform all
such functions of tha church aa
m ay or can be performed by rddlo
comm unications end personal con­
tact with those who constitute the
audience or listening-in congrega­
D irectors of th e radio 'Ohurch
a re : G eorgy R. C ham bers, H. Spen­
cer Lewie. V irg in ia Knowles, Will
C. Moore, p . E. G reen.' J. E. Al­
lison, F ra n k Collins, all of San
—e- I
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
WO tilt#
Sunday, April 15,1923
Page 4D

SACRAMENTO. April 14.—The

Radio Church o f AmeHca which
proposes to broadcast sermons
from San Francisco to a “listening-
in congregation*' throughout the
United States, today filed articles
of incorporation with Secretary of
State Frank C. Jordan. '
Branches of the Radi Cohurch,
which Is non-denomlnatlonal, will
be established wherever broad­
casting stations are available, ac­
cording to the articles.
The purposes of the church are
slated as follows:
"To create and maintain NlJR^to
Church whose purpose shall T&e to
engage In, perform and Issue by
means of radio or wireless teleg­
raphy or telephony from broad­
casting stations religious ceremon­
ies, rituals, prayers, addresses, ser­
mons, music and helpful talks of a
non-sectarian and non-denomlna-
tlonal character; to perform all
such functions of ths church as
may or can be performed by rddlo
communications and personal con­
tact with those who constitute the
audience or listening-in congrega­
D ir e c to r s o f th e rad io *%hurch
are: G e o r g y R. C h a m b ers, H . S p e n ­
cer D e w ls, V ir g in ia K n o w le s. W ill
C. M oore, P . E . Green.* J. E . A l­
lison, F r a n k C ollina, ait o f San
F r a n cisc o .
Spokane, Washington
Sunday, April 15.1923
Page 1


i; ( ■H lnrnta -
F irm J’l»»* ta B rssli-M i
Gospel Serm ons,
| KA< HAMKNTp; ApHI N —Instead
of people going to church ^ur day or
any othe1* day. tb ' church w ill he
brought dir»«t to the people through
dissem ination of the gospel and ser­
mons b y means of radio and wire las* i
telegraph, under * plan proposed by
the Radio t hurru of Amorim, which
w a s Incorporated here today under
the Jaw a of California, and purport*
to tie nonaectarlan and nondenomt-
Headquarters of the church Is to be
established In San Francisco
Branches w ill to* established w her­
ever and whenever a radio broad­
casting station is ba s liable. Tbs In­
corporators are Georgs R. Chambers,
H tipencar l c » w . Virginia K nowles
W illard C. Mo«r«, Hand Moore. | | E.
Green. J. K Allison and Frank T '
CMHn*. all of Ran esc a p tt
AUia >R. Who is • resident of Berkeley, 1
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Sunday, April 15,1923
Page 12

>ur f«et amhmt

ih» foot of ihe

w :I«N» Badio Cftoreti 'bfJonert-:

iReonwrat*!* TMUcAgriaMr,
matito California at Sacra­
' li 'mtp&rt* to is# noa-uamrian.

bntacb broadcaating atAtloo* will b#

t e r partloMafly
eater lb'
invalid* and other* con-
teod -in bonjj*s »ad fco*|di«i# and
unable to attend divim woreliif* In
ehurc&aa, '-la ■'■ ®m' C3edr«« :■•I*,;
C h a m b e r* . H r r o m :* lv « d t h e i d e a
of wdeli « ehureb acme: «m» ago,
■«»4tfrit# 1*hj Mea.-owr tb# jtoegh*
caattatt station at Hat# Srothar*. ■
,H« .proaeJsad ■tsorOtoiw*.. over /,■tb«
S fW m*' convinced him that
lion, of a “radio cbttrehM

ira«- a 'Mms Mm*- ■■"

•n a s ts fa
B W & K S ;2 %

& AUtem, of
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Sunday, April 15,1923
Page 36






SACRAMENTO, April 14.—In­
stead of peopl* going to church
on Sunday, or any other day, the
church will be brought direct to
the people through dissemination
of the gospel and serm ons by
m eans ct radio and wireless teleg­
raphy, under a plan proposed by
the Radio Church of America,
which was Incorporated here to­
day and purports to be nonsectari­
an and nondenomlnatlonal.
Headquarters of the church are
to be established In San Francis­
co. Branches will be established,
according to the articles o f Incor­
poration, wherever and whenever
a radio broadcasting station la
The names of the Incorporators
and trustees are given as follows:
George R. Chambers, II. Spencer
Lewis, Virginia Knowles. Wllllard
C. Moore, Maud Moore, H. E.
Green, J. E. Allison and Frank T»
Collins. The residence o f all those
named Is given as San Francisco,
w ith the exception o f Allison, who
Is a resident o f Berkeley.
The Long Beach Telegram and
The Long Beach Daily News
Long Beach, California
Monday, 16 Apr 1923
Page 10

1................ mm mm
it titsll be
to engage in, perform and issue hy

W i u r mni means of radio ©r wireless tele­

graphy or telephony from arcs a
mVCnluft easting stations religious ears
monies, rituals. prayers, addresses,
sermons, m ask and helpful talks
mmmm und i j of a noa sectarian and non den cm
SAtRAMKNTO. April lA -T h a l inaitonal character; to perform a il
radio church of America, which' sack functions of the church aa
proposes to broadcast ] can be performed by communion
im m San Francisco to M n listen*! ttoas and personal contact with
l i ' l i a eengregation** turnout the ih '1** who constitute an audience
Caked States, has ft**d articles or listening in caagregatios.”
of incorporation with Secretary ©1 Directors of the radioaharefi
State Frank O. Jordan. are:
Branches «f Ik* radio-church, George It. Chambers, h . Spen­
which hi nes-deaominational, will cer Lewis. Virginia Knowles,
he established w herever broadens! W illie Moore, Maud Moore. H. E.
Ih i stations are available, accord Green, $. E Allison, Frank Col
in f to the articles. lias, all of San Francisco
The purposes of the church are
stated ai M aw s:
*Te create and maintain a radio
San Francisco E x am in e r (San Francisco, C alifornia) cfo.-jA.i m a black |iip < : . ;i j
Sunday, Ju n e 10,1923. P age 7 for eight minute* and noncetitrated
bn M object which.h* had hot'pre-
■viouafr rawwietl, but hud dm wn
m. a paper the? waw in KL
After the .plate was riWfriophrf atm
.khbwed the c m * . |* w lg cKhihited
f »* p?i-pef to show that ws# wha*
ha had in mind, .
When- J tm * case ihu n am es; nf
four Han Fram t y » men. who, h*
rsldi had wit n» t}ir simpgr uf*
fair. m\ Interesting difference of
opinion developed.
Or *L C Anthon.v. . moi |*in,»
v w t : Frank T CoHiite, tmmt t.stm .
hatbist, and H w y K, 1-ltipperi
X-ray expert, in whose' officer ip';,
^ n t e took place, ail m id Ihe «*>
perimenr wat* apparently genuine
arui that the photo was a ’’thought*
Hr. Cecil F» Kixon, famed in ­
ventor of ’'IsUC' the meehtifitifNii
Sin Franciscan Gives What doll, and noted for hm ffcllS -in con,
jnrv, branded fhe pnrformkitco a
He Terms Corroboration of "fake and a menace to arson gifw-
. troth/*
. * Sir Conan Doyle’s F ridings . T>r-Kistom however, gave the. fol*
I lowing explanation,
“--- “ --- I 1 worn prepared to .do » IHite
Declaring ititir a group of mcu ip tk * n ' my#* I* by way of reveal­
? hi ,%n fr m d a p o eueceiMifidl.y ing Hi the o'ihdf men their trod*
b hot f f f s p|Mui tj»toigh t h, V Ine «a t *8 » to frlwr. Th*w a as inv \nvri
Jt»nee, of the C»1L > *urv;io;ng. l carried a small toy
• forttlfii. tioqmty of He- elephant, took a plate and m t m k
H iw fh ftt Lor Ang*lt* jjres&eimtey Into the* darkroom, huetiding to
*»4tfe -wiutt he declared to .be coir*, expo## If. to the pin to. th#t* ex*
rhborutiun • of . jw e a t finals#** at. ■ bibtt it later m my “thought.,*' ■
Conan Doyle, 'While I wan in the darkroom
i^oea, who rained .prominence Hew is tried his experiment. I did
two y$sw* *g». by declaring that the not see it dornv A . man tmtmd
Chico mk'*«$jtow«r wan the work ■ developed the plates and
of an energetic ghoit exhibitwi a just before he. slipped Lewis*
eerie# of thought-photographs yen*-’ plate into the d-vetoper he *aidi
terday to prove (i* abortion, we are going to got some- .
■ Ono showed a cphm. made in a th!rtg/* U ‘wis’ plate w m tit a dif­
‘ *f*lic« in this city'in tb* ibreeenr* ferent sdKK from all the othere m d
easily recognimhle. .,
of witn«NSw»—4Hu crease being, a*'- The cross wm* very nlenr, but it
cording', to done*. pot #, physical bad a shadow M ititft it, Any
object at n il .but an Idea' in .th* person of skill could have turned
mind •©! H* ^ f lw a r f^ w lc Imper* ■ the'trick la various w ty# — por-- ■
gfor- of the; Order of JMI^mPrians, haps by a hpp«^. or* the ln#idw »f
Lewi*, Jon es n**ted. *• nt\ ’ the envelop#,.
ordinary phm.v h|>- plate. *p*
Wireless Sermons
of the Radio church of America?
who p r cache* a term on mt nooti
every Sunday for dietribution by
radio. Dr. Chamber* »» a meptber
of..the Epitcupal denomination, al­
though hi* Merman* are non-da-
nominational in character,
# . # *
. *

... . ,A > -■ „. , j, . .. . ■■

will attempt to answer the ques­

tion# “Whence? Whither? Ijtfhy?”
during hi# sermon which wf^l t«-
preached over the Warner Brother*-
broadcasting station In Oakland as
12 o’clock tomorrow.
“It has always been a matter of
interest a# well as curiosity thn*
we should knpw from whence we
came *aml whither we are g a in *
in order that we may know why
we are here,” said Chambers,
speaking of the sermon. ,
'•ft is necessary to r ns to an*
«wer these questions that we may
know bow best to conduct our­
selves in relation to the responsi
bijity from the j*n*t and the sill!
greater nnd more momentous res*
pourlhility towards the future.
“With wbat interest have .we
hung over the cradle of : the new
born babe and asked the question
so beautifully asked by McDonald,
and as beautifully answered al­
though. practical terms, we have
not come to, understand it: "Where
did you come from baby dear'*
Out of the everywhere Into here'?”
*‘W© are familiar alaa with the
Saturday, August 18,1923

! words of Omar, seemingly so

! pessimistic and yet expressing *
Oakland, California

marvelous philosophy when under­

stood in a mystical sense: -*
“In to th is universe, and Wh>
not know ing
“X<»r Wlfinice. Ilk# water willy- *| hurried
"And w ithout asking. W hither
\ nllly flowing;
Page 16

“The proper understanding of

•'And out of it. as Wind along ! Whence and W hither in all in ­
the waste, p * s ta n c e * will determ ine the proper
j “I enow not Whether, wHly- t understanding of W hy.”
f nllly. blowing. ,
k v.kin«,SjtM ther
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Saturday, October 13,1923
Page 9

AfArt** Heritage
Of U nive rse is
Sermon Subject
h i tha""13i*lygrsd" d the
n b j t e t o f (M address by (h« R«r.
0 4 6 f |* R. Cham bers of tha R adio
C hurch of Aitasftas. w hich *1H be 1
broadcast**! from W arner Broth- 1
•ra* etatlon In Oakland at noon
It la the claim of Dr. C h a m b m
iM t m an Inherit* the universe Juat
• i Ha Inherits life In rearhfoa i
thte conclu sion hr usra a rsry old
yat a rather new »»> of reasoning |
Mrs. KfTU C ohn and Charles
D ickens #111 provide another m u- :
• steal program for th e service, In- I
] clu d ln * th t singing of sacred songs
add tha rendering of Instrum ontal t
. mafia.
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Friday, November 30,1923
Page 12 __

Sacred Fire, Red

Rose, Ribbons,
Mark Nuptials
Furred fire, a red rose, crossed
ribbons, an d vow s con cern in g a
m ental and spiritual a ttu n em en t
that would reach beyond th e
•'earth plane," m arked the m a r­
riage cerem on y w hich united
ills * H arriet R iesen er, d au gh ter
of n w ealthy San Francisco m a n ­
ufacturer, to P a u l L eam an, w ar
avltaor. The rite s com p osin g th e
cerem ony w ere those p erform ed
on the hanks o f the N ile se v ­
eral thousand years ago. Y e s­
terd ay th ey to o k place In th e
E gyptian tem p le o f th e JRosae
Crucls at 1 255 M arket street.
T h e m arriage rites w ere p er­
form ed by H. Spencer Lew is,
h e a d o f the R osicru clan order
In the United States, a ssisted by
a "vestal virgin," a ch ap lain ,
and a priestess. The cerem on y
sym bolized the co m p lete union
of souls of th e co n tra ctin g
A fterw ard a church m arriage
w as perform ed in the tem p le.
M iss R lesen er has com p leted
seven years service an a v esta l
virgin in the tem ple. O ne o f the
requirem ents o f this o ffic e w as
that she should not m arry u n til
sh e w as 21.
The Sacramento Bee
Sacramento, California
Friday, November 30,1923
Page 22

Union As Solemnized
Nile Unites Bay Couple
. 'v; - iin Mystic Oriental Wedding

FRANCISCO, Nov. 80.— a the N ile in the time of Anenhotep

WJlon o f sonla, a surrender of IV, uncle of King Tut-Ankh-Amen.
and a merging of 8 o n | A ffin ity ,
fortun es w ere pledged yester­ As they faced the imper&tor
day by a m an and a maid in a across the Incense burners at the
roony d esign ed to put unity altar, the young couple ack n ow l­
h m arriage on a s Idealistic edged each had found in the other
a sou! affin ity, a m ental and a phy­
le partita to th is unique m tr- sical attimament, which alone made
w hlch la to continue beyond life complete.
gra v e, w are Mies Harriet Klee* Their decision to '‘Join thsir souls
daughter of John Rlesener, in the m ost holy of earthly com­
Ith y Ban F rancisco roams fac- munion,** they acknowledged, was
r, and Paul Leaman. war avia- reached b y m editation uninfluenced
*• by anyone
P ro n o u n c e d W orthy.
Exchange Pledgee. The Imperator then declared they
were worthy of the m ost sacred
exchanged their solemn cerem ony— thal df Joining two souls
is in a double weddipg cere- on earth.
may conducted under the soft The couple and their attendants
its in the E gyptian Temple of u*xt faced the three-sided “she-
Roane Crusts order a t 1256 kln&h.” another altar at the center
jp farh et Street, of the temple, where th» sym bolical
H T h e first cerem ony, conducted hy ceremony w as completed with the
Iroperater H. Spencer Lewis, head assistan ce of a vestal virgin, or
m i 4b« order i» the tfntted Btatea, “Colombo" of the temple, a chap­
w a s baaed upon the ancient m ys­ lain and a priests**.
tic a l Realeroclan rites evolved on Long silken ribbons were attached
The Sacramento Bee
Sacramento, California
Friday, November 30,1923
Page 22

to lb* arm* of the young coup!* and

w ere crossed under a red roi*e o»«r
the top of the "sheklnab." Th«
other end* of the ribbon* were held
by the white-robed young **«o-
lombe." |
Sacred F ir e T eed . I
Sacred fire w a i taken from the
attar by the pHeatects and w ee used
In severing the ribbon* where they
cro*»ed under the rose, It wa* lym -
hoilc&l. the Impcrator, announced,
of the aeverance o f tie* to owtalde
sources which might prevent the
young couple from fu lfillin g the
eacred obligation* of m arriage
Thu* were their souls sym bolically
united in Boeicrucianaism .
The amend ceremony wae then
performed, a legal or church cere­
mony. tb« impcrator explained,
w hich would be binding "till tranal-
lion doth part them on the earth
plane." *
C o m p le ted S e rv ice .
In an explanatory statem ent pre­
ceding the wedding the tmperator
«ald that Miss Ricsener had com ­
pleted faith fully seven years* serv­
ice a* the vestal virgin of the tern-
pie. which f «ade her m arriage
until she wait
The bride w as attended by her
•Inter, Min* Ragnle ltle*ett**r. end
Frank Iranian was ftr*t man for
hts brother, the bridegroom. The
"entomb©" participating In the cere­
mony w as JWN*s Dorothy flreen,
Tint Rli*c Francneur w a i flow er,
girl and m ile Louis B rlglia the
, ring-bearer.
j Imperator Lewi* muerted that hts
; cult had n<* connection w ith the ■».
.ca lled ftoatcruciau Church.
- ------
The Californian
Salinas, California
Thursday, December 6,1923
Page 3

A N flE N T M V C T IT
AWlltrll M lM it
* a s FRANCIS* » I** fi lit p.»
A ftrittfe ta d Imprcauiitv marriage
cwc« hm*i ? united Al|-f Harriet R*i»-
n**r ami Patti l*>atoan la a spiritual
aart mate 1*1 unhm h# re Thanks
xltliik day.
Mim Hrwlinr 1* the daughter of
h m Kftahrr. a prominent San fr'rno
rV a manifisetarr-r Paul Mam>»
wan »n aviator dnrtn * tb« world
KoeeMs* before a three sided
"HbekiBiil." «r »Her is the Kjtyptlss
temple of lb** R iym C*ania order,
on llm kci Mrwi. lh« young .es|4«
were aePtd in m tl bondage for all
eternity. They after* a’d were mar
rbHl an the material plane through
Ute refutation rlrfl ceremony
Symbolical r i i n evolved an the
banka or Ills Kile, during the reign'
of Ananhntep I. w re o k i n t d in
III* ceremony betor* the Hoaecru
tit*a alter The aertfee* were con
anettti by im pern tor if Spencer
liewb, bead of the «tdcF here. He
w«ii «» Istad by a hMh pry-toa* ami

The of the rarentooi

reals on the belief that ansi union
binds aoal affinities iHrettfbnat tile
------------- ------ « — g f # ||MS p - w g - B Of (D o 5

a s « m » I K N . i- ' i V . i T ... — — / ‘j |
Madera Daily Tribune
Madera, California
Thursday, December 6,1923
Page 2

(United Frees.) — A strange m 3

le p ra ia ln marriage ceremony
united Miss Harriet listener and
Paul Lea man in a spirit and ma­
terial union here * Thanksgiving
Mtsa Relsher la the daughter
of John Relsher, a prominent San
Francisco manufacturer. Paul
Leaman was an aviator during the
world war.
Kneeling before a three aided
"aheklnah” or altar In the Egyp­
tian temple of the Roaae Crusts
order on Market street, the young
couple were united In soul bond­
age for all eternity. They after­
ward were married on the ma­
terial plane through the regula­
tion civil ceremony.
Symbolical rites evolved on the
banks of the Nile, d airing (the
reign of Ananhotep, wore observ­
ed in the ceremony before the
Rosecrucian altar. The services
were conducted by Imperator H.
Spencer Lewis, head of the order
here. He was assisted by a high
priestess and a chaplain.
The significance of the cere­
mony rests on the belief that such throughout the ages regardless of
union binds soul affinities the passing of the materia! form.
Santa Marta Times
Santa Maria, California t .
Friday,December7,1923 [ B a y C ity C o u p le

Pagel Were United By !

Strange Ceremony!
(I’nited P ress ).— A strange and
impressive marriage ceremony
united M iss Harriet Reisner and
Paul Leaman in a spirit and ma­
terial union here Thanksgiving
•'Miss Reisher is the daughter!
'of John Reisher, a prominent San 1
Francisco manufacturer. Paul!
Leaman was an aviator during
tile World war.
Kneeling before a three-sided
“shekinah" or altar in the Egyp­
tian temple of the Rosae €r«s-
is order on Market street, the
| young couple were united in soulj
bondage for all eternity. They!
afterward were married on the
material plane through the reg-'
!ulation civil ceremony.
Symbolical rites evolved on the
banks of the Nile, during the
reign of Ananhotep IV, were ob­
served in the ceremony beforej
the Rosecrucian altar. The serv­
ices were conducted by Ini itera­
tor H. Spencer Lewis, head of
‘the order here. Ho was assist­
ed by a high priestess and a
The significance of the cere­
mony rests on the belief that
such union binds soul affinities
throughout the ages regardless
of the passing of the material
form. 1
The Tablet
Brooklyn, New York
Saturday, February 16,1924
Page 1

T h e ' first number* o f Y t* ■A m e rte fi

m&mUpA* f - K u K laic; Ifann weekly*
published In N ew YOrk, w&* 4femikd
' t .v «*H. T h e paP lication Is ■ 'a rid i-
8 lo u r P u le tlif tir pupo p ap er e n d
If Its clientele ta*« no m ore ta ste ' or
h f tw s ir th e n lie editor, i u ca re er
nhoutd bo- n ejth af lonp.ffctr b rillian t.
The. otbtor I r none 'o th er ik o n .ft..
I,owl*.. FotvU r. **D. and tV ‘
la te <$ G eorpia. F ow ler M a form er
.sp e llb in d e r w h o .to u re d la w ? \Man-;t
a n d .Now Jersey nnt ko lonp a r e a n d
w ithdrew when, th e proceed# to o k ! *t
drop. ’ Me fvi» w ritten , o r ra ttie r
th ro w n together, nev erat pamph.ldU
filled w ith lie* an d iu v ^ n lh M p f jftjnat
th o C atholic C h u rch ., Thei M a n ia ln t*
ed ito r f# C art C, P eterso n knd th e Ad­
vert in hip : M anage* la ^ h o r -K h«m *
lebto.** One of th e fe a tu re s about tli i
publication Iw th a t its editorial off was,
fox&lrtniMi ofTleew a n d p rid tio p ftiftitt
T a ll in the one placn— G k n e m l Pont
Office,-Box t H , N ew Y ork C ltjv Y b e
K it-K lu x K ite i l l m r y a rm y tr y ln f
to A m arten fro m behind -a m » t
otCteo pox offer* » pjfcaaaht.night to
th o se Who « n |o r ,-a fo o d (Uukfh,
Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Monday, July 21,1924
Page 11

Ad Expert to Talk
i re ub
.Mi «i i * i t l*y m a i l
a d v e r t i s i n g ta u t
im h < m c ss
th o t Mt y Ui . d Ai lvrrt iyi nK.
< ; u l . itt T u m lif y V f M iU 't ie r t h tu m fo & r
^ * Ua t
't'f.iii'jn u H ii or = i s u s i n c w
The Tam pa Tribune
Tampa, Florida University to Be Founded
Thursday, November 27, 1924 Here by Scientific Order;
Page 13 Buildings to Cost $350,000
Site for Structures Already
Bought Near Beach Park fay
Illuminati Society
T a m p * haw be.r*n d f»'jp :i»e *d lh *
a * » t o f the N orth A m-t-riota Jurisd « -
I on O? tsiunpt.twu, as)
-ttosn < k v r W . » « ’ a peMw&rMd « ’ !• !
*••«*» *< *l ph*>*epht<wJ ». <1
u t il >- the * «* • r,r th e C a it ir a E lif t.'-
lirrolnati. a ocicrtti&o Institution of
'M t n a t. Is « • * » lw i w < i
w b «n applieaitoo f w « ib a r t e t o f Sn-
e o m w i «i» « a * w iii) l b * ftieJic
o f Circu it C « » ? .
T h e N o rth A m c rk a n <*n lar fo r ilw '.
aociety baa beep in San FranCJetx*.
L o t w ill tt* rem oved >«*»■* a s w ^ r a*
<fe* ch arter fa d r a n t * ^ .aattu-> r<!3« i j >
H Jk. W achern'an prenideat o f U r -
m i* a.ftd Wa«k*rrtitii'o. '.ftfafa.* rib*J es­
ta te deafc-r*.
S la b ! A lrea d y B au|)it
S r r e ttL 1 * r t * n c f land * tuat#d b e ­
tw een S*e*rh P ork a * d Raswiti i3 «n l»
I w r * already i w « i pur* based on
w M th jh * un: va rsity w ill fa? bat'it
F ra n k ")* O- Adatnc. arch I t set baa
b**.s r e ta ile d to plan tb r b o tid n s .
and tcrpunda and > lr W ackerntai* kb d
tk * o*iat o i- rPtfalrucr.Loa o: lb * aduca-
tinnal ptaiVl w ill b* apprtctirnattly j
T h e « r a w iM to fee Invested w'U
provide f w itnpro cem en ts o f th *
M io o l csmpun and toe ortvctloa o f ai
IM M Ih tM building* fn ad d itjw i to
rmtidaneea f o r the fa cu lty dud thon« j
d ire c t!* ta c b a ste o f t i v conduct OH
the t u u n e t o f t w n i n f t o be o ffe r - j
ad. I
} T h e principal buJ'diflfis wttl l x eon- ;
« r u r t * d . » live a ra h .io eiw ik l ul
’ tft* add l e v f p f « « m J i E f y p - <
;tia n d j o e o t w , according: In l i e j
EW »c k «ftn s tt. and the arch itect fa now 1
; m akin g a d r a w lm n t the en tire pfat-J
j T h e ch ief ed flee o f the un iversity is]
to far in form o f a p yraffi d and JWr. (
; H'aclccrtnan n d a ucwifcd he luted u <
t a ta M d n c p u r e and u t b itla u cm
j rontn by the society.
T each A r t
I T h e purpura e* th e ttafvenrity. « c * j
i o i f C a * Ic Ibts petition shall be M,
d ttM w ia a l* Itn o e lfd c * bn t ile vaeiBJ*
' b n in cb M o f art. ocionce and hfcgsrr
faajrt n * and to f r o n t diplom a* and
1aovilcMtir d tlT M ** upon ccm p',-4u o « n f i
' the attendant « h»t « w* tcrfoJ ed In the j
I rlWftesflwat..- Tine ach***! . fa to ba co- i
odtiratioma!. but ad m ittan ce fa to be;
« * t r i c t * d to tttoee w h o h ave a tta in ed j
tfieiy eigh teen th birthday. S * «r e e «|
' w ill not be accepted i n i h« ocaoioL j
1* * « * « » eatw nfce r»a u n n u t it «r i51 t*e
th a t applican t* aiuMt l x « f h U h u*orat
chora^ser and be frth era ia * a ccep t­
able bo the facu lty and dlraclu ra ■
in addition to Mr, Wacfternnaa. the
tnoarporator* are K o b h Q, TerraU a 1
e b r k a t th e Taenpa Oaa Com pany>l
Em fha B Saalrm. o f T a m p a : U Sp#n-
ear U w Im present d «a e o f tha Gftl-1
v a n it y a t fifaa Francfaaco: and
" Lew is, also « f Saa Eran- i
C,¥T. h * « H ft n o f lb * Dlttmfnatf (a dJa- j
pntad Accord ns to w i m a n th o ritl** I
zba orca tA sa iion fa the aaaie aa aha
IlM teroetM k*. ' a m ra tio aecrat « * -
a « t f " w hich becam e known to the
pobtfa e a rly ta th e seventeenth cen ­
tu ry. end aifa r e d to h a ve bees found-
ed by Christian R oean kreu i in G er­
m any d a rin e ih* f t nr teen :b c c r ta iy
l i did w oi la te rfe re w ith rei yloo or
f M i n c i hot aAnchi * u * r *r»m phOoa-
o th jr I t la aald to h ave dfad « m la
tfie aich taen tb M fitu ry
M ed Mated M i m I M
O th er au th or it m aaaec l the HI a w l-
• i l l * * ■ b a s d r i In f n n m : others
say Ip a t a , and at U oth er claim It
n i founded to u r be Tor* Europe ama
is h abits ted by ci*H !aed pao pfaa
H la a 'e o said o f the soclety that
mamr o f the m n a n o f the A me r Ice»
Dm la rat on o f 1nd«D«ndanae waia
M wnhw a and that the public achnM
* n ( * a a t A m erica vraa founded &■
th aw f t * a c tiv itie s m N orth Am a t i­
es d n t ia i that period w ere ceatarad
___ laud P M I a d e ip W
AooordJn* to Mr. W ash erm an , flha
o d e f was e lo M fy aaanetetod with tha
: pound! n i « ( the C atted S i* le e g raven -
University to Be Founded
Here by Scientific Order;
The Tampa T ribune
Buildings to Cost $350,000
Tampa, Florida
Thursday, November 27,1924
Page 13 Site for Structures Already
Bought Near Beach Park by t
Illuminati Society
T am pa has been d esign ated the
se a t o f th e North Am erican jurisd e-
t ‘on of the Illum inati, an u igan izaz-
tlon described a s “a universal reli­
giou s and philosophical so ciety *’ and
w ill he the site of the p l v e r s ’la s Il­
lu m inati, a sc ie n tific in stitu tion of
'earn ng. It w as learned yesterd ay
{ w hen ap plication for a ch arter of in - 1
I corporal.on w as f.led w ith th e clerk
I o f C ircuit Court.
Th-e N orth A m erican cen ter for the
f so ciety h a s been in San Francisco,
but will be rem oved here a s soon a s
the ch arter Is gran ted , according to
' R. A- W ackerm an p resid en t o f L ar­
sen and W ackerm an. Inc., real e s ­
ta te dealers.
Si ght A lready B ought
Several a cres of land s tu ated be­
tw een Beach Park and S u n set Beach
have already been purchased on
I w hich th e u n iversity will be built. ;
F rankfin O. A dam s, a rch itect, has
been retained to plan the build mg,
and grounds and Mr. W ackerm an sa d
th e co st of* con stru ction of the e d u c a ­
tional plarit w ill be ap p roxim ately j
1350,000. j
Tlwe am ou n t to be Invested w ill
provide f o r im p rovem en ts o f ttw*
school cam p u s and the erection o f at
le a st three buildings. In addition to
resid en ces for the facu lty and th ose
d irectly In ch arge of the conduct op
th e cou rses o f train in g to be o ffer­
T he principal b u ild ings w ill be con ­
stru cted .n th e arch itectu ral sty le of
th e six teen th and sev e n te en th E gyp ­
tian d y n a sties, accord in g to Mr
W ackerm an, and the a rch itect is now
m aking a d raw in g o f th e en tire plat.
T he ch ief ed fice of th e u n iversity is
to be in form o f a pyram .d and Mr.
W ackerm an sa d it would be used a s
a m eetin g place an d a n Initiation
room by th e so ciety .
T each A rt
__Teach A rt
The Tampa Tribune T he purpore of the u n iversity, a c ­
Tampa, Florida cording: to the p etition shall be to
Thursday, November 27,1924 d issem in a te know ledge in the various
Page 13 branches of art, scien ce and higher
team n g and to gran t diplom as and
acad em ic d eg rees upon com pletion of
th e stan d ard cou rses Included in the
cirriculum . T he school Is to be c o ­
ed u cation al, b ut ad m ittan ce is to be
restricted to th ose who have a tta in ed
th eir eig h teen th birthday. N egroes
w ill n ot be accep ted In the school.
A nother en tran ce requ cem en t will be
th a t ap p lican ts m ust he o f high moral
ch aracter and be b th e r w tse . a cc ep t­
ab le to the facu lty and directors.
In addition to Mr. W ackerm an, th e
Incorporators are N oble G. Terrell, a
clerk a t the T am pa G as Company#
E m ilia B. S axton , of T am pa; H. S pen­
cer. L ew lse p resen t dean o f th e U ni­
v er sity a t San F ran eiseco; and
Ralph M. l^ewls, a lso o f San F ran ­
T he origin o f th e Illum inati Is dia-
puted. Accord ng to som e a u th orities
th e organ ization is the sam e a s the
R osicrucians, “a m y stic secret so ­
ciety** w hich becam e know n to the
public ea rly in the sev e n te en th c e n ­
tury, and a lleg ed to h a v e been found­
ed by C hristian ftosenk reuz in Ger-
! m an y during th e fou rteen th certury.
It did 'not in terfere w ith rel'glon or
p olitics, but so u g h t a fte r ti ue p hilos­
ophy. It is said to h ave died op t in
tfie' eig h teen th cen tu ry. **
Mad N oted M em bers
O ther author!! es a sse r t th e Illum i­
n ati w as founded In F ran ce; oth ers
sa y Spain; and s t 11 oth er claim it
w a s founded lon g before Europe w as
tnhabitated by civ ilized peoples.
It is a*so said of th e so ciety th a t
m any o f the sig n ers of th e Am erican
D eclaration of in depend en ce were
m em bers and th at th e public school
sy stem o f A m erica w a s founded by
them . Its a c tiv itie s in N orth Am eri­
c a durin? th at period w ere centered
around Philadelphia.
A ccording to Mr. W ackerm an, th e
order w as clo sely a sso cia ted w ith the
founding c* th e U nited S ta te s govern ­
m ent. A nother purpose of the Illum i­
n ati Is given a s reilg-ou s and p olitical
em ancip ation .
The Tampa Times
Tampa, Florida
Friday, Novem ber 28,1924
Page 15

nati Planning for

Plant Here,
A th re e r u4 **ra tru s t.
»-Hnb » f ftonett I’a rk , to i&e srtetfe-
My o f he Avia.' ims vmubb .
told tv* %%d n f *he
vmti anti will u* um il %* u » «lt« to r
ib« i;tiS»w»h*» iiluui.n.<vt. a «cl*n>
ttflc fjwa&w&m' o f toarnis*:, ae-
»■<!•»<Una tft R. ,t, tVa'"fcfrtti»n. Ap-
pMetiUon for"* c h a rie r o f tor«frwr~
Alton. tf#**i£TWtln*- Mr. It'ack erm an
a«t p io tato h f. fos# to«'K fttml w ith ■
; rfo. rflrrnu conit.
■ tf t» Xortfo A m cruaii .-cater ' .
th e aurfw y foe ,m&\wI h ere,
front -g»nt Kfvn,'i"V> .i in In - ..r six
m o n th * .M r* Woclwttttaia, , my*,.
o h m bwJWi«« Witt 'Plum
fo r tlto t«*h‘v>r»iir, yopjWf *Mvr she ■
City » f f H KJ Aw arum,
( n U o M In the M■’■• '•:■MMfK cen ­
ter;*. ar« wo* foelirg p repared by
V ntakiin <i. Adana*. Jr.. arch itect,
t>f t »m m - The ftiaitt w tu £‘M
$»SA«otv. it J» mi*h
T he cn » 5 « l build taK Of the
win fee constructed In th e
tiirm of ,%pyt-AmW a ml will tee «s»d
■ns’s, era -*p»«Wy kit
Ntohtif fa fatrgi*. '
The litutaiw ttf to h ta,ywr.fe»l or.-,
phfhtouphtcal stw ii'ij. vrtth weiufocr-
*h!p a ll # t> r I he w orld, Its flret
appearafttto to th e f a i l e d state*,
notwrdJniR to th e »»ra3«>pediK, w««
to khltetM pbU . w in re a colony
founded natKifto the city. Thl*
/«i(l t o tear** teuton , th e
founder «>?.-the public *vhiM*i »y»-
tor ’WHh tft* Wfs*t o f ati«fo school* ,
« a rto d m m > . T he m ajo rity nf
the wiener* <*£ th e Xtov-lar-tlkto e£
InOepmpt .'!**« n m also tta ld to have ■
been wtnmhefk n f th e Illum inati.
I« addition to M r. Wattfeerman.
th e tocorporsuw * e r e Xohle GL
T> rrell. «f th e T am p a Ga* eora-
pony; M. Spencer .Lewfa presen t
itoan o f th» university in &*« Frt*a~
CMneo. anti R ilph M, J. wto, a too o f
San Fraoetoro.
lnatr»<’tl»n In th e variotw
brnn-'te** o t a rt. scioncw and tl*?h«
t-t lea m in g vesH be- givera a t th e
I'nirerafty, w h k it will foe co-eda-
m tio n n l font w ith adjnilttiu) ~ lim ­
ited to ifeoac w ho have attained th e
«*e # t M . AppHen nto will o tto
have to h e o ' tn e r il c h aracter
BB« <jth«r«-i*e aoceotaMe to *fte
f.jevlty and dlrccjor?* ■
The Tampa Times
Tampa, Florida
Friday, November 28,1924
Page 15 A

Society of the Illumi­

nati Planning for
* tkudety Is Large.
Plant Here. The lilumimtii is a mystical or
lihilosopbicai society with member*
A three ami one-halt’ m m tract ship ail over* the world, it s first
*«mh pf Beech l*ai*k, in the vicin­ appearance in the Failed Slates,
ity & t I lender*..n beach,’ has «hee& affording to the encyclopedia, was
m M la the society of the Ilfuml- in Philadelphia, where a colony
th« Uni^ersitna Illum inati a scien­ wa* founded outside* the city. This
tific instii m u m of learning, ac­ colony l« said to have been the
cording U* B. A. IVarkcrmaru Ap­ psuiider of ihe public school sya*
plication fur a charter a£ Ineorpor- ier with the first of such schools
Hilon. d m lg tittiiim Mr. Wstckerman siatted there. The majority o f
as president, has hern filed with the signers e f the Declaration of
the circuit court* Independence are also said to have
The North At»ie^c&» center of been members of th© Illuminati.
the society ycill ho moved here In addition to Mr. Washerman,
from Bun FrancH^ti In five or six the Incorporators are No Wo <L
months. Afr, Wuckermna r v t, Terrell, of the Tampa Gas com­
vrheti building will begin, Plans pany; H, Spencer Lewis, present
lo r the university, copied after the dean o f the university Its San Frao-
HgypUait city of Tel M l Aaiariau | Cisco, and ftatph H . Lewis, also of.
founded in the seventeenth cen­ I Ban Francisco,
tury. are now being prepared by Instruct inn in the various
Franklin u , Adams, Jr., architect, branch <«* of art, and h i t l ­
c*f Tampa. The plant will coat er learning wHi be given at the
about IHSMOO, it is said. University, which will be co-edn-
The central building of tfe* cattonal but with admittance lim ­
campus will he constructed fa the it ed to those who have attained Uts
form of a pyramid and will be used age of 18. Applicants will also
m an assem bly h all. have to bo of high moral character
Is Large. and otherwise acceptable to th#
The Illuminati is n mystical of faculty and directors,
H artford C ourant
H artford, Connecticut
Sunday, December 7,1924
Page 8A

T h e prtetiru* Chm ch of Ho#e Church

of th e I s is T*si«|k!e o f South W indsor
*» rS.•■i:*t, * -v tx v;
will hold rn open aervice today ftt
f ; l! p. m. si the td^ple i t Station
lo . T h i l i f t h e Iw W a B to p o f ft m m m
m pub He aervicea of tile Mnpt«>
Tile services will M conducted i w Mr*
Teeter of Hartford,
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Sunday, February 01,1925
Page 1W
The Province
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Sunday, August 23,1925
Page 2

Prisoner Net Connected I

With Rosae Cruris Order
3 ohn JUrtrum C lark, w ho la th e
C an ad ian re p re s e n ta tiv e of the*
Ancient an d M ystical Order H o n a # !
Cruel#, whloH \n a hum anitarian of*
C m n iz a iU m d a V o t e d i n a & u rjtito n sil frith*
i*ut» and the study of iitc l&w*
of tlod and K ainre, ftnitmjnees* that
th^re In n o r« f leeito u w h a te v e r lw
tween eith er h im self or the orgu n lia*
ttort fe# r e p r e s e n t s ami th* Jo h n B ^ u *
rum C lir h e w ho w as arrested irt I he
V ancouver Bloch on Friday night*
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa. Florida
Tuesday, October 13,1925
Page 9-A

Amorc College W ill Occupy
Structure Built by Wacker-
man and Company
! C oin cident y e s te rd a y w ith th e a n -
i n o n n ce m e n t by R. A. W a ck erm an and ;
C om pany, re a lty firm , t h a t it w ill;
e re c t a tw o -s to ry b u ild in g a t th e in - '
\tc rse c tk m of M em orial H ig h w ay and
' A rm enia A venue, it w a s re v e a le d t h a t
A m orc College, a n a tio n a lly know n
| In s titu te of science, will, rem ove Its
e n tire school from S an F ra n c isc o to
T am p a. T h e college w ill occupy the
s tr u c tu r e b ein g b u ilt b y th e W a c k e r-
m an co ncern.
Spanish R enaissance architecture
will be em bodied in the building to
make it one of the m ost attractive
structures on M emorial H ighw ay,
Mr. W arkerm an said. It w ill front
n inety fe e t on the h ighw ay. The
W oodward home, on the site, Js b e­
ing rem oved onto Arm enia Avenue.
Amorc College has obtained a long-
period lehse on the building, it Is said.
The in stitu te, conducted for m en e x ­
clu siv ely ,' offers instruction in p sy ­
chology and other scien ces.
The building w a s designed by
Franklin O. Adam s. It Is to be com ­
pleted by D ec. 1, according to Gill and
W inters, contractors.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Monday, January 18,1926
Page 17

National Headquarters of Or­

ganization Established

The reeent completion of the ad­ the A shram a fn India, honorary con­
m inistration offices of the Ancient sular of the *'Corda F rates”—Italy
and M ystical E osae Crucis, lu st Sri Sabhita, Great W hite Ixxige—T i­
beyond Grand Centra] on the M e­
morial highw ay, giv es to Tampa the bet, Illum inati F niversttatfs and F el­
national headquarters o f this order. low of the Rose Cross College of
Formal opening and dedication of the the Koslcrucfan Order. .
building w ill be held in the near fu ­ B u ild s C ollection
ture, it w as announced by officials Dr. Lew is, Is possessor of a rare
yesterday. collection of art objects gathered on
The rose-colored building of E gyp ­ h is various trips to E gyp t and In­
tian design and decoration houses dia.
the adm inistration office of the A m ong the m ost interesting of these
Rosierucians, and an auditorium on is a lamp from India, the hierogly­
the second floor, where lectures, phics w rought in its construction re­
which are free to the public, will be lating to the law s and principles of
held when th e building is opened. A Buddhism . It is handmade, and 40
free library is planned in the new years are claim ed to have been re­
building w hich w ill also be open to quired in com pleting it. The lamp
the public. is listed in the British Museum at a
ZOO In Order Here value of $13,000, according to Dr.
The national membership of the IiCWig,
A. M. C. R. <3. numbers 30,000, and Other in teresting objects in the
Tampa’s mem bership is about 300. collection are several fine specim ents
The order is non-sectarian in its of petfied scarabs, replicas of num -
teachings and practices, and free m les in stone, and a^>air of urns from
from sex, race, and color lim itations, th tomb of A m enhoftp IV, the E gyp­
its creed is the recognition of the tian king w ho upset the religion of
brotherhood of mankind. Egypt when he established the
Harve R. L ew is, Pli. D. F. P». C,, teachings of one sole God. above the
is imperator, and his home has been teachings of the sun-worshippers,
erected In the vicinity of the temple. teaching the E gyptians th at God was
l>r. JL*ewi« is a member of the supreme not in the sun, but back of the sun
council 11. G. of the world, legate of disk. Me w as later known a s the
the Order of France, m inister of heretic king of Egypt.
the foreign legation, ordained priest of
i the buildings contemplated tn several
of the most prominent and valuable
sections of the city.
•13.000,000 Program
Immensity of the plans astounded
the members of the dub When they
were outlined by Dr. Lewis, expendi­
ture of $13,000,000 is contemplated. *
This includes the following:
A 22-story building at the tkory*-
west corner of Lafayette and Pierce

OPERA TO TAMPA streets, a site purchased several years

ago, which wiii include an auidtorfuin
with three balconies, seatlmr 4,000
persons; a broadcasting slat on for
educational and entertainment pur­
poses. of a size exceeded only by one
mammoth experimental stations of
the great electric companies;
Will Copy Egyptian An Academy of Pine Arts, free to
persons of talent recognised and rec­
ommended ' by professionals, with
Pyramid for Astronom­ which the Metropolitan Opera com­
pany has consented to co-operate to
the extent to coming to Tampa two
weeks yearly to assist In the course
ical Observatory of study;
An astronomical observatory located
on a replica of the great pyramid of
Egypt* 144 feet high;
A university, chartered years ago
when Roosevelt first became active
UNIVERSITY A N D in founding the cultural center, known
as the Universlias Illurainlati Rosae

BIG RADIO PLANT Already Started

A start already has been made on
the plans. The first step was removal
of the headquarter* of North America
, • from San Francisco to Tampa, for
■which the Rosicrucian block on Me­
Program Outlined i o Lions morial highway, w est of the monu­
ment, w as built. Here are housed the
Club Provides Also for administration offices and residences
of the executive officials. Mall re­
ceived is so heavy the post office de­
22-Story Building partment of Tampa has authorised a
separate sub-station In the building.
Franklin O. Adams was commis­
sioned architect several months ago
Tampa has been definitely selected and is engaged on plans for the vari­
as the great American cultural center ous buildings. Within a few weeks,
for the development of the latent Dr. Lewis and possibly Mr. Adams,
and others, will go to Europe to study
American talent In fine arts, science , at first hand the details of creation
and philosophy which has been the and operation of the cultural banters,
dream for many years or prominent while in the fall they will go to Sixype
Americans, including: the late Theo­ for several months survey to obtain
dore Roosevelt, whose work on this data for the construction of the pyra­
plan directly led to beginning of the mid and observatory.
undertaking here. The 23 story building. Dr. Lew is
Announcement of the plans w a s said, will cost $3,600,000. It wlU be
made before the Tampa Lions club at oriental in design and will contain the
its luncheon yesterday by Dr. H. lodge rooms of the order. The lower
Spencer Lewis, imperator of the An­ floor wilt be laid out around a central
cient and Mystical Order Rosae Cru­ arcade and Instead of the c o its iu u y
ris, North American jurisdiction, In stores will contain booths on the ori­
ental order. In keeping w ith the cul­
which the late President Roosevelt tural plan, only products of fine art,
was an active member and w hk In­ science and philosophy will be sold,
cludes in its membership the p n x u k e including musical Instruments, paint­
nent American* Interested In onitaNB ings, sculpture, tapestry and Similar
advancement. Dr, Lewis revealed works.
that the attention of those Interested
has been directed to Tampa years The Tampa Tribune
ago, and property purchased long ago Tampa, Florida
in the name of the order, which places.
Wednesday, February 17,1926
Page 1-A
The Tam pa T ribune
Tampa, Florida
Wednesday, February 17,1926
Page 1-A

Glow On Sky
Rising above ih« radio manta will
be a pyramid form supporting a large
bronze Incense burner. Incense will
be burned at night, the size of the
burner making the red glow, symboli­
cal of the order, visible mile* away.
Because of the educational nature of
the institution, the broadcasting sta­
tion will have unusual powers, being
allowed under the license which has
been obtained, a wider range of w ave
lengths, both high and low, and pre­
ference over other broadcasting sta­
tions in time of programs, Dr. Lewis
The Academy of Fine Arts also has
made a start here, though its extent
is limited by the lack of the building*.
The staff faculty Is being assembled
md several are in Tampa, remaining
in private life until the opening. They
Include Madame Beatrice Bowman,
Metropolitan Opera star, soloist with
Sousa last year, and Sir Walter Ham­
ilton Douglas, director of the London
opera, and before the war the Kaiser's
official director of the .Berlin opera.
Announcing that the Metropolitan
Opera company will come to Tampa
for two weeks annually. Dr. Lewis
said the arrangements already had
oeea completed, conditional only upon
the opening of the Academy of Fine
Arts. His brother, he said. Is treas­
urer of the opera company and he,
himself, formerly w as connected with
it. He added it was not difficult to
interest Otto Kahn, international
banker and prominent In the direction
of the opera company, and others.
Roosevelt Ideals
The outstanding feature of the
academy in its incorporation of the
ideal of Roosevelt to provide for those
of talent who lack the money to pur­
sue their studies, Dr, Lewis Mid, Any
person of talent in th e country will
be given full instruction In any cul­
tural line throughout the entire term
necessary without charge, even room
and board and incidental expenses be­
ing taken care of. This can be done,
he said, because of the immense fund
contributed for the purpoee by mem­
ber* of the order. More than that* ne
(Continued on Pago *-A)
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Wednesday, February 17,1926
Page 2-A

(C saBm u i From F a st 1-A.)
win b*
|tt« n the M vmiumpi f«••!#» eludy
to m » i Hkttt MMtrneUoo. Arran««-
iM at* k a n k « u concluded! w ith th e
Ita H k Opera Ca»K|iw for tntcr-
t la a c t of pupil*, Km aM ad.
Tka pyramid and O lo m tto r? win
N an a bu«a tract on liandervan,
a w a <tH« i w ith Bracfa Pork, Hara
aha w ill ba tocm ag the s u v t n a r .
tm rhtap th e p r in e ta l orlontifie and
tM tet o r t k a l M kfK tc. T to a ta ern *
tary *BS t o tto nrat tw tto atata, T to
totaaiW w ilt differ from Urn errnt
B tu a H m ty ** bum. y tt a n a th b . be
n u w iit ia m )v* b u r a t the cost*
whirl* coB h M tef
ularty tto prob-

C m «H flttaB dMli t t o ardar appaara

I* bo tlttia apn aciatad a s to tta pur-
m m * eddta and a m o rf.
a a h ts fi t a f«w weeks * tartan and haa aided Hi
____ ot toctornn a m id start to to a - of annoy church** of dtf-
rata ttoa public •to u t I t Pan oB t of
b m i p m n ia a sm w ill com* to ination*. It organised
so d atto* ttoaa talk*, which school In America,
wtii mc!u4o lattarw am cultural aub- dt *b* ftrat K pteon-
t^para elnpera of h t a n a tio n i rhurch. <!friat church. P hihdak
wtu piv« w «cn in i> Ito M a n d b un iltt tho
th o ft rut p ip e e r r e n In
taka p ta * hi t t o a n d itM o ti »t _ whirh wan placed Ha Chrfot
had a n not u tto church. Tho fo n d er aetocl In Am«r-
,jp ctdt norvIcon. fraa praem dted tho ftrat ta la a d o a by
A atld M ttfif th« loch a t ua<Ur*tand- ho m id,
t o f o t t t o a d w , Hr. Lowfo tran d It* tho ftrat pa par pints
Itodtnnin** *od «^ckBif»li*hinnnUt » • a lino tto ftrat natro-
prelude to hi* »nnot}*r«m«nt of th- «mn f f i i u n i i i l i ata*" eovatnr’
•huia. Mo « w h m u a to d to M t o the worMMbao dtotapm to tw a o M to atm
aaaouDcament tttfoagh tto Liana club and tho pmmml War ro a m years It
by L o a to a w r . auppUed taoebors foe tho churches
T h o A n c ie n t a n d l i n t vTMt Mad anhotito ia Ainerioo
— *i | | mao a t the fr»- Tha mam barah ip o f tho Berth
* fa th o world hon Aanartmn Jurisdiction. Dr. L aw b m id,
aettvitiM mi iha ------ “‘■taa ama of tho ktrpa*c arfna*
adranratutat of ta tho country ft in-
o**4 fin# an a, PMMt intellectual, promt*
w u &thoVSSJZ S \, . .. ... . in fta a th l ctuaena,
(a m d n i o f Pnihdat- Tho order boa an Immense fund nt
tank tta a a » « from tho diapnm t, accordtny to Hr. Law la.
o f tho order ta ■rapid mak* no differ*oca ta Its
If/prm perfty dcaartnd Tempo or
n m w H bock la a. which ho dean pot consider
for It* h it h ii v * In no a PWaiUtttp, to mem bora from
. . ... lta«ta«*w » o# many * y port of Berth A n p ic a pro rap-
tho old taotitttttoao of k n ra to r *« t o r h f .t t o moono and reppfdtom of
_ co m trw a a re traced to It, ho y f a t e p i nnywhoro In tho Juried l<--
ildL T to i n a t t a o f tho sclent tate. *” *• *bo work weald proceed, ha c m -
lh tli— i>nam a rth ta and wrltora wrar*
t a d l a i mombora ta tho mrtMaft d a n
of tta
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, February 27,1926
Page 21

Rosicrue&ans Inaugurate
Sunday Sendees ol
Noa-Sectmnan Nature
Beginning March 7th
S h b l a t t i f i t is b ein g m a n ifested
in th e open In*, n e x t S u n d ay, o f th e
f*rtsUne C hurch o f th e Rose Cross
under th e a u sp ice * o f th e R osieru -
e h u , w h o h a v e r e c e n tly eeta b iish ed
Choir u t i o M h ea d q u a rters In th is
c ity .
T h e Church T em p le Is located a t tu res. th ere w ill be d isco u rses and
th e n e w b u ild in g tn R osiertician 0 * n i t o n s a n d a n sw e r s p erta in in g to
Square, fa c to * M em orial H ig h w a y a t th e p ra ctic a l an d v ita l a ffa ir s o f oar
A rm en ia A ven u e, tw o b lock s beyond U vea
Che M onum ent. F o r m an y m on th s M aster Of th e T em ple in
th e building h s s b een h um m ing w ith Tam pa Is R ev. 1L S p en cer L e w is .
the w ork o f a r tis ts a n d a rtisa n s, w h o F. R . C ., V h X > . , A rchbishop o f th e
h a v e crea ted o n e o f th« fin e s t E g y p ­ P r istin e C hurch fo r A m erica a n d
tian halts i s th is co u n try and cer­ Iraperetor o f th e R oslcru clan Order.
ta in ly th e m o st im p ressiv e an d Pic­ Me Is I n te r n a tio n a lly k n ow n a s a le c ­
tu resq u e ch u rch room to th is city . tu rer an d w r ite r a n d a recogn ised
T h e s e r v ic e s to be o d d ea rn S u n ­ a u th o rity tn m a n y su b ject* All are
day e v e n in g a t 7; SO, b eg in n in g M arch w elcom e to th e service* ea ch S u n d n y
7th, w ill be n o n -s e e tar ton la n atu re, ev en in g , b eg in n in g M arch 7th.
a s a re a ll th e Sect urea and ser v ic es Ml e v e r y o th e r c it y w h ere th e P r is ­
held by th e R o slc r u c ia r s tn th eir tin e C h u r c h b a a h e * n la e x is t e n c e
m an y T em p les th ro u g h o u t N orth for so m e y e a r s Its Influence h a s been
A m erica, E urope an d o th er lands. In trem endous an d Its grow th p h e­
ad d ition to th e O rien tal ritu a l, wi t h nom enal. St w ill b ecom e an Im port­
a d istin c tly O ccid en tal Interp retation , a n t fa c to r to t h e c iv ic and cultural
th e e x c e lle n t m u sic a n d o th er f e a ­ d evelop m en t o f T am pa.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, February 27,1926
Page 21

Next Sunday Evening
M arch 7th


Troteh n « n *mtk'a poixtra for tha dotatta o f thia ln ttr-
*«ttn* Rftn-(tcUr)*n aarvte*.
BeouUful muate hy tha fio ts t talant to tho city. I U c
ntfk^nt E crptlon Tm ipla. A ttractlro aurroundfnya. Inatruc-
Hr* practical dinoourao, Qticationo anawor«d. All denomi­
nation a boro andoraad tha m a t Ino Church la ethor etUoa
throughout tho country. Bpottaorrd b y tha RoslerttcUno.
attended b y eutturod and thinking paopla avorywhoro.
All ora walcom*. Corn* and boor tbo T roth ozpotaded
w ithout dogm a or erred by tbo R ot. H . Spencer tow ia,
F. R. C , Pbf>.


af 7:30 P. M.

Memorial Boutovard, Tampa.

