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ISSN 0857-3050
!"#<3[%=068"[J" H?01=B0H[vI$E=>0)"765Aa-$ Over the past 3-4 years, a number of activist
ASA COMMITTEE =[EH1234#[%60#5.Z;A#/!"A7A7t][y€c }MMkVS'fVpOUU groups and architects have ignited interest in the
issues and ideas of Social architecture by projecting a
uD-E5)`"A7A7t][y€c340"60#$$6;%% ]0Z!^4"7+##d60# picture aimed at defining a better understanding of the
+,-1,@a-$?/0 VqOjh oMS UTV ‚UTVS ƒ„…2 !")* A†d† role an architect plays toward society and creating a

ON ‡ˆˆ( 5Aa-$^$6Z‰E0"$$6;%%+,-1,$ZG/Y3Z+[-?2)1,C"40+,-
#[%!@4H"5A,ZE Š„… !"Iy<+,-H" ƒ !" Š„ H" 5)`"
better understanding of society in relation to the pro-
fession of architecture, a vocation viewed previously
689/1H"+,-21/2345I40>DE%#760#340"60#$$6;%%+,-1,$ZG/ as serving the higher class of the social structure

and capitalism only. Even David Harvey, a renowned
+[-?2)58Z "7+##d60#",J234;=3E.8E0"I$E=>0)"76 professor of Human Geography, has mentioned the
"[6$$6;%% !"340"^/0E‹ 67-69"*+,-.;<5)7("&A3545.&Y3Z domination of capitalism in terms of physical space
5"4"!C45CF"?/060#$$6;%%=010#>Z6#<3[%;64)_vC0 when he described that ‘form follows profit as well as
!C4689/1H"5C8/0",J234$Z/0E2#%40E function.’ His statement reflects the relationship and

