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This file is for people who connect to me via irc.

I've been running ps as a upp fileserver for several years, but there have always
been two big problems. The first is that upp is an interactive fileserver that
you have to enter with a /ctcp command before navigating around the filesystem for
the files you're seeking. It basically involves using a bunch of commands familiar
to anyone who's ever used an old style ftp interface: dir, cd, get, etc. However,
on irc most people (myself included) prefer to queue files directly from the
channel window, and upp doesn't allow that, so I've received some complaints from
various people who don't like the cumbersome interface (and I tend to agree). The
other problem is one of speed, or rather a lack thereof. Updating the filelist in
upp takes several hours and uses the computer's resources so intensively that it
freezes everything up while it's working. Hence, whenever I do an update, I have
to get offline and just let it do its thing, and this process currently takes about
four hours. This has made it so that I tend to update the filelist only
which is another headache for people who are often asking me to update it more

Hence, when camelotbob put out a call that he'd like somebody to host a distro (to
replace our beloved squishy), I said I'd be interested, but I also warned him about
the aforementioned technical difficulties. His solution was that I should switch to
bwi, so I started phoomphy as an alternate fileserver, and so far, it seems to be
working okay. Surprisingly to me, most people still prefer ps, probably just
they're used to it, but an increasing few are using phoomphy, and so I'm now in a
position where I can actually host the distro.

So here's where you come in.

Over the years several people have been sending me files, albeit infrequently, and
it gets me to expand the collection in various ways that I wouldn't normally do.
Anyway, I'm perfectly content to scrounge around for files worthy of being shared,
but if you want to pitch in and send me stuff that I don't already have, you can
do so. Send it to ps, or, barring that, to phoomphy (upp has better file transfer
stability than bwi, so sending to ps is preferable). Either fserve should be able
to automatically receive incoming files, but if it doesn't work, you can load them
into sendspace and then just message me the link. After some delay, the files
automatically appear in the incoming directory (where you got this file) or in a
dated directory once I manage to review the file and make sure it's acceptable.

Just a warning that at this time I am not hosting video, music, or audiobooks,
but I am hosting rpg-related podcasts and, of course, books, magazines, comics,
and tabletop rpgs and wargames. Phoomphy and the new files list will be updated
at least daily (when I'm in town), and ps will continue to be updated less
frequently for as long as people continue using it, or until such time as real
life swallows me whole and I abandon this seemingly endless endeavor.

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