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Learning activity 4

Evidence: My presentation outline

A. Find a topic of personal interest. Imagine you are going to present that topic
orally to your teacher and classmates at school. For this part of the evidence
you need to carry out exhaustive research in order to be able to present all the
necessary information related to your selected topic. Report the most important
aspects of your research through a brainstorm of the ideas and concepts that
you think will be relevant to the presentation.


Example of topic: Aviation.

 Aviation refers to the use of commercial and non-commercial aircrafts

for transportation of people or goods.

 The A380, manufactured by the Airbus Industry, is the biggest plane

ever made.


Topic: Technology
 The technology is the knowledge of process and techniques
introduced into machines.
 The technology has been an evolution from the from little thing like
the wheel, passed to the printing, passed to the telephone and after
to the Internet.
 The technology’s purpose is shorter distances; the wheel
communicates the people from one place to another place faster
than walking, the Internet communicates the people by messages,
calls and video-calls.
 The excess of technology is bad, in spite of the ‘good’ purpose, the
technology is breaking real relationships, now the people is moving
away of the people that are really important like family and good
friends because them now are talking by chat with people that don’t
know. Is approaching the unknown people and moving away the
well-know people.
 The business are taking advantage of the technology and they make
strategies to make that the people stay more time in the Social
Networks and their ‘personal places’ each once are bigger than
before and the FAMILY PLACE each once is smaller than before.
The families are falling because in the little moments the parents are
not working and the children are not at school, is expending on the

 We have to react and have priority about our families, decrease the
technology in our lives and interact physically with others. Explore.

B. Now, structure your presentation using the Signpost language learnt during
this learning activity. Present your outline through presentation cards. Use as
many cards as you need.

Remember: Each presentation card should include a

heading, a phrase at the bottom, a number and it should be
organized by numbering and bulleting.



Structure: I’m going to divide this talk into five parts.

1. Early beginnings.
2. Civil aviation.
3. Commercial aviation.
4. Modern aircrafts manufacturers:
a. Airbus.
b. Boeing.
c. Embraer.
5. The most famous aircrafts in history:
a. Concorde.
b. Boeing 747.
c. Airbus A380.

Let’s turn now to the first part: the early beginnings

of aviation…
[Bottom phrase]

1. ¿What’s the technology?

2. The beginning (evolution)

3. The purpose

4. The excess is breaking the purpose

a. Break the purpose

b. Break important relationships

5. Business advantage

a. Big ‘personal places’

b. Shot or nonexistent ‘FAMILY PLACES’

6. Have priorities

a. React

b. Explore

C. To complete the evidence, you must now write a complete list of references
using the guidelines given by the American Psychological Association (APA). Do
not forget to organize your references alphabetically.

 Wikipedia (2021).

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterio de evaluación
Prepara presentaciones orales haciendo uso del vocabulario y las diferentes
estructuras gramaticales requeridas.

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