Nattawut Usavagovitwong
radical effects of capital investment on the formation
and development of the physical environment. How-
02 ever, a number of activists and architects have also
helped to explain and visualize this working process
describing how to achieve product from this system.
The emphasis has been placed on creating a space to
work with people who lack an opportunity to access
architecture services, which is a large majority of the
people in the society. Activists carried this out
together with the Association of Siamese Architects,
Government agencies and both profit and non-profit
organizations, etc. Their activities included helping to
THE EMPHASIS HAS BEEN PLACED ON support the design responsibilities of the construction
of homes for disaster victims of the tsunami, supporting
CREATING A SPACE TO WORK WITH PEOPLE workshops to create opportunities for students and
!"#$% &'( )*+,-./0"102345673689/167:6##1;8< WHO LACK AN OPPORTUNITY TO ACCESS young architects to explore their role and ability to
sustain society, as well as aid in supporting the Com-
=>0)"76?7@0@,A:B0"?"C"D-E 234:93)#<53F";8<6/$#G) ARCHITECTURE SERVICES, WHICH IS A LARGE
munity Act Network: CAN and so on.
H?01H73 !"#$%&'(()*+,-. /01)IDJ" KLMNOPQ RSNTO' MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE IN THE SOCIETY. At an international level, the importance of social
UVNUWSVX Y3Z#/?16["\0Z]0A!C45CF">DE%+%0+I$E architects has been broadcast at Cooper-Hewitt National
=>0)"76+,-1,^/$=[EH1!"?E6?40E +/01680EH?015I40!: 01 !"#$%&'()*+,-.*-/).'012' ;14?/0=>0)_^Z6##15Aa-$=[EH1"[J"5)`"+,->G668/0?>DE Design Museum under the exhibition entitled, ‘Design
for the other 90%’ in 2011, reinforcing the notion that,
I$E=[EH1+,-1,^/$?7@0@,A=>0)_^Z6##1?/05)`"?7@0@,A 3-45,0'678'901:)024';0:/),
!"=[EH12+Z1021/"0" ;^/)#[@v0AaJ"x0"I$E;"?H73 in general, existing design works have been used by
5Aa-$^$%="$EYH#E=#40E=/?"%"I$E=[EH1;8<#<%%+9" CD,41E'F0)G'FA0HE50*.IJ' @93",J2346/$#G)!"=[EH12+Z10"0"6?/0 & +d?##e Y3Z only 10%, while 9 in 10 people fall into the category
"7Z15+/0"["J C#a$;14;^/53?73 b0#c?Z, c +,5- )`"d0=^#0:0#Zc K)..1EL4)4 1,=?/ ")#<6$%$Z/0E"4$Z ‡ =/?" =/?"+,C- "DE- 234#%[ $7+t7A8 of those who do not have access to current design
@a-$3[E340"]G17d0=^#c1"9eZc KfWgPh iVMjSPkTlX 234 :06+Œe,=>0)_^Z6##15$E+,-AZ0Z01^[JEHB0>01>DE services. This exhibition shows the work of architects
5HZ68/0?>DE]0?<60#5I40H#$%EB0AaJ"+,-+0E60Z]0AI$E 1B") )/ +/4CD(EFBG"0 !"#$%&'(()'/: 0/ 1) $0+7 and designers in different fields who create works for
the low-income bracket, emphasizing how design can
#<%%+9""7Z1?/0 mnMSg oMQQMpq kSMrU Pq pVQQ Pq E0"5I,Z"58/1=B0H[vI$E ŽPhoSVM PoWSO 5#a-$E RSNTO' function to leverage / find solutions for these groups
oWhNUOMhs1 +,-=<+4$"!C45CF"@93H?01=[1A["tcI$E#<%% UVNUWSV Ph ‘UMkOP& K]0A ŠX +,"- 0B 5="$+0E58a$6$a"- ‹ of people.
+9"+,-1,.8^/$60#6/$#G);8<5)8,-Z";)8E=]0A;?384$1 I$E%+%0+=>0)"76+,-Z[EH9y)#<YZ@"c^/$=[EH1106IDJ" Although social architecture seems to have only
60Z]0A$Z/0E>DE#06 $Z/0E2#6F^01689/167:6##1;8< +,-!"#<3[%?7@0@,A=010#>5CF"234:06E0"I$E ’WSPQ recently gained attention and focus in Thailand, the
philosophical basis of this concept actually took root in
=>0)"76:B0"?"C"D-E234IZ0Z!C45CF"]0A60#+B0E0"5)`" LUWOM K]0A ‡'(X“ ‘S”Ph TOh{ Ph{ K]0A ˆX“ Thai society some three decades ago in the format of
.87^.8]0H68[%I$E#<%%",J 23&*45467-'"( (5"0+,8467- •–~ K]0A+,- —X :">DE.8E0"I$E RhhP fVSOhjVS at least two components. One section was influenced
'"(69"0"4'/:;<567-="32.'" >4'"(*=5"!?0:(@'"(6"0 ;8< ˜O{V ’MqpPj +,-234#[%#0E?[8+0E=>0)_^Z6##1 by the architecture itself, a theory that attempts to
!"#$%&'(() uD-E5)`"H"689/1!Cv/I$E=[EH1 ]0Z!^4 :06 RjP ™TPh nMWhPUOMh K]0A š'›X w8w :">DE question the relationship between architecture and
society, such as the significant writing work of Manfredo
67:6##1+,-3B05"7"10#/?16[%=10H1=>0)"76=Z01w %+%0+I$E=>0)"76^/$=[EH1;8<@91@"+,-2345)`"+,- Tafuri - Architecture and Utopia (Fig. 1) which offered
C"/?ZE0"]0H#[x $EHc6#+[EJ ;=?EC0;8<21/;=?EC06B02# #G4:[6!"?E6?40E Y3Z }PgVSMh LOhNQPOS ;8< ™PUV other alternatives for the role of the architect that
w8w $0+7 60#="[%="9"H?01@/?Z5C8a$340"60#$$6;%% LUMTS ;C/E RSNTOUVNUWSV oMS fWgPhOUl( !"x0"< could be more beneficial to the society. In terms of
01 %40"A[6.G)4 #<=%][Z!"6#y,A%7 ^[ ]7 Z[ =D"017 60#="[%="9" +,-5)`"$EHc6#+,-=#40EAaJ"+,-!C4567360#+B0E0"340"",J106 professional work, this approach can be seen in the
zMS{qTMk 5Aa-$5)|3Y$60=!C4"[6dD6e0;8<Z9?=>0)"76 IDJ" 5)`"^4" =>0)"76+,-234#[%$7+t7A8:06;"?H73!"689/1 design work of Rural Studio (Fig. 2-4), Urban Think
Tank (Fig. 5), TYIN (Fig. 6) and within the works of
5CF"%+%0+;8<H?01=010#>I$E^"5$E!"60#:##Y8E ",J:<!C4"!‰C"[66[%%#760#+0E=>0)_^Z6##1!"#G);%% Anna Heringer and Eike Roswag who received the
=[EH1 ^8$3:"60#="[%="9"5H#a$I/0Z67:6##15Aa$- @91@" )#<@0=E5H#0<Cc KLMNOPQ zVQoPSVX +,-5"4"60#1,=/?" architectural award from the Aga Khan Foundation (Fig.
}MggWhOUl RNU ~VUpMS{ }R~X 5)`"^4" #/?1!"60#..'H::(GB)'/:IJ)I4 7-8), etc. Furthermore, the role of architects towards

