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Reaction Paper on Patience

Patience is considered a vital part on anyone’s life. Since it can be a

great solution to attain joy and happiness, an individual that is the patient
can stay calm in any extreme or problematic situations. Thus, anyone
can practice enhancing their patience level in situations that are highly
troubling and frustrating.

Patience can easily enhance your behavior, as well. It can make the
person calmer instead of being violent and irritated at all times. Besides,
to maintain peace within any relationship both at home and work, it is
essential to be calm rather than annoyed and angry.

Also, the advantages of Patience have been acknowledged by several

individuals, including many philosophers and researchers. Many people
believe that having Patience helps to bring about optimistic changes. It
also allows an individual to form empathy towards other people. Thus, it
helps an individual to improve their level of tolerance and accept other
individuals easily.

Patience is a necessity in an individual’s life since it helps them grab on

incredible opportunities by not rushing works or things. Many people
who lack Patience end up making unhealthy choices since they do not
have an appropriate plan before starting. An action that is planned
perfectly needs the Patience to acquire success. Since planning alone
can’t lead an individual towards success, it requires giving equal time to
every action involved in the plan to avoid failure. Patience is considered
to provide one with a desirable outcome. If a loses Patience, it might
lead to a disastrous life. Patience helps an individual eliminate stress and
frustrations, thus enabling one to grow an optimistic attitude. When an
individual begins to see only the positive areas in a situation, it makes
the person stay happy even during difficult phases of life.

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