Two Blocks Beyond tho M snumsnt.
The Tampa Times
Tampa, Florida
Monday, March 01,1926
Page 21

Ceremony of Ancient
E gypt Followed at
The new A more tem ple of ihe
Ancient and Mystical Order Rosas
Cmeis. at M emorial highway and
Armenia, avenue, w a s dedicated
le ft might with luting cerem on ies
by Dr, II. Spencer Lewis, imperator
of th e order tor the North Aberiean
The ritual used Ip opening the
tem ples o f ancient Egypt were fol­
lowed throughout the ceremony,
one feafftre of which w as the
sprinkling on the floor of water
taken from the Nile river In a yea*
»«l from ' an Egyptian tomb. An
American flag was placed on the
altar as a symbol of the temple's
dedication to American ideals,
An oriental reception room pre­
cede* th e entrance to the main hall
of th e temple, which Is boil* along
E gyptian lines, The lower floor of
the building Is occupied by the
executive and clerical force* of the
order, A research laboratory, a li­
brary and lecture room.
Beginning next Sunday, non-see-
tariar a m d ees will he held a t the
temple each Sunday at 7:30 p. m.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, March 6,1926
Pace 21

This Church
Gives Practical
Discourse Devoted to the OF T HE R O S E C R O S S
Important A ffairs o f Life.
Tomorrow Night, 7:30 O’clock i
HUNDREDS ENDORSE IT Subject of Discourse:
T om orrow n ig h t a t Ts30 Um f ir s t
public M rvico In th e n ew " c r cru cian
C hurch w ill h e h e ld a t th e E g y p tia n
“The Tfitth about Concen­
Tem ple In R oalcruclan .S q u are, trating for Prosperity
H undred* In th e c ity h a v e given
th e ir en d o rsem en t o f th e n tw C h m th
an d a t its D edication cerenriM y last
and Happiness
S u n d ay It w as p roclaim ed th e m ost explaining the Oriental Secret Method used
b eau tifu l chu rch In th e c ity devoted
eotely to propou n d in g th o se ta w s an d by the Adepts and pointing out the errors of
principles whlfeh e n ab le m en a n d w o­
m en to live m ore h a p p ily a n d su c ­
the poplar methods
cessfully. By H. SPENCER LEWIS, F. R CL, Ph. D„
T om orrow n ig h t th e d isco u rse Is u n ­ Master of the Temple
usually a ttra c tiv e In Its m otive. T he
M a ste r o f th e T em ple, D r. H . S pen­ T he service vD! be conducted w ith O rien tal R itu a l In o u r
c e r Dewls, w ill e x p la in th e O rie n ta l b eau tifu l E g y p tia n Tem ple, w ith a p p ro p ria te m usic and
secret m ethod o f c o n c e n tra tin g to o th e r feature*.
b rin g a b o u t ch anges In o n e 's life an d
to a tt r a c t from th e C osm ic th e m a ­
te ria l blessings th a t a re n ec e ssa ry to
existence. Me w ilt p o in t o u t th e A t th e close o f th e service th e follow ing su b m itted
e rro rs o f th e p o p u la r m ethods an d w ill bo answ ered in d e ta il a s p a rt o f th e w eekly serv ice:
show w hy th e y foil. In th e m a jo rity of
cases, a n d Why th e tr u e A d ep ts a re 1. Is M odernism d an g ero u s? 8, H as th e W orld M essiah (ap­
usu ally successful. W h y d id M a ry B ak er E ddy ' peared fn In d ia ? ; *£_
die? W fcat w et* th e la st w hispered I
I n a d d itio n to th e disco u rse. D r. W h at do you th in k Of the w ords o f J e s u s o n th e C ross?
l a w h w ill a n sw e r m a n y q u estio n s la te s t EnoycUcie o f th e P o p e? 10. Should n o t th e Movie
w hich h a v e been s u b m itte d to him 4. D oes a v e g e ta ria n d ie t assist t r y b e condem ned a s
oh' p opular, religious, scien tific, a n d S p iritu a l developm ent? t a t 't o religious g ro w th ?
civic m a tte rs. D r. lA w ls to a n em in ­ V. dem
la m an b o rn In need of re - 11. A re wom en being
otion? ■ m uch freedom ? ’ <
e n t lectu rer, sc ie n tist, a n d s tu d e n t o f
public a ffa irs . H is v iew s o n p o p u la r I. BIslackth ere any each power as ! 18, C an d e p a rte d to o ls _
M agic? e a r th a n d m a te rla ftss? ..
a f fa ir s have a lw a y s been k e e n ly a p ­
preciated a n d o f p ra c tic a l help. 7. thAisre S th e school teach er* in 1 13, W h a t la th e tr u th s h e e t f t
ta te pro p erly p aid ? 1 evolution th e o ry ?
T he C hun-h Is m y stic a l In Its te n ­
dencies, n u n -se c ta ria n , is p o t effH ated
w th an y of th e p re se n t-d a y f a n a tic ­
Tomorrow Night at 7:30 promptly
isms. a n d does n o t d eal w ith m a tte rs Doors open at 7 o’clock
connected w ith s p iritu a lis tic dem on­
stra tio n s. o r s im ila r m isconceptions. ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME
All a re welcome a t th e se services. T his is T a m p a 's new est C hurch u n d e r th e A uspices o f
Thp d oors w ilt open a t ? o'clock an d R osieruclana. N on -S ectarian . B road, T o le ra n t. “ •.* 1
no se a ts a re reserved. O rient (ad cere­
mony an d b e a u tifu l m usic accom pany AMORC TEMPLE ’»•■HSi
th e sp ecial fe a tu re s of th e service. Beelerad as Asaare. Memorial Route* ard asd Armeels Aye, ■- , . j
"Two Blocks Beyond (be Meet steel" ~
R oelcrucU n S q u a re Is J u s t tw o (O read C en tral C era C am s W ithin a S heet W etk « t the
blocks beyond th e M onum ent A g r e a t Tempi*>
lig h te d L am p p o in ts o u t th e Tem ple,
*Know Thyself Through Rostcrucian Truths ’
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, March 6,1926
Page 21

This Church
Gives Practij il
Discourse Devoted to th e
• Im portant A ffairs of Life.

Tomorrow night at 7:30 the first
public service in the new Kosicrucian In addition to the discourse, Dr.
Church will be held at the Egyptian Lewis will answer m any questions
Temple in Kosicrucian„ Square. which have been submitted to him
on popular, religious, scientific, and
Hundreds In the city have given civic m atters. Dr. Lewis is an emin­
their endorsement of the new Church ent lecturer, scientist, and student of
and at its Dedication ceremony last public affairs. H is views on popular
Sunday it w as proclaimed the most affairs have alw ays been keenly ap­
beautiful church in the city devoted preciated and of practical help.
aolely to propounding those laws and
principles which enable men and w o­ The Church is mystical in its ten­
men to live more happily and suc­ dencies, nun-sectarian, is not off Hated
cessfully. wth any of the present-day fanatic­
isms, and does not deal with matters
Tomorrow night the discourse Is un­ connected with spiritualistic demon­
usually attractive in its motive. The strations, or sim ilar misconceptions.
Master of the Temple, Dr. H. Spen­
cer Lewis, w ill explain the Oriental All are welcome at these services.
secret method of concentrating to THp doors will open at 1 o'clock and
bring about changes in one's life and no seats are reserved. Oriential cere­
to attract from the Cosmic the ma­ m o n y and beautiful music accompany
terial blessings that are necessary to the special features of the service.
existence. He will point out the
errors of the popular methods and Kosicrucian Square Is just two
show why they fail, in the majority of blocks beyond the Monument A great
cases, and why the true Adepts are Lighted Lamp points out the Temple,
usually successful.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Sunday, March 7,1926
Page 9

FolIo«ri&< the Harmon aril he a program

P R IS M CHURCH o f the forum nature, In w hich que»*

w ill be answered. It win,!**- the prac­
tice to have questions subm itted at
one service to be answ ered at the fol­

The P ristine church w as founded In j
N ew York In 1918 by a group
IW members o f the R e sid u e ian order

TO OPEN TONIGHT who believed the order, though de­

voted No developm ent of fine arts,
science and philosophy and better liv ­
ing through understanding of them,
had the ethical and religious funda­
m entals w hich would appeal to the
non-church goer, who would not ac­
INSTITUTION DESIGNED AS cept the dogmas and creeds which fea­
ture denom inational institutions*.
S U P P LEM EN T TO O TH ­ Fourteen branches have been organ­
ER C R EED S ised and a new one is being chartered
each week.
Fundam entals of the Pristine church,
a s explained by Dr. Lewis, include the
belief religion is not solely for the
Services to Be Unique, With worship of dirty but also to study that
w hich will enable one to better coa­
Oriental Ritual—Non-Sec­ litio n s in life. All churches had their
orSgfit in m an's desire to know and
tarian Organization understand, he believes,
T he Pristine al§w» docs not believe
man w as horn in sin but acquired sin
The P ristine church, a modernist *n- after infancy through ignorance of
etiiutloi! to supplem ent rather than w ays o f right living, according to Dr.
suimtant oth er %hureh«s, w ill have its Lewi*. The church also does not a c ­
opening service in the Egyptian tem ­ cept the m iraculous conception of
ple o f the Roatcruclan order a t A more Christ, affirm ing Christ w as born as
square. Memorial boulevard, to ­ an ordinary man and attained divin­
night. Dr. It. Spencer Lewis, Ft*. IX, ity. The la tte r belief, only, affords
lm peratcr o f the Rosa# Cruets, and the opportunity’ to all of em ulating
m aster of the tem ple, wilt preach the Christ, an opportunity which would
first serm on. be denied mankind If miraculous birth
Services w ill be unique fo T em p i, w as accepted, the order m aintains.
follow ing th e original Oriental ritual
o f th e agwootle*. The subject o f the
discourse w ill b e •’Truth About Con­
centrating Prosperity and Happiness."
Miss Marian M cKay w ill he soloist. I
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Monday, March 8,1926
Page 3

Ten Questions Will Be Dis-

cussed at Services Each
Sunday Night j

A dis* le sio n on lb** s?ibjr**f of “The I

Trull* AIwhh *■i»i!< «uti'altUK for P ro s- f
per it y and Happlttps*” and the an- !
• wering »rf It* «|i*ei*tioti*t Mibmittwl toy
l»r. 11, 8pe*u **r Irfw ia, m a ste r of tto» 5
tem ple, marked ih* epenlrtK service
I of the Pristine t’hurrh of the R oset
I *'roes at* thi* R osirnirlan temple, Me- j
I mortal H tahway ami A rm enia avenue, ■
1 ta*l night.
| l*r. l^ w is spoke |r» a crow d th a t
filled t h e tem ple to ca p a c ity am i o v er-
| flowed o u t Into th e an tero o m . The
serv ice w as eonducted w ith O rien tal i
i ritu a l an d a p p rn p rta tia te m usic, in th e |
<e la h o n tle Ktrypthtn tem ple. I
In dt&etisainic th e (juration subm it -
te d on * ivl#, n atio n al o r p erso n al m a t ­
ter.* of Im portance w ould toe an sw ered
to th e b e st of his ability.
____ i__________________
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, March 13,1926
Page 21
1 ±mma A

(L'liimli HiiillrtiH
Pristine Church of the Rose Cross
T h e C h u r c h o t T h e R o e ie r u c U tn e
T om orrow n ig h t S t % :90
1 S u b je c t'o t D ta o o re e :

Rational M ethods for

He S p e n c e r te m ie , F . R . C „ PH . D *
M m e te r o f t h e T e m p l e
Pots ting opt lh * *lm JamotiuU cause* o f disease and pain, and
the poaaffeUHteft and HmlUttona o f » * I f - W l l n * . This lecture hac
ten delivered be fo r* m any learned, scientific and pbB apblea!
bodies in many State* and bt called “ the most practical be alma
1anson ever f i v n i In this country," I t w ill g iv e io b some m l* *
which you £*n teat often and fo r many parpen***.


M the close o f the dfacourm Ur. L ew is w ill answer th * follow in g
questions submitted to him.
I. Bern can hww>sa* _«xn *w tir f 7. What ware the aeeiwt fen*?-
ipnOer* (wr rbnWqTYT liras <4 MM f t U M Mt# M |
SMS N i w i ready - ---- tso<“i »vm [«w < l In (Ms m W e'
_ Metals far lmirurtJ«i^
M anta Ia far Jaairu
S. W hr do tha' *
Jawa » d<W Iln (he
erm** th; wave of
h a t fs _______
bM k titi the
awr-wetwhlr ftt jma*-rt*mt
rw» ram haMara la #ll\v»maa?
fa that* a th a v ts Bits HailT
JBtiM * * fc&hf BUtwItM Ufa*?
* What waa lh* W«r4 which la- ftnntn lb* atulihuSa la * f a- -
cama ’TyartT' __ __ *hd »nyi tnaahiu4*
Beautiful Music. Oriental Ritual.
Unique Egyptian Temple
Tbs T e n pi* w h crowded b u t ftoaday, hundreds c a p * and v o v
enthusiastic. M any turned sw ay fo r tabic o f seat*. Doom ope*
■ t % o'clock. Service starts prom ptly a t TiAft,

Non Sectarian—pAH CotdiaBjr Wakocne

Amore Temple
K w & n w ta i Square. H e mortal B m l m t d and A ttO rntde Av
“ T w o Blocks Beytmd th * J fo h w p e n ^ (G rand C entral C a n kr
within a short w alk of
th * T e m p l e )


Many Turned Away Last Week <
Unique Service* Highly P rawed and Endowed By ’
Ter ‘ Leading Citiaena A*
fempa'a ' a Great
- “ om
Artually artrwdrf to itt>
led «v«n iU BIW!
The* C a M last H oortaj* » * » ■ «
OMkgl 1

55TSWW-wb« i-
■«par «9 * T t» « tb*tfc* aerate—
aerviee* -la
n»a PrtaiOM C tu R * h h itunib;
Oeotw nawspapaot *'e*p*
•fih#r*oatlon Of ttm ihttikm* a. mlauri&wrti
kind Ik tha p «y tha riinal w w ni tW
TMa hr m «wlr H t e l W l. ‘ b»
rwotd ef the fTirtlh* Church tti alatsd a*
ruMtca tarot ft. sfeaufc
•vary athae *oy. Thnaw who r a m
a little lata f n ^ that tha sodi-
laHwfi » * » firta* MMif.
Thaaa aim h a * * tha

£&&XSLJi Jsns-MS ris-Assu

C h m R «!*• a arrai >w>*4 k>
Tampa end * • *oattnM*e <
........ ‘ Ji e# s« i urviiF
> TRUTHS!" *
Pristine Church of the Rose Cross
(N o n -S e c ta r ia n )
The Church of The Rosicrucians
T om orrow n ig h t a t 7 :30
S u b je c t o f D isc o u r se :

Rational Methods for

fjy H. Spencer Lewis , F. R. C„ Ph. D.
M aster of the Tem ple
Pointing out the fundamental causes of disease and pain, and
the possibilities and limitations of self-healing. This lecture has
been delivered before many learned, scientific and philosophical
bodies in many States and is called “the most practical healing
lesson ever given in this country.*' It will give you some rules
which you £an test often and for many purposes.

At the close of the discourse Dr. Lewis will answer the following
questions submitted to him.
l. Horn can business men apply 7. W h at w ere the secret prac­
m odern psychology? tices of the Kssene B ro th er­
2. Did Moses really ascend a hood m entioned in the B ible’
m ountain fo r in stru ction ? 8. W hy have the Rosicrusian-
W hy do th e Jew s dislike the held th e ir g re a t wisdom fn*r>
C hristian cross? the m asses fo r centuries?
4. W h at is back of the wave of
sex-w orship in A m erica? n. Tb there a H eaven an d Hell?
Do you believe in divorces? 10. M ust we hold ourse lves a Ion’
6 . W hat w as the W ord w hich be- from the m ultitude to be g- •
came “l/o st?”____________ and serve m ankind?

The Tampa Tribune

Tampa, Florida. Saturday, March 13,1926. Page 21
Beautiful Music. Oriental Ritual.
Unique Egyptian Temple
The Temple was crowded last Sunday, hundreds came and were*
enthusiastic. Many turned away for lack of seats. Doors opei
at 7 o'clock. Service starts promptly at 7:30.
Non Sectarian— AH Cordially Welcome
Amorc Temple
Hosicrucian Square, Memorial Boulevard and Armenia A\
“Two Blocks Beyond the Monumen^* (Grand Central Cars con
within a short walk of the Temple)


Many Turned Away Last Week
Unique Services Highly Praised and Endorsed By
Tampa’s Leading Citizens As a Great Boon
A ctually crow ded to the doors | inations united in u n stin ted praise
and even the arfte-room s f ille d ! of the b eautiful surroundings, the
im pressive o rien tal ritu al, the good
T hus sta ted la st M onday's new s­ music ami the very p ractical help
paper rep o rts of the services In given in solving the a ffa irs and
the P ristin e C hurch la st Sunday problem s of o u r everyday life.
evening. Some new spapers reported
The larg est congregation of its through a m isu n d erstan d in g ..that
kind in the city. the ritu a l w as a f the ancient ag ­
T his is m erely rep eatin g the nostic form. It should h ave been
record of the P ristin e C hurch In sta te d a s gnostic,— th e ea rly form
every other city. Those who cam e of tru e w orship to th e One Sole
a little late found th a t the au d i­ Hod, the ever-living reality in the
torium w as filled early. lives of all b e in g s !
Those who heard the discourse Tom orrow night the discourse la
and questions an d an sw ers last especially illum inating and help­
Sunday agreed in applause and ful and all are urged to come e a r­
definite sta tem en ts th a t the P ris ­ ly and secure com fortable seats.
tine C hurch fills a g reat need In l>oors open a t 7 P.M., service s ta rts
T am pa and its continued success prom ptly a t 7 :3 0 . P len ty o f p a r k ­
is assured. P ersons of all denom- ing space .jear the Temple.


The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida. Saturday, March 13,1926. Page 2 1
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, March 20,1926
Page 12

(L'lwrrli Mlptiii
Pristine Church of the Rose Cross
T h t Church o f T h e Ftoticrucianx
Tomorrow night a t 7 tSO
Subject o t Discourse:
fly H. Spencer Lewie, F . R. C.» F k . 0 ,
M atter o f th e T em ple
I V in tin s n u t h t» w i» t « i M i t l i U tn U v r i t s H v •’m w * f!n r* n ”
* n ^ tUnpupt ....... . a n d B r i n * n b c ilit r r n i H i » » » « ■
Mrir lb* i»wtiBistum o t »>ur dratt'sHi.,


At th» t ,f i>ifc ^bir?»ur*w lw, U W ii will Aftavar tha following
tjuog«!nTi« H h m lt!» 4 tn him.

rhyetifea* fit TaHipa and 3«t 6.5. •W

I- Why du yms nr*1
*** th« nih«*» Vf»'*«#
W fta
t|» a ia « *
th* QurrieS
T h r /ir .a a
»f EdH?
J e tf w a c f l AS

*■ t n r « iwi netillM the Iuir w tbaar* T, Wfcht *r»a M»« aarrat truruAM
of re lne« rii4t|i<h, i t th » Or**l P t r a n l f t
I W ilt * (w r tPhurcH wwvfl «wt«bllah i. Wha* do YoU think fO. Ik* ta n
a sapdn?* Sft4i«ffl? blMtUrD At raw vote?
4, W rrw Atlnm and K t« tfc* firs t
rivaled bains* ?

Beautiful Music. Oriental Ritual

Unique Egyptian Temple
Th* T»n-.i>b %** rvnurrfad )Mit. R.mduy, bnndiFrd» «awi* •ltd ^*lr* M
th iia tn n iit. M any tu s n a d a w ay fu r l« > it o l »*■***. t* o o r a op** •>
&««.*«* tterv i'* jiicm m iF a t f:J u .

Non-Sectarian—All Cordially Welcome

Amorc Temple
A .'ridrf'W fU )**!«!»Hr. M a n d AFtnrnt* A*d»
ninths ivrnrtri ih* M*nUii*n«flt
to rand Ctniml Car* iN'inu nitfcin a **wit * * i# t * tb«

Representatives of Various Organizations Express
Their Admiration to Dr. H. Spencer Lewis
OiirlHa ] |.i" I'-.t . .»k Ih, „ l M l H Iprufrilmnt npo Una R M M xi IK],
l* i b e R u a iiiM iL -m ft in T h m m :» H iy re m a ir ir d tn c r> * * r* tn U t* Dr
n . , » » a 1 1 r a , • e rt m W H b ra M s M .t- I .a t I U * l t a n d H ’a h d t b a l r t b o n k a t e r
H id t -l i e . f it M H jm u t «jiK an>« itn - } tttf h ;« t a T « » t * a «are»»i* A n d «*.,»■*
J i l 'o f l * 1« T x n »|« b b * ‘ * r A lla i) a t t t w :L b « l tUM* b e l l i n * * d « ii a n d a n t e d M
N i|iliit* « l 1 6 a r i s ju a f * t h t n f Ih e o t.l» f n - an m * litn * .
K<|itar« and eamV'Mad = Y*rfou* elvfa and dteia bwd>*a dara
H a l f h l f i t a i i r e , t h e i r a u ilf o Y i i] a r i d d e - i I t r i l f d O f . U * l t I® l U W t* * * a b a r -
r t t v a t o i ■■ - *’ ? s h ip a r - d t h d H * * * k rm « la a a A fetM ttdiM d
T h r UflUifUAl ita.iw ea# n f (li« R u u d a y U h a l * l a r g e r a t d ' l n n u * . M w i W f *6*
e v e i n n a fsiib b i? a e r t i m ^ s i« p a r t l y e « « t« r h a f i t a h i n d w t h i * u t d i f s
■ t H i in lh ia i « r t h a w id e a n d i n i t a a d u t s * i t a fesiiiMf p t a n a a d a n d d i l l » • i » * * f t i f f
• n n m b n tu m 1~ I n a e S D rM # * d 1 - iW i •*** « - * t f a l l i
r tu a d a .T a t s a l t • t i t * Y U m id u a t f i,.« t- : T hnw > » h f l d n » » r» M U a t t M N
r ru .- ! n n 9 i} ii* r - a* km m-> f i l l ' d a n d < »«**!>- in ta r w a iiA * w n t l u a i *m sm avKt*
> t'« rf h i« r iu { t w i t h M iiw O v l* » h o d » - t« M y . Lk h s m «p*a a l * « ‘d M M
»ir*ri arats that, irp-ra Iha* » bunritard s<*»'*>««» «»fl pnsanMiy ■* Til*.
• * ! > r y f- ia a r i til r n ^ M iq n f a d o u i u a * r f j r ] 4 f I » T < « ■ ( h**«* « « • m •* * *
• v d ttn n i * *»*» in <ue n u d ite r fw m . th e t O ') u * i i« l* a t b # « i * M h a lg d
r * ( - t r i t n p tnA ftM i s p .il h a » urerw R I M w o i A a r f t)! t a l k * a f D r , D a t a 18 *****
*»iri i n a t i v w * r a n « i h * a « a ir * tK M t-w re tn rlftn t r r i t M *»B7
W aya T h * k e » -n w a t n t e r r a t JriJtri?*- jN riririn r t W t »*• TM M » ■
.•**i a n d k t t e - r i h e d w f r ic # ( f b u i i ; >»*»m h ‘« f i u n b y r s * R t f M ttu r « .


The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, March 20,1926
Page 12

Pristine Church of the Rose Cross
The Church of The Rosicrucian•
Tomorrow night at 7 :30
Subject of Discourse:
Bp H. Spencer Lewie, F. R. C„ Ph, D,
Master of the Temple
P o i n t i n g o a t h o w It l* p o s s ib le to m e n ta lly “c r o s s o n e ’s f in g e r s ’*
a n d d ir e c t th e o f c e r t a i n e v e n ts a n d b r i n e a b o u t r e s u lts n e c e s ­
s a r y in th e r e a l i s a t i o n o f o u r d e s ire s .


A t th e close o f th e d is c o u rs e D r. Lewis will answer th« following
q u e s tio n * s u b m itte d to h im .

1. W h y d o y o u p r a is e th e o th e r s. Where was the Garden of Eden?

c h u rc h * * of T am pa and yet 6. Was Thomas Jefferson an
s t a r t a n o th e r? atheist?
2. P le a s e o u tlin e th e ta w o r th e o ry 7. What was the secret purpose
o f re in c a rn a tio n , of the Great Pyramid?.
3. W ill y o u r c h u r c h s o o n e s ta b lis h a. What do you think of the Fro
a S u n d a y S c h o o l? hibition straw vote!
4. W e re A d a m and Eve the first 9. How can we master fate?
c r e a t e d belnss? 19. Do you believe la dancing?

Beautiful Music. O riental Ritual

U nique Egyptian Tem ple
T h e T e m p le w a s c ro w d e d l a s t S u n d a y , h u n d re d * came and were an-
th u s io s u .- M a n y tu r n e d a w a y f o r l a r i i of seats. Doors opes at 7
o ’c lo c k . S e rv ic e s t a r t s p r o m p tly at 7 :3 0 .
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, March 20,1926
Page 12

Non-Sectarian— All Cordially W elcome

A m orc Tem ple
R o s ie ru e la a S q u a r e , M e m o ria l B o u le v a rd a n d A r m e n ia A Vs,
•'T w o B lo c k s B e y o n d th e M o ttu tim en f
( G r a n d C e n t r a l C a r s c o m e w ith in a s h o r t w a lk c f th e T e m p i* )

Representatives of V arious O rganizations Express
T heir A dm iration to Dr. H. Spencer Lewis

D u r in g th e p a s t w e e k th e a c tiv itie s p r o m in e n t m e n a n d women e t this

>r th e H o a ic rtic ia n O r d e r In T a m p a c ity r e m a in e d to congratulate Dr
h a v e a t t r a c t e d c o n s id e r a b le in te r e s t L ew ie a n d e x te n d t h e i r thanks for
t h d r e p r e s e n t a t i v e * o f v a r io u s o rg a n !* b rin g in g to T a m p a a service and work
« ;ttt« n a In T » ro p a h a v e r a i l e d a t th e t h a t baa b een n e e d e d and urged far
N a tio n a l H e a d q u a r t e r * o f th e O r d e r a t to m e tim e .
K o s ic n u - la n S q u a re and e x p re s s e d V a rio u s civic and State bodies have
h e ir p le a s u r e , t h e i r a p p r o v a l a n d d e - nvited Dr. Lewis to tSelr member.
«Sre* to c o o p e r a te . *hlp and the Rostcruclans announced
T h e u n u M tn l s u c c e s s o f th e S u n d a y t h a t a larger auditorium, possibly lb*
e v e n in g p u b lic s e r v ic e s is p a r t l y r e - largest church of it* hind In this state,
s p o n s ib le f o r t h e w id e a n d im m e d ia te is b e in g planned and will be ready for
q .p r o b a t i o n b e in g ex p re sse d L ast u s e next fail, s
-tiin d o y e v e n in g th e T e m p le a t JFtosi- T h o se w h o d e s ir e s e a l s a t \ .»ss la*
c ru o k m S q u a re w a s s o fille d a n d e n s e ly in te r e s tin g s e r v ic e s m u s t com e
o v e r f lo w in g w ith h u n d re d * w h o d e ­ ta r ty . D o o rs o p e n a t f o 'c lo c k ;
s ir e d s e a t s t h a t m o r e t h a n a h u n d re d *er v ic e s s ta rt p ro m p tly at 1 :3 0 .
w e re r e f u s e d a d m is s io n b e c a u s e e v e ry 4 f t e r t h a t h o u r th e r e a r * n o s c a ts .
a v a ila b le s e a t In t h e a u d ito r iu m , th e D o n o t m Im t h e g r e a t h e lp s g a d
re c e p tio n r o o m s * n d h a ll w e re fille d w o n d e rfu l ta lk * o f O r. L e w is a t th e s e
« n d m a n y w e re s t a n d i n g o n t h e s t a i r ­ u n iq u e n o n - s e c ta r ia n s e rv ic e * e v e ry
w ays T h e k e e n e s t I n t e r e s t w a s m a n l­ S u n d a y e v e n in g . They a r e T a m p a x
i e s t a n d a f t e r t h e s e r v ic e g r o u p s o f one b ig S u n d a y n ig h t f e a tu r e .


T R U T H S !”
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, March 27,1926
Page 13

Pristine Church of the Rose C row

r * t Church o f The Rottcruciene
Tomorrow night at 7 :30
Subject of Diacourw:
Ru H. Spencer Lewie, F. R. C., Ph. I>.
Master o f the Temple
Pointing out ih» fall of men, t u caUM and affect, and » k f
man i» nut bam in «in in n in gondnena and P itin i Purity.
Refinement and C u b a n Evidenced ia E e c r, Picture
A t Ih# oina* o f Iks J*r. J>w|* wtS t i u w n th « follow ! « *
quraliotia HQbdnm^d to htn;.

I Why *• **y ~Lc*d •>• I. l l o * shall w# fig h t th * M W

rn«t »Mr> ta tfc* whSf-h jproinsi|lM
J-nrtfa l'r»y*rl athttabt?
ft. r*> r o i h i® * * * J#*u* » * - a T, A re th * { ifln tip lM of W
r**i (bin rtf Cod and lb* h u *in «ii m n ir ir y to OodM*
•*»/ otw? *. Why hav» th* B«
ft W m t* tb * b «»* Way t o in - p fa n n w i in *p »b 4 m llt t o M lb
t lu e tic * cfalJdr*#*
♦- ff**W rah J win tba r-otjfi-
< P e « tit o Jkam In hua i ««•*'*
ft. t*«»
Hawcity(ltdo f th*
ibe ta a c
wv'ctolr* lu ch * tent
I. W hbt do sou think cf r i» 1$.Wfcfel is ih® flm rial «*f
w e a rin g o f m o u rn trig 7 **er*t to b u f in m i ttw ca a iT

Unique Egyptian Temple Oriental Ritual

tVa havr* ib « U r f f M *»tr*irwaa.v* eo a g rrca tlo a la th * « K f . M «a -
a rad a o f is** fw m tm b»n> tu m a d * n » fo r la r k o f M a t s . T **6 t9
w tii open a* * :* S brrraftw* w*rt=l«M atari ?;59. C om * # * fiy
mod d o not ba a n p m f ib * di**pfwrint«J.

Non-Sectarian—Ail Cordially Welcome

A m ore Tem ple
H o *lctu rl*b fbjusr*. M em orial Boui+uard and A rm a n i* A n .
•'‘Two Block* Bayonet 1ha WchiinwnlL"
«3 r a o d O fttr a l C ar* c*-traa within * abort w alk o f th * T *m p l*)


------------------ 0
Refinement and Culture Evidenced In Every Feature
Th* flail that sire* OS* tba Imfrmaat&M* of
Twntbte. i « w r a l * y
th* ajiiendur «f anetaat Fht*Jrt-
known a * A iw r a i» m p U . u Booieru-
Wbon fb * Sueday a > # n n « m rvtaa*
•Han Snutirw, ha* b t-w n * <»n* o f ib® H«ta oo#b«e] wUk th * o iia a ta l ritual, fa»
UB*t Uii«*rp»t«?g s ’Khlw fo r tourist* I ha *n ft rctorad ligh t*, to Biu*l* wlaril
oifd c liy (h lL lo t a la d Wi U eitadlal in l u tmrtivw, and « t t h rob*4 wife*
H igh w ay Ju*A Ih * Monurorat. o i * o e « i* takas a w a y from th* gwu
Ib* attiai-tiw * main building and Ah* iiotnny o f th* daily Ufa ta d w *ll bwlrit*
ad>oIn til* huOiM TO*ho a iMctur* which lit th * adutvdhing -th a t d r M B t a n
n a r y o o * r » mamba™ to a d * of-'* K a r a o b * ts n d a a la o le-ex *,
Ot*al*rr ifiler* at ta fuuod h«W »TW . a * * w i *»V rw M . a v a tsa b l* l»aw-o
wiiliiM Ih * T a m jib 6 f t i * r . w U r i n« m*4 an tnayrtraUMi t a tlva. T i m m I*
w ite r i threllfth W upUM
w ith th* atmitej-haT* o t }u *-
truly libbed with tb* pyownca « ih
C r o a t T cm iii* a n d I h a l i r a f c ir M r i '
a« jr nod h»a*»tr, Im a *H K « 7 Pti-ca Hark at th* HnMtrWHWa

The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, March 27,1926
Page 13

Pristine Church of the Rose Cross

The Church of The Rosicrucians
Tomorrow night at 7 :30
Subject of Discourse: I


By H. Spencer Lewie, F. R. C., PH. D.
M aster o f the Tem ple
Pointing out the fall of man, its cause and effect, and why
man is not bom in sin im t in goodness and Divine Purity*
Refinement and Culture Evidenced in Every Picture
A t th e close of th e discourse D r. l> w la w ill an sw er th e follow ing
q u e stio n s su b m itted to him.

1. W h y do We sa y “ I-end us t. H ow sh all we fig h t th e B*W

not Into lebiptation'* tn th e m ovem ent w hich p ro m u lg ates
l o r d ’s P ra y e r? « the ism ?
2. Do you believe Je su s w a s a ?. A re th e principles o f big
re a l Son o f God a n d the business c o n tra ry to G odli­
only one? ness?
t. W h y h av e th e R o sicralclan s
I. W h a t is th e b a st w ay to In­ p lanned to spend m illions tot
fluence child ren ? th e city of T am p a?
4. H ow can J w in the confi­ >. How did th e Kgo tn m an
dence of o th e rs in b u siness? acq u ire such g re a t w isdom ?
5. W h at do you th in k of the 10.W h a t is the firs t essen tial o r
w e a rin g o f m ourning? se c re t to business success?

Unique Egyptian Temple Oriental Ritual

W a h av e th e la rg e st p ro g ressiv e con g reg atio n In th e city. H u n ­
d red s o f la te com ers w ere tu rn e d aw ay fo r lack of seats. D oors
wiil open a t 4:4S h e re a fte r: services s ta r t a t 5:30. Come early
a n d do n o t be am ong th e disappointed,

Non-Sectarian— A ll Cordially Welcome

Am orc Temple
R osicru cian S quare, M em orial B oulevard a n d A rm enia A n ,
"Tw o B locks B eyond th e M onum ent'’
(G ra n d C en tral C ars com e w ithin a sh o rt w alk o f th e T em pi*)
_______________________________________________________ I
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, March 27,1926
Page 13


-------------------- 0
Refinement and Culture Evidenced in Every Feature
T he R oelcrucU n Tem ple, g en erally Ha!! th a t gives one the Im pression o f
know n a s A ronrc T em ple, a t R o stcru - the splendor of a n cien t E g y p t.
W hen th e S unday evening services
cian S q u are, h a s becom e one o f th e ore opened w ith the o rien tal ritu a l, la
m ost in te re stin g s ig h ts fo r to u ris ts the to f t colored lights, to m usic w lerd
and city folic. L o cated on M em orial in Its motive, and w ith robed offl«
H ig h w ay Ju st beyond th e M onum ent, e rrs, one is tak en a w a y fro n t th e m o­
th e a ttr a c tiv e m ain building an d .the notony of th e daily life to dw ell aw h ile
ad jo in in g hom es m ak e a p ic tu re w hich in th e som ething “that dream s are
ev ery one rem em bers. m ade of." H are one fin d s also peace,
G re a te r In te re st la found, however, a sw eet welcome, a valuable lesson
within th e T am ple p ro p er, where one and a n In sp iratio n to live. T am p a la
m isses through oriental reception tru ly blessed w ith th e presence o f this
rooBii, w lih the atmosphere o f lux­ g r e a t Tem ple an d th e tlsae-benoreri
ury an d beauty, into an Egyptian work of th e H osicrticlstne

The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, March 27,1926
Page 13

A m o r* T e m p le , R o s f e r u e ia n s q u a r e ,
M e m o ria l b o u le ’Pffrti. S e r v ic e s , S u n - ;
d a ? . 7:.'P* P- m . II. S p e n t * r I^ ew is. j
i s i f i e r a t o r o f th e R o s ta r u c ia n o r d e r
a n rl l»i>hop fr>i* A m e r ic a , m a s t e r of
tb e te m p le - X t> n -jc e c t« ria n ,
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, April 3,1926
Page 10

Pristine Church of the Rose Cross

Tomorrow night at 7:30
Special Easter Service
Subject of Discourse:

By Rov, II. Spencer I^vcis. F. R. C„ Ph. D.,
Master of the Temple
Pointing out the truth regarding the life that comes to
all after transition and how all will be freed from the
*r>mb o f this life to occupy a new body and evolve to a
h igher state .
At the close of the discourse Dr. Lewis will answer the
following submitted questions:
I. I* « i«d< n found only in T. W«* Omar the Tent Maker
“T i » f a f o f »;•.«* I «>rd. a dt believer in immortal-
W »! is t h e "unr»rdon«Ht* tty?
am :” S. Is not sectarianism n#cm .
l ’iru«c explain the Fourth w ry in religieua w arship?
Pimensien T
Was Mrulamr Blnvatsky a 0. To w hat do you credit the
fraud ->r jfwnmt enormous jrow da which a t­
Did ftwedenbors actually tend your services?
contact Heaven and Hell? 10.Where do you intend to lec­
What i* man1* greatest tu re th is sum m er in E u­
faculty? rope?

I'nique Egyptian Temple Oriental Ritual

TVs |? -r* Sr.t -* p >i f i > .< • r • fn r tlT , H *a *
, . . f \ »*- • ., e*»* H M* ( t i r n e d *£• f-r S««'S. s r f M * l « I h « l f « W tll
« • > c » . t>‘ - . n <■ s u it a t » C 'W o a r l y a *»4 4 * fc&l
«nn«S:fc **’-'• «*.*•: 1*1“ fits «i.
Non-Sectarian—All Cordially Welcome
Amorc Temple
It *< r*»- e*9 Jt-r '•*+ \ie*mor!«! ti.>tit** if*! and Armenia A«l
f t h r ’. - s flw y t .n d j i l f i l V t t P 'l H *
w m -h « * afcoe* tralR of th» TwtiH*}
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, April 10,1926
Page 21

T h e F r ist »r»t? C h u rch o f th e R a j KS ' toss

I riars|
T*«*t**irmw nlpht at Ti-M*
SS«ht««et oC llfacnursi--:


Subject of Discourse
By Rev. H. Spencer Lewis, F.R.C., Ph. D.
Master of the Temple

Pointing out the facts concealed in the Biblical account and

revealing other facts long known to the Rosicrucians and
which give man an insight to his own secret powers and

At the close of the discourse Dr. Lewis will answer the
following submitted questions:

1. Why should the sins of the father be visited on future

2. Do you believe Chapman should have been condemned
to die?
3. Why are evil doers apparently rewarded in this world?
4. Do you mean to say that departed souls cannot
communicate with others on this earth?
5. Are not many of the Bible miracles simple allegories?
6. Why do you take a liberal attitude in regard to Sunday
Blue laws?
7. Is man ever conscious of his previous incarnations on
this earth?
8. What will be the future of radio?

Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, April 10,1926. Page 21
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, April 17,1926
Page 19
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, April 17,1926
Page 19

Discourse: A rk of Covenant and its Mysteries

By Rev. H. Spencer Lewis, F.R.C., Ph. D.

* Q U E S T IO N S A N S W E R E D
At thr* cln«e of thr discourse Dr. L e w is will answer
the follow ing submitted questions:
3. H ow ran all fast** d*a<h If f* When doe* the Soul become
am* are to 1>«* living when associated with the bad??
C h rist come* ag ain ? «
7. W hat does the arrobol of i
2. W h o a r e G od 's E le c t? t h e R o se -G r o s s m e a n t 1
■ l\ W hat la th e R m dfT uelan 8. Maw can man a ttra c t
idea of cremation? wealth?
4. W hv I c a n n o t a n sw er th ree 3. Will we recognise e a r th ly
* questions? relatio n e in th e h e re a fte r?
! 5. A r» a n y S o u ls b e in g c r e a te d 10, la Freemasonry contrary
now? to God's l«ws?
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, April 24,1926 The Pristine Church of theRose Cross
Tomorrow night at 7:«0— Subject if Discourse:
tty Her. II. Spencer l*m *. F , R. f , PA.
Master o f tJte Temple
Pss’ntimr «»t ihr ttriirin tM ih * imrar. ti«* source s i t h e
cfiarai’icr ami (!s«* true |‘l* r .hat (-iiri»t eccajpiea »» Ifc* Mvw»
of a!I bwb. Many farts hUcbra fey the early Christian Churrh
will fee reccaletl,
At the close Of the discourse Dr. Lewis will answer
the following submitted questions:
S. Why 40 « l low Wf Seas# ■ t. Who firm < lw am « l Ihr
■n pray. r? [ tuwilliw a t lho world?
3. Who *li* Great I*>ra- ) f ran Artr*k>*y toll fc* «t«w!
jniii noil why? * ------ *-—«
f. wfcjit s* ii»<* tMUhsten or-
*. Will we >H»rvl¥<f tfca aliwheli- «tVhat
i»? ttw i. a *T W ttU » Be«*.
« >nu: 1#, WtHtf twtm*Shil»lr
5. « ! :• .’.Id «to- x«tor>can *n»' «!Mib~
lisaittiia n<m*J a V\ i t « » i* in * a s y * * t i- m s » ?
a d)j( Matv it-My **t h*r . ... —... „
V.1 \ V h a t is tew* ---- - . ------ _
a e e tw t id
(to'to *r<’ ' T.*u>s«, atoatnt* IrrytsUC
Unique Egyptian Temple Oriental Ritual
Non-Sectarian—All Cordially Welcome
Doors Open at 6 :4 5 P. M.
Amore Temple
Htwicrueimi Square, Memorial Boulevard and
Armenia—"Two Blocks Beyond the Monument**
(Grand Central Cars come within a abort walk ol
the Temple)


By Rev. It. Spencer Lewis, F. R. C., PH. B.,
Master of the Temple
Pointing out the origin oil the name, the source of the
character and iho true fthtc* that Christ * tunics in the Uvea
o f all men, Many fsets hidden by the early Christian Church
will be revealed,
A t the close of the discourse Dr. Lewis will answer
the following submitted questions:
1. W hy do we bow our head* T. Who first diaewrensi the
sit prayer? r o u a d e m of the w orld?
2- Who built the Great Pyra­ I. Can Astrology tel! ua about
mid a n d "Why? ourselves?
2, What la the lioslcrudan Or- i. What is the Seventh Heav­
dyr? en?
4, \ \ at we survive the alcohol*
n* t ruzi- ? to. What ovryr* Immediately
5 - W h e re d id t!-r> A m e ric a n it t i e r d e a t h ?
Indians tome Isom? ? l. What t« true ro>atl«Tsm?
«. flo w d id M m y C d d y g e t h e r Vi. What is the real'secret o*
great inspiration? Titmpa'f strang# growth?
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, May 01,1926
Page 16
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, May 01,1926
Page 16


By Rev. H. Spencer Lewis, F.R.C., Ph. D.,

Master of the Temple

Revealing the facts of the secret life of the Great Master from his
twelfth to his thirtieth years from records preserved in the archives
of a secret Brotherhood. You will marvel at his greatness as an
ordained Son of God.

At the close of the discourse Dr. Lewis will answer the following
submitted questions:

1. Please explain the truth about Buddha and his religion.

2. What brought about the decline of the wisdom and power of
ancient Egypt?
3. Please explain the principles of the atonement.
4. What is meant in metaphysics by “The Silence?”
5. Did Jesus indicate a belief in reincarnation?
6. Why do you quote the Christian Bible more than any other
7. What form of worship of God do you recommend?
8. Please go further in your praise of Christian Science and
explain its principles in simple words.
9. What Light passed out of Egypt with the Exodus?
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, May 08,1926
Page 19


(Elwifli iullptin
The Pristine Church of the Rose Cross
Tomorrow night at 7:30—Subject of Discourse:

B y Re r. H . Spencer Lewis, F . R. C P h ,
M aster of the Temple
The strange story of religious history unfolded and the facts
leading to the establishment of the Christian religion many
vears after the Crucifixion of Jesus,
A t the close of the discourse Dr. Lewis will answ er
the following submitted questions:
I. t*>n«s explain th« What r>h»s» «f
» i -it attanes d .ait.s liilltolW lirlliiilM u tv ll'lff t'»
im o n r who w• r,- niAk-
i n g w xritvatiorjs in M a t}* .
3. What was th t origin «£ t*ur- Why j* a »! • >> ‘’-u'-s
Xittory? <>r tt.o » U < rw Jan in
3. What «isa ttev. N. 1’ in riV t-IM M IM r)' t
N Y. ntf'.tn t«y ‘ s, W h y » p i c » h -r e ihtn. <•* Sn
1* Use Mtr«* t i t r r tu tu 'n '" t h e w i v i i ! u j ie iu .t l s, a
4. W ho w ere U;« urine rnr.n or WOWhlp?

JIa*ri a t i hr- « ■
Is It ptasibla lo r jRStt to t>4
i, What is wrong with Twmj'ft
cnmnieieljr w.«.iir,i u£ I*. Why KM Je*u» calif d
**-ast JUodwiUat?
Lniqwe E gyptian Temple O r ie n ta l R itu a l
Non-Sectarian—All Cordially W elco m e
Doors Open at 6:45 P. M.
Amorc Temple
Roskrucisn Square, Memorial Boulevard and
Armenia—“Two Blocks Beyond the Monument”
(Grand Central Cars come within a short walk of
the Temple)
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, May 08,1926
Page 19


B y R e v < H . S p e n c e r L e w i s , F , R . C *9 P h ,
M a s te r o f th e T e m p le
The strange story of religious h isto ry unfolded and the facts
leading to the establishment of th e C hristian religion many
years after the Crucifixion of Jesu s.
A t th e close o f th e discourse Dr. Lewis will answer
th e follow ing submitted questions:
1, Please explain the fa e is 6. What phase of spiritualistic
about the strange deaths d e rm o is t r u t io n s a re due to
a m o n g th o s e w h o w e re m a k ­ in itn ral la w s?
i n g e x c a v a t i o n * i n F ig y p t. 7. W h y is th e re a it
3. What w as the origin of pur­ fir H o s ie r w i a n d e g re e in
gatory ? F re e-m a so m v 7
3, W hnt did Itev. Nc.rwutrtl in 8. W h y were there dances fn
X . V. m ean by vstii l«m
I* th e core o f rchtefion.'*? t h e 'a n c i e n t oriental temples
I. Who were the wise m m or ni worship?
M agi o f i in- jtibu %, What is wrong w ith Tampa
5. Is It possible for m a n to be politics?
co m p letely w a sh ed of h is 10. W h y w as Jesu s c a lle d &
sin*? Modernist?
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, May 15,1926
Page 17

A . _ i

CEluirrli iullptin
The Pristine Church of the R ose Cross
Tomorrow night at 7:30 —Subject of Discourse:
By Request

B y R ev. H . S p en cer L ew ie, F . R . Cn P * . D *
M a ster o f th e T e m p le
Ait fhe raised** unflerst;i ndabi# IS 4 Instructive and the WMC
iir .p n r ta m w ill h e v * j) t* r » r d a n s i tw e r e n tc r t to a m odem W ST
wl*ho«t detr*eti«K from th e ir p lo rr.

At the dose of the discourse Dr. Lewis will answer.

the following submitted questions:
1, rtraw r*pS«!n Earbank* I. Must a m an be
r»itl nilHidft w ith God to he
WKm t# the l*-*t w ay to m t» C, H ew w as the
rw t h a b it* iu y tttin g (tiled?
<b<Mmt? I What prttwijtfiMi
S, If marriafro Is wi Ideal utat# tla a fly can he i
why there ttwtny failures praethw l w a r to
r»hJ why were twuiy ne» frurHUmi? v; c:S-* -'
v rssfu l men a n d women nn» t. Haa tehee a rhtbt to atrOn
marrleS? and Interrupt hwdaeae? •
■t, W hy to K th a t th e m ore In- I. How can th e hundreda Who
telh gen t and eultared people attend you r a n t a w h elp to
have few eM M im t to th is spteaOhtV th e .w eek to
not cheating civilisation ? Tamp*? ■ :-
Unique Egyptian Temple Oriental Ritaal
Non-Sectarian—All Cordially Welcome
Door* Open at 6:45 P. M.
Amorc Temple 'm
Rojicrucian Square, Memorial Boulevard and „
Armenia—“Two Blocks Beyond the Monument**
(Grand Central Car# come within a short walk of i -1
the Temple) * ■*;
The Tam pa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, May 15,1926
Page 17


By Rev H. Spencer Lewis, F.R.C., Ph. D.,

M aster of the Temple

All the m ira cles a re u n d ersta n d a b le and ir o d m c tlv e a n d t b s

im p ortan t o n es w ill be ex p la in ed a n d p resen ted in a
w ithout detracting from their glory;
A t th e clo se o f th e d iscou rse D r. L ew is
th e fo llo w in g su b m itted q u estio n s:#-■
rieape explain Burbank’s I, Must a roan be acquainted >
re a l a ttitu d e . w ith Ood to be rood?
W h a t is th e b e s t w a y to c c r - 6* ;■ H ow w a s th e B ible ■
' ©om-
re£*t tind habits in young piled? g
c h ild r e n ? 1 What principles o f Chris* S
If m arriage is an Ideal state t lanity can be used In a 3-
why are there mm ny failures
and w hy w ere m m ny sue*
cessful men and women un­ H as labor a lig h t t
married? and Interrupt hush*
i. W hy Is it th a t the more in­ H ow can the hufidn
telligent an 1 cultured people attend your services
have f e w la th is spreading the w<
not ch eatin g civilisation?
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, May 29,1926
Page 10

Tomorrow night


By Rev. If. Spencer Lewie, F. R. C , Ph. D.
Master of the Temple
E*pT*i*in* two eery »y*tical n a ttm m an iaUwatfag
wanner. The nature *o4 proees* of rent marrkc#. A n) •
wrret method for brtagia# abeot practical results t o m net
dssireft. ThS* latter aahjcct has arewwd tmvmwl interact hi
Tampa and has hem jsravrd by hundred*.
At the close of the discourse I)r. Lewie wffi answer
the following submitted questions:
t AnIWmmhHIomof hnla 4 W ho w aa
<n» last M ur of
mt « ■

oor imklmu ouk Sawnfor*

S ^ U n napartoiw aa?
I W h a t la th * K a t a n a h f
1 tf"«r wot wrfai m*WaUoa at
t f f w t o lv itla a 'M ? y a*
t Want dfal M m m t ma«r
#ia«-o**r? • l a a rtific ia l
Unique Egyptian Temple Oriental Ritual
Non•Sectarian—AB Cordially WrtMM
Doors Open at 6:45 P. ML
Hundreds Who Come Late Are Tamed Away
Arnett Temple
Roaicrucian Square, Memorial Boulevard mid
Armenia—"Two Blocks Beyond the Monument!’
(Grand Central Cars come within a short walk at
th? T'fml})
The Tam pa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, May 29,1926
Page 10

By Rev. H. Spencer Lewis, F .R .C * Ph. D.
M aster of the Temple
Explain ini? two very mystical matter* in an intereating
manner. The nature and process of real marriage. Amd a
secret method for bringing about practical result* from mm
desires. This latter subject has aroused unusual interest hi
Tampa and has been proved by hundreds.
At the dose of the discourse Dr. Lewis will answer
the following submitted Questions: §
t Ac* Ih® eonleationa of f rr e te - 4 W ho w a s K in g T ut?
analyaift trp* that t n a r y of t W hat la tha K a b a iia h f
e a r problems result from for* « W here w a s tba Garden a t
gotten experience*?
I How will aerial navigation Bdea?
affect efslilaattea? f la aOapi ndad ealw atW w
t What did 3k!earner really poaatbia?
discover? t la a r tific ia l creation pu—f t U>
The Tam pa Tribune
Tam pa, Florida
Saturday, May 22,1926
Page 12

1 A

C lu i t T i i l i u i l r t i i i
The Pristine Church o f the Rose Cross
Tomorrow nigh t s t 7 :S0— Subject o f D iscourse *
B f R w . H . Spencer L ew is, F. R. C , Flu H ,
M aster o f th e Tem ple
Explaininir iom * of the proved and eeeret tu b e of dw Idol ■
crucian* for overxnainr obstacles in life and sttainfer suc­
cess and prosperity. This lectors is given a t the xoqoest sf
business men and women of Tampa.
A t th e close o f th e discourse D r. L ew is wQl answer
th e follow ing subm itted questions:
1. Which of ths 1wo atortnu of *, w a s* 9s Cfee W t w a r tar ft
t-walit»a jrtvan )n C fnN M do ■aScnaa to Irttprt— ids *
you Accept as iruu»? «oNh on flat s M
t. Am ”fctt*Jr»as lias* * w Jus*
tttia h fe t S, I* >©"ui* opinion what
W tfca M ost ChOTUfc?
l. W hat is Karm a* T. way am so sw r
«. X* there a way to d«t«m tea and w o t m lm l aw
aaaiiy ana's tacky days? Hht your w o rt? An
d n ftin c Croat,
Unique E gyptian Temple Oriental Ritual =*
N on-S ectarian—All Cordially Welcome
Doors Open at 6:45 P. M.
Hundreds W ho Come L ate A re Turned Away
Antorc Tem ple
Roeicrucian Square, Memorial Boulevard aad
Armenia—"Two B locks Beyond the M onum ent*
(Grand Central Cars come w ithin a short w alk « f
th e Tem ole)
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, May 22,1926
Page 12


By Rev H. Spencer Lewis, F.R.C., Ph. D.,

M aster of the Temple

B f R ev. H . Spencer L ew is. F . I t C , P h . D .,

Master o f the Tem ple
Explaining1 some of Hie proved and secret rules of the BM »
crucians for overcoming obstacles In life and attaining suc­
cess and prosperity. This lecture is given a t the request of
business men and women of Tam ps.
A t th e close o f th e d iscou rse D r. L ew is w ill answ er
th e fo llo w in g su b m itted q u e stio n s:
1. W hich of the tw o stories **€ f. W hat la the beat w ay for a
creation given In Clenesis do nates* man to im press h is
you accept a s truth? w ords on th e m ind o f an­
t. Are ‘business Ilea* ever Jm - other?
tillab le? «. 1ft y o u r o p in io n W h a t w o u ld
he the Ideal church?
3* W hat hi K arm a? ?. W hy are so m any business
4. I» there a w a y to determine and professional m en boost- -
ea sily one's lucky days? in* your w ork? A re th ey
d riftin g from other churches?
The Tampa Tribune
Tam pa, Florida
Saturday, June 5,1926
Page 10

The Pristine Church of the Rose Cross

Tomorrow night at 7:30
Dr. Bawl* 1* going to Europe to attend th“ International con­
gress e>f ftoaicrnesait* anti Free-blaaons as the highest rtoslcruciafl
Delegate In North Atrerlea. and will visit the largest cities ct a
number of countries In hi* official capacity,
Discourse Tomorrow Night—7:30
By Ret?. J?. Spencer he* is, F. ft. C„ Ph. D.—
Master o f the Temple
This discourse will reveal m e secret leaching* contained lr. the
eldest my-I leal manuscript ever allowed to texv* the sacred Mcn-
aatsry of Thibet.
At the cteae of the dletomrsa Iir. taiwis will answer th e following
questions :
1. What did Jesus mean by I. Why are the ftoeivrueistj
“My Kingdom la not of this
World"? and Masonic bodies so close­
i. What did Wwrdenborg glva ly related In Europe?
to the world? t. Whom do you consider to be
t. Who • do jo a think of the greatest American ef
Jtoudlfil? the peat fifty years?
4. Where w w the lost conti­
nent of Atlantis? t. W hs do you use no “notes"
f, Why is gam tiling considered In Q»e delivery of your dis­
a crime? courses?
Valqae XiypliM Teatple Oriental IMtaai N'n-Krrtidu
AH I'antlally hrlum t—He*r« Upen at t i l l r. M.
Hundred* Who Come I,ale Are Turned Aw* r
Amor* Temple
'Meinnrinl Boulevard and A rm e n ia
I t o * k r o r l* n a*tu«re, T o o B!o<k*
Beyond the Monument" --Mirand Central Cars come with*n a short
wsifc of the Te»{>ir».
Office* and Room* Open AH Summer
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, June 5,1926
Page 10

Discourse Tomorrow Night—7:30

By Rev. H. Spencer Lewis, F. R. C„ Ph. D.—
Master of the Temple
T h is d iscou rse 'Will rev ea l the secret tea ch in g s contained ir. the
o ld est m y stica l m an u scrip t ev er allowed! to leave the sacred M en-
aatrry o f Thibet.
A t the clo se o f th e d iscou rse I>i*. lie w is w ill an sw er the fo llo w in g
Q u estio n s;
I. W hat did J e s u s m ean b y | I. W hy are the R osicru eian
“ My K ingdom Is n ot of th is an d M asonic bodies so c lo se ­
w or Id” ? ly related In Europe?
J. W h a t did Sw edenborg giva
to the w orld? j W h o m do y o u c o n s id e r to be
S. W h at do yo u think of th e g r e a te s t A m e ric a n s f
H ou dini? th e p a s t f ifty y e a rs ?
4. W here w a s the lost co n ti­
n en t o f A tla n tis? *• W hv do you u se no “notes*'
I. W hy is gam bling considered In th e d e liv e ry o f y o u r d is ­
a c rim e ? c o u rse s?
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, June 5,1926
Page 10

T h e Fr-IsUnt* C Jjiireh o f Hie H ope |
Pi'fiss w ill d is c o n tin u e S u n d a y e v e n in g -
* o :\» c c* n t A m o re te m p le , R o s ie r u - j
f ’ait S q u a r e , ^M emorial b o u le v a rd , d u r ­
in g th e R u m m er. T h e r e w ilt he a
fa re w e ll s e r v ic e to m o rro w evening;, j
w h e n J>r, Jf. S p e n c e r .L ew is, fm p e r-
a to r , w ilt p re a c h on "T he S e c re t 1
T e a c h in g s o f th e M a s te r s of T ib e t ,** ;
a m i th e r e w ill he s p e c ia l f e a t u r e s in 1
c o n n e c tio n w ith th e c 'o s m g o f th e !
c h u r c h fo r th e s u m m e r .
I>r. L e w is w l l g o to K tiro p e wi t h j
his w ife a n d w ith th e s u p r e m e g r a n d >
m a s t e r o f th e R o s ic r u c ia n s a n d h is |
w ife, to a t t e n d th e i n te r n a tio n a l C o n - ;
gress of R o s lc r u c ia n s in T o u lo u s e , a n d j
o th e r c o n g r e s s e s o f R o s ic r u c ia n s a n d I
F r e e m a s o n s in S w itz e r la n d a n d E n g ­
land. i
The Tam pa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, June 19,1926
Page 8

* R eports f r o m w idely sca ttered point.*
still are b ein g received here b y m em -
b ir s o f th e T am p a K lw sn ia O ctet,
w hich pu t on a program over th e
super pow er radio sta tio n a t M ontreal
du rin g the K iw anis convention , th a t
th e num bers w ere d istin ctly heard
and g rea tly enjoyed* T he sta tio n ,
ow ned by J*row», the Wg n e w s ­
paper o f M ontreal, w a s lurm rt over
to th e and asid e from tim
repute* r m usical progra m a n a m b e r !
of a h a o u u r e m e itis w ere m ade tto w ;
Florida, Its sunshin e, its appeal and I
Its w onderful developm ent and oppor- i
tu n ltles.
M anager C allaghan o f 1m , Pre*jo*j
V ** rt qu ested to torn th e sta tio n 'over j
to the T am pans h h r , 11, Spencer
la t lt , Im perator of* th e ttosiermrian f
brotherhood, w ith n ation al headqtmr* f
ter* in T am pa. The principal num ber j
on (he program w as the qu artet Irons \
"RlffdlettO,” a song w ritten to fit th e i
m elody a n d w hich wa* dedicated t o ’
|>r. I e * i i . T he radio announcer told |
a m ultitude of list*ners th a t th is n u tn - |
her wrs dedicated to a T am pan and
th at it would be su n g by T am pans,
Tha M ontreal sta tio n 1st th e largest ;
In (*n#ad.i, and the Kiwardan* an d th e j
o ctet exp ressed their g ra tlia d e i« Ihr. |
I^cwist an d Mr. C allaghan for a r- j
ra n g in g the concert, 5
-------------- ----------------------- ----------- — 1
The Tam pa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, June 24,1926
Page 12