92 ASA ASA COMMITTEE !"#!"$!%! !"#!"$!%! ASA COMMITTEE ASA 93
=/?"+,-=$E234#[%$7+t7A8:06+Œe,+0E=[EH1d0=^#c $Z/0E2#6F^01^#0%:")_::9%[" =>0)"76:B0"?"21/ THESE IDEAS SPARKED INTEREST WITH SOME
;8<#[xd0=^#c +,-56,-Z?I4$E6[%60#1,=/?"#/?1;8<HB0>01 "4$ZZ[EHE5CF"?/0=>0)_^Z6##15Aa-$=[EH1"[J"21/2341,"[Z ARCHITECTS TO RE-ENVISION THEIR ROLE IN
^/$YH#E=#40E=[EH1 ^8$3:"%+%0+I$E)#<@0=[EH1 =B0H[v!"+0E+Œe,C#a$H?015)`";I"EI$Ed0=^#c5\A0< ENGAGING AND DRIVING SOCIAL CHANGE.
!"60#A[œ"0 @93H?01H73",J:93)#<60Z=>0)"76%0E 340"$["!3+,-:<>G6:[3)#<5]+$$610:06=>0)_^Z6##1'
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'"(*#K7&- 4H#K0 0/ 1) =>0)_^Z6##15Aa$- =[EH15)`"+,- 5Aa-$#[%!@45)¤0C10Z%0E$Z/0E ;^/6F1,$,6=/?"68[%5CF"?/0
68/0?>DE!"+0E?7@060#$,6H#[JE5 ]0Z!^46#$%+Œe,!Cv/ 6#<%?"60#)¢7%[^7?7@0@,A!"=0I0I$E=>0)_^Z6##1
?/034?Z5#a$- E =7+t7+:,- <$ZG!/ "51a$E KTV ’OjTU UM UTV }OUlX 5Aa$- =[EH11,H?01;^6^/0E$Z/0E1,"Z[ =B0H[v:06=>0)_^Z'
$["5)`";"?H73+,#- 57 #71- Y3Z fVhSO VoV”žSV "[6=[EH1?7+Z0 6##1d0=^#cY3Z+[-?2)!"340"6#<%?"60#$$6;%%;8<
51a$E=0Z ŽPSŸOqU uD-E5)`";"?H73+,-H#$%H891C8[660# 23410uDE- .88[Atc+0E=>0)_^Z6##1 21/5A,ZE;^/?E?7@060#
?/034?Z5#a-$E60#5I40>DE+#[AZ06#51a$E!"x0"<+,-%#7%+ ;8<?7@0@,AI$E2+Z5+/0"[J" !"Y86?7@060#^<?["^6"[J"
=0t0y<— )#<6$%34?ZH?01H73C8[6$ZG/$Z/0E"4$Z ( 03
340"234;6/ H?01Z[-EZa" KLWqUPOhP”OQOUlX )#<@0t7)2^Z 5Aa-$=[EH1?/0C10Z>DE$<2# 1,H?01C10Z;8<>G6:B0;"6
KVgMNSPNlX H?015+/05+,Z1 K˜ WOUlX ;8<H?015)`" !"=[EH12+Z5$E @93H?01H738[6ey<",J234>G6"B010 $$6:06=>0)_^Z6##1Y3Z+[-?2)$Z/0E2# C"D-E!""7Z01 05

t##1!"=[EH1 KLMNOPQ ¡WqUONVXš uD-E@93H?01H735C8/0 !@45#7-1;#6!")¢7%[^760#60#;64)_vC0=8[15)`"C8[6!" +,-"/0="!:234;6/"7Z01I$E RhUTMhl zPS +,-23468/0?

