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Senior High School

Quarter 2 Module 4:
Career Development

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Personal Development – Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 4: Career Development
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Region X

Assisstant Secretary:

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Emmanuel Alex A. Bercero, DM, PhD
Jaime V. Acuram, MA
Content Editor: Justine P. Villasencio
Language Editors: Susana S. Calino & Ken Witty V. Sabaldana,MBA
Proofreader : Jessie Cris N. Abrogueña, MBA
Illustrator : Jhonas P. De La Torre
Layout Artist : Queenie E. Gallentes

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This alternative delivery module in Personal Development for the 21 st century

learners in the new normal classroom is designed to make learning more engaging

and meaningful to Senior High School learners in the flexible and blended learning


The module is aimed at the development of practical and doable strategies to

help learners gain effective personal development. The motivation behind this effort is

the recognition that learner’s behavior and personality are influenced by heredity,

internal and external environments, as well as their personal decision in the

development of who they are and what they want to become.

Subsequently, meaningful activities are given in the form of worksheets,

assignments, reflections, and online or virtual activities which allow the learners to

work at their own pace and participate in both synchronous and asynchronous

conferences and discussions.

Enjoy your journey with your learners as you unfold the most interesting and

worthwhile activities in this creative undertakings of the Department of Education

(DepEd), Division of Misamis Oriental.

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Senior High School

Quarter 2 Module 4:
Career Development
This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed
by educators from public and private schools, and/or universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback,
comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Take the 10-item Pre-assessment True or False Test. Write the word True if you
find the statement correct and the word False if otherwise. Answers should be written
on the blank before the number.

__________ 1) Adolescents need to explore career options to gain advantage on the

road to adulthood.

__________ 2) Choosing a career is one of those important decisions that can change
the course of the life of an adolescent.

__________ 3) In choosing a career, one does not necessarily think or consider the
kind of people he or she has to work with.

__________ 4) Should an adolescent cannot decide what career to pursue in the

future he or she needs the help of professional career coach.

__________ 5) One of the primary considerations in choosing a career is the

adolescent’s economic and financial goals.

__________ 6) A serious thought about certain career should be prepared by an


__________ 7) Career building requires attention to goals, vision, and motivation of

the adolescent.

__________ 8) Career planning is a lifelong journey. As adolescents journey through

life, their workplace, interests, and attitude will change forcing them to evaluate and
adjust their career plans.

__________ 9) An honest assessment and evaluation of a teenager’s work style will

help them decide a career to consider.

__________ 10) Real life experience in the work environment where teenagers may
think they want to work can help them make up their minds on the career they will

Lesson Persons and Careers
10 Week 4:10 hours

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the week, it is expected that the learners must be able to:

1) explain that understanding different factors, career development concepts and

personal life goals influence career planning and decision-making;
2) identify career options based on different factors, career development concepts and
personal life goals;
3) prepare a career plan based on the identified career options to attain personal life’s

Cut and paste pictures of your family members or significant others to whom you have
admired because they are successful in their career. Post them inside the box and
briefly describe each of them.

James took the taxi cab hurriedly for he doesn’t want to be late again in
his Oral Communication morning class. His senior high school teacher in the
said subject used to start his class at exactly 7:30 in the morning with a tongue
twisting activity and an impromptu speech for a hundred points. Lucky are
those whose names are not called during the first period recitation.

He admires what his teacher does. James wants to become a broadcast

journalist and works in the leading TV stations in the country that is why he
tries to do his best in Oral Communication and Writing classes.

However, James parents expressed disapproval to pursue further

education because they want him to work immediately after senior high school
so that he can help in their day-to-day financial needs.

Let’s try how much you understand

1) What do you think James should do to convince his parents to support his plan to
study and finish college?




2) If ever James cannot convince his parents about his dream of pursuing a college
degree and get the job he wants, what would you recommend to him?




3) If you were James, what would you do then?









Discuss how education, goals, vision, motivation, interests, and skills influence
adolescent’s decision to consider a career.







Choosing a career is an important decision a person has to consider in his

journey to adulthood. There is no better time to wait before he or she can think
about it except today.

Questions such as What do I want to become? What do I have? How will

I get there? Why do I have to be there? To whom will I work for? are just some
basic questions a person has to answer.

Let’s Check How Much You Know!

1) What do you want to become in ten (10) to fifteen (15) years from now?





2) How are you going to get there? What do you need to be there?




3) Who inspires you? Whose footsteps will you follow? Why?





