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Yoga club
PART 4: You are a member of the yoga club. You have just received the following email
from your teacher.
Dear Yogis,
I must write to inform you that unfortunately the guest teacher, Nathan, won’t be able to
come this weekend. We know that many of you have worked hard to help organize the
yoga marathon but we are going to have to cancel it I’m afraid.

Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do.
Write about 50 words. You have 10 minutes.
Hi Thanh,
How are you? I am writing this email to share unpleasant news with you. Do you know the
notice from Yoga club? The guest teacher, Nathan, won’t be able to come this weekend. I feel so
bad and disappointed. I will write a complaining letter to them.
How about your new job? Miss you!

Write an email to Michaela. Write about your feelings about the cancellation and suggest
possible alternatives Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.

Dear Mr. Michaela,

My name is Jenny and I have been a member club since 2018. I am writing this email to express
my feelings about the absence of Nathan.
According to the news, the guest teacher, Nathan, will not be able to come this weekend and you
are going to have to cancel the yoga marathon.
Honestly, I am really sad and disappointed to hear the news. I am also disappointed about the
way you manage. Because I want to meet him and ask him some questions. I spent the whole
week preparing. I think you should invite another famous expert instead of the former one.
I believe that a lot of members have the same thoughts as me. I suggest you look at this problem
Looking forward to hearing from you soon if my request is acceptable.
Best regards,
Jenny Nguyen.

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