",J5)`"5Ea-$"2I=B0H[vI$E]0?<H?015)`"=1[Z!C1/3[E"[J" @/?E+d?##e+,- ›„qs ]0Z!^46#<;=60#5673ID"J I$E ~i‚ 2?4?/0 !"#$%&'())*+,-./!012*2-/(#)$3450&4647#78,
=>0)_^Z6##15Aa-$=[EH1:DE17!@/60#;Z6^[?!"8[6ey< +,-I[%5H8a-$"340"=7+t71"9eZ@";8<+,-$ZG/$0d[Z $0+7 !"#$%&'())*98.*/1!"#$%&'())*:;<#;=+2)-./1*-/ 03'<=#>!?&#'@/)0A'B-/2,4' society and community has been widely explored by
)¢7]0HI$E#<%%=[EH1=1[Z!C1/$Z/0E+,-"7Z15I40!:6[" YH#E60#)#[%)#9E@91@"%40"1"[EHd780 60#)#[%)#9E !)>#126#*+$?8.';@$?19#1!012*ABC'D#((?E#6"F1 CM01*.H'N+05.AI Cameron Sinclair and Kate Stohr of Architecture for
04 <=#>!?&#'@/)0A'B-/2,4' Humanity, an organization that creates more spaces
H%G)0GJ F)"&*+,.- >I5 !"#$%&'(()69"0"4'/:%/B'K"0>4 @91@"5u/E6,- :"234680Z5)`"%54H::=.0'"(H'5#$\F" 98.!GC@?>6(!"#$%!"&$'()*+&,(-./012--!34564'37*89:4* CD,41E'F0)G'FA0HE50*.IJ' and opportunities for these types of works. The archi-
(E::LM?0- 'N1., )4JO&DLPQRSTULVWXUYZ[ +,-5@a-$?/0>DE 67-.&<G."]/&HKE1B") 9"1/\=.0]" %(DHFG0'"(^/3'"( 8%;'<7=:9 *0;2-/$345&0 (4 #)9#1!012*:;/0;98!. ;05!;G; K)..1EL4)4' tects who are influenced by the ideas of this group
;141"9eZc:<>G66B06[%AŒ^76##1;8<5:^:B0"E%0E$Z/0E +,48 67L- uDE- =<+4$"!C45CF"%+%0+I$E=>0)"76!"60# @?=@9)(&06+H>#I$:;?J#C0570K;9#1!012*:;)=C05(?I( 05'<=#>!?&#';MOP';.Q1.E-/.'' could potentially give weight to architectural services
./0"6#<%?"60#C8/$C8$1:06YH#E=#40E=[EH1 :[360#H8,-H80Z)_vC05@7E60Z]0A234:#7E $Z/0E2#6F^01 H/1(#)(C905@?=2)/51J#98C. #J )1/'LAE C01;0;K !"#$%&'())* CB4.'R.)';,.'S4/E.IJ'T"# U"7 in the form of social welfare focused on engaging with
V>W the community in terms of design.
KLMNOPQO£PUOMhX ;^/6#<"["J 1"9eZc61F $, =7 #<;8<d[6Z]0A )¢7%[^760#+,-:<CZ7%Za-"%#760#?7@0@,A=>0)_^Z6##1=G/ +,-./!012**8D;>#98.9>#9#'B2)1!)>#198.2)/51J#+D?E#;8KA 06 <=#>!?&#'3)L01';+,1G' The second component was influenced by the
A$=1H?# ;8<1,$7=#<!"60#58a$65)8,-Z";)8E1["234 =[EH1 Z[EHE:B06[3$ZG/5\A0<689/158F6‹ :?%:"#0?C"D-E @?=)6*"F19G;;4'*98.@*>@&E!"#$%&'())*+,-./!012*(M ;01G'CX.)-,*0A'KHY10E,/Y' theories of social science and political science, in
uD-E$0:"B02)=G/#G);%%=[EH1@"73!C1/!"+40Z+,-=93› uD-E +d?##e+,-.0/ "10%+%0+I$E=>0)"76!"60#+B0E0"5Aa-$ /'LE:;)=55;8KNAO;)8Y3Z.G45I,Z"Xƒ ZA'[4)024IJ'\U\!]^\&=_> relation to the participation in and questioning of the
=>0)"76+,-234#[%$7+t7A8:06;"?H73!"689/1",J:<1$E @91@";8<=[EH15#7-11,106IDJ"5"a-$E10:06"YZ%0Z;642I social structure. The role of civil society in regards to
=>0)_^Z6##15)`"5H#a-$E1a$+,-6#<^94"!C4567360#5)8,-Z" )_vC0+,-$ZG/$0d[ZI$E#[x;8<H?01^a-"^[?I$E]0H)#<@0 these ideas sparked interest with some architects to
re-envision their role in engaging and driving social
./0"2)=G/H?015)8,-Z";)8E;8<60#:[3^[?I$E#<%%+0E =[EH1+,^- $4 E60#5A71- $B0"0:;6/)#<@0@"=G6/ 0#^/$#$E!" change. Social architecture was further discussed
=[EH1!C1/‹ KLMNOPQ ŽM”OQO£PUOMhX ;8<60#5A7-1$B0"0: 6#<%?"60#A[œ"0 ;8<60#5)8,Z- ";)8E+0E60Z]0A by academics under the broader theory and subject
;6/@91@"1066?/0+,-:<1$E=>0)_^Z6##1!"x0"<+,-5)`" 5)`""‰C"[! 6=B0H[vZ7-E +B0!C4=>0)_^Z6##1234680Z5)`" of ‘The right to live in the city,’ a concept initiated by
.88[AtcI$E.G4$$6;%% A0C"<+,-"B0A0.G4H"=G/H?01C?[E^/$H?015)8,-Z";)8E Marxist sociologist Henri Lefebvre, that encompasses
principles regarding access to city resources within
the public context and consists of following four main

