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Gened Test V

23. Central character

1. Express his feelings aloud while alone
24. Perceive meaning from visual images and
2. Conveys a thought/describes scene presentation

3. Execution of Gomburza inspired by? 25. Emphasizes the recipient of the action

4. Sends a message 26. Interpret meaning from visual images

5. 1st American School in the Philippines 27. Solar system (planets)

6. 1st Filipino social novel by pedro paterno 28. Champion “art for arts sake”

7. Aspects of communication 29. Filipino newspaper

8. Wrote “self reliance”/ “envy is ignorance 30. Curved lines used to separate explanation
while imitation is suicide”
31. Hero of Ifugao in the epic of Hudhud
9. Mode of narration in a story
32. Sculptor who fell in love with the things he
10. Overall mood and message had made

11. Crime punishment 33. “Gone with the wind”

12. A rose for Emily 34. Father of dramatic criticism

13. Process of using symbols to communicate 35. Used at the beginning and end

14. Father of English prose 36. Transmit the message to the receiver

15. Father of English poetry 37. Building block of poem

16. Four feet, two feet, three feet 38. Deriving meaning from the text

17. Filipino tutor of Spanish king 39. Focus of makamisa

18. Sending and receiving wordless/ mostly 40. First true novel in English
41. What we think we might happen
19. Present time (happening)
42. 38 plays, 154 sonnets, 2 epic narrative
20. Incomplete sentence poems

21. Writing that is not broken up into poetic 43. Point of origin
44. Poet of love
22. Greatest Indian writer
45. Most outstanding among Filipino

46. Relationship of Zeus and Jupiter

47. Midnight’s children/ the satanic verses

48. Shakespeare of india

49. Battle among the gods / good or evil

50. Initiator of communication

51. Subject matter

52. Letter

53. French for rebirth

54. Gym, mic, tv

55. Seeing place (theater)

56. Napoleonic invasion of Russia

Aliguyon Civil war Noise Ralph waldo Sender
Protagonist Ninay Aristotle Theomachy Counterpart

Oscar wilde Simple future Tone William Quotation

tenses faulkner marks
Oedipus Philippine Non-verbal Viewing Pedro Serrano
normal communication laktaw
Sentence Pascual poblete Clipping Rizal’s El fili Theme
Speaker Philippine Kalidasa Wilfredo ma. Jose Corazon de
Guerrero jesus
Pygmalion Channel Robinson Theatron Stanza
William Playwright Washington Prose Roman
shakespeare irving mythology
Tagore Epistolary Parentheses Renaissance Passive voice

Fyodor Reading Writing Soliloquy Progressive

dostoyevsky comprehension tense
Poetry William Geoffrey Visual literary Social aspect
Tyndale Chaucer
War and peace Point of view

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