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(2nd Quarter Assessment)

Name: _______________________________________ Score: _______

Year & Section: __________________

A. Direction: Read the following sentences then write the letter of the best answer to each question that follows.

1. “Father, give me my share of the state”. The son is

a. envious b. disrespectful c. industrious
2. She spoke as if her tongue had been dipped in acid. She spoke
a. cheerfully b. angrily c. calmly
3. I heard mother sigh,” I hope your father is safe on his way home tonight”. She felt
silent after that. The mother feels____
a. bad b. worried c. confident
4. The night had come quickly and stars were twinkling overhead. We could hear the
mighty throb of the engine far below down the deck. Where were the people.?
a. on a train b. on a plane c. on a ship
5. “We can only set out nets a few times a day. Setting the nets and hauling them in
takes a lot of time and work” Who is the speaker?
a. a fisherman b. an acrobat c. a hunter
6. Left alone, cutie would lie down on her mattress with her fore paws under her head.
It can be inferred that cutie is a ?
a. baby b. cat c. chick
7. Which word give a clue to your answer in the preceding item?
a. mattress b. head c. fore paws

B. Direction: Read carefully the following scenarios and answer the questions after each
statement. Write the letter of your answer in your activity notebook.

1. "I fancied that the cat was avoiding my presence... The fury of a demon instantly possessed me. I knew myself no
longer." In this statement, what does the speaker display?
a. mood b. tone c. purpose d. setting
2. “Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever
dared to dream before”- The Raven (Edgar Allan Poe)
What is the mood being set in this statement?
a. mysterious b. romantic c. gloomy d. madness
3. Two friends are chatting and one says to the other “I have brought you a gift.” The second friend replies, “Wow, that’s
so lovely”. What is the tone of the second friend?
a. surprised and nervous b. cheerful and grateful c. cautious d. nervous
4. “When I see her, I’ll give her a lesson she will never forget.” What is the tone of the speaker in the statement?
a. hostile b. merciful c. sarcastic d. playful
5. “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed; “We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal.”- “I Have A Dream (Martin Luther King Jr) What do you think is the purpose
of Martin Luther King Jr. in this statement?
a. To encourage his fellow American to his call of action against discrimination.
b. To inform his fellowmen that all men are created equal
c. To encourage the Negro to fight for their civil rights.
d. To let his fellowmen know that there’s still hope their nation will uphold to
its principle on equality among all Americans.

C. Directions: Read each question carefully then choose the letter of your answer prior to your previous knowledge about
Elements of fiction.

1. When and where the story takes place is the _______of a story.
A. Characters B. Point of view C. Setting D. Climax

2. The resolution is where the story_________.

A. Tells how the problem was solved C. Has an event that starts the story
B. Introduces characters and setting D. Shows when and where the story takes place.

3. The perspective from which the story is told is called the________. Usually it is in 1st or 3rd person.
A. Conflict B. Plot C. Point of view D. Setting
4. Fiction writing is_______.
A. Real B. Fake C. Fun to read D. Not real
5. Theme of the story is________.
A. What the story all about C. Read between the lines
B. The lesson learned from the story D. The events in the story
6. This usually occurs at the beginning of the story. Characters are introduced. We also learn about the setting. Most
importantly, we are introduced to the main problem of the story.
A. Rising actionB. Exposition C. Resolution/denouement D. Falling action
7. The point of greatest interest or suspense.
A. Exposition B. Falling action C. Climax D. Denouement
8. The story comes to reasonable ending.
A. Denouement B. Climax C. Exposition D. Falling action
9. This part of the story begins to develop the conflicts. A building of suspense or interest occurs.
A. Exposition B. Rising actionC. Falling action D. Climax
10. The correct order of the plot diagram is...
A. Rising action, exposition, climax, falling action, resolution/denouement
B. Exposition, climax, rising action, falling action, resolution/denouement
C. Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution/denouement
D. Exposition, resolution/denouement, falling action, rising action, climax
11. The character who opposes the main character is called the __________.
A. protagonist B. antagonist C. dynamic character D. static character
12. The opposition of forces, essential to the plot is called__________?
A. setting B. conflict C. character D. climax
13. The central, main character of a story is called the ____________.
A. antagonist B. protagonist C. antagonizer D. instigator

D. Direction. In one paragraph (five or more sentences). Think of someone who is important to you. It could be a (friend,
member of the family, pet etc.) express your appreciation of having them in
your life. WHY working with others is important? Write your answer in 1 half crosswise.

E. Direction. Think of your most favorite movie, then in SHORT BOND PAPER OR COLORED PAPER, identify the
elements of fiction in your favorite movie. You can use the format below as your guide.

Rising Action:
Falling Action:


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Subject Teacher

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English Coordinator

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