04 ideas being viewed as essential conditions for social

modernization: Sustainability, Democracy, Equity, and
Social Justice. Therefore, social architecture is not
meant to isolate itself in proportion to the new system
of modern society, which is the popular understanding,
but is actually intended to use architecture to work
with intermediaries in the system, which are the Human
agency. Subscribers to these notions believe that
THEREFORE, SOCIAL ARCHITECTURE IS NOT although human behavior is to some intent molded by
socialization, humans still have enough freedom and
MEANT TO ISOLATE ITSELF IN PROPORTION potential to choose to initiate and achieve change, a
TO THE NEW SYSTEM OF MODERN SOCIETY, potential that could lead to a new kind of society in
WHICH IS THE POPULAR UNDERSTANDING, BUT the end. Those architects who are influenced by these
ideas view architecture as a tool to stimulate transi-
tions toward changes and the system of a new form
TO WORK WITH INTERMEDIARIES IN THE SYSTEM, of social mobilization, while also giving more authority
to the community to view architecture not merely as
WHICH ARE THE HUMAN AGENCY. a result of designer’s decisions.

94 ASA ASA COMMITTEE !"#!"$!%! !"#!"$!%! ASA COMMITTEE ASA 95

07-08.LG<$%A><.sffe. :06+,-68/0?10+[JEC13 :<5CF"234?/0=>0)_^Z6##1 In Thai society, the mindset of this nature was
5Aa-$=[EH11,8[6ey<Z4$";Z4E!"^[?5$E 5673:0660#+,- initially drawn upon as a means of finding solutions to