Musical Program Enjoyed in

Lieu of Usual Luncheon
T h e V ic to r y th e a te r o rc h e stra , d i­
rected toy W illia m D o h erty , w a s
th e f e a t u r e a t th e T a m p a K iw an i’s
lu n ch eo n a t th e T a m p a T erra ce h o te l,
y e ste r d a y , g iv in g a c o n c e r t p rogram
In lieu of th e u s u a l e n te r ta in m e n t,
w h ic h re c e iv e d e n th u s ia s tic resp o n se
and c a lls fo r en co re.
T h e o r c h e str a m ix e d c la s s ic a l n u m ­
b ers w ith p o p u la r s e le c tio n s , m a k in g
a sp ec ia l h it w it h Its ren d itio n of
" S ou th ern M e lo d ies” In w h ich th e clu b
join ed In son g w h e n su c h fa m ilia r
n u m b ers a s “ Old K e n tu c k y H om e”
and "Old B la»k J o e ” ap peared . A.
B. K n o w le s, b a rito n e so lo ist, m e m ­
ber of In te r n a tio n a l K iw a n ts e n te r ­
ta in e r s, sa n g tw o e x p r e s s iv e n u m b ers
w hich w ere w e ll received* Mr,
K n ow les r e c e n tly w a s e le c te d to m em -
b ersh lp in th e Tam pa clu b . T h e p ro­
gram w a s in c h a rg e o f F red C arter.
D r, H» D ew is S p e n se r , im p era to r
of th e R o s k r u c ia n ord er, N o rth A m e r ­
ican ju r isd ic tio n , w a s in tro d u ced b y
W , O. S tu b b s, m a n a g e r o f th e K l w an Is
o c te t, »« r e sp o n sib le fo r th e o n e b ig ­
gest "bit of p u b lic ity ” a ffo rd ed
T am p a K tw a n is a n d F lo rid a a t th e
in te r n a tio n a l c o n v e n tio n a t M ontreal.
B r. L e w is, th r o u g h frie n d sh ip w ith
p r a c tic a lly t h e e n tir e C a n a d ia n p r e ss,
g o t th e o c t e t th e o p p o r tu n ity to b ro a d ­
c a s t from th e su p e r -p o w e r s ta tio n ,
Mr, S tu b b s a n n o u n c ed . D r, L e w is
In vited th e eh ib to h a v e a lu n ch eon
m e e tin g a t th e K o slcrn cia n S qu are.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, July 17,1926
Page 4

Egyptian Ceremony
The ancient E gyptian cerem ony «f
the Itosl« rucLins wifi he need, th e ;
tem ple will fee decorated and lighted j
in Egyptian effects, and the large j

IlflTISTE CUSS OF sta ff of officers, w earing E gyptian j

robes, will conduct the cerem ony with j
the im pernfor of the order, T>r. II
Spencer Uewts, officiating an the
suprem e m agus. The cerem ony will

150 IT TEMPLE HERE require a total of 20 hoars, Th«- first

half will begin tom orrow afternoon
a t 5:80 o’clock and the second half
will hegln a t the sam e hour »n Sun­
day afternoon, July £5. Many Tampa
notables in the social and professional
C ER EM O N IES TO S T A R T T O ­ and business world will he initiated
and will begin the study and practice
MORROW AN D B E FIN ­ of the higher teachings. V isiting
m em bers from out of t«wn and sevem i
IS H ED JU L Y 25 fro m d i s t a n t c l* le s w ill b e p r e s e n t f«
a ssist in th is unusual cerem ony, the
f >
Egyptian Rites of Order Will ; first to take place In a truly Egyp?i«r.>
temple |» Florida. j
Require 20 Hours for S t. Petersburg A sks Charter
Exemplification A contingent from St. P etersburg [
will lie present and a fte r th e ceremony |
will subm it to the suprem e m agus a. j
The largest (croup of Roalernelan* plea for a charts? and th» privilege j
ever initiated In any lodge In the of esta b lish in g a branch o f th* o rd e r |
eastern part of Untied States Is j la WX. Feisrsfesrie, where a large »us»- ‘
to l>* Inducted Into the first of the
temple grades t*f the Ancient and
Mystical Order floese Crticis at Kosl- h er of members have been gathering
crucian Square, Memorial Boulevard, for many, weeks.
tomorrow afternoon. Applicant* from distant points to
The supreme lodge of this order re* Florida wftl he Initiated 1% the fall at
a Special mt&enG&g to h* conducted by
eently erected and completed an Ur. Idm ia when ha return* from
Egyptian t e m p l e s t Rosierarfan Europe, w here t»* w «l attend th e In-
Square. Although the organisation 5-matioo*! Rcskmelaa. convention#
has had a lodge In T am pa for six th is m onth and neat.
years or more, under direction of
Ralph A. W ackerm an as grand master,
the applications for membership since
the supreme temple w as located here
have been unusually large, More
than 800 have made Inquiry In the
last four months, for Initiation and of
this large num ber few er than 200 have
been accepted, and of these about ISO,
residing In the metropolitan district
of Tampa, have been accepted forj
Initiation tomorrow. I
Cnlversity **t Mush* and Arts
In Tam pa, and you have hern a ssist­
ing in our other plans for the budd­
ing of an intellectual pent re of a d ­
vanced knowledge in this locality. But
we w ant to secure the co-operation of
m any other persons not connected
w ith the Hosierue!an Order.
‘^Therefore, we announce th at we
will aw ard a t least one prise of f t 00
in cash tti the m an or woman who
subm its, by November let of this year.
the words ami m usic for the most I
popular s*»i£ extolling the charm s
and advantages of Tampa.**
DR. H. S P EN D ER LEW IS , IM- C onditions Of C ontest
Conditions for ih*? yuntest ate sum-1
P ER A TO R , ANNO UNC ES raafisted as follows;
The contestant m ust he a res dent §
C O N T ES T of Tam pa or have resided here w hhln
the last year;
The contestant m ay be the com­
poser of the words nr saint!*, or both,
More Than 100. Tampans; hut only, one t« «aon subm itting the
song wi*i he entitled to the aw ard:
Raised to First Grade In The ftoairrucUm Order will enpyr ght
the winning song in the contestant's
Egyptian Ceremony name and publish a special ediiien at
its own expense, and the sales from
such edition will revert In tot* to the
Tampa t« to hav* It* nwti popular I The order will also seek to have the
«0R & i i a b h a r in * m u i v ir tu e , i : song Introduced In th e then lies of
: Tampa, ami through Its branches into
which will he !« various l j hundred* of other cities in the Fruited ‘
p a rts of the t*bited States, i States and O -nada,
Thin was announced last night hyf | The song m ost have m feast three
Dr, II. Hptuecr levels, frwperafor of* | verses and not mure than six, am i a
tin; llohlernf-ntti O uter. At the close
| churns,
I In the event of « tie, tw o a w ants of
of the eernmufty »« ill** Kgypi i«n j fl(M} each will be made.
Temple a t ftnelei iveian square, a t, Two Judges Selected
which tK i'»!*:on over too »»f the w*»t | The songs selected m ust be In the
prnm lm tit ami thlLtofHlgl persons n( \ hands of the Judge* not later than
Tampa were rais.-d it* the First «»mde Nov, 1. unless an extension of time is
granted. Only two oeleetlnttn fm
of Urn Temple O rder of the Hose? judges have been made thus far. They
Frits*. I arc O. A. Heaver, organist of the F ret
In m aking ih* announcem ent Dr, J B aptist church, and Aimon Knowles,
eperatix baritone of New York who
Lewis said; hag recent-y opened a studio in Tam ­
*Tt 1« (Itiltisc of th is tim e that 1 ra il, pa O ther Judges will he named later.
the attention of our hundreds of new l No m anuscripts shtnibl be subm itted j
member* in Tam pa in th e first step earlier than Oct. Id.
A If inquiries should be addressed to
in our plans f»«r this fall, in connection! j CVmteai Kd tor, care of {he
with nut avowed purpose of assisting 1 i llofticruclan Hqtiare, Memorial Unute-
In making Tam pa the g rea test roetrop-1 ■card, Tampa.
oils in the south. Y<»u have heard \
of our plans, now under way, for the j
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Monday, July 26,1926
Page 9
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Friday, July 30,1926
Page 8

M r. a n d M rs. R. A, W a c k e rm a n , of
R each P a ik , a n d Br« a n d M m II.
S p e n c e r R ew is, of 100 S o u th A rm e n ia
a v e n u e , fo rm a c o n g e n ia l p a r ly le a v ­
in g h e re S a tu r d a y fo r N ew Y ork,
! w hence* th e y s a il W e d n e s d a y on th e
| M a je s tic , f o r a to u r of E u ro p e . T h e y
p la n to r e t u r n in th e e a rly fall.
The Tampa Times
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, July 31,1926
Page 7A

Leaves for Convention in

H. Spencer Lewis, Imperator of

the North American Jurisdiction of
the Roalcrueian order, and Mrs.
Lewie, together with Ralph A.
W aefcmmin, supreme grandmaster
of th e order, and his wife, left this
m orning for Europe to attend spe­
cial lectures and m eeting of the
order I s seven countries of Europe.
They w ill represent the North
American branch of th e order at
all conventions to be held this sum ­
mer la France. Leaving New York
on th e steam ship M ajestic, Aug. 6,
the party w ill stop over in Paris
to Visit points of interest before
proceeding w ith their official
—**w***^m«w—w wnnmimiiM
wmni •
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Monday, August 02,1926
Page 11

Will Sail Thursday

: ’ ' •/-V,

T)r. 11* S p en cer fjew ta, im per& tor of

th e R o sicru cin n O rder, a cco m p a n ied
h y h is w ife am i Mr, an d M rs. R alph
A . XVaokerman, h a s g«*no to w
Y ork, p rep a ra to ry to n a ilin g A m . 5
fo r K uropo ab oard th e fc. ft,, M a jra tle,
T h e p a r ly w ill sp en d mere m l m o n th s
a b ro a d , M r, W a ek erm a n U su p rem e
g ra n d m a ste r o f Jhe order,
growth and development of th is a t ­
tractive city «>f fhe Southland,
Visited Temple
After visiting several of fji© Very
early K night Tem plar edifices In the
Pyrenees, the party visited the ancient
Kosicru*inn tem ples In Nlmes, Avig­
non, Lyons and Marseille. A few
weeks were spent at. th e largest cities
of the French and Italian R ivleras b e­
fore Dr. Lewis and his wife proceeded
to Geneva.
A t Geneva another Im portant In ter­
national convention was in assem bly
in conjunction with the League of N a- j
IM PERATOR O F ROSICRU- lions. It is known a s the Society for |
the E stablishm ent of Ini ernat tonal
CIANS R EC EIV ES MANY Relations and is the chief associate
body of the League of Nations. Here
the International Masonic Association,
HIGH HONORS the International Rostfcrucian Council
and 41 other International bodies unite
In the largest assem bly held In E u ­
rope. Dr, Lewis Is the official A m eri­
Number of Musical Features can delegate to the convention and he
i was cordially Erected by his European
Will Be Introduced | associate*.
Here Soon T r ip Made to Pari*
Passing through Lucerne, Basle,
Mayence. Heidelberg and Cologne,
Dr. H. F p ew er Lewis, Tmperainr of where a re located very old RoaierueSan
and Masonic tem ples. Dr. Lewis and
lb© Rasicruelans, and his wife re ­ Mrs. Lewis returned l© F aris in time
turned to 'Tam pa yesterday a fte r a to attend th e suprem e council session
long: trip through Kumpe. of the R osierurias bodies of France,
Dr. Lewis w ant to Europe this sum* preceded by a banquet given to Dr.
m er as the official Am erican delegate and Mra. Lewis a t th e E m bassador’s.
fa th« various Rosicruofan and Free H ere he w as greeted a s one of Am eri­
Masonic conventions held for the pur- i c a 's foremost: patrons of Art and music
pose of prom oting g reater interna - { through his m em bership on the board
tionai co-operation betw een these two j of directors of the Am erican Academy
very old frate rn a l organisations. of Fin# A rts and his plans for the
The first congress attended by P r. headquarters of thia work at Tam pa.
Lewis w as a« Toulouse. In the south Mr, Firm ln Gemier, director of the
of France, w here he w as given high Opera Domlque, and the T h eatre N a­
Boslcruclan honors 17 years ago. At tional#, and hi. A ndre Man prey, secre­
this congress th ere w ere 117 rep re­ ta ry of the Universal Society of Fine
sentatives of 21 IlowicruHan and Ma­ Arta, w era his hosts, and during the
sonic Jurisdictions, covering th* whole council sessions which followed the
civilised world. At the last session of banquet they proposed Dr. Lewis for
the congress, additional high honors j honorary m em bership In the society
were conferred upon Dr. Lewis and a ! as well aa conferring upon him the
testim onial of appreciation of the work R osicrudan degree of doctor of litera­
being done under his direction In tu re .
North Am erica w as w ritten in the
records at the re* ommendntion of th«
form er Grand M aster General of
France. Special m ention was made of
the very a ttra c t sve Suprem e Temple
and executive buildings located at The Tampa Tribune
Rosie ruci an Square, on Memorial Tampa, Florida
boulevard, in Tam pa, and of the rapid Sunday, October 10,1926
Page 32
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Sunday, October 10,1926
Page 32

Beaching; Tendon on Sept. 21, the}

Im perator and his wife w ere given re-
eeptlons by the official** of the Kngifsh
societies, which w ere followed by a s ­
semblies at which Dr. Dewi# made
Several addresses.
Dr. T*ewis will resum e his Sunday
n ig h t public services at ll««*U‘rnei»n
Square w ithin a few weeks, and he
Intends to Introduce m any Interesting;
m usical featu res during th» fan and
w inter session* of th* Pristine church !
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Sunday, October 17,1926
Page 10


T he largest M odernistic congregation in the South,
devoted to practical instruction.

October 24th Doors opened at 6:45
Dr. Lewta h«a rrturnM from Ws l«n* trip th r w r ii JSurop*
und )>«« a Alortiiniift* »rw fenawlrdKe and Intwrirtln* tnpie*- Fnr
tn* m any hun!lr«it« arttn h«v* h»f>n *W*H1n* hla r**ttirn h»» *n
rttlhuidiutie wricame. £irsn*»ra wHJ find thra* *•»'?!<■»# ttia m n » l
UTii<J»» In Amrrtc*,

R t M C M S t R — AM t» * t f t r t in c and in m in w , *v*>n In th *
w “»Uirr. many hundreds war* lurried *«»>• w h irnrvlr*
fh»y turn# laic, Sr* the notie* in n » st *p*k ■ pap<-rg,

Egyptian Tem ple - N O N -SE C T A R IA N - O riental Music

Rosicructan Square—Memorial Boulevard
Corner South Armenia Avenue
•TW O » l* O C K S B R T O N t) THE M OKCM RNT**
(fJrttnd Central cars come w ithin a short walk)

Im portant N otice
T h e R osicrucians
Are Not Connected in Any Way with the
Freemasonic Order or Any Other Secret
Society in America
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, October 23,1926
Page 7



Xodaralatle Church o f the ia v ik

Affiliated * » h iba S oMs o Mm Order *>f
all land*, Xaa-Saetarian. K«t ecmseeted
with as; «u n r orcanisaUan.



U mmom bf *
M n tn i t || m T ra y b
Pm niw t oat Lb* atera* rrUKtplaa v tof*-
hr mountain* mar ba moved ter tto paver
i t faith; aad nceiM , prosperity. b iw ta m
and Um dreams of lit* mar to attained.
k i* r y lemon, t m from theories
and t lK t o t o
QGESTIOSS 4 ! t n f » n
Hr. L evis vttt answer many questions
pertaining to: Xu moUni. ths W icktovw
of Tiorida ( 3). Tampa's Immediate Talar*.
Maria Antoinette and h r Xedhlaee, t i n
Best Ttoatar Play in London. T to t>«*
Ctariatias Blbta, .and many other timely
topic*. -
Last S n iu and dammar handrods ver*
turned away each night toeansa thar oatna
late. Senrloa atari* at 7:30. Donra epen
at « 45. Than are no aeata left after

Memorial Beaters rd and Armrate
•*Twa Btoelra Beyond Mann man***
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, October 23,1926
Page 7

IHaeearae by *
Matter of tha Tempt*
PRISTINE CHURCH Painting out lb* meret priaup»» s t e r -
OP THE ROSE CROSS hr mountain* s t y be morsd by the #**w
o i faith; a a i attcceM. prosperity. happtaese
and tha dream* o f lit* may b* attained.
A very practical Season, free from theories
THE and illffo rira

0 1
bntcw l MoAwnUUe Church of th«* lo a th .
Dr. Lewis artII answer many attentions
pertaining to: Mussolini, tha Wirkedassw
of Florida f I}. Tampa * Immediate Future.
A ffilia te *Mk tha XtoMsrueiaa Order mi Maria Autoioatte ami bar KieKlUh Tha
alt Ltad«, Noa S ccta rta rt. Kot co n n ected Best Theater Play la Loudon. Tha Hear
ariUt Ear other erranixatiem. Christian Bible, and many other timely


OPENING SERVICE Last Spring and Summer hundreds w a
turned away each sight because they earns
late. Service Marta at 7:30. Doom open
ai 6:48. There are ad aeate left after
THE POWER 7 :15.

M f S i o r l e v a r i ^ * w j Armenia
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, October 30,1926
Page 17

1 i . . . i 4A A _ L

( 1 1 1 ] H 1 P 1 n
m i l \ \

The Pristine Church of the Rose Cross

The Rosicrueians

Discourse Tomorrow Night at 7:30


By Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, F. Ri C,, Ph.D.
Master of the Temple
Pointing out that the human ere is not solely *n organ or
physical perception, hut that it has other powers and tune*
tioas of great help and Importance in oar dally affairs.
After the discourse Dr. Lewis will answer submitted ques­
tions pertaining to; The God-Idea of the Ancients; Hypnotic
Influences: Psychic Radio; Storm Predictions; Christ’s
Greatest Message; Bible Stories for Children; Insuring
Health and Life, and other timely t o p i c s .
Doors open at $:4S. Those who come after 7:1$ will find
no seats or standing room. Non-Sectarian. Connected with
no organization but the International Rostcrnclans.

R osicruriaa Square, M em orial Boulevard a t Armenia
“T w o Block* Beyond th e M onum ent”
(GrunH Central Car* Come W ithin a Short W alk I
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Wednesday, November 3, 1926
Page 13

Open Letter to Freemasons and Rosicrucians:

incfcwof the fact that xereml former member# the AMORCt removedhr ju*t cante, are forming a “Rwiermckm**
group in Tampa, ami to further their prwate aim* are making ehargt* ©/ fraud against the Order / rrprcteni, and
*r# attempting to secure the endornememt of the Mtuxmlt ttodie* of the city and to claim much endorxement to farther
their attack# l publish the following tigned statement:

M ill*,Ax«#*XM lbartffcMMltX^ika oj#aeefce^ •;;!♦*•. Wrft wmwi>,M.M'btoeN<t'«(!l* «M *)W r*f.o

en silM IWi.kM ♦i.*kMw * *«M*<t»erJ».fejk w, •■
* * * M. ,m#K I* * ' w v x ii
■ fmKrmrm- «**»$ .<*.fj»* n*« '.-rt<>t7U ‘..iWMrT e> M Ht.ak'iw
-ekW kM ttnet vm■' Xtie ’lV r 't7»ilttoii*1*l.*'*nr»I,*.l*. ‘x4veSbflAWprtw
*«« *«7»!k*> .eMfirtb. y»rt)ue*ef a*.
1 WW* W**»Wiww-*£ u* MtftUri'ife W ew w ee j.- te
#***(#:»*a•*ir»#^«4W » f« 7 al w .e V
*e7«:7SWe * ' H e x e
»Mew :«e ft. ext lew te
#**+■■ ix '. ■-Kteec Afefx m » . »•■* * * vaks at iM /m M en-
Jtayvfeee.. ;/;:.-.V jX ir «ew a! air ik M *« ttT L tp m a*wto- «*-■--a. to---4--
JL *'**"*«'*•*.**********♦ Ww' ,-*«**» >*•««. J*
.ft im *t;iW W**lK ■ * » W « w > * * w w * w < W * w *M t. W m m
«>*n *»a•trPtoteW
eeuynk^i «yer^ MM *» -iK*r«M*
mrm m xittM iM **iW***'••'•H••> Vw »:''M
ieekeiV etelf *«M >w T*w e«t-v
t **to**Mk «<r4 *N*fcWto k* * W **fW H ttilM H .
' «*H*0** *t AM*m: M HI,M lf<*tt*'&.■ «fMr <»y»HM
TiMiix >K WM
M!«xatyevwfet r*fk'.«
UXMmrte.MltAMrt ''«ne«-«e•«* e«iwMi>a>i:
it ' c a u m i | » j b M i m e :* M W * wt •niamapi'iPF

: • . : ;
.W- ; -vM m n m y* «% .jxw w ^«w .* « « * * , ■ .;v >y.;'S*
y v ,is M ^ » fr :': y?;y iyyyy'
4 * e » /* ^ w:^ :W .:t«W ei^ -Xiarva-iji,
. •. :4#**.libty^ M i» i-:tt&t-: .**■**&'■**'■*# :i&
■;.*we«W , *** x i w m : k m v :tte* . r m t t f : i r

*i ' ■' tom

y* >r*M » » .W t-: * t* «
•*«* m i* W*M>a ’J»- .w v** liwut e»* *W
i**- me:
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A M O f t C TB S flFU K - .to
*4* f
T A M P A M ORNING TR IB U N E. W ED NESDAY. N OV EM BER 3. 1»2«_______________________________ _ _ ?A O * T H I R 1 W I ]

An Open Letter to Frsem asons and Rosicrucians
I n i lew o f th e fa c t th a t gen eral fo rm er m em b ers of th e A M O R C , rem o ved fo r j u s t ca u se , a r e fo rm in g a " R o sier ucian"
g ro u p in T a m p a , a n d to fu rth e r th e ir p r iv a te a im s a re m a k in g ch a rg e s of fra u d a g a in s t th e O rd er l re p re se n t, a n d
a re a tte m p tin g to se c u re th e e n d o rse m e n t o f th e M ason ic B o d ie s of th e c itg a n d to c la im su ch en d o rse m e n t to fu rth er
th e ir a tta c k s / p u b lish th e fo llo w in g sig n e d sta te m e n t:

N htt«apttng to atari this new, local

I “Roilcracian" croup In this city, these

several ax-members of tha nation-wide
Rosleruelan body knows an AMORC. bare
mada aerloua charge* against ms aa chief
executive of AMORC and against the
organisation aa a whole.
To aronas the Just indignity of Tampa’s
population they have principally charged that
the AMOSO ctalma itself to ho associated with
Freemasonry and is otherwise galling under false
colors. The facta are that this new "Roaleroelan"’
branch of a small Haw York •‘society’' has Itself CLAIMS “MASONIC” BIRTH
been persistently claiming “intimate connection" Then -wo find hnw this particular society was
With Freemasonry. ham and what claim* H makes. It Is clearly
stated that the Society In England--the parent
Under the pretense of protecting the rlght- body of the American society —‘'was fetigaed b y
oas interests of Freemasonry—a* though such Robert Wentworth Little who rescued somerituals
from the store-roeua of Freemason*" Hall and
Interest* needed protection!—this new group Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie, who had received Rosl-
hopes to secure Masonic endorsement here of Its cruclan initiation fa Austria, while living with
particular form of Roslcrucias work and official Count Apjwmyf ns an English tutor, and alao
Authority to form an English Masonic Rotlcruclan
condemnation of tha AJCOKO, which high endorse­ Society,"
ment and condemnation they w ill use in a nation­
wide campaign, according to tbeir inglorious Several {otm'stiiss points are Involved la this
Illuminating paragraph which present* a very
threats. strange origin for any society. First, we should
To protect the pood name of AMORC and at Ilk* to know how it came about that the 'only
available Roslcnsclan Rituals were located in
Abe same tim e to reveal the insidiousness of the Freemason*’ Hal! in England, which place hat
campaign new lander any. 1 present these tacts bean the principal Masonic archives for many
to the hundreds of onr members snd many hun- year*. Second,* what danger surrounded these
drsds of friends In this locality, solely in the Ritual* that they required such strenuous aettou
as rescuing? Third, how 1* it possible for ah
ipirfE of fair play. Austrian Roslcradan to authorize the establish-
meat, of an English MASONIC Rnsicruclan So­
This other organization has been operating ciety?
tor some years aa a Basic rucian society is
America nader the leadership of Khei, and It also
claims to lie a chartered branch of a local society BECOMES “LITERARY SOCIETY”
in England. if all this if) not an attempt to m a kts It appear
We are not attempting to criticise this society that the said Society wait a new form of Masonic
study and work, then let us read a tittle further.
tor its researches Into Rosleruelan and arcane V f s And that one year after it* foundation with
teachings, Us pnrpose of disseminating such reacued ritual*, the first Lodge or College of the
knowledge, or Its methods of arousing an interest Society v m opened. M r . Little, referred to above,
in RoBlcntcianlun, except aa such methods ta- we* it* Supreme Magua and William Jame*
Hughan, the Masonic H.Utorian. was one of the
* elude statements which are misleading and un­ “Substitute Magi." Now we recall that, a* a
warranted. Masonic ElI*torInn, Mr. Hughan ha* an excellent
reputation for prretseneas. and we recall that he
In examining the early propaganda literature wa» on* of the editors of ‘ History cl Freemasonry,
of the parent (English) body eC Oils American so­ by SUllson and Hughan." So we turn, for a mo­
ciety we End In > book written h r their own ment, to see what Hughan permitted to be pub-
Supreme Hasps, pnMtshsd ia London In 18 if , the Halted ia hi* history about this Rewiernefan Mu
sonic Society, of which he was a high officer and
origin and purposes o f the society outlined In as Intimate associate, in Fart V.. page *73, we read:
tatareetlng manner. "The modem and present existing Society of
After reviewing an the early historical ref­ Rosierncian* was instituted through the incep­
erences to various ancient Rnelcruclan organtx*- tion and Influence of Robert Wentworth Little, of
ttona in Europe, Urn hook comee to the fo u n d in g England, who, la hU sesrrhe* In Germany, came
of this modern society in England. We read: upon tha remnant* and outline of an old aesocia-
tien. Which he reeurreetad and rehabilitated In
■Tha name Rnsfarnclaa baa suffered greatly order to create a literary organization, retaining
from the pretentions «C man. who falsely claiming the form*, title*, and number* of the degree*, eo
membership, have made as aggmated. false and far aa might be eubaorviertt to hi* purpose*,
am aaonahle staler tta regarding the powers which w on defined to bo a* follow*: to create ‘*
and puaessaioM of the Sfcmtraa of the Rosy Cross.”
Tesy true, indeed! .
base ta r the collection and deposits of archaeo­ In other words th is member hoped to secure
logical and historical subjects pertaining to Free­ a proper authority an d real system ot toe Rosi-
masonry. secret societies in general, and Interest­ c rue Ian order for his American society, even to
ing provincial m a tte r; to inspire a g reater dispo­ the extent of following the ancient R usk rue inn
sition to obtain h istorical tru th and In displace principle of adm itting women, Instead at limiting
erro r; to bring to light much In relation to a membership to Freemasons. Bat, according to
certain class of scientists and scholars, and ibe th is same booklet, to e transition o t tola member
resale o f th e ir life labors, th a t w ere gradually prevented the fulfillment of hla personal ambition.
dying away in toe memories ! m en'.’* (The This setback In th e plan* » * • overcome by the
emphasis in this paragraph is m ine). officers ot toe American aoclety who proceeded to
reorganize their alm ost extinct literary aoclety on
the basis o t "authority’' given to them by th at
LIMITED TO FREEMASONS conscientious m em ber before his transition. Thu a,
the society in America today, says the official
If we examine this paragraph we find a dis­ book again, "is to e outgrowth” of toe old society
crepancy between it and the official statem ent as in the Baited S tates, "m ost a t toe Colleges
to where Mr. L ittle secured his ritu a ls and (lodges) e l which became either dorm ant, extinct
authority: bat the m ast im portant points are o r Inoperative.
those to which I have given em phasis by black- Her* we see by their awn admission Chat to e
toco type. To resu rre ct s a d rehabilitate the rem­ present society, calling itself Roslcrucian, la an
n an t and outline of a n old association In Germany outgrowth of th e parent body's branches
la aid er to create a literary society, is NOT an founded i a literary society, formed by F ree­
official manner of establishing a Hctslcrurian or­ masons, fo r Freem ason* and to study Free-
ganization. But, to m ake such a society the bass masonic and o th e r “ archaeological a n d historical
for the collection of subjects pertaiul_p to f r e e ­
m asonry and secret societies in general, and to ■objects.”
add each Rosierueian "forms, titles and numbers la If any w onder th a t person reading such
of toe degrees, so ta r as might be subservient to lite ra tu re Is th e ir search fo r H oskntciaulstn,
his purposes," is to confound Freero* sonic re­ believe th a t th is society, using th a name
search and study with a relationship to Rosl- Roaicracisn an d a sym bol m uch like th e ancient
cruclan. one. la a p a rt o f o r in tom e w ay officially
It this is not sufficient to show th a t toe so­ affiliated w ith F reem asonry? I t you a te one
ciety started out solely to be a new attachm ent who m ay arg u e th a t it to all In to* w ay yon
to Freem asonry w ithout any justification to r It
In the requirem ents of Freem asonry, let ns see read such m atter, le i us ta k e some of its more
w hat happened a tow years later. Tilts read on recant literatu re and see w h at it claim* to un­
page to o£ an official hook of this society, pub­ m istakable language.
lished in America, th a t other Lodges or "colleges''
were established soon a lte r J8T» and th a t by the
establishm ent of these branch bodies the society CLAIMS TO BE MASONIC
was entitled to far its own high council at PARENT
authority. This m ay be proper organ'cation work,
but so le th a t total fine point is stated; In th e last Issue of its official quarterly,
"Membership In these colleges w as lim ited to dated Septem ber. 1528, we read on th e cover
Freemasons of toe 32nd Degree; quarterly m eet­ th a t its teachings an d findings are “am plified
ings were held and th e ir session* w ere devoted th ru Its intim ate connection w ith Ancient and
principally to a banquet, with *« a ft i t h of a Medieval Rosicrucianfsm, Freem asonry, Druid-
literary and philosophical nature, w ith little if ism ,” etc. N ote th a t it says in tim ate connection.'
any attem pt to exem plify the R osicrncisn De­ On th e sam e page we find th a t i t offers as one
grees with toe philosophy they embodied.” of ifs correspondence courses, (o an y one, lessons
T hat does not sound like Roslcrueinn session* on "E soteric M asonry.'* In th e sam e issue we
w ith the traditional seriousness an d sublime read on page 140 these significant words:
saeradness which constitute th e very foundation " F irst, Rosicrucianism la n ot an appendage
of all true Roslcrucian ...slaves. But. it is of Freem asonry. T ha R ostaruclan F ra tern ity Is
typical of the session* of toe literary soctoiex of regarded by its member* and by several of the
th a t day and a t thin day. Note, however, to st beat Masonic historians and research ers, as toe
it was a society to r Freem asons exclusively. p are n t source o t Freem asonry. T here a re many
conditions th a t m ake th is a plausible theory.
The F ra te rn ity , today, la Its C onstitution, re­
NO ROSICRUOAN WORK quires certain o l Its H igh Council mem bers to be
A farth er indication th a t the society thus n o t only M aster Mason*, h a t Masons a t a ll d e­
formed, and establishing trau bes o f itself in grees. However, even this is an Innovation of
America, was not orgsnlzed on Roslcrucian prin­ recent years."
ciples with Roslcrucian authority. Is shown by
the words of tola society In other pieces of its
own official literature. W e note, for instance, NOT TRUE ROS1CRUOAN1SM
th a t they did not perm it women to uni i with
Item ; and an page four n t st hook recently liaysii We say th a t the above paragraph to sig­
by th e n , as w ell a s on page eleven of an o th er nificant because it attem p ts to foster to e idea
official pam phlet, they sta te th a t: th a t Rostcruclanism is not m erely affiliated with
Freem asonry, b a t is recognised today a s the
"A member of the M assachusetts College parent body o r guiding body o f Freem asonry.
Dodge), to Boston, too roly aw ake to the omission And th a statem en t is m isleading because It
o f toe rest Roelcructaa work, and having received
th e V III D egree co n stitu tin g him a Provincial attem p ts to associate th e two organizations and
Magna of th a F raternity, engaged in special re­ to m ake readers believe th a t to e Roslcrucian
search work to recover the original Ec karts hausen F ra tern ity lim its Its high councils to F ree­
Rituals of toe F ratern ity .” masons. ‘Ehia to probably th e ease w ith to e
society wo have been discussing. BUT IT IS
Thu* w e see th a t although toe aoclety was NOT TRUE OF TH E ROSICRUCIAN ORDER
establishing Roslcrucian Indues or ‘Vollewes" and THROUGHOUT T H E WORLD.
was conducting its mem bers through degrees as Each claim* to Masonic connection a re
high as toe VIDE and conferring upon them one fu rth e r em phasized by th is Society of Rozlcru-
of toe Roslcrucian titles which had been made clans by the official statem en t it se n t to H art­
"subservient” to th eir purposes, they adm it feat- m an 's 1925 issue of a D irectory of O ccult and
tog had no real Roslcrucian work, and one of F ra te rn a l Societies. T hera, o n page 125, this
their highest members engaged himself in toe Society of Rosicruclans says of itself th a t its
labor of recovering some R ituals possessed by a Itrat attem p t to establish a branch of Its own
descendant of an early German Rosicrucisn
Lodge. F urther on to e same page we read that It is America In 1878 "w as on Masonic lines/* and
was th e ambition of th is VJI1 Degree member to at to e close o t th a article w e rea d tola;
undertake “the form ation and institution of a ‘T h e S ocietal Koaicruciana ia America
branch of to e F raternity th a t would devote itself " w o rk s In com pleta harm ony an d eloas associa­
exclusively w toe tru# Bosicrueian A rt and tio n w ith too Maaoafe F ra te rn ity , an d C onstitu­
Operations, and a t toe same tim e open lfa doors tionally, its m ajo r officers a r e Masons of ell
to bosh sexes on a basis of true equality." Rltee an d Degrees."
WHAT IT TEACHES Yet. here Is an organisation, a society, using
the name Rosieruclan, claiming to be "imtinete-
Let us turn now to soother hook, the official ty connected" with and the "parent" o f Free­
text-book of this Rosieruclan society, sold by m aso n ry . appealing to Freemasons In every
mall to anyone and purchasable in book stores breath, limiting Its high council membership to
—a state of affaire that fa Inconsistent with the Freemasons and otherwise proclaiming an affil­
traditions of the true Roslcrucisn order which iation or connection with Masonic bodies, con­
has never published text boohs for the profane trary to all Masonic principles and at the same
with a claim that they contained its teachings— time offering as official teachings such things as
and In this book of "Fundamentals" we find ire an insult to the intelligence of either Free­
again and again the statement made that Free, masons or Rosiernciacs and «#fit for polite dis­
masonry of today In America and England is cussion anywhere.
not only associated with Rosieruclan Ism, but
even more than this. For Instance. In the XIII
Chapter of this official textbook, whose author WHAT AMORC CLAIMS
Is given as Kbel, the bead of the Society, and In conclusion let us call the reader's*alien*
whose publication Is authorised by the “High lion to what AMORC bas always said about tbs
Council" of the society, we read; connsction of Rosleruclanistu with Freemasonry.
"It is the leeching of the Brotherhood, that We knew, too, that some Masons might think
Freemasonry owes its real origin to the Jtostrru- that there was a connection between the Rose-
ef&ns." In other words, this Society teaches this Croix Degree ot Freemasonry and the Rose
claim to Us members. Cross of our Order. Hence we tried in « very
Then on page 31J, in the same Chapter, we clear-cut emphatic manner and in every piece ot
find that after the author has tried to ahow official propaganda literature, to *Ute the true
that Masonry does not contain alt the secrets situation.
and explanation of the symbolism of the Masons, In the flrat propaganda book issued by the
the seeker is told he must go to the Rosieruclan AMORC to be sent through the mails ail over
teachings. This is stated in these words: the United States, we mid:
"Since Masonry, the offspring, tails tie in
our search for the true exegesis, we must turn "When we aay that the Order (AMORC) has
to Roaicrucianism, the parent." absolutely no connection with any branch of the
Theoaopbicai Society, the New Thought Move­
ment or Freemasonry, we do not mean to aay
A TERRIBLE EXAMPLE anch a connection would be displeasing or detri­
mental; but it is unnecessary— and Impossible!
Such a misstatement of fact Is unfair both . , . In respect to all these movements we
to Freemasonry and Rosieruclan Ism. There is bavs only the kindest thoughts and good
nothing in the true teachings of Roaicraciaalstn wishes."
that reveals the secrets or meanings of the The book containing the above statement, on
Freemasonic lytnbUlsm or work from a Masonic page six, was distributed for many years while
point of view. Such a claim ia intended solely we had our headquarters in New York and San
to make Freemasons believe that It they have Francisco, and not less than 10,000 copies of
not quickly and easily discerned all there Is to inch books, outlining the nature and purposes
discern in Freemasonry, they need only units ot the AMORC, were distributed.
with the Rosieruclan society, ft Is ridiculous On the same page. In the same AMORC book,
and without the slightest warrant. is this very definite statement: "Lest there be
How doe* the society proceed to illustrate any misunderstanding, let it be known that tha
such a point? We read on in the same Chapter Order (AMORC) in America ia not affiliated in
of this official textbook. Wo approach an in­ any way—nor are Ita Supreme Officers:—with
teresting point. The author is offering his any ntber philosophical, scientific or occalt or­
Rostcruclan explanation of the Masonlo symbol­ ganization In America.”
ism of the "House not made with hand* ” We Tbere Is nothing indefinite or misleading
wonder what dare be said in public print oa
this subject. Wo are assured, however, that about tbst statement.
what fotlowa was read before Metropolitan The first newspaper articles—some covering
Lodge No. 2. Ark Mariner Masons, New Fork a whole page, each as that in the New York
City, in ISIS, and that by publishing it freely World Magazine Section tor March. 26th. ISIS—
to lbs world— announcing tha establishment of the Order In
"No Masonic Obligations have been violated America, distinctly slate that the AMORC was
by Ibis procedure and it ia hoped that this In­ being sponsored solely by RosIcrucUa bodies or
struction will be it s died moat carefully by all authorities of Europe and mentions no connec­
Mahons to whom ft map coma, whether they are tion with any other society.
members of iho Rosieruclan Fraternity or not" When the time came to prepare a new n a ­
So. believing that what fa to follow was ap­ tional propaganda booklet because of the move
proved by Hasans and la sot probib tied by ot tbs headquarters to Tampa from San Fran­
cisco. the same precautions against misunder­
them as secret "pans of their Studies, we are standing were taken. The new book, still in
abounded and shocked to discover that this use. with thousand* of copies distributed in
author presents the tatter that was given in tha every stale of the Culled Stales and in all parts
above Masonic lodge, in the form of sex-teach­ of Canada and Mexico, and with at leant five
ings! Can anything be further away from thousand copies distributed right here In Tampa
purs Rosieruclan ism. and trus Freemasonry? itself, says in very plain language on page thir­
Actually, the columns before the Temple of teen;
Solomon and the entrance way, are associated
with sex matters in words that are too disgust­
ing for us to think of using here and which NO MASONIC CONNECTION
could never enter a lecture or discussion con­
nected with real Rostcrucianlsm. "last as the AMORC has no physical relation­
ship with the Freemasonic Order, even though
this body has every right to use the term Roue
NONE WILL BELIEVE IT Croix end the Rosy Cross symbol is Ita Scottish
Rites (as mentioned « e page 6) even so the
How can Masons of today read such matter AMORC im so t physically connected with some
and believe that ft i> either Masonic or Roslcru- of the ether movements la Europe sad Amer­
risn? Rosieructanlam does not touch upon sex ica," etc. Throughout the book the statement
matters anywhere In Us thousands ot lessons. In is emphasized that AMORC is Independent ot
any of its booklets, discussions, symbols or phys­ alt ether socialise or organisations and ear lit-
iologies) treatises. It is this one outstanding era tore, which haa been translated In seven
fact that bas made the Roslcrucisn teachings languages and disseminated through the world
notable in comparison with modern cults; and tor many years, presents the same consistent
we know the same thing can be said in regard claims.
to the teachings of Freemasonry.
Zb *ammart* lag, tbeo, 1st as repent. Tliere
may kt i society In Ragland as log the term Likewise the AMORC to America, ns to dor­
Roaierucfan. rounded by some men mm s Rost­ m s of foreign leads, la the only Roelcreclsa
eroe Is n Masonto literary society and haring no organization using the original and true Ritual*.
real Bos (crucian rituals or work, sad baring Titles. Degrees, symbols said secret work, ae
boom assistance from a s Austrian or German transitted. revised and adapted from coatary to
source through on Individual. Mail it may bo century under competent, authority and ap­
that this English body, created without say proved tor the various Internathmal Boufttrarian
1btendon of making ft o yarn B o t ie n e lu body, Congresses. And, it IS toe only such body to
chartered so ms branches in M a t t e which America adhering to the true ancient tradition*,
passed sway and than wars revived as being **ta- keeping Itself dean and wholesome, free from
timsCely mnected" with Freemasonry. sex teachings, political arguments or misleading
But, the fact remains that the S u l t n e b s affiliations, bearing the authority of Coast do
bodies m o be formed So onto one way, fey spon­ Beiiecsstie-Ligne us Hierophant of the Intona­
sorship sad guidance by a superior Hoslcreetoa tion al council and having toe sols American
body possessing and retrintof the ancient au­ representation In the racani said pest Interna­
thority, ritual.' constitution and system as wait tional Rosier adan Congresses.
ss the pore teachings, FREE FROM iL L U N C I We say aO this with honor and reaped, as
WITH ANYTHING BUT FURS RQBICRU- we bars always raid, to a ll other orders and
ClANISM. movements fb America, especially toe Freo-
The Rosleruclan Fraternity la Germany was masonic; and. many Incidents to our work has*
SOT the first and parent body la Europe. That to America ham shown and proved (tort each
b believed only by those Kilo also heller* that one of as at hsedqearters has labored o il an s t
there was a person or character Bovine tbs asm s greet sacrifice, to maintain the independence of
Christian Roeoakreus without realising that this Roeirracianism and a t toa same tim e tb s good
was merely a pen-name u**d on soma props- , wishes o f every other organization acting fairly
ganda books, and means, when translated from and to aecerdnase with tools.
the German, "The Christian Rosy Cross.** The * e •
Order iu Germany and Austria, ss i s other coun­ There are many hundreds of reputable eUi-
tries s t different periods, wss founded o s au­ sens to this district who are only too happy to
thority sod approval from a superior body, and vouch for too clesnwsew and fairness of tb s ac­
that superior body of men—hi real high council tivities of AMORC. but juri as too AMORC pro­
indeed-existed in Toulouse. Francs, for sev­ tected the Raeienwfun Symbols and the AMORC
eral centuries after having existed in India and name with the only R sgtstnrioa o t this Ktod to
Egypt- toe United Stats* Patent Office, and protected
Its organisation form by proper legal Incorpora­
tion la many states, countries and leads, so toe
AUTHORITY *< >M AH AMORC w ill m e tta vast aatioaal m l tetonm -
INDIVIDUAL IMPOSSIBLE tlem il resources to protect ito asm s at (SM tone.
The matter presented on this page win he given
To claim that any on* person could go tram national. and international distribution through
England or America to the homo of a Roelcru- lie ewa magazines m different countries end
ctaa member in Austria or Germany and there through the newspapers. Taisgranta end 1 vu
receive, s t the bands of one person, Roelerucisn are being received town a ll Roateruclan le r isdto-
Initiation and Authority to atari an ‘ English tome eretywheio aOaring to ontot to this opea
Masonic Rosicrucisa Society/* ns this society in preesntstloa o f toe reel toets. l a to to e peel,
England and America claims, Is too absurd to toe slogan of to e Order is; **Bo» S ee Gloria!"
argue. It may make an appeal, under a mis­
leading Impression, to some Freemasons, hut net
to many, iu fact. If authority to organise new
Jurisdiction of any ancient order could he
granted, in this way, what a mesa th e n would (Signed) H. SPENCER LEWIS, Impemtor for North America,
be in oil society circles. Ancient and Mystical Order Roeae Crock, (AMORC)
No. Rosieroelanism has absolutely so connec­ --------- g * ..
tion with Freemasonry today, and has not had rionaBp tonofWBwr
t______ . ... l e f t l B U t
lfit i n r
for hundreds of years, wvea though they may
have c o o p e ra te d in many ways to years gone by
in England, and even though many Freemasons
iu Europe today arc also Roalcraelsns, and
some of their cone la re* ace held to the same SUPREME HEADQUARTERS FOR NORTH AMERICA
cities In the same vacation period of the sum­
mer. In America, at any rati, the two bodies
have NEVER been associated or affiliated, des­
pite any of the claims and greet toatnnations of ROSICRUCIAN SQUARE — MEMORIAL BOULEVARD
this "literary" society of Rosjcrueiana.


The Roeicrnelan Order, known internaltonally
ns AMORC for translations of this a s ate) Is not
only separate from ail ether but Rosicrucisa
societies, but In Its very first prvnuaslamesto
issued ns this country it proclaimed Itself to be
n separate end distinct organisation, and this
proclamation was incorporated to its Coastltu-
llon when each o f Its various paragraphs went
adopted by the great national convention o f t o -
sicrucian Delegates from all o r a the United
The AMOSC to America today is the mOy me PublicU AlwWelcom
Rostcrueton organisation a TUIluted with toe to-
tsrnatioMl bodies of Knstoradaaa throughout
the world. It is the only Rosicrucisa body to
America baring repaired authority, power.
To Our Non-Sectarian S en d ee* ,
of Reeteruciaae of the ancient T B S ' S
through toe See of Toulouse, the recognised and
traditional international seal o f true Roriern- Sunday Evenings M l o'Gock
cianltm for many peateries.



An Open Letter to Freemasons and Rosicrucians:

In view o f the fact that severalform er members o f the AMORC, removedfo r ju st
cause, areforming a “Rosicrucian "group in Tampa, and to further their private aims are
making charges o f fraud against the Order I represent, and me attempting to secure the
endorsement o f the Masonic Bodies o f the city and to claim such endorsement to further
their attacks / publish thefollowing signed statement:

In attempting to start this new, local “Rosicrucian” group in this city, these
several ex-members of the nation-wide Rosicrucian body known as AMORC,
have made serious charges against me as chief executive of AMORC and
against the organization as a whole.

To arouse the just indignity of Tampa’s population they have principally

charged that the AMORC claims itself to be associated with Freemasonry and is
otherwise sailing under false colors. The facts are that this new “Rosicrucian”
branch of a small New York “society” has itself been persistently claiming
“intimate connection” with Freemasonry.

Under the pretense of protecting the righteous interests of Freemasonry - as

though such interests needed protection! - this new group hopes to secure
Masonic endorsement here of its particular form of Rosicrucian work and
official condemnation of the AMORC , which high endorsement and
condemnation they will use in a nationwide, according to their inglorious

To protect the good name of AMORC and at the same time to reveal the
insidiousness of the campaign now under way, I present these facts to the
hundreds of our members and many hundreds of friends in this locality, solely
in the spirit of fair play.

This other organization has been operating for some years as a Rosicrucian
society in America under the leadership of Khei, and it also claims to be a
chartered branch of a local society in England.

We are not attempting to criticise this society for its researches into
Rosicrucian and arcane teachings, its purpose of disseminating such
knowledge, or its methods of arousing an interest in Rosicrucianism, except as
such methods include statements which are misleading and unwarranted.

In examining the early propaganda literature of the parent (English) body of

this American society we find in a book written by their own Supreme Magus,
published in London in 1916, the origin and purpose of this society outlined in
an interesting d manner.

After reviewing all the early historical references to various ancient

Rosicrucian organizations in Europe, the book comes to the founding o f this
modem society in England. We read:

“The name Rosicrucian has suffered greatly from the pretentions of men, who
falsely claiming membership, have made exaggerated, false and unreasonable
statements regarding the powers and possessions of the Fratres of the Rosy
Cross.” Very true, indeed!


Then we find how this particular society was bom and what claims it makes.
It is clearly stated that the Society in England—the parent body of the American
society—“was designed by Robert Wentworth Little who rescued some rituals
from the store-room of Freemasons’ Hall and Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie, who
had received Rosicrucian initiation in Austria, while living with Count Apponyi
as an English tutor, and also Authority to form an English Masonic Rosicrucian
Several interesting points are involved in this illuminating paragraph which
presents a very strange origin for any society. First, we should like to know how
it came about that the only available Rosicrucian Rituals were located in
Freemasons’ Hall in England, which place has been the principal Masonic
archives for many years. Second, what danger surrounded these Rituals that
they required such strenuous action as rescuing? Third, how is it possible for an
Austrian Rosicrucian to authorize the establishment of an English MASONIC
Rosicrucian Society?


If all this is not an attempt to make it appear that the said Society was a new
form of Masonic study and work, then let us read a little further. We find that
one year after its foundation with rescued rituals, the first Lodge or College of
the Society was opened, Mr. Little, referred to above, was its Supreme Magus
and William James Hughan, the Masonic Historian, was one of the "Substitute
Magi.” Now we recall that, as a Masonic Historian, Mr. J Hughan has an
excellent reputation for preciseness, and we recall that he was one of the editors
of "History of Freemasonry, by Stillson and Hughan.” So we turn, for a mo­
ment, to see what Hughan permitted to be published in his history about this
Rosicrucian Masonic Society, of which he was a high officer and intimate
associate. In Part V., page 873, we read:

“The modem and present existing Society of Rosicrucians was instituted

through the inception and influence of Robert Wentworth Little, of England,
who, in his searches in Germany, came upon the remnants and outline of an old
association, which, he resurrected and rehabilitated in order to create a
literary organization, retaining the forms, titles, and numbers of the degrees, so
far as might be subservient to his purposes, which were defined to be as
follows: to create a base for the collection and deposit of archaeological and
historical subjects pertaining to Freemasonry, secret societies in general,
and interesting provincial matter; to inspire a greater disposition to obtain
historical truth and to displace error; to bring to light much in relation to a
certain class of scientists and scholars, and the result of their life labors, that
were gradually dying away in the memories of men.” (The emphasis in this
paragraph is mine).

If we examine this paragraph we find a discrepancy between it and the
official statement as to where Mr. Little secured his rituals and authority; but the
most important points are those to which 1 have given emphasis by blackface
type. To resurrect and rehabilitate the remnant and outline of an old association
in Germany in order to create a literary society, is NOT an official manner of
establishing a Rosicrucian organization. But, to make such a society the base for
the collection of subjects pertaining to Freemasonry and secret societies in
general, and to add such Rosicrucian “forms, titles and numbers of the degrees,
so far as might be subservient to his purposes,” is to confound Freemasonic re­
search and study with a relationship to Rosicrucian.

If this is not sufficient to show that the society started out solely to be a new
attachment to Freemasonry without any justification for it in the requirements of
Freemasonry, let us see what happened a few years later. We read on page 10 of
an official book of this society, published in America, that other Lodges or
"colleges" were established soon after 1879 and that by the establishment of
these branch bodies the society was entitled to form its own high council of
authority. This may be proper organization work, but note that this fine point is
"Membership in these colleges was limited to Freemasons of the 32nd Degree;
quarterly meetings were held and their sessions were devoted principally to a
banquet, with an aftermath-of a literary and philosophical nature, with little if
any attempt to exemplify the Rosicrucian Degrees with the philosophy they

That does not sound like Rosicrucian sessions with the traditional seriousness
and sublime sacredness which constitute the very foundation of all true

Rosicrucian conclaves. But, it is typical of the sessions o f the literary societies

of that day and of this day. Note, however, that it was a society for Freemasons


A further indication that the society thus formed, and establishing branches
of itself in America, was not organized on Rosicrucian principles with
Rosicrucian authority, is shown by the words of this society in other pieces of
its own official literature. We note, for instance, that they did not permit women
to unite with them; and on page four of a book recently issued by them, as well
as on page eleven of another official pamphlet, they state that:

“A member of the Massachusetts College (lodge), in Boston, thoroughly

awake to the omission , of the real Rosicrucian work, and having received the
VIII Degree constituting him a Provincial Magus of the Fraternity, engaged in
special research work to recover the original Eckartshausen Rituals of the

Thus we see that although the society was establishing Rosicrucian lodges or
"colleges" and was conducting its member through degrees as high as the VIII
and conferring upon them one of the Rosicrucian titles which had been made
“subservient” to their purposes, they admit having had no real Rosicrucian
Work, and one of their highest members engaged himself in the labor of
recovering some Rituals possessed by a descendant of an early German
Rosicrucian Lodge. Further on the same page we read that it was the ambition
of this VIII Degree member to undertake “the formation and institution of a
branch of the Fraternity that would devote itself exclusively to the true
Rosicrucian Art and Operations, and at the same time open its doors to both
sexes on a basis of true equality."


In other words this member hoped to secure a proper authority and real
system of the Rosicrucian order for his American society, even to the extent of
following the ancient Rosicrucian principle of admitting women, instead of
limiting membership to Freemasons. But, according to this same booklet, the
transition of this member prevented the fulfillment of his personal ambition.
This setback in the plans was overcome by the officers of the American society
who proceeded to reorganize their almost extinct literary society on the basis of
“authority” given to them by that conscientious member before his transition.

Thus, the society in America today, says the official book again, “is the
outgrowth” of the old society in the United States, “most of the Colleges
(lodges) of which became either dormant, extinct or inoperative.

Here we see by their own admission that the present society, calling itself
Rosicrucian, is an outgrowth of the parent body’s branches founded as a literary
society, formed by Freemasons, for Freemasons and to study Freemasonic and
other "archaeological and historical subjects.”

Is it any wonder that persons reading such literature in their search for
Rosicrucianism, believe that this society, using the name Rosicrucian and a
symbol much like the ancient one, is a part of or in some way officially
affiliated with Freemasonry? If you are one who may argue that it is all in the
way you read such matter, let us take some of its more rem it literature and see
what it claims in unmistakable language.


In the last issue of its official quarterly, dated September, 1926, we read on
the cover that its teachings and findings are “amplified thru its intimate
connection with Ancient and Medieval Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry,
Druidism,” etc. Note that it says intimate connection! On the same page we find
that it offers as one of its correspondence courses, to any one, lessons on
“Esoteric Masonry.” In the same issue we read on page 140 these significant
“First, Rosicrucianism is not an appendage of Freemasonry. The Rosicrucian,
Fraternity is regarded by its members and by several of the best Masonic
historians and researchers, as the parent source of Freemasonry. There are many
conditions that make this a plausible theoiy. The Fraternity, today, in its
Constitution, requires certain of its High Council members to be not only
Master Masons, but Masons of all degrees. However, even this is an innovation
of recent years."


We say that the above paragraph is significant because it attempts to foster the
idea that Rosicrucianism is not merely affiliated with Freemasonry, but is
recognized today as the parent body or guiding body of Freemasonry. And the
statement is misleading because it attempts to associate the two organizations
and to make readers believe that the Rosicrucian Fraternity limits its high
councils to Freemasons. This is probably the case with the society we have been

Such claims to Masonic connection are further emphasized by this Society of

Rosicrucians by the official statement it sent to Hartman's 1925 issue o f a
Directory o f Occult and Fraternal Societies. There, on page 125, this Society of
Rosicrucians says o f itself that its first attempt to establish a branch of its own
in America in 1878 “was on Masonic lines,” and at the close o f the article we
read this:
“The Societas Rosicruciana in America” works in complete harmony and
close association with the Masonic Fraternity, and constitutionally, its major
officers are Masons o f all Rites and Degrees.”

Let us turn now to another book, the official text-book o f this Rosicrucian
society, sold by mail to anyone and purchasable in bookstores — a state of
affairs that is inconsistent with the traditions o f the true Rosicrucian order which
has never published text books for the profane with a claim that they contained
its teachings— and in this book o f “Fundamentals” we find again and again the
statement made that Freemasonry o f today in America and England is not only
associated with Rosicrucianism, but even more than this. For instance, in the
XIII Chapter o f this official textbook, whose author is given as Khei, the head
o f the Society, and whose publication is authorized by the “High Council” of
the society, we read:
“It is the teaching of the Brotherhood, that Freemasonry owes its real origin
to the Rosicrucians.” In other words, this Society teaches this claim to its
Then on page 321, in the same Chapter, we find that after the author has tried
to show that Masonry does not contain all the secrets and explanation of the
symbolism of the Masons, the seeker is told he must go to the Rosicrucian
teachings: This is stated in these words:
“Since Masonry, the offspring, fails us in our search for the true exegesis, we
must turn to Rosicrucianism, the parent.”

Such a misstatement o f fact is unfair both to Freemasonry and
Rosicrucianism. There is nothing in the true teaching of Rosicrucianism that
reveals the secrets or meanings of the Freemasonic symbolism or work from a
Masonic point of view. Such a claim is intended solely to make Freemasons
believe that if they have not quickly and easily discerned all there is to discern
in Freemasonry, they need only unite with the Rosicrucian society. It is
ridiculous and without the slightest warrant.
How does the society proceed to illustrate such a point? We read on in the
same Chapter of this official textbook. We approach an interesting point. The
author is offering his Rosicrucian explanation o f the Masonic symbolism o f the

“House not made with hands.” We wonder what dare be said in public print on
this subject. We are assured, however, that what follows was read before
Metropolitan Lodge No. 1, Ark Mariner Masons, New York City, in 1918, and
that by publishing it freely to the world—
“No Masonic Obligations have been violated by this procedure and it is hoped
that this instruction will be studied most carefully by all Masons to whom it
may come, whether they are members o f the Rosicrucian Fraternity or not.”
So, believing that what is to follow was approved by Masons and I s not
prohibited by them as secret parts of their studies, we are astounded and
shocked to discover that this author presents the matter that was given in the
above Masonic lodge, in the form of sex-teachings! Can anything be further
away from pure Rosicrucianism and true Freemasonry? Actually, the columns
before the Temple of Solomon and the entrance way are associated with sex
matters in words that are too disgusting for us to think o f using here and which
could never enter a lecture or discussion connected with real Rosicrucianism.


