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Name :

Date :

For every set (# 1 to 4), put a check mark next to the word or phrase that best describes you.
1) Animated - Full of life and expression
2) Adventurous - Loves to try things
3) Analytical - Figures things out
4) Adaptable - Can easily change to fit

1) Playful - Joke-teller, loves fun

2) Persuasive - Can convince a fish to fly
3) Persistent - Doesn’t give up or quit , even to the point of nagging
4) Peaceful - Calm, not easily upset, avoids conflict

1) Sociable - Loves to be with people

2) Strong-willed - Sure of rights and can’t be made to change mind
3) Self-sacrificing - Loves to be a martyr
4) Submissive - Would rather give in than fight

1) Convincing - Can win people over

2) Competitive - Likes to win or be better than other
3) Considerate - Thinks of the feelings of other people
4) Controlled - Doesn’t show much emotion

1) Refreshing - Encouraging, can make people smile

2) Resourceful - Never stumped for answers, finds creative ways for solving problems
3) Respectful - Respects others
4) Reserved - Shy, quiet

1) Spirited - Full of life, lots of spunk

2) Self-reliant - Doesn’t appear to need people
3) Sensitive - Conscious of others’ feelings
4) Satisfied - Doesn’t like to rock the boat; doesn’t seem to want change

1) Promoter - Loves to advertise and boast ideas

2) Positive - Optimistic
3) Planner - Carefully maps out details
4) Patient - Composed and passive

1) Spontaneous - Acts without thinking

2) Sure - Confident
3) Scheduled - Hates to be late or unorganized
4) Shy - Waits for others to make the first move

1) Optimistic - Looks on the sunny side

2) Outspoken - Says what he thinks
3) Orderly - Likes things to be neat and organized
4) Obliging - “Mr. Nice Guy”
1) Funny - Humorous, , life of the party
2) Forceful - Loves to push things through
3) Faithful - Loyal, unswerving, dependable
4) Friendly - Easily makes friends without

1) Delightful - Loveable and pleasing

2) Daring - Will try anything
3) Detailed - meticulous, thorough
4) Diplomatic - Polite, gracious,, conciliatory

1) Cheerful - Having a happy disposition

2) Confident - Secure, able to lead
3) Cultured - Appreciate arts and music
4) Consistent - Unwavering, steady

1) Inspiring - Can stimulate others

2) Independent - Can rely on self
3) Idealistic - Desiring perfection
4) Inoffensive - Harmless, gentle

1) Demonstrative - Expressive, shows emotions or affection easily

2) Decisive - Makes decisions quickly
3) Deep - Thinks penetrating, profound thoughts
4) Dry humor - Emotionless humor

1) Mixes easily - Can talk to one person as easily as another

2) Mover - Person of action, gets things going
3) Musical - Sensitive to music
4) Mediator - Dislikes conflict and tries to bring people together

1) Talker - Has “the gift of the gab”

2) Tenacious - Doesn’t give up easily
3) Thoughtful - Considerate, aware of others
4) Tolerant - Patient, understanding

1) Lively - Bouncy, full of life

2) Leader - Will take charge when in a group
3) Loyal - Devoted, faithful
4) Listener - Would rather listen than talk; would rather not offer opinions

1) Cute - Loveable
2) Chief - Executive-type; with leadership qualities
3) Chartmaker - Makes lists, likes to have facts and fgures
4) Contented - Doesn’t seem to mind inconveniences

1) Popular - Everybody’s friend

2) Productive - Work-oriented and hardworking, produces results
3) Perfectionist - Wants everything to be perfect
4) Permissive - Lenient; having a “Live and let live” attitude; does not seem to care
much about boundaries

1) Bouncy - Bubbly; moves easily from thought to thought or emotion to emotion

2) Bold - Will take anything on; not easily intimidated; daring
3) Behaved - Poised; maintains control of emotions
4) Balanced - Doesn't go to extremes
1) Brassy - Too forward and pushy; showy
2) Bossy - Tries to lead everything all the time; will give advice even when not asked
3) Bashful - Painfully shy
4) Blank - Sometimes unresponsive

