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by Kush Kumar PGP 2020 Batch

General metrics
6,203 951 68 3 min 48 sec 7 min 18 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
time time

Score Writing Issues

85 37 37
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 85%

of all texts checked by Grammarly


3 3

3% of your text matches 3 sources on the web

or in archives of academic publications

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Report: Untitled

Writing Issues
17 Clarity
5 Passive voice misuse
1 Word choice
3 Wordy sentences
4 Intricate text
3 Ineffective or missing emphasis
1 Unclear sentences

18 Engagement
17 Word choice
1 Monotonous sentences

1 Delivery
1 Inappropriate colloquialisms

1 Correctness
1 Misplaced words or phrases

Unique Words 45%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

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Report: Untitled

Rare Words 37%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 5.3

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 14
Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Report: Untitled


As we observe the enhancement in technology day-by-day, we see the launch

of many new gadgets in the wearables category every year. All these equipment
are connected to the web, and this is how they exchange data. The recent
estimations for the market growth of this industry are based on the global
count of connected wearables; it is estimated to grow to over 1.1 billion in the
year 2020. Latest reports say smart glasses are the next breakthrough for
wearable devices. The rst company to bring this device into the market was
Google. As of now, many other companies are entering this market with new

Let's know more about Smart Glasses!

It has many other names like Light Control Gas, switchable Glass, or privacy
glass. It helps the traditional static material to become lively.
What are Smart Glasses for?

The shrewd glass point is to give life observing administrations and make a
stage for taking more genuine video cuts and photographs. Keen glasses are
7 8
made utilizing expanded reality innovation. It is expected to assist you with
your ordinary business.

How Smart Glasses Work?

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Savvy glass innovation can handle different types of light like IR and UV with
power. With the assistance of power, this Glass can be changed from misty to
straightforward by considering dynamic light control. Hardly any terms come
into a conversation about security glass and the kinds of dynamic light control
advancements. These terms are-

Electrochromic Device (ECD)

Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC)

Suspended Particles Device (SPD)

The keen Glass incorporates a lm interlayer that can either cover or retro t
39 10
onto Glass utilizing SPD or PDLC. This lm interlayer has an SPD emulsion or
PDLC de nition covered between two sheets of straightforward materials.

A fundamental aspect concerning these three advances is the capacity to
change the straightforwardness of Glass through the polarization of their
particles or atoms inside the emulsion or de nition.

Who Started with Smart Glass?

Google is the organization that started with this innovation. Google Glass is a
13 14
popular brand of shrewd glasses. With Google Glass, you can encounter a cell
phone-like design that empowers you to see each data you requested before
your eyes. In April 2013, Google began offering a model of Google Glass to
celebrated glass adventurers in the US.

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A portion of the top highlights of Google Glass are-

Camera: Google Glass can take 5 MP photographs and record 720p HD
recordings. As of late, the recently dispatched rendition of Google Glass is
called Glass Enterprise Edition 2. This new form gives 8MP of camera.

Show: Google Glass utilizes uid precious stone on silicon, LED enlightened
showcase, and eld-consecutive shading framework. The LED brightening
show of Google Glass is rst captivated, and afterward, it radiates through the
in-coupling polarizing pillar splitter to the LCoS board.

40 17
Touchpad: Touchpad on the sides of the glasses is probably the best element by
39 18
Google. This permits the clients to control the showcase by swiping the screen
through a period-like interface. By sliding forward, the client can see previous
occasions, for example, photographs, calls, and so on, and when the client
slides in reverse, he can see recent developments like the climate estimate.

What's happening After Google Glass?

The most recent mechanical updates have brought savvy glasses with new
highlights. Presently, keen glasses, not just about smacking a camera all over.
It can follow wellness, initiate clever partners, and tune into sound without
earphones. There are some keen glasses in the market that permit clients to
take more incredible recordings and photographs.

Top Applications of Smart Glasses

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With the prevalence of Google Glass, wearable innovation has gotten a great
deal of consideration. Google Glass is quite possibly the most unmistakable
part in the thing that is rapidly turning into the following large mechanical
23 24
pattern in forthcoming years. Other than Google, huge monsters like Microsoft
and Sony and organizations like Recon Instruments and Vuzix are the future to
foster new wearable gadgets.