‚efonelw| C8[6H73!"60#+B0E0""["J 1,=$E^B0;C"/E;C/E+,2- )A#4$16[" address issues in slum areas during the early 80s.
Under the current emergence of NGO-driven human
234;6/ )#<60#;#6 H?01Z4$";Z4E!"340"60#$$6;%% rights and housing projects, including projects for
68/0?Ha$340"C"D-E !"#4@'%5.0:((^JHKE K"&1B") improving the Manangkhasila and Seng Ki Communities,
*#_4%/B%4>4'"(..'H::A#+(5.)` 6[" C10Z>DE60# a model for solving housing problems while respecting
+,-=>0)"76+,-+B0E0"340"",J^4$E5)`" LWӴVNU !"60#\0Z the importance of spatial science was drawn upon,
a practice that reflects the architect’s role and actual
]0A;8<.8[63["!C45673#G)+#E +,-?/0E 5Aa-$=#40EAaJ"+,- ability to manage and solve problems regarding
+0EH?01H73!C4.G4H"234)<+<=[E=##Hc ;8<^4$E=80Z physical attributes. However, the operation to lend TO BECOME AN INSTRUMENT OF SOCIAL CHANGE
H?015)`")#<t0""[J"8E5Aa-$!C4H?01H73+,-A[œ"0^/$5)`" architectural services to society remained limited to
H?01H73I$E.G4H"+,-1,=/?"#/?1;8<C8938$Z:065:40I$E just a small group until one decade ago, a time when
H?01H735#71- ;#6;8<C138[6ey<I$E60#H#$%EB08E the role of architects in carrying out community and THE HUMAN AGENCY, AN ELEMENT THAT NEEDS
society works increased due to government policies TO HAVE A HIGH DYNAMIC.
;8< )#<60#+,-=$E H?01Z4$";Z4E!"t##1@0^7I$E^[? aimed at solving residential housing problems and
=>0)_^Z6##15$E+,- 340"C"D-E=>0)_^Z6##11,8[6ey< the awakening of civil society toward a desire to give
I$EH?01=>7^Zc$ZG/=GE5"a-$E:065)`"5#a-$EI$E60Z]0A more power to the people and bargain for the develop- 34?Z5C^9"=,J >0)_^Z6##15Aa$- @91@":DE21/1H, y
9 =1%[^7 The second issue is the paradox in the nature of
+,>- 6G #[E=##HcI"DJ 5Aa$- 5)`".88[AtcI$E60#;64)v
_ C0!" ment process and physical changes they desired, a =B0H[vI$EH?015)`"d0=^#cC8[6 KfPS LNOVhNVX +B0!C4 social architecture itself, which, on one side, carries
change which was of great importance and imbued characteristics of high-status with it due to the fact
6085+d<C"D-E‹ !"Iy<53,Z?6["=>0)_^Z6##16F>G6 architecture with the potential to serve as a vehicle for
%/$ZH#[JE1[6>G6#[%#G4;8<5I40!:!"x0"<I$E5:^:B0"E that the physical results of the practice are created
H03C?[E!C45)`"5H#a-$E1a$=#40EH?015)8,-Z";)8E 5)`" carrying a hope for change to the people. 1066?/0^[?6#<%?"60# $["5)`"=0#<=B0H[v+,-1066?/0 as a response toward solving problems in a particular
¦QPUoMSg I$E60#)<+<=[E=##HcI$E fWgPh RjVhNl However, currently, many architects still feel that .88[Atc uD-E5)`"H?01:#7E5A,ZE=/?"C"D-E ;^/H?01+,-=>0' circumstance. At the same time, architecture is ex-
uD-E^4$E60#H?015)`"A8?[^!"^[?5$E=GE 60#=#40E=##Hc social architecture is not significant in theory, nor do )_^Z6##15Aa-$=[EH121/1,=>0"<5)`"d0=^#cC8[6"[J"6F pected to become an instrument of social change
they view it as a particular branch of science that can and becomes a platform for social impact of the Human
=>0)_^Z6##1]0Z!^4%#7%+",JZ/$11,)_vC0!"60#3B0#E 5)`"8[6ey<53/"+,-=B0H[v34?Z5@/"6[" *+("E69">F5*#a3 agency, an element that needs to have a high dynamic.
be classified separately from architecture in general.
$ZG/!" ‡ %+%0+A#4$1‹ 6["$Z/0EZ06+,-:<C8,6A4" However, there is also another group who sees the 2.'" >F5*'@31B")*#_4A#A3567-FK"'FK"&b"&>%5*^%c To create architecture under this context is indeed
process of professional practice in the field of social ^9"4067-+&"&")*#K7-&4H#K0 /01)>4*I@0:B' Y3Z prone to problems, as there is the existence of two
architecture as differing in theory from general archi- $0d[Zd0=^#c+6,- ?40E!Cv/6?/0d0=^#c+0E=>0)_^Z6##1=G/ roles within it simultaneously, a challenge that is very
difficult to escape.
IT CAN BE SEEN THAT SOCIAL ARCHITECTURE tecture in terms of design process and achieving
d0=^#cI$E60#:[360#Aa"J +,- KLkPUOPQ LNOVhNVX +[EJ Aa"J +,-
results in architecture. Not only academics and archi- For this reason, architecture for the community
IS IN ITSELF A PARADOX. 60Z]0A;8<AaJ"+,-+0E=[EH1 ;8<640?A4"2):06%+%0+

