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The dark past of the African-American community in the United States

Isabellla Bernal Benítez

Sofía Cartagena Zapata
Isabella Romero Vargas

School Padre Manyanet

Juan Sebastián Arango

Humanities: Foreign Language




In this written work we will focus on explaining how was the life of African Americans
living in the United States in the twentieth century and how all around them there
were different characters and situations that helped to promote a better life for their
friends and family of the time and future generations, so we will explain events and
biographies of importance to the history of African descent in the United States.


First we will focus on the years of 1859, and we find John Brown a prominent
character of the abolition of slavery for many was a violent which preferred to use
violence to stop enslaving blacks, but for many was a hero that white and all was
against slavery, helped about 2500 slaves throughout his life, Once some white
villagers approached him for the expulsion of Indians from their own lands and he
flatly refused, but then the United States passed the Fugitive Slave Law (forcing all
states to return the slaves to their owners and which punishes those who help the
slaves to flee) but Brown did not care about this law and founded a military group to
prevent the capture of slaves which was called the League of Gileadites.

In 1854 the law of Kansas Nebraska was approved which was to create these new
states which were north of the line that established which side were slaveholders
and which abolitionists then the promoter of this law proclaimed that this issue was
defined by popular sovereignty in which they were caught with bullets which led to a
civil war, Brown gave arms to the abolitionist sides while the other sides crossed
from Kansas to threaten and battles after battles were given, When Brown got tired
of the pacifist struggle Brown proposed to take up arms and fight violently because
the only way to abolish slavery was violently but the president sent the marines and
they opened fire on everything and Brown was captured and tried for high treason,
conspiracy, murder and sentenced to death and in December 1859 he died.
In 1861 begins the gringo secession war in which the north, known as the union,
confronts the southern states, the slaveholders, this mostly due to the economy and
not for an ethical reason, the war ended in 1865 with the triumph of the union and
from that day proclaimed that the slaves would be freed, however for most slaves
their future would not be very different from what it was before they were freed
because they had many limitations due to their skin color.

In 1865 the Ku Klux Klan was born, this group was justified in a supposed fear of
blacks and blacks opposed to federal reconstruction and the influence that could
have the freed blacks but it was so much racism that the American government itself
declared them a terrorist organization, this was dedicated to pursue blacks and
blacks, burn them alive, castrate them, kill them and put their heads on stakes and
planted differences in every way as between a supposed superior white race and a
supposed subordinate black race.
The difference between black and white people was becoming much stronger not
only in the United States but all over the world, while a white boy could play and
sing, a black girl had to learn her place in society, get used to walk in different
places, see blacks hanging on poles killed for their color, the downtown and
residential neighborhoods were exclusively for whites unless you were a black
employee of the millionaires, The blacks were on the outskirts of the city where the
African-Americans lived. The supremacists called this place Little Africa, but its
inhabitants called them blackwars streets because of the business activity, but the
differences were notorious, for example, the blacks did not have the right to enter
certain places, otherwise they could do it in reserved spaces.

The hunger came in the crisis of 29 and the popularity of the clan decreased
because when there is hunger poor whites and poor blacks forget a little of the
differences that were invented but when the second world war started, members of
the clan supported the Nazis because the members of the ku kux klan not only killed
blacks but also communists socialists anarchists Jews Catholics Latinos emigrants,
but an even more violent group emerged in the late 1920s that surpassed the level of
violence of the clan was the Black Legion, a secret society that murdered, burned
and assaulted blacks, blacks, trade unionists, politicians and opponents of racism,
even killing the father of Malcom X. They spread terror.
Blacks were sent to World War II and with military training they were dressed in white
to serve the white military.
It was already out of control when activist baptist pastor Martin Luther King led a plot
against public buses because of the case of Rosa Parks who refused to be her
encouragement on the bus to a white man. the protest lasted a year until the
supreme court of the country declared racial segregation in Montgomery public
transportation institutional when white segregationists attacked luther king's house
but since he was a pacifist and Christian he did not go any further for this reason
they said that the way luther king fought is the right way to fight, in 1998 Martin
Luther King was supporting a strike, while he was on the terrace of his hotel he was
killed by a segregationist's bullet.
Another group that did not go with the pacifist struggles were The black panthers
which fought against police repression of blacks against white racism, were defined
as a party (the name of black panthers alludes to the character of this wonderful
feline whose nature, but if they are attacked tend to defend themselves) these were
armed in order to neutralize the racist police that until then killed for fun, but they
also distributed breakfasts to boys and girls and reinforced the health for all this the
panthers were registered by the FBI reason for which they invented that they were
drug dealers and many things more, reducing their number to 28 people, some
activists were filled with anarchist thoughts becoming a current against the class
struggle against racial and national oppression, against white supremacy, patriarchy,
capitalism, the state and all kinds of power.


The importance of not discriminate and support people who make them a certain
rejection for things that can not be controlled or just a skin color or a thousand
reasons for the streets to other people uncomfortable, the main thing is that it should
not exist are completely equal people who did not choose that state and make him
go through that, defend their right where we should provide them without any
objection, they are wars and tortures to which they should not be subjected and have
to feel bad for something that is not worth it as a skin color or sexuality, then after
seeing the history that these people had to go through it is very unfair that in the face
of all this people continue to discriminate and not accepting something that is normal
and that we should be proud of because they are a spectacular race where they
have been characterized by exceptional gifts and have stood out for all the things
that matter in their lives.


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