Some applications can make these wearable gadgets ll in according to the

client's desire. With regards to Google Glass, IHS has estimated that the in-
house designers of Google will deliver convincing applications for the Glass the
can characterize the client's experience.

Sorts of Smart Glass Applications

Smart Glasses are quickly turning into the wisest decisions for temperature
38 25
control and concealing in the car area. The savvy glasses that have SDP
empower the client to see unmistakably through the sunroof and windows. It
limits the sun-powered beams that cause crumbling of insides and skin harm.

Smart Glasses can wipe out the requirement for conventional blinds and
curtains. As indicated by investigations, patient protection drapes have
26 27
microorganisms. This can be answerable for spreading illnesses. Clinics have
begun to utilize the advanced innovation of brilliant glasses to assist patients
with being protected. Tel Aviv's Dana-Dwek Children's Hospital is quick to
utilize this innovation.

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Smart Glasses can essentially in uence the insides of the workplace, with
switchable Glass changing a space from open and shared to personal and
private. This can be useful in a spry workplace.

Making an IoT-based versatile application that can speak with wearable

gadgets can be interesting; however, known as the ideal answer for working any
wearable gadget. Portable application improvement organizations like
OpenXcell comprehend the necessities and intricacies of brilliant gadgets like
Smart Glasses for making wearable applications. OpenXcell helps associations
con guration, assemble, and test applications that can run keen glasses.
Smart glasses are getting mainstream in each eld as time passes. Giant
goliaths like Google and Apple are offering stunning administrations with
40 33 34 35,36 37
regard to savvy glasses. To utilize these savvy glasses effectively, some
applications can help you control them. With the assistance of these
applications, the clients can exploit the smart glasses.


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1. are connected Passive voice misuse Clarity

2. are based Passive voice misuse Clarity

3. is estimated Passive voice misuse Clarity

4. smart → intelligent Word choice Engagement

5. for Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

6. shrewd → slick, intelligent Word choice Clarity

7. are made Passive voice misuse Clarity

8. is expected Passive voice misuse Clarity

9. power → energy Word choice Engagement

10. onto Wordy sentences Clarity

11. straightforward → explicit Word choice Engagement

12. A fundamental aspect concerning Intricate text Clarity

these three advances is the capacity
to change the straightforwardness of
Glass through the polarization of
their particles or atoms inside the
emulsion or de nition.

13. popular → famous Word choice Engagement

14. shrewd → smart Word choice Engagement

15. Camera: Ineffective or missing emphasis Clarity

16. Show: Ineffective or missing emphasis Clarity

17. Touchpad: Ineffective or missing emphasis Clarity

18. This Intricate text Clarity

19. savvy → smart Word choice Engagement

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20. Some keen glasses in the market Wordy sentences Clarity


21. unmistakable → speci c, certain Word choice Engagement

22. large → sizeable Word choice Engagement

23. Google Glass is quite possibly the Unclear sentences Clarity

most unmistakable part in the thing
that is rapidly turning into the
following large mechanical pattern in
forthcoming years.

24. huge → giant Word choice Engagement

25. savvy → smart Word choice Engagement

26. This Intricate text Clarity


39 Smart Glasses can wipe out the Monotonous sentences Engagement
requirement for conventional blinds
and curtains. As indicated by
investigations, patient protection
drapes have microorganisms. This
can be answerable for spreading

28. utilize → use Word choice Engagement

29. This Intricate text Clarity

30. interesting → attractive, enjoyable Word choice Engagement

31. gadget → device Word choice Engagement

32. gadgets → devices Word choice Engagement

33. with regard to → about, concerning Wordy sentences Clarity

34. savvy → smart Word choice Engagement

35. savvy → clever, ingenious, intelligent Word choice Engagement

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36. savvy → smart Word choice Engagement

37. To utilize these savvy glasses Misplaced words or phrases Correctness


38. glass. It helps the traditional static Everything you need to know Originality
material to become about Smart Glasses - OpenXcell

39. SPD or PDLC. This lm interlayer has Everything you need to know Originality
an SPD emulsion or PDLC about Smart Glasses - OpenXcell

40. Touchpad: Touchpad on the sides of Everything you need to know Originality
the glasses is about Smart Glasses - OpenXcell



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