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IMC Questions
1. The first step in the IMC planning process is ________.
A. The situation analysis.
B. Budget determination.
C. A review of the marketing plan.
D. Specification of communications objectives
2 Promotion mix includes tools like
A. Advertising, product development, Sales promotion, Personal selling and direct
B. Advertising, sales promotion, Personal selling, Distribution network, and direct
C. Advertising, Public Relations, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, Direct Marketing
D. Product, price, place, public relations.
3. Prior to the movement to integrated marketing communications, the promotional
function in most companies was dominated by __________.
A. Mass media advertising.
B. Sales promotion.
C. Public relations.
D. Publicity.
4. IMC has following features Except :
A. The process should start with the customer
B. Uses all forms of communication
C. Achieve Synergy
D. Does not Affect behavior
5. Integrated marketing communications is a way of looking at the whole marketing
process from the viewpoint of the customer.
A. Philip Kotler
B. Henry Fayol
C. Peter Drucker
D. Elon Musk
6 Which of the following is NOT an advantage inherent in the use of advertising?
A. Ability to control the message.
B. Low cost per contact.
C. Ability to create brand images and symbolism.
D. Immediate feedback.
7 Which of these is not a sales promotion technique?
A. Coupon
B. Questionnaire
C. Bonus pack
D. Loyalty card
8 Some experts explain advertising decisions and activities in form of six ‘M’s as under :
A. Mission, Money, Message, Monitoring, Media, Measurement
B. Machine, Money, Message, Monitoring, Media, Measurement
C. Motion, Money, Message, Monitoring, Media, Measurement
D. Multi tasking, Money, Message, Monitoring, Media, Measurement
9 _______ refers to written advertising that may be included in everything from
newspaper and magazines to direct mail, signs and billboards.
A. Print Media
B. Broadcast Media
C. Social Media
D. Internet Media
10 The following is the functions of advertising, Except;
A. Persuasion
B. Perception
C. Reminder
D. Selling
11 _____ is a system of marketing by which organizations communicate directly with
target customers to generate a response and/or a transaction.
A. Advertising.
B. Sales promotion.
C. Direct marketing.
D. Publicity.
12 The promotional mix element that allows for the most immediate and precise feedback
from the customer is _________.
A. Advertising.
B. Sales promotion.
C. Direct marketing.
D. Personal selling.
13 __________ uses direct communication with consumers to generate a response in the
form of an order, a request for further information, or a visit to a retail outlet.
A. Advertising.
B. Personal selling.
C. Sales promotion.
D. Direct marketing.
14 The anxiety created in most purchases which lasts for long even after the purchase is
made------------- ---
A. Cognitive assonance
B. Dissuasion
C. cognitive dissonance
D. confusion
15 The benefits customers experience from direct marketing are________.
A. Reduced prices.
B. Shopping convenience.
C. The psychosocial benefit of being valued
D. Time utility
16 Which type of sales promotion uses free samples, coupons, and rebates?
A. consumer promotion
B. trade promotion
C. sales force promotion
D. place promotion
17 Fully integrated marketing communications are being practiced currently
A. many organizations
B. a few multinational
C. most advertising agency
D. dotcoms
18 Which of these is a possible disadvantage of IMC?
A. Centralization.
B. Communications synergy
C. Co-ordinated product development
D. Customer focus
19 Full form of POPAI :
A. Point of Purchase Advertising International
B. Purchase of Point Advertising International
C. Point of Purchase Agencies International
D. Point of Purchase Advertising Interest
20 Which one of the following is the greatest obstacle to implementing integrated
marketing communications?
A. Few providers of marketing communications services have the skills to execute
IMC programs.
B. There is a lack of interest in IMC by top management.
C. The cost for implementing an IMC program is difficult to justify.
D. Little can be gained by coordinating the various marketing communications
21 The ____________ that is selected to communicate the product/service to clientele
forms the promotional mix.
A. marketing.
B. product.
C. promotional budgets
D. promotional methods.
22 This form of marketing communications tool was once formally referred to as a 'non-
personal form of communication, where a clearly identifiable sponsor pays for a
message to be transmitted through media. This is referred to as:
A. Advertising
B. Personal Selling
C. Publicity
D. Public relations
23 The following is the functions of advertising, Except;
A. Persuasion
B. Perception
C. Reminder
D. Selling
24 Sponsorship belongs to the promotional tool to _________________.
A. business marketing
B. marketing.
C. marketing management
D. advertising
25 Fully integrated marketing communications are being practiced currently
A. many organizations
B. a few multinational
C. most advertising agency
D. dotcoms

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