4) Explain how education, goals, motivation, interests, skills, and vision influence one’s
decision to pursue a career.





Fill up the Career Preparation Worksheet and discuss them with your classmates and teachers
during the face-to-face interaction or chat/online forum and discussion (Whatever is accessible
and available for students)

Career Preparation Worksheet

(Developed by: Writing Team Members)

Name: ____________________ Strand: _________ Year Level: ____ Date: _____

A) Self-Exploration

1) I can be more effective doing this type of work: Put a check mark beside the area
in which you have the most experience.

___ Working with People ___ Working with Things ___ Working with Data

2) My three (3) basic occupational skills

2.1 ____________________________

2.2 ____________________________

2.3 ____________________________

3) My three (3) work principles:

3.1 _____________________________

3.2 _____________________________

3.3 _____________________________

4) My three (3) work interest areas:

4.1 ___________________________

4.2 ___________________________

4.3 ___________________________

5) Other occupations I would be interested to explore:

5.1 ___________________________

5.2 ___________________________

5.3 ___________________________

B) Occupational Exploration

For the three occupations you have identified, complete the information

1) Occupation No.1 _____________________

I need to do or perform the following: _________________________________



The work needs the following materials: ______________________________



The work requires the following values, interests & attitude: _______________



2) Occupation No. 2 ___________________________________________________

I need to do or perform the following: _________________________________



The work needs the following materials: ______________________________



The work requires the following values, interests & attitude: _______________




3) Occupation No. 3 ___________________________________________________

I need to do or perform the following: _________________________________



The work needs the following materials: ______________________________



The work requires the following values, interests & attitude: _______________




C) Educational Preparation

For the three (3) occupations that you chose above, complete the following

1) Occupation No. 1.

What trainings or degrees do I need to finish or obtain? ___________________

What license do I need to acquire? __________________________________

What educational steps do I need to take? _____________________________

Where will I get the education? _____________________________________

How long will it take me to finish? ____________________________________

How much will it cost me? _________________________________________

Who will pay for my education? _____________________________________

2) Occupation No. 2.

What trainings or degrees do I need to finish or obtain? ___________________

What license do I need to acquire? __________________________________

What educational steps do I need to take? _____________________________

Where will I get the education? _____________________________________

How long will it take me to finish? ____________________________________

How much will it cost me? _________________________________________

Who will pay for my education? _____________________________________

3) Occupation No. 3.

What trainings or degrees do I need to finish or obtain? ___________________

What license do I need to acquire? __________________________________

What educational steps do I need to take? _____________________________

Where will I get the education? _____________________________________

How long will it take me to finish? ____________________________________

How much will it cost me? _________________________________________

Who will pay for my education? _____________________________________

D) Career Goals and Values

1) What are my short-term career goals? (1 to 2 years)








2) What are my long-term career goals? (3 to 5 years)








Present/Discuss your insights with your classmates and teachers during the
chat/online forum or discussion (for flexible teaching-learning mode) or face-to-face

Lesson Insights into One’s Personal Development
11 Week 5:10 hours

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the week, it is expected that the learners must be able to:

1) explain the factors in personal development that may guide him/her in making
important career decisions as an adolescent;
2) share insights that make him/her realize the importance of personal development
in making a career decision as an adolescent;
3) construct a creative visualization of his/her personal development through the
various stages he/she went through, stressors, influences, decision-making points,
and a personal profile analysis.

Jeff, a grade 12 STEM student from a suburban senior high school was
not certain of what course to take in college. What he only knew was he wanted
to become a doctor in medicine so that he can help the country in its battle
against COVID-19. However, he does not know what preparatory course he will
take in college.

His career coach advised him to assess and evaluate first what he really
wants to be if he is not in the medical profession. Second, he was asked to know
what are his interests and the things he loves to do because this would lead him
to choose a more rewarding career.

In addition, Jeff was asked about his financial goals. Going into a medical
profession allows him to get back his investments in education and gives him
the life he wants to live. Most importantly, it provides him opportunity to do
medical services to the needy or simply because he takes pride in wearing white
robes worn by the doctors.

Subsequently, the coach asked him to get information through an

interview with a doctor about the job which will help cement his career choice.
At the same time, he will get a real-life experience through a personal visit to
hospitals, observe the doctor’s routines of checking patients, administration and
management of medicine as well as reviving dying patients and making
postmortem reports.

Let’s Check How Much You Understand!

1) Based on the selection, what are the suggestions or recommendations of Jeff’s

career coach?







2) What are the basic considerations in making a career choice and decision?







