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Exercise 8

Watch The five major world religions - John Bellaimey


After which fill in the chart below.

Religion What are their basic belief? (Give at least 3 each)

 Those hindus believe in the doctrines of samara.
 In terms of food hindus mostly prefer a vegetables rather a pork.
 Hindus believe when we die we reincarnate our soul to other
body and they strive to achieve dharma, which is a code of living
that emphasizes good conduct and morality.

 In Judaism they believe only in one God and they believe that
no other Gods.
 They believe that one true God and revolutionary concept in a
 Hinduism believes that when God creating our universe he don’t
ask a favor or help to others.

 They believe that there’s nothing in this world that is permanent
and that everything is changing.
 They believe that there is no eternal unchanging soul and being
that we call self is just a collection of changing characteristics or
 Buddhism believe that all of life is about suffering.

 Christians believe that his father was the Holy Spirit of God,
making Jesus both fully human and fully divine.
 They believe that Jesus birth in December 25 and they called
 Christians believe in the word of Jesus that love one another as
I have loved you.

 They believe in arabic is iman and it simply means to accept as
truth whatever the prophet of islam Muhammad .
 They believe that Allah is the one and only God.
 They believe that their holy book is what they called Quran or

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