1) Undisciplined - Doesn't push self; not bothered by being late or disorganized

2) Unsympathetic - Doesn't yield or care about others' emotions
3) Unforgiving - Holds a grudge when hurt
4) Unenthusiastic - Doesn't get too excited about anything

1) Repetitious - Tend to tell the same stories

2) Resistant - Does not give in to change
3) Resentful - Easily offended
4) Reluctant - Unwilling; doesn’t want to get involved

1) Forgetful - “Few things are important enough to remember”

2) Frank - Speaks his mind directly
3) Fussy - Dwells too much on minor details
4) Fearful - Afraid of life; believes it is easier to watch life go by

1) Interrupts - Wants to do all the talking

2) Impatient - Wants things right away, cannot wait
3) Insecure - Feels others are better
4 Indecisive - Can't make decisions easily; will sometimes ask others to make decisions

1) Unpredictable - Not dependable; too changeable

2) Unaffectionate - Doesn’t like “soft” emotions; doesn’t easily show affection
3) Unpopular - Not liked very much
4) Uninvolved - Sits on the sidelines

1) Haphazard - Careless about details; doesn’t like planning

2) Headstrong - Determined
3) Hard-to-please - Has very high standards
4) Hesitant - Uncertain; doesn’t jump into things immediately

1) Permissive - Unstructured; easy-come easy-go; tolerant

2) Proud - Has excessive self-confidence; believes too much in self
3) Pessimistic - Expects things to go wrong
4) Plain - Doesn’t draw attention

1) Angered easily - Irritable but quickly cools down

2) Argumentative - Ready for a debate; feels always right
3) Alienated - Not very friendly: separated; aloof
4) Aimless - Tends to drift through life

1) Naïve - Gullible, innocent

2) Nervy - Speaks his mind without fear of anything
3) Negative attitude - Pessimistic mindset
4) Nonchalant - Casual, laid-back, relaxed

1) Wants credit - Likes to be the “star”

2) Workaholic - Wants to accomplish things as soon as possible
3) Withdrawn - Introvert; Lives in his own world
4) Worrier - Expects trouble

1) Talkative - Talks and talks and talks

2) Tactless - Will say what is on his mind without regard for people's feelings
3) Too sensitive - Thinks too much about his own feelings as well as the feelings of others
4) Timid - Does not initiate; has to be encouraged

1) Disorganized - Does not have too much order in his personal life
2) Domineering - Bossy; dominant personality
3) Depressed -Thinks unhappy thoughts
4) Doubtful - Not sure about things

1) Inconsistent - Changes often

2) Intolerant - Impatient toward other people
3) Introverted - Love looking into himself; “I am my only best friend”
4) Indifferent - “So what?” – Does not have opinions to share

1) Messy - Disorganized
2) Manipulative - Likes to make people do things that he wants them to
3) Moody - Sad a lot of the time
4) Mumbles - Doesn’t speak out loud

1) Show-off - Likes to draw people’s attention

2) Stubborn - Immovable
3) Skeptical - Hard to convince
4) Slow - Has to be pushed to do something

1) Loud - Talks full-volume

2) Lord-over-others - Likes to be the boss; likes telling people what to do
3) Loner - Unsociable
4) Lazy - Lacks initiative

1) Scatter-brained - Skips from one thing to another and forgets a lot of things
2) Short-tempered - gets angry easily
3) Suspicious - Does not trust easily
4) Sluggish - Moves slow

1) Restless - Can’t sit still

2) Rash - Takes risks
3) Revengeful - Has a need to get even
4) Reluctant - Unwilling to participate

1) Changeable - “Up and down”

2) Crafty - Sly, cunning
3) Critical - Analytical; makes opinions
4) Compromising - Will rather not put up a fight

Things to remember:
● Accept yourself as you are and don’t waste time wishing you were like someone else.
● Study your strengths and work to enhance them.
● Acknowledge your weaknesses and start to overcome them.
● Remember that "with God all things are possible." (Mark 10: 2)

**********************************************************END OF TEST*****************************************************************
STRENGTH TOTALS: 1: 2: 3: 4:

WEAKNESS TOTALS: 1: 2: 3: 4:


(Strengths + Weaknesses) 1: 2: 3: 4:

The Four Humors



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