How can Masons o f today read such matter and believe that it la either
Masonic or Rosicrucian? Rosicrucianism does not touch upon sex matters
anywhere in its thousands o f lessons, in any o f its booklets, discussions,
symbols or physiological treatises. It is this one outstanding fact that has made
the Rosicrucian teachings notable in comparison with modem cults: and we
know the same thing can be said in regard to the teachings o f Freemasonry.
Yet, here is an organization, a society, using the name Rosicrucian, claiming
to be "intimately connected" with and the "parent" o f Freemasonry, appealing to
Freemasons in every breath, limiting its high council membership to
Freemasons and otherwise proclaiming an affrliation or connection with
Masonic bodies, contrary to all Masonic principles and at the same time
offering as official teachings such things as are an insult to the intelligence o f
either Freemasons or Rosicrucians and unfit for polite discussion anywhere.


In conclusion let us call the reader's attention to what AMORC has always
said about the connection o f Rosicrucianism with Freemasonry. We knew, too,
that some Masons might think that there was a connection between the Rose-
Croix Degree o f Freemasonry and the Rose Cross o f our Order. Hence we tried
in every clear cut emphatic manner and in every piece o f official propaganda
literature, to state the true situation.

In the first propaganda book issued by the AMORC to be sent through the
mails all over the United States, we said:
"When we say that the Order (AMORC) has absolutely no connection with
any branch o f the Theosophical Society, the New Thought Movement or
Freemasonry, we do not mean to say such a connection would be displeasing or
detrimental; but it is unnecessary— and impossible! ... In respect to all these
movements we have only the kindest thoughts and good wishes."
The book containing the above statement, on page six, was distributed for
many years while we had our headquarters in New York and San Francisco, and
not less than 60,000 copies of such books, outlining the nature and purposes o f
the AMORC, were distributed.
On the same page, in the same AMORC book, is this very definite statement:
"Lest there be any misunderstanding, let it be known that the Order (AMORC)
in America is not affiliated in any way— nor are its Supreme Officers—with
any other philosophical, scientific or occult organization in America."
There is nothing indefinite or misleading about that statement.
ITie first newspaper articles— some covering a whole page, such as that in
the New York World Magazine Section for March, 26th, 1916— announcing the
establishment o f the Order in America, distinctly state that the AMORC was
being sponsored solely by Rosicrucian bodies or authorities o f Europe and
mentions no connection with any other society.
When the time came to prepare a new national propaganda booklet because
o f the move of the headquarters to Tampa from San Francisco, the same
precautions against misunderstanding were taken. The new book, still in use,
with thousands o f copies distributed in every state of the United States and in all
parts o f Canada and Mexico, and with at least five thousand copies distributed
right here in Tampa itself, says in very plain language on page thirteen:

"Just as the AMORC has no physical relationship with the Freemasonic
Order, even though., this body has every right to use the term Rose Croix and
the Rosy Cross symbol in its Scottish Rites (as mentioned on page 5) even so
the AMORC is not physically connected with some o f the other movements in
Europe and America," etc. Throughout the bode the statement is emphasized
that AMORC is independent o f all other societies or organizations and our lit­
erature, which has been translated in seven languages and disseminated through
the world for many years, presents the same consistent claims.
In summarizing, then, let us repeat: There may be a society in England using
the term Rosicrucian, founded by some men as a Rosicrucian Masonic literary
society and having no real Rosicrucian rituals or work, and having some
assistance from an Austrian or German source through an individual. And it
may be that this English body, created without any intention o f making it a pure

Rosicrucian body, chartered some branches in America which passed away and
then were revived as being “intimately connected" with Freemasonry.
But, the fact remains that the Rosicrucian bodies can be formed in only one
way, by sponsorship and guidance by a superior Rosicrucian body possessing
and retaining the ancient authority, ritual, constitution and system as well as the
The Rosicrucian Fraternity in Germany was NOT the first and parent body in
Europe. That is believed only by those who also believe that there was a person
or character having the name Christian Rosenkreuz without realizing that this
was merely a pen-name used on some propaganda books, and means, when
translated from the German, "Christian Rosy Cross." The Order in Germany and
Austria, as in other countries at different periods, was founded on authority and
approval from a superior body, and that superior body of men— a real high
council indeed — existed in Toulouse, France, for several centuries after having
existed in India and Egypt.


To claim that any person could go from England or America to the home o f a
Rosicrucian member in Austria or Germany and there receive, at the hands o f
one person, Rosicrucian Initiation and Authority to start an "English Masonic
Rosicrucian Society," as this society in England and America claims, is too
absurd to argue. It may make an appeal, under a misleading impression, to some
Freemasons, but not to many, in fact. If authority to organize new jurisdiction o f
any ancient order could be granted in this way, what a mess there would be in
all society circles.
No Rosicrucianism has absolutely no connection with Freemasonry today,
and has not had for hundreds o f years, even though they may have cooperated in
many ways in years gone by in England, and even though many Freemasons in
Europe today are also Rosicrucians, and some o f their conclaves are held in the
same cities in the same vacation period of the summer. In America, at any rate,
the two bodies have NEVER been associated or affiliated, despite any o f the
claims and great insinuations of this "literary" society o f Rosicrucians.


The Rosicrucian Order, known internationally as AMORC (or translations o f

this name) is not only separate from all other but Rosicrucian societies, but in its
very first pronunziamento issued in this country it proclaimed itself to be a
separate and distinct organization, and this proclamation was incorporated in its

Constitution when each o f its various paragraphs were adopted by the great
national convention of Rosicrucian Delegates from all over the United States.
The AMORC in America today is the only Rosicrucian organization
affiliated with the international bodies o f Rosicrucians throughout the world. It
is the only Rosicrucian body in America having received authority, power,
rights and assistance from a competent body o f Rosicrucians o f the ancient
lineage and through the See o f Toulouse, the recognized and traditional
International seat o f true Rosicrucianism for many centuries.
Likewise the AMORC in America, as in dozens of foreign lands, is the only
Rosicrucian organization using the original and true Rituals, Titles, Degrees,
symbols and secret work, as translated, revised and adapted from century to
century under competent authority and approved by the various international
Rosicrucians Congresses. And it is the only such body in America adhering to
the true ancient traditions, keeping itself clean and wholesome, free from sex
teachings, political arguments or misleading affiliations, bearing the authority o f
Count de Bellecastle-Ligne as Hierophant o f the international council and
having the only American representation in the recent and past International
Rosicrucian Congresses.
We say all this with honor and respect, as we have always said, to all other
orders and movements in America, especially the Freemasonic; and many
incidents in our work here in America have shown and proved that each one o f
us at headquarters has labored often at great sacrifice, to maintain the
independence of Rosicrucianism and at the same time the good wishes o f every
other organization acting fairly and in accordance with facts.
* * *

There are many hundreds o f reputable citizens in this district who are only
too happy to vouch for the cleanness and fairness o f the activities o f AMORC,
but just as the AMORC protected the Rosicrucian Symbols as the AMORC
name with the only Registration o f this kind in the United States Patent Office,
and protected its organization form by proper legal incorporation in many states,
countries and lands, so the AMORC will use its vast national and international
resources to protect its name at this time. The matter presented on this page will
be given national and international distribution through its own magazines in
different countries and through the newspapers. Telegrams and letters are being
received from all Rosicrucian jurisdictions everywhere offering to assist in this
open presentation of the real facts. As in the past, the slogan o f the Order is
“Soli Deo Gloria!”

(Signed) H. SPENCER LEWIS, Imperator for North America,

Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC)
Tampa, Florida, November Ist, 1926



The Public Is Always Welcome To Our Non-Sectarian Services,

Sunday Evenings At 7 o'clock
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, November 6,1926
Page 20

The Pristine Church of the Rose Cross

The Sofscrucians
Discourse Tomorrow Night at 7:30
“ The Mastery of Fate”
By Dr, H. Spencer Lewis. F. R. C., Ph.D.
Master of the Temple
Doors Open at 6;45—No Seats After 7:15

Hinlrrurtiiii Nijunw. Memorial Boulevard at Armenia
“ T w o B lo c k * B e j o m J the M onum ent*’
( G r a n d C e n tr n l C u r* C o m e W ith in a S h o r t W n lk }
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Sunday, November 07,1926
Page 7

Aa ^ i iAi 1 A A

The Pristine Church of the Rose Cross

T he Rosicrucians
Discourse Tom orrow Night at 7:30

“ The Mastery of F ate”

By Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, F. R. C., Ph.D.
M aster of the Tem ple
Doors Open at 6:45—-No Seats After 7:15

n » - i r r u . tn n Sqn«rp, Mrmnrlitl Houlrrnrtl H i A rm e n ia
wT »o ltl»i ks ll<>,v«in«i »h«* Monument**
( G r a n d ( e n t m l t 'a r s f <>me W i t h i n n S h o r t Walk)
The San Bernardino Daily Sun
San Bernardino, California
Friday, November 12,1926
Page 6

Boatornolana Offer
Xjrstlo Teaching* to Seekers
T h e R o slcru cla n s! D escrib ed bj
fjord L vtto n , Marl#* C orelli an«
s c o r e s o f em in en t a u th o r itie s a s tin
m o st Illu strio u s fr a te r n ity o f Sagei
p r e se r v in g the g r e a t m y stic k n o w l­
ed g e o f all a g e s. T hey o ffe r through
th e ir hundreds o f branches th e Xr
ca n e T ea ch in g s in modern languag*
to th o se a n x io u s to m a ste r the la w i
o f personal a tta in m en t. To tin
sin c e r e seek er a “Sealed Book" w ill
be loaned. Send fou r c e n ts fur
a c tu a l p o sta g e on bock.
Librarian No. 125
Rosicrucian Square, Memorial Blvd
Tampa, Florida
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, November 13,1926
Page 10

A a ^ A x fl i l A __ ^

d liH u li iu llf t in
The Pristine Church of the Rose Cross
The Rosicrucians
Discourse Tomorrow Night at 7:30
“T he Miracles of Mind”
By Dr. H, Spencer Lewis, F. R. C„ Ph D.
Master of the Temple
Doors Open at 6:4S—No Seats After 7:15


ra< inn Stiunfi". «•
lu it th e M »nnnt<'»t”
(fir««nt (V n tra l t'» r s I ’o tu e W ith in a S h o rt W alk )
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, November 20,1926
Page 7 Pristine Church
of the Rose Cross
•n r r i

T he
* * *

Tomorrow Night, 7:30

S u b je c t o f D isc o u r se:

“The Practical
Doctrines of
Jesus Christ”
By H . S p en cer L e w is, F. R. C.,
M a ster o f th e T em p le
* * *

Dr, l> w i* w ill p o in t o u t th e

veitT p r a c tic a l la w s ta u g h t by
th e <lr*at M aster w h ic h are a p ­
p lica b le to d a y in o u r d a ily a f ­
fa ir s, a s w ell a s th e sy m b o lica l
a lle g o r ie s,
* * *

E g y p tia n T e m p le , O rien tal
R itual
D oera open a t 6:4$. C om e early.
a fW W U U

M em orial B lvd. at A rm en ia
“ T w o B lo ck s B eyond th e
M onum ent'*
(Take Grand Central Cars)
m m
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, November 27,1926
Page 10

Pristine Church
of the Rose Cross

The 2

$ Rosicrucians
i Tomorrow Night, 7:30
S u b ject of D isco u rse

“New Discovery
cf Mind Power”
B y H. S p en cer L e w is. F , R. C.,
W aster of th e T em p le
I »r. 1,* w i s w i l l ercph .in t h i s
iv v. d is c o v e r . end hi*w it

m i k e * p la in th^ p o w e r m a n
pi - t'* cr» a t e c o n d it io n s
i r d r> a l m a t e r ia l t h i n g s in h is
l i f e f r o m d a y to d a y .
E g y p tia n T em p le, O rien tal
R itu al
'a D o ers open a t C:45, C om e early.

I Amorc Temple j:
M em orial B ivd . a t A rm en ia
“ T w o B lock# B ey o n d th e
Monument.** %
(T a k e G rand C en tra l C ars) 2

£f t f t MV V A V W W A V A V A '.W S
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, December 4,1926
Page 7
. W .V « V .V .* / A W A , .V .V A ,j <
Pristine Church
of the Rose Cross

Tomorrow Night, 7 :30
Subject of Discourse

“Black Magic”
By M, Spencer Lewie, W. R. C.,
Matter tf the Temple
P oin tin g out how th is nld idea
is used even today to hold m any
In bondage and how the possible
e ffe ct of B lack M agic m ay be
avoided. T his in a tim ely and
im portant s u b je c t
Eg y p tia n Tem ple, Oriental
Deere open at S:45. Come early

Amorc Temple j
M em orial Blvd. a t A rm en ia 5
“ Tw o B locks B ey o n d th e
M o n u m en t.M
(T a k e G rand C en tra l C ars)
? tfVVW VV^ V V% VW V\W W W V>
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 4,1926
Page 10 - Part II

n n u R c n
Liberal and Orthodox
(free concort.) lecture by Dr. R. A.
BERRENBERG Sunday. 11 n.m..
••The fluponvomnn,*' 337 8. Hill st.
After lecture, Individual htallnc.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, December 11,1926
Page 11

Pristine Church
of the Rose Cross

T he
Tomorrow Night, 7:80
Subject of Discourse

O F T H IB E T ”
Pointing nut th# fact* r**mrdlnf
the strange life o f th* myettce
of th* monaateriea, and some of
their teaching#.
Esypt>an Temple, Oriental
Doors open at 6:4k Come early

Amorc Tem ple

Memorial Blvd. at Armenia
“ Two Blocks Beyond th#
(Take Grand Centrel Care)
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 11, 1926
Page 2, Part II

Rosicrucian Order A.M.O.R.C.

Free Concert. Lecture hr Dr. R. A . Bcrronhcrar on
Sunday, 11 a.iu., South 11111 Street.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, December 18,1926
Page 7

P ris tin e C hurch

of the Hose Cross

T he
T om orrow N ig h t, 7;30
S u b je c t of D iaeou raa

O F T H IB E T ”
P o i n t i n g o u t t h e fa c ta r e g a r d in g
th* a t r a n g e lif e o f t h e m f i t i e i
o f t h e ftm naM rrif"1, a n d ■onn» o f
t h e ir t e a c h i n g * .

E g y p tia n T em p le, O r ie n ta l
R 'tu a l
D e e r s o p e n a t 8:45, C o m e e a r ly

A m orc T em ple
M e m o r ia l E lv d . at A r m e n ia
"T w it E i s c k s B e y o n d t h e
( T a k e G ran d C e n t r a l C ara)
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 18,1926
Page 2, Part II

A H j i t l f T itrrprrtntloB h r Or. R. A. n rr ffn lirrf, .
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, December 25,1926
Page 2, Part II


by DU. n . A. DElUlENnERC,, I I * m „ Jt7 Sooth llllt St.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, December 25,1926
Page 19

P ristine Church
§ of the Rose Cross

Tomorrow N igh t, 7:30
S u bj e c t of D is c o u r s e *

!{••* « - f t ! i n E th* r n '- t t r f t i i l -
-liwmt ( in In m a n , Ou. birth •>* i
‘hrl«t atul tht- Spirit o f th-
May. T h i* Is * tllatinrHy tjjf,.
i n n * r i i r i M i n a , S» r* li
E g y p t an T e m pi * Oriental
R itu al
n o n -s e c t a r i a n
D oors op en at 6:45. Coma e a rly .

\ Amorc Tem ple ?
M em orial Blvd, a t A r m e n ia •,
" T w o Blocks B eyond th#
M o n u m en t" •
( T a ha Qrand Central Cars) l
W W W W W W W W .V . I
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, January 01,1927
Page 10


R osicrucians
7:30 P. M.

By H . S p e n c e r L e w i* . P h . D .
M a tte r of the T em p le

Pfdntins: how an I w h y w e live

attain nn.t **r»ln until w*' hsvr
r*»mple;efl »ur le a l In
lift- find a tta in ed full dtvet'ip
nn a t ami Id v in ity . If you h ave
no fa ith in th e d»«trin« o f J le .
Incarnation It I* probable you
h ave n ever heard th e p rin cip les
p roperly explain ed . T h is la
your opp ortunity to ju dge fairly.
E g y p tia n T em p le
O r ie n ta l R it u a l.
N o n > S « c t a r ia n .
D o o r s o p e.i a t 6:45 P . M.

M e m o r ia l B lv d . a t A r m e n i a .
‘T w o B l o c k s B e y o n d M o n u m e n t ’
( G r r n d C e n t r a l c a r s corns
w i t h i n a s h o r t w a l k .)
The Tump* Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, January 01,1927
Page 10

Po in tin g how and w h y w e live
again and pg?dn until w e have
completed >*ur real mission in
lift* ami attained full develop­
m ent and Divinity. If you have
lio f a i t h in the doctrine of R e ­
incarnation it Is probable y o u
have never heard the principles
properly explained. T his is
your opportunity to judge fairly.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, January 1, 1927
Page 2, Part II

Fr*-o rvnrri t — i»t It oVJork—3"1T South Hill **l rot,
Lacture By Dr. R. A. Bcrrenbcrg. Subject. "T H E G R E A T E S T LO V Bfc*
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, January 8, 1927
Page 2, Part II


Pte* Cone«rt—Sunday at 11 o ’c lo rk — 3*7 P n n l l i T ill! H i r e r t
Lecture By Dr, R. A. Berrenberg. Subject, "SO U L-M A TES”
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, January 08,1927
Page 11

T he
AT 7 : 3 0 P . M.
By H . S p en cer P h .l).
M a slrr o f (h e T e m p le
K gyp lln n T e m p le
O rien tal R itu a l
Dooi*!* O pen a t 0 : 4 5 P . M.
M em orial B ir d , a t A rm en ia
“ T w o B lock * B ey o n d
((Jrnnd Central cars come
w ithin A short w alk)
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, January 15, 1927
•’“Re 2, Part II

• - Concert—«and*y •> U n'clotk—3-7 *onth MIU *trort
Lecture by Dr. R. A. Berrenberg. Subject, “SECRET OF A MYSTIC'S
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, January 22,1927
Page 12
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Sunday, January 23, 1927
Page 4


D r . H. S p en cer Hew is. im perator ol
th e N orth A m erican Jurisdiction of
th e R oaloruclan order, w ill be the
sp ea k er tom orrow a t 2 p. m. at the
m e e tin g o f th e T ourist club in the
T a m p a B a y ca sin o . H is su b ject w ill
h e " F oreca stin g th e F u tu re of F lor­
ida. “ E u g en e C hristian, d ietitia n , also
w ill speak.
T h ere w ill be a program of son gs
a n d Instru m ental m u sic In rthich Sam
P itm a n , Mrs. H arry Solieh ter, N ick
P a lev e d a , E m il P h ilip s and C. S. F u l­
ler w ill tak e part. T he R ev. s . w .
R eid of th e F ir s t A sso c ia te Reform
P r e sb y te ria n church w ill d eliv er th<-
In vocation .
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Tuesday, January 25,1927
Page 11


. • • .

Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, master of

Atnorc Temple, will speak tonight at
the T. M. C. A. before the Flnckstone
club at 9 o'clock. The subject of his
talk will l.e the Law Study club of
San Francisco.
Dr. Lewis’ t n lk is expected to draw
a large attendance, not only of law-
students hut men nml women of every
walk of life .who are interested in the
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Thursday, January 27,1927
Page 1(1


O rganization of the B lackstone club
of T am pa w a s perfected at a largely
a tten ded m eetin g of law stu d en ts at
the Y. M. C. A. T u esd a y night. B y ­
la w s w ere adopted and additional
c o m m itte e s appointed Several new
m em bers w ere adm itted.
A feature of the m e e tin g w a s an
address by Dr. H. Spencer Lewi?,
im perator of Amoro Temple. F ol­
low ing his address Dr. L ew is offered
the use of the lodge room of Amorc
T em ple fnr the m eetin g s of the club.
The invitation w as accepted and the |
n ext m ee tin g of the stu d en ts will be
held at t h e temple on Memorial h ig h ­
w ay n ext T u e sd a y night.
The Tampa Times
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, January 29,1927
Page 9
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, February 5, 1927
Page 9

D lW 'O t K 8 K T O M O R R O W
A T 7 :8 0 I \ M.

By H . S p e n t e r P h .l ) .
M a s te r o f th e T e m p le
K.jjypt ia n T e m p le
O r ie n ta l R itu a l
N o n -H e c ta ria n
D o o rs 0 |»H(i at »t: 15 P , M.

M e m o ria l l l l t d . a t A r m e n ia
••T w o M loik* H eynnil
M o n u m e n t"
tGrand Central Cars Conte
within n abort walk)
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Sunday, February 6, 1*)27
Page 8, Part II

Made possible by the philanthropy
of a Rostcruclan Brother, member of
the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae
Crucis of North America, that organ­
isation will soon begin work on a new
temple building that will be erected
at Flower street near Rose avenue at
an estimated cost of $100,000. Funds
for the building as well as the two
plots of ground that will ultimately
hold a Rosicruclan University were
contributed, according to the order’s
secretary, Ethel M. Davis, by a mem-
b<h: who wishes his name held secret.
Two lots -were purchased, she said,
for $27,000. The transaction was ne­
gotiated by the T. J. Lawrence Com­
pany. Besides the new $100,000 tem­
ple. other buildings will be added as
future needs demand them, it was
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, February 12, 1927
Page 7 ’



AT 7:30 1*. M.
AND F A T E ’’
It. H. H p c itro r L ew is, IMi.D.
Master of the Temple
Egypt inn Temple
O rie m n l R itu a l
Doors Open at 0:45 1*. M.
No Seats After 7S13
M em o ria l B lv d . at A rm e n ia
Two B lock* B eyond M o n u m e n t’
<Oroml cen tra l Cars Come
w ith in a. short w alk )
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, February 19,1927
Page 2, Part II

Sp64kl *N
“ E valuation o f V a lu e ”
Sundiy Sdittl (Nae-atctarlan and tandutltd aJt"» uMverut iln*0 2 pm,
Mt. W ash in gton E d u ca tio n a l Center
3880 Sift Rfttiftl Avi. GArftald 6488.
Taka "W " r»r an Broidway c oin c nflrth and g r l off ai W tu Are. 41 where
I>uo»i w ill w ile from 1:13 on.


2 1 2 0 S m ith U n io n A v e . T e l. M E acon 1S«8.
Sunihv-M'linnl, t>:80: Momlnir Service. 11:00; Erenlnit. F:00.
Morning Subject: "CO-Ol’KRATION IN SERVICE/* Emma II. Lake, Speaker.
Kvrwlnjr, Lionel Kenworthjr, BpeaUor.

The Pristine Church of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood

Tree Concert—Sunday nt H o'clock—3S7 South Hill Street
Lecture by I>r. R, A, Berrenbenf. Subject, "The Mystery of Birth/*
L, A . A lcy o n e Group, O rder o f th e Star in th e East
In v ltn pit PublU tr a Lertura ■
fly Cady Emily Ctrtytfli, Aulhftr ind Crtturtr, (6rand-diU 8hti» t< Blr B u lw r LytUa)
THwophlta! KaM, *H Wait 4th *1.. Thun., Ftb. 24, • P.M.
The Tampa Times
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, February 19,1927
Page 13
t r TA B U F M L n R TAMPA

vr 7:rto r. m .

B. H. S p e n c e r L e u l s T*h.T>,
M ustpp o f ( h r T e m p l e
Ql ESTIO X S A\ S W E R F t)
E g y p tia n T e n t p lr
O r i e n t a l It Hunt
f l o o r - O p e n at 6 : 1 5 TV M.
Vn s e a t s After 7:K>
ro sier r n ax square
Memori al B h d . at A r m e n i a
"Two B l o c k * Bprnntl
(Grand C e n t r a l ear* corns
within a s h o r t w a l k )
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, February 26,1927
Page 2, Part II

T h e P ris tin e C h u rch o f th e Rosicrucian Brotherhood

327 So. Hill St. •
F r e a C o n c e r t a t 11 o ’c l o c k S u n d a y e , Lecture; h t u f M V tT F D V n e i irtro
by D p . R. S. B e r r e n b a r o , K.R.C. * n t MYi)l bRY 0 F U F E '
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, February 26,1927
Page 7



AT 7:80 I \ M.
“ S ecret of the
G re a t P y ra m id ”
By H . Spenrer I/Cwla. l’h.D.
of tin* T e m p le
Egyptian Temple
O r ie n ta l R itu a l
Non •Sectarian
Door* Open at H:4A I*. M.
No Mratn After 7:13
w ie a d q p a r t e r s o r the
Ro sicn ro iA N o r d er
r M im o n a l B lvd. at A rm a n ia
‘T w o B lock* Beyond M onum ent'
( Central Car* Conic
w ith in a kIioi t w alk )
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, March 5, 1927
Page 2, Part II

The PRISTINE CHURCH of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood

• s:; South nin m.
P rto C oncert i t I I n'clfK k. TU' t a r f i "TTin M>*l«*rr of Dwilh,*' by D r. V. A-
B r i w i b e r f , F.B*C. F re e Lecttiro* om Tnr*dftr aod T h a rtd a r. • D*m<| It
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, March 12,1927
Page 7

E S T A B L IS H K f> IN T A M P A

T h e R osicrucians
A T 7 :3 0 1». M .

“ T h e Secrets
o f A stro lo g y ”
By H . H pcaeer L ew is, P h-D ,
Mm ut o f U>e T em p i*
E n r p tU a T em p le
O r ie n t a l R it u a l
Doors Open at 8:43 P. M.
No Keats After 7:13
M em orial Illvd. a t A rm e n ia
“ T a n B lo ck s B eyond
fCrrrul O n t n t i C ars <'o m s
w ith in a sh o rt w a lk ;
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, March 12, 1927
Page 2, Part II

T he P ris tin e C h u rch o f T he R o sicru cia n B ro th e rh o o d

327 S o u th H ill St.
F re e C oncert n t 11:15. L e c tu re : " T h e M ystery o f H e - B lr th ." 1>>' h r . I t. A.
U errenbers, F .B .C . F re e L ectu re* T u esd ay a n d F rid a y , 8 p .m .: W e d n e sd a y , 12 M.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, March 19,1927
Page 7

T h e R osicrueians
A T ?:S O 1*. M.
M A G N E T IS M ”
By H . R p e n re r Lrw M , P h.D .
M u rt« r of (ho T e m p le
K o p tla a T e m p le
O r ie n ta l R itu a l
N o n -S e c ta ria n
Door* O pen a t 0:4-'% P , ML
No Heat* A fte r 7 : IS
headquarters of the
M em o rial B lvd. a t A rm e n ia
" T w o IU imA m lle y o n d
M o n u m e n t'’
I 1
(Or* ml (> n tr« l fa r o Coma
within a Chart waik>
Oakland Tribune
Oakland. California
Sunday, March 20, 1927
Page A-13

N e x t T h ursday >■ N e w T e a r ’*
d ay— n o t for average citizens, who
r eck o n by the Oregorlun calendar
b u t fo r tho Roslcruelsn brother
h ood . On March "4 the Roslcru
ctnn y e a r 3280 begins.
T h e birth o f th e new yen r on th e
d a y o f th e sp rin g eq u in ox h a s nn
tu ru ’s sa n ctio n , th e R oslcruclanr
sa y , w h ile Jan u ary 1 as a new yenr
d a te Is only a m a n -m a d e Instltu
tion , w ith o u t fo u n d a tio n In nature.
R oslcru ctan s' lo d g es a ll over
A m e rica hold M arch 24 sacred and
o b ser v e It w ith fea stin g an d prayer,
a c c o r d in g to A m orc T em p le, 848
O cta v la street, Sun F rn n clsco.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, March 26,1927
Page 10


T o m o rro w N ig h t at 7:30

Doora Op«n at 6:45 P . M.
No Seata a fte r 7:10

Yh» public services on Sunday
nights " ill end " llh Oil* wc»k un­
til after the Hummer vacation pe-
rl««l. The attendance ha* been
trem endous, and many hundreds
have h em lurn-d aw ay Sunday
after Sunday. Keitalra and ch an ges
will bo made for the Fall, but in
tha m eantim e nur own B road cast­
ing Station w ill arrange to put our
lectures and other church services
on* th e air. Our b usiness o ffices
" ill be open dally all through the
spring and sum m er from 9 A. M.
to i P. M. Come and see ua If we
can help you. and go to som e
church each Sunday, T he Churches
need and are worthy of your su p ­

la the only organisation in the
t'n lted S ta tes having affiliation
w ith the International ftosicruclan
Order and known throughout the
world as AMORC. v

M eadq uartsra fee N o rth A m e ric a .
Memetjjlel H ighw ay a n d A rm en ia.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, April 2, l ‘)27
Page 2, Part II

Bttnddr, I t :tn n.m .—MCSIC ivnrt tX CTU RK a t SC7 frwitb Hill St.
by d r . r. a . b e r r e n b e r g
Firnt Production of the -‘'MYSTERY rLAT**
“ Birth— Life-—D ea th ”
tVrllli'ti amt pcednred hr Br. **-, Senvnbent, « tVcdriMdur. April *. ami Ttmr»-
d*y. April 7, at *27 ?<»• Hill (W. No Student of the Occult nhould min' It.
EoMorred tLl®, ea Sale Pbcm* TUcket j» 7^.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, April 02, 1927
Page 7

T h e R o sio r u c la n o rd er k n o w n a*'
A m o rc, c o n d u c tin g th e S u n d a y s e r v ­
ic e s o f th e P r is tin e ch u rch , w ill d is ­
c o n tin u e se r v ic e * on S u n d a y during:
th e spring: a n d su m m er . During: the
\yeak c la s s e s an d p r iv a ie s e s s io n s w ill
h e h eld a t A m orc tem p le, R o slc r u c ia n
S q u a re , M em orial b o u lev a rd a n d A r­
m e n ia a v e n u e . The b u sin e ss o ffic e s
w ill be open a s u su a l *from 9 a . m.
to 5 * p. fn. d a ily .
The Tampa Times
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, April 09,1927
Page 15

P r is tin e C lm rp l o f th e R o s e
The U n s i r r w i a a order k n o v n
A m ore conduct Inc the Sunday s«
ices of the F rislin e church w i l l di
continue these se rvices on Sundi
during the s p r i n g and *U1
months. Du ring the w e ek , c I r b i
and private se s s io n s w i l l hold tht
meetings at the Amorr T em ple
Rosicniclan Square, Memorial hot
vard, and Armenia avenue,
business offi ces will be open
usual from 0 a. m. to 5 p. m. dall:
Visitors and inquiries cordially
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, April 9, 1927
Page 2, Part II

T h e P ris tin e C h u rch o f th e R o sicru cia n B ro th e rh o o d

a s: so u th m u s t .
Free Concert nt 11:1.1 a.m. Torture, "The Me»«Iah,” by T>r. tt . \ . Hrrren1»erir1 F.R.C.
________ t ree I>cc1nr r » TMMtlay_*nd Thursday. 8 f.M .i ttfil oc»»1h>■ H >1.
The Lets Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, April 16, I‘>27
Page 2, Part II

P resentation of th e “Mystery of
Life" by th e RosJcruclan School of
Arts a t 327 South Hill .street was
such a success th a t Dr, R. A. Ber-
renberg 13 planning a series of sim i­
lar plays for Sunday m ornings. A
brief lecture will precede each play.
The dram a for tom orrow m orning,
free to th e public, is en titled “The
R esurrection.’*
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, April 16, 1927
Page 2, Part II

On EM.Vr Sunday. M ; l i A.M .. th« HMlcrurUn Sfiioel of Art* wilt orturtt
A Piny in Four Pnrt«. Enp.'anntory lacturp by Or. R. A. Berrmbrro. Sliver Offerln*.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, May 7, 1927
Page 2, Part II


K \rrr S tm d o v . I I » .» « .. a n d W c iJ n e M la y , S : I 3 P-*D.


N u t Sum]C l . : "A DIIU.VM AT TWIM011T.”
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Tuesday, May 3,1927
Page 3

.... V. ... . ■:

D r, H . S p e n c e r T ,ew is, e d u c a to r , a d ­
v e r t is in g a n d business* c o u n s e llo r , w ill
b e th e p rin cip a l s p e a k e r a t th e R o ta r y
c lu b m e e tin g to d a y n oon a t th e H ills ­
b o ro h o te l. H e .w ill sp e a k on " T h e
P s y c h o lo g y o f S e lli n g / '
F o r 20 y e a r s h e h a s b e e n a d v is in g
so m e o f th e la r g e s t m a n u fa c tu r e r s a n d
d is tr ib u to r s in th e c o u n tr y , c*n b u s i­
n e s s p r o b le m s a s r e la te d to p u b lic ity
a n d s e llin g .
H e is c r e d ite d w i t h b e in g th e o r ig i­
n a to r o f th e s lo g a n , “S e e A m e r ic a
F i r s t .”
The Tampa Times
Tampa, Florida
Friday, May 06,1927
Page 6

Vmlominitil B efore C riticising. The UusicruriHiPt understand that man, as

Tampa. Fla.. May 3. 19 27. r definite expression in the anim al species,
To the Kditor of The Times; began when Cod created man, find that before
I would like to say a few w ords In con­ Cod created man. man was not an animal and
nection with the controversy th at is going on wa* not in existence at all. What animal ele­
In your ‘T uhllc r u ls e ” colum n. I have read ments or vegetabla elem ents m ay hare en­
with much Interest the various argument*, tered into the com position of his body is Im­
and agree with som e and disagree with material. The Bible distinctly states, as a
other*. But I think I can speak on behalf of fundam ental principle o f ontology, that God
a great many Intelligent and falrmlnded per­ formed man out o f the dust of the earth, and
sons In this country, especially 30,600 or we know that means th st the physlcsl body of
more who are sincere students o f religion and man was formed of all the primary elem ents
the sciences. carefully selected and brought together so as
There seems to he widespread Ignorance to give man’s body the very highest expres­
in regard to what the modern schools teach sion from every view point. That there may
in regard to evolution. A great many of have been id her elem ent* oT anim al life or
those who are arguing agalnat the teaching other species of anim al matter used in the
o f evolution do not know th at Darwin had formation of m an’s body is undoubtedly (rue,
two distinct ideas In regard to h is scientific for today man's physical body is formed of
postulations and published tw o different anim al and vegetable as well as mineral ele­
manuscripts which later became his famous ments evolved to the high state in which we
hooks. Before he died one o f these manu­ found them in man's physical composition.
scripts or books was discarded by him and by But the scriptural ontology distinctly stales
sevenly-five per cent of the scientific world, that after this physical body, through pro­
ami Is no longer taught as a doctrine or theo­ cesses of evolution or selectivity and chem ­
ry but may he occasionally referred to as an ical transm utation, was formed into b unique
ancient p h i l o s o p h y - much like the writings expression nnd body, Cod breathed into this
o f som e of the Creeks of centuries gone by. form the breath of life and man became n
I refer to the cut-and-dried doctrine of the living soul, or, in other words, a new spe­
Origin o f the Species. I do not believe that cie known as "man/* made in God’s image
there Is a modern, rational, scientific school and likeness. Now why, therefore, should we
or institute in the world today that j« teach­ look upon man as a result o f th e component
ing the original Darwin doctrines of the ori­ parts th at entered Into his physical body?
gin of species, and whenever th is dodrine is I am w orking at the present lim e on the
referred In its errors are pointed out and the preparation of a book. That book, when it
fact that it has been rejected is made plain. is com pleted, w ill be formed o f pages of pa­
This was the dortrine that attem pted to ar­ per, bound with a rover of rftrdlHiitrd and
gue that man is the result of the evolution of cloth. On the pages will be printed words
formed of linotype sings and individual ini­
the nionkev species. Most of the prolific writ­
tials. On the rover there w ill be gold let­
ers of anti-evolution are stilj laboring under
the belief that the ancieat and rejected Dar­ ters formed by brass dies and gold leaf. When
(he book Is com pleted and Is given to one of
winian theory is still being tau ght, and they
my friends with the m essage It contains, with
do not seem to make the distinction between
Ha expression, personality, and living vital
spiritual Hnd incntul evolution and physical
character speaking from 11a pages, I would be
evolution. May I, therefore, sla te what the
Itosieruclana throughout the World under- greatly shocked to have my friend examine
the hook and aay: “ So thia hook la an evolu­
stand in tills regard? and this means lion,* tion o f primary elem ent* and la composed of
0011 nit Usually intelligent students of the sci-
m ineral, vegetabla and anim al life, and there­
eni i s and devout worshippers of Cod and the fore, ibis book had its origin in the seed* in
Christ inn religion. the ground, in the minerals, and In plants and
is, therefore, m erely an evolution from low-
The Tampa Times 2
Tampa, Florida
Friday, May 06,1927
Page 6

er life.*' I would say that he wee missing the

greet ness of Its existence end I would most
certainly claim that the book as a "book,"
had its beginning when It was made a book
and did not have Its beginning as a book in
the elements of brass or sine or oils and fats
or linen or cotton. As a book it did not come
into existence until the master-worker of it
bad evolved his great idea to completion and
then, putting the final touch upon it, said:
“This is a book, made Jn the image of my
concept ion."
Roslcruclans believe that man waa cre­
ated in the aams way and that aince the time
of craation the soul of man la srolTing
through the study of Cod and God's laws aad
attunamant wttfe Cod, and that it is the cro-
lution of the soul or the spiritual part of man
that atads our closer atudy and necessitates
our worship of God and His ways.
1 would like to comment also upon the
statement made in these columns that Benja-
in Franklin was a close adherent to the fun­
. tmental doctrines of religions and would sot
have accepted any of the present-day doc­
trines. The writer of that statement did not
know that Mr. Franklin was also a Roskru-
cian. an officer of the Itosicrucian order, and
connected with the early Roairrucian founda­
tion that was established near Philadelphia In
iS II, and that it was through his conaectkm
with the Roskrucisn order that he evolved
the library system and many other means of
disseminating the very practical as well ax re­
ligious information promoted by the Rosicru-
cisns. Thomas Jefferson and many others
notable in American history were members
and officers of the Rosicrucian order, then,
as thousands of notable characters and lead­
ers in man's spiritual and mental evolution
are members today. Before the present-day
teachings of evolution are so greatly criti-
died by advocates of legislation every one
'should become familiar with what the schools
are actually teaching and what the schools
and universities are offering to their students.
This would give every one a better under­
standing at ciples of evolution
| would heron to the average fatr-
The Tampa Times
Tampa, Florida
Friday, June 24, 1927
PaRe 8

Rosicrucian Officer
To Sail for Europe
Ralph M. L ew is, s u p r em e s e c r e ­
tary o f th e Araorc I ueian
brotherhood, accom pani- .1 y his
w ife, w ill lea v e Tam pa .. lay for
New Y ork, w here th e y embark on
the H om eric July 1 for a tour of
Mr. and Mrs. L e w is w ill a tten d
o fficia l s e s s io n s of th e R o sicru cia n s
in P a ris and w ill then proceed to
the in te r n a tio n a l c o n g r e ss h e a d ­
quarters in G eneva. F rom there,
they w ill v is it the a n c ien t R o sic ru ­
cian tem p le s ite s in B asle, F r a n k ­
fort and M ayence. A fter a sta y at
C ologne, th e y w ill Journey th rou gh
B elgium and H olland.
T hey are sch ed u led to arrive in
London th e last w e ek of July as
r ep re sen ta tiv e s to th e co n tin e n ta l
celeb ration of the fin e a rts s o c ie ­
ties of E urope, writh w hich the R o sl-
crucian order is a ffilia te d . In L on ­
don, th ey a lso w ill m eet the grand
o ffice rs o f the B ritish R osicru cian
Amorc. T h ey w ill retu rn to Tam pa
about A u g. 10.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, June 25, 1927
Page 7

R a lp h M. Lewi*, suprem e secretary
o f th e Am orc R osie rue tan B ro th e r ­
hood. a n d Mrs. Lew is w ill lea v e T a m ­
p a tom orrow for New Y ork w h en ce
th ey w ill sa il for Europe o n th e
H om eric, J u ly 1. a s o fficia l rep resen t­
a tiv e s o f Am orc to a tten d various in ­
te r n a tio n a l sessio n s to be h eld abroad
in Ju ly.
W h ile In P aris th ey w ill v isit th e
R ose Croix officers and receive o f f i­
c ia l d ocu m en ts preparatory to th eir
jou rn ey to G eneva, th e se a t o f th e
in ter n a tio n a l R osicrucian con gresses.
F rom G eneva, th ey w ill go to B asle.
F ran k fort and M ayence to pay th e ir
resp ects to th e a n c ie n t R osicru cian
sh rin es. A fter a sta y o f several d a y s
in C ologne th ey will journey th rou gh
| B elgiu m and H olland to O stend. In
London th ey will be en terta in ed by
I he o fficers o f th e in tern a tio n a l fine
, a ria so cie tie s o f w hich Amorc is (h e
j A m erican representative, a n d also w ill
a tten d o fficia l sessions w ith th e grand
m aster o f th e B ritish Amorc. T h ey
u t il return to T am pa abou t A ugust
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, July 16, l ‘)27
Page 2, Part II

Ancient and Myitical Order

Rosae Crucit


p reserved their
secrets— fo r
Now ttior sra offrrInc to you to itut yw.
too, a n rise to Hi* splendor and pw tr of
tho secret Masters of the Bait. Nerer has
such an offtrine been hudo aa tho Rral-
crucian* present to Un* selected few. Tha
M id of tli9 Orient sere Mastar Mind*.
Egypt was th9 most adrenerd country In
tho world—through secret knowltdce. Keen
today arjcntliti are vainly hunting, for
burled secrets of Boypt'a mrlhoda of mak­
ing cold, preventing disease and prolcnc-
Ing Ufa. But, her m e knowledge was
nut hidden In lombl and nyramlila. 7here
vr«a tho HECnKT FRATT.nNITY — the
mystic, arcane rchoola nf the Magi, nliltli
rs.ond ui the great Wisdom and mystlr
pnw*r to Its successor. TUB FRATBH-
tho Itnalcrucltn* teach (he worthy and sin­
cere by a rrlratr. personal rnctlwd rf
astounding principles which make Ben
and wptuon blisters of Fate.
Laetura far Tomorrow— “ A Trua and
Authantla History of the A M O R C . "

Rosicrucian Hall
327 3 . Hill S tr e e t
(Third Floor)
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Wednesday, July 20,1927
Page 9

A m o re Temple Plant
Said To Be Largest
In South
StAtion W JB B . said to be th e largest
and best equipped broad castin g s ta ­
tion In th e so u th , h a s received per­
m ission to go on th e air on a w av;
len g th of 344 m eters. T h is add ition to
T am pa's rad io b road castin g fa cilities
will operate from A m orc T em ple.
R osicrucian Sq uare. M em orial h ig h ­
way and S o u th A rm enia avenue. It
has been co n stru cted and equipped
by th e R osicru cian order through su b ­
scriptions m ad e by 30.000 person s in
all parts o f th e U n ited S ta tes, w ho
w ill listen in on its program s.
U nique featu res are p lan n ed for On M onday and T h u rsd ay even ings,
th e program s, w h ic h it is ann ounced, from 7 o'clock to m id n ig h t, an e d u ­
are to be free from jazz and o f higli ca tio n a l program will be broadcast,
class c h a r a cter th rou gh ou t. D aily e x ­ perluiu ing to h ea lth , bu sin ess, fin -
cept S u n d ay a h om e program w ill be arts aud th e scien ces. T uesd ay au J
broadcast from 9 to 10 a. m . c o n sist­ Friday u ig h ts w ill be tow n n ig h ts w ith
ing o f h ea lth a n d b eau ty talks, h o u se­ special ta len t p resen tin g liuaiorou*
hold in fo rm a tio n , sh op p in g and and en terta in in g features.
th eater new s. W ea th er reports, A r­ S u n d ay m orning th e serv ices in one
lin gton tim e a u d read in g of an a p ­ of Uie T am p a ch u rch es w ill be broad-
propriate c h a p ter from th e B ible will caat th rou gh rem ote co n tro l. On S u n ­
day ev en in g a n o n -se c ta r ia n religious
m ark th e n oon hour. A n hour of
service w ill be p u t on th e air.
dunce m usic w ill sta rt at 4;30 p. ra.
The Tampa Times
Tampa, Florida
Wednesday, July 20, 1927
Page 5

Radio commission for operation

was petitioned by over 30.000 m cm -|
AMORC RADIO The station will go on the air j
with a wave length of 314 meters.
Two steel towers support an an­

STATION NEAR tenna of six strands, 100 feet long

and 100 feet high. The studio Is)
located on the second floor of the
main building and has been attrac­

COMPLETION tively decorated. The equipment

was designed by the technical staff j
of Amoro college and the mechan­
ical work done by William Moore.
Tampa radio engineer.
Dedication Wi l l Be Programs of a high class char­
acter will be given by this station,
Held in About it was announced. Daily, except |
Sunday, the program will start with
Ten Days. physical culture exercises for wo-1
men. followed by shopping news,
household information. beauty
Dedication of station WJBB, new talks, theater news and other Items j
o f Interest. In the afternoon, at
Roslcruclan radio station located in 4:80 o’clock, there will be a tea!
Am erc temple. Memorial highway dane&nt for an hour. Monday and
and South Armenia avenue, will Thursday evenings there w ill be j
be held In ahout 10 days. educational lectures and demon- J
•trations. Tuesday and Friday eve­
This addition to Tampa's radio nings will be town nights, featuring [
broadcasting facilities has been special talent. At noon each day
constructed through subscriptions weather reports, time signal and
made by 10,000 members of the reading o f the Bible will be broad- |
Rosleruclan order throughout the cast.
United States, Canada and Mexico, Sunday mornings at 11 o'clock aj
and permission of the Federal service from one of Tampa's!
churches w ill be broadcast through
rem ote contral and at 7:30 p. m.
a non-sectarian religious service
given. Once a month a radio play
w ill be broadcast by the Aniorc |
The staff of officers of the new
station include Dr. H. Spencer
Lewis, chief director; Rnlph Lewis,
control director; C. S. Fisher, gov­
ernment operator; Franklin Hein­
rich. program director; Harry E. j
Grant, musical director: O. A. Seav-
er. organist: William Moore, radio!
engineer, and Mrs. Bell, hostess.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa. Florida
Sunday, July 31. 1927
Page 5

The first program over Station
J WJB, at Amorc Temple, Roaicruclan
headquarters on Memorial boulevard,
will be given tomorrow night, begin­
ning promptly at 8 o'clock.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Tuesday, August 02,1927
Page 11
All Parts of Country
Near First of Regu­
lar Programs
Tampa « new radio station, W JBB.
operated bv the Amorr coIIcrc and the
Financial Journal, at the c o lle g e on
Memorial highw ay made its debut on
th e air last night with a sen es of
short talks by prom inent Tam pans, in ­
cluding Harry H. Root president of
ih e Rotary club; B L. Hamner. G A
Nash executive vlce-prroidrnt of the
board of trade; Dr. H Spencer Lewis
head of th e Rosicruciau order, and
J . E Dads well of St. Petersburg.
M usical n u m b ers' w ere provided bv
Tam pa M andolin Sym phony and the
T am pa H eights Methodist church or­
chestras under the direction of Harry
G rant. Several vocal selections were
sung by local talent, including M:x<
Helen Ford. Dr. C. W. Duke, pastor
of the First Baptist church pro­
nounced the invocation
T he station has a v a s e length of
3t4.« and is equipped with Ihe latest
devices. O ne of Its features is a
special ventilating system . Ralph
Lewis is station dtrector and Carl
Fisher, licensed governm ent radio
operator, is in charge of the sending
D aily programs w 11 be broadcast by
th* station beginning W ednesdev
m orning at 9 o'clock. Two special co n ­
certs will be given each w e e k , be­
ginning at m idnight and continuing
until 4 a. m., for the benefit of
listeners on the Pacific roa-t.
Several hundred telegram s of co n ­
gratulation were received last night
T hey cam e from San Francisco. San
Antonio. Sioux City la ; Stockton.
C alif : D etroit. Cleveland. Boston.
Lynn. Mass.; W orcester. Mu.-.#.; Mon- .
tre^l. New York. Dayton. O : Chicago,
A tlanta. Milwaukee Hartford. Conn.:
W ashington. D. C.; Jam estown. N. Y .
and Ocean City. Md.. and othci points
In addition more than 500 telephone
c a lk were received from Tam pa and
nearby cities.
The Tampa Times
Tampa, Florida
Tuesday, August 02, 1927
Page 11

Tampa's Big New Broadcasting Station
W JB B . T a m p a 's p o w e rfu l n e w b r o a d c a s t in g s t a t i o n w h ic h Is
b e in g o p e r a t e d b y t h e R o s ic r tic ia n O r d e r a n d t h e F in a n c ia l J o u r ­
n a l o f S t P e t e r s b u r g , f r o m t h e l a r g e s t a n d m o s t b e a u tifu lly
e q u ip p e d s t u d i o in th e s o u t h a t A M O R C T E M P L E . R o sic ru c ia n
S q u a re . T a m p a , is a s p le n d id a d d itio n to T a m p a 's a t t r a c t i o n s a n d
a w e lc o m e a n d h ig h c la s s a d d it i o n t o t h e b r o a d c a s t i n g s ta tio n s
o f t h e c o u n t r y . Of- H . S jio n c e r L e w is . I m p e r a t o r o f t h e R osi-
c r u c ia n s o f N o r t h A m e ric a p la n n e d t h i s s t a t i o n a y e a r a g o a n d
it h a s b e e n b u i l t a n d p a id f o r e n ti r e l y b y t h e v o l u n ta r y c o n tr i­
b u tio n s o f o v e r s i x t y t h o u s a n d m e m b e rs o f t h e o r d e r th r o u g h o u t
th e c o u n tr y . W J B B w ill f e a t u r e i n s p i r in g a n d i n s t r u c t i v e p r o ­
g r a m s a lo n g t h e m o st e th i c a l tin e s , w i t h t h e h i g h e s t c la ss o f
m u s ic a n d o t h e r e d u e n tio n a i a n d e n t e r t a i n i n g fe a tu re s . T h e
m a n y a f f i l i a t i o n s o f t h e R o s ic r u c ia n O r d e r w ill m a k e p o ssib le
p r o g r a m s t h a t a r e v a rie d a n d e la b o r a te , a n d t h a t w ill be e q u alled
b y v e ry fe w s t a t i o n s in t h e c o u n tr y .
W e w e lc o m e a n d c o n g r a t u la t e t h i s fin e n e w s t a t i o n .

Adams J e w e lr y C o m p a n y
611 Franklin St. “Gifts That L ast" Phone 4303
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
W ednesday, August 3,1927
Page 6

Station ‘ WJBB

Thii* powerful new broadcasting station i*

wonderful addition to Tampa'a entertain­
ment feature*. I«ocated at Amore Temple on
Memorial Highway, and operated by the Ros-
icrucian Order and the Financial Journal of
St. Petersburg, it will feature programs of
! the highest order. I.oral radio enthusiasts
will want to “listen in."

Adams Jewelry Co
Radiolx Department
fill Franklin Phone 4103
Ancient and Mystical Order
Rosac Cruets
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 6 1927
Page 2, Part II

This S ecret Book
E r p la ln * tb o M arrcl* o f

Bccftus© th o book la secretly
p u b lish e d — an d n o t fo r sa le— wo
w ill loan a cop y of th is now book
to e v e r y m a n or w om an w ho
w rlto s to u* in absolute sin c e r ity
s e e k in g to kn ow tho s e c r e t doc*
tr in e s o f th e Roslcrticlann.
O f co u rso w o m ust lim it th is
offer to th o se w h o aro not m erely
curious. W o a s k for no ' m on ey,
ho sta m p s, no com pensation. But
each m u st wrlt<j mo t hat th e y
tr u ly w is h to become A dop ts o f
th e G roat W ork bolng m u stered
by th e B o slc r u c la n s in all p a rts o f
th o w o rld In accordance w ith .th o
a n c ie n t p la n fou nd la
• T h o M ysteries of '
• th e E g y p tia n Secret Schools
T h is n o w book, c u lle d ’"Tho L ig h t
o f Egypt,'* ex p la in s how th o B o sl-
cru cla n s to d a y carry on th eir s y s ­
tem o f p erso n a l evolution for real
see k e r s w h o a re worthy and ready.
N o o th e r sy ste m ilko It In the
w orld. T e ste d , In every m na.
th o u sa n d s o f Amerlca'n fo rem o st
m y stic w o rk ers stand ready to c o ­
op erate. J u s t w rite a sh ort note
sa y in g y o u nre w illing to g iv e a
little tlm o nnd thought to tho
sttid les nnd m a s te r each otep a lo n g
w ith o th er s, m id the book w ill bo
sen t, p o stp a id . * :
W e a ls o h a v e free lectu res and
m u sica l program every Sunday a t
11:15, th e lectu re for - tom orrow
b ein g " d o in g on the P a th .” A d­
d r e s s ’ c a r e fu lly .
AMORC Roslcructan H all
<5limlc Arts Studio Bldg.)
238 S o u th B roadw ay
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, August 20, 1927
Page 7

Nearly Half Inch of Pre­
cipitation in 10
The heavy wind and rainstorm that The rain began falling shortly be­
broke over Tampa shortly before noon fore 12 o'clock and r e a c h e d the
yesterday was one of the moat severe maximum from 12 to 12:10 during
during the present rainy season, the which time .40 inches was pre-
city being deluged with .40 inches cipi'-ated. The rain continued falling
of rain In about 10 minutes. in varying quantities until about 12 30,
The maximum velocity of the wind the weather bureau reporting that
for about five minutes was 24 miles yesterday's rainfall amounted to .60
an hour, according to the offtclal inches The rainfall for this month
instruments at the weather bureau, Is 5.R4 Inches, which is about a quarter
and there was one brief gust during of 33 of an Inch in excess of normal.
which it attained a velocity of ap­ The rain yesterday and the clouds
proximately 30 miles. Citizens living which continued to hang over the
In the Seminole Heights section and city for several h o u r s thereafter
along the bay shore were convinced brought much cooler weather. The
the wind In those sections was much mercury was at 86 when the rain
higher than that, according to reports began falling and well to 73 within
they made to W J. Bennett, director a half hour.
at the weather office. Lightning struck the aerial tower
There were many persons who were of radio station of WJBB at the
alarmed by the wind, and for more Roslcrucinn temple just a few minutes
than an hour Mr. Bennett's telephone before the noon program was to be
was kept busy with inquiries about broadcast. Several day* will be re­
the prospects of a hurricane The quired to make repairs and until these
weather director quieted all these are effected there will be no programs.
fears by announcing there is no No one was injured.
hurricane scheduled for this section
at this time. It w s reported that in
various sections of the city there was
some little damage done to roofs of
buildings but there was nothing
j serious, so far as could be ascertained.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Tuesday, August 23, 1927
Page 11


A new system of tra n sm ittin g m usic
over the radio w as used for th e first
tim e Sunday night at sta tio n W JBB,
th e Aiiiorc tem p le sta tio n on M em ­
orial boulevard. T h e new process was
evolved in the R osierucnin laboratories
and is term ed m u sical photography.
T hrough th e new a n a n g c in e n t the
m usic or voice o f th e soloist Is reg is­
tered by a photographic lig h t ray.
In m any cases the voice o f a sin ger
is superim posed upon th e register of
an orch estration . T h e result Is called
a ton e picture, w h ich fa ith fu lly r e ­
cords the low and h ig h to n es and
gives a depth o f quality and purity
w h ich can n o t be obtained in any oth er
wa y.
T ests for more th an two w eeks have
proved the value o f th e in ven tion ,
w hich is expected to a ttra ct n a tio n ­
w ide a tten tio n am on g radio engineers.
I'he Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 27, 1927
Page 2, Part II

The Rosicrucian Brotherhood (AM ORC)

M u i l c A r t S t u d i o Bldfl-, 2 3 2 S . H ill S t .
At 11:15 A.M.. sunder.
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S aturday , S eptem ber 3, 1927
Page 2, P a rt II

F n - r lo Ih# P u h llr
A lchem y, Biochemiitry and Mental H ealing
l a S j a ip b o o j H a ll, M u«U-.\rt H toillo B id * ., 21* Bo, 1IU1 81., a t l i s t * A..M. ffu nH n j.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Friday, September 16,1927
Page 19

Through the use of the radio a new
entertainment feature h u been
ranged for the children by the c
recreation department in co-operat
with ihe Roaicrueian organization.
Beginning next Monday nil
WJBB, the radio broadcast mg atat'
of the Roaicniciana. wilt Include
it* program a special atory hour
children, with Miss Mildred Perm
In charge of dramatics for the recr
tion department, in the role of s
teller. There are many homes
Tampa with radio receiving set*
It Is expected tlie series will p
Miss Fermler sold yesterday she
would atari the series next Monday
j evening at 7:30 o'clock. The chil­
dren may listen in for .her at this
same hour on each aucceeding Mon­
day evening through the winter. She
has arranged an interesting program
for the children on this occasion, in­
cluding the Cinderella story as Eng­
lish speaking children know it and the
Indian version. She also will tell a
number of Indian fairy talcs. Miss
Permler plans to make these occasions
not only entertaining but instructive
as well.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Sunday, September 18,1927
Page 33

W JBB. Amorc Tem ple, Tam pa; 9-11

p, m., sacred music, questions and
answers, philosophical discourse,!
■Rnfitr.ruf.ian M im re-----------— ______ }
W JAX. Jacksonville 1336 9m -890kc).
7:30, service.
WJZ. New York 1454 2m-660kc >, 7.
Cook's travelogue; 7:30. concert en -
semble: WBZ. K DK A. KY\V,
WHAM; 9. Oodfred Ludlow, violin ­
ist: WBZ. KVW.
WLW, C in cin n ati *428 3m-710kc>.
7:30. churrh service: 8;30, Croaicy
concert orchestra.
W PG. A tlantic C ity (273 fim-llOOkc),
10, Sunday evening m usicale.
W S A I . C in cin nati <361.2m-830kc),
8. radio serm onette.
WTAM, Cleveland (399 8m -750kcL 7,
theater program; 8. church service;
9, evensong: 10, orchestra.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Sunday, October 30,1927
Page 3

TO BROADCAST LECTL'RE j the first of a series of Rosicrucian lec-

Dr. H. Spencer Lewis will broadcast, f tures, the subject being “Christ In
tonight a t 8:30, over station WQBA. Mind."
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, October 15,1927
Page 5
Headquarters To Go to
San Jose, College

Removal of the national offices of

the Rosienician* order from Tampa to
Ban Jose, Calif., was officially an­
nounced last night by Dr. H, Sin­
clair lewis, president of Amore col­
lege, operated here by the order.
The college branch, established here
11 years ago, will be retained. The
removal of the national office, which
will take with it Dr. Lewis, his son.
Ralph, who Is secretary of the In­
stitution, and seven department heads,
will take place during the first two
weeks of December.
The national offices, which con­
trol 120 branch colleges over the
country, were moved to Tampa from
San Prmncisco two years ago.
“Moving the offices will have noth­
ing to do with the college here," Dr.
Lewis said. " I t will operate as it has
been operated. Our moving casts no
reflection on Tampa or Florida. Con­
ditions here do not affect the school
one way or th e other. I t has always
been our policy to move the offices
from one city to another to better as­
sist the growth of the Institution."
Dr. Lewis said that an election
would be held soon to appoint an in­
structor to take charge of the local
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, October 15, 1927
Page 2, Part II

Lactura on T ru th and Evolution. Also Staraoptlcan V law a of Thoupht Forma,
Sym phony H all, M u a lc 'A rta Studio Bldg., 232 South H ill St., a t 11t15 A.M .,
Sunday. Offlca S u it* 432 to 435, opon dally.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, October 29,1927
Page 2, Part II

L E C T U R E : • • T H O U G H T A N D A S T R A L F O R M S . -'
0 » r r nrtjr »lrrropll<-»n t Ibw u In ro ln n . S Y M P H O N Y H A M * M m lr - A r U S lu .llo
O l.lg., W so u p . M ill, a t I I : »» ».tn . * u n .|iy , Q f l l f H nllp 4HI to I M op»o d u ll, .
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 5, 1927
Page 2, Part tl

Rosicrucian Brotherhood (A M O R C )
Lecture on—" M A N A N D T H E O P P O R T U N I T I E S O F H I S L I F E . "
S Y M P H O N Y H A L L , M ub Ic A rt Studio Bldg., 232 S, H ill.
A t 11:15 A.M ., Sunday, Office Su ite, *132 to 435. Open D ally.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 12, 1927
Page 2, Part II

Rosicrucian Brotherhood (AMORC)

L ectu re on “ THE A S T R A L B O D Y ”
M usic A rts S tu d io B ld g ., 2 3 2 S. H ill
A t 11: IS A .M . S u n d a y . O ffice S u i t e . * 3 2 “135. O p e n D o lly .
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Monday, November 14,1927
Page 5

Good Bye, Friends!

