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(1) You can read and see refence graph.

You can follow him exactly the same , just

To plot this kind of graph you can see the range of values of C and gamma in my code . and Just my results are
Maximum at C=1 , and Gamma= 0.1 . You can use all other values temporary from yourself . But please check the
plotting of graph same as above model.

The paper I provide you last day , You can get all same idea from it , Just ignore its Figure-1 , My requires are
Figure-2 and 3 in that paper.
This graph you need to plot according to your choice. Only X & Y but comparison with 2-Class and 6 class

Kernel Accuracy
Polynomial 60.0

Linear 50.2

Sigmoid 55.1

RBF 65.8

Kernel Accuracy
Polynomial 85

Linear 79

Sigmoid 83

RBF 90

Note : From there two tables there will be one combine graph.

If any other information or data required , please let me know .

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