3) Do you consider personal goals and economic returns in education as basic

components in making a career decision? Why?







4) Which do you consider more effective in making a career choice and decision: hire
a career coach or take a career self-assessment? Why?







Key Factors in Personal Development for Career Success
(Adapted from John Raftery, 2013)



Self-Efficacy Personal


Social Dexterity

Let’s Check Out Your Understanding!

1) What are the key elements or factors in Personal Development?







2) Do you agree that students with higher emotional intelligence and self-awareness
are most likely to succeed in their career decision-making? Why?







Trish was contemplating while on board of a public utility vehicle on her way
to Cagayan de Oro City where she was scheduled for an interview and teaching
demonstration in one of the private universities. Well, anyway she is an hour or two
early for the interview. She was perplexed whether she made a great decision in
choosing a teaching career while in fact what she wants is to become a lawyer.
She decided to forego schooling for a year after two years in the college of law for
some personal reasons. She finished a bachelor’s degree in English and Literature
in college. Teaching English is her last to none priorities.

However, she remembers the word of a great author, John Raftery, who said
that one of the key success indicators in any professional endeavors is emotional
intelligence. She needs to be emotionally stable (self-awareness) and focus herself
to this new job; Second, is her inner drive (motivation). She needs the job for a pay
and she knew that she will learn to love sharing with students and more importantly,
she can do the job because she is equipped with the technology and wit (self-
efficacy). Additionally, she saw the need to teach and make a difference in the
lives of students (empathy).

When she was approaching to the office of the academic dean of the
university, she quips and said, “I need to be more composed I was trained to be
socially smart (social dexterity). This is it….this is the job. I need to win the fear and
overcome the hot seat for the job interview. I need to get the job!”

1) Trish needs to appear more composed during the interview because she needs to
get the teaching job. How do you describe Trish based on her account in the selection?
Did she possess the key factors for career success? Why? Write your answers or
insights below.




2) What are the key factors in personal development for career success as mentioned
by Trish in the selection? Enumerate and briefly discuss each of the factors. Write
your insights below.




3) Which factor is more important: Self-awareness or Self-Efficacy? Why? Write your

insights below.




Briefly discuss the following concepts you have learned from the module.

1) What are the elements or basic considerations in one’s career choice?





2) How do motivation, self-awareness, self-efficacy, empathy and social dexterity
influence career success?





Make a Career Development Path. Write a progressive plan of your career in the box.

5 years & up

3 to 4 years

1 to 2 years

Entry level Job

1) Where do you see yourself after few years in your job?






2) What are your work/job principles? Explain briefly.





Take a 10-item Post-assessment True or False Test. Write the word True if the
statement is correct and the word False if otherwise. Write your answers on the blank
space before the number.

__________ 1) Finding the right career is a process. Thus, it requires patience.

__________ 2) Career planning will help you develop your roles and use your
experiences to create the life you want to live.

__________ 3) In choosing a career, teenagers need to take an appropriate career

path which involves an honest self-evaluation of their talents, abilities and interests.

__________ 4) A person’s decision to consider a future career requires a substantial

time and introspection.

__________ 5) The entry level position that you may take is always your dream job
and it can give you so much opportunities and satisfaction.

__________ 6) The first consideration in choosing a career is your interest of the job.

__________ 7) The real-life experience in the work environment where teenagers may
think they want to work cannot help them in deciding what career to pursue.

__________ 8) An assessment of work orientation and style will never help teenagers
decide what career to consider.

__________ 9) Career building requires attention to goals, vision, and motivation of

the adolescent.

__________10) Career planning is a lifelong journey. As the adolescent journeys

through life, their workplace, interests, and attitude will change forcing them to
evaluate and adjust their career plans.


& Social




Discuss the influence of external environment in one’s personal development and for
career success.










Answer Keys

Pre-assessment Test

1) True 6) True
2) True 7) True
3) False 8) True
4) True 9) True
5) True 10) True

Post-assessment Test

1) True 6) True
2) True 7) False
3) True 8) False
4) True 9) True
5) False 10) True


1) Bezanson, Lynne & Hopkins, Sareena (2001) Lasting Fists Workshop Series:
Becoming a Career Development Ally for Your Teen (Facilitator Guide). Ottawa:
Canadian Career Development Foundation

2) People, Skills and Workplace Resources (2008) Career Coaching Your Teens: A
Guide for Parents. Edmonton: Alberta Employment and Immigration

3) Penetrante, M (2016). Personal Development. Cronica BookHaus. Manila,



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