W e are leaving Tampa and wish to express
our appreciation to our Business Friends
For several years we have had liberal business dealings with
many firms In Tampa.
We have had open accounts with all of them, and now we have
an accountant checking each record and closing each account so
that all final settlements will be made within the next few days. We
expect to leave this city on Monday. November 21st. and If we over­
look any small item or amount during the next few d&vs we will be
glad to know promptly about It.
We especially desire to thank the following firms and Individuals
for their services and hearty co-operation. Our dealings with each
of these liave been largo and pleasant and in closing our arcounts
with them we realize that we are simply closing our business rela­
tions without terminating the pieasant friendships:
Tampa Book and Stationery Company
Jack Letter Service
Tribune Printing Company
Tampa Morning Tribune
Florida Office Supply Company
The Office Equipment Company
Roesch Paper Company
E C. Palmer Paper Company
Pierce Electric Company
Thompson Electric Company
Remington Typewriter Company
Royal Typewriter Company
L C. Smith Typewriter Company
The Addressograph Compan v
Peninsular Telephone Company
Tampa Electric Company
Gray's Employment Agency
Holtsinger Furniture Company
Maas Brothers
The Dictaphone Company
Downing Lumber Company
Tampa Photo Engraving Company
Tampa Photo and An Company
Mrs Barnard and her staff of postal assistants
The Western Union and Postal Telegraph Companies
For over ten years a branch of our organisation has existed here
and will continue to operate while we return to the Pacific Coast
from whence we came here in November of 1925. We will occupy
our Administration Building in Rosienicisn Park, San Jose, near
San Francisco. We shall always remember kindly our stay in Tampo
and we thank the hundreds of fnends of our public meetings and
radio station tor their kind words and assurances of appreciation
and loyalty.
T he N ational Headquarters and Supreme Lodge


Trlepbone II 27-794 Hosier urlan Square, Tam pa
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Tuesday, November 15,1927
Page 8

A resolution expressing regrei at
th e contem plated removal o f th e n a ­
tional o ffices of the R osicrucian order
from T am pa to San Jose. C alif., h as
been passed by the executive council
of th e Florida grand lodge of Amorc.
Members of th e council include B.
L. H am ner, Harry G riffin, Oliver A.
Seaver, Harry Kress, Lee Sw ain. J. A.
Townsend, Harry G rant and R. H.
Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, president of
th e R osicrucian order, and his son.
Ralph M. Lewis, secretary, will leave
Saturday for California.
The Tampa Times
Tampa, Florida
Saturday, November 19,1927
Page 2

Dr. H, S p en cer L e w is, im p erator of

Amorc, le f t la st n ig h t for N ew
York. F ro m N e w York he w ill g o
to San Jose, Cal., w h e r e h ead q u ar­
ters of the o rg a n iza tio n w ill be e s ­
tab lish ed . Mrs. L e w is and tw o of
the ch ildren accom p an ied Dr. L ew is.
R alph L ew is, n a tio n a l secretary,
le a v e s Monday. ... .

f«- r".
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, Californio
Saturday, November 19, 1927
Page 2, Part 11

'I V W I M U W K

Contralto solo by Eve Southern, now starring w ith
Douglas Fairbanks In “The Gaucho/'
At 11:15 Sunday Office Suite, 432 to 434, Open Dally
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Wednesday, November 23, 1927
Page 8

M iss Irene G age and M iss D orothy

W akefield, form erly of New York, an a
, M iss M uriel Fa ire lough o f C anada,
le ft M onday for S an Jose. C alif.,
w here th ey w ill be associated w ith
AM ORC college a t R osicrucian Park.
Salt Lake Telegram
Salt Lake City, l 1tab
Friday, .November 25, 1927
Page 2

Rosicrucian Party to
Pay Visit to Salt Lake
Harvey Spencer Lewis, Jmpcrn-
ioi* of the Hoslcruclan order of
A)»orc college, and a party of
nine' persons .will be "visitors in Salt
Lake Saturday. Thoy wJli arrive
here from San Francisco at 11:30
o’clock Saturday morning over the
Western Pacific lines and will leave
for Denver at 2 o’clock.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 26, 1927
Page 2, Part II

A .

w g

“The Guidance of th e Unseen H and”
r t i n l r i l l a J*nlo bw
DOW M u rrln * Wieh Do u i U i K a lrb a o li* In *T h r (ia a rh o / '

Music Arts Studio Bldg., 232 S. Hill
At 1|; IS A.M. Sunday.; Office, 8 ulta 432 to 434, Opsn Dally.
The Sacramento Bee
Sacramento, California
Wednesday, November 30,1927
Page 13

Bay Cult Chief Plans

Colony An Ancient Nile
6 a n f r a n c i s c o ; n o w 3 0 .— n a n s
of D r. H . S p e n c e r L e w is, n a tio n a l
p r e s id e n t o f th e J to sic r u c ia n ord er,
a p h ilo s o p h ic a l c u lt, w h o y e s te r d a y
a n n o u n c e d a p r o je c t fo r e s t a b l i s h ­
in g a c o lo n y In E g y p e , to -d a y fa c e d
o p p o s itio n a t a p o in t m u ch n e a r e r
h o m e.
T h e h e a d q u a r te r s o f th e ord er
here d is c la im e d k n o w le d g e o f th e
c o lo n iz a tio n p r o je c t, b u t fu r th e r a n ­
n o u n c e m e n t t h a t t h e - n a t io n a l h e a d ­
q u a r te r s o f th e R o s lc r u c ia n s w o u ld
be m o v e d fr o m T am p a, F la ., to San
J o s e , C a l., a n d th a t a 5 0 0 -w a tt
r a d io s t a t io n w o u l d b e e s ta b lis h e d
a t R o s lc r u c ia n Parky*b r o u g h t sh a r p
p r o t e s t s fr o m Kan Jose r e s id e n ts .
D r. L e w is sa id hi« p la n s p ro v id ed
fo r the s a i l i n g of M>0o A m e rica n
men, w o m e n and children next y e a r
to T el-K l-A larna, a city b y the N ile .
In c e n tr a l* Egypt, ' founded by
A m en h o tep IV, ffro deigned in
E g y p t a b o u t 14€6 C.
Dr, Lewis stated t h a t hi* c o lo ­
nists would ab an dq u m odern dress,
t i u m e th e costum es of the ancient
E g y p tia n s , and Tiva according te
th e principles propounded by Amen*
hotep In a n effort* to prove th a t
these law s have no t lost th e ir value
fo r t h e h u m a n race. *
American Colony
W i l l Live as in
Egypt, 1300B.C.
Five Thousand Men, Women
and Children to Take Up
Abode in N ile Sun City
—Five thousand American m en.
women and children plan to move
to an an cient Egyptian city by the
Nile and prove they can live there
harm oniously and progressively
w ith ou t b en efit of modern con ­
veniences. This was the an nou nce­
m ent m ade Tuesday by Dr. H.
Spencer Lewis, national president
of the Rosecruclan order, a p h ilo ­
sophical cult.
Dr. Lewis declared plans were
being made to have the expedition
sail late next year.
The city of Tel-El-Am arna. su n
city of Amenhotep the fourth,
founder of the Rosecruclan order.
Is the site picked for the experi­
m ent, Dr. Lewis declared. The ex­
pedition Is to con tain an approxi­
m ately even num ber of m en and
women, all carefully selected for
their physical fitn ess and devotion
to th e principles of the teachings
under which they are to live.
"There will also be several c h il­
dren." Dr. Lewis said. "And as
several expectant m others will take
th e Journey, there will be children
born In the Sun city of the Nile.
Establishm ent of fam ilies will be
The colony will abandon modern Great Falls Tribune
dress for costum e o f the an cien t Great Falls, Montana
Egyptians and will forsake m ech an ­ W ednesday, November 30,1927
ical im plem ents for the crude tools Page 1
of 1300 B C. They are to live
according to th e principles pro­
nounced by Am enhotep in an e f­
fort to dem onstrate that these laws
have not lo st their value for th e
hum an race.
The Miami News
Miami, Florida
Wednesday, November 30,1927
Page 6

R o sicru cian C olony o n C oast,

5 ,0 0 0 S trong, G oing to Egypt
A m erican* W ill W ear Clothe*
an d U se Toole o f 1300
B. L eader Bey*
“There v ill also he several chil­
j SAX FRANCISCO, Nov. 30. , dren,** Dr. L e v is said, “and ns sev­
— (AP)—Fire thousand Ameri­ eral expectant mothers v ill taka the
can men, women and children journey, there v ill be children torn
in the suu city of the N ile.
; plan to move to an ancient Ushmeat of fam ilies v ill he
{Egyptian city by the Nik and
p m * they can lit* U m k a m r a
ionaly an* p r e tm id tr l/ without The colony v ill abandon
benefit of modern conveniences. ThU dress for c o s tu m e o f the
is the u tto v a r n w a t m ads h* Dr. U . l< yp tiao« and w ill forsake
leal impleaMrata lor the erode
Spencer L ev is, national president at K»0(> D C. They am to live
the Komirrucian order, a philosoph­ tag to the principles propounded
ical cult. Amenhotep, in an effort to
Dr. Levin decinred plnnn ver* •train that these la v s have not
being made to h a te the a p rd itio a snil their value for the human race.
Into next pear. Particular efforts trill be mads to
Tbs city of Tal-el Amarna. ana encourage the use o f the international
city «f Amcabetep IV „ founder of language known as lie which. D r.
the R osiem ciaa order, is the aits L e v is as id. has been approved by the
picked for the experiment. Dr. L evis
said. The expedition w ill contain an The arrival of D r. L e v is la Baa
approximate even number of men nod Yanriaco is connected w ith rem oval1
women, nil carefully selected for the of the national headquarters of the
physical fitn ess and dccotton to the Houieruriaas from Baa Francisco to
principles of the teachings under Ban Jose.
which they are to lisa . .
The Arizona Daily Star
Tucson, Arizona
W ednesday, November 30, 1927
Page 1

| R e t u r n To M a t u r e |
j In E g y p t P l a n O f
i 5000 A m e r i c a n s
j ...
j » A P t . ~ F i v * th o u s a n d A m e r ic a n
m e n , w o n e n and c h ild r e n p la n
to m o v e to an a n c ie n t E g y p t i a n
c it y b v th e N .lc nnd p ro ve th e y
c«m live th e re h a r m o n io u s ly J
and p ro g i e ts i v e ly w it h o u t b e n e ­
f it of m o d e rn c o n v e n ie n c e s .* T h is i
j wflo th e announcem ent m ade
! h r r e tod ay bv D r. H . S p e n c e r j
| L e w is , n a tio n a l p re s id e n t c f th e .
< Rose cru sM n o rd e r, a p h ilo
1 s o p h ic .il c u lt.
D r. L e w i f d e c la re d p la n s w e r e
, b e in g m a d e to h a v e th e c*ped«-
I tio n s a il la te n e x t y e a r.
T h e c it y of T c l - E I A m a r n a .
j su n c it v of A m c n h c te p th e
j F o u r t h , fo u n d e r of th e Rose
c r u c ia n o rd e r, is th e s ite p ic k e d
fo r th e e x p e rim e n t, D r. L e w is
d e c la re d . T h e e x p e d itio n «s to
c o n t a in an a p p r o x im a t e even
i n u m b e r of m en a n d w o m e n , a ll
j ,c a r e f u lly s e le c te d f o r t h e ir p h y -
! s ic a l f it n e s s a n d d e v o tio n to th e
j p r in c ip le s of th e t e a c h in g s ;
j w h ic h t h e y a r c to liv e .
1 T h e c o lo n y w ill a b a n d o n mod- j
J e rn d re s s fo r th e c o s tu m e of i
j th e a n c ie n t E g y p t ia n s .
The Havre Daily News - Promoter
Havre, Montana
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Page 2

5 0 0 0 A M E R IC A N S
Plan of 5 0 0 0 A m erican s to
m ake exod u s late next year to
E gyp t and s e t t le on banks of
N i l e for h a r m o n i o u s a n d p r o g r e s ­
sive life w ith ou t b en efit of

m o d e r n c o n v e n ie n c e s is a n n o u n c e d
at S a n F r a n c is c o , by D r. H.
S p e n c e r L e w is , p r e s id e n t o f R o s e -
c r u c ia n s .
The Scranton Republican
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Page I


SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. tfl (A. elnr made to have the expedlUcn ’There will also In an effort to demonstrate that
F.).—Fir* thousand American •ail late nest year. children, ” Dr. Lewb these law* have not Ion their
women and children plan to The city of Tet-el-Arana. Ran as several expectant mother* will value for the human rare.
city of Amec!-step the Fonrth, take the loamey, there will e Particular efforts will be made
to an ancient Egyptian city founder of the Rooecrmtan Or­ children orn In the Son City of to enconrafe use of the interna­
by the Nile and peer* they can der, la the site picked fee the the Nile. Establishment of fam­ tional lanrnaye known as ldo,
live there harmoniously and pro* experiment. Dr. Lewta mid. The iliar will be encouraged." which Dr. Lewt* said, has keen
rremtrely without benefit of expedition will contain an ap­ The coloney will abandon mod­ approved by the Hosecrualan Or­
modern rouvrnlence*. This » u proximate even no met of men ern drum for costamo of the an­ der.
the announremont made today and women, all carefully selected cient
Dt Efyptlans and will forsake The arrival of Dr. Lewi* In San
by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, national for their physical fitness and de­ chanlcal imi for the Francisco la connected with re­
president of the Roeecraclan Or­ votion to the principle* of the of U N B. C. They mora! of the national he
der, a philosophical cu teachlnf* under which they are ' a n to Uve according to the ter* of
Dr. howls declared to lira. h lu
R eading Times
R eading, Pennsylvania
W ednesday, N ovem ber 30, 1927
Page 1

5000 Americans to Set Up

Cult City in Ancient Egypt
•AN vnxscmco. Nov. It (J»V- (ho afta picked for the ♦*perlfl'*nt*
M w thousand American men. wo­ Dr. Lewi* eaU. The expedition "wlD
men end children plan to move to on contain an approximate aw n number
ancient Egyptian city by tho Nil* of1men and women, all carefully ■«*
and prove they can life there bar- laetnd fat their physical fitness and
raonloanly and protroaeivHy without devotion to tltn principle* of tho
bfaait of modern renventancea TWi teaebieta under which they are to
wm tho announcement made today U v f.
by Or. H. Bpnnoer Lewi*, national Th* colony w ill abandon modern
president of tho Ronocruclan'ordS drean for costume 0f the ancient
a philosophical cult
E f/pU ana end wilt foraabt* mechani­
Or. Lawla declared plana were be- cal Implements for the crude tool,
tn« made to have (ho expedition mil of 1IW a <5, Particular effort*
into nest ywor. be made to enco urate tie* of the
W*o city of Tot-tS-Amarna, »u« international laftfuax* known a* |j0
city of Amen"—' whtbh
founder of * * > ^ s * m „ order, U ban been u>;
The Richmond Item
Richmond, Indiana
W ednesday, November 30,1927
Page 12

TV A*»M irtr4 Prr**>
BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2 9.-F ive
thousand American men, women
and children plan to move to an
ancient Egyptian city by the Nile
and prove they can live there
harmoniously and progressively
without benefit of modem conveni­
ences. This was the announcement
m ade today by Dr. H. Spencer
Lewis, national president of the
Hoaecrucian order, a philosophical
cu lt
Dr. Lewis declared plans were be- .
Ing made to have the expedition sail
late next year.
The city of Tel el-Amarna Sun
City of Amenbotep the fourth,
founder of the Rosecrucian order, is
the site picked for the experiment.
Dr. Lewis said. The expedition will
contain an approximate even num­
ber of men and women, all carefully
•elected for their physical fitness
and devotion to the principles of the
teachings under which they are to
•There will also be several chil­
dren," Dr. Lewis said. "And as sev­
eral expectant mothers will take the
journey, there will be children bom
tn the Bun City of the Nile. Estab­
lishment of families will be en­
The colony will abandon modem
4 n m for costume of the ancient
Egyptians and will forsake mechan­
ical implements for the crude tools
if 1S0Q&C ___
OPPOSITION AT Capital Journal
Salem, Oregon

HOME IS FACED Wednesday, November 30, I‘>27

Page 1

San Francisco, Nov. 30 (/P)—Plana
of Dr. H. Spcnccr Lewis, national
president of the Roslacructan or­
der. a philohophlral cult, who yes­
terday announced a project for
establishing a colony in Egypt, to­
day faced opposition at a point
muc* nearer home.
The headquarters of tho order
here disclaimed knowledge of tho
colonisation project, but further
announced that the national head­
quarters of the Rosicrucinns would
be moved from Tampa, Fla., to San
.lose. Cal, and that a 500-watt radio
station v/ov'J be established at
Rosicrucian park brought sharp
protests from San Jose residents.
Advices from San Jose stated that
circulation of petitions protesting
to the Federal Radio commission
had startl'd. Albert Hoepner. who
lives near the site of the proposed
radio station, stated that the sta­
tion would create an “intolerable
Dr. Lewis said his plans provide from Thebes to the site of the
for the sailing of 5000 American present Tel-El-Amama.
men. women and children next De. Lewis suited that his colon­
year to Tel-El-Amama, a city by ists would abandon modem dress,
the Nile. In central Egypt, founded assume the costumes of the an­
by Amenhotcp IV, who reigned 111 cient Egyptians, and live according
Egypt about HOC IV C. Amenhotcp, to the principles propounded by
himself an innovator in religion, Amenhotcp in tn effort to prove
substituted worship of the sun‘s that these laws have not lost their
disk for that of other Egyptian value for the human race.
deities, and moved the capital
Capital Journal
Salem, Oregon
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Page 1
San Francisco, Nov. 30 <7P)—Plana
of Dr. II. Spencer Lewi*, national
president of the Ror.lacrucian or­
der. a phllohophlral cult, who yes­
terday announced a project for
establishing a colony in Egypt, to­
day faced opposition at a point
muc* nearer home.
The headquarter* of tho order
here disclaimed knowledge of tho
colonization project, but further
announced that the national head­
quarters of the Roskruclans would
lx* moved from Tampa, Fla., to San
Jose. Cal., and that a 500-watt radio
•ration v.O’ J be established at
Rosicruclan park brought sharp
protests from Snn Jose resident*.
Advices from San Jose stated that
circulation of petitions protesting
to the Federal Radio commission
hud started. Albert Hoepner. who
live* near the site of the proposed
radio station, stated that the sta­
tion wookl create an “intolerable
Dr. Lewis snid his plans provide
for the sailing of 5000 American
men, women and children next
year to Tcl-Kl-Amama, a city by
the Nile, in central Egypt, founded
by Amenhotep IV. who reigned In
F-i'ypt about UrtC B. C Amenhotep,
himself an lnno\ator in religion,
substituted worship of the tu ne
disk for that of other Egyptian
deities, arul moved the capital
from T h e b e s to the site of Ute
present Tcl-El-Amama.
Dc. Lewis s.a 'ej that his colon­
ists would abandon modem dress,
assume the costumes of the an­
cient Egyptians, and live according
to the principles propounded by
Amenhotep in an effort to prove
that the** laws have not lost their
value for the human race.
Santa Cruz Evening News
Santa Cruz, California
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Page 9

_ ______________

Rose Cross Head j

Meets Opposition
— Plana of Dr. H. Spencer L ew is,1
national president of the Rosier uclan
order, a philosophical cult, who yes­
terday announced a project for n
colony on Kgypt, today faced op­
position at a point ranch nearer
The headquarters of the order
here disclaimed knowledge of the
colonization project, hut further an­
nouncement that the national head­
quarters of the Rosieruclnns would
he moved from Tanipu, Florida, to
San Jose, California, and that a Son '
watt radio station would be estab- '
Iishei! at Itoslcrurlan Park, brought
sharp protests from San Jose resi­
dents. Advices from Kan Jose stated
that circulation of petitions protest­
in g to the federal radio commission
had started. Albert Hoepner, who
lives near the site of the proposed
radio station stated that the station
would create an "Intolerable mil-
The Freeport Journal - Standard
Freeport, Illinois
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Page 13

P lan of five thousand A m ericans

to m ake E xod u s late n ex t yea r to
E g y p t und settle on bunks o f Nile
fo r harm onious and progress life
w ith ou t b en efit of modern co n v en ­
ien ces is announced itt Srtn Fron-

V• • * • •
cisco by Dr. H , Sp en cer L ew is, pres­
ident of R oslcruclons.
Wilkes - Barre, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Page 7

8an F ra n c is c o . N ov. 30. <A. P .) —
P lan e of D r . 11. H pencer L ew i* N a -
'io n a l P re n ld e n t of th e Ito slc ru e la n
girder, h p h ilo s o p h ic a l c u lt, fo r e s ta b ­
lis h m e n t o f a colony o f 5,000 A m orl-
•nna In E g y p t, w here th e y w o u ld liv e

In t h e m a n n e r o f N ile c u ltu re o f 9,300 c la im e d k n o w le d g e o f th e c o lo n isa tio n

y e a r s ago, c a u se d s u r p r is e to d a y a t the p ro je c t, b u t f u r t h e r a n n o u n c e m e n t
h e a d q u a r te r s of t h e o rg a n is a tio n here. t h a t th e N a tio n a l H e a d q u a r te r s o f th e
' T h e h e a d q u a rte r s o f th e o rd e r d is­ R o s J c ru c ia n s w ould be m o v ed fro m

Tampa. Fid., to Ban Jose. Cal., and

that a 500 watt radio station would be
established at San Jose, brought aharp
protests from residents there.
Arizona Republic
Phoenix, Arizona
Wednesday, November 30,1927
Page 4 - Section II


(A m n U M f r t M I — r i WW >
SA N FR A N C IS C O . N ov. 2».—F iv e
th o u s a n d A m e ric an m en. w om en
e n d c h ild re n p la n to m ove to a n
A n c ie n t E g y p tia n c ity by th e N ile
a n d p ro v e th e y c an liv e th e r e h a r ­
m o n io u sly a n d p ro g re ssiv e ly w ith ­
o u t b e n e fit o f m o d ern co n v en ien ces.
T h is w a s th e a n n o u n c e m e n t m a d e
h e re to d a y by D r. H . S p e n c e r L ew is,
n a tio n a l p re s id e n t of th e R o se c ru -
c la n o rd e r, a p h ilo so p h ical c u lt.
D r. L ew is d e c la re d p la n s w e re
b e in g m a d e to h a v e th e e x p e d itio n
s a il la te n e x t y e ar.
T h e c ity of T e l-e l-A m a rn a . s u n
c ity o f A m en h o tep th e F o u rth ,
fo u n d e r of th e R o se c ru c lan o rd er, is
th e site picked fo r th e e x p e rim e n t.
D r. L ew is d eclared . T h e e x p ed itio n
Is to c o n ta in a n a p p ro x im a te e v en
n u m b e r o f m en a n d w om en, a ll c a r e ­
fu lly selec te d fo r th e ir p h y sic a l f i t ­
n e ss a n d d ev o tio n to th e p rin c ip le s
o f th e te a c h in g s u n d e r w h ich th e y
a r e to live.
T h e colony w ill a b a n d o n m o d ern
d re s s fo r th e c o stu m e of th e a n c ie n t
E g y p tia n s .
------------ --------------
The Battle Creek Enquirer
Battle Creek, Michigan
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Page 1

H ea d o f R o sicru cia n C u lt P la n n in g
To E sta b lis h C olony in N ile V a lley
San Francisco, Nov. 30.—UP)— near the site of the proposed sta­
Plans of Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, na­ tion, stated it would create an “in­
tional president of the Rosicrucian tolerable nuisance."
order, a philosophical cult, for the Dr. Lewis said his plans provided
American colony of 5,000 Americans for the sailing of 5.000 American
in Egypt, where they would live In men, women and children next year
the manner of Nile culture of 3,300 to Tel-El-Amama. a city by the
years ago, caused surprise today at Nile, in central Egypt, founded by
the headquarters of the organization Amenhotep IV., who reigned in
here. Egypt about 1466 B. C. Amenhotep.
The headquarters of the order himself an innovator in religion
disclaimed knowledge of the coloni­ substituted worship of the sun's disk
zation project, but further an­ for that of other Egyptian deities,
nouncement that the national head­ and moved the capital from Thebes
quarters of the Rosicrucians would to the site of the present Tel-El-.
be moved from Tampa, Fla., to San Amama.
Jose. Calif., and that a 500-watt Dr. Lewis stated that his colonists
radio station would be established would abandon modem dress, as­
at San Jose, brought sharp protests sume the costume of the ancient
from residents there. Egyptians and live according to the
Advices from San Jose state that principles propounded by Amen­
circulation of petitions protesting, to hotep in an effort to prove that
the federal radio commission had these laws have not lost their value
started. Albert Hoepner, who lives for the human race.
Medford Mail Tribune,
Medl'ord, Oregon
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Page 6
PAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 30.—(.1*»
— Pinna of Dr. il. Spencer Lewis,
national president of the lin.sli ru-
dim order, n philosophical cult,
w ho yesterday announced a pro­
ject for establishing a colony in
i:Kyiil. today fared opposition at
a point imioh nearer home.
The headuuiirlers of the order
here tll.selainied knowledge of the
eoloni/jiiion projeel, fat further
anninneeinent (lint the national
headquarters of ilie Koalerueinna
would he moved from Tam pa.1
Fla., to Pan .lose. Cal., and that!
a fiOO-watt radio station would
he established at Uosiertielan
Park hrouKlit sharp protests from
San Jose resldenis. Advices from
San .lose stated that circulation
of petitions protesting to the fed­
eral radio commission had started.
Albert lloepner, who lives near
the site of the proposed radio
station, stated that the station
would create an "intolerable nui­
Dr. Lewis said his plans pro­
vided for the sailing of finoo
Amei (can men. women and ehil-
ilreii next year to Tel-Kl-Ainaritn.
a city by Hie Nile, in central
Fgypt, founded by Am enholep
fourth, wlm reigned In Kgypi
ahum Hi; it ]]. f . Amenliotep,
him self an Innovator in religion,
silhstitllted Worship of the su n ’s
disc for ilial of other Fgyptlan!
deities, mid moved the capital
from Theban to the site of the
present Tcl-KI-Ainnrna.
Dr. Lewis stated that his col- would abandon modern
dress, assume the costumes of
the ancient Kgyptiaus, and live
according to the principles pro­
pounded by Amenhotcp in an
effort to prove these laws have
lmt lost their value for the hu-
Santa Cruz Evening News
Santa Cruz, California
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Page 9

Rose Cross Head

Meets Opposition
;— Plans of lir. II. Spencer Lewis,
national president ot the Itosirrueinn
order, u philosophical cult, who y« s-
terduy announced a project for a
colony on Kgypt, today faced op­
position ut a point much nearer
The headquarters of the order
here disclaimed knowledae of the
colonization project, lint further an­
nouncement that the national head­
quarters of the llosirruclnns would
l>o moved from Tampa, Florida, to
San Jose, California, and that a Bun
watt radio station would he estab­
lished at Itosicrucian Park, brought
sharp protests front San Jose resi­
dents. Advices front San Jose stated
that circulation of petitions protest­
ing to the federal radio commission
had started. Albert Hoepner. who
lives near the site of the proposed
radio station stated that the station
would create an •‘intolerable nui­
------------ +------------
The Times Herald
Port Huron, Michigan
Wednesday, November 30,1927
Page 2

Cult Head Would

Establish Ancient
Colony In Egypt
fftjr Th# Associated Pw »«'
San Franc!**’©, Nov. 10— P la n a of
D r. H. S p en cer Dew la. n a tio n a l
p resid en t of th e R o sicru clan o rd er,
a philo so p h ical cult, fo r e s ta b lis h ­
m e n t o f a colony o f 5,000 A m e ri­
can a in E gypt. w here th ey w ould
live In th e m a n n e r o f N ile ru ltu r e
o f 1.590 y e ars ago. cau sed su rp rise
to d a y a t h e a d q u a rte rs of th e o r ­
g a n izatio n h e rs .
T he h e a d q u a rte rs of th e o rd e r
d isclaim ed know ledge o f th e c o l­
o n iza tio n p ro ject, b u t f u r th e r a n ­
n o u n cem en t th a t th e n a tio n a l h ead -
q u a rte rs o f th e R osicruclan* w ould
be m oved from T am p a. F la ., to Fan
Jose. C al., a n d th a t a 100-w att j
ra d io sta tio n w ould be estab lish ed
a t Han Jo se, b r o u r h l s h a rp p ro tests ,
fro m re sid e n ts th e re .
A dvices from Ban Jo se s ta te th a t
c irc u la tio n of p e titio n s p ro test l n r
to th e fed e ra l rad io com m ission
h a d sta rte d . A lbert H o ep n er. wh«
lives n e a r th e s its of th * propose.'
sta tio n , sta te d it w ould c rp a ts a r
**1ntolsrahle nuisance.**
«T>r. Lewis said h is p la n s r r o
rid in g fo r th e sa ilin g o f B.Oo*
A m erican m en a n d w om en and
c h ild re n next y e a r to T elel-A m arna
a city by th e Nile. In C e n tra l E gypt
fo u n d ed by A m en h o tep XV. w ho 1
reig n ed In E gypt ab o u t 14t< B C
A m enhotep. h im self a n In n o v ato r In
religion, su b stitu te d w o rsh ip o f th e
s u n 's disk fo r th a t o f O ther E g y p ­
tia n dletlea. a n d m oved th e cap
Ital from T h eb es to th a a lts of th e
p re se n t T e l-E l-A m a m a .
D r. Lew is sta te d th a t h is c o l­
o n ists w ould a b a n d o n m o d ern d ress
assu m e th e c o stu m s o f t h s a n cien t
E g y p tian s, a n d live acc o rd in g to
th e p rin cip les pro p o u n d ed by
A m en h o tep tn s n e ffo rt to prove
t h a t th e se law s h av e not lost th e ir
v a lu e fo r th s h u m a n raca.
Tbe San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Wednesday, November 30,1927
Page 7

International torehbearers of the

Light of Holy Rosicrucian Brother­
hood, who claim they fanned to life
th* divine flame inspired by Amen*
hotep the Fourth back in 1300 B. C,
arrived in San Francisco yesterday
to kindle hot blasts of radio static.
Utopias In San Jose and a somno­
lent city on the banks of the Nile.
The atop in San Francisco, how­
ever, wgs merely a halt on the way
to the promised land awaiting in
Bam Joes, which they reached toward 2 —Further announcement that
a 500-watt radio station was to
be established at Rosicrucian
the fall of evening. Even the local P ark led to the equal positive an ­
headquarters at 843 Octavia street nouncement by Albert Hoepner.
have not realised that the guiding $54 Emery street, Sar. Jose, that
spirits of A. M. O. It. C., the mys­ it would create an “intolerable
tical symbol of the order, were In condition** for neighbors. Circu­
therlr midst. lation of petitions of protest to
A t San Jose, however, came de­ the radio commission began im­
velopm ents to rack the modern mediately.
mystical minds of the “ancient'* —Declaration by Lewis th a t
mystical order, late of Tampa, Flor­ 5.0W men. women end chil­
ida. They were: dren will occupy Amenhotep's
I —Announcement by Dr. H.
Spencer Lewis, imperator of
Sun City on the banks of the
Nile for one year in 1929. with
the order, that Rosicrucian Park only crude tools and ancient dress
in San Jose was henceforth to d« to guide them. Local headquar­
the national headquarters of the ters declared th at they knew noth­
organization, instead of Tampa. ing of the plans, and none of the
Florida, and th a t Florida's loss members yet had volunteered for
was California's gain, San Jose the experiment.
officials declined to comment.
The Bee
Danville, Virginia
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Page 3

5,000 Americans Going to Egypt

To Prove They Can Live Without
Benefit of Modern Conveniences
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 30.— <AP>— principles of the teachings under
Five thousand American men. wo­ which they are to live
men and children plan to move ‘o "There will also be several chil­
an ancient Egyptian city by the Nile dren." Dr. Lewis said. “And as sev-
and prove they con live there har­ • era! expectant mothers will take
moniously and progressively, without the Journey, there will be children
benefit of modern conveniences. This born In the Sun City of the Nile.
was the announcement made today Establishment, of families wdU be en­
by Dr H. Spencer Lewis, national couraged "
president of the Rosccrucian Order, a The colony will abandon modern
phlilsophlcal cult. clress for costume of the ancient
. Dr. Lewis declared plans were be­ Egyptians and will forsake mechani­
ing made to have the expedition sail cal implements for the ciude tools of
late next year. j 1300 B C They are to live accord-
The city of Tcl-El-Amarna. Sun ! ing to the principles propounded by
City of Amcnhotep the Fourth, | Amenhotep In an effort to demon-
founder or the Rosecruclan Oracr. I strate that these laws have not lost
Is the spot picked for the expci 1- their value for the human race f ,
ment. Dr Lewis said. The expedi­ Particular efforts w ill-be made to
tion will contain arf approximate encourage use of the International
even number of men and women, language known as Ilo. which Dr
all carefully selected for their phy­ Lewis said, has been approved by the
sical fitness and devotion to the Rosecruclan Order.
The Detroit Free Press
Detroit, Michigan
Wednesday, November 30, 1927

pagel U. S. C O L O N IST S
5,000 Will Emigrate to Nile
City, Abandon Modem Dress,
Use Crude Tools.
.. San Francisco, Nov. 29.—(A. P.)
—Five thousand American men,
women and children plan to move
to an ancient Egyptian city by the
Nile and prove they can live
there harmoniously and progress­
ively without benefit of modern
conveniences, was the announce­
ment made today by Dr. H. Spencer
Lewis, national president of the
Rosecrueian order, a philosophical
Dr. L e w ie d ecla red p la n s w e re
b e in g m ad e to h a v e th e e x p e d itio n
s a il la te n e x t y ea r. T he c ity o f
T e l-E l-A m a r n a , sun c ity o f A m en -
h atep th e F o u rth , fo u n d e r o f th e
U o secru cln n order. Is th e s it e p ick ed
for th e e x p e rim en t. T h e e x p e d itio n
w ill c o n ta in an a p p r o x im a te ev en
nu m ber o f men and w om en .
"T here a ls o w ill be se v e r a l c h il­
dren," Dr. L ew is aald. "And m b
s e v e r a l e x p e c ta n t m o th e r s w ill ta k e
th e Journey, th ere w ill he ch ild ren
born In th e su n c ity o f th e N ile.
E sta b lis h m e n t o f fu m llle a w ill be
e n c o u r a g e d ."
T h e c o lo n y w ill ab a n d o n m odern
d r e ss fo r c o stu m e s o f th e a n c ie n t
E g y p tia n s and w ill fo r s a k e m e ­
c h a n ic a l im p le m en ts fo r th e cru d e
to o ls o f lliOO B. C. T h ey are to
liv e a c c o r d in g to th e p r in c ip le s
p ropou nded by A m en h o tep In an
efTort to d e m o n str a te th a t th e s e
la w s h a v e not lo»t th e ir v a lu e fo r
th e hu m an race. E ffo r ts w ill be
m ade to e n c o u r a g e u se o f th e in te r ­
n a tio n a l la n g u a g e k n o w n a s Ilo,
w h ich Dr. L e w is sa id , h a s been a p ­
p roved by th e JRusecruclans.
The Indianapolis Star
Indianapolis, Indiana
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Page 19

Colt to Forake AHThat’s Modern

in Exodus to Anrieat Egyptian Gty
t F i —F h « tinm an l ftifrli an s e a .
fee otte p*rh«J h r the espirlm rnt. Dr.
Lewis aaH. The afentK Ien w ta n a *
tain an approximate m « n t n k r a f
aam an-1 i « r « . all carefully m locted
Car th*~tr physical Btaem and devotion
to fee prinrtpbs af fe e ( n c k h p
» + r nhlrh they era to kve.
T e r r will a Lao he arvrra! chfl-
dren,** Dr. Lowis saM. “and aa sev­
eral expectant aanthrra will take fee
Or- L n r li <w faw < plant v m W n,-
J"w»*r, there wrlQ he children horn
■»Ma to have the expedition M l h i -
■ n t year. in the Sun City af the Xlle. Establish­
ment a f families will he encaora*«d."
TWa city of Td-Q -Aam vna. S ub
T h ae eolony a l l abandon modern
diwaa far coatnaae a f fee ancknt EcTP-
tiana and win fatsaka mechanical bn*
elements for the entda toala o f U N
B. C. They a rt to l« * accordlnx to
U»e principles propounded hy Amen*
hotep !■ an effort to demonetrata that
theae taws have not lost their aalaa
far the human race.
Particular efforts wtU he made to
t a c m r a it van a f fee International
lan cn aie known s a Ho. which Dr.
L*wls said has been approved hy the
Roaeemalatt Order.
The arrival of Dr. Lewis In Ban
Francisco Is connected with removal
of the national headquarter* of the
Roaecrndans from Baa Francisco to
fa n Jose.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Page 1, Part I

Five Thousand Americans
Planning Colony on Nile
in Old Egyptian City

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 29. ({ ? )-

Five thousand American, men, women
and children plan to move to an an­
cient Egyptian city by the Nile and
prove they con live there harmonious­
ly and .progressively without benefit
of modern conveniences. This was
the announcement made here today
by Dr. II. Spencer Lewis, national
president of the Rosecruclon order, a
philosophical cult. •
Dr. Lewis declared plans are being
mode to have the expedition sail late
next year.
The city of Tel-El-Amarna. sun city
of Amenbotcp IV, asserted founder of
the Rosecruclsn order. Is the site
picked for the experiment, Dr.
Lewis declared. The expedition la to
contain an approximate even num­
ber of men and women, all carerully
selected for their physical fitness and
devotion to the principles of the
teachings under which they are to
The colony will abandon modem
dress for the-costtime of the ancient-
The Decatur Daily Review
Decatur, Illinois
Wednesday, November 30,1927
Page 1

News in Brief.
(By The Auociated Prets)
^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ * * * w ~ ~ ir-r*~ w -*■ ~ i~~- i~ i_ ri_ r_ —l ~ li~ u ~ u~ u'*i

State Department announces agree­

ment with Canadian government for
expediting visas to enable foreign-
bora Canadians commuting to work
in the United States to adjust them­
selves without hardship to American
Immigration laws.

Vice-President Charles G. Dawes in

speech a t Chicago credits great deal
of Repulbican party's success to wom­

Plan of 5,000 American to make ex-

odous late next year to Egypt and
settle on banks of Nile for Harmon­
ious and progressive life without be­
nefit of modem conveniences is an ­
nounced a t San Francisco by Dr. H.
Spencer Lewis, president of Rosecru-
The Daily Tribune
Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Page 10

Plan of 5,000 Americans to make

exodus late next year to Egypt and
settle on banks of Nile for harmon­
ious and progressive life without
benefit of modern convenience i* *.n-
nounced at San Francisco by Dr. H.
Spencer Lewis, president of Ruse-
Jacksonville Daily Journal
Jacksonville, Illinois
W ednesday, N ovem ber 3 0 ,1 9 2 7
P sgel

Five Thousand Americans To

Live In Old Egyptian City
To Prove Cult Is Good Now
pedition will contain an approxi­
8 AN F R A N C ISC O , Nor. 29. (A m ate even n u m b e r of men and
P ) — Five thousand American women, all carefully selected for,
men. w om en a n d c h ild re n plan t o ; th e ir physical fitness and devo­
move to a n a n c i e n t Egyptian rlty , tion to th e principles of th e .
by the Nile a n d prove they can , teachings u n d e r which they a r e to
live th e r e h a r m o n i o u s l y and pro g -' live.
resslvely w i t h o u t b en e fit of mod-* " T h e r e will also he Severn* '
ern conveniences. T h is was the • c h ild re n ," Dr. Lewis said. "A n d
a n n o u n c e m e n t m a d e today by Or. as several expectant m o th e rs w
H. Spencer Lewis, natio n al presi­ la k e th e jo urney, th e re will be
dent of th e R o s e c r u c ia n order, a children born In the sun city of
philosophical cult. the Nile. E sta b lish m e n t of fa m i­
Dr. Lewis d e c la r e d plans were lies will be e n c o u ra g e d ."
being m a d e to h a v e the expedi­ The colony will a b a n d o n m od­
tion sail la te next year. e m dress for costum e of the a n ­
The city of T e l-E l-A m arn a, sun cient E g y p tia n s a n d will forsake
city of A m e n b o t e p the Fourth, mechanical Im plem ents for the
founder of t h e Rosecrucian order, crude tools of 1300 B. C. They I
is the site picked for the experi­ are to live according to th e p r i n ­
ment, I>r. L ew is said. The ex­ ciples propounded by Amcnhotep
In an effort to d e m o n s tr a te th a t!
th e se la w s have not lost their
value for th e h u m a n race.
P a r t i c u l a r efforts will be made
to e n c o u ra g e use of the I n t e r n a - j
tional la n g u a g e kn o w n a.- I'm. i
which P r 1> wis said, has been j
appro v ed by th* R osecrucian o r­
The Baltimore Sun
Baltimore, Maryland
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Page 1

5,000 Americans Plan To ReOert

To Garb*And Life Of 1300 B. C. -

Expedition Of Rosecrucians Reported Going To

Settle On Site Of Ancient City Of Cult’s Founder
In-Egypt Late Next Year.
Suit Francisco, Nov. 20 (A1).—Five "There will also he several chil­
th o u sa n d . A m erican men, women and dren," Dr. L ew is said, "And as sev­
children plan to move to a n ancient eral expectant m others will take the
Egyptian city by the Nile nnd prove journey, there will be children born in
they can live there harm oniously and the Sun City of llio Nile. E stablish­
progressively w ith o u t benefit of mod­ ment of fniuilics will be cncourogcd.
ern conveniences. T h is w as the an ­ To Use T o o ls Of 1 3 0 0 II. C.
nouncement m ade today by Dr. H. The colony will nbnndon modern
Spencer Lewis, national president of dress for costum e of the nneient E gyp­
the lloiccrnclao O rder, n philosophical tians nnd will forsake mcchnuicol im ­
cult. plements for the crude, tools of 1300
D r. Lewis declared plans were being B. C. They are to live according to the
mndc to hnro the expedition soil late principles propounded by Amenhotep
n e x t year. in an effort to dem onstrate that these
S e x e s E v e n l y R e p r e s e n te d . laws bnvo not lost their value for the
T he city of Tcl-el-Am nm n, Sun City human race.
of Amenhotep the F o u rth ,r legendary P articular efforts will be tnndc to
founder of the R osecrudnn Order, is encourage use of the international la n ­
the site picked for the experim ent, Dr. guage. known-ns Ido, which Dr. Lewis
Lew is .^nid. T he expedition will con­ said, has been approved by the Rosc-
ta in an approxim ate even num ber of cruciau O rder. The nrrivnl of Dr.
men nnd women, nil carefully selected Lewis in Snn Francisco is connected
for their physical fitness nnd devotion ■with removal of the nntionnl hcmlrpinr-
to the principles of the teachings un­ ters of the R osecrucians from Bun
der which they a re to live. Francisco to Snn Joss.
Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
Wednesday, November 30, 1927 - Page 1


are to live according to the prin­
Rosecriician Order Expects ciples propounded by Amenhotep
to Put into Practice Prin­ tn an effort to demonstrate that
ciples of Amenhotep the these laws have not lost their
value for the human race.
Fourth Particular effort* will be m ate
to encourage use of the Interna­
RAN FRANCISCO, Calif.. Nov. tional language known as lie
29 (**)— Five thousand American which. Dr. Lewis said, hog beep
men, women and children plan to approved by the Rosecrudan or­
move to an anetent Egyptian city der.
by the Nile and prove they can The arrival of Dr. Lewie tn San
live there harmoniously and pro* Frandsco Is connected with re­
grctslvely without benefit of mod­ moval of the national headquar­
ern convenience*. Thl* was the ters of the Rnaecrudans from San
announcement made Tuesday by Francisco to San Jose.
Dr. H. Spencer 1/ewl*. national
prealdent of the Rosecrudan or-
der. a philosophical cult.
Dr. T^ewls declared plans were
being made to have the expedition
sail late next year.
The city of Tel-RI-Amarna, win
city of Amenhotep the Fourth,
founder of the Rosecrudan order,
la the alt* picked for the experi­
ment, Dr. Iranis declared. The
expedition Is to contain an ap­
proximate even number of men
and women, all carefully selected
for their physical fitness and de­
votion to the principles of the
teachings under which they are to
live. •
"There will also he several chtl.
dren." Dr. I/ewls said, "and as
several expectant mothers will
take the journey, there will he
children horn In the 8un City of
the Nile. Establishment of fami­
lies will he encouraged "
r ** Crude Toole
The colony will abandon mod­
ern dress for costume of the an­
cient Esyptlan* and will forsake
mechanical Implements for the
crude tools of 1*00 u. G» They
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Wednesday, November 30, 1‘>27
Pages 1 and 0
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Pages 1 and 9 _________________________________ ________________

High Imperator

"We’ll build," declares Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, imperator of the

Ancient Mystic Order of Rosicrucians. who arrived here last
night, to run into some opposition to the Amorc temple which
the order plans to put up on Naglcc Street. A Lomar Service
photographer found Dr. Lewis studying plans for the temple.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Wednesday, November 30,1927
Page 11 5 0 0 0 ROS1CRUC1ANS
OF 1 3 0 0 B. C. ON NILE
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 29.— A P i
—Five thousand A m e r i c a n m en.
women and children plan to move
to an an cien t Egyptian city by the
Nile and prove they can live there
harm oniously and progressively w ith - I
out b en efit of modern conveniences.
T his was th e announcem ent made
today by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, n a ­
tional president o f th e R osicrucian
order, a philosophical cult.
Dr. Lewis declared plans were be-
tng m ade to have the expedition sail '
late next year.
T he city of T el-E l-A m arna. sun city
of A m enhotep the Fourth, founder of
th e R osicrucian order, is th e site
picked for the experim ent. Dr. Lewis
said. T he expedition will contain an
approxim ate even num ber of m en And
women, all carefully selected for th e
physical fitn ess and devotion to the
principles of th e teachings under
w hich they are to live.
“T here will also be several c h il­
dren." Dr. Lewis said. ' And as sev ­
eral exp ectan t m others will lake the
Journey, there will be children born
in th e sun city o f the Nile. Estab- j
llslim ent of fam ilies w ill be e n ­
T he colony will abandon modern
dress for costum e of th e ancient
Egyptians and will forsake m ech a n ­
ical Im plem ents for th e crude tools
of 1300 B. C. T hey are to live a c ­
cording to th e principles propounded
by A m enhotep In an effort to dem on- !
strate th at these laws have not lost j
their value for the hum an race.
Particular efforts w ill be m ade to
encourage the use of the International
language known as Ilo, w hich Dr.
Lewis said, has been approved by the
R osicrucian order.
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Pages 1 and 9

Plans of Dr. II. Spencer Lewis, nn- the Federal Radio Commission ask­
llonal president of the nosictuclan ing m at iho new station bo granted
a high wave length which he thinks
Order, it philosophical cult, who yes­ would prevent Interference with other
terday announced a project for cstnb- bay stations, disclaimed any Inten­
llahlntt a colony In Egypt, today fared tion of giving Uie impression th a t
opposition a t a point much nearer ho was antagonistic to the station or
home. sought to prevent Us entry here.
The headquarters of the order In "I have nothing against the or-
Gan Francisco disclaimed knowledge gonlaztlon," said lloeplner today, "as
of i he colonisation project. I am for everything th at Is m ind-
When shown Uio dispatch carrying broadening and educational."
the abovo Gan Francisco statenent. Dr Lewis referred lo the attack by
Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, national head other San Joseans on Ills proposed
of the order, said here this morning station os extremely unwarranted.
th a t the Egyptian colony would lie "Wliy they didn’t even know enough
started, as originally announced. abuut It to form an opinion." be said.
"They undoubtedly told the truth HAS HIGH QUALITY
when they said they had no knowledge "To compare us with KQW Is qulto
of the plan." said Dr. Lew la ••but unfair," explained the Impemlor. "Our
Lhey are only one of 133 chapters of programs unttnhi no advertising ta ly ,
our order and they liavo not taken no church services or long lectures.
lha trouble to consult all of lire other Instead we produce only the highest
branches. The colony will be estab­ el ass musical and dramatic entertain­
lished, ns outlined yesterday." ments obtainable, such as htgh-grmda
Characterizing Uie opposition of classical and dance music, drnmatie
residents of the western part of Iho plays of a comedy nature, and other
city In the neighborhood of R<wt- imputnr features of regular radio
rm elan Park lo the order's proposed broadens! Ing.
radio station as proof of the Ignor­ "Through our affiliation with tho
ance of the residents there regarding American Academy of Fine Arts and
Uro great university of fine arts and Music, founded by Theodore Roosevi’t
music which he Is Iho head, Dr. If. nnd Madame Nordika. and due to tha
Gpcncer Lewis, grand Imperlntor of International character of our broad­
the Roelcrucian Order, now moving casting units, wc will be able to send
Its international headquarters from through Uie air the best programs o t
Tampa. Fla., to San Jnac, early lids m e Opera Comlquc and the Odron.
morning srored the statem ent made two of Uie greatest dramatic societies
yesterday by certain residents th at of Parts.
his organlaxUon was a religious order. W ONT INTERFERE. SAYS
“ We are not a cult, and It’s mean "Besides that, tt will be possible for
lo say so. Nor have u r any bolshe­ the really big and great singers and
vik,. vizards, fortune tellers, or blaek- performers of the day to broadcast
rabtd priests in our midst." lia slated. over oor set, as It Is s o t a commercial
"You might Just ns rightfully call station."
Yale nr Harvard a roH." Dr. Lewis Jurther reasoned th a t tho
PROTEST GREETS LEADER. programs broadcast hero would In no
The Internationa: torclibrnrers of way inlerfrro with reception of other
iho order nrrlvcd in San Jove yester­ Poclflo Coast programs, os five night,
day, claiming to have fanned lo life a week the broadcasting would not
tho divine flame Inspired by Amcn- begin unui midnight. The other two
hotep the Fourth back In 1300 B. 0. occasions will sta rt a t 10 p, m.
A warm and unusual reception Programs of local Interest, carrying
greeted them . In the form of aroused weather data, news summaries and
citizens, proclaiming th a t the estab­ household Information, of a character
lishment of a radio station hero, ns especially pleasing to wives, will take
the order Intends doing, would cre­ the air, according to me chief of the
ate an intolerable condition here for order. In mo early morning hours and
radio reception. early In m e afternoon.
At the name lime th a t Dr. Lewis "H tho peuilon of Mr. Hocpner
was detailing the large plans lor the and Mr. Nickels la successful," de­
national headquarters here, A1 clared the imperil lor, "it may lie up
lloepfner. Oil Emory Gtreot, who Is
circulating a petition addressed to (Conttnarrf an I'aga Nina)
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Pages 1 and 9
* --------------------------------------------- The offlco In San Jose will be
Rosicrucians mcYely oxecutlvc, and no degrees will
bo conferred here, the right being re­
* ----------------------------------------- # served to tho particular local branch
(Contlnned From r a t e On«l whoro the course of study may bo
the radio altuation on the Pacific completed.
Coast for two years. In accordance IS *000 TEARS OLD
with tho rules of tho Federal Radio In tho words of Dr. Lewis the or­
Commission. ganisation Is more than 3000 years
"Believe me—I know from experi­ old. having been founded by King
ence In the radio world for a num­ Amonhotep of the Egyptians, centuries
ber of years—tho people In the eastern before the advent of Christ. It Is to
port of the country feel the same way
about radios as tho residents of San Amenhotcp’s recently excavated city
Jose. that tho expedition plans to head next
"Chicago alone has twice us many year, and there, amid tho recon­
broadcasting stations ns on tho entire structed ruins, lead a life similar to
Pacific Coast, and yet they manage to the tradllton of the ancient people.
get along and hrnr their various pro­ It will bo a trip primarily proposed
grams. The people there ratso a con­ for tho collection of scientific data
stant wall and cry for tho purpose of regarding the fine sciences, which the
shutting their stations up so they can ill-fated Amcnhotep fostered during a
get the East and West Const broad­ brief reign.
casts. The symbol of the order—AMORO—
"In Boston the local stations nro In Is taken from the ancient and mystical
continual disrepute. The snmo situa­ order of "rosao crucls." Tho order
tion la here. Tho stations have to be already operates four stations, at
somewhere, and a good set will not be Tampa, New York, Montreal and
bothered by betna located too near to Vancouver and has already applied for
& transfer of the Tampa license to
the sending location. San Jose.
TO BENEFIT SAN JOSE The contract for tho Egyptian
Tho coming of tho order to San Jose, temple to bo erected on the half block
which was solcctcd for its Ideal cli­ of property owned by the order at
mate, according to Dr. Lowls, and the Naglee and Chapman Streets, has
lack of congestion, will bo a very great already been awarded to the Minton
thing for the city, due to the fact Company of this vicinity, and many
that 00 per cent of the annual In- other local contracts will be prepared
como of the university would bo re­ shortly.
ceived through tho local postofflcc. In In addition. It Is expected that many
addition aproxtmatcly 05 per cent new homes will be built In San Jose
would bo spent locally, he claimed. by the attraction here of students of
"Wo nro referred to In tho World the organisation.
Almnnnc ns tho largest university in
America,'’ Interjected tho mnn who
proposes to load 5000 of his adherents
to tho Nllo next year. "Our enroll­
ment totals 30,000, and wo liavo 30
branch college offices In the country."
Tho main purpose of the Rosicru-
clan Order, as explained by the leader,
is to enlmnco tho study of tho flno
arts and music, for which service tho
students sign for four to six year
courses at $2 a month.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Rochester, New York
Thursday, December 1, 1927
Rosicrucian Colony
Page 4
on Nile Is New Idea
for Order’s Leaders
— ♦ — —

Ran Francisco, Nov. 30— .

Plana of Dr H Spencer Lewis na­
tional president of the Rnsicrucian
Order, a philosophical colt, for
establishment of a colony of 5.000
Americana In Egvpt. where they
would live In the manner of Nile
culture of 3.300 years Sfo. caused
! surprise to-day at the headquarters
of the organization here
The headquarter* of the order
disclaimed knowledge of the colon­
ization project, but further an­
• * ■that
* the
_* national
• head-
I quarters of the Itnslcruciam would
be Moved from Tampa. Pin . to Snn
1J osj . Calif., and that 500-V'Wtt radio
at a (ion would be established at Ran
Jose. brought sharp protests from
! residents there
Dr. Lewis said :ils plans provided
for the sailings of 5.000 American
men. women, and children next
year to Tel-cl?Amarna, a city by
t h e Nile, in Central Egypt, founded
by Amenhotep IV. who reigned in
Egypt about 1406 B C Amenhotep.
hmlself an Innovator in religion,
substituted worship of the sun's disk
for that of other Egyptian dtetiea.
and moved the capital from Thebe*
to the site of the present Tel-El-
Dr Lewis ‘fated that his colonists
would abandon modern dress, as­
sume the costume of the ancient
Egyptians and lo\e according lo the
principles propounded by Amen-
hntep In an effort lo prove that
these law* have not lost their value
for the human race
The Morning News
Wilmington, Delaware
Thursday, December 1,1927
Page 11


Americans to Build City on
Nile and Live Without Mod­
em Conveniences
Five thousand Am erican men, women
and children p lan to move to an a n ­
cient Egyptian city by the Nile and
prove they can live there harm oni­
ously and pr ogressively w ithout bene­
fit of m odem conveniences.
T his was the announcem ent m \!«
here by D r. H. Spencer Lewis, na-~
tional president of th e Rosicrucian
order, a philosophical cult.
D r. Lewis declared plans were being
made to have th e expedition sail late S un City of th e Nile. Brtafctbftuneni
next year. of fam ilies will be encouraged.
Even Num ber of People Lhre According to Amenhotep
T he city of Tel-ELI Am am a. Sun T he colony will abandon modem
C ity of A m enhotep th e Fourth, dress fo r costum e of th e ancient
founder of th e Rosie ruclan order, is Egyptians and will fo ra g e m echan­
the site picked for th e experim ent. ical im plem ents for th e crude tools of
Dr. Lewis said. T he expedition will 1900 B. O. They are to live according
contain an appropriately even num ­ to th e principles propounded by
ber of m en and women, all carefully Am enhotep in a n effort to dem on­
selected fa r the i f physical fitness and stra te th a t these laws have n o t lost
devotion to th e principles of the th eir value fa r th e hum an race.
teachings under which they are to P articu lar efforts will be m ade to
live. encourage use of th e International
-T here will also be several chil­ language known as Ho. which. Dr.
dren," Dr. Lewis said, “an d as several Lewis said, h as been approved by the
expectant m others will take the jour­ R odcm clan order.
ney, there will be children bom in the
Tampa Bay Times
St. Petersburg, Florida
Thursday, December 01,1927
Page 2

ANCISCO, Nov. JO.—(.P)
Spencer Lewis,
the Rosicrucian
philosophical cult, for estab*
of 6,000 Ameri-
whero they would live
of Nile Culture of 3,-
surprise today
of the orgraniza-
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Thursday, December 01,1927
Page 4

Roti crucians affiliated with the

NILE PROPOSAL lodge here declared Dr. Lewis had not

discussed the Egyptian project publicly
before he left for San Jose, Calif.,
w hen the supreme lodge la to be main­

RECALLS LEWIS tained after being located In Tampa

for two yean. Dr. Lewie and his fam­
ily departed about Nov. 16, going first
to New York, thence to California.