tecture professionals in Thailand, but Western scholars does not have the important qualities required to be
as well have argued extensively in regards to social )6^7I$E=>0)"76!"x0"< VNThONOPh ^[JE;^/%+%0+ a hard science, a notion that is frequently recognized
architecture and a means of pinpointing what it Y3Z+[-?2)$Z/0E5@/"60#5Z,Z?Z0=]0A;?384$1 2):">DE and understood as a focus on the intent rather than
means, how it can be defined and how is could be 60#!@4=>0)_^Z6##1I[%5H8a-$";8<5)8,-Z";)8E?7t,H73 the process, which is more important than the end
classified differently from architecture in general. One result. However, this is only partly true, because the
interesting definition is that of Anthony Ward who
I$E.G4H"!C45I40!684=[EH1+,-ADE)#0#>"0106IDJ" fact that social architecture is not a hard science is
described that: “Social architecture is the practice of ]0Z!^4%#7%++,-5)8,-Z";)8E2)I$E)#<@0H1Y86 considered to be a key feature as well. It gives a wide
architecture as an instrument for progressive social ;8<=[EH12+Z+,-!C4H?01=B0H[v6[%=7+t7 5=#,]0A H?01 range of possibility with the intent to create a positive
change. It foregrounds the moral imperative to increase 5C8a-$18‰ H?015)`"t##1 ;8<6#<%?"60#+0E)#<@0' social change by using a science that is broader than
human dignity and reduce human suffering. Its social architectural science, which is a spatial science, for
practice has both supported and reinforced existing
t7)2^Z106Z7-EIDJ" =>0)_^Z6##15Aa-$=[EH16B08[E$ZG/!" including both the physical area and the social space.
social hierarchies and has operated mostly as a 6#<%?"60#6/$#G);8<:[3?0E^B0;C"/E;C/E+,- 5Aa-$5)`" This approach steps away from the usual role of the
mechanism of oppression and domination. Therefore, 6B08[EH?01#G4+,-=B0H[v^/$2)+/01680E\06C8[EI$EA8?[^ architect serving as a Technician and incorporates
Social Architecture has the duty to challenge these +0E=[EH1",J ;8<Z[E1,]0#67:=B0C#[%=>0)"765Aa-$@91@" more general roles such as healing the environment
structures of domination, including capitalism, in which $,6106#$$ZG/!"$"0H^$["!684 and using architecture as a tool to drive change and
Social Architecture is also in the system.” stimulate the ways of thinking of a people to achieve a
From all that has been mentioned, it can be seen more desirable society.
that social architecture is in itself a paradox. This is In the context of a changing global community and
!"#$%&'(!)#*+#,-#.)/' REFERENCES
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G$E&!"36<._[.`a[.\bcdef.gfhicjfklfmen._efeolklfm].R$&. 6 Lefebvre, H. (1996). Writing on Cities. Translated by E. Kofman and E. Lebas. Oxford: Blackwell. and
order to create a thinking platform for the people to Harvey, D. (2008). “The Right to the City”. New Left Review 53: 23-40. all this in mind, there are many missions waiting for
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KX=<D'F></$)D9+G. !"DUPD0>!'6% to play the role as a supporter or a facilitator in the dis- 8 Pierre Bourdieu !"#$%&'()*+(,-(./01432 56789,:;1(<*:<=> +()?;#@7,=A" Habitus @9B Field "C.()9B4$2)"?7 Bourdieu,
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96 ASA ASA COMMITTEE !"#!"$!%! !"#!"$!%! ASA COMMITTEE ASA 97

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