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Jeany Ann T.

Pangilinan August 6, 2021


Hierarchy of Needs

1.) Where lies the dignity of man/human?
The dignity of man/human is rooted in His creation in the image and likeness of God. It is
given freely to all human beings and everyone has an innate human dignity that no one can take
away. Because of sin, Christ died for us so we can have the fullness of life.

2.) Why are human beings the only created beings in the material universe created by
God for Himself and destined to have eternal life to be with God forever?
It is because humans are to represent God's kingdom and to look after the world that He
created like a caretaker or steward. Being created in the image of God implies that God has
ownership over our lives and will one day justly pass the eternal judgement upon us and give
account on how we

3.) There is order in the universe designed by God, the Intelligent Designer. Explain
about the hierarchy of beings.
In this hierarchy God is on the highest level because He is a supreme/highest being, the
model of perfection, the creator/author of everything. Obviously without God, all in the hierarchy
would not exist. He ruled the angels in heaven followed by humans and other living and non-
living things on earth. Below God are the Angels, heavenly spirits without physical bodies who
deliver a message from God to humans on Earth. Next is humans, to animals, to plants, to rocks
and minerals at the bottom. If you can see it moves from beings of pure spirit at the top of the
hierarchy to things made entirely of matter at the bottom. Humans are in the middle because
they are made of matter but with souls made of spirit. Each is complete in its own perfection and
depends on the beings on one above but all still depend on God.

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