PROJECTSHERE While the supreme lodge was re­

moved from Tampa, headquarters of
the grand lodge of Florida will be
maintained here. Transfer of the 600-
watt radio station to San Jose has
met with objections from residents of
Itinerant Imperator of the California town who protest the
station would constitute a nuisance.
Roticrocians Promised Fromised Art Center
Dr. Lewis created a sensation in
Vast Art C e l l a r Tampa nearly two years ago when he
announced that this city had been
chosen as the site of a 613,000.000 art
Latest plans of Dr. H. Spencer m iter. A 33-story skyscraper which
would embrace a mammoth audi­
Lewis, intlnerant Imperator of the torium, powerful radio broadcasting
Ancient and Mystical Order R oue station, an academy of fine arts and
Crude. North American Jurisdiction, an institution chartered years ago
which provide for establishment of a when the late Theodore Roosevelt be­
came active In founding the cultural
colony of 1000 Americana In Egypt center, was to be built at the corner
where they would live In the manner of Lafayette and Pierce streets. Dr.
of Nile culture of MOO yean ago, Lewis declared in an atfdress before
seem doomed at the outset to follow the lio n s dub on Feb. 19. 1936.
the path at sensational projects ad­ Then there was to be an astronomi­
vanced by him while here. cal laboratory located on a duplicate
Headquarters of th e order. In San of the great pyramid of Egypt. 144 feet
Francisco, yesterday disclaim ed know l­ high. The 23-story building was to
edge of the colonization project. east 99.500.600, and rising above the
Dr. Lewis announced to San Fran­ masts of the super radio station was to
cisco newspapers that his plans pro­ be a Mg bronse incense burner. In­
vided for the sailing of 5000 American cense was to be burned at night, the
men. women and children next year else of the burner making the red
to Telel-Amarna. a city by the Nile, glow, symbolical of the order, visible
In central Egypt, founded by Amen- miles away.
hotep IV, who reigned in Egypt about Opens tea gen. Tee
1466 B. C. Amenbotep. himself an Artists prominent in this country,
Innovator in religion, substituted wor­ England and the European continent cult pursued their studies. Little was
ship of the sun’s disk for that of other were mentioned in connection with the beard of activities of the order until
Egyptian deities and moved the capi­ academy of fine arts which was to last summer when a radio station was
tal from Thebes to the site of the transform Tampa tato a mecca of installed at the temple through which
present Tel-Kl-Amama. cultural learning. A feature of the Information concerning the work and
program was to be a two-weeks' visit purposes of the order was dissemi­
Colonists would abandon modern of the Metropolitan O pen Company to nated. It was discontinued recently
drees, dbume the costume of the Tampa annually. as a result of abrogation of agree­
ancient Egyptians, and live according Fhyalcal evidences of the completion ment with a Joint holder of the
to the principles propounded by at the ambitious project were confined broadcasting license under which the
Amenhotep In an effort to prove that to a property at the corner of Armenia station operated, and Dr. Lewis then
these laws have not lost their value for avenue and Memorial highway. Here a announced plans to remove national
the human race, according to Dr. two-story stucco temole was erected headquarters to Ban Jose.
Lewis. and here members of the philisophlcal
The Gettysburg Times
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Thursday, December 1,1927
Will Wear Garments of Ancient
Style and Do Without Mod­
ern Conveniences.
San Francisco, 4bec.' 1.— (A P )—
Five thousand A m erican men, -women
and children p lan to m ove to an an­
cient E gyptian citv b y the Nile and
prove they can live th e re harm oni­
ously and progressively -without bene­
fit o f modern conveniences. This
w as the announcem ent m ade y ester­
d ay b y Dr. H. S pencer L e w is national
president of the R osecrucian Order,
a philosophical cult.
D octor L e w s declared plans were
b ein g m ade to h av e th e expedition
sail la te n ext year,
i Sexes E venly R epresented
{ T he City of T cl-cl-A m arna, Sun
City o f Am enhotep th e F o u rth , found-
or pf the R osecrucion O rder, is the
| site picked fo r the ex p erim en t, Doctor
l Lewis said. The expedition will con­
I tain an approxim ate even num ber of
I m en and women, all carefully select­
! ed fo r th eir physical fitness and de-
j votion to the principles of the teaeh-
i ings under which th e y a rc to live.
“There will also be several chil­
dren," Doctor Lew is said, “And as
several expectant m o th ers will take
the journey, there w ill be children
to m in tre Sun C ity o f th e Nile. E s­
tablishm ent of fa m ilies will be en­
To Use Tools O f 1300 R. C.
The colony will abandon modern
dress fo r costum e o f th e ancient
E g y p tian s and will fo rsa k e m echani­
cal im plem ents fen* llic crude tools of
1300 B. C. T hcv a r c to live accord­
ing to the niinoinlos. propounded by
Am enhotep in an e ffo rt to demon­
s tra te th a t these law s have n o t lost
th e ir value fo r the hum an race.
P a rtic u la r efforts w ill (be made to
entourage use of th e international
language, known as Ilo, which Doctor
Lewis said has been approved by the
Roaccrucian order. T he arrival of
D octor Lewis in San F rancisco is con­
nected w ith rem oval o f the national
headquarters o f th e Rosccrucians
from San F rancisco to S an Jose.
WOUU) N i l COLONY Of Dr. l.*»a Is elated that bts col*
onlsts would abandon modern dress
assume the costume of the ancient
MBUCMIS H EGYPT Egyptians, and live according to
the principle! propounded by
Dr. Lewta, Leader ef Reels rut tana, Amenhotep tn an effort to prove
Would Fellow Anataat tgyp- that these laws have not lost their
tlaq Rulea af Living value for tho human race.

SAN r&ANCISOO. Dae. TAMPA. Fla., Doc. 1— —None

PUaa at Dr. R. 8 pan ear LawU. na­ of tho officials of the Rosicructan
tional president of the Roeicrueian order, a philosophic*! cult, could
order, a philosophical cult, for a* i be located here for a statement con*
ubiubmtnt of a colony af 1000 I cemlng the proponed plan of Dr. H.
Americana tn Egypt, where they Rpencer Lewie, tmpera'nr of the
would lira In the manner of Nila order, for tho e&UhllaUment of e
cnltnra of ISOO year* ago, canted colony of American* In Egypt.
surprise today at the headquarters Headquarters of the cult was
of the orgaaltation hare. established here about two years
The headquarters af the ardor ago by Dr. I*win. A temple was
disclaimed knowledge of tho colon!* orected where members carried on
sation project, but further an* their work quietly. Little has been
nouncement that the national head* heard of the activities of the mem­
quarters of the Roelcruclsns would bers recently, although when the
be moved from Tampa, Fla., to headquarters was mored hpre Dr,
San Jose, Cal, and that a 100 watt Lewis «aa active In promotion
radio station would be eftabllehed work. He left here about three
at Ban Joee, brought sharp protests weeks hr' for California.
from residents there. A radio broadcasting station was
Advices from San Jose state that Installed at tho temple where In­
circulation of petitions protesting formation concerning the work and
to the federal radio commission purporea of the ord«'r was Ulsaimen*
had started. Albert Hoepner, who ated.
Urea near the site of tho proposed It recently was dincontinueO as a
station. aisled It would create an result of abrogation of agreement
"intolerable nuisance" with a Joint holder of the broad*
casting license, under which the
Dr Lewis said hla plans provided station was operated.
for th« sailing of sooo American
men. women end children nest
year to TelelAmarna. a Hty by the
Nile. In central Egypt, founded by
Amenhotep IV, who reigned In
Egypt shout' 1466 B. <\ Amonhotep. The Evening Reporter-Star
himself an Innovator la tellglon, Orlando, Florida
subMltuted worship of the sun's Thursday, December 1,1927
disk for that of other Egyptian Page 13
dletlcn and moved the capital from
Thebes to the site of tha present
The North Adams Evening Transcript
North Adams, Massachusetts
Thursday, December 1, 1927
Page 9


Headquarters of Rosicru-
cian O r d e r Disclaim
Knowledge of Egyptian
Project •

San Francisco, Doc. 1 (A .P.)

— Plan3 of Ur. H. Spencer Lewis,
national president of the noalcruclsn
Order, a philosophical cult, for rs-
labHahnirnl of a colony of 6,000
Americana In Egypt, where they
would live Id the manner of Nile
culture of 3,300 yrars ago, caused
surprise today at the headquarters
of tlin orgnnlrallon here.
The headquarters of the order dis­
claimed knowledge ol the coloniza­
tion prnjftrt, hut further unnonUcc-
iuent that the national headquarter*
; of Lite RosiciuclauB would bu moved
from Tampa, Fla., to San Juse. Cal.,
and that 500 wnlt radio station
would be established at San Jose,
brought sharp protests from resi­
dents there.
Dr. Lewis said Ills plans provided
for the sailing of 6,1*00 American
meD, women and children nest year
to Telel-Armana, a city by the Nile,
in Central Egypt, founded by Amen-
1iotup JV, who reigned In Egypt
about 1466 D. C.
Dr. J/Yw's Hated that hla colonists
would nbnndon modern dress, a s­
sume the costume of Lhu ancteut
Egyptians aud love accordlhg to
Ibe principles propounded by Amen-
hntep ir. an oflort to prove that these
laws have Dot lost their valu# for
the human race.
The Morning News Review
Florence, South Carolina
Thursday, December 1, 1927
Page 8

5,000 Will Try Primitive
Life in Ancient Egyp­
tian City
—rive thousand American men wo
men mid children plan to move to
nn ancient eqyptlan city by the Nile
and prove they can live there liar
nioiilously and progressively with­
out benefit of modern conveniences
llils was the announcement made
today by Dr H Spencer Lewis no
tlonal president of the Raseciuclan
order a Phlllsophlcal cult
Dr Lewis declared plans weie be
Irif, made! to have the expedition sail
lau next year
The c ity of Tel el-amarna Sun
city of Amenhotep the fourth foun
tier or the Rosecurculan order Is
the spot picked for the cxpeilment
Dr Lewis said The expedition will
contain an approximate even num
ber of men and women all c arefu l
ly selected for their phyAlca) fitness
and devotion to the nrlnclplcs of the
teachings under which the) are to
th e r e will also be severnl child
ren Dr Lewis said And a. sev
cral expectant mothers will take the
Journey there will be children boin
in the Sun city of the tflle Estan
llsment of families will be cncour
The colony will abandon modem
dress for costume of the Ancient
Egyptians and will forsake incctmni
cal implements foi the crude tools
of 1300 B C I h c v arc to live ac
coding to the principles profounded
by Amenhotep in m effort to cfe
monsirate that thise luwa have not
lost Ibolr \alue for the human race
Wilmington Morning News
Wilmington, Delaware
Thursday, December 1,1927
Page 11

Sun Otty of th e N ile. BsUtottMunen:

5000 TO ESTABLISH of famine* will be encouraged,

lir e Aoeoedlng to A n tahoiep
The colony w ill abandon modem
drees for costum e of the awcWar

COLONY IN EGYPT Egyptians and w ill fo ra g e m echan­

ical implements for th e crude tools ©I
1300 B. C. They are to lire according
to the principles propounded by
Amenhotep In an effort to demon*'
A m ericans to Build City on a'rate th a t these law s have not lost
Nile a n d Live W ithout Mod­ their value for the human race.
Particular efforts will be made to
ern C onveniences encourage use of th e InLeruauonai
language known as Ho. whieh. Dr.
BAN FRANOISOO Nov. 30. «AP'~ Lewis said, has been approved by the
Flve thousand American men. women Reelcrucian order.
and children plan to move to an a n - ;
d e n t Egyptian city by the Nile and
prove they can live there harmoni­
ously and progressively without bene­
fit of modern conveniences.
This was the announcem ent mV.e
here by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, na-*
Uonal president of the Roaicrucian
order, a philosophical cult.
Dr. Lewis declared plans were being
made to have the expedition sail late
next year.
Even Number of People
The city of T el-E l Amama. Sun
City of Am enhotep th e Fourth,
founder of the Rosictuclan order, is
the site picked for the experim ent.
Dr. Lewis said. The expedition will
contain an appropriately even num­
ber of men and women, all carefully
selected far the if physical fitness and
devotion to the principles of the
teachings under which they are to
T h er e will also be several chil­
dren," Dr. Lewis said, “and as several
expectant m others win take the Jour­
ney. there w ill be children ham in the
The Burlington Free Press and Times
Burlington, Vermont
Friday, December 2, 1927
Page 12

Plans Rosicrucian
Colony In Egypt
BAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 1. <*)—
Plans of Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, nation­
al president of the Rosicrucian order,
a philosophical cult, for establishment
of a colony of 5,000 Americans in
Egypt. where they would lire in the
m anner of Nile culture of SJ00 years]
ago, caused surprise today a t the
headquarters of the organisation here.
The headquarters of the order dis­
claimed knowledge of the colonisa­
tion project, but further announce-1
ment th a t the national headquarters
Of the Roslcrucians would be moved
Cram Tampa. F la, to Ban Joae. C al,
and th a t a 500 w att raido station
would be established s t Ban Jose,
brought sharp protests from resi­
dents there.
Dr. Lewis said his plans provided
for the sailing of 5.000 American men,
women and children next year to
Telel-Amama, a city fay the Nile, tn
central Egypt, founded fay Amenhotep
IV, who reigned in Egypt about 1456
B. C. Amenhotep. himself an inno­
vator in religion, substituted worship
of the sun’s disk for th at of other
Egyptian dletiea and moved the cap­
ital from Thebes to the site of the
presen t Tele-Amama.
Dr. Lewis stated th at his colonists
would abandon modem dress, assume
the costume of the ancient Egyptians
and love according to tb s principles
propounded fay Amenhotep tn an ef­
fort to prove th at them laws have not
lost their value for the human race.
Oakland Tribune
Oakland. California
Friday, December 2, 1927
Page C23

: ,
T ran sfer of R ad io L icen se b y
O rd er to Face M u c h
O p p osition .

SAN JOSE, Dec. 2.— A nnounce­

m e n t t h a t formal petition for a
tr a n s f e r of t h e two radio licenses
held by th e Rosicruclnn o rd e r from
F lo rid a te San Jose, w here new
h e a d q u a r te r s of the order are to
be established, will he filed early Dr. Lewis declares t h a t there
next week was made today by Dr. will be practically no Interference
H. Spencer Lewis, form erly of from either of the two sta tions of
Tumpa, im p e ra to r of the Roslcru- th e Rosiorucian order, however,
clan order. s t a t i o n WQBA, a high wave length
P la n s for t h e petition for tr a n s ­ station, will not he used until after
fer of th e radio licenses a r e going 11 p. m. and ordinarily not before
forw ard In spite of vigorous pro­ m id n ig h t for t h e purpose of b road­
te sts-fro m a large num ber of local casting high class p ro g ra m s of a
residents, especially those residing n o n -c o m m e rc ia l nature, he says.
in th e College P a r k - H e s te r dis­ T h e othe r station, 4ACY, a low
trict, w here th e h e a d q u a rte rs of wave length station, will be used
th e order a r e being built, against fo r conversing with other stations
establishing of another radio s ta ­ having sets of the same type n't
tion here. Considerable trouble g r e a t distances and will not r e g ­
h a s bef*n experienced w ith local ister on th e ordinary commercial
radio sets th rough broadcasting radio set In common ho m e use,
from radio K(J\V, the local station according to Dr. Lewis.
already existing.______ ---------- ♦ --—
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Tuesday, December 6,1927
Page 4, Part II

T Efforts are being made to create a
colony of several thousand Americans—
largely Hated as Roslcrucians, and estab­
lish * city on the banks of the Nile In an*
d e n t E g y p t There they would abandon
the frills and doodads of oar hectic modem
life and dwell In the simplicity of their fore- 1
fathers. They would have no modern
plumbing, no telephonee, radio or electric
curling Irons. There wouldn't oven be a
m ovie or a Jazz band. They would dress
as closely to the manner of Eve as possible
and th ey would eulUvato the soil sufficiently
to m eet their ow n m odest needs—and no
more. T hat would give them plenty of time
for reading. 6tudy and meditation—although
they would have very little to meditate
over. T he program sounds a bit Idyllic and
thoeo to whom it appeals may go to it lo t
sll the rest of us care.
Oxnard Daily Courier
Oxnard, California
Tuesday, December 6,1927
Page 2


Talk about, old-fashioned roughing
it! Five thousand Americans in Cali­
fornia arc planning to move to Egypt
next year and settle down in the
ancient sun-city of Telel-Amarra, to
live- and work after the manner of
3,200 year ago.
They will adopt ancient Egyptian
dress. They will discard modern tools
and machinery for the crude imple­
ments used In the reign of Ameii-
3iot/'p IV. thirteen centuries before
Christ. Moreover, they will try to
regulate their lives according to the
teachings of that monarch, who is
said to have laid down the principles
on which the Ilosicrucinn order is
Here is a change indeed. It is rare
for people to migrate eastward. It is
unusual to go sc* far as the N'ile. Tt
is probably unparalleled for any peo­
ple to move backward into bygone
history for more than 8.1101) years,
with a view to making a comple'e job
of It.
Can they get away with it. There
is never any telling what human be­
ings can get away with, when they arc
in earnest about it. One tiling, bow-
ever, may be safely prophesied. Those
California-Egyptians, however accus­
tomed to sunshine, will be hunting for (
shade trees before Uiey'vu built very 1
many pyramids.
* - * >
The Deadwood Daily Pioneer -Times
Deadwood, South Dakota
Tuesday, December 6,1927
Page 2

R <ughing it on the Nile

Talk about old-fashioned roughing
It! Five thousand Americans in Cali­
fornia r<rc planning to move to Egypt
next year and settle down in the an­
cient sun-city of Telel-Amarna, to live
ar.d work after the manner of 3,200
years ago.
They will adopt ancient Egyptian
dress. They will discard modem tools
and machinery for the crude imple­
ments used in the reign of Amenhotep
IV, thirteen centuries before Christ.
Moreover, they will try to regulnte
their lives according to the teachings
of that monarch, who is* said to have
laid down the principles on which the
Rosicrucian order is based.
Here is a change, indeed. It is rare
for people to migrate eastward. It is
unusual to go so far as the Nile. It
is probably unparalleled for any people
to move backward into bygone history
for more than 3.000 years, with a view
to making a complete job of it.
Can they get away with it? There
is never any telling what human be­
ings can get away with, when they are
in earnest about it. One thing, how­
ever, may be safely prophesied. Those
California-Egyptians. however accus­
tomed to sunshine, will be hunting for
shade trees before they’ve built very
many pyramids.
Albuquerque Journal
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Thursday, December 8, 1927
Page 4


Talk about old-fashioned roughing itl
Five thousand Americans in California a n
planning to move to Egypt next year and
sottl^dawn in the ancient sun-city of Telel-
Amania, to live and work after the manner
of S.800 years ago.
They will adopt ancient Egyptian
dress. They will discard modern tools and
machinery for the crude Implements used
in the reign of Amenhotep IV, thirteen
centuries before Christ Moreover, they
will try to regulate their lives according to
the teachings of thst monarch, who is said
to have laid down the principles on which
te Rosicrucian order is based.
Here is a change, indeed. It is rare for
people to migrate eastward. It is unusual
to go so far as the Nile. It is probably un­
paralleled for any people to move back­
ward into bygone history for more than
8,000 years, with a view to making a com­
plete job of It.
Can they get away with It? Thors is
never any telling what human beings can
get away with, when they are in earnest
about i t One thing, however, may be safe­
ly prophesied. Those California-Egyptians,
however accustomed to sunshine, will be
hunting for shade trees before they’ve
built very many pyramids.
The Ogden Standard-Examiner
Ogden, Utah
Thursday, December 8, 1927
Page 12

■ Dr. H.. Spencer Lewis, grand im-

aerator of the Ancient Mystic Or­
der of Rosecrucians, looking over
plans Xcr a temple at San Jose,
Calif. Opposition has arisen • be­
cause H ie order plans a radio sta; j
tum i'and it. is claimed the an:
around San Francisco. already -is
ovexb urder eel w .waves.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Saturday,, December 10,1927
Page 22

Methodist Congregation
Leases Property on
Memorial Highway
Lease of the entire property of the
Rosicrucian order at Memorial High­
way and Armenia avenues has been
taken by Trinity Methodist church, Organized in 1921 as Moody Heights,
which will move Into Its new quarters the name of the church was changed
after extensive improvements, by to Trinity in 1925. It has 189 mem­
bers and about 300 in the Sunday
Jan. 1. school. The move was made necessary
Announcement of the transfer of by lack of room to grow at North
Trinity’s activities was made yesterday Howard and North B streets.
by the Rev. William W. Latte, pastor. The building committee which
While the lease price was not stated, handled the transaction comprises B.
the property had been offered for sale L. Jordan, chairman; W. T. McElvey,
for $75,000. chairman of the finance committee; B.
At the Rosicrucian plant Trinity will A. Marks, treasurer; Graham Jones,
have ample room for all Its church Dr. Earle H. McRae, D. M. 8mith, R.
and Sunday school work, which here­ R. Kocher, Manuel Sanchez. A. R.
tofore has been scattered. There is a Allison. Mrs. Bessie Lopez and Mrs.
nine-room parsonage in the rear of the McEivy.
lot. where Mr. Laite will live.
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Monday December 19, 1927
Page 11

4 ....— I 4-

Radio Plea For

Rosicruciam Is
Sent Coast Chief
Application of tho Hoslcruclan
Brotherhood to oporato a 1000-watt
radio station hero has been received
by Bernard H. Linder of tho San Fran­
cisco Federal Department of Com­
merce, according to announcement by
Dr. H. Spcnccr Lewis, Impcrator of
the order.
He docs not expect thb local oppo­
sition to the proposed station, which
developed shortly after Its arrival here
last month, to continue after the
pinna of tho station become generally
known, Dr. Lewis said. The station
will do practically nil Its broadcasting
after 10:30 or 11 o'clock at night and
will work for distance, ho declares.
Dr. Lewis arirved here recently
from Tampa, Fla., to establish head­
quarters of tho Hosioruclan order.
Work is well along on tho headquar­
ters building on Naglco Street and tho
staff of tho order will movo In soon,
It is announced. Temporary head­
quarters are on The Alameda.
-------------------- 4 ----------------------
The Hamilton Daily News
Hamilton, Ohio
Saturday, December 24, 1927
Page 6

World’s Way
0n« hundred nnd twenty first-yenr
hoys at tho University of Wisconsin
are pursuing limit studies according
lo the method :ti uje in Inc time of
Pericles. This high citizen of Athena
lived 4U0 years before Christ. In
I those days there w is much study
| and debate, but not after the ntan-
n« r of lhe modern college. The idea
of this Creek uirlhcd which i.; ex­
perimented with at thr University
of \Vi.x<-u»sin is to give young people
an understanding of complicated so-
ial or political sitnatnns and create
in them a desire to solve pioblcms.
The experiment may succeed nr
fail. At any rate it ij interesting
in that it looks hack for ideas in­
stead of looking for something new.
.*rwl |,11 iV !» ♦}(,. i-onrluslnn
that aomntimen tho ol<l is better than
'h e :«cw.
Dr. !l. Spcr.ccr I<rwiR, nntinna'.
president of on order known as tho
!Roseem dans, nniiounrcs thnt 6,000
men, women, and children are going
lo move to Egypt and livo ns the
Egyptians did in 120t) B. C. They
|'r e poiiig lo dir-card modern tools and \
]u.<e the implements of that early ape.
•try 1ollevc more happiness is tn bf\ '■
] ruund in a crude and primitive sys-
■cm of living than under modem
ron/iMsons Thm,«*,nds wIki do n^t
cure to make* such « drastic experi­
ment hut who find that the modem
wav of 'Ife b ir.":i mo.e worry then
pence of mind, will watch the experi­
ment with deep interest.
Albuquerque Journal
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Wednesday, December 28. 1927
Page 4

lhe Wciy oftheW orld

■> o « ovk pa ttk rso n

Dr. H. Spencer Law la, national
president of an order known a« the
Roaecruolana, announces that 6,000
men, wom en and children are go*
inf? to m ove to Egypt and IUt* bp
the Egyptians did In 1300 It. C.
They are going to dN'.iid rnodtrn
tool* and u.-» the im plem ents of
that * d y age. They believe more
happiness is to be found in a crude
und prim itive system of living thnni
u n d e r modern condition*. T h o u ­
sand* who do not care to m » k *
s u c h a drn-*tic ex p erim en t but w h o
find that the m o d er n way of l i f e
b r in g s more w o rr y than peace o f
m in d , will w a tc h the e i p e r i i n j n t
w ith deep interest.
The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram
Richmond, Indiana
Monday, January 2, 1928
Page 6

And GoinK Back Again

Dr. H. Spencer L ew is, national president of an or- (
der known as tbo R oseerucians, announces that G.OttO |
m en, wom en and children arc going to m ove to Egypt [
and live as the E gyptians did iu 13i»o U. tj. T h ey are go- i
in? to discard modern tools and use the im plem ents
o f that early age. T hey believo more happiness is to be
found in a crude and prim itive system of living titan
tinder modern conditions. Thousands who do not care to
m ake such a drastid experim ent but who nml 'hat the
modern w ay of life brings m ore worry than peace o
m ind, will watch th^ experim ent with deep interest.
The Tampa Daily Times
Tampa, Florida
Friday, January 6,1928
Rosicrucian Center Remod­
eled by Trinity Methodist.

With improvements ami ren­

ovations completed in its new
church building, formerly the R osi­
crucian center, at Memorial high­
way aud Armenia avenue, opening
services of Trinity Methodist church
will be held Sunday, morning at
11 o’clock, with the pastor, the
Rev. W. W. Laite, in charge.
The building has been remodeltd
with the first floor devoted to the
seven departments of the Sunday
school, while the second floor will
be used by the adult department
and as an auditorium for the con­
gregation. The large dwelling in
the rear of the church building is
being fitted out as a parsonage for
the pastor and his family, who wll'
occupy it by the middle of the
At 9:45 o’clock Sunday morning,
the entire Sunday school will as­
semble In the auditorhim, and after
a brief worship period, the depart­
ments will be assigned to the vari­
ous rooms. The pastor will fill the
pulpit at both morning and even­
ing services, and the Epworth
league meeting will be held at 6:30,
Special music will be given by the
choir and orchestra.
Trinity church was organized in
1921 as the Moody Heights Metho­
dist church, with approximately 3b
members. It has been located at
North Howard and North B stree
The Rev. Mr. Laite has been head­
ing the congregation since July,
1926. The membership today is ap­
proximately 200 and the Sunday
school enrollment from 250 to 300.
The Tampa Tribune
Tam pa, Florida
Saturday, January' 7,1928
Page 12

O pening services of T rin ity M etho­
dist chxirch in its new ch u rcl. building.
M em orial highw ay and A rm enia ave­
nue, will be held tomorrow m orning
a t 11 o'clock, w ith the pastor, th e Rev.
VV. W. Laite, in charge.
T h e building, form erly th e Rosi-
crucian center, h as been remodeled
w ith the first floor devoted to the seven
d ep artm en ts of th e Sunday school,
while th e second floor will be used by
the a d u lt d ep a rtm en t an d th e au d i­
torium for th e congregation. T he large
dwelling in th e rear of th e ch u rch
building is being fitted out as a p a r­
sonage for th e pastor an d his family,
who will ocupy it by the m iddle of the
m onth.
Tomorrow' m orning a t 9:45 o'clock
th e en tire S unday school will a s ­
semble in th e auditorium , an d after
a brief w orship period, th e d e p a rt­
m ents will be assigned to th e various
rooms. T h e p asto r will fill th e pulpit
a t both m orning an d evening services.
Special m usic will be given by th e
choir a n d orchestra.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, January 7,1928
Page 2, Part II

L ecture on “ T h e M any M ansions”
Stereoptlcon view* of tho lout continent* of Atlantia and Lcrtiurla
with * picture of St. Oormnlnr.
Tenor Sololxt—Prof. SI. Kd«r. AtUInaoo.
Concert PI unlit—Mrlbn F. Allen of Cljlrnjro,

Music-Arts Hall
Mn*le>Art* Studio Hid*., JM 8. H ilt St,
A t U tlS A-SI.. Sunder. Offlcr Suite, 1st to 4JB. Open Oallj.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, January 7,1928
Page 7


Lecture on (1“The
Many Maniioni«
i view* mt lm eMitewt* mt A tU n tU h 4 lm
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, January 7,1928
Page 6

The Roslcrucian Brotherhood will
have an unusual program toinor-
row in Music-Art Hall, 23S South
Broadway, at 11:15 a. m. The
theme for discussion will be "The
Many Mansions,” besides stereoptl-
con views of the continents of La*
murla and Atlantis as they are said
to have looked hundreds of thou­
sands of years ago,
A picture of St, Germaine will
also be nhown. preceding the lec*
ture there will be an entertaining
musical program, by Prof. M. Edw.
Atkinson and Melba F. Allen, con­
cert pianist, of Chicago.
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Monday, January 9,1928
Page 5

M em bers o f th e T rin ity M ethodist
church atten d ed services yesterday for
th e first tim e in th eir new building
on M em orial h igh w ay, form erly th e
R osicru cian cen ter. T h e first floor
of th e b u ild in g h a s been bu ilt in to
m odern S u n d ay sch ool rooms, and an
aud itorium occu pies th e secon d floor.
T h e resid en ce in th e rear o f th e
building w ill be used as a parsonage
R ev. W . W. Laite. pastor, reported
record atten d a n ces at each o f th e
th ree se n d e e s yesterday.
The Tampa Times
Tampa, Florida
Sunday, January 15, 1928
Page 29

Ten Years Old

Colombo M a d e lin e Lewi* I* the

10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
H. Spencer Lewis, who lire at Rosl-
rru ria n square.
Coronado Eagle and Journal
Coronado, California
Tuesday, January 17,1928
Page 3

American Colony
Moving to Egypt
Will Try Living Under Ancient 1300 B. (X They are to live accord­
ing to the principles propounded by
Law*. Amenhotep In nn effort to demon­
strate thnt these laws have not lost
San Francisco. — Five thoimnnft' their value for the human race.
American men. women and children
plan to move to on ancient Egyptian
city by the Nile uud prove they ran
live there harmoniously and prngres-
alvely without benefit of modern con­
veniences. This was the announce­
ment made by Dr, II. Spencer l-cwls,
national president of th# Roaecru-
clan Order, a philosophical cult.
Doctor Lewra declared pluns were
being made to have the expedition sail
late next year.
The city of Tel-el-Amnrna, sun city
of Amenhotep the fourth, founder of
the Hoaecruclan Order, la the site
picked for tiie experiment. Doctor
Lewis said. The expedition will con­
tain an approximate even number of
men and women, all carefully selected
for their phyalcal fltnesB nud devotion
to the principles of the teachings un­
der which they are to live.
•There will also be several chil­
dren,” Doctor !,ewls anld. “Esttib-
lishment of families will be encour­
The colony will abandon modern
dress for costume of the ancient
Egyptians and will forsake mechan­
ical Implements for the crude tools of
The Whittier News
Whittier, California
Tuesday, January 24, 1928
Page 10

Koine friend oi The News recently mailed to

the editor a small booklet setting forth some
facts about the Rosie ruciam " The leaflet
a hs forth many things which the Rosicruclans
are not. and then declares that the Rosicru-
u a n order is an international order with an
unbroken history covering many centuries It
is a Irutem ity which deals with the practical
Sciences and arts necessary to enable men
anti women to live more useful lives here and
now.” There you have It No longer will you
be puzzled o \er tlic question what Is the
Roblcrucian Order '
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, January 28,1928
Page 5

T he R osirru clan Brotherhood,
m eetin g S u n d ay m orning In the
M u sic-A rt H all. 232 South B ro a d ­
w ay, w ill h a v e as a sp ecial lectu re
a p rom in en t m em ber sp eak on
“P r a c tic a l L o v e.”
T he brotherhood m ain tain s a l i ­
brary and reading room in su ite 435
of the M u sic-A rt Building, w h ich Is
open d a ily . A sp ecial m usical p ro­
gram w ill be rendered at the serv ic e
tom orrow m orning.
Ukiah Dispatch Democrat
Ukiah, California
Saturday, January 28, 1928
Page 7

W ill T ry Living U nder A ncient

San Francisco. — Five thousand
American men, women and children
plan to move to nn ancient Egyptian
• city by the Nile and prove they can
live there harmoniously and progres­
sively without benefit of modern con­
veniences. This was the announce­
ment made by Dr. H. Sponcer Lewis,
national president of the Rosecru-
clan Order, a philosophical cult.
Doctor Lewie declared plans were
being made to have the expedition sail
lnte next year.
The city of Tel-el-Amarne, sun city
of Amenhotep the fourth, founder of
the Jtosecruclan Order, Is the site
picked for the experiment, Doctor
Lewis said. The expedition will con­
tain an approximate even number o f
men and women, ail carefully selected
for their physical fitness and devotion
to the principles of the teachings un­
der which they are to live.
“There w ill h Iso be several chil­
dren/' Doctor Lewis said. “Estab­
lishment of families will be encour­
aged." • ’ ** r .
The colony will abandon modern
dress for eosluroe of the ancient
Egyptians and will forsake mechan­
ical implements for the crude tools of
1300 B. C They are to live accord­
ing to the principles propounded by
Amenhotep In an effort to demon­
strate that these laws have not lost
their value for the human race.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, February 4, 1928
Page 2, Part II

Rosicrucian Brotherhood
Lecture on “Spiritualization of Matter**

Mualo-Art* Studio Bldg., 233 So. Broadway.
At II US A.M., Sunday. Ofllce Halt*, t i t to IM . 0p*o Daily.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, February 4,1928
Page 4

A p rom in en t m em ber of th e U o sl-
rrucian* Brotherhood w ill g iv e an
in te r e s tin g lecture S u n d ay m o r n in g
in M u sic Arts H all, 233 S o u th
B road w ay, on " S p iritu a liza tio n o f
M atter."
The serv ice‘Will be held at 11:15
o'clock and the lecture will be pre­
ceded by a special musical program.
A g e n era l invitation is extended to
the public.
The Dayton Daily News
Dayton, Ohio
Saturday, February 4,1928
Page 20

A public lecture w ill be given by
m em bers o f E gypt Croup, No. 338,
A ncient and Mystic Order of Tlo?i,
crucians, in Republican hall, A r­
cade budding, Monday at 8 p. m.
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, February 11,1928
Page 2, Part II

Rosicrucian Brotherhood
I#<-tar» on
* ' Metaphysics the Prayer of Thought;

or the Expression of Infinite Mind ”

Madam* Bontrlc* Bowman, Coloratura Soprano, Internatlonally-known

prims, Donna of the Montreal and Boston Opera Companies.
Muslr-Arta Studio IPdf., *33 South Broadway.
At llilfl A. SI, Sunday Other Suite, 43* to 436. Open Dally
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Saturday, February 1.6, 1928
Page 2B

Staff Occupies Local

Rosicrucian Headquarters Temple

Center of

Ilrrrs thi» arcliPret's drawing of the nrw Itoslcrurlan Temple which is now rapidly nearing completion out on
isagloc Street, While scaffolding and lumber still disfigures the new structure, the Rosicrucian staff today took
possession and are starling work at once.
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Saturday, February 16,1928
Page 2B

Problems and plans for operation of the new short wave radio trans-
jnlttlng\statlon, . GKZ, to be opened next week at the national head­
quarters of the "oslrruclan order, In Nnglce Street, arc being discussed
here by Dr. II. Spenoer Lewis, Imperator of the order, and Ralph M.
Lewis, supreme secretary.
San Jose Evening News Many thousands of dollars are In­
San Jose, California vested In rare Oriental rugs which
Saturday, February 16, 192S will cover the 6tudto floors. Still
other thousands represent the Invest­
Page 2B ment for costly Oriental draperies and
couches and a clever lighting system,
which will convert the Interior of the
F u rn itu re studio Into a replica of an Oriental
On the opposite side of the lobby
are halls leading to a llberary room,
M oved T o finished In mahogany. Here also are
the offices of the lmperator. Dr. H.
Spencer Lewis, and the supreme sec­
retary. Ralph M. JLiCwls.
In this building will also be located
the experimental laboratory. Accord­
ing to Dr. Lewis, considerable experi­
While carpenters and painters and ments have already been conducted
masons end other members of the by the Roslcruclans, many of them of
building trades are still hnrd at work, Startling significance.
"Wc plan to continue our experi­
rushing the new building to complc- ments In television here, as well os
tlon, the national headquarters of the high and low frequency radio trans­
Ancient Mystic Order of Roslcruclans mission. We have actually performed
was occupied today by the headquar­ the fent of transmission of matter ay
ters’ staff. radio, for a distance of about 20 feet,
The last piece of office furniture using beam transmission. The ex­
and equipment was moved to the new periment was carried out with gold,
plant In Naglee Avenue today. While which was broken down into electrons
work still remains to be done on the by a process of ». Jlo-octlvlty. and then
new building, all of the office records sent out on a carrier wave, and gath­
and all of the office staff, have been ered together by nn accumulator.
transferred from the temporary head­ “In 1912, at the same time that Dr
quarters on The Alameda, In use for Herrold was experimenting with radio
some weeks p a s t. telephone broadcasting here, wc were
EGYPTIAN STYLE experimenting with radio reception at
The front of the new structure Is the AMORC laboratory In New v 0rk.
In the classic Egyptian style. It was We perfected the method of radio
designed by E. T. Stewnr* Roslcru- phone reception by crystal detector 1
clan of Tampa, Fla., designer of many receiving voice broadcasts from as far
Masonic buildings, who has traveled away as Chicago. Wc donated the
extensively In the Orient, gathering circuit and the results of our experi­
Information and material to aid In the ments to the United States Navy
design of Just such structures. Two Yard at Brooklyn, and It was adopt-
tall battlement flagpoles arc to be cd for Navy use.
erected at the front.
The main entrance way. also In pure TRANSMUTATION TESTS
Egyptian style, has two Egyptian an­ “Wc have even reached that goal
tique doors, fitted with stained ghws of the alchemists of ancient days —
windows, and further ornamented the transmission of baser metals Into
with hammered antique knockers and gold. In some of our chemical experi­
hinges. ments. Wo have made the experi­
LORRY EGYPTIAN ments In the presence of newspaper
The main lobby Is also Egyptian In men and scientific men of first rank,
character, with three Egyptian doors, transmuting zinc to gold. It costs
the bronze handles of which repre­ about $150 to make a dolar's worth
sent mummies In their caskets. The of gold, so It Is not a process that Is
door casings taper, being narrower at commercially practicable.
top than at bottom. The reverse side "The gold produced stands all tests
of the doors arc of ronvcntlonal mod­ of pure, natural gold, except that of
ern design. hardness and specific gravity. It is
One of the doors from the lobby harder than natural gold. It Is more
leads Into the AMORO radio broad­ compact. The electron arrangement
casting studio. The walls and cell­ seems more compact,
ing of the studio are being lined with
doubles thicknesses of material ol
echo-proof qualities, to permit clem
broadcasting without confusion from
Intcrfereneo of reflected sound waves.
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Saturday, February 16,1928
Page 2B

“In a month or two you will see | for It And the boom collapsed, with
here a box containing every kno\vn the result that our stamp purchases
clement — a truly remarkable collec­
tion. Wo have one unique rock which maintained the branch postoffice.
contains all three of the radlo-actlw “I believe we have the only metered
elements—radium, uranium and van­ mailing machine In the country. It
adium. While examining tills rock automatically stamps, cancels and
we found that If held In the hand It
changed color. We passed it from seals our mailing matter, and a '
person to person, trying to note any • meter keeps accurate count of the
peculiar performance or variation. j number of pieces stamped. At the
There was one person In the group I end of the month we pa" th post-
troubled with kidney disease. He held orflce department what the meter
It for a few minutes and when wc reading Indicates. Most of our mall
looked at the rock, we found It cov­ leaves here bundled and sacked, ready
ered with moisture. His hand was to go on the mall trains. «
“It Is our Intention to do all our
moist. We examined the structure pf business In Ban Jose, so far as pos­
the crystals of the moisture drawn sible. Alrcndy we are keeping two lo­
from the hand, and found It to bo cal printing houses suppllc with our
uric acid. Thereupon, we treated this work. We shall try to employ local
Individual by letting him'hold the people, so far as possible.”
rock dally for a half hour. He was RADIO STATION
shortly cured completely of his trou­ Two tall steel masts are now being
ble. Since then, the rock has been erected for tho AMORC radio station.
used successfully on many occasions The radio control building Is separate
for the same purpose. from and In the rear of the main .
"There arc many men of national structure. Some $30,000 Is being ex­
note who are Roslcruclans. and It Is pended for the radio Installation.
when they visit headquarters that “The radio will not bo used for prop­
most of the outstanding experimental aganda,” Dr. Lewis declared. “Wc
work Is done " are not going to broadcast sermons
MAILING DEPARTMENT or religious services of our order—for,
despite the symbol o. the cross In our
At the rear of tho building Is a Insignia, we have no denominational
large, airy, well-lighted room, used as creed to preach—wc arc not a church.
the mailing department. Here girls Wc are going to try to give only the
prepare and mall out the order's pub­ best of music, and programs that will
lications. reflect credit to San Jose.”
“We send out In the neighborhood The short wave broadcast work will
of 100.000 pieces of mall a month,”
Dr. Lewis declared. “With every piece ' begin next week, the transmitter now
of mall goes a circular advertising the being In process of Installation. ThC
beauties and advantages of Ban Jose. short wnve station will V oadcast on
We are here to do what we car. to a wave length of 41. * meters, using a
build up the community. 350-watt transmitter. A counterpoise
“We are the biggest customer the antenna win*be used Instead of a
Postal Telegraph Company has In San 'ground, giving a wave of exceptional
Jose. Our telegraph bill runs from I sharpness.
t300 to $500 a month.
“Our postage alone costs! rom $100
to $160 per day, on the average. In
Florida, wc maintained one branch
postoffice by our stamp sales alone
Wc didn't get our mall delivered—It
was so large that wo always called
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Saturday, February 16,1928
Page 2B

F u rn itu re Ctwcr of Jtmrntcumum

Moved To s* -- - - -
H um ' L. Sltiblcy

W c L iu t k . Rtnkmiim
A more CullrCv


»t»fc Try* nm+mt


Amorc College AM ORC

Joists to Rafters

In Modern Hunie^
Paul N. Anderson And Ruildinii*

Electric Wiring
I /inker, o r a Thinker,
U ’fturh Ho 1mm Prefer to
/Jo Your Carpentry?

,v s m i v (xu
ut t act r m tn
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Saturday, February 16,1928
Page 3B

Rosierncia ns
H ad O rigin
In A n cien t W o rld
Severe Moral Code
Held By Members
Of Unusual Order

San Jo se Evening News
San Jose, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , F e b ru a ry 16, 1928
Page 3B

R o s ic r u d a m H a d O r ig in I n A n c i e n t W o r l d


The very wide and increasing Inter­ With Its origin lost in antiquity we
est In the subject of tfoslcruclanlsm can find references to It in the sane
at the present time Indicates a nat­ and rational writings of the earliest
ural revival of one of the earliest scientists. Among Its first advocates
forma of philosophical and scientific In the Orient we find men- and
knowledge systematized In America. women—whose names and fame are
In fact, It may be said that Roslcru- associated with the discovery of medi­
clanlsm and the Roslcruclan princi­ cine and therapeutic systems, astrono­
ples were closely allied with the foun­ mers, herbalists, cosmotologlsts and
dation of America and certainly played chemists.
an Important part In the establish­ It is true that In the middle ages
ment of many of Its cultural systems, man:' of its most learned apologists
as shown by the historical records wcer alchemists and wrote much about
preserved In Philadelphia and Wash­ their "art of transmutation" but their
ington. work with crucibles and fire was not
Ever since tho first Roslcruclans always for the purpose of proving na­
came to America in 1694 and estab­
lished the first non-sectarian Sunday ture's processes of purifying the dross
, into the refined gold; it was the
school, 10 years before a Sunday school * higher purpose of demonstrating that
was established In Europe, and pro­
moted astronomical, botanical, chemi­ in the nature of man there was that
cal and medical research, the Rosl­ which could be mentally transmuted
into the spiritual essence of perfec­
cruclans have been Instrumental In
advancing the fine arts, the sciences tion.
and the religious actlvltlco of many SEVERE MORAL PRECEPTS
organizations. Wherever and whenever the brothers
‘•VIA ROSAE CRUCI.S” of the rosy cross were united In their
Just as "via cruets" was the cry In official duties, there advances were
the crusades of the middle ages, so made in tho name of their symbol,
has the cry "via Rosac Crucls" been without ostentation, personal credit or
the cry of countless thousands for aggrandizement, and the literature of
many centuries In the united effort to the world Is replete with references
contribute to the personal evolution of to the organization like that tribute
man and his general advancement In uttered by Lord Buhver Lytton, who
civilization. said in his Roslcruclan story called
By way of the rosy cross, the cross Zanonl, that It was “an august fra­
with the single red rose in Its center, ternity—most jenlous of all secret so­
the symbol of Roslcruclans, or fra­ cieties—whose doctrines, hinted at by
ternity of the red rose and golden tho earliest philosophers, are still a
cross 1 Mystical though the name and mystery to the greatest scholars not
symbol appear, the organization in all Initiated. Its members still prosecute
ages and all climes has boon one of their profound researches Info natural
practical effort and distinct efficiency sciences and occult philosophy, and
in meeting the material problems of no monastic order Is so severe in the
life. Roslcruclanlsm is not the doctrine practice of moral precepts."
of a cult, nor the philosophy of a PRACTICES IIUMANITARIANISM
school of esthetics. Known throughout the world as
the Ancient, Mystical Order Rosae
Crucls, or by its abbreviated name In |
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , F e b ru a ry 16, 1928
Page 3B

every land, Amorc the organization j NOT RELIGIOUS SCHOOL

numbers among Its present adherents ! The organization Is not a religious
, and followers the most learned of men
and women and those most devoted to
j school, although the foundations of its
teachings are laid in Its first principle
good citizenship, Christian living and of the Rosicrucian ontology, which is.
charitable thinking. Prom the highest “And God breathed Into man the
offices In governments In all countries Dreath'ot life and the man became a
to the quiet and undisclosed efforts living soul," with emphasis upon the
of those who have retired from the 'act that many became essentially a
business world, there Issue the direc­ .oul rather than a living body.
tion and promulgation of the many Smce clergymen and followers of
humanitarian activities of the order. all denominations are members of the
Funds are sent to the Egypt Ex­
ploration Society In Boston for carry­ organization, one may sec that sec­
ing on the special excavations at Tel- tarian doctrines play no part In the
el-Amarna, from which must light has teachings. However, applicants for
been thrown upon the history of scl- i membership must vouch for their be­
cnce and civilization; other funds are lief In the existence of God as well as
sent to branches In Copenhagen, Ver- i pledge to respect and honor the flag
dun, Berlin, London and Romo for the of the country and affirm that they
care of war orphans; while through have never been guilty of treason or
the agency of specialized workers engaged In any unlawful practice.
clinics are maintained in many cities j NOT AKIN TO YOGI
for the care of the sick, the rehabili­ The teachings of the organization
tation of soldiers, the promotion of are graded Into classes and subjects
education and the prevention of dis- ■ like the curriculum of a university and
ease. Libraries are established In ac- | Includo such matters as physics, chem­
cordance with the first Rosicrucian • istry, psychology, ontology, cosmology,
mamiesto to this effect Issued by Ben- I dletlcs, biology, metaphysics, tho ap­
Jamin Franklin, who wa6 an officer of plied and practical sciences and the
the early foundation In Philadelphia. I professional arts. There Is not the
ROOSEVLLT WAS MEMBER slightest relationship to the vague and
Through Its teachings, men and Oriental Ideas of the Yogi exercises,
women are helped In their professions or the Hindu methods of mysticism.
and arts. Its chief officer, Dr. H. In fact, the AMORO Is not a part of
Spencer Lewis, is one of the directors any of the afielcnt or foreign systems
of the American Foundation of Fine of occult study.
Arts as planned by the late Theodore The principles of Roslcruclanlsm are
Roosevelt and Mmc. Lillian Nordlca. very -strict In regard to moral and
who were enthusiastic Rosicrucians. ethical standards. To RoGlcruclans,
Ho Is also the American representa- i marriage Is a most holy and sacred
tive of the International fine arts tie, not to be entered into lightly nor
bodies of Europe, of which Fermln easily severed. Each member is taught
Gcmier of the Opera Comique In Paris that next to his duty to God Is his
Is the president. I duty to his wife, family or parents,
Through these and many other then to his country. He must be
similar connections, tho AMORC In charitable In his political and busi­
North America assists many to attain ness dealings, broadly humanitarian In
a high degree of perfection In then his desires and actions and enthusi­
chosen fields, while it contributes to astic in his support of every move­
the advancement of the sciences ment, every Institution and every plan
through Its period revelation of facts contributing to the uplift of man or
discovered in its muny American and the personal evolution of character.
foreign laboratories. I
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , F e b ru a ry 16, 1928
Page 3B

NO FANATICAL DOCTRINES the beauty and significance of the

There are no fanatical or extreme principles involved.
doctrines. Roslcruclans are not vege­
tarians, teetotalers, antl-vlvlsectlonlsts USE EGYPTIAN COSTUMES
or reformers In any sense through The order has Its own temple
commands of the organization. Each buildings and lodges in the principal
Is made acquainted with the laws of cities of North America, and these are
nature, the penalties for all violations usually of Egyptian style and decora­
and allowed the privilege of choos­ tion, with all officers robed In Egyp­
ing personal courses In life. The mem­ tian costumes of the 17th dynasty.
bers arc not th e.b lind followers of The reason for this Is found in the
some leader to whom personal allegi­ fact that the Roslcruclons trace much
ance Is pledged, but equal associates of their philosophy to the wonderfu
with all others In an International writings of Amenhotep IV, Pharaoh
body with branches In every civilized of Egypt. He it was woh established
the first monotheistic religion known
land. to man and by official decree pro­
FREE OF PARTY TIES hibited the practice of heathen, idol
Thomas Jefferson, one of the early worship throughout Egypt.
officers of the organization, was one He claimed that the sun disk was
of the first to establish the custom of not to be worshipped except In adora­
pledging co-operation with the gov­ tion to It as the medium of life power
ernment In its activities, and since which emanated from the "sole living
then the AMORC In America has been God." 4H c changed the art, literature,
a loyal supporter of State and na­ moral and ethical customs of his
tional laws and principles. Through land, arid although he lived but a
many channels and with the assist­ few years he left an Inldelble Im­
ance of many In high office the order pression upon civilization. He Is gen­
Is ever alert in the protection of the erally regarded as the founder of the
best Interests of the citizens, and phllosophncal. religious and scientific
being free from any political connec­ schools of the Orient, and for this
tions It Is able to carry to fruition reason he is honored by the Roslcru­
many projects which might be frus­ clans.
trated by party influences.
Since the organization functions as ANTIQUITY MERE BACKGROUND
a fraternal body, with its lodges and While the ancient philosophies are,
temples, It naturally has rituals and therefore, referred to In their dra­
ceremonies, but these are not in the matic ceremonies, they form only the
form of Oriental rites of barbaric background for the stage-setting of
pomp. Each ritual of Initiation Is- the present-day teachings. No mystic
a dramatic presentation of some of or historical character of the past is
the fundamental laws of nature, ar­ worshipped by the Roslcruclans and
ranged Ho impress the members with all their sacred prayers are directed
to "the God of our hearts,’’ meaning,
thereby, the God of man's conscious­
ness and emotional comprehension, the
inner being of all men, the image of
the God of the universe.
The government of the order In
each land Is autocratic, as Is that ot
practically every fraternal organiza­
tion. But each branch or lodge Is
composed of 144 members who elect a
council of 16. This council then elects
San Jose E vening News
San Jo se, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , F e b ru a ry 16,1928
Page 3B

the master and other officers arc un­

der the direction of the supreme coun­
cil for North America, elected to that
body by the general councils of all
lodges. The Imperator of the order,
Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, Is the chosen
leader of the supreme council as well
as a member of tho International
council and a lagte of the other su­
premo councils of the world.
The organization has Its own col­
leges and university In America, in
which specialized courses are given to
members who are preparing them­
selves for definite missions in life
along very practical lines. As in the
past, the organization Is non-commer­
cial, since It publishes no books for
public sale, has no merchandise or
items of equipment to be purchased
and gives Its Instruction to Its mem­
bers without fees of any kind.
However, the order In this country
has the same reputation as has Its
parent bodies In Europe; It is gener­
ally believed to be enormously wealthy
and able to raise any sum of money
to carry on Its activities. For this
reason It has often been accused of
using its alchemical knowledge to
transmute the base metals Into rare
ones or to direct the affairs of Its
members In such ways as to bring un­
stinted prosperity into their lives and
thereby Into the coffers of the order.
Be that ns It may, the fact is that
tho organization has never been known
to want for means to carry out its
nation-wide plans, nor has it ever been
sued in any court or charged with
any irregularity from a moral, ethical
or financial point of view. Its Im­
perator is a member of many boards to, the organization’s reputation with
of directors and is affiliated with those who arc unacquainted with its
many corporations and big business
propositions and Is one of the prin­ real nature, nnd because the order
cipal supporters of the order's hu­ seldom seeks publicity, very few of the
manitarian activities. real facts arc popularly known.
All these facts tend to add mystery
San Jo se E vening News
San Jose, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , F e b ru a ry 16, 1928
Page 3B

E agle Qiven IJ. S, Centuries Ag

Tills m ap, found on the walls of the Roslrruclan Temples and th e Pyram id Cheops during excavations In
E*ypt, shows the Symbols and planetary characters w hich the a n rlc n t Roslcruclans assigned to the countries
of the world. An Interesting fact Is th a t they allotted the cajrle w ith the nrrows of SsKtttarlus to the
U nited States. This same cajrlc was m any centuries late r adopted as the official bird of th e U nited States
and Is found on m any of our coins.
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , F e b ru a ry 16,1928
Page 3B

NR a s ic r u c ia its H a d O r ig in l i t A n c i e n t W o r l d
Severe Morel CoJc 'Eujle ( uTs. Centric. A f Nro-L-.
Held 1U Member. . . 7~..T . .I IVImO M.
«H l W ool Order ' ^ S f c S l V j 2
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Honolulu, Hawaii
Monday, February 20, 1933
Page 6

A nion Tem pi?. R o sirru ria n Parle.

S an Jose, Cal.. Feb. 3, 1933.
j Editor. T he S ta r-B u lle tin .
S ir: In your issue ot M onday. J a n u a ry 2. in th e
colum ns devoted to i n te r s from th # people th e re
ap o eared a le tte r by Mr. C. W e a re r expressing h»s
om nion of th e rtosicruclans. We r H h to say th a t
Mr. W eaker is entirelv erroneous in his sta te m e n ts,
a n d in fairn ess a n d justice to art In te rn a tio n a l o r­
ganization of very a re a l a n tio u ity T am sure you
will be glad to publish th e following fac ts .
T he R o slcru clsn o rg an isatio n , know n officially
as th e A ncient M ystic O rd e r Rosa* CrucU, o r a b ­
breviated by Ha Initials to AM ORC. is not a r e ­
ligious c u lt no r a relfglous org an isatio n , b u t is a
f?a*em al society in th r tru e st sense of th e, word.
It is absolutely nonsec a ria n in Ms teaching* and
p-getlces a n d does not em p h asise th* C h ristian
relielrm a n y m ore th a n th e n t lv r religions of th e
world. T he m ere fac t th a t th e org an izatio n orlei-
n i te d In th e O rten t a n d Ls w o rld rid e e n d includes
pecole o f everv religion, race a n d cre*d would n a t ­
u rally In d icate t h a t It could n o t be e ith e r g C h r b -
tia n o r se c ta ria n o rg an isa tio n of «nv kind. I t
does n o t deal w ith »*trok>gv. fo rtu n e telling, sp ir­
itualism or a n y of these speculative philosophies
or arts.
T h e o rg an isatio n did not come to A m erica
th ro u g h th e rep re sen ta tio n of M r. M ax H eindel.
fo r th e R oslcrucians cam e to A m erica in 1694 a n d
estab lish ed colleges, lodge room s a n d scientific
lab o rato ries in w hat is now know n as F a irm o n t
park. P h ila d e lp h ia , a n d th e o riginal buildings a rc
still sta n d in g . T h e original fo u n d atio n In Am erica
was. th ere fo re , established h u n d red s of years be-
fore Mr. H eindel was b o m . T oday th e o ra e n itf.-

I tlon exists in everv ctvtliw d land, a n d dei>ls oniv

w ith such scientific a n d Philosophical su b je c ts as
enable m en a n d wom en to live a m ore o rre t'c a l.
a b u n d a n t, h e a lth fu l co n ten ted life, tea c h in g them
th e various a rts w hich will enable th em to lmorov»
th e ir position* in life a n d a tta in a g re a te r degree
of success in th e ir various vocations a n d h u m a n i­
ta ria n activities.
T he international h e ad q u arter* of th e o rg a n isa ­
tion fo r N o rth Am erica lv a t R oairrucian perk. S u n
Jose. Cal., w here large E gyptian tem ples, a public
m useum of valuable antiques, a n a u d ito riu m a n d
o th e r b u ild in cs c o n stitu te a c e n te r unique in A m er­
ica todav. It is visited by th o u sa n d s of to u rists
each r e a r a n d d u n n g the annual convention, held
in Julv. w hen rep resen tativ es from 36 co u n tries of
The w orld a tte n d . T he in te rn a tio n a l re o re s -n ta u v e
a n d m em ber of th e suprem e council of th e world
! fo r th e d istrict of H onolulu is M r. B Jam e C. D ahl.
F.P.C .. P. O. B. 7636. Honolulu.
Thinking you for giving attention to this mat­
ter. wc are.
T o u rs verv sin c rrrlv . I
By H. S pencer Lewie. Im p c rato r.
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , F e b ru a ry 25,1928
Page 6, P a rt II
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, February 25,1928
Page 6, Part II


L ectu re on "REINCARNATION"
M rrvotlM t tn» i i*MV*
Mtirla lit. h . H .. and <m ini >1. ttrrn m lii.

m u s i c -a r t s hall
tic....... .. JHndlo H ill*-. "<». Iir*milwn*
IH D rr HnHl*. I:}? t o 4.T3.
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , M a rc h 3, 1928
Page 6, P a rt II

stunxiiitli'un VI*iv* o f th e th e I,o*t Alluiitt* uml Tj-moHu. AImi
hVglnnln* n M-rlcn of p H f u m of A ntral »n<\ T h o u g h t t u r t i u .
viim nern M* lh « Ontlwmra of th " F ilipino Fedor* t fun „r
Mus.Hl l(l(. , . ro f Anlenht, Director.
a, 4 i [ >liinl4’>Arl<t S t l u l l n l l h l c . . -H a K o tilli Iti n i i i l u u> .
>11 It -AItTSM tin1'
, v
1*} ' O I H r r S u i t '* . « « «•> »3 0 - Open U n it,.
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , M arch 10,1928
Page 6, P a rt II

T m n » ltto u In f ' H r l h un.l n -b lrlli lo trnnattlon.
D lirrm n t phuacii **n both the M uiufunr unit C u in itc r in n r a
dirr*o|iilco!t Vlow o o f A a t r il am| T h o u g h t fo rm a .

M o o tr-A rU H Mil I|> l l l i l r - K o illh n riiu ilirn y .
.VI 11:13 A . 31.. bun. 1 ,1 ) . UHIn> S u llr. 133 lo 111. Op»n D a ily .
Rosicrucian Announcement
The Evening News
San Jo se. California
Saturday, March 17,1928

F ree B o o k
Page 3

Surprises M any
San Jose Readers
You May Have a Copy
Hundred* of men and women In the Santa Clara
Valley answered our first announcement offering
free copica of the new and interesting book called
The Light of Egypt. The Supreme Council of
AMOKC, the Rosicrucian fraternity, offered to give
away, without obligation, one thousand copies of this
l>ook, in order to inform our inquiring neighbors
about the real purposes and bcncficiciU activities uf
this old organization.

All who have read the book arc enthusiastic. They

say it has opened a doorway to peace, happiness and
prosperity that they did not know was so available.
"YVe arc simply surprised beyond words. We never
suspected what the Kosicrucinns were really offering
to do to make men and women more successful,
healthy and happy. Jt is a marvelous work'and we
arc so thankful for your presence in this city." Thu*
writes the head of a large firm in San Jose.

Let me send you this free Iiook by mail, postpaid.

Men and women of every walk of life, of every pro­
fession of faith, of every social or business intcicst,
have found it acceptable and helpful. Just address
me personally: Librarian A.S.N., care of AMOKC,
Kusicmcian Park, Sail Jose, California.

Remember, we invite you to come

and visit our new Egyptian building
and attractive sanctums on any Thurs­
day evening from 7 to 9. You will be
interested in seeing how we keep in
touch witli many thousands uf success­
ful, happy men and women in all parts
of North America.

The International Rosicrucian Fraternity,
Naglee Avenue, between Chapman and Park
The Boston Globe
Boston, Massachusetts
M onday, April 2,1928
Page 14

R osier nr Ians In B oston

E ditor P eop le's C olum n— I n oted in a re­
cen t issu e o f the G lobe th a t a correspondent
ask in g in fo rm a tio n regarding th e R osicru-
oians warn referred to th e S ociety o f RosLcru-
cianw in York city . T h is is n ot tho
an cien t Order o f RoBicracians. T he h ead ­
quarters o f th e true order is In San Jose,
C alif, and there is a local lodgre at 739 B oyl-
ston st. B oston, w here may in fo rm a tio n m ay
be obtain ed by th o se in terested.
Boston'. H erbert Bracket*
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , A pril 7, 1928
Page 6, P a rt II

: / w w v w v >,

Roslcrucian Brotherhood
Lecture on “VIBRATIONS”
Muelc-ArU S tudio B1do-> 233 So. Broadw ay
A t ! t : I 5 A .M ., S u n day. O ltlre HulD, 415 to 111, O w « D olly.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, April 7,1928
Page 5

Rosicrucians to Hear
Prominent Lecturer
A prominent lectu r er w ill speak
before the K oaicrucian B roth er­
hood Sunday m ornin g i n M usic-
A rts Hall, 233 South B road w ay, on
the them e of “Vibrations,**,
A special m u sical progrram w ill
precede the lecture, • T h e public is
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los A ngeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , A pril 14, 1928
Page 6, P a rt II

5 /Indent and Mystical Order

•I Rosac Cruct'i

This Secret Book
K ip lrtin a t ! v M arvel* o f
tli* hook is »crr»H y
•»r«i|lah**i|—stilt n » t f " r suit* —w«
, II luiii. it rrs; iy of tl>lf n e w h w k
i i \ o r y rnii’i o r w o m a n 'Min
• ••lie* to u« !»i a h r u lu ti' ahic**Miy
•i-klnir to Un*»"• fti«* s e c r e t <lni>-
itn-o »if t h t Itnal<TUi*i»ni>.
i i f «,ooi> " inuM lim it thin
Ti’r t o tlinai; tv h o a i r n o t tn<*r*ly
•rioui". W o unk fo r no m one y, no
•rnjia. ru> coinpo n eu tlo n . Mat
•oh intiat w r i t* m o t h a t »ln*y
uly w i t h t o b e c o m e A d e p ts of
n G r e a t W o r k Ii»*tnar miiHtered
' th o I to rlc ru c liin s In nil p a r t e
’ tli« w o rld in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h
e u n d e n t p la n f o u n d In
T h o M y e terle a of
'h o E o y p t l a n S e c r e t S chool*
The new book. twilled " T h e
th t o f K w i n . 11 e x p l a i n s h o w t h o
MiTuHiittB to d a y c a r r y on t h e i r
i*iii o f T**Ti«>nii| e v o l u tio n f u r
.1 arrUiTb " h i ' a r e w o r t h y n n d
f l y . No tid ie r «i*l'!in like It In
• w orld. Teno<J In e v e r y la n d ,
(."iMtnds of A m e r ic a '* f o r e m o s t
••>llc w o rk e r* m a u d roftily to co-
• Jorare. J u » t w r i t e a a b o r t n o te
> iit k y o u a r e w i HI ur to a lv e a
.lie l l m o a n d t h o u g h t to t h e
•mlieB a n d m u s t e r e a c h et* p
'a ic w i t h o th e r s , a n d t h e book
'H I ba ee n t, p o s tp a id .
tV* a lso h a r e f r r * l e r t u r e a a n d
n ile h a l p ro g ra m e ie r y ho m iny at
I,, the lectnte fo r tom orrow
•luc " S o la r \ llira tim ia ,” Ad­
i's* 1 'iirrfnM y
H A m orc R osicrucian
K Hall
M u a li'-A r t* M n d l o H ld g .,
t a a S o u t h M rw adw uy,
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , A pril 21,1928
Page 6, P a rt 11

A n c ie n t M y s tic a l O r d e r
R osae Cruets.
A tfPKCML malt* L K M 'U ltE w ill be diveu by BIT. II. SPliSCKtt L E W IS , T.U.C..
i h tti e r a to r ot the AM OTIC at A m e r i c a , ono o f the g r e a t e s t mystics o t m o d e r n times,
who win fppnk cn
T>r. Lewie wilt explain In detail the true mrthad used by the advanced, mystics et
the Orient tor concentratlin; to bring into one's life the material thins* and the
noveasltle* of life an<l health. A souvenir of the method will be given to each
jwrsun present, free ot choree. NO COLLECTtOX.
• Stitrlnl Music**! Vreyrsm by
Gentries Bowman Soprano; Howard f’li'annh, Tenor; Beatrice Huntly, Contralto;
Lloyd Knapp- ’Cellist: Edith Christman ©owns. Pianist.
M usic-Arts Stmllo Ithbr.. 3-13 South. Ilroadw «y
A t 11:15 AAT.. Sunday. « i» l» Suite. 133 to 435. Open B aity.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, April 21,1928
Page 4

R oticructan

( 0 ***********

A n cien t M y s tic a l O rd er R o m e C rucitt ►
A SPECIAL r t BMC MXTt KK will he given by f
Im p e m to r of th r AMORT of A m nrlea, one of th e g re a te s t r m » tlr i of m odem f
tim es, who u lll *t<*>nk on f
“The Secret Orient*! Method of Concentration”
D r. Lewi* will r ip la in In d e ta il th e true m ethod used by th e ndvanred n r n - f
l le i of the Orliwl f«»r i oni on*rutin* to briny Into o n e’® life th e m ateriel h
thing* and the neee**Ule* of life and hen lib . \ sm rteiilr of «h* m ethod will
lie given to eaeli |fer*on iiresenl, free of oliurge. NO COLLECTION* ^ p e­
rl*! program by B e a trice tlnwnw»n, Hoprwnni lle n trlre Ifn n tlry . r « n tr n lto | f
H ow ard ta u in u h . T enors I ,|n jd Kuntip, T'rlltet j E dit It t tirM m a n Down*.
i'la n U l ' f>
Mugie-Art* Studio Bldg., 233 So. Broadway f
At IlitA A. M.. Hnndny. Offlre latte. CIS to CIA. Open Dally. h
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, April 21,1928
Page 4


an Brotherhood
Chieftain Makes Official
Call on Local Chapters
Of unusual Interest 1* it** visit of
Dr. H. Spencer L ew is, V\ Ft, C., im-
per&tor of the A ncient M ystical
Order Rrsao Cruets or Roslcrucian U io m in . local leaders
Brotherhood, a ho arrived In Los Monday
jC e w h for an airplane
Will take Dr. c l t v ind surrounding
Angeleg today for h is first official trip over th^ lay an aij-duy
Visit. lie is being entertained to- country, a n 1* T i e <t picnic will he
dny s t the headquarters In the old-fashioned h /tsl
ak. Dr. Lewis
M usic-A rts B uilding where he is in held In Ut*ddfh
*eda evening.
conference with local leaders, and Will leave ^ hii head of the 1
th is afternoon will be taken to the i Dr. L ew is h a s 1
organization w hi cl dutes back to
m ovie studios in H ollyw ood.
Sunday m orning Dr. ivowis will Amonhotep lVf Of 1 gyp t, since IP 15, J
gpenk In the Mu k--Art* Hall, 233 And last year m"V d th e headqunr-I
South Broadway, on “T he Secret tors from Tam pa ‘la., to San Jose,
Oriental Method of Concentration/* H o is w ell know n is a scholar and
w hich will be open to tho public. modern mystic,
In the afternoon he w ill he taken A sp ecial music jl program w ill'
B ight-seeing, and 1 the evening he he given at th e Sunday morning
w ill deliver . lecture for member* service, w hich wil be open to the
of the organizatl n In Symphony public.
H all.
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, April 21, 1928
Page 6, Part II


Imperator of Rosaecrucis Order lo Give Several
Addresses for Members Here
D r. H. Spencer Lewis, Im perator of th e Ancient Mystical O rder of
Rosaecrucis in America, will arrive In Los Angeles this m orning for th e
purpose of giving several public lectures an d a series of special addresses
to Southern California members of the AMORC. More th an 2000 per­
sons are expected to attend the services of the order a t th e M usic-A rt
H all a t JlriS a.m. tomorrow when D r. Lewis will speak on "The Secret
of th e O riental M ethod of C oncentration." Free copies of the lecture will
be distributed. A musical program will be given-by Beatrice Bowman,
Beatrice H untley and Howard Cavanah, vocalists, and Lloyd K napp,
’cellist, and E dith C. Downs, pianist.
Tomorrow evening D r. Lewis will-*
speak a t Symphony Hall to m em ­
bers only and a t the sam e hall, on
Monday evening, to members, their
relatives and friends. A picnic for
members and their friends will be
given a t Griffith P ark next Tuesday.
Dr, and Mrs. Lewis, who a te guests
! a t the Alexandria, will be taken this
1afternoon to visit the United A rtists
1Studio and next Monday a t 10 a.m.
; they wUi be taken on an airplane
(trip from Rogers Airport.
I T h e a MORC. whose symbol Is a
cross with a red rose a t its center,
signifying the necessary experience
ot th e soul In being "crucified" in
the body, has a world m em bership
exceeding T,000.000, w ith m ore th an
700 memDers in Los Angeles. T he
order Is nonsectarian and all m em ­
bers are requested to become affili­
ated w ith the church of th e ir choice.
Im p erato r Lewis is a M ethodist.
E. E. Thom as Is m aster of the Los
Angeles lodge. Dr. Lewis lives a t
San Jose, Am erican headquarters
for th e AMORC, and a t which city
a splendid t e m p l e of the order r e ­
cently was built.
Los Angeles Evening Express

EOSAE CRUCIS Los Angeles, California

M onday, April 23, 1928



Dr. IT. Spencer L ew is, hnperator
of t ho A n c i e n t M ystical Order
Ros*ae Crueia or Roslorucinn
B r o th e r h o o d ,
who is visitin g
In Los A ngeles
f o r th e . first
time and, in c i­
dentally, o o n -
ferring with lo ­
cal leaders of
the brotherhood,
was to take his
tlrM airp 1 a n e
flight today.
A schedule of
conferences and
1 e c t u res kept
the head of the
Rosicrucian o r ­
der busy over
the w eek-end,
a n d tomorrow
he will attend
an all-d ay b a s­
ket picnic i n
Griffith p a r k .
Dr. Lewis, who
m aintains h e a d -
naort^rs o f the or W ednesday m orning. Du S un-
brotherhood in tiny Dr. L ew is addressed m em bers
San Jose, w ill | = of the cull in M unic-Art Hall, South
return there llill street, on “Th* Secret O riental
D R . L E W IS Method of Concentration.*
Tuesday night
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
M onday, A pril 23, 1928
Page 2, P a r t II

Infinite Warehouse Has
Ample Store Imperator
Tells Audience %

All hum an needs are provided for

In the warehouse of the Infinite, de­
clared Dr- H. Spencer Lewis, Im ­
perator of the Ancient Mystical
Order of Rosicrucians, addressing a
capacity audience yesterday in the
Music-Art Hall, on "The Secret of
the Oriental Method of Concentra­
tion ;’
8lnce divine principle has estab­
lished an abundant source of sup­
ply, Dr. Lewis asserted, it is pre­
sumptuous for any person to try to
advise Divine Intelligence concern­
ing Its distribution. It Is wrong,
also, he said, to assume th at hu­
man needs are unknown to the In ­
The real difficulty, h e asserted, is After answering these questions,
for mortals to distinguish between Dr. Lewis prescribes a form prayer
real and fancied needs. Before un­ a t the close of which, the Rosl-
dertaking the concentration proc­ crucian leader said, the picture
ess, he said, six questions m ust be should be dismissed from the mind.
asked and answered by the ap­ Repetition, he said, will In no wise
plicant, preferably in solitude. They affect the result.
are: Dr. Lewis will visit Rogers air­
First, W hat Is It I really want? port today at 10 a m . to take his
second, W hy haven’t I It? Third, first air ride. He arrived Satur­
Do I really need it? Fourth, Can day from organization headquarters
I obtain It without concentrating? in San Jose and will deliver several
Fifth. If it comes to me. will it in­ lectures during his three-day visit.
convenience some one else who has Subsequent lectures, however, will
the thing I want? Sixth, What will be for members of the order only.
I do w ith it when I get it?
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , A pril 28,1928
Page 6, P a rt II

A n c ie n t M y stic a l
O r d e r R o sa e C rucis
Lecture on **Electrical Vibrations”
Tlccauee ro iru n v were turned nwny InjL Sunday, a copy of the Formula Riven by
the Int pern tor. Or. LeWl*. *vin bo given to every ono present, tomorrow. This
Formula tv HI explain In ilatuli
Tim Lecture will In* preceded by a Musical rrojrrain.

Muidc-ArtH Ntudlo M iIk ., 233 South Drondw ny.
AT 11:18 A.M. onice Suite, 432 to 435. Open Dally.
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , A pril 28,1928
Page 6, P a rt II

“Electrical Vibrations" is the sub­
ject to be discussed at the meeting
of the Roslcrucian Brotherhood at
11:15 n.m. tomorrow at Music Arts
Hall. 233 South. Broadway. Follow­
ing the lecture free copies of Im -
perator J. Spencer Lewis’s booklet,
‘•The Secret of the Oriental Method
of Concentration," will be dis­
--------- "W E A R A R O SE ” ---------

San Jose Evening News

San Jose, C alifornia
T h u rsd ay , M ay 3, 1928
Journal P r a i s e
Page 7
H ester School
Using Hester School ns an example,
the spirit of appreciation of schools
and their advantages, which has made
California an outstanding State in
the educational world, is the subject
of the leading article published in the
current number of The Mystic Tri­
angle, official organ of the Rosicru-
clan order.
The article, entitled “The Impera-
tor’s Monthly Message,” written by
Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, lmperator of
the order, describes the custom main­
tained at Hester School of keeping
fresh flowers in a vase under the
picture of M. R. Trace, former prin­
cipal. This spirit of appreciation of
the services and friendship of a for­
mer teacher, which persists after he
is dead, is symbolic of the attitude
of mind of California towards educa­
tion, Dr. Lewis points out.
“It Is the spirit of California that
creates this attitude of mind, and
when created in the lives of children
It will last thew hole life through,"
Dr, Lewis writes,
Another article in the same maga­
zine discusses the widespread unfav­
orable publicity which the Santa
Clara Valley received ir. connection
with the flood in tho Santa Clara
River Basin Valley in Southern Cali­
"The Mystic Triangle” is widely
circulated among members of the
Rosicrucian order who are scattered
throughout the United States. Pub­
lication in the magazine of the true
facts in the case will be of value in
correcting the wrong impression given
by misleading Southern California
publicity, it is pointed out today by
the local Chamber of Commerce,
---------- " W E A R A I lO b E ”-----------
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, May 5,1928
Page 16

Free Address
E v e r y Sunday Kxenln* a t 7.30

Anmorc TenmpHe
S43 O t a via Street
Reading room open evening* and nn T h u ra -
d a y a f te r n o o n i . All welcome.
If you c a n n o t cal!, w rite fo r free l l t e . a t u r e
to th« only A m erican h ea d q u a rte r* of tha
I n ta r n a tlo n a l R oelcrurlan* Addree* Amor*-.
M o a trru 'tan T ark. San Joee. c , | t f <.\ot
connected w ith aocletlea o r fetlowahlpa )
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , M ay 5, 1928
Page 6, P a rt II

A free lecture on ''Celestial Vi- j
brations” will be given by a mem* j
ber of the Rosicrucfan Brotherhood
at the Rosicrucian services to be
conducted at 11:15 a.m. tomorrow
at the Music Arts Studio Building.
A musical program by talented art­
ists will precede the address,
Dr. David Starr Jordan's book
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los A ngeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , M ay 12, 1928
Page 6, P a rt II

Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis.

l# rla « on

M usic-A rts H all,
Music-Arts S tu d io Bldg-. 233 So. B ro ad w a y .
S t H : t 5 A .M .. H u n d n y . O H lr o S n l l o . lo 15 P»l>
San Jose E vening News
San Jose, C alifornia
M onday, M ay 14,1928
Page 7

---------"WEAR A RO SE"---------

Rosicrucian Head
Tells Audience
Of M i n d ’s Poiver
Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, head of the
Amorc Rosicrucian Brotherhood, ex­
plained to a large audience last night
the principles which underlie the
creative power of man's mind. It was
the second of the series of public serv­
ices conducted at the Chamber of
Commerce Hall and again there was a
capacity attendance. In the course
of his lecture Dr. Lewis said:
"We arc prone to think that the
material creations which we enjoy so
abundantly arc the work of mechanics
.and that machinery and physical
labor really constitute the creative
powers or forces which brought them
Into existence. We fall very often to
appreciate the fact that long before
the material thing was eve- started in
its process of moulding or assembly.
It existed, complete and perfect, In “It Is because we visualize these
the mind of some boing. •things, create them in our minds, and
MASS CREATIONS finally perfect them so In our mental
“We think that the Inventor, the world that their forms, their natures,
architect, the artist, the musician and dominate our thinking and living and
the designer may create their products bring to us replicas In the material
in their minds before puttlnt, them world. The laws making this pos­
upon paper, but we do not realize that sible are systematic and can be ap-
these were not the greatest of '-plied Intelligently and specifically by
creators on this earth plane. The everyone to bring the necessary things
most revolutionary changes for man's for our comfort and success."
‘ betterment have been the result of At the close of the lecture Dr.
the mental creating done by the mil­ Lewis answered 10 more questions
lions of Individuals which compose submitted to him covering a wide
the mass of mankind. range of Interesting Information of a
•'It is a fact that the things for practical nature. These public
which we long, the things which oc­ Jcctuies will continue for some weeks
cupy our day dreams and arouse the at the request of prominent persons
. keenest desires, are the things which of San Jose who see In them a new
most often come into realization for form of Interesting enlightenment
‘ US. ---------"WEAR A ROSE"--------- 4
Edmonton Journal
Edmonton, Alberta. Canada
Saturday, June 9,1928
Page 16

Roficruci&n Brotherhood

T u esd a y and Thursday e v e n in r s i t

8 p.m.
Thone* 2S19 - 71242
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 16,1928
Page 6, Part II

The true life-sustaining energy
breathed into the nostrils with the
air is not oxygen but another an d
greater force, according to E. E.
Thomas of the AMORC <Ancient
Mvstic Order of Rosicrucians) who
will discuss this subject in a free
lecture on 'Periodicity” to be given
at 11:15 « m tomorrow at Music
Arts Hall. The fourth lesson of the
“Master Key S>stem” will be ex­
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, June 16, 1928
Page 14

The tru- A poiden

Symbol of i R:id
the old ore Red
Uusicruciatis Hose

Free Address
Every Sunday Evening at 7:30

Amorc Temp!©
813 Octavia Street
Heading room open eveninps and on Thurs­
day afternoons. All welcome.
If you cannot call, write for free literature
to the only American headquarters of the
International Kosicrucians. Address Amorc.
llosicruclan Park. San Jo*e, C alif, f Not
connected with societies or fellowships)
The Daily Journal Gazette
Mattoon, Illinois
Thursday, June 21, 1928
Page 8


Will Try Living Under Ancient
L a w *.
----- -
Han Francisco. — Five thousand
Atntrkap mao, woman and children
|ilaa to move to an anHent Egyptian
city by tha Nila and prove they ran
lira there harmoniously and progree-
alrely without benefit of modern con­
veniences. Thla waa tha announce­
ment made by Dr. H. Bpencer l.ewls,
national praaldent o f tha Itoaecm*
clan Order, a phlloaophlcal rulL
I^octor 1-ewla declared plana were
briny made to hare the expedition aall
late next year.
The city nf Tel-el-Amama. ann city
of Amenhntep the fourth, founder of
tha Hoaerrurlan Order, la the alta
pitted for tha experiment, Doctor
I-ewla aald. The expedition will con­
tain an approximate even number o f
then and women, all carefully aelected
for their physical fltneaa and devotion
to the principles of the teachings un­
der which they are to live.
•There w ill also be several chil­
dren.*’ Doctor T>wia aald. "Estab-
llvhment of famine* wltt be encoui*
aged "
The colony will abandon modem
dress for costume o f the ancient
Egyptians and will forsake mechan­
ical Implements for the crude tools of
1300 R. C. They are to live accord­
ing to the principles propounded by
Amenhotep In an effort to demon­
strate that these lawa hnve not lost
their Tnlue for the humnn race.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, June 23,1928
Page 5

Tae nun os the source of Ufa ami food
will he dealt with In a lecture on “ The
Source of Life'* to he del vered by 13. K.
Thomas under the auspice* of the Roulcru-
elan Brotherhood (AMORC) at 11:15 Sun­
day morning in the Music-Arts Hall* 233
South Broadway.
T h e Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
S a turday, J u n e 23, 1928
Page 6, P a r t II

“The Source of Life'' is the sub­
ject of an arldress to be given by
E. E. Thomas. under th® auspices
of the Rosicruciiin Brotherhood
(AJVf.O.R.C.) at 11:15 a.xn. tomor­
row at Music Arts Hull. The fifth
lesson of the Master Key system
will also be presented to the au­
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
M onday, J u n e 25, 1928
P age 9, P a ri II

Dr. E. E. Thomas lectured on "The
Source of Life” yesterday at Music
Arts Hall, under the auspices of
the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. He
said in part:
"Life vibrations have but one
source and that Is the sun. Senility
is a part of the death process. It
is caused by the accumulation of
earthly salts or so-called mineral
matter. This mineral matter usual­
ly consists of lime and chalk which
settles upon the walls of the arte­
ries which become hardened and
calcinous and lose their elasticity.
Life is a rate of vibration, a mode
of motion. Death Is the absence of
that vibration. Every human being
who is not sick or insane has an
Innate desire to live ns long as pos­
sible. The solution may lie in an
understanding of the nature of the
T he Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
S a tu rd a y , J u n e 30,1928
Page 6, P a r t II

Dr. E. E. Thomas, speaking under
the auspices of the Ancient Mystical
Order Rosac Crucls, will give a free
lecture on “The Emotions and Their
Effect Upon the Human Organism”
at 11:15 a.m. tomorrow at Music-
Arts Hall. 233 South Broadway. At
8 pjn. Dr. Thomas will speak at
the Odd Fellows’ Hall at Long Beach.
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, July 7,1928
Page 2, Part II

Dr. E. E. T hom as w ill deliver a lectu re

on "M agnetism " under the auspices o f
the R oslcruclan Brotherhood tom orrow at
11:15 a m. In the M usic Arts B uilding. 233
Fouth Broadway. C lasses for children w ill
be given in th e lodge rooms at 10:30 a.m.
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, July 9,1928
Page 5, Part II

“M agnetism” was the subject of a
lecture delivered by Dr. E. E. T h om ­
as yesterday before the members
and friends of the Roslcrucian
Brotherhood. Dr. Thomas said in
“Elccfridty is the invisible agent
known to us only by its various
m anifestations, 'the individual is
a perfect electrical plant, Food,
water and air furnish the fuel. The
j solar plexus is the storage battery
and the sympathetic nervous sy s­
tem is the medium by which the
body is charged with magnetism.
Sleep is the process by which the
battery is recharged and the vital
processes replenished and renewed.
The male is th e positive or electri­
cal charge and the female the n ega­
tive or m agnetic charge. The m ale
represents the current, force, e n ­
ergy; the female, capacity, resist­
ance and power.
“Each person is a magnet having
both positive and negatives poles.
The law of love is a piece of pure
science, and the oldest and sim plest
form of love Is the elective affinity
of two differing cells. Above ail
laws is the law of love, for love Is
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, July 28, 1928
Page 4

R o a ic r v c ia n

Lecture on “THE MYSTIC LIFE”
l a a d d itio n l o i h r regular lecture, (h e M aster K ey, • conrae in tru e m yittaJam ,
will *Iv*n F R E E in alt a tten d in g three Mrvlree. If you w ould know th e
w ay to g rea ter P eace and Joy, be eore to attend three eerrleee. 8EltV1<TES
E V E R * HLM>AV. NO COLLECTIONl A .k for oar F R E E book let. T h e l i g h t
of E g y p t.
5Uf,S,Ct ^ 5 ’r s W«*fc*Arte *tn<u0 uid*„ t t t 8. Broadway.
O ffice Suite, t a t to 41ft. A A*t 11:15 A. M. Sunday.
Monday Open D ally .
T he Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
S a tu rd a y , July 28, 1928
Page 2, P a r t II


Dr. E. E. Thomas will speak on
“The Mystical L ife” and will pre­
sent a portion of “The Master Key
System” at the services * ? the Rosi-
crucian Brotherhood at l.:15 a.m.
tomorrow at Music -*rts Hall. The
Mexican League of the AMORC will
he entertained at Symphony Hall
next Thursday evening.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 4,1928
Page 6

‘N E W A G E B IB T H ' TO
“T h e B irth o f th e New Are/*
lecture d ea lin g w ith th e increased
a©til consclmiiinewi, will be the aub-
Jert next S u n day morolnsr at the
public meeting of the Ancient ifyp-
tl^at Order Bos**# Crucfa, which
will be h eld a t 11:15 m th e Muaic
Aria Building, 233 South feroadway.
A leeeen In the Meeter w
tens will accompany
U r. & R Thomaa wil >«at the
meea&se a t l : i l
T he Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
S a tu rd a y , A ugust 4, 1928
Page 2, P a r t 11

'"The B irth of a. New Affe Li th e itrty-

Ject of ft fre e le c tu re to be given by Dr.
E. E. T hom as a t 11:13 tom orrow a t
M usic A rts B uilding, u n d e r th e auspices
o f the A n cien t M y stic a l O rd e r Rosa#
Crucis. D r. T hom a3 will r e p e a t th e lec­
tu re In th e ev en in g a t T h eosophlcal UalL
L ons B each.
Fitchburg Sentinel
Fitchburg, Massachusetts
Monday, August 6, 1928
Page 2


| Give Key To Secrets J
New Book Loaned To Sincere Seekers
3- Tli*1 Fi<'S'cn:c:Jin v e r.* t h e M a s t e r M y r t l e s in all a c e s a n I t o d a y t h e y a r e or* s
1 -f* J' d c e x . • cronj>«i im d c e lle i'e * in nl! | m : ! s n f t h e ; w o r l d . In t h e i r 3
= ; t f t u ' l ' . n r f »hv s e - r r i l y p r e s e r v e t h e u n d e n t w i s d o m t h a t m a d e t h e P v r a m t d in 5
S 'h** .p :n r '.el i f, t o d a y W it h t h e b l i t h e r ne'eyit J a w * a n il s e c r e t e o f m y a t A a l
~ I 'p tte r \ c - i 1 1(1 t h a n r e i h<> rtu ire e r«t t o u r life and- a t t r a c t s u c c e s s f i f a f t h !ia p -
= titsd f of J a e tita i f n r e a i e h t t l m t . w i l l -vMpund y o u a n d s u r p r i s e
3 ’ yrue. !ricr..ds\ T*:* n ■*'er*ic»nn tc iic h '.n c s conKiinin*- t h e t r u e k n o w led ire o f ' t h e
3 t i l j s i l c s a r c re*, er, *'f*!d.'.n. be>"*ie. R u t . ''* u m a y w t r n w a 'hook c a l l e d " T h e
3 I *e )"t o f 1-P>r1 •'*. w h i c h rliQ n m n c e a to r v of t h e R r» » irru r1 a n s is t o ld a n d * o
g- * * [!a n a ttp n nf how ^ a y h a v e t h e p rivate. t e h c l v n f # of i h o R o s w r u e t a n
S F r a t e r n *ti ir> A -h te rh a .

m. •, *. . « • .
~ - -t-N°l ..................
.c o n n e c— te dM w i t h R o iicru c la n " *F e---------------7
llo w a tilp a ' or ‘ S o ctatieeT ")~ —

Fitchburg Sentinel
Fitchburg, Massachusetts
Monday, August 6,1928
Page 2

Give Key to Secrets
New Book Loaned To Sincere Seekers

The Rosicrucian were the Master Mystics in all ages and today they are
organized in lodges, groups and colleges in all parts o f the world. In
their teachings. In their teachings they secretly preserve the ancient wisdom that
made the Pyramid in Egypt the marvel of today. With the higher Cosmic laws and
secrets of mystical power you can change the course of your life and attract
success, health, happiness and a development of mental foresight that will astound
you and surprise your friends. The Rosicrucian teachings containing the true
knowledge of the mystics are never sold in books. But, you may borrow a book
called "The Light of Egypt," in which the strange story of the Rosicrucians is told
and an explanation given of how you may have the private teachings of the
Rosicrucian Fraternity in America.

Scribe 111
Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, Calif.
(Not connected with Rosicrucian "Fellowships" or "Societies.")
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 18,1928
Page 2, Part II

Ancient and Mystical

Order Rosae Crucis.

This Secret Book
Explains the Marvels of
TJecnus© t h e book U secretly
DVhU*li(>d ~ f n ( l not for M i l r - ' f i 1
w ill lunn a c o p y o f till* new hook
to every m a n a n d w om an who
write* to u* In absolute alncerlty
seeking to k n o w th e secret doc­
trine* o f th e R oitlrruclnn*.
O f co u rse w e muxt Hm tt thf*
offer to th o se w ho n r r not m erely
cartons. \ \ r u«U Tor no m oney.
nr> <tnni(M, no com pensation. Hut
each m u st w rtte m e tlm t they
tru ly w is h to become A d ep t* o f
the n r e n t lV u r k being m astered
h r th e I to s lc ru ila n s In n il pnrt*
of th e w o r ld In accordance w ith
the a n c ie n t p la n found In
The M y s te rie s o f
The Egyptian Secret Schools.
T h!» n e w b oo k, called ' ‘T h e
l i g h t o f Egypt.** explain* lmw
the B o s lcru cta n * today c a rry on
th e ir sy s te m o f personal e v o lu ­
tion fo r re a l seeher* w ho are
w o rth y nm l re n iiy . No other
system lik e i t In th e w orld. Tested
In e v e ry la n d . >fhouaaml* o f A m e r ­
ica’* fo re m o s t m y s tic w orker*
stand re p d y (a co-ojterate. .last
w rite a s h o rt note saying yo u ore
w illin g to g iv e a little tim e nttd
th o u g h t to th e studies and m a ste r
f w h step a lo n g w ith other*, and
the hook w ill be sent, im sipuld.
, al»o h a v e free lecturea every
Sunday a t 11:15, the le ctu re Tor
tom orrow b r in g " T h e S p ir a l o f
life ." A d d r e s s c a re fu lly
AMORC Rosicruclan Hall
( M u s i c A r t s S tu d io B ldg.)
233 South Broadway
Provo Evening Herald SECRET BOOK
Provo, Utah
Thursday, August 30, 1928 LOANED TO YOU
Page 2
Has made Thousands Hap­
py, Successful, and Mighty
in the Control of Natural
Because this new book is so
remarkable and difficult to
secure, the Supreme Coun­
cil of the Rosicrucians has
decided to loan, thru Offic­
ial channels, PRIVATE
COPIES of it to sincere and
worthy seekers who will
promise to study it and help
in the great work of pro­
moting success and health
in life* It is called “The
Light of Egypt’' and is is­
sued by the oldest mystical
fraternity in the world.
Write a short note saying
you are absolutely sincere
in your desire and search
for self-evolution; and will­
ing to give a little time and
thought to reading the
SEALED BOOK; and then
will return it. Address;
Department Amorc
f f lr . u ta h ,
Los Angeles Evening Express
A n c ie n t and Mystical Los Angeles, California
O rd e r Rosae Crucis Saturday, September 1, 1928
Page 4
Explain* tli<* Marvel* of
Bemuae the 1 >ok ia **»oretly pub­
lished— and not fm- p a le— wo will
loan a copy of this n e w book to
every m an nnd woman who write*
us In absolute sincerity seeking to
know th e secret d octrin es of the
o f course wo m u st limit thin
offer to thf^e who a r e not merely
curloua. We ock f >r no money,
no stam ps, no compensation, but
each m u st write m o that they
truly w ish to beconv Adepts of
the <?ront Work b* ing mastered by
the RoslcrucUns In a ll parts of tho
world In accordance w ith the an­
cient f la n found in
The Mysteries of the
Egyptian Secret Schools
This new book, mile*! “The Light
of E g y p t/’ explain* h o w the K»si-
crucinna today <nrry on their
system o f personal evolution for
real seek or* who aro worthy ami
ready. No nthrr r y s tc n i like it In We uls<* have free lectures every
the world. Tested In every land, Sunday rtf 11:15, t lie lecture for
thousands* of A m erica's foremost tomorrow being “Th** T^\w of Sac­
mystic workers Mam! r» t • to co­ rifice." Address ca refu lly ,
operate. Just writ** ft short note
saying you are w illin g 1 to civ** a AMORC Rosicrucian Hall
little tim e end th o u g h t to tho
studies and master »*a< h step along (Music*Art Studio Building)
with others, and the Look will be 233 South B r o a d w a y
gent, postpaid,
The Province
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Saturday, September 8,1928
Page 5

The Kosirnieiun brotherhood

Kno-*n th ro u g h o u t th e world a*
I hr \m in n M> stir a I Ordrr
Rnour Cruel*
The Impcrator of the North Am ericaa
J u risd ictio n ,
H. Spencor Lewis. I*h.l>„ F.R.C.
will lectu re In thr
Hotel Vancouver, Lower D ining Rck :to
Howe Street.
Sunday, Septem ber 9
i oo r iv. •• l hr m w i « reaching* of th «
Orlental ltn«lcrurlan*.**
8 00 i m "KonIrruclaniMti—A PrartU
cal C h r M lim it %.*’
Thi- provides aii u n u su a l o p p o rtu n e f
for the propl? o f Vancouvrr »o hear Ltr.
I»< w it Htiri to learn so m eth in g of t

Brotherhood, w hich has NOT era

to rxist
The Vancouver Sun
Vancouver, British Cumbia, Canada
Saturday, September 8,1928
Page 10

The Rosierucian Brotherhood

Known Throughout tl * w ..rid Ai
T he Im p e r a to r th* N orth
Amort* a n Jui **■ i *ion
F.R C.
Will Coot i*. n i h *
llOTKL \ t M n i V|;K
bonrr D taioc Hmim. Ilitnr M rrrt
Sunday, Sept. 9
s oe r ,
“ The Mystic Teaching of the
Oriental Rosicnicians”
§ p r-
“ Rosicrucianism —“
A Practical Christianity
Thl» provide* ar. <•; por-
tu n ity for th» -f V - v. r
o t o i r T*r Iv*w p• 1 * »-
thine of *ho Broi^'.r rh
NOT r t a p f d *
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 8,1928
Page 5

R oaicru cian

Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis


“F A IT H A N D W O R K S”
In order to irfflm iilM i, I hUIi muM «*-rmnj»i»nlr«| hv f a i u r In llil*
Mire n n « l leurn m m e t h r w o r M m t >»f t h i " grout I j * w . In m ldllioii l o t h e
r ; * " l i i r l r « t t i r f, 1 1»*» ' I . i -.i . t K p v K > *| pn i >i l o n r s f In 'I ru>* wi l l In- i l v r i i
ItiU K to u l) who • m u d lhe*ir •ir r ile r f, 'l«n > ltnw> fou n d *I|r» »w In Iterator
Mi’h IM) "tn*) l *t t w | t r r i t v I limtiicli t h i * r<>nr«f '*rrvi*-r» r \ r n m orning. Nt»
COt.lJt:( T I O V Wk fur our I H I H hook. 1 T h e l i g h t ,*f fcgi id,"
M iie lc -A r t* Hull M unir-A rt* S t u d io Hhlg 133 '*iuuh lir n u d w a r
At li;U A * 21*. Smut-Lj o m it t'illi, 132 in U Oi-rn DallV
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 8,1928
Page 4

‘Faith and Works' Topic

For Mysticism Lecture
"Fa It h and Works'* Is the mib-
jpct of a lecture on practical mvs*
tirlsm which will b«> delivered un­
der the auspices of the Uosicruclan
Hroiherhood (AMOItC), on S u n diy
mnrnlnc at 11:15, In Mualc-Art a
Hall, 233 South Broadway, The
Mvmkcr. K, K. Thomas, will repeat
the message at Theosophlca! Hall.
Seventh and Kim street-, Long
Beach, at * p m.
The astrology clo.'v- m eets at 1o
o’clock In the lodge rooms, and the
junior chs*, to which the children
all friends of the order ore |n-
v!'^d, will meet at. 10;30 No col­
The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
S a tu rd a y , S eptem ber 8, 1928
Page 2, P a r t II

Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, imperator
of the Ancient Order of AJMORC,
will arrive In Los Angeles on the
29th Inst, and on the 30th inst., at
11:15. a.m., will give a free lecture
at Shrine Auditorium.. Dr, Lewis
will be In Los Angeles for a week
and will gl?e a series of lectures for
members only.
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 15,1928
Page 4

Ancient Myetical Order

Roeae Crude
f u t u r e on "TH E NFIRITl A L BIRTH." T h f Hlrth from d&rknFin to lig h t;
frorn ignorance into u n d ern tam liu g, and in to th e know ledge of the Great h n o
of Life. In addition to th e r eg u la r ircturo, T h e Mueter K e y 8 y itfm w ill In*
given FRK K to all attending tlie » e service*.
Every W ednesday even in g. from 1 to 8 o 'c lo c k , a F R E E elnaa In M yatlrlam
w ill he held In Symphony I I n i l . 2,12 South H ill Street.
Nervier* every Sunday m o r n i n g , NO C O U .K fT lO .N S ! A*k for our F R E E
book. "The L igh t of Egypt.*’
Munic-Art Hall M naif-A rt S tu d io Hldg. 233 South B roadw ay
at 11:15 A. M. Sunday OfWre Suite. 432 to 434 Open H ally
Los Angeles Evening Express

Shrine Auditorium to Be Los Angeles* California

Saturday, September 28,1928
Page 4
Scene of M e e t i n g
On S e p t e m b e r 30
Dr. H . Spencer L ew is, Ph.D„ F.
R. C, lm perator of th e Roslcruclan
Order in N orth America, will arrive
in L os Angeles
n e x t Saturday
and on Sun-
d ay. Septem-
80. will
s p o a k in the
Sh rin e Audi­
torium under
th e auspices of
th e l o c a l
brotherh o o d
T h e sendees
w ill be held at
11:15 a. m. On
h is first visit
to Los Angeles
sev era l months
ago hundreds
w ere unable to
g a in admis­ In the e v e n in g he will apeak in the audi­
H. SPENCER LEWIS torium o f t h e Polytechnic H igh School a t
sio n to the lec­ Long R e a c h , and on T u e sd a y , evening he
ture h a ll stnd the local organization will l e c t u r e In the E vana-N eU on Studio.
has se c u r e d Shrine Auditorium that 60.19 H o lly w o o d boulevard. W ednesday
nil who desire may h ear the lec­ evening w ill apeak in Symphony Hull.
282 South H ill street, th in lecture to be
ture by D r . Lewis. for member** of the orgaolxatlo n only. T ha
In the e v e n i n g be will a p e a k In th a a u d i ­ other le c t u r e * will be fr e e to the public.
torium o f t h e Polytechnic H i g h School a t Dr LwvvUs is a native o f Frenehtown.
Lung B e a c h * and on T u e s d a y evening he
will l e c t u r e In the E v a n a - N a U o n Studio. N. J,. o f W e ls h extraction and * descend-
6033 H o l l y w o o d b o u lev ard . W ednesday ent of th© Lewis fam ily w h ich nettled In
evening h o w i l l gpeak i n S y m p h o n y H ull. Virginia w i t h the com ing o f Sir Robert
M3 S o u th H i l l atrtet. t h i s le c tu re to he
(or n u m b e r * a t the o r g a n i s a t i o n only. T h a Lewis o f th © Lewls-CIark expedition. He
ether l e c t u r e s will be f r e e t o t h a public. has been kn ow n as a Journalist, having
H r L a w l a la a n a t i v e o f F re n c h to w n . been c o n n e c te d with the B rooklyn Times, a
N. J.. o f %Vel*h e g tr a c tlo n a n d a d e p e n d ­ special w r i t e r for tho N e w Vork W orld,
ent of t h e Laswia fa m ily w h i c h settled in
Virginia w i t h tha c o m in g o f S ir R obert served aa president of th e Publishers’ Syn­
Lewi* o f t h e L ew la-Clark expedition. H e dicate in 1 9 0 3 . His atu d iee in scientific
h*a been k n o w n aa a i o u r n n l i n t . h a v in g subjects in c lu d e chemtatry. natural color
been c o n n e c t e d with th e B r o o k l y n Time*, a
apet'lai w r i t e r for the N e w Y ork W orld, p h o to g rap h y . Is the In ven tor of Severnl
served a a p r e s i d e n t of t h e P u b H a h e r* ’ S y n ­ notable a c h ie v e m e n ts In w ir e le ss and con­
dicate In 1 9 0 3 . Hi* a t u d t e a tn x lc n tlf s o sidered a n authority on radio. He waa
sut-jrrt* I n c l u d e c h a m la tr y . n a t u r a l c olor elected Dr©»t<]ent of tho N o w York In stitu te
p h o t o g r a p h y . I* the I n v e n t o r of ueverul
notable a c h i e v e m e n t * In w l r e l e a a and r o n - for Physic** 1 Research and w an Associated
eldered a n a u th o rity o n r a d i o . He w a a with E lb e r t Hubbard and E lla W. Wilcox.
elected p r a e l d e n t of the N e w Y ork Inutlluti* He is a m em b er of the hoard of directors
fur P h y s i c a l Re*eurch a n d w a a itMariuted
with E l b e r t Hubbard a n d E l l a W. Wilcox. of the A m e r ic a n International Academy of
He 1* a m e m b e r of th a b o a r d of director* Flue Art*.
of the A m e r i c a n I n t e r n a t i o n a l Academy o f
Fine A r t s .
The Daily Times
Davenport, Iowa
Thursday, September 27, 1928
Page 5

Rosicrucian Mysteries
AH sincere seekers for the great
truth ami power knowm to the An­
cients, w'nte for the free book,
“Light of Egypt*” mailed without
obligation to occult students.
Librarian 111, Amorc Temple,
San Jose, California.
T he Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
S a turday, S eptem ber 29, 1928
Page 2, P a r t II


Special Series of Meetings W ill Be Conducted by
American Imperalor of Order
Thousands at members and friends of the AMORC (Ancient and
Mystical Order Roane Crucial are expected to attend a aeries of lectures
to be given In Los Angeles, beginning tomorrow, by Dr. H. 8pencor Lewis,
F.R.C., Imperator of that order Jn America One will be given for mem­
bers at Symphony Hall, Music Arts Building, next Wednesday evening.
"Roslcruclanlam. a PracticaH
Christianity" la the subject to bo
discussed by Dr. Lewis ot Shrlno
Auditorium at
11:15 am. to­
morrow. Pre­
ceding the ad­
dress a musical
program will be
given by Julian
Pascal, pianist,
Mmo. Beatrice
Bowman, so­
prano, and Dal-
' las Reeves
Boyd, violinist.
At 8 pm. to-
morow Dr.
Lewis will lcc-
ture at the
• Poly toohnlc
H igh School
auditorium, Long Beach. A lecture
will be given over KNX at 8 a.m.
next Tuesday and another next
Tuesday evening *t Evana-Nelson
Studio, <5039 Hollywood Boulevard.
The Roslcruclans have a world
membership of between 8.000.000
and7,000,000. More than 30.000
persons In the United States have
Joined the order,since 1915.
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, September 29, 1928
Page 2, Part 11

Ancient Mystical
Order Rotae Cruets
Dr. H. Spencer Lewia, F.R.C. »/ th , in
ic a a n d on e o f th e g r e a te s t m y s tic s in th e uyo r l d , will g iv e a s p e c ia l p u b lic le c tu r e on
A special m u sical program will be given by Mm*. B ea trice B ow m en. Mr. DaUen
Reeve* Boyd and Mr. Robert Broadweli. all Internationally known artist* No
COLLECTION! EVERYONE WELCOME! Aik for our FREE book. "The Light of
Egypt." Shrine Auditorium, at Jefferson and Royal. Sunday at 11:15 A.M. (Take
"j** car.) Dr. Lewis will lecture at the Polytechnic High School Auditorium in
Long Beach. Sunday evening at S P M.
trip, conducted by the Imperator. visiting the ancient tomb* of Egypt and many
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, September 29,1928
Page 16

New Secret Book
Loaned to You
B u Mad* Thousand! Happy. fcueeessful,
u d Mighty in th e ( ontrul of
Natural Luna.
B ecau se th is n e w book 1s so r e m a r k a b l e
a n d d ifficu lt to s e c u r e , th e S u p r e m e C o u n ­
cil of t h e R o m c r u r l a n s h a p d e c id e d to lo a n
S E A L E D C O P I E S of It to s 'n c e r e a n d
worthy u e ^ k era w ho will p r o m i s e to s tu d y
1t a n d h e lp in tho s r e u t w o rk o f p r o m o t ­
ing s u c c e s s a n d h e a lt h in 1:fe. It I p c a lle d
th e m o s t r e m a r k a b l e book of o c c u lt r e f ­
l a t i o n , a n d ?s implied by th e oldest m y s t i c a l
f r a t e r n i t y in th e w o rld . J u s t w r ; t e a n d
suy t h a t you wUl r e a d it, s tu d y th e w o n ­
d e r f u l l a w s a n d r e t u r n it. E n r l o s e tw o
c e n ts f o r a c t u a l p o s ta g e , a m i It w ill be
m a ile d . A d d r e s s :

Rosicrucian Park
San Jose. California
'H i * R e s i t ructan Order h a s n o c o n n e c tio n
w ith organizations using th e te r m * “ F e l ­
lowship" or "Society.’* There in only one
international Rostcrucians Order k n o w n
only a s A M O RC l
T he Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
S a tu rd a y , O c tober 6, 1928
Page 7, P a r t II

A n c ie n t M y s tic a l O r­
d e r R o s a c C r u c is . ;

T>* w rM ••■lihln" !« Ilte s rra lrtt at alt moflill. ».» Mill. fciv'.-i Yal It Km?
that .l.rrm lnt* tha « .* U "Mliltoul", t'nm. and Star llila ou .1 In lc .a ilre lattur*. a t . .!
Mill tir k i l n n o r. to all a ltm d ln i lim a ja o lc ia.
A r i i r .i : larawr l» s lim « w » T,K<la» .••nine at S i/tUcV, a t o *
]|o!lr*™'d Hint . am* alui a rilKV. In MaiU Um • * « * » , " mt .I
at fc 'n rh n n t H all, SM s,mth lU .i M. NO C0U.KCT1ONS! '< "1 ***•'•’ r>.
•t\r t nr K I l L f . b w ) . ’ The U t h i ».* P c t N . ”
233 So. Srcadway.
M u s ic -A rts H a ll, Music-Arts Studio om> o»*w
At lias A. **• Similar O B .. Suita *M ■ 0 1
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, October 6,1928
Page 5


A n c ie n t M y at te a l O r d e r
R o ta m C r u d e
Lecture mi “WITHIN A M ) WITIIQI'T." T h e ivorld “within" In tint irreateat
of a ll world*, hilt t o l i t H o known. Vft In It. th e “ wlHiln" that d eterm in e* the
w orld “without," C o me* am i Jiear thin nu»*t Intareetln* lecture. T h e Mauler
Key w ill bo Riven F K L E to ufl olio rttteml fliew e Ncrvleen.
A i l l E E lecture K l v r n m rry Tueoitay o v e n In * n< H o'clock n t t h e K v ane-
X c ls o n Hlnillo. 60:11) I l o l l > w o o d lllvil.. a L K K E c Ionn In M y tU le ta m ev e ry
IVednendoy evcitlnir, f r o n t 1 to * o'clock, a t N y m f f h n n y Hall, M ? R o u l h 11111 Ht.
NO t 'O l.L E t TION* f Mr* r v i c e s every Hluufatv n t n r a J n i L Auk for »u»- E l t E E lomU.
“ T lio Mtthl of E u y i i t . ’*
A i 11:15 A. M. S u n d a y Miwli’-Art Kftiffin B ide- tM **. Broodwav
Alneir-Arl Hull Olilci* Unite— 4J*4 t o 455 O n e n D ully
T he Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
S a turday, O c tober 13, 1928
Page 6, P a r t 11

Ancient Mystical Or-

def Rasae Crucisj
H er* you r» ll« i lo rtiid * h » l you were tc e ljn e In P J o r n ie w w Ui ’v n r v c U i / f r
l i i n o will o k * . o n » «e« m w n ln c for ; i» l T here i r e J" « iu
M yiU 'U m u e lre n « e o ' W .d n e .d iy e rm in e frooi . 10 8 p .M .. In t»jTrrhon_J } W , x n ^ \ h W \ \
fct. NO C U I.L
LU IlUMX rn O N til
I lli.S bl A ik for
- tin lor oi.r
Ol.r r n u j j ub.*
.k*,.* . 1T trc U a M «* * •« » •• __ a- c r r t c « « f« T B u niliy
It •••nil*
_______i. . . .
n.nmlm;. Moitrel -------
p ro r------
n m k .by> .M
u f . .____________
V ra n rn t rGl i ri f gl-.m
r indn IM
. n
illd i r Lmllle
r. Lloaity.
3lD ilr>.U ti H all Muelc-Arl* Hturilo D W * » " - i 233 So. n r r M d n O T
A“ t -------
H i t s --------
A .M .---- -
HUndirr office g ui t ' — *33 to 433 Open I>ailT
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, October 13,1928
Page 4

R o g ic r ttc ia n

A ncient M y s t i c a l Order
Rom ae C rude
I if r tiir , n n 'T I I F . W O K M ) O F M A N IK IC H T A T IO N ," yoo f u l l e d l o n » i1
w h a t y o u n e r o a e e k l n g Hi o t h e r m o v e m e n t * o r O r g a n i s a t i o n * ? S ee uni Th*
B lb lo w ill t a k e o n * n e w m e a n in g f o r T h e r e a r e n o l J n f * o n « | * t t r n < ’lr * In I t .
A FREE fi nes In My*t lelsm la g i v e n every Wednesday e v e n in g from 7 to H
o'elnek in gym pH any Wall, Mt fcrtutb IVfll 9t- NO COLI.fcCTTONS l A<k foi*
our FREE book, "THe IJgbt of K g y p t . M Hervire# e v e r y (tunday mu ruing.
Musical prog rum by Mme.FVft.neea f i r o r g e and Ml«* E m i l i o Idnclaey.
Muale* \r t Il nll M usic-Art S t m llo Building # 3 3 t^nith Broadway
At 11 :|5 A . M. Sunday_____ Qfflco g a l t p , 433 t» 4*3 _ .A*!**411 Dally
T h e Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Sunday, O c to b e r 14,1928
Page 29

Strange Book Loaned to
Those Seeking N ew Start

A t last a new method of mastering our lives and
• putting all the obstacles to success and happiness in
their proper place has been outlined by the Su ­
preme Council of the Roiicmcians.-
A nd, by a special concession, copies of this new
plan and an explanation of what it will do will be
' loaned to those who wish to make a new atari in
life and change the course of their career,
! The Rosicrucians have ever been known for their
rational, simple and thorough knowledge of the
arcane facts o f life. Through all the ages they
have held the Light of Knowledge as a sacred
trust, and thousands of eminent writers and his­
torians have conceded the highest tribute to lhetn._
The new book, called the "Light of Egypt" will
be mailed to sincere inquirers without obligation and
postage prepaid. W rite a letter (not postcard) ad-,
dressed tor *
L IB R A R IA N J . A . S.
A M O R C L I B R A R Y , San Jose, California
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , O cto b er 20, 1928
Page 6, P a rt II

A ncicnl Mystical
Order Rosac Cruets,
Lecture on “OUR LIFE IN MIND”
Y<njr e w t iM I n g t i r truth l i mat waited effort, hut it i p ila o lU n e i 1* hl#hrr t h lh t i - A M * "
■ in d trfu l l» optntnp up biter* w u. A F R E E e la n In M y t llilim l» *£lL,!2J52»
r r r n ln j at th« C « im -N#U*ii fitudl*. M>3# Hollywood Olw). at 8 P - M . . ^ I ^ r S I l l t T v *
s a i- i-ja s a -r a ff u-ms^svunrta^
s 7

W r tK ir . «« -“ o f e
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, October 20,1928
Page 5

R osicrucian

Ancient Mystical Order

Rotae Cruets
Loeturo on "OUR LIFE IN MIND*
or truth la not nttMetl effort, but ateppinjr atone* to higher
wonderful world 1* opening up before y o u . A Fit E E rlawt
every Tuesday even in g a t the Kvanw-»l*on Stud to. «*>;{»
1 F. N ., And on Wednesday evening from ? to 8 In Sym-
1111 Rt. R ervlcr Rundn* m o rn in g i* In noth E n g lish and
T IO N R ! Aak for o u r l ’UKK book, "The l i g h t of E g y p t,"
M naif-A rt M«dh» Itttlld lo g 333 S outh Ilrondw ay
Office Suite. 4 M to 435 O pen tt« l(y
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, October 27,1928
Page 10

a d d r ess

R. C. Principles
RV THEI L O p r ,|’ M ..\ST F k


_ _ „ _ NKAR ( Al l. PEN (IATI-: AVK.
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , O cto b er 27, 1928
Page 6, P a rt II

Ancient Mystical
Order Rosac Cruets
Lecture on “The Meaning of Suffering**
• f you hit* b u n iH k lii a«d u n at! f#on<: If yu i M w »•»« J jj*
Truth will tnalp you. A F R E E Hail la MytUflia l« ***0 ' “ Hrf»y •*•■!■« at «t» €*»"•
Nalwn Studio. 603* Mtllywoad D M . *1 • F.M . li d «a #J
Symphony .Hall. 131 Mill at. forrltoa Buaday ■»rala( la bolb ta»ll»h Alia Small*. N
c o l l e c t i o n s : Ath (or our FR E E book. 'T b a Ll«b1 of C|y»t-

Mualc*ArU Hall Music-Arts Studio Bldg-y 233 So. Broadwa

At Il:IS A.M.. Soadw. . OI*a« Sulla. 4J2-41S 0»»o Dally.
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , N ovem ber 3, 1928
Page 6, P a rt II

Ancient Mystical •
Order Rosae Crucis
Lecture on 4‘POISE"
T i yiu wtit hove baa* m klftl tar Truth aad wt>* Mva thui far u m h l la vain, v t hava a a i M i t
Thh Truth (Jcti a illt i*d thl daar ftahdi aatal A FK Z£ alatt Is MntlcUra It hlld nery Tuaiday
avaalna it tha Ertni-Nilaa Studla. 6039 H*lly***d Bhrd.. *t 8 P.M. and an WadnKay •tii'lai tram
7 ?. 8 In Syn.lh.Vy' 23J 8*. Hill Strart. A wrvlra la 8 i.n l,h a lll ha held at 1:30 P.M.
In S u n d i" .■" m Muil*Art* B ld l. NO COLLECTIONS! a* tar w r TR EE Iw.h, "Th*

L,,Mu«ic-Art8 Hall Muslc-Arta Studio BldQ.,, 233 So. Broadway

At U r O f c . M U . 432-433___________
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, November 10, 1928
Page 7

Reveals Rosicrn.'ian Law*

and Secret Teaching*

Has Made Thousands Happy, Stic*

eessful and Mighty in the Con­
trol of Natural Laws.
Bavauaa tb!a oaw b'ok i* #o p»?-**iubh
and d if f ic u lt to wk .r*. th « Suprc- <» Q c» -
j cit o f Ro*Jcruo: \ r i..l i» to ’" a n
SCALED COFILS of It to a:nc*ra and
worthy iM Jt-n who * V, ;*rvm:*o : atuty
It tod haip la t*ta i wor* of prcmac 04
•uccoM and health la 1 * . it la a.'!#d tba
m oot rcmarkaMa book -t o ccu lt ravalat -'a.
and :* !»a„*d h r th« o ld - »: ?ry*t , al frw-
tam ity ;n tfca w .rld. J »t » r ; « and m *
th%t yon will read 1* » '>* tfca wortlar**!
ta« 9 a n d " * r« ra It. J. »• t * o c a r ta ■**
actual po*. *%aa, ard It n i l b« rr allaa
Roaicruclan Lark
j Son Joae, California
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , N ovem ber 10, 1928
Page 6 P a r t IT

Ancient Mystical
Order Cracis
D* Ml be d lu M tra t'd If T *9 H m eat* Ia* tar U | k t u d tfca w ar itltT aeaau a ile d wttk
darkaae*. The Patbaay U T n itk u d L I|M i h « i «• htfara i m mwm. 'A F R E E t b i t la
la baft w ary Tweeday a raalaf at ttia Cvaa-Neliea Stud let, t o * Hellywaed S W d„ a t • P .h U ' a r t
*«l W»*>*rt«y avaalai fra » 7 U S la fty « 'k r« y H a ll, 132 Beat* HIM M n d A aarviaa la B rtfllth
»!iL "* 'SO M l . , at 4U Marte-Afta Bldf. NO OOUCCTIOlTs!' A rt far aar
FREE beak, Tke Llaht af E fyaV ’ _ 1 .
A t o o l T 'f u S S i . , M u e b '-A rte S tu d io B i d s . . ; ;W So.
At lU lft A A t^ SnodAT Offlro Solta 4 S M U . Opan D aIIT
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, November 10,1928
Page 7


Loaned To Yo
R e v e a ls R o i l c r u c i a n L a w *
and Secret Teachings

Ha* Madt Thousands Happy, Suc­

cessful and Mighty In the Con­
trol of Natural Laws.
S K t it w th is n«w book t* m rsmorhAhlo
and difficult to ascuro, th« Submit# Conn­
ell of Roalcrudajt* had docidod to Joan
SKA LED COPIES of ft to tincero u 4
worthy ooolur* who will promts# to study
it and hols la th* tre a t work of promoUno
sucoooa and hoaith \a Ufa. It is collsd tha
moot m narkahi# book of occult rtrolatfaja,
aad la ta*y#d by tk« oldest aiysttcal ftw
tomlty ta tfe* world- J u*t writ# aad aay
th at yon will read If, study tbs wood*rf»l
taws and rstara It. E&eiooo two c w ti #00
| Actus] poataf*. and It will bo a t l W i
1 A ddrssr
Roaicructan Pare
| San Joea, California
Los Angeles Evening Express
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 10,1928
Page 5

R o ni c r u e t an

A n c ie n t M yttical O rder
R om cic Crucit
Lecture on " T H E DAR K NIGHT OF T H E S O U L ”
" , l 1 1 lN! (lllraRKl if y o u Iuiyo b ro il rookbiK fur l . i o l i t m i d tlir iyii, r tlll
'iiled w ill) ditrkurw n. T h e P ttth w u y to Truth and i L t e h t op en s up bo for**
**ow. \ I H IT , (iJu«R In M vKtirlxm ** held ever}" T u e s d a y rveiiln* nt th e
l \ u in -N r l* ,,,, S tu d lo n . fUKW H o lly w o o d lJ lv d ., nt B P. M .. m i d on W rdnrmbiv
e v e n in g from 1 to H m K ym p h o n v H u ll, 28* ISonth H ill M t r r e l. 5 .erv lee In
Spitnioh w ill ho on su n rln v tit 1 (30 P . M .. at 432 M n » |c - A r t B nlldlng. N O
« ( > ' » ' " 'O N S i A hK for n tr F U F F . h-oh Tim l A g h t o f F g v f t.
M u sic-A rt H u ll M u sli'-A rt S tu d io lltilldlng 2 8 3 pon th H roadwny
M \ | , s (|rtd«T O tth e S u ite . 482*435 Open Duflr
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , N ovem ber 10, 1928
Page 6, P a rt 11


Dr. E. E. Thomas: FJt.0,, will
give a lecture on "The Dark Night
of the Soul" at a* meeting of the
RoetcrucJan Brotherhood a t 11:15
ajn . tomorrow at Mualc-Arte Hall,
233 South BrOadway. The public
la Invited. A service lri Spanish will
be conducted at 1:30 p.m. at 432
Music-Arts Building. Free copies
of “The Light of Egypt” will be
distributed at both services. Free
classes In the study of mysticism
are conducted. Tuesday evenings at
6030 Hollywood Boulevard and Wed­
nesday evenings a t Symphony Hall.
232 South HUl street.
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los A ngeles, C alifornia
M onday, N ovem ber 12, 1928
Page 5, P a rt II

G O D ’ S K IN G D O M S E
Dr, £ . E. Thomas, P. R. C, gave
a lecture on “The Dark Night of the
Soul** before the Roaicnician Broth*
erhood yesterday at Music Arts Hall
An excerpt from the address follows:
“Men have lived long enough like
——■■■■ ’■ — ^ I MMI

beasts, when they might have lived

like angels. Xn silence Ood speaks
to the heart of man; In- silence man
communes with Ood, each living
soul being a. solitary ray or reflec­
tion o f the. absolute Ood, a gleam
of light from the Divine Mind, 'and
the golden frultageof the Divine la
that bread of which if a man aat ha
Shall never die. I t is the Spirit that
qulckeneth; the flesh proflfceth noth­
ing.' The world la the Spirit; hot
philosophy, not doctrines, not dog­
ma nor creed, but Spirit, the life.
Qodls life, Splrlt truth, facta spir­
itual are found In this kingdom of
love. The kingdom of Ood in an
undeveloped kingdom la every Soul '
on earth.**•
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , N ovem ber 17, 1928
Page 6 P a rt II

Ancient Mystical
Order Rosie Cruets,
Nalaaii BU N I m . >0S» t t d ’y v f* ] 1 M . , a t * I*-**-. • t*f»o 7 £ *
s y n » f t m M itt. H i aaut* HUI « t A *a~.taa la t ^ a l i l w ill ha baM «a 8 j s A > »• 130 *
4)2 MmlaWLrtt 010*. NO COI L C C T lO N il
Muhlo-Art* Halt MualcArta Studio Bldg, 233 So. Brradway
A t l l ! l » A .M .,. Baada?. Ph*»* V A r f tk * hM S. Ofcta B rit* . 0 3 - u;o4 O ahy
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Monday, November 19,1928
Page 3, Part II

"Love, the Secret of Tile,” Is the
subject of a lecture given yesterday
by Dr. E. E. Thomas at a meeting
of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. Dr.
Thomas said in pan:
“There are some In tho front
ranks of advanced thinkers, some
of the brightest writers ana teach­
ers, intellectually, who seem to re­
gard themselves as self-constituted
censors over fellow-teachers, and
who are quick and herce to hurl
their weapons of denunciation at all
a ho do not square their lives and
conduct by their own measure. They
mete out condemnation to their
erring fellow-mortals. They will be
obliged to lift themselves out of
this condition of mind before they
can expect to enter the kingdom of
the soul, where only lov* is omnip­
otent, We need, all of us, to get
nearer to the great h^art of the
Divine Goodness. We all need more
of that heavenly virtue that
•vaunteth not itself, Is not puffed
up, that Buffereth long and lc
kind.’ ”
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, November 24,1928
Page 9

The Ancient and Mystical Order

Rosae Cruel*, universally known as
Amorc, 'are again opening their
temple at 813 Oetavla street to the
public on Sunday evenings. The
subjects delivered by the lodge
m asters will be Roslcrucian Prin­
ciples. __
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
Saturday, November 24,1928
Page 16, Part II

"Wisdom and Interior Illumination” Is

the subject to be discussed at the meet*
Ins of the Romerumn Brotherhood,
which the public is invited, tomorrow at
Music Arts Halt Free c h -e * in mystic­
ism art conducted every Tuesday evening
at S03U Hollywood ftouleran! and Wednes*
day evenIn** af Hvmphony Hall
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , N ovem ber 24, 1928
Page 2, P a rt II

Ancient Mystical ’
Order Rosas Cruci'j
«• •• a - • - *
* • • • • ■« •

Lecture on '‘Wiadom and Interior II>Ulnination,, ’ -

j f t f J ittM it A M . " Tf070L£«CTI0M»l Aik ]W •« M i l » * . - T N t l p t
•1 ItW»l” • * • * ' • . *
Musle*Afts Hail Mililc-Art* Studio Bldg,,- 23S So. Broadway.
At 11:15 A.M., rh»tr* VA. H U , 0*» 4JI-WI, On* OiltT.
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, November 24, 1928
Page 8


P u b lic Addreaa Sunday. 8:15 P. M.

R. C. Principles
843 Octavla Street
C. F e llo w s h ip or Society NOT connected
With A m orc. F o r sealed booklet w r ite to
Archiwtot. abo^e «ujdro»«.)
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
M onday, N ovem ber 26, 1928
Page 10 P a rt II

Dr. Z. E. Thomas addressed the
; RceirrucJan Brotherhood yesterday
' on "Wisdom and interior Illumina­
tion." He said In part:
"There Is no more important in­
junction in all the world, nor one
with a deeper interior meaning
than 'To thine own self be true/:
In other words, we should be true
to our own soul, for It Is through
our own soul that the voice of God
speaks to us. This is the interior
guide. This Is the light that ligftt-
eth every man that cometh into the
World. This Is conscience. This Is
intuition. This is the voice of the
higher self, the voice of the sou!,
the voice of God."
San Jose Evening News
San Jose, California
Saturday, December 1,1928
Page 1

Pilgrimage of 200 to Egypt

Will Make Start From Here
San Joso wltt be the starting point which Is largely financed by the order,
of one or•the most unique pilgrimages costumes and equipment of great an­
of modern limes when 200 members tiquity will be secured.
of tho Rostcrucian order leave Here American Express Company officials
January 4 to Visit the Egyptian tern- are quoted as saying that such a tour
plo in which their records declare as the one planned has never been
their organisation was founded 1360 made Into tho Orient In the way the
years beforo tho Christian ora. The Rosicrucians are Intending to make It.
pilgrims will embark from New York These being no hotel accommoda­
on tho White Star liner Adriatic Jan­ tions In Jerusalem for so large a
uary 10 for n trip to tho Orient an(l party, the members will stay In mon­
Europe, H. 0. Lewis, Jmperatcr of the asteries which dot tho surrounding
order, has announced from the n a­ hills.
tional headquarters In San Jose. "The trip Is to be no exhibition of
LEAVE FROM HERE fanaticism and reports that a per­
Reservations are limited to 200, of manent colony will be attempted are
whom about 160 are expected to Incorrect," Impure lor Lewis states.
gather hero for the start, including "The lour Is for scientific research
representatives from the Western and to visit the places associated with
States, Canada and Mexico. There the mysteries of the ancient order."
are about 30.000 members of the so­ CALIGOKTRO’8 TEMPI.E
ciety In the United States and In Europo the patty will gather at
branches In nearly every country of Tulouse, which la the French head­
the world. quarters and also go to Geneva where
The temple at Karnak, built by an old Hosier mm n building is located.
Amen-Holep XV, father-in-law of the — — — ,— 1^ - - ------- —
late King Tut. Is a principal objective
of tho lour. At midnight on February Postpones Flight
28 the pilgrims will re-enact It In the HEW YfJKJC, luce. J (API.—Lady
ceremony of Initiation which, the Mary lfeath, British aviatnx, this
order leaches. Is the samo as that afternoon postponed until tomorrow
which was regularly used when the morning her proposed attempt to break
temple was In lu prime. her own altitudo record for women of
Through connections with the Egyp­ 24.D00 feet. Weather conditions caused
tian Exploration Society of Lionaoo the revision of plans.
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S a tu rd a y , D e c e m b e rs, 1928
Page 7 P a rt II

Ancient Mystical
Order Rosae Crucis
Lecture on “Coming Into the Fullness o f Power"
f f t C f data In M n t lt lim It hald w r r lu a U iy arm ing i t tha E v a a i.N a ltm Btvdloi, SOU H ally-
lied BivtJ., at 8 r .M ., and an W adaatdty tram 1 la 8 P .M ., la Sym fhaay Halt, 733 B aoU H ill B t
. m*r clu a at IO.-00 A .H ., tuaday. NO C 0 L L C 0 T I 0 N 8 1 A ik far aar f r e e bw k. ••!)■• Light
. Egypt.
Musfo-Art* Half . Mualc-Art* Studio Bldg., 233 South Broadway
| At I l d S A .M .. Sunday. n m V A . 3033. OBHa B u lU i M - W . ‘ Og— P a lly . ■_
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Saturday, December 8, 1928
Page 7

»•» « • «*• VI• ^ |

t - IN

The Ancient and Mystical Order

Rosae Crucis, universally known as
Amorc, are again opening their
temple at 843 Oetavia street to the
public on Sunday evenings. The
subjects delivered by the lodge
m asters will be Rosicrucian Princi-
pies. __
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
S unday, D ecem ber 9, 1928
Los Angeles Tim es Sunday M agazine
Page 26

Strange Book Loaned to
Those Seeking New Start
At last a new method of ma»tcring our lives and
putting all the obstacles to success and happiness in
their proper place has been outlined by the Su­
preme Council of the Rosicrucians,
And, by a special concession, copies of this new
plan and an explanation of what it will da will be
loaned to those who wish to make a new start in
life and chnnge the course of their career.
The Rosicrucians have ever been known for their
rational, simple and thorough knowledge of the
arcane facts of life. Through all ’ the ages they
have held the Light of Knowledge as a sacred
trust, and thousands of eminent writers and his­
torians have conceded the highest tribute to them.
The new book, called the "Light of Egypt will
be mailed to sincere inquirers without obligation and
postage prepaid. W rite a letter (not postcard) ad­
dressed to:
L IB R A R IA N NO. 33,
A M O R C L IB R A R Y , San Jose. California
T he Los Angeles Tim es
Los Angeles, C alifornia
M onday, D ecem ber 10,1928
Page 8, P a rt II

Belief in the possibility of the
performance of miracles by men to­
day was voiced yesterday by Dr.
E. E. Thomas in his lecture to the
Roslcrucian Brotherhood at Music
.Art Hall. Dr. Thomas said In part:
'•Whatever cannot be done In the j
---------------------- -----------------
■physical may be done in the spir­
itual, and In direct proportion as
a man Tceognlzes himself as spirit,
and lives accordingly, is he able to
transcend In power the man who
recognizes himself as merely ma­
terial. All the sacred literature of
the world is teeming with examples
of what wc call miracles. They
are not confined to any particular
times, or places. There is no age of
miracles in distinction from any
other period that may be an age
of miracles. Whatever has been
done In the world’s history can be
clone again through the operation
of the same laws and forces.”
T he K ingston Daily Freem an
K ingston, New Y ork
F riday, D ecem ber 14, 1928 j
I’age 21 j Rosicrudans Going j
to Egypt to Conduct |
Old Initiation Rite !
u kT M U i h w w m 1LM .

! i
i •rillTwo bitBilm] Amrrintn mootla-r* or (h r Aark*at OnJor R u 'a f Owrl*
lake port ia a Iratlldo&al m n i i
31. f r . -lotopli Dvrhnn. kvrprr of
tiuy m i Karaak. KiOi**- ac-vt Krbraarj' I
tltoir now Irw plr al Saa J w r . I'al.. It 1
-howa fM a lln e before l h<- Wall of S ilrurr. H- S|a-acer I-••wit ( ioMi >
ia (laprraior.

Two hundred A m erican m em bers of the A ncient O rd e r Kosae C rucis

will take p a rt in a traditional cerem ony at K arn ak , Egypt, next F ebruary
28. F r. Joseph D urham , keeper of th eir new tem ple at San Jose, Cal., is
shown standing before the Wall of Silence. H. Spencer Lewis (inset)
is im perator.
T he E vening Jo u rn a l
W ilm ington, D elaw are
F riday, D ecem ber 14, 1928
Page 18

200 Americans Will Meet In

Egypt for Ceremony of
SAN JOSE. Cal., <AP).—At mid­
night next February 28 In the tem­
ple of Kamak, Egypt, 200 Ameri­
cans, who will have traveled half way
round the world, will enact a cere­
mony dating bnck 3,000 yeara Into
the mystic jxuit.
The ritual which will be employ­ The ritual in the temple at Kar-
ed by a party of Rosicrucians Is to nak. will be part of on Initiation
be patterned on ancient, forms be­ ceremonial and is one of the prin­
lieved to have been devised and car­ cipal objective:* of the tour. The
order claims A s its founder, Amen-
ried on In tiie same room of that Hotep IV. The famous King Tut Is
temple by Amen-Hotep IV, son-in- declared by the order’s lilstorlan to
law of King Tutankhamen, 1350 years have married into Amen-Hotep’s
before the Christian era. family and got possession of the
The members of the Rosieruclan throne. One of Amen-Hotep'a teach­
order, having headquarters here, plan ings was a belief in a single deity,
to embark from New York January whereas, It is set forth against Tut,
10 on a four montlia tour Into the he was a backslider from this faith
more Inaccessible places of the and reestablished the ancient priest­
Orient. They wlU be headed by H. hood. In conjunction with the
8. Lewis, lmperator for the United Egyption Exploration society of
States of the Ancient Order Roaae London, the Roslcrucian Order has
Crucis. The party will assemble provided costumes and equipment of
here January 4 from many points considerable antiquity lor the tem­
along the Pacific coast and from ple ceremony.
CanndA and Mexico. Accommodations for the American
Farther along on the trip they visitors have been arranged for In
will be Joined by others from Rosi- monasteries In and near Kamak.
cruelon centers In Europe and Asia.
T he S unday T im es - Signal

R O O M S 10
Zanesville, O hio
S a tu rd a y , D ecem ber !5, 1928
Page 10 - Section 1

Two Hundred Americans Will
Travel Half Way Around
World For Ceremony
S a n Jose, C a l., D ec. 15.— (41)— A t
m id n ig h t n e x t Feb . 28 In the tem ple
or K a r n a k . E g y p t, . 200 A m e rica n s,
w h o w lU h a ve tra v eled h a lt way
a ro u n t th o w orld, w ll en a ct u cere­
m o n y d a tin g bnclc 3.000 years in to
the m y s tic past.
T h e r it u a l w h ich w ill be em ployed
by a p a rty o f R o a lcru cla n s Is to he
p a tte rn e d a n a n c ie n t fo rm s believed
to ho ve been devised a n d ca rrie d on
In th e sam e room ot th a t te m p le by
A m e n -H o tc p IV . s o n -in -la w o t K in g
T u ta n k h a m e n , 1350 years before the
C h r is t ia n era. •
T h e m e m b e rs o f th e R o s lcru cln n
ord er, h a v in g h e a d q u a rte rs here, plan
to e m b a rk fro m New Y o rk J a n . 10
o n a fo u r - m o n t h to u r Into th e m ore
n accessib le places o f the O rie n t
T h e y w ill be hended by H . S. Lewis,
lm p e ra to r fo r th e U n ite d S la te s of
th e A n c ie n t R r d c r Rosne C ru c ls . The;
p a rty w ill assem ble here J a n . 4 fro in i
m a n y p o in ts a lo n g th e P a c ific coast
a n d fro m C a n a d a a n d M exico.
F a r t h e r a lo n g on th e trip they w ill I
be Jo in ed by o th e rs fro m R o s lcru cln n
cen ters In E u ro p e a n d A sia.
T h e r it u a l in th e te m p le ut K a rn a k
w ill be p a - t o f a n in it ia t io n cere­
m o n ia l a n d Is one o f the p rin c ip a l
o b jectives o f th e to u r. T h e order
c la lr i as Its fo u n d e r A m e n -H o te p IV.
T h e fa m o u s K in g T u t is d eclared by
th o order's h is t o ria n to have m arried
Into A m c n - H o te p 's fa m ily a n d got
possession of th e th ro n e . O ne o:
A m c n - H o te p 's te a ch in g s was a belief
In a sin g e dtety. whereas, i t is set
fo r th a g a in s t T u t , he was a b ackslider:
fr o m th is f a it h a n d reestab lished th e
a n c ie n t p rie sth o o d . In co n ju n ctio n *
w ith th e E g y p t in a E x p lo ra tio n society
o f L o n d o n , th o R o s lc ru c la n O rd e r has
p ro v id e d co stu m e s a n d e q u ip m e n t o f
c o n sid e ra b le a n t iq u it y fo r th e c m p lc
ce re m o n y, ,
A c c o m m o d a tio n s fo r the A m e ric a n
v is ito rs h a r e been a rra n g e d fo r in
m o n a s te rie s in a n d n ear K a rn a k .
T he M orn in g News
W ilm ington, D elaw are
Saturday, December 15,1928
Page 13'

Rosicrucians Goi ig 1

toEgypt to Conduct

Tw o hundred Am erican members oT llie Ancient O rder Ro^a? C ruet,

will take pur: ;:i a trart.ncnal rerenionv at K i r n t k . EU;ypt. nrx ' February 28.
Fr. Joseph D urham . k#ei>er of their new r mple at Sun J C a l i f . . Is shown
stanthne bt-fonr ilie W all c l SFctence. H . Spencer Lewis . t is ini|>enitor
Rosicrucians Going to Egypt
To Conduct Old Initiation Rite

Tw o h u n d re d A m e ric a n member* o f the A n c ie n t O rd e r Roaae C ruel* wtu

take p a rt In a tra d itio n a l cerem ony at K a m a k . E g yp t, neat Feb. 28. F r Jo*e^ i
D u rh a m , keeper o f th e ir new tem ple at S a n Jose. C a l.. Is shown sta n d in g before
the W a ll o f Silen ce. H . Spencer Lew is (inset > Is im perm tor.

S A N J O S E . C a l., UP>— A t m id n ig h t F a r th e r a lo ng on the trip they will

n e x t Feb. 28. In the tem ple of K a rn a k . be jo ined by others from R o s ic ru c ia n
Eg yp t. 200 A m erican* , w ho w ill have centers in E uro pe a n d A sia.
traveled h a lf w av ro u n d the w orld, will
en a ct a cerem ony d a tin g b a ck 3,000 T h e ritu a l In the tem ple a t K a m a k
years Into the m ystic past. w ill be p a rt of an in itia tio n cerem onial
T h e ritu a l w h ich w ill be em ployed by and is one of the p rin c ip a l objectives
a p a rty of R osicrucJana Is to be p a t­ of the tour. T h e order cla im s as Us
terned on a n c ie n t fo rm s believed to fo under. A m e n -H o te p IV . T h e fam ous
have been devised a n d ca rrie d on in K in g T u t Is declared by the order's
the la m p room of th a t tem p le by A m e n - h isto ria n to have m a rrie d in to A m e n -
H otep IV , s o n -in -la w o f K in g T u t a n k ­ H otep's fa m ily a n d got possession of
ham en. 1,380 years before the C h r is ­ th e thro ne One of A m e n -H o te p *
tian era. tea ch in gs was a belief in a single deity,
T h e m em bers o f the R o a icru cia n o r ­ whereas, it is set fo rth a g a in st T u t. he
der. h a v in g hea d q u a rters here, plan to was a b a ckslid er fro m th is fa ith and
em b a rk fro m New Y o r k J a n . 10, on a re-established the a n cie n t priesthood.
fo u r m o n th s' to u r in to the m ore Inac­ In co n ju n ctio n w ith the E g y p tia n E x ­
cessible place* o f the O rie n t T h e y wUl p lo ra tio n society, of L o n d o n , the R o s i­
be headed by H 8 Lewis. 1mper*tor c ru c ia n order has provided costumes
Chattanooga Sunday Times
fo r the U n ite d S u ite s of the A n cie n t and equipm ent of considerable a n tiq u i­ Chattanooga, Tennessee
O rd e r R osae Cruel*. T h e p a rty will ty fo r the tem ple cerem ony.
assem ble here J a n . 4 fro m m a n y points A cco m m o d a tio n s fo r the A m e rica n Sunday, December 16,1928
along the P a c ific coast a n d from C a n ­ visitors have been a rranged for in m o n ­ Page 45
ada a n d M ex ico . asteries in a n d n ea r K a m a k .
St. Louis P ost-D ispatch
St. L ouis, M issouri
S unday, D ecem ber 16,1928
Page 1 - P a r t VI
P a r ty t o H o ld CVrcwtoAjr to H oorn
W b m * It I* Said to H a v e
O r i^ n a lc d .
Hr th f A tfto c ia ttd I 'r r M
I S A N JO S E , Cal.* D ee. 1$.— At
m id n ig h t F e b . 2* in th e te m p le o f
lv a rn a k . E * y p t. A m e rica n * w ill
e n a c t a c e r e m o n y d a tin g b a ck 3000
y ea r s. T h e r itu a l w h ic h w ill be
e m p lo y e d b y th e p a rty o f A m e rica n
H o sieru eia n * is to be p a tte r n e d on
a n c ie n t fo r m s th o u g h t to h a v e b een
5 d ev ised an d ca rried on in th e s a m e
room o f th e te m p i . I y A m en*
H o tep IV, * o n -ln -la w o f K in g T u t­
a n k h a m e n , 1350 year* b efo r e th e
C h ristia n era.
T h e Ko*tcru*-inn* p lan to em l*ark
from N ew York J a n . 10 o n a fo u r -
m o n th to u r in to atrnort tnacceaulbh-
p la o 'S in th e O rien t. T h e y w ill tie
h ea d ed b y If. 8. L ew is, tm per& tor
fo r th e t'n ite d S la te s o f t h e A n ­
c ie n t O rd er H ou se C ru cis.
l T h e ritu a l a t K a rn a k w ilt b e p art
o f an in itia tio n c e r e m o n y a n d is
o n e o f th e p r in c ip a l o b je c tiv e * o f
th e to u r. T h e o rd er c la im s a s It*
fo u n d e r. A m ^ n -lfo te p IV . O n e o f
A r n e n -H o te p s te a c h in g s w a s a b e ­
lie f m a s in g le d ie ty . In c o n ju n c ­
tio n w ith th e E g y p tia n E x p lo r a tio n
S o c ie ty o f L on d on , th e H o sicru cla n
O rd er ha* p ro v id ed c o stu m e * a n d
e q u ip m e n t o f c o n sid e r a b le a n tiq u ity
fo r th e te m p le c e r e m o n y .
A c c o m m o d a tio n s fo r th e A m e r i­
ca n viaitor* h a v e b een a r r a n g e d for
In m o n a ste r ie s in an d
The Tampa Tribune
Tampa, Florida
Sunday, December 16,1928
Page 10

Rosicrucians E g y p t Bound

Former Tampan W ill

Lead Members Into
Egypt for Ceremony
W o rd r * i w •e ster d a y fro m
C a lif th a t D r H S p e n c e r Lew is, w ho
I used to b» head of th e R osier uc tan
o rd e r In T a m p a . is p re p a rin g to lead
a flo ck to E g y p t to co n d u ct a n old
im ita tio n rtte.
I D r. Lew is, in T a u ip u d u rin g the
boom d a v s . p la n n e d to p u t u p a 15-
story tem ple here, but It d id n 't rise
T h r o rder h a d a b u ild in g on M e m o ria l
hig h w a y, got a ra d io station in o p e r­
a tio n lo r a tim e, a n d then the o u tfit
pulled out fo r C a lif o r n ia . T h e d o cto r
w ill take h is p a rty to E g y p t in J a n ­
uary. th e In itia tio n cerem o ny being
1set fo r Eeb 2®. T lie r e Wax n o in t im a ­
tio n as to w h e th er any Tam pans
would be in clu d e d m th e p a rty.
T h e ritu a l in the tem p le at K a m a k
w ill be p a rt o f a n in itia tio n ce re m o n ia l
a n d is one o f th e p rin c ip a l objectives
o f the to u r. T h e o rd er c la im s as its
T w o b u n d r r d A m r r t r m m rm t> er> of t h r i n f i r m O r d e r K o * a r < rilfi? founder. A m e n -H o te p IV . T h e fam ous
w i l l t a k e p a r t <g a r r r r m a m i n K a r n a k , E f f p > - **exl t r b ’ K I'r. J o s e p h K in g T u t is d e c la re d by th e order's
D urham , h rrp rr of Ih n r n r« t r m p l r In > . m J o ^ r , C a l i f - i t s h o w n h isto ria n to have m a rrie d in to A in e n -
s t a n d i n g b e f t i r e t h e w a l l o f s i l e n c e . II S p e n c e r L e w i s . t i n s e t t f o r m e r l y o f H n te p * fa m ily a n d .g o t possession of
T * « | M . I* i r o p r r a t o r . the th ro n e. O n e of A m e n - H o t e p s
te a ch in g s was a belief in a single
deity, w hereas. it is set fo rth against
Tut h e was a b a ckslid er fro m tht>
fa it h a n d re -e sta b lish e d the ‘ a n cien t
priestho od In co n ju n c tio n w ith the
E g y p tia n E x p lo ra tio n So ciety o f L o n ­
don. th e R u M rru c ia n o rd e r h a s p ro ­
vided costum es and equ ipm en t of
co n sid e ra b le a n tiq u ity fo r th e tem ple
cerem ony.
Daily Clarion-Ledger
Jackson, M ississippi
Sunday, December 16,1928
Page 9

Ceremony W ill Be Held in

Temple of Karnak, Egypt

in February

SAN JOSE. Cal. Dec. 15.—<AP>—

At midnight next February 28 in the
temple of Karnak. Egypt, 200 Amer­
icans, who will have traveled half
way round the w orld, w ill enact a
ceremony dating back 3.000 years
into the mystic past.
The ritual which will be employed
by a party of Rosicrucians is to be
patterned on aniien t forms believed
to have been d ev ised rnd carried on
in the same loom of that temple by
Amcn-Hotep IV. son-in-law of King
Tutankhamen, 1350 years before the
Christian era.
The members of the Rosicrucian
order, having headquarters here,
plan to embark from New York
January 10 on a four m onths tour
l n t a t h e more inecccssible places of
the Orient. They will be headed by
H. S. Lewis, lmperator for the U ni­
ted States of the Ancient Order
Rosae Crucis. The party will as­
semble here January 4 from many family and got possession of the
points along the Pacific coast and
from Canada and Mexico. throne. One of Amen-Hotep’s
Farther along on the trip they will teachings was a belief in a single
be Joined by others from Rosicrucian deity, whereas. It Is set forth against
Tut, he was a backslider from this
centers in Europe and Asia. faith and reestablished the ancient
The ritual in the temple at Kar­ priesthood. In conjunction with the
nak will be part of an initiation
ceremonial and is one of the prin­ Egyptian Exploration society of Lon­
cipal objectives of the tour. The don. the Rosicrucian Order has pro­
order claims as Its founder, Amen- vided costumes and equipment of
Hotep IV. The famous King Tut is considerable antiquity for the temple
declared by the order's historian to
have married into Amen-Hotep’s ■------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Sunday, December 16,1928
The American Weekly Section
Page 21

Whatever may he your dreams lor

the future, or your obstacles fit present,
the Rosi crucian teachings will give you
Mastership over you. self your
conditions. In every thousands
have proved this.
If you a re a »r<* seek er t«»r a b e f .
ter life an-1 wilting t<» st udy and evolve
daily you ma> have a \f U KE ro p y of
t h i s pr i vat e book, postag e prepaid. Wr i t e
a letter, a post card, nuking for it.
The Evening Star
Washington, District of Columbia
Thursday, December 20, 1928
Page 33

Rosicrucians to Hold Old J
Ceremony in Temple of
King Tut’s Kin.
Dr the A sso c ia te d Pres*.
BAN JOSE. Calif., December 20.—At
tnldnighr next February 28. In the Tem­
ple of Karnak. Egypt. 200 Americans,
who will have traveled half way round
the world, will enact a ceremony dating
back 3.000 years Into the mystic past. The ritual in the temple at Karnak
The ritual which will be employed by Will be part of an initiation ceremonial,
ft party of Rosicrucians is to be pat­ and Is one of the principal objectives of
terned on ancient forms believed to the tour. The order claims as its
have been devised and carried on in the founder Amen-Hotep IV. The famous
same room of that temple by Amen- King Tut is declared by the order's his­
Hotop IV, son-in-law of King Tut- torian to have married into Amcn-
•nkh-Aman, 1,350 years before the Hotep's family and got possession of
Christian era. the throne. On*- of Amen-Hotep's
The members of the Roslcrucian Or­ teachngs was a belief in a single deity,
der. having headquarters here, plan to whereas, it is set forth against Tut. he
embark from New York January 10 on was a backslider from this faith and re-
a four-month tour into the more in­ es*ablished the ancient priesthood. In
accessible places of the Orient. They conjunction with the Egyptian Explora­
will be headed bv H S Lewi', imperator tion Society of London, the Rosicrucian
for the United States of the Ancient Order has provided costumes and equip­
Order Rosae Cruets. The party will ment of considerable antiquity for the
assemble here January 4 from many temple ceremony.
points along the Pacific Coast and from Accommodations for the American
Canada and Mexico. visitors have been arranged for In mon­
Farther along on the trip they will be asteries hi and near Karnak.
Joined by others from Roslcrucian cen­ --- ------------- • ----- —--------
ters in Europe and Asia.
T h e P e rr y D aily J o u r n a l
P e rry 7, O k la h o m a
T h u rs d a y , D e c e m b e r 20, 1928
P age 1
Rosicrucians Going To Egypt To
Conducts Old Initiation Rite

Two hundred A m erican m em bers of the A n cien t O rder Rosae

Cruets w ill lak e part in a traditio n al cerem ony at K a rn a k , Eg yp t, next
F e b ru a ry 28. P r. Joseph Durham, keeper of their new temple at San
Jo se, C a l„ is shown standing before the W a ll of Sile n ce. H. Sp en cer
L e w is (In s e t) Is perator.
SA N JO SE, Co!., Dec., 20—(/T>)— ant! Mexico.
At m idnight next F ebruary 28 in the F a rth e r along on the trip they will
temple of K arnak, Egypt, 200 A m er­ be joined by others from Rostcrucian
icans, tvho will have traveled half centers in Europe and Asia.
way around the world, will enact a The ritu al in the tem ple a t Kur-
ceremony d ating buck 3,000 years in­ nnk will be p a rt or an initiation cere­
to the mystic post. monial and is one of the principal
The vitual which will be employ­ objectives of the tour. The order
ed by a p arly o f Kosicrucinns Ss to claims as its founder, Anicn-Kotcp
be patterened on ancient form s be­ IV. The fam ous King T u t is declared
lieved to have been devised and car­ by the o rder's historian to have m a r­
ried on in the sam e room of th a t ried into Amen-H ntep's fnm ily and
tem ple by Amen-Holop IV, son-in- got possession of th e throne. One of
law of King T utankham en, 1350 A m en-H otep’s teachings w as n be­
years before the Christian era. lief in a single deity, w hereas, it is
The members of the Roaicrucinn se t fo rth ag ain st T ut, .he w as a back­
order, having h eadquarters here, slider from this fa ith and reestablish­
plan to embark from Now York J a n ­ ed th e ancient priesthood. In con­
uary 10 on a fo u r mopths tour into junction w ith the Egvptiiin E xplora­
the more inaccessible places of the tion society of London, the Rosi-
Orient. They tPill The hehtltfd "by TI. ‘clhlclair (JTOil1 has provided costumes
S. Lewis, im perntor for the United and equipm ent of considerable a n ti­
S tates of the A ncient Order Rosae quity for the tem ple ceremony.
i ’rucis. The p a rty will assemble hure Accommodations fo r the American
Jan u ary 4 from mnny points along visitors hnvo been arranged for in
Ihc Pacific coast and from Canada m onasteries in and near Knrnuk.
T h e B u rlin g to n F re e P re ss a n d T im es
B u rlin g to n , V e rm o n t
F rid a y , D e c e m b e r 2 1 ,1 9 2 8
P ag e 12

m icRvcim com

T w o h u n d r e d A m e ric a n m e m b e rs of th e A n c ie n t O rd e r R a w C ru ris
w ill ta k e p a r t in a tr a d itio n a l r e r e m o n r a t K a rn a k . F r y p t. n e x t F e b ru ­
ary 2*. F r. Jo se p h P a r h a m , k e e p er o f th e ir new te m p le a t S a n Jo se. C al.,
h sh o w n s ta n d in g b e fo re th e W all o f S ilence, H . S p e n c e r L r u is tim e t/
is im p e ra to r.
T h e B u rlin g to n F re e P re s s a n d T im es
B u rlin g to n , V e rm o n t
F rid a y , D e c e m b e r 2 1 ,1 9 2 8
P a g e 12

SAN JOSE, Cal.. Dec. 29. At coast and from Canada and Mexico. ;
midnight next February 28 in the Farther along on the trip they will
be Joined by others from Rosicrucian
temple of Karnak. Egypt, 2<X> Ameri­ centers In Europe and Asia.
cans, who will have traveled half The ritual in the temple at Karnak
way ro u n d th e world, will enact a will be part of an inflation cere­
cerem ony d a tin g back 3.000 years in to monial and is one of the principal ob­
th e m ystic past. jectives of the tour. The order claims
The ritual which will be employed as its founder, Amen-Hotep IV. The
• by a party of Roslrrucians is to be famous King Tut is declared by the
, patterned on ancient forms believed order's historian to have married
to have been devised and carried on into Amen-Hotep's family and got
in the sam e room of that temple by possession of the throne. One of
A m en-H otep IV, ao n -in -law of King Amen-Hotep's teachings was a belief
Tutankhamen, 1,350 years before the In a single deity, whereas, it is set
Christian era. forth agaliift Tut, he was a back­
The members of the Rosicrucian slider from this faith and re-rstab-
order, having headquarters here, plan lished the ancient priesthood. In con­
to embark from New York January junction with the Egyptian Explora­
10 on a four months tour into the tion Society of London, the RoMrru-
more Inaccessible place* of the Orient. cian Order has provided costumes
They will be headed by H. 8. Leads. and equipment of considerable an­
! import tor for the Cnited States of tiquity for the temple ceremony.
the Ancient Order Rosae Crucls. The Accommodations for the American
party wtll assemble here January 4 visitors have been a rra n g ed for i n ,
from many points along the Pacific monasteries in and near K a rn ak .
The Sunday Missoulian
Missoula, Montana
Sunday, December 23, 1928
Editorial Section
Page 6

Two hundred American members of the Ancient Order Rosae

Crucis will take part in a traditional ceremony at Karnak,
Egypt, next February. Fr, Joseph Durham, keeper of their
new temple at San Jose, Cal., is shown standing before the
Wall of Silence. H. Spencer Lewis (inset) is imperator.
The Sunday Missoulian
Missoula, Montana
Sunday, December 23, 1928
Editorial Section
Page 6

Two hundred American members of the Ancient Order Rosae

Crucis will take part in a traditional ceremony at Karnak.
Egypt, next February, Fr. Joseph Durham, keeper of their
new temple at San Jose, Cal., is shown standing before the
Wall of Silence. H. Spencer Lewis (inset) is imperator,
Bail Jose. Cal — A t midnight F arth er along on th e trip they
next February 28 tn th e temple of will be Joined by others from Rosi-
K arnak. Egypt. 200 Americans, who
cructan centers In Europe and Asia.
will have traveled h alf way around
th e world, will enact a ceremony The ritual In the tem ple at K ar­
d ating hack 3.000 years Into the nak will be p art of an Initiation
mystic past ceremonial and Is one of the prin­
T he ritual which will be employed cipal objectives of th e tour. The
by a party of Raslcruclans Is to be order claims as Its founder. Amen-
p atterned on ancient form s believed Hotep IV. The fam ous King T ut
to have been devised and carried on Is declared by the order's historian
In th e same room of th a t temple to have married into Amen-Ho-
by Amen-Hotep IV, fathpr-ln-law of tep’s family and got possession of
King Tutankham en. 1350 years be­ the throne. One of Amen-Hotep’s
fore th e Christian era. teachings was a belief In & single
Tile members of th e Roelcruclan deity, whereas. It Is set forth against
order, having headquarters here, Tut. he was a backslider from this
plan to embark from New York Xalth and reestablished the ancient
•January 10 on a four m onths’ tour priesthood. In conjunction with the
into th e more Inaccessible place* of Egyptian Exploration society of Lon­
the O rient. They will be headed by don. the Roslcructan order has pro­
H. 8. Lewis, Im perator for the vided costumes and equipment of
United States or the Ancient Order considerable antiquity for the tem­
Rosae Crucis. The party will assem­ ple ceremony
ble here January 4 from m any points Accommodations for the Ameri­
along th e Pacific coast and from can visitors have been arranged for
C anada and Mexico. In monasteries In and near Karnak.
T h e W a co N e w s-T rib u n e
W a co , T ex as
S a tu rd a y , D e c e m b e r 22, 1928
P ag e 9

Americans to Egypt for Old Rite

♦ ♦ ♦ 0 0 9

200 Rosicrucians to Conduct Old Initiation Feb. 28

T w o h u n d re d A m eric an m em ber* o f th # A n n e n t O rd e r fl>"* <V . t will

ta k e p a r t tn a tra d itio n a l « rrero n n jr a t K i t n a k . E g y p t, ***** > *'r
t ‘ Jr.aeph Ilu rn a rn k r r p * r o f th * ir n < * te m p le a t Mao J o a* C \rhf • •♦••an
■ ta n d in c b efo re tl - W a ll of rn an. * H * p r n '* r L #w ta «in#et* »• . p. » r a u r
MAN J O S E . C a h f . D w 51 -IA I»> o b i-, ti%aa o f th e t o u r T i e rrd rr
A t m td n lr b t n e a t Keb 2* n th* t r m - H aim * ■■ ita fo u n d e r \ r . n -H o te p
pie o f K a m a k . r* '» p : 300 A m ertran * IV . T h e fa m o u s H i m T it la d*
w h o w ill h a » e tra v e le d h a lf w a y * *re d b y th # o r d e r # h *• r a n tn
ro u n d th e w o rld w ill r t t a t a r # r a - b a a # f r a m e d in to A w 'ii- H o te p 'i
trum y d a tin g h a r k . 30*#) > e a n in to f „ r , a n d c o t por*r*«i n o f tn .

“ r y F S i l a ’ S S rt. w iD b. «>«»
b y a p a r ty o f fb w ir ru r ana la f « **«• * * • * *»» ■ ►r * !* a * 11*
p a tte r n e d on a m le n t f- r r a a believe,! * h e r - a t- It la *-4 f o r th a . ainat T ut
t 'j h a t e b»*n devt*. I a n ! r a r r t « d o n ^ * #a * b a « k * # lid -r f r th ta fa ith
in th e M a n room « t th a t tem p .* b y 4 n ,| f , . «t*t t«*h*d th # an • nt pr»e»*
A m en lln te p IV . aett tn la # o f K in d *,,» ,j j„ , m ju n ctio n w ith th E c y p
, T u ta n a h a u e n . IS iu > »ara o efo r# th * u , n eaplr.-ratm n s o c ie ty o f L ondon,
C h rta tia n * ra t»». !lf«u-i i .a n o rd e r h a a proa.dr,}
t'lMir M onth*’ T o u r <*<*tun e# a n d e q u ip m e n t * >*r
T h * m - uUKra » f u , - I; •* ru e ja n u i t t a u t t y f e r th # t«nipl# c«re-

I o rd e r ha* in* h e a d e r ta re ra

to e m b a rk Im m N *w Y ^r* Ja*. 19

on a fo u r m o n th s to u r In to t h - m o re
m ,)nv

A ccom m odati-m a fo r tb a A m eric an

h a v # b»«n arrm n«ed f** m
tn ac cca aild e p la re a o f th# t i m n t ^ ^ t e r . - # tn an d r » a r K a m a *
T h # y will b# h e a d e d b y II J* L ew ie
tm p e ra to r fo r t h e t m te d S ta te * of
th e A n rie n t O rd e r flo*a* C ruel* T h e
p a r ty w l’’ a * * 'ru b le h e r e J a n 4 fro m
m a t - p rin t* a lo n e th e p n c .f te e o n « t|
a n d fro m C a n a d a an d H eater.
K a n h r r - r . on th* t r i p th ey
w ill be • v-d b v wetter* fr u m Itoat*
c ru c ia n * m •' " I A ka
In itia tio n C erem unU d
T h * r ..^ a l ,n tr.* U n i | • K am ak
a n il p**t i >i‘ a n te .' <«n •* re -
m utual an d ta o n e o f th* p n n r .p s i
The Waco News-Tribune
W a co , T ex as
S a tu rd a y , D e c e m b e r 22, 1928
P ag e 9

Americans to Egypt for Old Rite

« o ❖ « o ❖
200 Rosicrucians to Conduct Old Initiation Feb. 28

T w o h u n d r e d A m e ric a n m e m b e r s of th e A n c ie n t O r d e r Rosac Cru<ia will

t a k e p a r t in a tr a d i t i o n a l ceremony a t K i m n k , E g y p t, n e x t Frb. - v F r. i
J o s e p h Durham, k e e p e r of th « ir n>-w te m p le a t S a n Jose. C alif. i* shown |
s t a n d i n g b e f o re the W a ll of Silance. H. S p e n c e r L e w is ( i n s e t ) i» impeerator.J
T h e W a c o N e w s-T rib u n e
W a co , T ex as
S a tu rd a y , D e c e m b e r 22, 1928
P ag e 9

R A N J O S E , C a lif., D w . 21,— (A P ) o b je c tiv e s o f t h e to u r . T h e o rd e r

A t m id n ig h t n e x t F e b . 28 in th e t e m ­ c la im s a s ita f o u n d e r . /.m o n -H o te p
p le o f K a r n a k , E g y p t, 200 A m e ric a n * , I V . T h e f a m o u s K in g T u t is d e-
w h o w ill h a v e tr a v e le d h a lf w ay c 'a r e d b y th e o r d e r 's h is to r ia n to
ro u n d th e w o rld , w ill enr. t a c e r e ­ h a v e m a r r ie d in to A m e n -H o te p 's
m o n y d a tin g b ac k , 3000 y e a r s in to fa m ily a n d g o t p o s s e s s io n o f th e
th e m y s tic p a s t.
T h e r i t u a l w h ic h w ill b e e m p lo y e d th ro n e . O n e o f A m e n -H o te p g t e a c h ­
b y a p a r t y o f R o s ic ru c ia n x la to be in g s w a s a b e lie f in a sin g le d e ity ,
p a t t e r n e d o n a n c ie n t f o r m s b e lie v e d w h e r e a s , it is s e t f o r th s r a i n s t T u t,
to h a v e b e e n d e v is e d a n d c a r r ie d on h e w a s a b a c k - s l id e r fro m th is f a ith
in th e s a m e ro o m o f t h a t te m p le b y a n d r e e s t a b l i s h e d th e a n c ie n t p r ie s t-
A m e n - H o te p IV , so n in -la w o f K in g ho d. In c o n ju n c tio n w ith th e E g y p ­
T u t a n k h a m e n , 1350 y e a r s b e fo re th e t i a n e x p lo r a tio n s o c ie ty o f L o n d o n ,
C h r i s t ia n e ra . th e R o s ic r u c ia n o r d e r h a s p ro v id e d
F o u r M o n th s ’ T o u r c o s tu m e s a n d e q u ip m e n t o f c o n s id e r ­
T h e m e m b e r s o f thcr U u s ic r u c in n a b le a n t i q u i t y f o r t h e te m p le c e r e ­
o rd e r, h a v in g h e a d q u a r e r s h e re , p la n m ony.
to e m b a r k fro m N * w Y o rk J a n . 10 A c c o m m o d a tio n s f o r th e A m e ric a n
o n a f o u r m o n th s t o u r in to th»* m o re v is ito r s h a v e b e e n a r r a n g e d fo r in
in a c c e s s ib le p la c e s o f th e O rie n t. m o n a s te r ie s in a n d n e a r K a r n a k .
T h e y w ill b e h e a d e d b y H . R. L e w is ,
i m p e r a to r fo r th e U n ite d S ta t e s o f
th e A n c ie n t O rd e r R o s a e C ru c is . T h e
p a r t y w ill a s s e m b le h e r e J a n . 4 fro m
m a n y p o in ts a lo n g th e P a c if ic c o a s t
a n d fr o m C a n a d a a n d M exico.
F a r t h e r a lo n g o n th e tr ip th e y
w ill be J :n ed b v o t h e r s fro m R o ai-
c r u c ia n e • jp r - -v - n d A sia.
I n i t i a t i o n C e re m o n ia l
T h e r i t u a l in th e te m p le m K a r n a k
w ill h-» p a n o f a n in itia tio n c e r e ­
m o n ia l a n d is o n e o f th e p rin c ip a l
Americans to Egypt for Old Rite
k k k k k k

200 hundred Rosicrucians to Conduct Old Initiation Feb. 28

Two hundred American members of the Ancient Order Rosae Crucis

will take part in a traditional ceremony at Karnak, Egypt, next February
28. Fr. Joseph Durham, keeper of their new temple at San Jose, Cal., is
shown standing before the Wall of Silence. H. Spencer Lewis (inset)
is imperator.

SAN JOSE, Calif., Dec. 21. - (AP) At midnight next Feb. 28 in the
temple of Karnak, \»gypt, 200 Americans, who will have traveled half
way round the world, will enact a ceremony dating back, 3000 years into
the mystic past.
The ritual which will be employed by a party of Rosicrucians is to be
patterned on ancient forms believed to have been devised and carried on
in the same room of that temple by Amen-Hotep IV, son-in-law of King
Tutankhamen, 1350 years before the Christian era.
Four Months’ Tour
The members of the Rosicrucian order, having headquarters here, plan
to embark from New York Jan. 10 on a four months tour into the more
inaccessible places of the Orient. They will be headed by H. S. Lewis,
imperator for the United States of the Ancient Order Rosae Crucis. The
party will assemble here Jan. 4 from many points along the Pacific coast
and from Canada and Mexico.
Farther along on the trip they will be joined by others from
Rosicrucian centers in Europe and Asia.

Initiation Ceremonial
The ritual in the temple at Karnak will be part of an initiation
ceremonial and is one of the principal objectives of the tour. The order
claims as its founder, Amen-Hotep IV. The famous King Tut is declared
by the order's historian to have married into Amen-Hotep's family and
got possession of the throne. One of Amen-Hotep's teachings was a
belief in a single deity, whereas, it is set forth against Tut, he was a
back-slider from this faith and reestablished the ancient priesthood. In
conjunction with the Egyptian exploration society of London, the
Rosicrucian order has provided costumes and equipment of considerable
antiquity for the temple ceremony.
Accommodations for the American visitors have been arranged for in
monasteries in and near Karnak.
Rosicrucians Going to Egypt
To Conduct Old Initiation Rite
S a lt L a k e T e le g ra m
S alt L ak e C ity , U tah
W e d n e sd a y ,
D e c e m b e r 26, 1928
P ag e 7

T w o h u n d re d A m e ric a n m e m b e rs of th e A n c ie n t O rd e r R osas C ru sis

w ill ta k e p a r t in a tr a d itio n a l c e re m o n y a t K a rn a k , Esjypi, n e x t F e b ru a ry
28. F r . J o s e p h D u rh a m , k e e p e r o f t h e i r n ew te m p le a t Sart Jo se , C al., is
sh o w n s ta n d in g b e fo re th e W a ll of S iie n c e . H . S p e n c e r L ew is (in s e t) is
im p e p a to r.
able a n tiq u ity fo r the tem ple cere­
S A N JO SE . Cal. ( A P ) —A t m id ­ m any p oin ts alon g th e P a cific coast m ony.
n ig h t n ext F eb ru ary 28, In th e tem ­ ahd from Canada and M exico. A ccom m odations for the A m eri­
p le oC K arnak. E g y p t. 200 A m eri­ F arther along on the trip they can visito rs have been arranged for
can s. w ho w ill h a v e trav eled h a lf­ w ill, bp Joined b y oth ers from R osl- In m on asteries In and near Karnak.
w a y round th e w orld, w ill e n a c t a cru cian cen ters in E urope and A sia.
cerem on y d a tin g b ack SO0O y ea rs
Into th e m y stic p a st. T h e ritu a l In th e tem p le a t K a r­
T h e r itu a l w h ich w ill bo e m ­ n ak w ill b e part of a n initiation
ployed by a p arty o f R osicru cian s cerem onial and is one of the prin­
is to be p attern ed on a n cien t form s cipal o b jectiv es of the tour. T he
believed to h a v e b een d ev ised and order cla im s a s its founder. A m en -
carried on }n th e sam p room o f th a t H otep IV. The fam ou s Klnjr T u t­
tem p le by A m en -H o tep IV, so n - ankham en is declared by the order's
in -la w o f K in g T u tan k h am en , 1350 h isto rian to - have m arried into
y ea rs before th e C hristian era. A m en -H otep 's fam ily and pot p os­
T h e m em bers of th e Itosicru cian sessio n o f the throne. One of A m en-
order, h a v in g h ead q u arters here, H o tep ’s teach in gs w a s a b elief in a
plan to em bark from N e w y o r k sin g io d eity ; w h ereas, it is se t forth
Jan u ary 10 on a four m o n th s’ tour a g a in st T ut. h e wa3 a backslider
Into th e m ore in accessib le, p laces from h is fa ith and reestablished
o f th e O rient. T h ey w ill bo h ea d ­ Hie a n cien t priesthood. In con ­
ed b y H . S. L ew is, im p erator for ju n ction w ith th e E gy p tia n E x ­
the U n ited S ta te s o f th e A n cien t ploration so ciety of London, the
Order R osae Crucis. T he party Itosicrucian order has provided c o s­
w ill a ssem b le h ere Jan u ary 4 from tum es and equipm ent of consider-
A b ilen e R e p o rte r-N e w s
A b ilen e, T ex as
S u n d a y , D e cem b er 30, 1928
T h e W e s te rn W eekly M a g a z in e S ection
P ag e 8 a n d 10 _ __ __



Two hundred American members of the AnoJcnt Order Rosac Crucio will tak j
p art in a traditional ceremony at Earnok, Egypt- ncxt February 28. i r .
Joseph Durham- keeper of their new temple at San Jose, OaL, ia shown stand­
ing before the Wall of Silence- H. Spencer Lewis (inset) is imperator.

AN JOSE, Cal., 2tl.—At midnight in the same room of that templo by

S next February 28, in the temple Amcu-Hotcp IV, son-in-law of King
of Kfirnak, Egypt, 200 Americans- who Tulntiklwmcn, 1350 years before the
will have traveled half way aronntl Christ Inn era.
tho world, will enact a ceremony d a t­
'i'he members of tho Jtodicrucluu
ing bock 3,000 years into the mystic
order, having hoBfh)iiurter8 here,
plan to embark from New York
The ritual which will be employed January 111, on n four months lour
by it party of Kosierueians is la be into the more iuiieccssildo places of
patterned On ancient forms believed the Orient. They will be headed by
to have been devised and carried on CCcntinoM on page WJ
A b ilen e R e p o rte r-N e w s
A b ilen e, T ex as
S u n d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 1928
T h e W e s te rn W e ek ly M a g a z in e S ection
P a g e 8 a n d 10

Rosicrucians Going-
(Contlnued from pace E)

II, 6. Lewis, imperatoc foe the United

Stales oC tltc Ancient Order Itosno
Crucis. The party will assemble
here January 4 from many points
alonj; the I'ncific coast und from Can­
ada and Mexico.
Farther .-ilong on the trip they will
be juiueii by others from llosicrucinii
center* in Europe mid Asia.
The ritual in the temple at lvarnnk
will to pari ot an initiation ccro-
uouial ur.'l is one of the principal
objective of the tonr- The order
claims as its founder, Arnen-IIolcp IV.
The famous King Tut is declared by
the order s historian to hove married
into (Vinen-llotcp’s family and got
possess lou of the throne. One of
Amen Ilotrp’s teachings was a belief
ill u single deity* whereas, it ij set
forth agdiiml Tut, he was a back­
slider from this faith and reestab­
lished the ancient, priesthood. In eon-
junction with the Egyptian Explora­
tion society or Iximlou, the JRosicru-
cian order has provided costumes
and equipment of considerable an­
tiquity for the temple ceremony.
Accommodations for the American
visitors have bc-'n arranged for in
monasteries in and near Karnnk.

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